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256127455 Seitenabrufe seit dem 30.06.2003


HauptseiteCDsProduktlinien (CDs)WARMACHINE



WAR MACHINE is set in the IRON KINGDOMS, an environment that combines the best of traditional fantasy with steam power and gunpowder. Across the realm, ancient rivalries among nations are about to explode into all-out conflict, setting the stage for WAR MACHINE and other IRON KINGDOMS products.

In WAR MACHINE, players take on the role of an elite soldier-sorcerer known as a warcaster. While a warcaster is a formidable force on the battlefield, their true strength is in their ability to magically control and coordinate the actions of their mighty warjacks steam-powered combat automatons that represent the pinnacle of military might in the IRON KINGDOMS.
Each warjack is a fifteen foot tall ironclad behemoth, a coal-fired engine of destruction with a primitive magical brain. On its own a warjack is capable of only the most rudimentary actions, but when bonded to a warcaster its efficiency and deadliness increase dramatically.


Produkte vom Herausgeber (Privateer Press)


PIP 25001

Warmachine Two Player Battle Box (plastic)

The mighty forces of the northern Khadoran Empire are bolstered by their ideals of strength and resilience in their clash with the devout and zealous crusaders of the Protectorate of Menoth. At the center of this titanic clash, the deadly Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff leads an elite strike force of powerful Khadoran warjacks and soldiers against the holy knights of the Protectorate of Menoth led by their champion High Exemplar Kreoss and his p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

100,00 EUR


Deutsche Warmachine Regeln

PIP 01010D

Warmachine: Prime Remix (HC) dt.

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Erlebe Stahl auf Stahl Action !

WARMACHINE ist ein schnelles, actiongeladenes und aggressives 30mm Tabletop Miniaturenspiel, dass in der Steampunk Fantasywelt der Iron Kingdoms angesiedelt.

WARMACHINE: Prime Remix bringt dich direkt in diese durch Krieg zerrüttete Welt. Es enthält alle Regeln für das Spiel, die Geschichte der Iron Kingdoms, Hintergrundinformationen zu allen Fraktionen von WARMACHINE und detaillierte Informationen und Werte für Charaktere, Einheiten und Warjacks - und d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 01021D

Warmachine: Prime Mk.II (SC) dt.

Hot Seller


Bei WARMACHINE bebt die Erde unter den Schritten sechs Tonnen schwerer Kriegsmaschinen aus Eisen und Stahl, die mit der brachialen Gewalt einer Lokomotive aufeinander losgehen. Kanonenschüsse fetzen durch zentimeterdicke Panzerungen wie durch Papier und mutige Helden überziehen das Schlachtfeld mit einem Wirbelsturm arkaner Mächte, während sie das Schicksal ihrer unbeugsamen Nationen im Feuer der Zerstörung schmieden.

In diesem schnellen und aggressiven 30 mm Tabletop-Miniaturenspiel üb... (vollständige Beschreibung)

29,99 EUR


PIP 01022D

Warmachine: Prime MkII (HC) dt.

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Bei WARMACHINE bebt die Erde unter den Schritten sechs Tonnen schwerer Kriegsmaschinen aus Eisen und Stahl, die mit der brachialen Gewalt einer Lokomotive aufeinander losgehen. Kanonenschüsse fetzen durch zentimeterdicke Panzerungen wie durch Papier und mutige Helden überziehen das Schlachtfeld mit einem Wirbelsturm arkaner Mächte, während sie das Schicksal ihrer unbeugsamen Nationen im Feuer der Zerstörung schmieden.

In diesem schnellen und aggressiven 30 mm Tabletop-Miniaturenspiel üb... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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PIP 02001D

Warmachine: Prime (SC) dt.

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Erlebe Stahl auf Stahl Action !
Übernimm das Kommando über einen Kriegsmagier, und eine Kampfgruppe von Warjacks - Asche schleudernde, Dampf speienede, Eisen Giganten!
WarMachine Prime zeigt dir was nach der Battle Box kommt und schleudert dich in die wahre Schlacht! Darin findest du eine ausführliche Geschichte der Eisernen Königreiche, Hintergründe aller Fraktionen und deren komplette Armee-Listen. Berufe Einsatzkommandos für präzise Operationen oder eine gewaltige Streitmacht um Krie... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,50 EUR



PIP 01002D

Warmachine - Escalation (HC) dt.

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WARMACHINE: ESCALATION - treibt Spieler in das Herz eines expandierenden Konflikts! Die glorreichen vollfarbigen Seiten dieses Buches enthalten:

* Ausführliche Kampagnendetails, die ein ganzes Jahr der brutalen
Kriegsführung umspannen.
* Fast fünfzig Modelle, um deine Armee aufzustocken, inklusive neuer
Charaktere, Warjacks und Solos, sowie neue Modelltypen
wie Einheitenangliederungen und Feldartillerie.
* Ausführliche Kampagnendetails, die ein ganzes Jahr der brutalen
K... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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PIP 01003D

Warmachine - Apotheosis (HC) dt.

WARMACHINE: Apotheosis rüstet die Spieler mit den mächtigsten Warcastern und Warjacks aus, die je ein Schlachtfeld betreten haben. Entdecke unzählige neue Strategien, Taktiken und unglaubliche Kombinationen, die dich siegreich aus dem Kampf ums Überleben, um Rache und Vorherrschaft hervorgehen lassen. Erfahre alles über die spannende Geschichte der großen Schlacht der Seelen inmitten des Thornwoods. Erweitere deine taktischen Möglichkeiten auf dem Schlachtfeld mit 8 neuen Warcastern, 8 wi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,99 EUR


PIP 01008D

Warmachine - Superiority (HC) dt.

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Als das vierte Buch der WARMACHINE Serie, bringt Superiority die Spieler in völlige Kriegsbereitschaft. Das Schicksal von Nationen liegt in den Händen der standhaften Soldaten die die Grenzen beschützen, und legt den Focus auf ihre Kämpfe und Leiden. Zusätzlich unterstützt Superiority die kriegführenden Nationen mit neuen Warcastern, Einheiten, Warjacks, Solos und neuen Regeln für Spezialwaffen Angliederungen und Kavallerie.

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PIP 01016D

Warmachine Legends (HC) dt.

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WARMACHINE: Legends bringt die Sage von WARMACHINE zu einem erderschütternden Höhepunkt und stellt aufregende Optionen in der Form von neuen Warcastern, Warjacks, Einheiten, Solos und Epic Warcastern vor. Ob du nun deine Armee erweitern oder eine Neue beginnen willst, diese Erweiterung dampfgetriebener Miniaturen stellt sicher, dass keine Schlacht jemals der anderen gleicht. Auf 178 vollfarbigen Seiten verfolgt dieses Buch die Geschichte von WARMACHINE, führt viele neue Charaktere ein und off... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 01046D

Warmachine: Zorn (HC) dt.

Hot Seller


Warmachine Armeebuch

Treibe die Kriegsmaschinerie voran!

Der unruhige Frieden, der auf die in WARMACHINE: Legenden beschriebenen Ereignisse folgte, ist vorbei, zerschmettert vom Zorn des Krieges. Die Eisernen Königreiche bieten neue Waffen auf, um ihre Feinde nieder zu ringen. Während sich alte Feindseligkeiten in neuen Auseinandersetzungen niederschlagen, wirft eine bösartige Macht ihren Schatten über Immoren und es kommt zu Ereignissen, die die Eisernen Königreiche für immer verän... (vollständige Beschreibung)

39,99 EUR


PIP 01050D

Warmachine: Kolosse (HC) dt.

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Bereite dich auf einen großangelegten Kampf vor!

Finsternis senkt sich auf die Nationen der Eisernen Königreiche herab, als die untoten Heerscharen von Cryx ihre wahre Stärke offenbaren und Bournestadt einnehmen. Während das Land wieder einmal vom Krieg vereinnahmt wird, liefern sich die verfeindeten Nationen ein Wettrüsten um den Bau kolossaler, waffenstarrender Warjacks, um das Blatt zu ihren Gunsten zu wenden. Doch das Erscheinen neuer Bedrohungen, zum Teil uralt, zum Teil noch nie da... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

English Warmachine Rules

PIP 01001

Warmachine: Prime (SC)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Experience Metal on Metal Action
Take command of your powerful Battle Mage, the Warcaster, and a battlegroup of Warjacks - ash hurling, steam belcing, iron giants!
WarMachine Prime takes you beyond the battle box and thrusts you into full blown conflict! Within, you will find an extensive history of the Iron Kingdoms, background on all of the WarMachine factions and complete army rosters with dozens of characters, units and warjacks, so you can build the army you desire. Assemble tactical forc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


PIP 01009

Warmachine : Prime: Remix (SC)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Achtung: Auf der Rückseite ein wenig verknickt!

Privateer Press presents your TOTAL rules authority for WARMACHINE. Now featuring shell-shocking full color, the award-winning game of steam-powered miniatures combat is tuned up, rearmed, and ready to turn your tabletop into an arena of destruction. Combining and updating all the basic game rules from the original Prime and the Escalation, Apotheosis, and Superiority expansions with a comprehensive errata and clarifications appendix, WARMACHIN... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


PIP 01010Lim

Warmachine: Prime: Remix Limited (HC)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Privateer Press presents your TOTAL rules authority for WARMACHINE. Now featuring shell-shocking full color, the award-winning game of steam-powered miniatures combat is tuned up, rearmed, and ready to turn your tabletop into an arena of destruction. Combining and updating all the basic game rules from the original Prime and the Escalation, Apotheosis, and Superiority expansions with a comprehensive errata and clarifications appendix, WARMACHINE: Prime Remix is your single, undisputed gaming res... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


PIP 01021

Warmachine: Prime Mk.II (SC)

In WARMACHINE, the very earth shakes during fierce confrontations where six-ton constructs of iron and steel slam into each other with the devastating force of a locomotive, where lead-spewing cannons chew through armor plating as easily as flesh, and where bold heroes set the battlefield ablaze with a tempest of arcane magic as they forge the fates of their unyielding nations in the fires of destruction.

WARMACHINE Prime: Mk II is the core rulebook for the second edition of the award-winning... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


PIP 01022

Warmachine - Prime Mk. II (HC)

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In WARMACHINE, the very earth shakes during fierce confrontations where six-ton constructs of iron and steel slam into each other with the devastating force of a locomotive, where lead-spewing cannons chew through armor plating as easily as flesh, and where bold heroes set the battlefield ablaze with a tempest of arcane magic as they forge the fates of their unyielding nations in the fires of destruction.

WARMACHINE Prime: Mk II is the core rulebook for the second edition of the award-winning... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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PIP 01002

Warmachine: Escalation (SC)

Hot Seller


WarMachine Escalation is the first expansion book to the amazing new miniatures game that is taking the world by storm "WARMACHINE". In over 140 pages of lavishly illustrated color, Escalation packs in nearly 50 new models for the game, offering each faction new warjacks, units, solos, and warcasters, as well as all new model types, like weapon crews and unit attachments. Escalation also presents a host of new mercenaries to augment your army, and introduces an in depth campaign that immerses pl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


PIP 01003

Warmachine: Apotheosis (SC)

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This 144 page full-color expansion advances the WARMACHINE storyline and adds new warjacks and warcasters. WARMACHINE:Apotheosis introduces new rules that improve the depth of play and enrich the gaming experience for new and veteran players alike. In addition to new warcasters, some old favorites return with new abilities and updated models to reflect advancement and changes to their characters. The book also includes a new map-based campaign system providing story-driven play.

The 20 new p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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PIP 01004L

Warmachine: Apotheosis Limited Edition

Sammlerstück / Rarität! Sonderangebot


The complete contents of WARMACHINE: Apotheosis are captured in a amazing hard cover limited edition.

Housed in a brilliant die-cut slipcover (not pictured) this individually numbered edition also comes with a copy of the cover artwork. Each art plate is signed by the artist and Creative Director of Privateer Press, Matt Wilson.

This Limited Edition version is limited to a print run of no more than 2,500 copies.

Within the pages of WARMACHINE: Apotheosis, the story lines of your favo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR


PIP 01007

Warmachine: Superiority (SC)

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As the fourth book in the WARMACHINE series, Superiority brings players into the midst of total war readiness. The fates of nations lie in the hands of the steadfast soldiers persevering on the front lines, and WARMACHINE: Superiority places a magnifying glass on their struggles. In addition, Superiority bolsters the warring nations with new warcasters, units, warjacks, solos, and new rules for special weapon attachments and cavalry.

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PIP 01008

Warmachine: Superiority (HC)

As the fourth book in the WARMACHINE series, Superiority brings players into the midst of total war readiness. The fates of nations lie in the hands of the steadfast soldiers persevering on the front lines, and WARMACHINE: Superiority places a magnifying glass on their struggles. In addition, Superiority bolsters the warring nations with new warcasters, units, warjacks, solos, and new rules for special weapon attachments and cavalry.

46,00 EUR


PIP 01015

Warmachine Legends (SC)

A war is being fought on two fronts...
As death looms, heroes struggle for redemption...
Caspia is invaded as Korsk's cathedrals are desecrated...
Alliances made in the shadows bear bitter fruit...
The clash of old rivals shapes the fate of nations...
...And the Iron Kingdoms enters a new era!

WARMACHINE: Legends brings the saga of WARMACHINE to an earth-shattering climax and introduces new warcasters, additional epic warcasters, character warjacks, powerful solos and battle-ready units ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


PIP 01016

Warmachine Legends (HC)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A war is being fought on two fronts...
As death looms, heroes struggle for redemption...
Caspia is invaded as Korsk's cathedrals are desecrated...
Alliances made in the shadows bear bitter fruit...
The clash of old rivals shapes the fate of nations...
...And the Iron Kingdoms enters a new era!

WARMACHINE: Legends™ brings the saga of WARMACHINE to an earth-shattering climax and introduces new warcasters, additional epic warcasters, character warjacks, powerful solos and battle-ready uni... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR


PIP 01049

Warmachine: Colossals (SC)

Sammlerstück / Rarität



Darkness descends upon the nations of the Iron Kingdoms as the undead legions of Cryx overwhelm Point Bourne, revealing their true strength. As war once again consumes the land, the embattled nations race to deploy colossal warjacks bristling with weaponry to turn the tide. But the emergence of new threats, both ancient and unseen, will force old enemies into uneasy cooperation in a fight for survival!

WARMACHINE: Colossals brings you the next thrilli... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR


PIP 01050

Warmachine: Colossals (HC)


Darkness descends upon the nations of the Iron Kingdoms as the undead legions of Cryx overwhelm Point Bourne, revealing their true strength. As war once again consumes the land, the embattled nations race to deploy colossal warjacks bristling with weaponry to turn the tide. But the emergence of new threats, both ancient and unseen, will force old enemies into uneasy cooperation in a fight for survival!

WARMACHINE: Colossals brings you the next thrilli... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


PIP 01055

Warmachine: Vengeance (SC)


The nations of Khador and Cygnar are still reeling from their defeat at the hands of Cryx’s armies within the Thornwood. Meanwhile, the Protectorate of Menoth’s Northern Crusade seizes the opportunity to push into Umbrey while the besieged elven nation of Ios struggles to repel the skorne invaders at their gates. For Cygnar, a chance to retake the initiative emerges when an unusual Cryxian column is discovered heading south. The newly promoted Lord General Coleman Stry... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


PIP 01056

Warmachine: Vengeance (HC)


The nations of Khador and Cygnar are still reeling from their defeat at the hands of Cryx’s armies within the Thornwood. Meanwhile, the Protectorate of Menoth’s Northern Crusade seizes the opportunity to push into Umbrey while the besieged elven nation of Ios struggles to repel the skorne invaders at their gates. For Cygnar, a chance to retake the initiative emerges when an unusual Cryxian column is discovered heading south. The newly promoted Lord General Coleman Stry... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


Faction A : Cygnar

PIP 01023

Forces of Warmachine: Cygnar (SC)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Courage and Honor

Known as the Jewel of the Iron Kingdoms, the great nation of Cygnar is beset by enemies on all sides. Against these threats stands the elite army of the Cygnus, including battle-hardened trenchers, deadly long gunners, and the legendary Storm Knights, warriors whose weapons bristle with lightning. Armed with the most advanced mechanika in the Iron Kingdoms, the stalwart and courageous soldiers of Cygnar stand resolute against those who seek to destroy their beloved homeland.

z.Zt. vergriffen

PIP 01024

Forces of Warmachine: Cygnar (HC)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Courage and Honor

Known as the Jewel of the Iron Kingdoms, the great nation of Cygnar is beset by enemies on all sides. Against these threats stands the elite army of the Cygnus, including battle-hardened trenchers, deadly long gunners, and the legendary Storm Knights, warriors whose weapons bristle with lightning. Armed with the most advanced mechanika in the Iron Kingdoms, the stalwart and courageous soldiers of Cygnar stand resolute against those who seek to destroy their beloved homeland.

