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Tabletops / Miniaturen

A to Z Rules

AZR 001

Ancient Warfare

800 BC - 1000 AD

20,00 EUR


AZR 002

The American Civil War 1861-1865 SC (1994)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


1st printing. By Andrew Zartolas, Jr. and Phillip Spera. This booklet provides detailed information on how to set up a miniatures game set during the War Between the States, including set up and scale, sequence play, movement action, combat, morale, retreats, victory conditions, optional rules and much more. Softcover, 8 1/2-in. x 11-in., 42 pages

20,00 EUR


AZR 003

The Age of Fighting Sail

20,00 EUR


AZR 004

Campaigns of Napoleon

Sammlerstück / Rarität



24,00 EUR


Absinthe Press


Grand Bataille, Grand Victoire

Miniature Wargame Rules

European Land Warfare from 1853-1871

18,00 EUR



ABP 1993

Grand Bataille, Grand Victoire

Supplemental Edition

European Land Warfare from 1853-1871

10,00 EUR



ABS 004

The Great Wars of Europe 1853 - 1871

A comprehensive Bibliography

Focusing on the military history, strategy and tactics and uniforms of the Crimean War, Franco-Austrian War, the Unification of Italy, 2nd Schleswig-Holstein War, Austro-Prussian War, and the Franco-Prussian War.

Over 600 titles listed, including many peripheral works.

38,00 EUR


Adventure Games Inc.


The Complete Brigadier

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A boxed miniatures rules set that included die-cut counters for about 150-figures worth of troops, enough to form a standard brigade. Game is very strongly oriented to the player as the brigadier, leading his black powder-era brigade against a similar force. Includes scenarios from the French & Indian War, American Revolution, War of 1812, Mexican American War and Civil War. Includes data for warfare throughout the period 1680-1880 and all over the world. Besides a well-indexed and nicely illust... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


American Eagle Games

AEG 1989

March of Eagles

Napoleonic Tactical Rules

18,00 EUR



General Jackson's Shenandoah Valley Campaign

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Jackson's Valley campaign, also known as the Shenandoah Valley campaign of 1862, was Confederate Maj. Gen. Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson's spring 1862 campaign through the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia during the American Civil War. Employing audacity and rapid, unpredictable movements on interior lines, Jackson's 17,000 men marched 646 miles (1,040 km) in 48 days and won several minor battles as they successfully engaged three Union armies (52,000 men), preventing them from reinforcing the Unio... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Battles for Empire Publications

BEP 1991

Battles for Empire

Tactical Rules for Miniature Battles in the Age of Napoleon

38,00 EUR



BEP 1991S

Napoleonic Scenarios

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Scenarios for Napoleonic Miniatures Gaming with Any Rules System

endgültig vergriffen

Beacon Publications

BEA 1994

Squadrons - Battle of Britain

z.Zt. vergriffen


Squadrons is an easy to learn, yet challenging, game of aerial combat in World War II. This rules set contains the game system's complete rules and play accessories plus specific rules and scenarios to re-fight the classic aerial engagements of the Battle of Britain.

With these rules you can experience the tension and excitement of leading a squadron of fighters to intercept a massed formation of bombers and their fighter escorts. Or, fly the large bomber formations while fighting o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Chipco Games

CHG 03-0895

The Age of Gunpowder

z.Zt. vergriffen


The Age of Gunpowder offers the player of historical wargames the following:

  • Fun, fast play rules for gaming in the age of discovery, 1500 - 1700AD
  • Army lists for French, Holy Roman Empire, Polish, Turkish, Samurai, Ming Chinese, Aztec, Swedish, Royalist, Parliamentarian, and Conquistador armies.
  • Rules allowing for playing:
    - The English Civil War
    - The Thirty Years War
    - The religious wars in France and Northern Europe<... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

CHG 08-0995

Days of Knights

z.Zt. vergriffen


Days of Knights includes rules for large scale medieval combat. Army lists are included for the major European powers of the day and include everything from pikemen to peasants. Additionally, the rules provide for play with characters: kings, bannerets, heroes, heralds, and religious personalities.

  • Fast play rules with the emphasis on fun!
  • Army lists for the important armies of the day.
  • Rules for generating your own characters -- historical or strictly ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Creative Wargames Workshop

CWW 1976


Wargaming Rules and a Guide to The American War Of Independence

8,00 EUR


Dark Omen Games

DOG 1000

Junk (A Game of Mechanized Combat in a Not So Intelligent Future) Paperback

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


20,00 EUR


Empire Games, Inc.


Stars *n* Bars

Sammlerstück / Rarität


STARS *n* BARS is a regimental level miniatures game for the American Civil War. It draws heavily on the EMPIRE 3rd edition Napoleonic miniatures rules (co-designed by Scotty Bowden with Jim Getz). The rules emphasize the importance of command and control issues and the balance between tactical and grand tactical thinking on the battlefield.

Contents include:

Spiral-bound rulebook
Color-coded reference charts
Die-cut order counters

50,00 EUR


Fireforge Games

FrFrG DV01

Deus Vult Rulebook

This is the core rulebook for the Deus Vult game system. The rules of Deus Vult allow you to recreate the flavour of medieval warfare on your tabletop, in a game that is both fun and highly tactical. Brave crusading knights and their men-at-arms take on the defenders of Islam. In this book you are going to find:

The Rules of War. Including rules for creating characterful leaders for your army's divisions, for scouting and seizing the best terrain on the battlefield and for fighting a battle o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


Table Top Aliens

FLG 8410C1

Alien Attack Box Set

Alien Attack was designed with a certain 6 year old in mind who wanted to play table-top games with his dad, ahem.

It is a simple yet super-fun game of Man versus Alien where you can play Scoutmaster Dan Wiggles and his Scout troopers (Ryan, Diego, and Alex) whose camping trip was cut short by the invading Aliens. Now they are fighting to get back to town to warn the others, armed only with a flare gun, a water pistol, a slingshot, and some soda cans for throwing at the aliens. Fortuantely fo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR



FLG 8410C2

M.I.B.E.A.N.S.S. - Expansion Set

Included in this box set are the expansion rules to play agents X and S of the top secret division of the M.I.B.E.A.N.S.S. as they investigate the recent Alien activity. Also included are the two National Guardsmen, Jenkins and Hill, who are here to assist the agents.