50,00 EUR


PIP 01024D

Forces of Warmachine: Cygnar (HC) dt.

Hot Seller



Bekannt als das Kronjuwel der Eisernen Königreiche, wird die große Nation Cygnar an allen Grenzen von Feinden bedrängt. Dieser Bedrohung entgegen steht die Elitearmee des Cygnus mit ihren kampferprobten Pionieren, tödlichen Langflintenschützen und den legendären Sturmrittern, deren Waffen von Blitzen durchzuckt werden. Bewaffnet mit der fortschrittlichsten Mekanik der Eisernen Königreiche stehen diese tapferen Soldaten unerschütterlich gegen jene, die ihre geliebte... (vollständige Beschreibung)

39,99 EUR



PIP 21001

Cygnar Battlegroup Box Set (new price)

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Starter Box for the Cygnar Faction.

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PIP 31001

Captain Haley

Warcaster Captain Haley of the Royal Cygnaran Army.

7,00 EUR


PIP 31002

Mechanic and Goblin Bodger

Field mechaniks in the Cygnar forces are skilled at in-battle warjack repair.

8,00 EUR


PIP 31003

Goblin Bodgers

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2 per Blister Pack.

Goblin bodgers are nimble of foot and handy with a monkey wrench.

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PIP 31004

Heavy Warjack: Ironclad (new price)

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Armed with the fearsome Quake Hammer, the Ironclad is the spearhead of any Cygnaran warjack battlegroup.

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PIP 31006

Light Warjack: Lancer

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Equipped with a magic channeling Arc Node, the Lancer provides long range spell support throughout the battlefield.

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PIP 31007

Heavy Warjack: Defender (new price)

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Few warjacks can withstand a second shot from the Defender's mighty cannon.

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PIP 31008

Light Warjack: Sentinel

Built as an anti-infantry warjack, the Sentinel creates a wall of gun fire with an advanced arm mounted chain gun, as it deflects attacks with an impenetrable Assault Shield.

15,00 EUR


PIP 31009

Long Gunner Leader & Trooper

The long gunner sergeant provides discipline and motivation for the unit under his command.

8,00 EUR


PIP 31010

Long Gunner(2)

Individually, the Cygnaran long gunners are little threat, but the combined might of their rifles can tear the armor from a warjack like pages being torn from a book.

8,00 EUR


PIP 31011

Storm Blade Leader & Trooper

Armed with lightning arcing mechanika glaives, the Stormblades of Cygnar are among the kingdom's finest warriors.

14,00 EUR


PIP 31012

Storm Blades(2)

Armed with lightning arcing mechanika glaives, the Stormblades of Cygnar are among the kingdom's finest warriors.

14,00 EUR


PIP 31013

Lt. Allister Caine

Lt. Allister Caine and his twin spellstorm pistols—come get some!

10,00 EUR


PIP 31014

Trenchers Box Set (new price)

Complete Trencher Unit.
( One Leader and Five Troopers )

Prepared for anything, Cygnar's elite Trenchers are the first on and the last off the battlefield. Combat hardened and ready for action, Trenchers dig in and make life hell for the enemy, always prepared to charge forward with bayonets fixed and rifles roaring.

21,50 EUR


PIP 31015

Trenchers (2) (new price)

The courageous trenchers charge the enemy, rifles blazing, then follow up immediately with a deadly close-quarters bayonet attack.

7,00 EUR


PIP 31016

Journeyman Warcaster

Warcaster in training, the Journeyman is more than a minor threat on the battlefield.

8,00 EUR


PIP 31017

Gun Mages Unit Box (new price)

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Cygnars dashing Gun Mages are a strange breed of elite soldier-sorcerer, weaving devastating arcane power into their well-placed pistol shots. Capable of thunderous displays of firepower, Gun Mages can easily fry warjack cortexes or ignite the air itself.

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PIP 31018

Long Gunner ( Box )

Individually, the Cygnaran long gunners are little threat, but the combined might of their rifles can tear the armor from a warjack like pages being torn from a book.

22,00 EUR


PIP 31019

Stormblade Unit Box (new price)

A complete, six man, Stormblade Unit.

32,50 EUR


PIP 31020

Coleman Stryker ( Variant Pose )

Variant Pose Commander Coleman Stryker

8,00 EUR


PIP 31021

Commander Adept Nemo

The pioneer of storm-powered technology, and Commander Stryker's mentor Commander Adept Nemo.

8,00 EUR


PIP 31022

Warjack of Renown: Stormclad

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An Ironclad conversion commissioned by King Leto specifically for the Stormblades, as a commendation for their integral role in overthrowing Vinter Raelthorne.

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PIP 31023

Storm Blade Unit Attachment (Officer & Standard) (new price)

Unit Attachment: Stormblades

13,00 EUR


PIP 31024

Stormsmiths ( 3 )

Able to harness the power and fury of the storm, the Stormsmiths wreak havoc on the battlefield.

17,00 EUR


PIP 31025

Heavy Warjack: Centurion (new price)

"Put a Centurion at the flanks and you can be pretty sure, that none shall pass."

The Centurion is another fine example of Cygnar's mechanika engineering capabilities.
It is Cygnar's best armored Jack to date and will take a lot of punishment and still be combat-worthy.
Its Magno-Shield stops advancing enemies dead in their tracks, or locks up their most devastating close-combat weapons.
Its Piston Spear, once sunk into the enemy, is driven deeper into the enemies system by relentless stea... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


PIP 31026

Trencher Chain Gun Team (2) (new price)

The Chainers as they are called by their fellow Trenchers, are some of the toughets people you'll find anywhere in the Iron Kingdoms.
Knowing that their Task is to cover the Cygnaran forces, be it on the attack or while retreating, they seldom, if ever, abandon their post, even if this means falling into enemy hands.
" To the Chainers " is a very often heard toast where Cygnaran Soldiers are around.

12,00 EUR


PIP 31027

Light Warjack: Hunter

The Hunter is a highly mobile, light warjack, specially designed for extended range operation. New developments in Cygnaran munitions have led to the creation of the Longarm; a cannon loaded with armor-piercing rounds that make even the heaviest Khadoran armor as protective as a gossamer web.

16,00 EUR


PIP 31028

Gun Mage: Captain Adept (new price)

A Gunmage attaining the Rank of Captain Adept is a rare individual indeed.
Of natural talent far surpassing that of any normal Gunmage, these Individuals are treasured by the Royal Cygnaran Army.
Capable of "flash firing" a bullet through intervening terrain, shooting over a vast distance, frying the Cortices of enemy Jacks or pushing those arround, the Captain Adept is really a force to be reckoned with.

7,00 EUR


PIP 31029

Sword Knights Unit Box ( 6 )

A century old Knightly Order, the Sword Knights have adapted to the modern times .
Where they fought brigands and monsters to keep Cygnar and its citizens save from harm, they now have learned to fight the beasts made of metal called Warjacks.
There Caspian Battle Blades, which have always been like an extension of their will, are capable of dismantling Warjack, even without the benefit of steam or magic on them.

30,00 EUR


PIP 31030

Sword Knights Troopers ( 2 )

z.Zt. vergriffen


A century old Knightly Order, the Sword Knights have adapted to the modern times .
Where they fought brigands and monsters to keep Cygnar and its citizens save from harm, they now have learned to fight the beasts made of metal called Warjacks.
There Caspian Battle Blades, which have always been like an extension of their will, are capable of dismantling Warjack, even without the benefit of steam or magic on them.

z.Zt. vergriffen

PIP 31031

Captain Darius

Armed with a 100lb hammer, few warjacks can stand up to the brutal destruction awaiting them at Darius' hands. A master at constructing warjacks, he knows how to take them apart, system by system, just as easy.

40,00 EUR


PIP 31032

Major Markus " Siege " Brisbane

When the going gets tough, Cygnar gets Major Brisbane.
A leader of men and master of warjacks, Siege is most at home on the battlefield. Armed for success, Siege can breach any army fortification and drive his forces to victory.

10,00 EUR


PIP 31033

Major Victoria Haley ( Epic Caster )

After surviving near-fatal injuries sustained at the hands of her sister, th e Cryxian Warwitch Deneghra, Haley's arcane powers have grown to make her one of the most dangerous warcasters in the Cygnaran army.

16,00 EUR


PIP 31034

Lord Commander Coleman Stryker

Lord Commander Coleman Stryker is not the Man he was before.
Now he is out to bring the pain back to the enemies of Cygnar.
Surrounded with deadly lighting and his Elite Cadre of Stormblades Stryker is a Tempest in human form.

16,00 EUR


PIP 31035

Unique Warjack: The Thunderhead

Arguably the most sophisticated warjack ever built, the Thunderhead is a marvel of innovation. Storming into battle armed with its electrically charged shock fists and lightning coil, the Thunderhead's blows liquefy metal, roast flesh, and disrupt cortexes when they land, and the lightning coil releases focused electrical bolts powerful enough to rupture the hardest armor. Enemy jacks often stutter to a halt after only a few blows from the Thunderhead.

40,00 EUR


PIP 31036

Cpt. Victoria Haley, resculpt

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Warcaster Captain Victoria Haley of the Royal Cygnaran Army.

No Quarter Magazine Special.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 31037

Stormguard Unit Box ( 6 )

Like their brothers in arms, the Stormblades, these hardened men are living symbols of the Cygnaran advances in the science of war.

Add two blisters of Stormblades to field a full unit of 10.

38,00 EUR


PIP 31038

Stormguard Blister ( 2 )

Like their brothers in arms, the Stormblades, these hardened men are living symbols of the Cygnaran advances in the science of war.

Add two blisters of Stormblades to field a full unit of 10.

12,00 EUR


PIP 31039

Heavy Warjack: Hammersmith (new price)

Built on the chassis of the Centurion, the Hammersmith takes the phrase "an unstoppable force" to a completely different level. It's twin Forge Hammers are capable of rocking even the heaviest warjack back.

24,00 EUR


PIP 31040

Cpt. Maxwell Finn (new price)

Captain Finn is a fearless veteran of countless engagements who rose through the ranks of the Trenchers as a living legend. His scar-riddled skin serves as a reminder that the best officers lead from the front. Maxwell charges forward and dodges bullets to seize key strategic positions ahead of his troops. Finn's inspired men push themselves to emulate his example.

11,00 EUR


PIP 31041

Cpt. Allister Caine

As Cygnar's most talented and audacious gun mage, Captain Allister Caine reluctantly accepted his promotion; he considers the rank more of a burden than an honor. He is sent forth to conduct precision attacks along Cygnar's war-torn borders. Despite his intolerance of authority, this master of the Spellstorm pistols has become an irreplaceable weapon in the arsenal of Cygnar's Scout General, for he is equally deadly to enemies within the nation. His deeds are known to few, but his actions may ch... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


PIP 31042

Storm Lancers Unit Box ( 3 )

The earth-shuddering charge of Storm Lances is a vision of precision in motion. Bound within a corona of crackling energy, the knights pound into the enemy without remorse. The rippling surge of hooves and weaponry advances like a living thing while bolts of electrical power arc into the enemy. Using the resonance of storm chambers, Storm Lances can form an electrical charge between heavily insulated riders deadly to anyone caught between them

46,00 EUR


PIP 31043

Storm Lancer ( 1 )

The earth-shuddering charge of Storm Lances is a vision of precision in motion. Bound within a corona of crackling energy, the knights pound into the enemy without remorse. The rippling surge of hooves and weaponry advances like a living thing while bolts of electrical power arc into the enemy. Using the resonance of storm chambers, Storm Lances can form an electrical charge between heavily insulated riders deadly to anyone caught between them

16,00 EUR


PIP 31045

Long Gunner Officier & Standard Bearer UA (new price)

Earning their commissions in bullets and blood, long gunner lieutenants lend tactical expertise to any riflemen lucky enough to serve with them. Able to suppress areas of the field, the lieutenant can control the flow of battle. The accompanying standard bearer ensures that his comrades keep a stout heart and allows them to reposition in the face of imminent threats.

7,00 EUR


PIP 31046

Rangers Unit Box (6)

Cunning and resourceful, Rangers are elite troops trained to blend into the terrain and mark enemy targets for Cygnaran gunners. Equipped with an array of signal gear and detailed maps, Rangers can blaze trails for friendly units and even bring them into the battle far behind the enemy's lines.

30,00 EUR


PIP 31047

Trencher Officer & Sharpshooter (2) (new price)

Lifers among the Trenchers with sufficient talent and courage may receive a commission and advanced trainingto become an officer. Trained as 'jack marshals and in the tactics of war, they command companies of up to fifty men. Snipers are a respected specialty known for cutting down the enemy's army and officers before they ever reach the Cygnaran lines.

8,50 EUR


PIP 31048

Grenade Porter (1) (new price)

Cygnaran demolitions experts have engineered a grenade attachment for Trencher military rifles that utilizes the rapidly expanding gasses from a fired round to launch an explosive projectile at surprising range. Trenchers with an interest in demolitions volunteer as porters and receive specialized trained in the assembly and safe prepping of these devices so they can distribute them to their platoons.

7,00 EUR


PIP 31049

Journeyman Warcaster, alternate Version (1) (new price)

Add variety to your Cygnaran army with the new female Journeyman Warcaster Variant.

7,00 EUR


PIP 31050

Cygnar Stormwall Colossal Box (plastic)

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Perhaps Nemo’s greatest creation, the Stormwall towers over Cygnar’s enemies with all the majesty and menace of a looming cloudburst. From the thunder of its guns to the blinding cracks of arcing electricity from its lightning pods, the Stormwall is the mechanikal embodiment of the tempest. Powered by both steam and surging voltaic energy, it riddles the enemy lines with cannon shells and hails of bullets before smashing survivors with its electrified fists.

The Stormwall Colossal comes i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 31051

Epic Warcaster: General Adept Sebastian Nemo (new price)

Sebastian Nemo has defended Cygnar for nearly fifty years. Promoted to general, he has learned from recent battles and created new strategies and weapons to throw back his nation's enemies. Nemo takes to battle with surprising aggression and power. His experience thwarts his foe's plans as surely and easily as his augmented strength shatters armor and bone.

General Adept Sebastian Nemo comes in a blister

12,00 EUR


PIP 31052

Warcaster: Captain Jeremiah Kraye (new price)

Even before refining his warcasting talents, Kraye earned a reputation as a recklessly daring scout both for his many exploits behind enemy lines and for arriving at the right time and place to lead flagging defenders to sudden victory. Kraye prefers to strike against an exposed flank or to harass an enemy's reinforcements, and he instills his 'jacks with unprecedented mobility and crushing momentum.

Captain Jeremiah Kraye comes in a blister (PIP 31052). A player may field one Captain Jeremia... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


PIP 31054

Light Character Warjack: Thorn

Thorn behaves with almost reckless aggression in battle as if it enjoys taunting the enemy to try to catch it while it rushes forward. To bolster its ability to evade opposing 'jacks, Major Haley had Thorn outfitted with a disruptor spear, which it has used to fend off 'jacks three times its weight. Haley’s soldiers believe its willingness to go for the throat comes directly from the warcaster herself. Thorn comes in a blister. A player may field one Thorn in his Cygnar army.

25,00 EUR


PIP 31056

Captain Arlan Strangewayes (new price)

An arcane mechanik of surpassing skill, Arlan Strangewayes has an unshakable confidence in the Cygaran warjacks he commands in battle. He takes each rent in armor, each broken steam pipe, and each severed piston as a personal insult and repairs them in the field with nearly casual ease. Strangewayes' complex steam armor and the spray of cracking voltaic energy from his gauntlet are more than enough to see him through the toughest fight.

Captain Arlan Strangewayes comes in a blister (PIP 31056... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


PIP 31057

Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (new price)

14,00 EUR


PIP 31058

Trencher Cannon Crew (new price)

Battling their way forward despite incoming mortar and rifle fire, Trencher artillery crews haul their cannons into the fray across any terrain. The crews dig hasty positions on high ground, throw up sandbag barricades, and prepare to fire. These cool, professional gunners, chosen as much for their steady nerves as their killer's eye, calmly consult tactical maps and shout orders above nearby explosions.

24,00 EUR


PIP 31059

Sword Knight Officer & Standard Bearer

Sword Knight majors carry forward the proud tradition of their order and prove that some methods of waging war will never become obsolete. No man wearing the Cygnus can compare with these senior knights' ability to coordinate precise and devastating strikes that tear apart rushing warjacks or hulking warbeasts with surpassing ease.

A player may field one Sword Knight Officer & Standard Bearer for each warcaster in his Cygnar army.

22,00 EUR


PIP 31060

Cygnar Squire Warcaster Attachment (new price)

This compact, steam-powered drone is a mechanikal marvel which enhances the innate powers of the warcaster to whom it is attached. A player may field one Squire for each warcaster in his Cygnar army.

7,00 EUR


PIP 31061

Cygnar Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer (new price)

Bringing a well rounded arsenal of arcane abilities together with deadly accurate magelock pistol fire, Arcane Tempest captains and their teams are highly prized for their versatile fire support. Research has demonstrated that experienced gun mages can prepare warjack ammunition to transmit arcane energy with the same techniques used to create rune bullets.

A player may field one Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer for each warcaster in his Cygnar army.

7,00 EUR


PIP 31064

Cygnar Trencher Commandos Unit (10)

Forged during years of warfare in some of the most brutal fighting in all the Iron Kingdoms, the toughest soldiers of the Trenchers are singled out for special training. These commandos must master a variety of skills that include camouflage and covert unit coordination in addition to the deadly knife fighting techniques that are their trademark. In battle they crawl to the very edge of no man’s land to silently neutralize enemy scouts and snipers and disappear back into the woods without a tr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


PIP 31065

Lieutenant Allister Caine - 2009

For any who have seen the determination in Lieutenant Caine's eyes when he is outnumbered by an enemy, there is no question why he leads men in war. While he may be arrogant and cocky, he single-handedly pioneered gunplay into an art of war. Slinging twin Spellstorm magelock pistols, Caine brings forth a hail of lead upon each and every foe of Cygnar.

This all-new version of Lieutenant Allister Caine presents a dynamic new sculpt for this classic warcaster.

9,50 EUR


PIP 31066

Trencher Commando Scattergunner

When a commando squad reaches an entrenched enemy position, its gunners prepare for action. In a coordinated assault, the commandos overrun the position, cutting down sentries while the scattergunners fire into concentrations of the enemy. The blast of grapeshot is unbelievably lethal in the close confines of a trench. A coordinated commando assault supported by grenades and scatterguns rapidly turns units of enemy of soldiers into ground meat.

Trencher Commando Scattergunner comes in a blist... (vollständige Beschreibung)

7,00 EUR


PIP 31067

Cygnar Trencher Master Gunner

Master gunners are survivors of countless battles and have earned expertise that makes them some of the most valued artillerists in all Cygnar. Versed in all artillery skills, from barrage firing patterns to the use of defilades, they are experts in the complex commands used to coordinate a battery of field guns. Where other armies make use of artillery as support, the master gunners orchestrate their batteries into precision instruments of war.

Trencher Master Gunner comes in a blister (PIP3... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,50 EUR


PIP 31068

Cygnar Warcaster Kara Sloan - 2010

Captain Kara Sloan goes to war as a one-woman rifle brigade. When focused on the destruction of her foe, every warjack she commands becomes linked to the pull of her rifle's trigger to unleash a barrage of unparalleled accuracy and power simultaneously. Armed with her custom magelock rifle, she walks into the most vicious of firefights without hesitation and always emerges the victor.

9,50 EUR


PIP 31069

CygnarStormblade Storm Gunner - 2010

The signature weapon of Cygnar’s Stormblades, the storm glaive is one of the best-known mechanikal weapons in all the Iron Kingdoms. Despite the short-ranged electrical discharges that the weapon is capable of firing, it is primarily a close combat weapon. This naturally leaves the Stormblades vulnerable to enemy gunfire as they advance to meet their foes in melee. Cygnar’s arcane mechaniks devised the storm thrower both to provide storm knights with covering fire and to enhance the accuracy... (vollständige Beschreibung)

11,00 EUR


PIP 31070

Cygnar Firefly Light Warjack (1 Plastik)

Crackling with galvanic energy and unleashing blasts of lethal bolts of electricity to arc through the
enemy, the Firefly is among the most advanced warjacks stalking the battlefields of western Immoren today. Its devastating electrical weaponry can fry its enemies to a crisp, leaving the air heavy with the scent of ozone. In addition to its actual weaponry, the Firefly incorporates an advanced mechanikally augmented conducting element into that allows stormsmiths to integrate the ’jack in th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


PIP 31071

Cygnar: Commander Adept Nemo - 2010

Despite a gruff and uncompromising demeanor, Commander Adept Sebastian Nemo is Cygnar's foremost master of lightning-augmented mechanika. His ability to control warjacks is legendary, as is the variety and power of his arcane repertoire. Rather than the typical red furnace glow and smoke plumes, Nemo crackles with electrical energy and in the darkness emits a faint nimbus of light. If he flaunts his power, it is to show others what they can achieve if they persevere.

This all-new version of C... (vollständige Beschreibung)

9,50 EUR


PIP 31072

Cygnar Stormsmith Storm Tower

The storm tower is one of the most potent applications of storm technology. When activated, the tower mechanikally aggravates the atmosphere above. Storm clouds coalesce instantly as lightning arcs downward, creating a circuit between the tower and the sky. With a blinding flash, the generator disgorges bolts of power that arc through the enemy ranks.

Stormsmith Storm Tower comes in a blister (PIP31072). A player may field two Stormsmith Storm Towers for each warcaster in a Cygnar army.

13,00 EUR


PIP 31074

Cygnar Avenger/Centurion/Hammersmith H.Warjack Box (plastic)

Caspian engineers developed the hulking Centurion to rival the size and strength of Khador’s warjacks. Its increased armor and heavy shield makes it one of Cygnar’s most durable designs, and its mighty piston spear can easily pierce the hulls of enemy warjacks. The Hammersmith swaps out shield and spear with massive twin forge hammers meant to flatten anything in its path, while the Avenger features a stun blade and a groundbreaking seismic cannon. Representing a step forward in Cygnaran tec... (vollständige Beschreibung)

31,50 EUR



PIP 91051

Mk II Cygnar Token Set

Each of these faction-specific token sets includes 10 focus tokens sporting the faction’s color and symbol in addition to over 30 status tokens for tracking spells and in-game effects. The spell tokens are completely customizable, so you won’t have to spend time fishing around for the right token or carry multiple sets for different warcasters. Just mark the token with a dry-erase marker and get back to the action in seconds! Made from high-quality plastic, WARMACHINE token sets arm players ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,60 EUR


Faction B : Menoth

PIP 32050

Protectorate Judicator Colossal Box (plastic)

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Judikator Koloss des Protektorats
The Judicator channels Menoth's wrath by delivering the punishment of fire unto heathens. It can unleash withering barrages of rockets while bathing the unfaithful in great gouts of holy flame. Its cortex is linked to a blessed reliquary containing the interred remains of an honored priest whose essence serves as a reservoir for divine energies, filling the machine with spiritual power and enabling it to fight unrelentingly in the name of the Creator.

endgültig vergriffen


PIP 01027

Forces of Warmachine: Protectorate of Menoth (SC)

The Road to Salvation is Paved with the Skulls of Heretics

Driven by Menoth’s will, the Protectorate of Menoth wages a crusade against the other nations and lesser faiths of western Immoren. Powerful warcasters imbue their towering warjacks with divine might while masses of zealots, mighty Knights Exemplar, and ranks of disciplined Temple Flameguard stand ready to cleanse the stain of heresy wherever it may be found. Against those who carry out the Creator’s will, there can be no hope of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


PIP 01028

Forces of Warmachine: Protectorate of Menoth (HC)

The Road to Salvation is Paved with the Skulls of Heretics

Driven by Menoth’s will, the Protectorate of Menoth wages a crusade against the other nations and lesser faiths of western Immoren. Powerful warcasters imbue their towering warjacks with divine might while masses of zealots, mighty Knights Exemplar, and ranks of disciplined Temple Flameguard stand ready to cleanse the stain of heresy wherever it may be found. Against those who carry out the Creator’s will, there can be no hope of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


PIP 01028D

Forces of Warmachine: Protektorat von Menoth (HC) dt.

Der Weg zur Erlösung ist gepflastert mit den Schädeln der Ungläubigen

Getrieben von Menoths Willen führt das Protektorat von Menoth einen Kreuzzug gegen die anderen Nationen und niederen Religionen des westlichen Immoren. Mächtige Warcaster erfüllen ihre hochaufragenden Warjacks mit heiliger Macht, während Legionen aus Zeloten, mächtige Exemplar Ritter und disziplinierte Flammenwächter des Tempels bereitstehen, um den Makel der Ketzerei zu bereinigen, wo immer sie ihm begegnen. Wer d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

39,99 EUR



PIP 22001

Protectorate of Menoth Battlegroup Box Set (new price)

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Starter Box for the Menoth Faction.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32001

Scrutator Severius

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Grand Scrutator Severius—through this Warcaster, the will of Menoth is executed with razor sharp precision.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32002

Heavy Warjack: Crusader

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The Crusader—holy vengeance in the form of a six ton machine.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32003

Light Warjack: Repenter (new price)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Flame throwers and flails make up the Repenter's fearsome arsenal of weapons.

16,00 EUR


PIP 32004

Light Warjack: Revenger

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Though classified as a light warjack, the Revenger is nearly as tough as any heavy jack on the battlefield.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32005

War Priest & Acolyte

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Reading from sacred scrolls, the Warpriest and his acolyte followers chant ancient hymns bestowing the divine protection of the old god over their mighty warjack warriors.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32006

Choir Acolytes (2 pack)

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Bearing the sacred scrolls of protection, each acolyte increases the power of the Warpriest’s protective hymns.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32007

Heavy Warjack: Vanquisher

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Armed with the Blazing Star and the dreaded Flame Cannon, the Vanquisher is never at a loss for ways to dispatch an opponent.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32008

Light Warjack: Redeemer (new price)

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A cluster of Skyhammer Rockets wait to be set free from the Redeemer's arm mounted launcher pod - the last thing the enemy will never see coming!

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32009

Temple Flameguard Leader & Trooper

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The Protectorate has found many ways around Cygnar's mandate that they not maintain a standing army. One such solution is the Temple Flameguard—guardians of the holy sites and structures of Menoth who have been trained for warfare.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32010

Temple Flameguard (2)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Protectors of temples and sacred sites, the Flame Guard are also the vanguard of the Protectorate’s fighting force.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32011

Deliverer Leader & Trooper

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Armed with the feared Skyhammer rockets, Deliverers send a message of death from across the battlefield.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32012

Deliverer Troopers (2)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Armed with the feared Skyhammer rockets, Deliverers send a message of death from across the battlefield.

12,00 EUR


PIP 32013

The High Reclaimer

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The High Reclaimer speeds the souls of the devout on their way to the waiting arms of his lord, Menoth.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32014

Paladin of the Order of the Wall

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Standing solid before the tides of the enemy, the Paladins of the Order of the Wall preserve the last vestiges of a more merciful age.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32015

Holy Zealots Unit Box (new price)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Though the Protectorate is without an official standing army, no able bodied Menite would refuse a call to arms when the hour is nigh. Armed with their unshakable faith and devastating firebombs, the Holy Zealots are spurred to combat by a battle priest who guards them with prayers to the great god, himself.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32016

Holy Zealots (new price)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Only the Holy Zealots of the Protectorate would dare implement such unpredictable weaponry.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32017

Knights Exemplar Unit Box

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A fervent heart and and a keen relic blade guide
the Knights Exemplar to victory.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32018

Flameguard Unit Box

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A complete, six man, Flameguard Unit.

Protectors of temples and sacred sites, the Flame Guard are also the vanguard of the Protectorate�s fighting force.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32019

Deliverers Unit (Box) (new price)

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Deliverer Unit Boxed Contents
3rd Trooper pose included

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32020

High Exemplar Kreoss

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Exemplar Kreoss storms the battlefield with his divine, spell shattering two handed flail.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32021

War Priestess Feora

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The Flaming Beauty of Menoth, Feora, is here to incinerate every last heathen out there.

Armed with dangerous fire spells and a burning feat to behold, she is an awesome addition to any Menoth roster.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32022

Warjack of Renown: Guardian

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A rare reconfiguration of the Crusader, created to serve the Flameguard in guarding the Protectorate's most holy sites.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32023

Holy Zealot Monolith Bearer Unit Attachment

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endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32024

Wracks ( 3 )

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Only through pain can one fully repent ones Sins to Menoth.
Those put on the Wracks are repenting.
Be it voluntary or not...

Through the horrific presence of the Wracks on the battlefield Menite Warcasters can gain focus in their prayers being inspired by the "devotion" of those on the Wracks.

22,00 EUR


PIP 32025

Heavy Warjack: Reckoner

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The Reckoner is symbolic for the Protectorate's final preparations for the Great Crusade against the heathens.
The Protectorates fully self-assembled Warjack will bring a reckoning to Cygnar and all those who oppose the will of Menoth !

Its Heavy Condemner Cannon and Consecrator Mace devastate enemy troops and Warjacks alike and sheath the Reckoner in a concealing shroud of holy incense that make it harder to hit.

May the Heathens beware, for there will be a RECKONING !

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32026

Deliverer Sunburst Crew (new price)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A moblie weapons platform based on the Skyhammer launchers, but with a simpler system of propulsion.

Nothing else than a ballista loaded with a "Menoth Fury" filled Warhead, it is fearsome weapon nonetheless.

Upon hitting a hard target, the Warhead shatters and spray the whole region with its payload of "Menoth Fury".

18,00 EUR


PIP 32027

Light Warjack: Devout (new price)

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Ever wanted for a faithful, Warcaster-Bodyguard, never leaving your side and cast from solid steel?

Now the Protectorate got one and it's called the Devout, standing by you Casters side to protect him from everything that comes his way.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32028

Knight Exemplar: Seneshal

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Seneshal is the Exemplar of Exemplars.
An Individual whose devotion to Menoth is beyond reproach, the Seneshals of the Knights Exemplar will not rest while Menoth Children are under attack.
Not even death can call to the Seneshal to distract him from its duties, and so he'll fight on and on and on...

18,00 EUR


PIP 32029

Cleansers Unit Box

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The Cleansers where originally a group of loyal Temple Flameguard, put ot use, to cleanse the impure from the Protectorates own flock.
Equipped to burn down the Sinners in their own homes, so they were cleansed in their dying moments.

...but of course Flamethrowers have their battlefield uses, too.

Heavily shielded from their own flames on the front, their weak point lies in the back where they keep the fuel tanks for the Flamethrowers.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32030

Cleansers Troopers ( 2 )

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Cleansers where originally a group of loyal Temple Flameguard, put ot use, to cleanse the impure from the Protectorates own flock.
Equipped to burn down the Sinners in their own homes, so they were cleansed in their dying moments.

...but of course Flamethrowers have their battlefield uses, too.

Heavily shielded from their own flames on the front, their weak point lies in the back where they keep the fuel tanks for the Flamethrowers.

14,00 EUR


PIP 32031

The Harbinger of Menoth (new price)

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This warcaster is an imposing sight to your enemies as she leads your Protectorate of Menoth army to victory.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32032

High Allegiant Amon Ad-Raza

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Monk and Warcaster, combine in Amon one of the most powerful weapons in the service of Menoth.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32033

Testament of Menoth

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Epic Version of the High Reclaimer, bearing the Testament of Menoth.

14,00 EUR


PIP 32034

Grand Exemplar Kreoss ( Epic )

Sammlerstück / Rarität


All Menites are brothers in battle to Grand Exemplar Kreoss, and he is determined to avenge the fallen and the lost. Taking on the burden of every death to stoke the warrior's furnace within him, his rage and fury have become the spear and shield of Menoth's vengeance.