30,00 EUR


FLG 8410C3

Alien Reinforcements - Expansion Set

M.I.B.E.A.N.S.S. (Men Investigating Bizarre Extraterrestrial Aliens in Nice Suits and Sunglasses), aka "The M.I.Beans," has assigned Special Agent X and his new partener Agent S to investigate the Alien sightings that have been reported near a small town. It is likely to be nothing, but it is important to investigate every sighting so not to miss anything.

National Guardsmen Jenkins and Hill have been dispatched to aid the Agents to bring down the Alien threat! "There they are over there, Bil... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


Table Top WWII

FLG 8010C1


Frontline Command World War II is a miniature war game by Frontline Games designed for 28mm, but can be played with other scales as well.

In 2009 we released the “pre-release” version; now the full version is here and packed with information. The new book is double the size of the pre-release and filled with illustrations and new information such coloring charts, terrain explanations, and rules for play. Also included are new movement rules for infantry and armor, painting guides, and a w... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


FLG 8110C1

Uber Soldat!

Uber Soldat is set in the late years of World War II; however, the allies have uncovered a secret program the Germans have been developing for years called the "UBER SOLDAT" or translated – SUPER SOLDIER! You can play either the German forces which include the SS guard of the elusive Colonel Von Kliest and his MKI Uber Soldats who are on missions for the German high command or the under-equipped but resourceful and stubborn Americans trying to stop them from extending the war even longer.

U... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR



FLG 8110C2

For the Fatherland! - Uber Soldat Expansion

On the Frontline, the Germans have a new weapon...the new Machine Krieger! First the Allies saw the M.K.I "Uber Soldat" but did not know that it was just to keep the Allies busy until the new M.K.IIs arrived.

The "Uber Soldat" is now on the move, armed with the new MG45g and firing heavy caliber rounds which are able to penetrate buildings, trees, and walls. Or the new flamethrower, which is also able to fire a toxic gas as well as flames! Nowhere is safe on the battlefield when the M.K.IIs a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


FLG 8110C3

Payback! - Uber Soldat Expansion

The U.S. forces have been getting pounded by these new Super Soldiers of the Reich. These men want to go home, and now they are looking at the possibility of this war going on indefinitely. Every day more men fall to the new German weapons, yet they fight on. Well, new equipment is arriving and more to use it. Armed with new "Super" ammo, the U.S. troops are hankering for some PAYBACK!
Box Set Contains:

1 U.S. Soldier w/Thompson SMG
2 U.S. Soldiers w/Browning Automatic Rifles
1... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


Table Top Zombies

FLG 8310C1

Frontline Command Skirmish: Zombie Daze

Hot Seller


Zombie Daze is Here!

A fast and furious skirmish tabletop game based on Frontline Command’s game mechanics. A virus has spread across the land, and the Dead have risen, searching for living survivors to feast on. Can you survive the ever-growing host of the Undead, or will you play the hordes of Undead hunting the Living? The choice is yours!

98,00 EUR



FLG 8310C2

Frontline Command Skirmish: More Zombies

With this box set you get 10 more finely cast Zombie Miniatures (By Reaper Miniatures). Have a Living problem? Just can't seem to get them for "Dinner?" Well, here is a box of "More Zombies" to add reinforcements to your Undead/Infected horde. Some creep and some run, but one way or another these once-living people mean business!!

40,00 EUR


FLG 8310C3

Frontline Command Skirmish: Event Cards

Set contains 16 Survivor Event Cards and 16 Undead/Infected cards for a total of 32 cards! With these cards you play random events so no two games are the same! Rules for play are also included.

Players play the events cards on each other during game play. Think your Survivor is going to get away? Think again, as the "Augg, I tripped" card lands your character right on his/her face as Zombies are chasing him/her down. Or a Zombie is getting ready to bite you and the card is played..."Hey, rem... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Game Designers' Workshop

GDW 0721

To the Sound of the Guns: Scenarios for Johnny Reb

Sammlerstück / Rarität


To the Sound of the Guns is a 48 page softback book of scenarios for Johnny Reb (you must have Johnny Reb in order to play these scenarios). Each scenario takes one of these battles - these windows on our country's darkest time - and allows you to be a part of it.

30,00 EUR


Magazine & Bücher

GDW 1991

Desert Shield Fact Book

64 fact-filled pages on the Crisis in the Persian Gulf.

  • The Background of the Gulf Crisis
  • A Chromology of Events
  • Military Jargon Glossary
  • Facts on Chemical, Nuclear, and Biological Weapons
  • The Iraqi Army - Equipments, Troops, and Tactics
  • The Allies - Equipments, Troops, and Tactics

plus The Operations Map

16,00 EUR




Mekong Vietnam

Vietnam ground and riverine combat rules. Mekong is a rules system for gaming with the vehicles, brown water naval craft, and weapons systems of the Vietnam era. Includes unit organizations and historic background material.

22,00 EUR



Normandy Terrain Maker How-To Book

Normandy is a full color Terrain Maker advanced modeling guide for building northwestern European terrain including the bocage. Features scenarios, orders of battle, and historic background material.

14,00 EUR


Glory Games

GLO 1990

Legacy of Glory

Rules for use with Npoleonic Era miniatures

36,00 EUR



Knights & Knaves

A Skirmish-Level Game of Combat in the Middle Ages - Version 1.0

18,00 EUR


Goblintooth Enterprises


Hostile Aircraft

Miniature Wargaming Rules for Aerial Combat 1915-1920

Game includes:

  • (2) 1/285 Scale Model Aeroplanes
  • (2) 3-D Aeroplane Stands
  • Comprehensive and easy to learn Pules of Play

  • 34,00 EUR


    Gripping Beast

    GPB 0005

    SAGA - The Crescent and the Cross

    Miniatures skirmish game set during the Crusades (late Medieval).

    From the Gripping Beast website:

    "Full colour hardback book, 120 pages. Comes with 6 cardstock Battle Boards and a Quick Reference Sheet.

    Contains full SAGA rules, details and rules for six new factions from the Age of The Crusades, new rules for Dogs of War units & Priests plus new scenarios."