20,00 EUR


PIP 32035

Unique Warjack: The Avatar (new price)

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The Avatar of Menoth is an imposing creation wielding a massive Sulese blade wreathed with holy flames that pour forth from its prayer-emblazoned surface. Consecrated to turn away blades, gunfire, and the arcane touch of heathen magic, the Avatar's shield is a powerful guardian rendering the holy warjack's form safe from harm.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32036

Exemplar Errant Unit Box ( 6 )

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Armed with blessed crossbows, these Knights take the war to foreign lands, leaving behind their relic blades less they fall into enemy hands.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32037

Exemplar Errant Blister ( 2 )

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Armed with blessed crossbows, these Knights take the war to foreign lands, leaving behind their relic blades less they fall into enemy hands.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32038

Heavy Warjack: The Castigator

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The Castigator's fists blaze continually, the intense heat sending rippling waves of distortion as the warjack charges to engage. When it secures a hold on another warjack, it can cause steam boilers to overheat and internal systems to warp and buckle. If beset by multiple foes, the Castigator can ignite the air around itself in a powerful explosion of incinerating flame that instantly turns living flesh to fine ash and melts iron.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32039

High Paladin Dartan Vilmon

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Even those who do not favor the Order of the Wall speak with respect of High Paladin Dartan Vilmon. Chosen by the Harbinger by name to accompany and protect her form as she first prepared for war, Dartan embodies the noblest aspects of his faith. The breach of Sul's ancient walls has brought him to the forefront of war, and now this bastion of a fading philosophy defends his people in their time of greatest need.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32040

Epic Feora, Protector of the Flame (new price)

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Once a woman of naked ambition, Feora has been humbled and exalted by travails in the besieged city of Sul. She has rallied her followers in the defense of sacred sites and leads them to feats of bravery and sacrifice as they fight to forestall Cygnar's invasion. Filled with righteous power, she marks a line in the streets of Sul with a wall of all-consuming fire, and she has reconciled with old rivals to hold this city for Menoth.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32041

Knight Exemplar Vengers Unit Box ( 3 )

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Powerful and relentless, Exemplar Vengers are among the deadliest warriors in the Protectorate's congregation. Wielding thrice-blessed lances they ride into battle on war-bred Idrian stallions, disintegrating enemy lines with lances before drawing blades to finish those left standing. Vengers are fueled by their faith, and their Oath of Brotherhood conveys the pains of their brothers. Each drop of spilled Venger blood inspires the survivors to fight harder.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32042

Knight Exemplar Venger ( 1 )

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Powerful and relentless, Exemplar Vengers are among the deadliest warriors in the Protectorate's congregation. Wielding thrice-blessed lances they ride into battle on war-bred Idrian stallions, disintegrating enemy lines with lances before drawing blades to finish those left standing. Vengers are fueled by their faith, and their Oath of Brotherhood conveys the pains of their brothers. Each drop of spilled Venger blood inspires the survivors to fight harder.

26,00 EUR


PIP 32043

Light Warjack: Derwish (1)

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Constructed in secret factories, the Dervish uses the Devout chassis for wholly offensive ends. The jack's swords may attack separately or in tandem, and it steps around its foes like the most graceful fencer, leaving bloody and grease-slicked wreckage in its wake.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32044

Reclaimer (1)

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Whether with an enemy's blade or bullet or with the cinerator's fiery touch, a Reclaimer sends the souls of the fallen to the afterlife. The soul energy transferred into him during the exchange can be harnessed to protect him from harm, unleash blasts of spiritual energy, or fuel the divine cortexes of warjacks.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32045

Covenant of Menoth (1) (new price)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Covenant of Menoth is a call to war. For two millennia it lay hidden and was studied in secret only by select priests. As the Crusade's flames spread, however, its passages echoed through Immoren once again, strengthening the Lawbringer's loyal warriors and striking down the arcane tricks of His enemies. It is a devastating weapon of the True Faith.

18,00 EUR


PIP 32046

Daughters of the Flame Unit Box (6)

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The Daughters are virtually all widows of fallen Menite soldiers. Possessing peerless grace, they become blurs of fluid motion in battle as they strike with synchronized precision. Their origins shrouded in mystery, the Daughters of the Flame have become a surgical tool for removing threats to the Protectorate both from within and without.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32047

Temple Flameguard Officer & Standard (2)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Protectorate Temple Flameguard Officer & StandardBearer - With their martial prowess honed to a razor edge, the officers of the Flameguard have turned their charges from a defensive bulwark into thecore of a disciplined army. These preceptors arecapable of increasing their unit's already formidable attacks and are accompanied by zealous standard bearers who inspire the troops to still greaterdeeds.

18,00 EUR


PIP 32048

Paladin of the Order of the Wall ( Alt. Version - new price) (1)

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This unique pose of the Paladin of the Order of the Wall is even more dynamic than its predecessor.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32052

Protectorate - Fire of Salvation Character Heavy Warjack (new price)

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Those who have stood before this aureate Crusader say its eyes carry a weight of presence more akin to a zealot than a soulless construct. Those who have fought alongside this peerless machine describe its dedication and loyalty as if speaking of another soldier of the faith. Its fervent wrath strikes terror in unbelievers and kindles rapture in followers of the True Law as Fire of Salvation incinerates entire ranks of heathens.

Fire of Salvation comes in a box. A player may field one Fire of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32053

Blessing of Vengeance Light Warjack (new price)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


30,00 EUR


PIP 32054

Dragoon: High Exemplar Gravus

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The epitome of his order, High Exemplar Sarvan Gravus shirks from no order, no matter how bloody, and has shattered the weak flesh of Devourer worshipers, Cygnaran soldiers, and every other enemy of his faith. Men decades his junior struggle to match his energy as Gravus rides with his Venger cavalry to where the battle rages fiercest and breaks whatever foe he meets.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32055

Vassal of Menoth

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The unclean sorcerous technology of warjacks is forbidden to most who serve the Protectorate, but the ruling Synod has sanctioned the collection of wizards and mechaniks known as the Vassals to sully their souls with the power necessary to construct the weapons of modern war. Mostly captured from foreign lands, the Vassals sometimes take the field and lend direct arcane support to the warjacks they helped fashion to subjugate their former countrymen.

The Vassal of Menoth comes in a blister (P... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


PIP 32056

Visgoth Roven & Exemplar Bodyguards (new price)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


30,00 EUR


PIP 32057

Hierophant Warcaster Attachment

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From among senior warpriests who once led choirs to bless warjacks some elders are selected to become hierophants. A player may field one Hierophant for each warcaster in his Protectorate of Menoth army.

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PIP 32058

Exemplar Bastions - Plastic (5) (new price)

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These exemplars learn to fight within the impossibly heavy bastion armor. The bond each Exemplar Bastion shares with his brothers in arms grants him their strength even as injuries wear them down. Their enduring resilience causes enemies of Menoth to despair as the bastions take up their glaives, their eyes lit with inner flame, and march forward imperturbable.

This box contains all the models necessary to field a unit of Exemplar Bastions. A player may include one unit of Exemplar Bastions f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32059

Protectorate Exemplar Cinerators (5) Box - Plastic - 2010

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Emboldened from the wounds inflicted by the impure, Exemplar Cinerators move ahead of their brothers in arms, the Bastions, to breach enemy ranks with flame and steel. Cinerators channel the agony of their wounds into holy rage and are armed with ancient blades and shields passed down from fallen knights through the centuries. An unquenchable flame flickers across the blades, which blaze white-hot when wielded in battle.

Exemplar Cinerators come in a box (PIP 32059). A player may field two Ex... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR


PIP 32060

Protectorate Allegiant of the Order of the First Solo - 2010

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Disdaining weapons and wearing little armor, these expert pugilists effortlessly evade rifle fire, deflect enemy blades, and counterattack with a series of rapid kicks and punches.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32061

Protectorate of Menoth: Heavy Warjack Plastic Kit - 2010

Sammlerstück / Rarität


One of the first warjacks developed by the Protectorate after the Cygnaran Civil War was the Crusader, a massive warjack boasting heavy armor and capable of crushing attacks. It has served as the foundation for several masterpieces of war. The Templar, for one, smashes enemies with overwhelming force from an unassailable position behind its thick shield. Of more recent production, the Vanquisher wields a great "blazing star" spiked ball in one hand and a flame belcher in the other. This weapon s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


PIP 32063

Protectorate of Menoth: Vice Srcutator Vindictus

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No Menite alive is as concerned for the fate of heathen souls as Vice Scrutator Vindictus. Where others among the Protectorate see only a faceless sea of heretics, Vindictus sees potential devotees of the True Faith. Where others preach with words, Vindictus communicates with agony. The holy zealots who follow this unforgiving priest fight with the strength of fanatics and martyrs, adding to their own numbers with each strike. Vindictus travels far from the Protectorate’s borders, raising armi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32064

Protectorate Vassal Mechanik

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Prayer alone does not maintain the warjacks of the Protectorate of Menoth. The mechaniks who learn their trade from the Vassals of Menoth view their duties as a holy necessity. They follow the Protectorate’s warjacks into the thick of battle, using the ’jacks themselves as moving fortresses. Armed only with his tools, the mechanik’s greatest weapon is his mechanikal aptitude to keep the ’jacks running no matter how severe their damage.

Vassal Mechanik comes in a blister (PIP32064). A ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32065

Feora Priestess of the Flame - 2009

Sammlerstück / Rarität


For years the Priestess of the Flame has been preparing her temple for war; she was instrumental in reshaping the Temple Flameguard into a true fighting force. A devoted, ambitious, and intense woman, Feora leads from the front, entering the fray with righteous satisfaction to lay the purification of flame upon the wicked. At such times, Menoth answers her prayers with his holy fire.

This all-new version of Feora, Priestess of the Flame presents a dynamic new sculpt for this classic warcaster... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


PIP 32066

Protectorate Exemplar Errant Officer & Standard Bearer (new price)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Ranking errants, veterans of countless crusades and incursions are chosen to lead their brother-knights in battles abroad. Pure in heart and thought, they are trusted to carry out their holy mission no matter the bloody price. Their dedication and inspiring example is so great the knights they lead will make any sacrifice to ensure the success of their sacred missions. Accompanied by the battle standard of the Order of Exemplar, the errants are inspired to the greatest valor, letting no obstacle... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


PIP 32067

Protectorate of Menoth Exemplar Errant Seneschal - 2010 (new price)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Elevation to the rank of seneschal among the Exemplar Errants is no simple promotion. One of the superlative few chosen to command his brother knights must be a veteran of numerous missions on foreign soil. His most formidable asset may be his understanding of Menoth’s purpose for him on Caen. His brother Errants know he has a special duty, and so great is their belief in the Creator and their Seneschal that if the enemies of the Temple strike him down they will volunteer their own souls to ta... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


PIP 32068

Protectorate Vigilant Light Warjack

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The Vigilant’s twin fist-mounted shields make it an incredibly durable light warjack. The tremendous area covered by its towering shields provides nearly unassailable shelter from even the most devastating of enemy artillery fire. Warcasters favor the Vigilant for its great utility, not only is it like a small, mobile battlement but since it carries no weapons its hands are free to hurl enemy combatants about like ragdolls. The ‘jack’s unsophisticated weaponry and cortex make it easy and i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32069

Warmachine Menoth: Menoth High Reclaimer - 2010

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The divine power of Menoth flows without effort through the High Reclaimer as he sends forth clouds of burning ash and causes the unworthy to burst into flame. These unfaithful are consumed with brutal agony before their lives are snuffed out and their souls sent to Urcaen.
One crushing blow from his great weapon Cremator smashes torsos, rends warjack armor, and ignites anything it does not immediately demolish. No one is safe from reclamation at his hands. This all-new version of The High Recl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 32070

Protectorate WJ Castigator/Reckoner/Sanctifier Box (plastic)

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The Reckoner was heralded as the first warjack entirely of Menite design. It lights the way for the faithful with its cannon as it charges across the battlefield and then smashes anything still standing with its club. Based on the same design, the Castigator brings Menoth’s Fury to its enemies with its flaming fists and the ability to ignite the surrounding air with flesh-cremating heat. The Sanctifier is employed in battle to ensure the spirits of the righteous are ushered to Urcaen; as battl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


PIP 91052

Mk II Menoth Token Set

Each of these faction-specific token sets includes 10 focus tokens sporting the faction’s color and symbol in addition to over 30 status tokens for tracking spells and in-game effects. The spell tokens are completely customizable, so you won’t have to spend time fishing around for the right token or carry multiple sets for different warcasters. Just mark the token with a dry-erase marker and get back to the action in seconds! Made from high-quality plastic, WARMACHINE token sets arm players ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Faction C : Khador

PIP 01025

Forces of Warmachine: Khador (SC)

Hot Seller


For the Empress and the Motherland
In the cold north of western Immoren lies the mighty Khadoran Empire, whose massive military epitomizes the national ideals of strength and resilience. Legions of Winter Guard march at the call of the empress, bent on conquest of the entire Iron Kingdoms. Led by powerful warcasters as unrelenting as the Khadoran winter and backed by elite soldiers such as the disciplined Iron Fang Pikemen and the imposing Man-O-War troopers who stride into battle in great stea... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


PIP 01026

Forces of Warmachine: Khador (HC)

For the Empress and the Motherland
In the cold north of western Immoren lies the mighty Khadoran Empire, whose massive military epitomizes the national ideals of strength and resilience. Legions of Winter Guard march at the call of the empress, bent on conquest of the entire Iron Kingdoms. Led by powerful warcasters as unrelenting as the Khadoran winter and backed by elite soldiers such as the disciplined Iron Fang Pikemen and the imposing Man-O-War troopers who stride into battle in great stea... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


PIP 01026D

Forces of Warmachine: Khador (HC) dt.

Hot Seller


Im kalten Norden des westlichen Immoren liegt das mächtige khadoranische Kaiserreich, dessen große Militärstreitmacht sich auf die nationalen Ideale von Kraft und Unverwüstlichkeit gründet. Die Heerscharen der Wintergarde marschieren im Auftrag der Kaiserin, um die Gesamtheit der Eisernen Königreiche zu unterwerfen. Angeführt von Warcastern, die ebenso unnachgiebig sind wie der khadoranische Winter, und unterstützt durch Elitesoldaten wie die diszipl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

39,99 EUR



PIP 24001

Khador Battlegroup Box Set (new price)

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Starter Set for the Khador Faction.

Sacrificing speed and agility for strength and defense, Khador piles layer after layer of armor upon these behemoth warjacks.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 33001

The Butcher of Khardov

The legendary Butcher of Khardov - the most infamous warcaster in the service of Khador.

9,00 EUR


PIP 33002

Heavy Warjack: Juggernaut

Nothing can withstand the force of the Juggernaut's charge.

20,00 EUR


PIP 33003

Heavy Warjack: Destroyer

The Destroyer's bombard cannon scatters infantry units like leaves in the wind.

25,00 EUR


PIP 33004

Mechanik Chief & Assistant (new price)

Even the mighty Khadoran warjacks can be damaged in the heat of battle! The Khador Mechanik and his stalwart assistants are ever ready to take to the field and repair those downed warjacks.

7,00 EUR


PIP 33005

Mechanik Assistants (2 pack) (new price)

The brave assistant of the Khadoran Mechanik crew, ready to risk life and limb to repair damaged warjacks in the midst of battle.

6,00 EUR


PIP 33006

Man-O-War Shocktrooper Captain

Encased in formidable steam powered battle armor, the Man-o-War captain leads his unit of shocktroopers against the greatest foes of Khador!

14,00 EUR


PIP 33007

Man-O-War Shocktrooper (new price)

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The Man-o-War Shocktroopers thunder across the battlefield in steam powered battle armor, shield cannon locked together in an unbreakable defensive wall and annihilator blades held high ready to conquer any opponent.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 33008

Heavy Warjack: Marauder

Equipped with twin Ram Pistons, the Marauder was originally built as a fortress siege engine with the ability to shatter stone walls as if they were glass windows. Naturally, the Khadoran war engineers saw the potential this tool could have against enemy warjacks!