    46,00 EUR


    GPB JGL01

    Jugula Rulebook (incl.Arena Poster)

    Jugula is a figures game that will allow each player to recreate gladiator fights. However, this game is not to summarize the clash between two fighters in ancient Rome arenas ... No ... This game will give you more: lead your ludus glory inside the Coliseum.

    Jugular a lanista, a ludus, a familia, a goal :
    The lanista, you the player. The ludus, your gladiator school.
    The familia, your fighters. A goal : The show !

    Jugula a deck of cards :
    Game accessory that will be indispensable to ev... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    32,00 EUR



    GPB 0002

    SAGA - Northern Fury (inc 4 Battleboards)

    Saga: Northern Fury is the first supplement to Gripping Beast's Dark Ages miniatures skirmish game "Saga". The 22 page full color supplement comes with four additional card Battle Boards - The Anglo-Saxon, The Breton, The Jomsvikings, and The Scots.

    This is not a stand-alone game and the Saga core rules are required to play

    22,00 EUR


    GPB 0003

    SAGA - The Raven's Shadow (inc 4 Battleboards)

    Saga: The Raven's Shadow is the second supplement to Gripping Beast's Dark Ages miniatures skirmish game "Saga". The 28 page full color supplement comes with four additional card Battle Boards - The Franks, The Irish, The Norse Gael, and The Strathclyde Welsh.

    This is not a stand-alone game and the Saga core rules are required to play

    22,00 EUR


    GPB 0004

    SAGA - Varjazi & Basileus (inc 3 battelboards)

    “Varjazi & Basileus” is a supplement for Saga that features a 12 page full color rule booklet containing rules and lists for the Pagan Rus, the Era Of The Princes Rus and the Byzantines (as originally featured in a long sold-out issue of Wargames Illustrated.) There is also a new Hero Of The Viking Age for the Byzantines and a new Swords For Hire unit. The booklet also comes with 3 battleboards (Rus, Pagan Rus & Byzantines,) all contained in a fantastic SAGA folder. Made of sturdy cardboard,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    22,00 EUR


    Historic Enterprises

    HIS 1996

    Castles, Cogs & Chevauchées

    Sammlerstück / Rarität

      Three Rule Sets covering Sieges, Navies, and Campaigns in Skirmish-Level Combat

    14,00 EUR


    Hobby Products

    HP ARM1

    Armeelisten für Tabletop-Spiele - Band 1

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    3000 v.Chr. bis 550 A.D.

    Dieser Band umfaßt 96 Seiten und enthält eine Überarbeitung der Erstauflage der 'Armeelisten für Tabletop-Spiele, Band 1'. Die enthaltenen Armeelisten wurden gemäß neueren historischen Erkenntnissen in einigen Punkten überarbeitet und die vorgeschriebenen Mindest- und Maximalzahlen bestimmter Truppentypen gängigen Einheitengrößen angepaßt.

    Anzahl der Spieler: 2-6
    ab 14 Jahren

    endgültig vergriffen

    Inner City Games Design

    ICG 7300

    War Pigs

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Description: Ever wonder what to do with that bucket of plastic infantry guys? Here's the answer: Send them off to war! War PIGs is an easy-to-learn miniatures gaming system that uses plastic soldiers as miniatures. The rules are simple, but in depth enough to provide a challenge to even the most veteran miniatures enthusiast.

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    ICG 7305

    Civil War Pigs

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Description: It was a time of great strife in the land of toys. A conflict that pitted friend against friend, brother against brother.... and PIG against PIG! Now you can re-create your favorite battles from the Civil War using Plastic Infantry Guys (PIGs) in this fast-paced set of rules. Morale, leadership, artillery, cavalry, and even the problems of loading a musket while someone is shooting at you are all covered within these rules.

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    ICG 7307

    Starship War PIGs

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Description: Alien bugs want our candy bars!... and they're willing to invade Earth to get them! Players command either the "bug" army or the Plastic Infantry Guys army in this game of resource management, strategy, and tactics A multi-faceted, fast-paced miniatures game using plastic insect toys and plastic infantry guys (PIGs)for 2 or more players ages 10 and up.

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    ICG 7320

    Prehistoric War PIGs

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Description: It was a time before man came to rule this small blue-green marble; a time of huge lizards, ferocious carnivores, and giant toothy mammals, a time when man had only has slightly enlarged brain as a weapon. Do your best to organize the dinosaurs in your region into an invincible army, and then sally forth to conquer all those who would stand against you! These rules contain all you'll need to play an in-depth miniatures game using plastic dinosaurs cavemen and other prehistoric anima... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    ICG 7323

    Wild West War PIGs

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Its combat using plastic Cowboys and Indians!These kirmish-level rules come complete with multiple weapon choices and rules mechanics that truly give the feel of the Old West. If you have plastic Cowboys and Indians, some six-sided dice, pencils, paper and these rules, you're ready to play! For two or more players ages nine and up.

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    Iron Ivan Games

    IIG 0001

    Disposable Heroes / Coffin for Seven Brothers Rulebook

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Iron Ivan Games presents Disposable Heroes and Coffin for Seven Brothers: a complete WWII skirmish wargame system featuring both infantry and vehicles. The game is fast, easy to learn, and gives realistic tactical results without getting bogged down in record keeping or chart reading. The game is as intuitive as possible without being simplistic and will definitely reward good tactics. Fire and movement are important and easy to recreate. The main features include an initiative system, alternati... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    IIG 0002


    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Your Guide to the Soviet Fighting Man, His Weapons, and His War!
    The guide to Soviet armed forces in WWII. This is our first army book and covers everything Soviet players need to know to run the Red Army in their games. The book contains platoon lists for all of the major Soviet infantry formations--Early War, Late War, Motor Rifle, Assault Engineers, NKVD, Guards-- as well as all of the major vehicles, artillery, and a selection of support aircraft.

    Urrahh! Is the Soviet supplement from ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    IIG 0003


    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Your Guide to the German Armed Forces of WWII!
    Our second supplement - Angriff! The guide to German armed forces of WWII. This new army book will give German players all they need to fight against their allied opponents. This eagerly awaited book contains platoon lists for Rifle, Motorized, Panzergrenadier, Grenadier, Fallschirmjager, Volksgrenadier, and SS platoons. It also contains the huge array of German Panzers and vehicles, as well as artillery and air support options.

    Angriff! Is a s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    18,00 EUR


    IIG 0004

    Go Forward Together!

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Your Guide to the Fighting Men of the British Commonwealth!
    Our third supplement, "Go Forward Together" - The guide to British Commonwealth armed forces of WWII. This book provides infantry platoon lists including Rifles, Paras, Commandos, and LRDG/SAS, as well as over 80 vehicles, 15 artillery, and a selection of air support options.

    This book covers everything you need to know to run the British and Commonwealth forces in WWII using Disposable Heroes & Coffin for Seven Brothers. From the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    IIG 0005

    Blood and Guts!

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Your Guide to the U.S. Army in WWII!
    Our fourth supplement, Blood and Guts! The guide to the U.S. Army during WWII. This book provides infantry platoon lists including Rifles, Airborne and Glider Infantry, Rangers, and Armored Infantry, as well as the major US vehicles, artillery, and primary support aircraft.

    Blood and Guts is a supplement covering the various U.S. Army forces of WWII from North Africa, up the boot of Italy, onto the beaches of Normandy and all the way into the Reich. We ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    IIG 0006

    Red Sun, Red Death!

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    War Without Mercy in the Pacific Theater including Imperial Japanese USMC and Chinese forces!
    our fifth supplement, Red Sun, Red Death This theater book covers the Pacific War. Players are given an extensive set of optional rules, designed to be used together, to help re-create the intense feel of the Pacific War. Included are infantry platoon lists for the Imperial Japanese Army (and IJN as appropriate), the United States Marine Corps (and USN as appropriate) and for Chinese forces (flexible... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    IIG 0008

    Futile Gallantry!

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    The Fight Against Tyranny in the Early Days of World War II, 1939-1940: Includes the information you need to field French, Belgian, Dutch, Norwegian, Danish, Polish, and Finnish troops. 80 pages of Infantry platoons, artillery, vehicles and aircraft. As a bonus, information for the Continuation War Finns is included.

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    British, French and Indian War Period

    IIG 0007

    This Very Ground!

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    This Very Ground is a Small Unit Skirmish system designed to recreate the French & Indian War in North America at 15-40mm.

    It is a fast playing and easy to learn system that easily handles the various aspects of 18th century warfare. The various fighting styles and the nature of warfare in this war are captured within the rules. Units use various formations such as formed and skirmish, as well as different volumes of firing to capture the limitations and effectiveness of muzzle-loading black-... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    Johnny Reb Game Company

    JRG 101

    Johnny Reb III ACW rules

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Johnny Reb III is a game of Grand Regimental tactics of the American Civil War, using miniatures from 10mm to 25mm.The game comes with rules set and 4 Reference cards for 15mm miniatures. There are other reference cards available for the other scale minitures for extra cost. players will have to supply their own miniatures and paint them. some scenarios are available for purchase. but the fun of the game is researching your own battles from the ACW period to recreate.

    endgültig vergriffen

    Jolly Roger Games

    JOL 001

    A Nation on Trial

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    A Nation on Trial is an operational level miniature battle simulation system. The game includes easy to use rules for command-control, supply, and designing historical campaigns.


    • The same basing system as the Tactical-Level system Johnny Reb.
    • Rules for command-control, supply and the fog of war
    • Big battles such as Antietam are playable in a 4'x 8' space.
    • Big battles can be played in either a day or a weekend.
    • (vollständige Beschreibung)

    30,00 EUR


    JOL 0010

    Fire Brigade (Table Top Rules)

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Fire Brigade is a World War II miniatures game, played at the platoon/company level with each inch representing 100 yards and turns which span ten minutes. Fire Brigade offers an innovative combat system based around the concept of "combat cohesion" rather than actual casualties. With rules covering para-drops, amphibious invasions, off-board artillery, and airpower, Fire Brigade allows players to replay any Pacific or European battle that occurred during World War Two.

    26,00 EUR



    JOL 002

    Blow! Bugles! Blow!

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Blow! Bugles! Blow! is a set of six scenarios for Jolly Roger's A Nation on Trial rules: First Manassas, Shiloh, Second Manassas, Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville. Each scenario includes a battle map, order of battle, and scenario special rules.

    One interesting feature of the scenario maps is that there are no units shown. Players could, for example, scan the maps, print them out, and play on them. The scale is 9" = 1 mile (approx. 1"=200 yds.).

    A Nation on Trial

    26,00 EUR


    Limited Appeal Productions

    LAP 001

    Weed Killer

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Weedkiller is a table-top wargame. They are like PC strategy games, but instead of sitting in front of a screen, you sit around a table. There is considerably less risk of the game crashing, but, compared to computer games, much higher risk of dinner time.

    Despite the increase in popularity of computer based strategy games, old-skool wargaming is still popular, and surprisingly not just among sad beardy-wierdy, train-spotty anal-retentives.
    Weedkiller is another of these games, but rather ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    10,00 EUR


    MG Games Inc.

    MGG TS

    Tigers & Stalins

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Rules for 1/285th Micro Armor Tank battles of the Second World War

    Tigers and Stalins is a quick and easy to learn strategy game that will offer you hours of fun and a wide variety of different scenarios to play.

    Complexity: low
    Number of players: 2+
    Playing time: 1-3 hours
    Suitable for solitaire play
    Ages 10 and up

    endgültig vergriffen

    MGG TS2

    Tigers & Stalins - Second Edition

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Rules for 1/285th Micro Armor Tank battles of the Second World War

    Tigers and Stalins is a quick and easy to learn strategy game that will offer you hours of fun and a wide variety of different scenarios to play.

    Now with advanced rules!!!

    Complexity: low
    Playing time: 1-3 hours

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    Napoleonique/Encore Publications

    NEP 0001

    Napoleonique Encore

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Brief Description:
    "The beginner's friend," Napoleonique/Encore is a set of rules designed to realistically recreate the Battles of Napoleon in an easy-to-learn, fun, and playable manner. Game consists of the main rules (Napoleonique) plus supplemental rules and errata (Encore). Includes a "toy soldiers" mode.