22,00 EUR


PIP 33009

Winterguard Leader & Trooper (2 per Pack)

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Tough as nails and twice as mean, the Khadoran Winter Guard can weather climes that would send Warjacks packing!

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 33010

Khadoran Winterguard(2)

Tough as nails and twice as mean, the Khadoran Winter Guard can weather climes that would send Warjacks packing!

8,00 EUR


PIP 33011

Iron Fang Pikemen Leader & Trooper

Wielding fearsome blasting pikes, a unit of Ironfangs is more than a match for any warjack.

14,00 EUR


PIP 33012

Iron Fang Pikemen(2) (new price)

Wielding fearsome blasting pikes, a unit of Ironfangs is more than a match for any warjack.

12,00 EUR


PIP 33013

Warcaster, Vlad the Dark Prince of Umbrey

Vlad, the Dark Prince—savior of Khador or doom of the Motherland...time will tell.

10,00 EUR


PIP 33014

Widowmaker Boxed Set (new price)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Widowmakers are the elite scout-sniper corps of the Khadoran army. With deadly ease they can take apart incoming warjacks piece by piece or kill a man as easily as drawing a breath.

z.Zt. vergriffen

PIP 33016


With indiscriminate brutality, the Manhunter stalks living and mechanika prey alike.

8,00 EUR


PIP 33017

Doom Reavers Boxed Set

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Horrible criminals each and every one, the Doom Reavers serve out their life sentence chained to the cursed Orgoth fell blades.

40,00 EUR


PIP 33018

Iron Fang Pikeman Unit (Box)

Heavily armored Khadoran Iron Fangs are charged with hunting down and destroying enemy warjacks. Fast and deadly, Iron Fangs are armed with explosive blasting pikes designed to tear through the thickest armor and bring the iron behemoths to their knees

40,00 EUR


PIP 33019

Winterguard Unit Box

A complete, six man, Winterguard Unit.

22,00 EUR


PIP 33020

Man-O-War Unit (Box) (new price)

A feared sight indeed, many foes have fallen before the implacable advance of the Shocktroopers with their shield cannons and annihilator blades. Includes the leader and 2 troopers. This unit reaches maximum unit size with an additional 2 ShockTroopers and may also include a Man-O-War Kovnik.

36,00 EUR


PIP 33021

Sorsha Variant Pose

Warjack Commander Sorscha has led the Khadorans to victory nearly every time she set foot on the battlefield.

8,00 EUR


PIP 33022

Kommandant Irusk

Khador Warcaster Irusk

10,00 EUR


PIP 33023


Hot Seller


A brutal, close combat conversion of the Juggernaut, designed and produced for service in the 5th Border Legion.

26,00 EUR


PIP 33024

Man-O-War Kovnik (new price)

Officer: Jack Marshal

14,50 EUR


PIP 33025

Greylord Ternion (3) (new price)

12,00 EUR


PIP 33026

Heavy Warjack: Devastator (new price)

The Devastator is one of the first warjacks designed with weaponry integrated into its chassis. In the closed position, two massive plate-armor shields make the Devastator all but indestructible, but once opened, a terrifying array of short-range grenade launchers reign death in 360 degrees
around the metal behemoth.

28,00 EUR


PIP 33027

Iron Fang Pikeman Officer & Standard ( 2 )

Unit Attachment: Iron Fang Pikemen

16,00 EUR


PIP 33028

Heavy Warjack: Berserker

The Berserker is one of the oldest Warjack Designs still in use in the Iron Kingdoms.
Known for its unstable Cortex, which is imprinted with bloodlust through decades of warfare and slaughter, the Berserker is used only by the bravest, or most desperate of Khadoran Warcasters.

Its disadvantages are offset by it's availability and ferociousness in combat situations.

22,00 EUR


PIP 33029

Winter Guard Mortar Team ( 2 )

A rather new invention in the Khardorite arsenal is the mortar.
An invention made by the military genius Kommandant Irusk, it gives Khador a sometimes decisive range advantage over their enemies and can disperse enemy infantry formation quite fast.

15,00 EUR


PIP 33030

Kossite Woodsmen Unit Box (new price)

Coming from the dreaded Scarfell Forest and now pressed into service in Queen Ayne's Army, the Kossites have taken ambushes to an art form.
Coming from dircetions unforseen by the enemy, they unleash a deadly hail of arrows and bullets on their unsuspecting foes.

21,50 EUR


PIP 33031

Kossite Woodsmen Troops ( 2 )

Coming from the dreaded Scarfell Forest and now pressed into service in Queen Ayne's Army, the Kossites have taken ambushes to an art form.
Coming from dircetions unforseen by the enemy, they unleash a deadly hail of arrows and bullets on their unsuspecting foes.

8,00 EUR


PIP 33032

Karchev, the Terrible (new price)

Karchev is the man in the machine, a warcaster with a body of steel and a heart of fury. On the battlefield he drives forward relentlessly to crush the enemies of his beloved Motherland. Few are those that can withstand sheer brutality of his assault.

Karchev the Terrible is just one of the four Khadoran warcasters featured in WARMACHINE:Apotheosis.

This Modell consists of 23 separate Parts and is almosr double the mass of a single Juggernaut.

36,00 EUR


PIP 33033

The Old Witch of Khador (new price)

Some say the Old Witch of Khador is as old as Khador itself and will exist as long as her beloved Khador does.
She has always been more of a myth than a fact, but thois myth states that she will intervene whenever the fate of Khador is at stake.

Now she has begun appearing on the battlefields of Western Immoren, along with her signature Warjack, the Scrapjack.

19,50 EUR


PIP 33034

Forward Kommander Sorsha Kratikoff

Hot Seller


The invasion of Llael has gone well for the Motherland, but young Kratikoff has not gone unchanged for all of that. Promoted to Forward Kommander, she will bring new tactics to your army with her new spells, abilities, and feat.

10,00 EUR


PIP 33035

Vladimir, The Dark Champion

Now recovered from his deadly wounds, Vladimir Tzepesci once again marches amongst the armies of western Immoren and toward a destiny he must fulfill. Few among the Iron Kingdoms know of the true treats to come, however the dark champion shall see to it that either a zealous prophet or undead regent pays the ultimate price for threatening his precious Motherland.

16,00 EUR


PIP 33036

Behemoth, The (new price)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Carrying the most sophisticated weapons available to the Motherland, the Behemoth is the vanguard warjack of the Empire and a testament to its ingenuity. The incredible effort and determination put into this unique machine make it the mechanikal embodiment of Khador: immense, fantastically powerful, unyielding, awe inspiring, and nearly indestructible. As the Behemoth strides across the battlefield, one can witness the pride and glory that is the Khador Empire embodied within its metal frame. It... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 33037

Man-O-War Demolition Corps ( Box )

The steam-powered wrecking crew known as the Demolition Corps is the premier front line fighting unit in the Khadoran Army. Featured in the upcoming expansion WARMACHINE: Superiority, the Man-O-War Demolition Corps are previewed in issue #3 of No Quarter magazine.

45,00 EUR


PIP 33038

Demolition Corps Man-O-War ( 1 )

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The steam-powered wrecking crew known as the Man-O-War Demolition Corps bring their ice mauls to bear with against the foes of Khador.

Able to flash-freeze metal or flesh before shattering impact, few men can survive the brute force of an ice maul in the hands of these elite warriors.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 33039

Heavy Warjack: Spriggan (new price)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Built to turn the tide of battle in Khador's favor, the Spriggan is based on the innovative chasse of the Devastator. The Spriggan personifies the Khadoran Empire on the battlefield: brutal, versatile, and unstoppable.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 33040

Vladimir: Dark Prince of Umbrey - Variant New Orleans Relief Miniature

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Even if you are not a Vlad fan, consider this purchase as a way to directly help those who have been affected by recent tragedies, or even better, please consider contributing in to the relief efforts in whatever way you can.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 33041

Kovnik Josef Grigorovich

When offered a promotion to kommander after a lifetime of service, Jozef Grigorovich flatly refused. Kovnik was the highest rank he could attain and still march into battle side by side with his brothers and sisters of the Winter Guard. Even Kommanant Irusk praises his tactical cunning, but the seasoned Grigorovich is most famed for his stirring speeches to men in the field, compelling even the greenest recruits to attempt acts of selfless heroism in the name of the Motherland.

10,00 EUR


PIP 33042

Kommander Orsus Zoktavir (new price)

Any who thought time might mellow the rage of Orsus Zoktavir have been disabused of that notion. He is incapable of restraint away from the battlefield, never at peace with himself, and at home only amid the chaos and bloodshed of war. Constant battles against the Motherland's enemies have deepened his madness, brought forth dark echoes from the depths of his being, and utterly shattered his always-tenuous self-control.

12,00 EUR


PIP 33043

Iron Fang Uhlans Unit Box ( 3 )

Serving as the forward fighting arm of an Iron Fang contingent, Iron Fang Uhlans are often the first to ride into the enemy. These mounted Iron Fangs fluidly ride together and meld classical horselord cavalry tactics with the shoulder-to-shoulder fighting formations customary of Iron Fang assaults. The armored spike-shod horses can crush a man's skull under their stomping hooves, and the horses so powerful they have even knocked warjacks to the ground.

50,00 EUR


PIP 33044

Iron Fang Uhlan ( 1 )

Serving as the forward fighting arm of an Iron Fang contingent, Iron Fang Uhlans are often the first to ride into the enemy. These mounted Iron Fangs fluidly ride together and meld classical horselord cavalry tactics with the shoulder-to-shoulder fighting formations customary of Iron Fang assaults. The armored spike-shod horses can crush a man's skull under their stomping hooves, and the horses so powerful they have even knocked warjacks to the ground.

16,00 EUR


PIP 33045

Manowar Drakhun Box Set (1) (new price)

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Only the finest cavalry warriors may become Drakhuns, and then only after training as Men-O-War. They train their own Karpathan destriers, making them weapons in and of themselves. Combining the ancient tradition of the Uhlan with the armor of the Man-O-War, the Drakhun is a mechanikal force of destruction able to fight even if his mount should fall.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 33046

Assault Kommandos Unit Box (6) (new price)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Armed with the most advanced weapons and equipment, Assault Kommandos are the finest light infantry the Motherland has to offer. These elite soldiers can ignore most of the hazards of modern war and blend canny marksmanship and determination with methodical ruthlessness.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 33047

Assault Kommandos Blister (2)

Armed with the most advanced weapons and equipment, Assault Kommandos are the finest light infantry the Motherland has to offer. These elite soldiers can ignore most of the hazards of modern war and blend canny marksmanship and determination with methodical ruthlessness.

10,00 EUR


PIP 33048

Winter Guard Officer & Standard (2) (new price)

The Honor of becoming a Winter Guard Standard Bearer can only be earned through the trial by fire of the battlefield.It is a great inspiration for every khadoran soldier to become a living inspiration for their beloved empire.

8,50 EUR


PIP 33049

Winterguard Rocketeer (1)

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By utilizing one-shot rockets of devastating potential, Rocketeers enable Winter Guard units to damage armored targets from great distances. One rocket's shaped charge can concentrate a massive expansion of energy capable of piercing the outer plating of a warjack while simultaneously exploding outward to create additional havoc.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 33050

Khador Conquest Colossal Box (plastic)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


The Conquest is a walking mountain of steel bristling with some of the most powerful weapons ever used on the battlefields of the Iron Kingdoms. The deafening roar of the colossal’s steam-fed engine is punctuated by the staggering percussion of its devastating guns, which unleash a punishing barrage of shells able to reduce warjacks to slag and annihilate entire enemy formations. Deployed to the front lines, the Conquest brings unrivaled firepower to Khadoran battlegroups.

The Conquest colo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 33051

Winterguard Field Gun Crew (3)

The field gun is a marvel of modern munitions. Its shells are able to penetrate the thickest armor, and they are capable of wrecking whole sections of a warjack with a single shot. Fielded in numbers, these weapons have proven to be a devastating surprise for more than one enemy commander.

19,00 EUR


PIP 33052

Manhunter (Alt. Version), female (1)

Hot Seller


With indiscriminate brutality, the Manhunter stalks living and mechanika prey alike.

9,00 EUR


PIP 33053

Epic Warcaster: Supreme Kommandant Irusk

Hot Seller


The greatest military genius of the age, Gurvaldt Irusk draws on decades of experience and his intuitive grasp of battle to direct his soldiers with the precision of perfect gears in a vast machine. Recent defeats have sharpened his focus and Irusk has returned to the front determined to redeem himself in the eyes of his empress.

Supreme Kommandant Irusk comes in a blister

20,00 EUR


PIP 33054

Warcaster: Koldun Kommander Aleksandra Zerkova (new price)

Few people in the Khadoran Empire have more drive than Aleksandra. Most of her peers see her intensity and zeal for the occult as unsettling. She employs soldiers and warjacks with equal dispassion, and most who come to know her deem her heartless and cruel. Certainly she has the will and the courage to walk into the darkness without flinching, a talent that may prove vital to Khador's triumph in the months and years ahead.

Koldun Kommander Aleksandra Zerkova comes in a blister (PIP 33054). A... (vollständige Beschreibung)

7,00 EUR


PIP 33055

Beast-09 Character Heavy Warjack

Hot Seller


The posture of the hulking Juggernaut called Beast - 09 conveys animal menace, and its frame quivers with the raw power of its oversized boilers. When it breaks through the trees with the splintered crack of exploded timber, its prey already knows that a monster approaches. The 'jack only becomes docile and still when Sorscha Kratikoff calls it to her side, and in battle it seeks her approval like a faithful hound. Beast - 09 comes in a box. A player may field one Beast - 09 in his Khador army... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


PIP 33056

Khador Drago Character Berseker (new price)

All Berserkers have the roughened look of decades of service, but Drago stands out even among such company. While it has a cortex as old and unstable as any Berserker's, the passing of long years has removed many of the limited restraints that once held the machine back in battle. Mechaniks keep it chained up like a wild beast when not fighting, for Drago unleashes unmitigated violence at the slightest provocation.

Drago comes in a box. A player may field one Drago in his Khador army.

Drag... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


PIP 33057

Dragoon: Fenris (new price)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


No Doom Reaver can match the horror of Fenris. He rides to war atop a nightmarish steed wielding a pair of fellblades and spurs other Doom Reavers to even greater acts of savagery. Few men have the courage to stand before this terror, and trophies from those who try now decorate Fenris' belt.

Fenris comes in a box (PIP 33057). A player may field one Fenris in his Khador army.
Fenris is featured in WARMACHINE: Legends, the next expansion to WARMACHINE, which releases this summer. Get a previe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


PIP 33058

Yuri the Axe (new price)

Some men are simply too dangerous to let live, or at least to let free. A hunter of nearly inhuman skill from the north of Khador, Yuri has left a staggering trail of bodies behind him. The leaders of Khador have played on Yuri's patriotism and offered him amnesty in exchange for turning his talents to killing southerners, which he does with superlative ease.

Yuri the Axe comes in a blister (PIP 33058). A player may field one Yuri the Axe in his Khador army.

9,50 EUR


PIP 33059

Great Bears of Gallowswood Unit

Comprised of Kapitan Joreslev Volkov, Lieutenant Moskor Kolsk and Sergeant Kartov Yarovich, the Greatbears of the Gallowswood are the last three survivors of a now legendary iron fang company.

30,00 EUR


PIP 33060

Khador War Dog Warcaster Attachment (new price)

The breeding of war hounds is a high art in the rugged hills and lowlands of Khador, provided one's concept of art allows for the likelihood of having one's fingers chewed off by two hundred pounds of raw muscle. Khadoran officers commonly bring these beasts to the battlefield and look to them as both companions and protectors.

A player may field one War Dog for each warcaster in his Khador army.

8,50 EUR


PIP 33061

Khador Kovnik Markov Cavalry Char. Solo

Markov leads the famous uhlan charge with his brothers as a first among equals. Markov wields a customized concussion lance armed with an incredibly powerful explosive tip. As he hammers into the enemy, this charge detonates with an earth-shaking explosion that sends men, beasts, and even warjacks tumbling while Markov and his steed emerge unscathed.

A player may field one Kovnik Markov in his Khador army.