    French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars

    Grand-tactical. Five separate scales may be used. 10 minutes ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    New Dimension Games

    NDG 101


    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    In MoonDragon, players engage in tactical starship combat over the surface of the moon. The spaceships are mounted on antennae and plastic joints, which combine to allow a remarkable range of positions -- for example, one could have a ship positioned upside down seven inches off the playing surface. Movement is determined simultaneously and then resolved, often resulting in disaster for the inexperienced pilot.

    Tactical space combat over the surface of the moon, using miniatures mounted on cu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    120,00 EUR


    ohne Verlag

    OV RED

    Red Shirts

    Garibaldi's Campaign in Southern Italy 1860

    10,00 EUR


    Partizan Press

    PZP RH001

    Tin Soldiers in Action - from 1680 until about 1914 TT-Rules (HC)

    z.Zt. vergriffen



    FAIR And SQAURE Rules

    FAIR old school AND fast play rules, which are made for all sizes, shapes or organizations for the true passionate collector of tin soldiers, played on SQUARES!

    Guiding principles of TIN SOLDIERS IN ACTION:

    Tin soldiers games should be fun and decisive –
    fair and fast
    simple and harsh
    clear verdicts
    direct results
    high adrenalin level
    no discussion
    no measuring
    no vague situations

    Just decisions... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    Pinnacle Entertainment

    PIN 031-000

    Fields of Honor

    This flexible game system allows players to fight battles in the smoothbore, rifled musket, and modern rifle eras. A "multiple scale" system allows any size battle to be played with the number of miniatures available. The advanced rules provide a command system. Army lists are provided for 20 wars.

    19th Century (1830-1902)

    Variable. Depending on scale selected, the basic maneuver unit is the section, company, b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    32,00 EUR


    Quantum Printing Co.

    QPC 1992

    They Died For Glory - The Franco-Prussian War

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Grand tactical miniature rules for the Franco-Prussian War, 1870-71.
    1 turn = 15 minutes, 1 inch = 50 yard, 1 figure = 50 men.
    Fairly orthodox rules.

    11 Scenarios (using period maps to show scenario setups).
    Complete Order of Battles for both sides (1 August 1870).

    Scenarios and OBs cover the Imperial phase only. French Republican Units are covered in optional rules.

    50,00 EUR



    RAF 0020

    Yellow Ribbon

    Bitte vorbestellen


    Rules for Indian Wars 1850-90

    ca. 10,00 EUR


    RAF 0021

    And Continually Wear the Blue

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    A short guide to the US Army and The Indian Wars 1850-90

    endgültig vergriffen

    RAF 0022

    The War of Independence in the North

    Bitte vorbestellen


    The War of Independence in the North

    ca. 10,00 EUR


    RAF 0023

    Remember the Main & to Hell with Spain

    Bitte vorbestellen


    The Spanish American War

    ca. 10,00 EUR



    The Universal Soldier

    Sammlerstück / Rarität

      Miniature Rules

    16,00 EUR


    Ragnar Brothers

    RB WBL

    Whipping Bobby Lee

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Not a game but a set of rules for figure gaming in the American Civil War period: table top ACW rules.

    Disappointed ? Well you won't be if you've tried other sets of rules and found them cumbersome, over complicated and very time consuming. Whipping Bobby Lee provides a command system that captures that sense of 'not being able to do everything that you'd like at once' and focuses you on to making decisions about how to prioritize your needs given that you've a shrewd idea of what the opposit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    26,00 EUR


    Sierra Madre Games

    SMG 0026

    Kriegbot - Die Zukunft der Kampfroboter!

    Spieler: 2 bis 6 Personen
    Alter: ab 8 Jahren
    Spieldauer: etwa 2 Stunden
    Spielmaterial: 1 Spielregeln mit technologischem Hintergrund, 6 Plastikfahrzeuge, 40 Plastikmarker, 92 Farbig gestaltete Karten (zum ausschneiden!), 6 farbige Fahrzeugteafeln, 3 spezielle Würfe und 1 farbiger Spielplan.

    KRIEGBOT zeigt die Zukunft von Robotic-Kampffahrzeugen.

    In diesem Spiel entwickelt jeder Spieler geheim seinen eigenen Kampfroboter und kämpft dann damit gegen die Schöpfungen der anderen Spieler ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    30,00 EUR



    SMG 0026A

    KRIEGBOT (Expansion)

    The must-have Expansion for Kriegbot includes new weapons, systems and skins to fight with, including but not limited to: Cluster Bombs, Infantry Pods, Electrolasers, UAVs, Super-steel Rams, Limpet Mines, and Thermal Lances.

    The Expansion also introduces a new type of card, the Powercore, which tracks your robot's battery level. Use your stored energy to activate the Powercore's special ability or to overcharge your electrical weaponry and unleash devastating attacks, but manage your energy l... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    20,00 EUR


    Skirmisher Games

    SKP 0401

    H.G. Wells' Little Wars

    Eigenständige miniatures wargaming Regeln von Wells persönlich geschrieben, kurz vor dem ersten Weltkrieg. Dieses Werk des berühmten Autors wurde 1970 in der 2. Auflage herausgegeben und war seitdem nicht mehr erhältlich. Bis jetzt!

    This useful and enjoyable book was republished once, in 1970, but has been out of print and largely unavailable since then. Highlights of this edition include an appendix by Wells on Kriegspiel - the wargame developed by the Imperial German general sta... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    12,00 EUR


    SKP 0601

    H.G. Wells' Floor Games

    Skirmisher has just released the latest in its series of historical gaming texts, H.G. Wells' 1911 wargaming classic Floor Games, which is often referred to as a "companion book" to his better-known miniature wargaming text Little Wars. This volume focuses on prop building and what, in Wells' opinion, a game should be, and reveals the author's keen intellect and sense of humor.

    A must reading for anyone with an interest in game history or design. A masterwork by a master of literature.

    Pa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    14,00 EUR


    SKP 1104

    H.G. Wells' Little Wars Anniversary Edition

    Written in 1913 by one of the greatest of science fiction authors, this book gained H.G. Wells the title "Father of Modern Wargaming" and will appeal to his fans, history buffs, students of politics and international affairs, wargamers, and RPGers. This revised and expanded edition of the book captures the look of the original and includes:
    * A Foreword by D&D creator Gary Gygax.
    * All the art that appeared in the original edition along with a number of new ones, including more than 200 B&W il... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    16,00 EUR


    Sutton Hoo Games

    SHG 1995

    Red Sun/Blue Sky

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Players each command one or more aircraft, with rules covering combat, bombing (level, dive, and torpedo), and anti-aircraft fire. Advanced rules add clouds, experience levels, and a new movement sequence. Played on a hexagonal gridded surface, with 24 altitude levels. Rulebook includes a discussion of tactics, designer's notes, bibliography, and a primer on painting.

    Period Second World War, Pacific Theater, 1938-42
    Scale Tactical. 1.7 seconds per turn. Ground sca... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    SHG 44099

    Sand, Oil and Blood

    The rules cover land warfare (and supporting air forces), with tables of organization and data charts for all of the nations which participated in Desert Storm. Includes rules for boats, aircraft and helicopters, morale, smoke, thermal sights, and chemical and biological weapons. Advanced rules cover such things as B-52 strikes, tactical doctrine and fire discipline, engineering, night operations, weather and crew training.

    Period Desert Storm (liberation of Kuwait)
    Sc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    24,00 EUR


    SHG 44211

    Davey Jones Locker

    Sammlerstück / Rarität

    • Davey Jones' Locker is a Historical Miniature Wargame set in the Colonial Era, and wargamers can fight battles from the War of Spanish Succession (1588) to the Crimean War (1850).
    • Davey Jones' Locker equally covers both naval and land combats.
    • 48 pages with combat charts and Data Logs to reproduce for playing ease.
    • Only four pages of actual combat charts are needed to fight a combined land and sea battle.
    • The combat charts may be used with a ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    40,00 EUR



    SHG 44103

    White Star/Blue Sky

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Expands the game to cover the U.S. 8th Air Force's daylight strategic bombing campaign over Europe (1942-44). Includes rules for air-to-air rockets, strategic bombing (pattern and precision), and heavy bombers (including optional crew rules). Bibliography provided.

    Period Second World War, European Theater, Strategic Bombing Campaign, 1942-44
    Contents 52-page rules booklet, including two reference cards

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    The Canadian Wargamers Group

    CWG 009

    Great Battles of World War Two - Volume 1: The Canadians in Europe

    Bruce McFarlane's 4th miniatures guide-book covering large battles.
    Each stand represents a company with manoeuvre elements being battalions.
    The scale and scope of the game allows multidivisional actions simulating weeks not minutes.
    There is no game out there like Great Battles of World War II.
    Canadian History, Organization, Weapons and Tactics.
    A simple yet revolutionary rules set; 8 Scenarios
    Dieppe, Agira, Ortona, Juno Beach, Falaise (Totalize I, Totalize I... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    20,00 EUR


    CWG 011

    Rocket's Red Glare

    A 76 page booklet with a wide variety of information for the wargamer and especially the miniaturist interested in the War of 1812 which highlights Napoleonic warfare at a manageable scale.

    This booklet contains background, miniature rules for naval and two land scales and 10 detailed land scenarios and 11 naval scenarios including the land/sea scenario at Plattsburg.

    The scenarios can be played with any set of Horse and Musket rules and orders of battle are given at skirmish ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    20,00 EUR


    CWG 012

    Habitants & Highlanders

    This booklet combines the functions of reference work, rulebook, and scenario booklet. The rules can be played in either Battle or Skirmish scales. Command and control rules determine how many and which units can perform actions each turn. Low complexity.

    French & Indian War (Seven Years War in North America)

    Battle Scale: 50 men / One figure, 20 minutes / game turn
    Skirmish Scale: 1-5 men / One figure, "min... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    20,00 EUR


    The Emperor's Press

    EHQ 330

    Warfare in the Age of Reason

    Miniature Rules For 18th Century Warfare

    • Tactical, Campaign, and Siege Rules
    • Army Lists for the Campaigns of Marlborough, the Great Northern War, the Wars of Frederick the Great, the French and Indian War, the Jacobite Rebellions, Clive's Conquest of India, and the American Revolution
    • 102 Tactical Maps
    • A Campaign Map of Europe, India, and the American Colonies

    30,00 EUR


    EHQ 350

    Red Baron - Air Combat in the First World War

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    This is a 60+ page book of miniatures rules for WWI aerial combat. With many information and technical-looking goodies.

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    EHQ 360

    Chef de Bataillon

    A Baton in every Knapsack!

    Chef de Bataillon contains:

    • 1 196 page rule set
    • 1 set of 65 pages of ratings, data and scenarios
    • 20 quick references charts
    • 2 die cut counter sheets

    48,00 EUR


    EMP  AGE

    Warfare in the Age of Discovery

    Miniature Rules for the Renaissance 1470-1680

    30,00 EUR



    Ancient Empires

    A simulation of the wars of antiquity


  • Gold hot-stamped imperial roman red leatherette 3-ring binders.
  • Over 100 pages of rules and designer notes with numerous pages of reference material specifying leader ratings, troop-types, and much more.
  • Colorful die-cut counters for orders, unit status and terrain aids.
  • Color-coded reference charts for easy access to important tables of play.
  • 44,00 EUR




    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    A simulation of napoleonic warfare


  • Gold hot-stamped imperial green leatherette 3-ring binders.
  • Over 100 pages of rules and designer notes with numerous pages of reference material specifying leader ratings, troop-types, and much more.
  • Colorful die-cut counters for orders, unit status and terrain aids.
  • 6 color-coded reference charts for easy access to important tables of play.
  • 1 fold-out élan Chart
  • endgültig vergriffen


    EHQ 341

    The Normans

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    A Revenge Module for European Warfare 1000 AD to 1170 AD

    endgültig vergriffen



    A Module for Ancient Empires - A Simulation of the Wars of Antiquity.

    Alexander the Great stirs the imagination of almost all of us. He is without doubt, one of the greatest conquerors of all time. His victories fused two great cultures and provides the wargaming historian with many imponderables and possibilities.

    In Alexander the Great, the Wars of Philip and Alexander, we provide for you the great armies of this period so that you, the historical wargamer, can recreate the various armie... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    16,00 EUR




    A module for Ancient Empires.

    "Veni, Vidi, Vici." - I came, I saw, I conquered.