28,00 EUR


PIP 33062

Koldun Lord Solo

10,00 EUR


PIP 33063

Khador: Heavy Warjack Plastic Kit - 2010

z.Zt. vergriffen


Khador's mechaniks build their warjacks to last. The Juggernaut is a hulking mass of plated armor wielding an ice axe that can encase its target in a layer of crippling ice. This sturdy chassis has given rise to other staples like the Destroyer, whose whistling shells arcing overhead portend explosive obliteration. Another is the Decimator, engineered to annihilate well-armored targets with powerful direct fire. This 'jack's wide-bored cannon smashes its victims to the ground before it closes to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

PIP 33064

Khador Battlegroup MKII Box (new price)

Bitte vorbestellen


Crush All Beneath Your Iron Might!

Khador’s powerful warjacks epitomize the national ideals of strength and resilience and are as relentless in battle as the frigid winters of their homeland. Under the icy gaze of Kommander Sorscha, the magical ice axe of the Juggernaut chews through iron plating like kindling while the powerful bombard cannon of the Destroyer obliterates all before their unstoppable might.

Contents: This starter box (PIP 33064) contains quick start rules and a complete ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR


PIP 33065

Kommandant Irusk - 2009

Kommandant Gurvaldt Irusk was born to make war. Irusk's meteoric rise to power is the product of sheer determination, devotion, and strategic brilliance. His instinctive grasp of tactics allows him to see weaknesses where others do not, his commanding presence inspires his soldiers to greatness, and his innate magical capabilities enable him to exploit every situation to the utmost. His accomplishments have inspired a generation of Khadoran officers and made his name known throughout western Imm... (vollständige Beschreibung)

9,50 EUR


PIP 33066

Khador Warcaster Strakhov

Wenige Soldaten sind so sehr verhasst bei den Gegnern des Mutterlandes wie Viktor Strakhov. Er ist sehr stolz darauf, dass er noch nie eine Mission abgelehnt hat, egal wie gefährlich sie auch gewesen sein mag. Obwohl er sich lieber auf seine physische Überlegenheit verlässt, hat er seine magischen Fähigkeiten geschult, um ihn bei seinen Angriffen zu unterstützen. Strahkov und seine Warjacks führen brutale Angriffe gegen gegnerische Positionen durch und töten ihre Gegner dabei bevor diese ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,50 EUR


PIP 33067

Khador Man-O-War Bombardiers (plastic)

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Each Man-O-War bombardier is a self-contained mobile artillery unit able to devastate an opponent with explosive fire or tear them to pieces with the massive chain blade affixed to his cannon. Girded in steam-powered armor, bombardiers shrug off incoming fire that would cripple or kill a lesser soldier while the shrill, metallic whine of their chain blades announces inexorable destruction to the enemies of Khador.
The Man-O-War Bombardiers unit comes in a box (PIP 33067). A player may include o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 45,00 EUR


PIP 33068

Winter Guard Rifle Corps - 2010

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A number of Winter Guard conscripts have recently trained to use of rifles as part of the ongoing modernization of the Khadoran army. Those selected to join the Rifle Corps receive advanced training with their Blaustavya military rifles. When ordered by their sergeant, a Rifle Corps squad can produce such a tremendous volume of fire in a general area as to make it virtually impassable to enemy troops.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 33069

Khador Assault Kommando Flame Thrower

The never-ending arms race between nations has led the Khadoran High Kommand to embrace any weapon that may give them an advantage, no matter how inhumane. The flamethrower issued to kommando squads is the current production model of several generations of prototypes. A huge canister is strapped to the kommando’s back and feeds the propellant gun he carries in place of his standard carbine. Trenchers have come to fear the Khadoran flamethrowers, concentrating their fire upon those who carry th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

9,50 EUR


PIP 33070

Greylord Escort

Only the most courageous of Greylords are chosen to accompany the barbarous doom reavers into battle. These escorts are invariably experts in the field of Orgoth studies as well as formidable arcanists. Moving among the doom reavers like a handler of vicious beasts, the Greylord carries a staff of Orgoth origin. His will is exerted through this dark artifact, restraining the doom reavers from murdering one another when they rip into the enemy. He channels that rage to provide necromantic impervi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,50 EUR


PIP 33071

Widowmaker Marksman - 2010

Operating independently, Khador's senior Widowmaker marksmen move unobserved across the battlefield. The expert sharpshooters are equipped with the prized Vanar Liberator rifle. The Liberator weighs a full twenty pounds, nearly twice the weight of the standard hunting rifles issued to Widowmaker units. Capable of tearing through plate armor, Liberator rounds are as accurate as they are lethal in the hands of a Widowmaker marksman.

Widowmaker Marksman comes in a blister (PIP 33071). A player m... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,50 EUR


PIP 33072

The Butcher of Khardov - 2009

The Butcher is a potent symbol of the consequence of treachery against Empress Ayn Vanar. In the protective casing of his modified suit of steam-powered armor shaped from the hull of a warjack, he is a force of destruction, a one-man wrecking crew. Soldiers across western Immoren cannot purge the vision of the axe-wielding giant from their nightmares: a man become a living personification of warfare and bloodshed. This all-new version of The Butcher of Khardov presents a dynamic new sculpt for t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

13,00 EUR


PIP 33074

Khador Ally Kayazy Eliminator Unit

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The kayazy eliminators are assassins who practice their deadly trade with the finesse of the finest artists. Working in pairs, the lithe eliminators move with deft agility to conceal their silent presence. When the time comes to perform their bloody services, they do so with a grace that would seem like ease were anyone present to observe it.
The Kayazy Eliminator unit comes in a blister (PIP 33074). A player may field up to two Kayazy Eliminator units for each warcaster in a Khador army.

ca. 12,00 EUR


PIP 33076

Khador Greylord Outriders Light Cavalry Unit Box (plastic)

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Some Greylord neophytes with the proper aptitude are chosen to serve as outriders and act as messengers and scouts for the order. When called to action, these young mounted Greylords race across the battlefield to unleash devastating spells on Khador’s foes. They wield the icy winds of the north to protect the Motherland’s forces and cripple any who oppose her. Wherever they ride, winter follows. The Greylord Outrider unit comes in a box (PIP 33076). A player may field one Greylord Outrider ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 64,00 EUR


PIP 33077

Gun Carriage Battle Engine (Resin)

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A weapon platform that can deliver death and ruin to nearly any part of the battlefield, the Khador gun carriage is a rolling engine of destruction. Its dual cannons can blast apart enemy warjacks, shatter troop formations, or transform the earth into a crater-scarred wasteland. Their resounding thunder often heralds Khadoran victory on the battlefield. Even without its mighty guns the massive machine can easily smash through enemy lines and trample foes beneath tons of iron and horseflesh. The ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 80,00 EUR


PIP 33078

Koldun Kaptain Valachev Character Mercenary UA

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Koldun Kapitan Valachev brings the iron strength of the Motherland to mercenary units fortunate enough to serve under his command. Skilled in the dark sorcery of the Greylords, he can chill enemies with icy blasts, propel his unit upfield on freezing winds, or remove debilitating magic afflicting his men. Those serving under him are truly part of Khadoran military machine.

ca. 11,00 EUR


PIP 33081

Khador Battle Mechanik Officer Unit Attachment

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Battle mechanik officers are hardened combat veterans who specialize in the maintenance and battle repairs of the vaunted Man-O-War armor. Trained in the use of steam-powered armor, they rely on its protection to wade deep into the thick of battle to repair warjacks and Man-O-War alike. The mechaniks’ presence ensures no soldier’s armor becomes disabled, keeping Khador’s signature heavy infantry in the fight.
The Battle Mechanik Officer unit attachment comes in a blister (PIP 33081). A pl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 18,00 EUR


PIP 33082

Torch Character Heavy Warjack Upgrade Kit

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The favored warjack of Kommander Strakhov is a relentless engine of destruction. Virtually nothing can prevent Torch from reaching its target; it burns and batters enemy troops from its path, while its whirling saw and pounding fist reduce warjacks to scrap. The massive ’jack can charge through forests, thick undergrowth, or the corpses of its felled enemies as easily as it moves across an open field.
The Torch Character Heavy Warjack Upgrade Kit comes in a blister (PIP 33082). The Torch Char... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 8,50 EUR


PIP 33084

Man O War Shocktrooper Unit (plastic)

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Part of the iron core of Khador heavy infantry, each Man-O-War shocktrooper wears a massive suit of steam-powered armor that protects him from all but the most powerful enemy attacks. Shocktroopers assault the enemy in tight formations, using their heavy shields to protect them from even blasts of artillery fire while they blow apart enemies with their shield cannons. Once they reach the enemy line, few can withstand the combined assault of their fearsome annihilator axes. The Man-O-War Shocktr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 45,00 EUR


PIP 33085

Man-O-War Demolition Corps Unit Box (resculpt & plastic)

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Armed with long-hafted ice mauls that can shatter flesh, bone, and steel like glass, the Man-O-War Demolition Corps can deliver destruction to the enemy with devastating ease. Fearless in their heavy steam-powered armor, the Demolition Corps all but ignore incoming fire as they reduce enemy soldiers, warjacks, and fortifications to shards of icy shrapnel with each swing of their mighty, freezing hammers.

ca. 46,00 EUR


PIP 33086

Khador Winter Guard Infantry Unit (13) Box (plastic)

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The Winter Guard make up the majority of the Khadoran military and are found at the core of every garrison and combat force. Their weaponry is practical and places little strain on the Khadoran treasury when produced in bulk. Their short‑ranged blunderbusses fire a heavy slug that packs a powerful punch, particularly when these infantry concentrate their fire.

SPECIAL NOTE: PIP 33086 contains the same Mk II stat cards as PIP 33019 and 33049. The models in this box represent the same fig... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 56,00 EUR


PIP 33087

Black Ivan Heavy Warjack Character Upgrade Kit

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Black Ivan is the prized companion of Kommander Harkevich, a warcaster renowned for his ingenuity on the battlefield. Armed with a bombard and an industrial wrecking claw, Black Ivan is an unparalleled instrument of war that excels at both long-range bombardment and the brutal press of melee. The Black Ivan warjack upgrade kit comes in a blister (PIP 33087). The Black Ivan warjack upgrade kit is NOT a complete model. Players will need a Khador heavy warjack plastic kit (PIP 33063) in addition to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


PIP 33088

Warcaster Kommander Harkevich, the Iron Wolf

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Khador’s Iron Wolf has earned a reputation as a peerless master of heavy armor on the battlefield, a war hero beloved by his men and respected even by the enemies of the Motherland. He is famous for his ability to move large numbers of warjacks at an unprecedented pace to arrive where the enemy least expects him. Where Harkevich and his iron army stride, the enemy finds itself hounded, outmaneuvered, cornered, and eventually obliterated by overwhelming firepower.
The warcaster Kommander Harke... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 13,00 EUR


PIP 33089

Khador Battle Mechaniks (6)

Bitte vorbestellen


Khador’s mighty warjacks are built to last, but not even the toughest Destroyer or Juggernaut is immune to the devastating effects of protracted battle. The loyal members of the Khadoran Mechaniks’ Assembly are there to keep the empire’s great battle machines pounding away at the enemy. Every battle mechanik follows his warjacks into battle, ready to make essential repairs or simply crush skulls with his oversized wrench.

The Battle Mechanik unit comes in a blister. A player may field u... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,50 EUR


PIP 33090

Khador Iron Fang Pikemen Unit Box (10)

Heavily armored Khadoran Iron Fangs are charged with hunting down and destroying enemy warjacks. Fast and deadly, Iron Fangs are armed with explosive blasting pikes designed to tear through the thickest armor and bring enemy warjacks to their knees.
The Iron Fang Pikemen unit comes in a box (PIP 33090). A player may field up to two Iron Fang Pikemen units for each warcaster in a Khador army.

SPECIAL NOTE: PIP 33090 contains the same Mk II stat card as PIP 33018. The models in this box repres... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


PIP 33092

Khador Epic Warcaster Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince Box

Reclaiming his long-denied birthright, Great Prince Vladimir Tzepesci rides his warhorse Vsada into battle to defend the lands of Umbrey restored to his family. He wields weapons of the ancient Tzepesci horselords, carrying a spear in one hand and the mace Huntsman in the other. Should strength of arms alone prove insufficient, Vladimir lashes out with dark sorceries. The blood of kings that runs in his veins lends him the strength to secure victory.

Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


PIP 33096

Khador Winter Guard Rifle Corps Unit Box (plastic)

Bitte vorbestellen


A number of Winter Guard conscripts have trained to use rifles as part of the ongoing modernization of the Khadoran army. Those selected to join the Rifle Corps receive advanced training with their Blaustavya military firearms. When ordered by their sergeant, a Rifle Corps squad can produce a tremendous volume of fire, making an area virtually impassable to enemy troops. The Winter Guard Rifle Corps unit comes in a box (PIP 33096). A player may field up to three Winter Guard Rifle Corps unit for... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 54,00 EUR


PIP 33098

Khador Allies Kayazy Assassins Unit (repack)

Khador’s mighty warjacks are built to last, but not even the toughest Destroyer or Juggernaut is immune to the devastating effects of protracted battle. The loyal members of the Khadoran Mechaniks’ Assembly are there to keep the empire’s great battle machines pounding away at the enemy. Every battle mechanik follows his warjacks into battle, ready to make essential repairs or simply crush skulls with his oversized wrench.

The Battle Mechanik unit comes in a blister. A player may field u... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


PIP 33115

Khador Warjack Extreme Juggernaut (plastik)

Bitte vorbestellen


Crush the enemies of the Motherland with the awesome Extreme Juggernaut available exclusively from Privateer Press. This massive metal model towers over the standard Juggernaut and makes even the mighty Behemoth question its name. With over 29 individual parts, the Extreme Juggernaut is a hobbyist's dream, able to be positioned in nearly any pose imaginable! The third in our series of Extreme sculpts and the first for WARMACHINE this masterpiece of Motherland engineering will be available only w... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 72,00 EUR



PIP 91053

Mk II Khador Token Set

Each of these faction-specific token sets includes 10 focus tokens sporting the faction’s color and symbol in addition to over 30 status tokens for tracking spells and in-game effects. The spell tokens are completely customizable, so you won’t have to spend time fishing around for the right token or carry multiple sets for different warcasters. Just mark the token with a dry-erase marker and get back to the action in seconds! Made from high-quality plastic, WARMACHINE token sets arm players ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Faction D : Cryx

PIP 34101

Cryx Bane Knights Unit Box (repack)

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Fell creations of blasphemous runes and animated bones, bane knights are unhallowed vessels of darkness summoned from the void. They draw strength from those who strike at them, brutalizing their foes while advancing relentlessly across the battlefield. Bane knights can become fully spectral for short periods of time, passing through solid barriers to reach their terrified victims.

ca. 66,00 EUR


PIP 34126

All-in-One Army Box- Cryx

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The quickest and easiest way to storm the battlefields of WARMACHINE! A perfect entry point for new players and an amazing value for seasoned vets looking to start a new faction, this All-in-One Army Box contains everything you need to quickly field a complete and competitive army suitable for every battlefield engagement - from casual games at home to organized leagues and tournaments. The conveniently sized rulebook containing the full core rules, along with the included strategy cards, will e... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 148,00 EUR



PIP 01029

Forces of Warmachine: Cryx (SC)

The Dragonfather Calls

From the darkness of their nightmarish isle, the undead legions of Cryx strike forth at the Iron Kingdoms, each battle serving to fuel their unholy factories as necrotechs shape everything that walks, crawls, or slithers out of their dank, macabre workshops. To oppose Cryx is to oppose death itself as legions of undead mechanithralls, ghostly bane thralls, looming black iron helljacks, and skittering bonejacks surge forth at the command of their lich lord masters.

... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


PIP 01030

Forces of Warmachine: Cryx (HC)

The Dragonfather Calls

From the darkness of their nightmarish isle, the undead legions of Cryx strike forth at the Iron Kingdoms, each battle serving to fuel their unholy factories as necrotechs shape everything that walks, crawls, or slithers out of their dank, macabre workshops. To oppose Cryx is to oppose death itself as legions of undead mechanithralls, ghostly bane thralls, looming black iron helljacks, and skittering bonejacks surge forth at the command of their lich lord masters.

... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


PIP 01030D

Forces of Warmachine: Cryx (HC) dt.