    With those three words Caesar declared himself ruler of the ancient world. Now you can replay his great battles with "Caesar - The Wars of Julius Caesar". Inside this module for 'Ancient Empires' are such diverse elements as Caesar's campaigns in Gaul, Germany, and Britain, the Second Roman Civil War, the African and Spanish War, the Roman and Parthian campaigns, and much more.

    'Ancient Empires' has quickly ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    16,00 EUR



    The Successors

    A module for Ancient Empires.

    "You have won a great victory."
    "Yes, one more such victory and Phrrhus is no more."

    Soon after the death of Alexander in 323 B.C., his kingdoms became divided. The Successors represent the armies and leaders born out of this turbulent period. Inside this module for 'Ancient Empires' you will find all the details to re-fight the great battles of Pyrrhus, the Ptolemys, and Seleucid dynasties, and much more.

    Ancient Empires has quickly become the standard by... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    18,00 EUR



    Trojan Wars

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Warfare in the Age of the Chariot - A Module for Ancient Empires

    The Late Bronze Age:
    This module covers the campaigns of the Aegean peoples and their opponents of the late bronze age from the rise of the Hittite and Mycenaean Empires in the mid 14th Century BC to the collapse of the East Mediterranean civilizations into the dark ages of the Sea Peoples at the end of the 13th Century. This period coincides with the last surge of Imperial Egypt as the premiere military power of the region.

    ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    Timeline Ltd

    TIM C-1

    Close and Destroy

       Close and Destroy is a miniatures game accurately depicting NATO/Warsaw Pact confrontation on a tactical level. These rules cover armor, infantry, artillery and all aspects of modern ground combat.

       This book includes both basic and advanced rules. The basic rules are well suited to the novice miniatures gamer, while the advanced rules will satisfy even the most discriminating of experienced players. The basic rules are simple and easy to foll... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    16,00 EUR


    Trafalgar Editions

    TFEd. TT01

    Panzerkampf: Armored Clash

    Tactical armor game on Eastern Front in WWII.

    The Russian Front witnessed the biggest tank battles in history. But for the crews of those vehicles, within each moment, each split second, there was only ever one target in their sights, or the one muzzle that remained unaccounted for.
    Commander, loader, driver…they served in a cramped world, where the events of four bloody years became nothing but an endless succession of fights for a bridge, a village, or a way out.

    This is Panzerkampf.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    58,00 EUR


    Two Dragons Productions

    TDP 1995

    The Road to Osaka

    Samurai Skirmish Rules, 1100-1620

    26,00 EUR


    Ulisses Spiel & Medien Distribution GmbH

    ULI 10000

    30mm Round Bases ( 12x )

    4,00 EUR


    ULI 10001

    40mm Round Bases ( 8x )

    4,00 EUR


    ULI 10002

    50mm Round Bases ( 5x )

    4,00 EUR


    War Zone

    WAR B-301




    RECRUIT can be played at a variable pace accommodating Platoon, Company and Brigade level engagements by adjusting vehicle survivability. The VAP (Vehicle Ability Point) system affords players the flexibility to allocate capacity to many actions such as Movement, Target Acquisition, Direct Fire as they choose. The VAP system, serving as a common base between varying forces (Armor, Artillery and Air), also affords team players independent command of their own mission in Combined Force a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    10,00 EUR


    WAR RB-2301

    Recruit II



    RECRUIT II can be played at a variable pace accommodating Platoon, Company and Brigade level engagements by adjusting vehicle survivability. The VAP (Vehicle Ability Point) system affords players the flexibility to allocate capacity to many actions such as Movement, Target Acquisition, Direct Fire as they choose. The VAP system, serving as a common base between varying forces (Armor, Artillery and Air), also affords team players independent command of their own mission in Combined Forc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    10,00 EUR


    Wargames Research Group


    De Bellis Antiquitatis - Version 2.0

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen

      Simple fast play ancient wargame and campaign rules with army lists. Intent is to provide the simplest possible set of wargames rules that retain the feel and generalship requirements of ancient or medieval battle. Rules include over 600 army lists corresponding to the DBM army lists.

    endgültig vergriffen

    Warlord Games LTD

    WGL GBP001

    Black Powder Rulebook

    Black Powder is a game for the militarily inclined gentlemen with straight backs, bristling beards and rheumy eyes that have seen a thing or two. If tales of battle and glory in days-gone-by stir nothing in your breast, if the roar of cannon does not quicken the pulse and set fire in the belly, then this is not the rule set for you. These rules are not a light hearted adventure but one to be tackled by the strong heart.

    40,00 EUR



    Terminator Genisys: Rulebook



    In the wasteland created by the nuclear holocaust of "Judgment Day," humans under the leadership of the legendary John Conner fight a desperate battle against the merciless fighting machines of the Skynet corporation.

    In this 128-page rulebook, formerly available exclusively in the complete game box set "Terminator. Genisys", the reader will find everything he needs for this exciting tabletop strategy game:

    Basic rules, advanced rules, battle scenarios, unit lists, tips on painting figures... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    20,00 EUR



    WGL GBP002

    The Last Argument of Kings Rulebook

    Bitte vorbestellen


    At the beginning of the 18th century, warfare entered a new era. The widespread use of the flintlock musket had transformed the way armies trained and fought. This period was a golden age for the crowned heads of Europe. They commanded professional troops, gloriously outfitted in splendid uniforms, and fought each other over land, wealth and the succession to their thrones. Some even led their armies on the field of battle. Yet by the end of the century, the real power of kings was gone or great... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    ca. 24,00 EUR



    WGL CE01

    Celtic Warriors

    Renowned for their ferocity in battle, what the Celts lacked in drill or armour they made up for in determination and spirit. Fighting with sword, spear and javelin, they would hurl themselves at their enemies to sweep them away or die trying...

    This boxed set contains 30 multi-part, hard plastic 28mm Celtic Warriors.

    Comes replete with weapon options such as spear, sword and javelins and with great extras such as spare weapons, helmet icons and severed heads!

    Also contains 15 superb, f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    26,00 EUR


    WGL CE02

    Celtic Chariots

    Bitte vorbestellen


    Famed for their daring and courageous use of Chariots the Celts were a sight to behold as they harried the enemy flanks, and un-nerved even the most stoic of enemy soldiers as they sped back and forth taking the fight into the heart of the enemy formations.