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Aus der Finsternis ihrer alptraumhaften Insel dringen die untoten Legionen von Cryx gegen die Eisernen Königreiche vor und jede Schlacht versorgt ihre unheiligen Fabriken mit neuem Material für die gehenden, kriechenden und
krabbelnden Kreationen der makaberen Nekrotechniker. Gegen Cryx zu kämpfen, heißt gegen den Tod persönlich anzutreten, der sich in Form unzähliger
Mechanoknechte, geisterhafter Fluchknechte, aus schwarzem Eisen gefertigter Höllenjacks und dahin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

39,99 EUR



PIP 23001

Cryx Battlegroup Box Set (new price)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Starter Box for the Cryx Faction.

The forces of Cryx are composed of the nightmarish helljacks and bonejacks steam powered warriors constructed of metal and the once living.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 34001

Iron Lich Asphyxious (new price)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Confronted by such otherworldly evil, it is impossible to believe that the Iron Lich was ever just a man.

18,00 EUR


PIP 34002

Necro-Tech & Scrap Thrall

Part necromancer, part mechanik, the Necro-Techs are responsible for the legions of abominations in the Cryxian army.

12,00 EUR


PIP 34003

Scrap Thrall (3)

Scrap Thrall are undead abominations, rapidly cobbled together by the Cryxian Necro-Techs in the midst of battle.
Made from a combination of scavenged parts of downed warjacks and fresh corpses, the Scrap Thrall are also stuffed with powerful explosives that can blow its enemies to bits.

10,00 EUR


PIP 34004

Helljack: Slayer

With its two massive, corrosion inflicting claws, the Slayer helljack rips through enemy warjacks like they were nothing more than wet paper.

25,00 EUR


PIP 34005

Bonejack: Deathrippers (2 pack) (new price)

A terrifying combination of dead parts and machine, the Deathripper Bonejack can be as deadly as it is frightening.

12,00 EUR


PIP 34006

Bonejack: Defilers (2 pack)

The Defiler Bonejack has had its lower jaw replaced with a corrosive acid cannon that will eat through iron plating as easily as flesh.

14,00 EUR


PIP 34007

Bonejack: Nightwretches (2 pack)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


" I wish I could say I'm happy to see them use something that doesn't burn, dissolve or chew on us...but I'm not.

-Captain Aleksandr Radu, Skrovenberg militia

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 34008

Helljack: Reaper

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


The Reaper is a symbol of the ever-evolving ingenuity of the Dragonlord's servants.
Like a stallion in the claws of a Bloodstone Scorpion, a Reaper's victim often writhes and wriggles in pain as the Helljack gouges mercilessly into them over and over.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 34009

Mechanithrall Leader & Trooper

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Being among the Undead, Mechanithralls know no fear.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 34010


Being among the Undead, Mechanithralls know no fear.

8,00 EUR


PIP 34011

Bile Thrall Leader & Trooper

"Being dead has its advantages. Take the Bile Thrall, who exploit the senses. Aye, the living call them wretched, but are they not the ones that wretch ?"

10,00 EUR


PIP 34012

Bile Thralls(2)

"Being dead has its advantages. Take the Bile Thrall, who exploit the senses. Aye, the living call them wretched, but are they not the ones that wretch ?"

8,00 EUR


PIP 34013

Warcaster, Skarre, the Pirate Queen

Armed with an arcane sword and sacrificial dagger, the dreaded Pirate Queen, Skarre, is prepared to dispatch foe and friend alike, so long as it suits her purpose.

10,00 EUR


PIP 34014

Solo: Skarlock (new price)

Covered in dark, necromantic runes of reanimation, the Skarlock provides Cryxian warcasters with additional spell support and a longer reach in the gathering of souls.

8,50 EUR


PIP 34015

Satyxis Raiders ( Box )

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


without warning, the savagely beautiful Satyxis Raiders are the terror of the coastlands. With inhuman grace the Satyxis work in packs, tearing through their victims with wickedly enchanted barbed scourge chains and blows from their twisted horns.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 34016

Satyxis Raiders

8,00 EUR


PIP 34017

Cryx Bane Thralls Unit Box Set (new price)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Bane Thrall Unit Box Contents

86,00 EUR


PIP 34018

Cryx Bane Thralls Blister (2) (new price)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Few live to tell of an encounter with the dire Bane Thralls.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 34019

Mechanithrall Unit Box (new price)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


A complete, six man( formerly ), Mechanithrall Unit.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 34020

Bile Thrall Unit (Box) (new price)

Bile Thrall Unit Box Contents
3rd Trooper pose included

16,00 EUR


PIP 34021

Warwitch Deneghra ( Variant Pose )

Denegrah in an almost innocent Pose...

10,00 EUR


PIP 34022

Goreshade the Bastard (new price)

Cryx's newest addition to the warcaster ranks the vile eldritch, Gorshade the Bastard, and his deathwalker companion. Quite the fetching couple!

11,00 EUR


PIP 34023

Helljack: Seether Box

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Cryx Seether :: Helljack
A helljack gone terribly wrong...(you mean they could get worse?)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 34024

Pistol Wraith

Cryx Solo

8,00 EUR


PIP 34025

Machine Wraith

Cryx Solo

13,00 EUR


PIP 34026

Heavy Helljack: Leviathan

The Leviathan Heavy Heljack, was constructed by Lord Toruk's Necrotech to fill a new Battlefield Role the other Helljack were ill suited to fill.
Its four legs give it an unprecedented all-terrain capability and its special enclosed steam engine allows it to be completely submerged without exstinguishing its boiler.
Its Claw and its Necrotite Spiker Cannon make it equally capable of going toe-to-toe with the enemy, or riddling them with a deadly hail of Necrtite Spikes.

28,00 EUR


PIP 34027

Necro - Surgeon & Stitch Thrall (new price)

Unit Attachment: Necrosurgeon

12,00 EUR


PIP 34028

Light Helljack: Stalker Bonejack (new price)

They Light and agile Stalker is feared by Warcasters all around Immoren.
Since it's introduction during the escalating events of Khadors Campaign against Cygnar and Cryx utilisation thereof, it has sunk it's Talon into many a Warcaster.
With it's Powerfield disrupting Claws and impressive jumping ability it is avery capable Warcaster Assassin.

8,50 EUR


PIP 34029

Bloat Thrall (new price)

z.Zt. vergriffen


The Bloat Thrall is one of the most vile of Lord Toruk's Necrotechs creations ( if you can really differentiate here ! ).
It is like a five time or more magnified Bile Thrall, that is not only capable to spew its bile on the living over a much longer distance, it also affects a large area in which surving enemy Soldiers have to witness their comrades being horribly dissolved by acid.

z.Zt. vergriffen

PIP 34030

Revenant Crew of the Atramentous Unit Box

Complete Pirate Crew Unit
( 1 Leader and 5 Troopers )

The forces of Cryx include the dreaded undead pirates known as the Revenant Crew of the Atramentous

25,00 EUR


PIP 34031

Revenant Crew Troopers ( 2 )

2 Pirate Crew Trooper Modells

The forces of Cryx include the dreaded undead pirates known as the Revenant Crew of the Atramentous

8,00 EUR


PIP 34032

Satyxsis Raiders Unit Box ( New Sculpts )

Complete Satyxsis Raider Unit
( 1 Leader and 5 Troopers )

The Satyxis Raiders bring the pain with their lacerator whips.

26,00 EUR


PIP 34033

Satyxsis Raiders Troopers ( 2 New Sculpts )

2 Satyxsis Raider Trooper Modells

The Satyxis Raiders bring the pain with their lacerator whips.

8,00 EUR


PIP 34034

Lich Lord Terminus

Hot Seller


Let the nations of western Immoren quake in fear. A Lich Lord, one of the most powerful beings to walk the face of Caen, has taken the field against them. Only a warcaster of great courage would hope to stand against such a creature, for who else could withstand one of the greatest servants of the Dragonfather?

46,00 EUR


PIP 34035

Witch Coven of Garlghast (new price)

The Coven are powerful sorceresses in the merciless employ of Cryx. Each witch is a warcaster dedicated to her sisters and to the undying cause of Lord Toruk.

12,00 EUR


PIP 34036

Lich Lord Asphyxious

Asphyxious has taken the place of Daemortis among the Lich Lords, the most powerful servants of Lord Toruk.
Asphyxious plans have set events into motion the will change the fate of Western Immoren.
More powerful than ever before the consumate schemer Asphyxious will let nothing stand in his way to Ultiomate Power, possibly not even Toruk, but certainly not death.

20,00 EUR


PIP 34037

Wraith Witch Deneghra

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Undeath has amplified Deneghra's twisted manners of treachery and deceit, her cruelty, and her lust. She can only feel a tempestuous rage and act against those in her path, wantonly seeking victims to crush and kill at the behest of her master. However, it does nothing to ease her worries or fill the void left by her vacant soul.

20,00 EUR


PIP 34038

Deathjack, The (new price)

z.Zt. vergriffen


The Deathjack has been a legend for a very long time now.
Now it has been captured and tenously kept under "control" by the Warcasters of Cryx. It's enemies are now facing a legend, a terror of Metal and Necromancy, that still has to be beaten.

z.Zt. vergriffen

PIP 34039

Heavy Warjack: The Harrower

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Those cut down by it's scything Perisher claw suffer unspeakable agony as they die, but endure a fate worse than death as their immortal soul is spun loose, harvested, and added as fuel to the Cryxian arsenal.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 34040

Bane Knights Unit Box ( 6 ) (new price)

ell creations of blasphemous runes and animated bones, Bane Knights are unhallowed vessels of tenebrous malignancy. During their pursuit they can become spectral, passing through any barrier. The Bane Knights are mystically bound to each other, relentlessly drawn toward those who would strike at them. Many a warrior has destroyed one Bane Knight only to be struck down as his own shadow coalesced into another seeking vengeance.

33,50 EUR


PIP 34041

Bane Knights Troopers ( 2 )

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Fell creations of blasphemous runes and animated bones, Bane Knights are unhallowed vessels of tenebrous malignancy. During their pursuit they can become spectral, passing through any barrier. The Bane Knights are mystically bound to each other, relentlessly drawn toward those who would strike at them. Many a warrior has destroyed one Bane Knight only to be struck down as his own shadow coalesced into another seeking vengeance.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 34042

Bane Lord Tartarus (new price)

Bane Lord Tartarus is both a singular weapon and a commanding general the lich lords employ to press their war on the mainland. Like all bane thralls and knights, his essence is linked to the same great void of darkness, inimical to all life, that bleeds death into Caen. Though he has mastered this energy, he cannot deny its unholy impulses, and he calls his host to join him in one slaughter after another.

12,00 EUR


PIP 34043

Skarre, Queen of the Broken Coast (new price)

The reaver-witch captain of the Widower has learned to tap into the deepest roots of her deadly occult powers, mastered the traditions of blood sacrifice, and learned to perceive and manipulate the strands of fate. She has adapted after experiencing personal sacrifice, and she is empowered to reign supreme as queen of the Broken Coast, pillaging with abandon along the western shores in the name of Lord Toruk.

11,00 EUR


PIP 34044

Soulhunter Unit Box (3) (new price)

The Soulhunters are an unholy vision of terror incarnate. The plating, piping, gears, furnace, and flesh are an amalgamation designed for swiftness and ferocity. Hungry necrotite furnaces within each equine ribcage burn with baleful corpse-fire as they vent choking black smoke from the flues running along reinforced spines. These abominations wield scythes and sickles to scavenge the souls of those who would stand against them.

36,00 EUR


PIP 34045

Soulhunter ( 1 )

The Soulhunters are an unholy vision of terror incarnate. The plating, piping, gears, furnace, and flesh are an amalgamation designed for swiftness and ferocity. Hungry necrotite furnaces within each equine ribcage burn with baleful corpse-fire as they vent choking black smoke from the flues running along reinforced spines. These abominations wield scythes and sickles to scavenge the souls of those who would stand against them.

16,00 EUR


PIP 34046

Black Ogrun Boarding Party (3)

Barbaric even by the standards of the Sharde Isles, the black ogrun conduct expert, brutal boarding actions. They use harpoon guns to pull targets closer or rip them apart and then set upon any survivors with a variety of cruel blades. The survivors are taken into slavery and bound for the black steel foundries of Cryx.

35,00 EUR


PIP 34047

Black Ogrun Boarding Party Pirate (1) (new price)

Barbaric even by the standards of the Sharde Isles, the black ogrun conduct expert, brutal boarding actions. They use harpoon guns to pull targets closer or rip them apart and then set upon any survivors with a variety of cruel blades. The survivors are taken into slavery and bound for the black steel foundries of Cryx.

9,50 EUR


PIP 34048

Captain Rengrave (1) (new price)

Once the living captain of the Atramentous, Rengrave accepted Lord Toruk's offer of eternal service in exchange for eternal life in undeath. For sixteen centuries Rengrave has terrorized western Immoren and swelled the ranks of the Dragonfather's fleets by creating new revenants from those he slays. He has waited a millennium for these days of plunder, and no prey will escape him.

8,50 EUR


PIP 34049

Bonejack: Helldiver (2) (new price)

After burrowing through the earth at frightening speeds, the Helldiver bonejack erupts from underfoot to shred every living thing within reach of its powerful jaws. The patient and methodical killer can wait in underground ambush for nearly indefinite periods, and Cryx has seeded many potential battlefields with scores of these black-iron monstrosities.

9,50 EUR


PIP 34051

Brute Thrall (1)

"This thing barreled out of the fog and straight into our Ironclad. I'll never forget the sound of its fists biting into the hull before the rest of the Thralls tore it to scrap."

-Dunky Boggs, Field Mechanik

15,00 EUR


PIP 34052

Satyxis Raider Sea Witch (1)

Bound in a unionforged in blood under the Calder moon, the sea witch and her raider coven share an uncanny arcane bond. During battle the sea witch uses her arcane talents to whip her warrior sisters into bloodlust and calls upon the elements to conceal, bewitch, enervate, and punish.

9,00 EUR


PIP 34053

Pistol Wraith (Alt. Version) (1)

Hot Seller


Diversify your Cryxian collection with this dynamic new pose of the popular Pistol Wraith.

10,00 EUR


PIP 34054

Epic Warcaster: Goreshade the Cursed (new price)

A terrible hubris motivates Goreshade. His eyes fire with a mad glow all the more terrifying for its unshakable conviction. Becoming an eldritch granted him insight into the endless chasm between Caen and Urcaen from which the banes manifest and irrevocably altered his perception of reality. Even if his people refuse his unorthodox notion of "salvation", he will bring it to them by force. He stands ready to unmake Caen if he must.

Goreshade the Cursed comes in a blister (PIP 34054). A player ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

15,00 EUR


PIP 34055

Warcaster: Master Necrotech Mortenebra & Deryliss

Master Necrotech Mortenebra, an architect of Cryx's war industry, has emerged from the smoke and soot to lead her 'jacks to war. Surrounded by dozens of constructs, the children of her twisted science, and accompanied by her specially--designed skarlock thrall Deryliss, Mortenebra has brought a new kind of nightmare to the mainland and spread the darkness of necrotite smoke over the kingdoms of men.

Master Necrotech Mortenebra and Deryliss come in a blister.

28,00 EUR


PIP 34056

Heavy Character Warjack: Nightmare

The Nightmare is darkness and mortality incarnate. The cold shell of this helljack gives form to a bestial predatory instinct. It can become a ghostly specter and move through the rock and steel of any barrier before shimmering into terrifying reality. Nightmare’s blackened metal chassis melds into the greater darkness until it reaches out with lengthy claws to rend its victims limb from limb. Nightmare comes in a box. A player may field one Nightmare in his Cryx army.

45,00 EUR


PIP 34057

Character Bonejack: Cankerworm (new price)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Cankerworm attacks with a breed of cunning and sense of self-preservation that makes mockery of life. The 'jack's unprecedented ability to manipulate even the most sophisticated and complex mechanikal devices makes Cankerworm a versatile and vicious tool. It waits for the mightiest of warjacks to suffer crippling damage and springs to attack the vulnerable machine. After the final strike, Cankerworm harvests weapons and other useful machinery from the fallen construct and turns them against thei... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 34058

Dragoon: Darragh Wrathe

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Warrior, sorcerer, and zealous follower of the Dragonfather, Darragh Wrathe ruthlessly commands Cryxian troops in the subjugation of the mainland. The howling of his countless victims follows the passage of Wrathe's hell-wrought iron steed as this necro-mechanikal horror rides to battle. He savors slaying the living whether by the razor edge of his scythe or a sudden eruption of spectral fire.