    This full-colour boxed set contains 3 metal chariots replete with dynamic crew - one of the crew variants is only available within this set.

    ca. 36,00 EUR


    WGL CE03

    Ancient British Warriors

    Bitte vorbestellen


    There can be few more characterful people than the ancient Britons. With their trademark spikey limed hair and magnificently droopy moustaches and painted with woad battle-markings they were as colourful and they were ferocious.

    The British, who still favoured the chariots as a key part of their armies, struck fear into the hearts of the Roman invaders, led as they were by the dark and terrifying Druidic cult. There is a famous account of Romans not wanting to leave their boat to tackle the f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    ca. 28,00 EUR


    WGL CE04

    Celtic Cavalry Regiment

    This regiment offer combines the multi-pose flexibility of our superb plastic Celtic Warriors with finely detailed metal and resin components.

    The ponies come with the riders' legs attached - all you need to do is choose which upper torso and shield you want to add from the plastic sprue and due to the bowl-joint at the waist you're ready to swivel, tilt and otherwise position your model to your own taste! This gives you a great deal of flexibility and choice fpr your Celt army.

    Contains ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    36,00 EUR


    WGL IR01

    Imperial Roman Legionaries

    Well-drilled, and clad in his segmented armour the Legionary was the lifeblood of the Roman war machine - there was no kingdom or state that could withstand the unforgiving Legions of the Roman empire...
    This boxed set contains 30 multi-part, hard plastic 28mm tall Imperial Roman Legionaries.

    Comes replete with options to arm them with pilum or gladius and with great extras such as spare helmets, pila, shields and a cavalry helmet with metal faceplate!

    Also contains superb, full-colour wa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    28,00 EUR


    WGL IR02

    Imperial Roman Veterans

    This boxed set represents Veteran Legionaries in the thick of the action battered, bloodied but never bowed these grim soldiers have seen it all and sent it packing. They may sport battleworn armour, shields and bandaged but woe betide anyone crossing the path of these veteran warriors as these cut a bloody swathe through the ranks of the enemy!

    We have modelled most of these grim legionaries with Gladius drawn as we envisage them up close and personal, but all the heads and shields interchan... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    24,00 EUR


    WGL IR03

    Roman Praetorian Guard

    Formed by the first Emperor, Augustus in the hope that he would be protected from the fate of his illustrious forebear, Julius Caesar, the Praetorian Guard were the Emperor's Elite bodyguard and also policed the city of rome.

    Despite being formed to protect the Emperor they quickly became a powerful political force which could make or break an Emperor, Indeed the Praetorian Guard had, in its time had Emperors deposed, murdered and even auctioned the Roman Empire off at one point! Truly they w... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    24,00 EUR


    WGL IR04

    Imperial Roman War Machines

    Bitte vorbestellen


    Raining the fires of hell down upon the enemy ranks the batteries of Roman war machines helped win many a battle. Mighty ballistas and deadly Scorpions would seep all before them before the Auxilia and Legionaries were sent in to finish the job...

    This full colour boxed set contains:

    * 1 Resin Ballista
    * 3 metal Ballista crew
    * 2 resin Scorpions
    * 4 metal Scoprion crew (two of which are only availble in this boxed set)
    * 1 Optio (only available in this boxed set)

    ca. 36,00 EUR


    WGL STHW01

    Shock Troopers Heavy Weapons (8 crew + weapons) (28mm)

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Wargames Factory's Alien Suns Shock Trooper Heavy Weapons box set comes with enough troops to field 3-Heavy Weapons each with a crew of two and two officers (for a total of 8-figures and 3-heavy weapons). Heavy Weapons included are Heavy Energy Cannon, Dual Mini-Gun, Rocket Launcher and Mortar and there are accessories like extra ammo canisters, rockets/mortar shells and communications modules to name a few. The teams in each set can be armed with different weapons or the same weapon type. This ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    20,00 EUR


    Wingnut Games

    WNT 3000

    Battle Cattle

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Has been published in 3 editions thus far. Aldo Ghiozzi helmed the second edition. W. Jason Peck joined the design team for 3rd edition.

    Description for the 2nd edition:

    Battle Cattle: Second Edition Expansion in a world of swords and sorcery.

    Gather all the cud available as your Angus Wizard prepares to fire a Magic Moo-ssile! Have your Corriente Pailadin last a little longer by Laying On Hooves! Animate dead cow carcasses with your Jersey Necowmancer!

    Description for the 3rd editio... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    20,00 EUR


    WNT 3100

    Battle Cattle 3rd Edition

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Moo-ve over people 'cause the cows are comin' home and they're packin'! The udder devastation continues with a new evolution of Battle Cattle. Battle Cattle: Third Edition brings you the realism you've been licking your chops for! Use these new and revised tabletop miniatures rules to play realistic Battle Cattle combat parallel to the cows from the Official Battle Cattle miniatures line (sold separately).

    Also included are more cow breeds, weapons, modifications and accesso... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen


    WNT 3200

    Battle Cattle: Quest for the Holy Pail

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Gather all the cud available as your Angus Moo-gic User prepares to fire a Magic Moo-ssile! Have your Corriente Pailadin last a little longer by Laying On Hooves! Animate dead cow carcasses with your Jersey Necowmancer!

    This Battle Cattle: Second Edition miniatures rules expansion book will give you the ability to play Battle Cattle in a world of swords and sorcery. Not only will the role of Battle Cattle in medieval times be explained, but you will have weapons, armor, accesso... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    22,00 EUR


    Xeno Games

    XEN 100

    Tank War

    WWII miniature wargaming system

    20,00 EUR


    XEN 300

    Guard du Corps

    Napoleonic Wargame Rules

    32,00 EUR


    XEN 301

    Century of Glory

    A simulation study of operational warfare from 1840-1900

    20,00 EUR


    XEN 302

    Coastal Command

    Small Vessel Combat Rules for WWII

    18,00 EUR



    XEN 101

    Tank War - Expansion A

    WWII miniature wargaming system

    This Tank War Expansion set contains 52 data cards for playing Tank War. This set contains information on most American vehicles and different types of infantry that were involved in World War II.

    Expansion A includes only American Data cards. It is not a complete game on it's own. You must have Tank War in order to use these vehicle data cards.

    14,00 EUR



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