28,00 EUR


PIP 34059

General Gerlak Slaughterborn Solo

Leading his notorious Bloodgorgers, this horribly blighted trollkin has made his name in a century of massacre. He is one of Cryx's most respected living battle leaders, famed for his irrepressible hunger for war. Slaughterborn has gone to certain death countless times but has won victory or limped back as the sole survivor of each bloodbath.
Gerlak Slaughterborn comes in a blister. A player may field one Gerlak Slaughterborn in his Cryx army.

15,00 EUR


PIP 34060

The Withershadow Combine

Cloaked in darkness, this group of iron liches have stalked western Immoren and ripped its arcane secrets out of the shadows for over five centuries. This trio acts as one of the more subtle and precise instruments in Cryx's arsenal. Through rites unknown to any others, they may dismantle warjacks with frightening ease. The Combine then corrupts the cortex and summons in 'jacks from the Nightmare Empire to wreak havoc on the living.

The Withershadow Combine comes in a blister (PIP 34060). A p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

23,00 EUR


PIP 34061

Trollkin Bloodgorgers Unit Box

The murderous Bloodgorgers hail from a kriel of black-hearted savages brought to violent frenzy by the taste and smell of blood. They are thrown away by their masters as fodder for the carnage of war. By feasting on the butchered, Bloodgorgers become nearly invincible as they move fiendishly from one victim to the next.

Bloodgorgers come in a box (PIP 34061). A player may add up to two Bloodgorger blisters(PIP 34062) for a total of ten models and may field two Bloodgorger units for each warca... (vollständige Beschreibung)

55,00 EUR


PIP 34062

Trollkin Bloodgorgers Blister

The murderous Bloodgorgers hail from a kriel of black-hearted savages brought to violent frenzy by the taste and smell of blood. They are thrown away by their masters as fodder for the carnage of war. By feasting on the butchered, Bloodgorgers become nearly invincible as they move fiendishly from one victim to the next.

Bloodgorgers come in a box (PIP 34061). A player may add up to two Bloodgorger blisters(PIP 34062) for a total of ten models and may field two Bloodgorger units for each warca... (vollständige Beschreibung)

19,00 EUR


PIP 34063

Cryx Revenant Cannon Crew

Captured cannons undergo a foul transformation into the Ghost Fleet's unearth ordnance. A player may field two Revenant Cannon Crews for each warcaster in his Cryx army.

15,50 EUR


PIP 34064

Blackbane's Ghost Raiders Unit Box (new price)

z.Zt. vergriffen


z.Zt. vergriffen

PIP 34065

Blackbane's Ghost Raiders Blister (new price)

8,00 EUR


PIP 34066

Cryx: Helljack Corruptor/Reaper Plastic Kit - 2010

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


The fiendish inventiveness of Cryxian necrotechs has resulted in many machines perfected to employ the killing arts. The Slayer is a swift, hulking beast of bone and black iron that relishes murdering anything in its path. The Reaper can fire its harpoon to sink deep into flesh or steel before reeling in its victim with frightening speed to within range of its vicious helldriver spike. The Corruptor is the culmination of Cryx's pioneering work in caustic compounds and necrotic poisons, a helljac... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


PIP 34067

Cryx Battlegroup MKII Box (new price)

Bitte vorbestellen


Let the Iron Kingdoms Fall By Your Hand!

From their nightmarish isle the undead legions of Cryx strike forth at the Iron Kingdoms. Led by Warwitch Deneghra, skittering Deathrippers and Defilers race forth as conduits for their master’s dark magic. These bonejacks rip apart flesh and steel with powerful mandibles and corrosive venom while the Slayer rends enemies asunder with its wicked claws.

Contents: This starter box (PIP 34067) contains quick start rules and a complete battlegroup of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR


PIP 34068

Warcaster, Skarre, the Pirate Queen - 2009

Hot Seller


Called the Pirate Queen, Skarre Ravenmane is the bloodthirsty ruler of the Satyxis, the warrior women of the island of Satyx. Following the guidance of mystical omens revealed to her through rites of slaughter and bloodletting, she sails her ship the Widower through the fiercest storms to deliver panic and grief on shores near and far. Few know better than she the power of shed blood, for she is able to invoke acidic rains and project gouts of hellfire from her fingertips.

This all-new versio... (vollständige Beschreibung)

9,50 EUR


PIP 34069

Cryx Lich Lord Venethrax

Tasked with the researching of draconic lore, Lich Lord Venethrax is supremely well-suited to root out and destroy the Dragonfather’s dark progeny. Venethrax has dedicated his immortal existence to Toruk’s final war and is prepared to consume every blighted creature in charnel flames and blood. His mighty halberd, Wyrmbane, has dismembered countless draconic creations, and the lich lord’s very presence corrodes the world around him. That he now steps forth from Cryx is a dire portent, for ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


PIP 34070

Cryx Ripjaw Bonejacks (2)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Der Rippenbrecher besitzt Kiefer, die seine Opfer fest halten, während es von der Knochensäge in viele kleine Teile zerlegt wird. Besonders Nekrotechniker bevorzugen den Einsatz dieses Warjacks, da sie so einfacher an ihre Ersatzteile kommen. Trotz dieser Bewaffnung ist er ebenfalls sehr agil und schnell, so dass er mit seinem arkanen Relais überall dort eingesetzt werden kann, wo die Feinde Cryx es am wenigsten erwarten.

20,00 EUR


PIP 34071

Bane Thrall Officer & Standard Bearer

Rune-bound captains lead the blasphemous bane thralls onto the battlefield to slaughter for their own vicious pleasure. Only the most hateful and malevolent of spirits are chosen to lead the banes into battle. Pulled from eternal torment in the abyss of Urcaen they remember little of their former lives, but what memories they retain grant them a consuming hatred for all life. The night-shrouded legions follow their officers in near silence, obscured by the darkness that clings to them. Out of th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


PIP 34072

Satyxis Blood Witches (10)

Bitte vorbestellen


For centuries the Orgoth tyrants used their warwitches as living implements of atrocity and mass destruction. Now, hundreds of years later, the Cryxian warwitches have become icy killers, as cold in spirit as the shadows in which they are clad. Their arcane powers have been refined over time, and the witches called sirens have learned ways to seduce their enemies into annihilation.

Warwitch Siren comes in a blister (PIP 34075). A player may field two Warwitch Sirens for each warcaster in a Cr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 42,00 EUR


PIP 34073

Cryx Satyxis Blood Hag

The blood hags lead their sisters in the most hallowed rites: sacrificing the males born to the Satyxis, initiating the girl children into the cruel ways of the Satyxis, and conducting the auguries that steer the fate of their people. Decades of practice in these corrupt traditions grant the hags unparalleled skill in their art. Leading blood witch covens, they bestow their dark favors upon their sisters. Their very presence leeches the vitality of their enemies, and the most potent of their inv... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,50 EUR


PIP 34074

Cryx Satyxis Raider Captain - 2010

Raider captains are some of the most notorious pirates to sail the black waves of the Meredius. Each of them commands a crew of Satyxis and other inhuman monsters kept in line only by barbaric punishments and the promise of pillage and bloodshed. Guided by whim and murderous inclination, their vessels are the scourge of the Broken Coast. Once the current of violence has taken a raider captain, she becomes caught up in the slaughter, leaping from victim to victim as the deck runs slick with blood... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,50 EUR


PIP 34075

Cryx Warwitch Siren (1) - 2010

Hot Seller


For centuries the Orgoth tyrants used their warwitches as living implements of atrocity and mass destruction. Now, hundreds of years later, the Cryxian warwitches have become icy killers, as cold in spirit as the shadows in which they are clad. Their arcane powers have been refined over time, and the witches called sirens have learned ways to seduce their enemies into annihilation.

Warwitch Siren comes in a blister (PIP 34075). A player may field two Warwitch Sirens for each warcaster in a Cr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

9,50 EUR


PIP 34076

Cryx Iron Lich Asphyxious – 2010

Hot Seller


Asphyxious has become the Dragonfather’s chosen instrument on the mainland and the unholy general of the rapacious unliving army of Cryx. Wherever he goes, he leaves behind him ashen fields of lifeless grasses and withered trees. Blackened corpses and bubbling pools of gore are all that remain of his victims. A prime source of the cancer feeding upon western Immoren, he gleefully spreads the shadow of the Dragonlord’s wings. It is a shadow that will one day, by his efforts, extend across all... (vollständige Beschreibung)

15,50 EUR


PIP 34077

PIP34077: Cryx Desecrator/Harrower/Leviathan Helljack (plastic)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The silent tide conceals the inexorable advance of amphibious helljacks beneath the waves. Equipped with watertight furnaces, these terrible machines emerge from the depths to sow destruction on a horrific scale. The Leviathan leads the charge with its terrifying rapid-fire cannon, fueled by excess steam from its necrotite furnace. The Harrower cuts through horrified soldiers with its enormous claw while its cannon fires incorporeal shells that pass through solid obstacles to impact its intended... (vollständige Beschreibung)

76,00 EUR


PIP 34078

Cryx Scavenger Bonejack

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The scavenger bonejack haunts the skies above Lord Toruk’s nightmare empire searching for the weak and injured. Swift and merciless, the scavenger descends upon its prey in a flurry of tattered wings and snapping jaws, bringing the final release of death to the enemies of Cryx.

ca. 12,00 EUR


PIP 34080

Wraith Engine Battle Engine (Resin)

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The Wraith Engine stalks the battlefields of western Immoren shrouded in the impenetrable shadow of death and pain. Ephemeral and elusive, it can become incorporeal at will or hide its presence in a cloud of ectoplasmic smoke. Like a great, necromechanikal specter, the Wraith Engine appears suddenly among its victims, slashing them to ribbons with its scything talons and drawing their souls into the glowing, green furnace of its innards.
The Wraith Engine battle engine comes in a box (PIP 3408... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 80,00 EUR


PIP 34081

Revenant Crew Rifleman Weapon Attachment

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The revenant crew rifleman carries a long rifle into battle, adding his own devastating long-range fire to the vicious combat capabilities of his undead brethren. When two or more riflemen work together, they can combine their ranged assault into a single, lethal concerted attack. The Revenant Crew Rifleman weapon attachment comes in a blister (PIP 34081). A player may add up to three Revenant Crew Riflemen each to two different Revenant Crew of the Atramentous units for each warcaster in a Cryx... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 6,00 EUR


PIP 34083

Iron Lich Overseer Solo

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Forged from the consciousness of a trio of venerable iron liches, the overseer exists to command thralls and machines in the field. It slowly turns as the battle unfolds to allow each of its three faces to survey the enemy as it unleashes volleys of soul-claiming arcane fire, all the while hissing commands to the helljacks that follow it to war. The Iron Lich Overseer comes in a blister (PIP 34083). A player may field up to two Iron Lich Overseers for each warcaster in a Cryx army.

ca. 14,50 EUR


PIP 34085

Malice Character Heavy Warjack Upgrade Kit

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Shrouded in the ghostly remnants of its past victims, the helljack Malice rips the souls from those it slays to push itself to new heights of destruction. Few enemies can escape the reach of Malice’s heavy harpoon, which it uses to snare foes and drag them into range of its shredding claw. However, it is the helljack’s ability to take control of enemy warjacks, turning them against their own warcasters, that makes Malice a truly unique Cryxian horror.
The Malice Character Heavy Warjack Upgr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 8,50 EUR


PIP 34087

Deathripper Bonejacks (2)

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The quintessential Cryxian bonejack, the Deathripper is a terrifying weapon of surprising speed and bestial ferocity that charges forward to tear apart its enemies while serving as a magical conduit for the horrifying spells of its master. In a blur of billowing smoke, screaming metal, and bleeding hydraulics, just a few Deathrippers can strip a light warjack down to its components within minutes.

ca. 20,00 EUR


PIP 34089

Cryx Nightwretch Bonejacks (plastic)

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The dreaded Nightwretch is a staple of the Cryxian arsenal. First unleashed on the mainland at the end of the Scharde Invasions, the murderous machine has been a nightmare of Iron Kingdoms coastal defenders ever since. Packing an arc node and a devastating short-ranged cannon, the fast-moving bonejack can bring death to the enemy from any direction.
Two Nightwretch bonejacks come in a single box (PIP 34089). A player may field any number of Nightwretches in a Cryx army.
SPECIAL NOTE: PIP 34089... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


PIP 34090

Defilers Bonejacks (2) (plastic)

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The Defiler is a dangerous assault bonejack able to cover a lot of ground quickly, bringing its arc node in range of important targets on the battlefield. In addition, its sludge cannon spews a caustic poison that can reduce enemies—be they flesh, stone, or metal—to frothing pools of acidic slime. Two Defiler bonejacks come in a box (PIP 34090). A player may field any number of Defilers in a Cryx army. SPECIAL NOTE: PIP 34090 is similar to PIP 34006 in that it contains the same Mk II stat ca... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


PIP 34091

Bane Thralls

Wickedly proficient in the art of killing, bane thralls host a darkness that both permeates their being and seeps into the world of the living. This darkness siphons the very light from the air and is utterly inimical to living flesh. Bane thralls are also possessed of a hateful intelligence that lets them coordinate cunning attacks and which drives them to seek any opportunity to sow death.

Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.

88,00 EUR


PIP 34093

Erebus Helljack Character Upgrade Kit

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The helljack known as Erebus serves Lord Exhumator Scaverous, murdering all in its path as it eagerly gathers souls for its master. The lives Erebus has claimed leave it steeped in the detritus of a thousand deaths. This spectral effluvium envelops the machine, repelling any who try to strike its blackened carapace.The Erebus warjack upgrade kit comes in a blister (PIP 34093). The Erebus warjack upgrade kit is NOT a complete model. Players will need a Cryx heavy warjack plastic kit (PIP 34066) i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


PIP 34094

Warcaster Lord Exhumator Scaverous

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A specialist in the acquisition of lore from the dead, Lord Exhumator Scaverous is one of the most potent and intelligent servants of the Nightmare Empire. Souls are both ammunition and fuel for Scaverous. Those he slays and casts aside are fortunate compared to any possessed of special lore, whose skulls and souls he preserves for horrific necromantic interrogation.
The warcaster Lord Exhumator Scaverous comes in a blister (PIP 34094). A player may field one Lord Exhumator Scaverous in a Cryx ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 32,50 EUR


PIP 34095

Cryx Epic Warcaster- Asphyxious the Hellbringer & Vociferon

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A specialist in the acquisition of lore from the dead, Lord Exhumator Scaverous is one of the most potent and intelligent servants of the Nightmare Empire. Souls are both ammunition and fuel for Scaverous. Those he slays and casts aside are fortunate compared to any possessed of special lore, whose skulls and souls he preserves for horrific necromantic interrogation.
The warcaster Lord Exhumator Scaverous comes in a blister (PIP 34094). A player may field one Lord Exhumator Scaverous in a Cryx ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,50 EUR


PIP 34099

Cryx Satyxis Raiders (repack)

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Striking without warning, the savage and cruel Satyxis are the terror of the Broken Coast. Belonging to an ancient tradition in which sailing is as natural as breathing, these fierce warrior women believe nothing in life to be sweeter than plunder and slaughter. The Satyxis savage their victims with the tearing barbs of their enchanted lacerators or break their bones with smashing blows of their twisted horns.

ca. 42,50 EUR


PIP 34104

Skarlock Commander Warcaster Attachment

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Skarlocks serve as extensions of the will of the lich lords and other generals of Cryx, and skarlock commanders are no exception. Reanimated to command simpler mechanithralls and bile thralls at the behest of their masters, skarlock commanders harvest the souls of those they slay. Soldiers assailed by a skarlock commander and its thralls are tormented by the sight of their comrades brutally slaughtered, only to have their souls used as fuel to power the commander’s dark magic.

ca. 16,00 EUR



PIP 91054

Mk II Cryx Token Set

Each of these faction-specific token sets includes 10 focus tokens sporting the faction’s color and symbol in addition to over 30 status tokens for tracking spells and in-game effects. The spell tokens are completely customizable, so you won’t have to spend time fishing around for the right token or carry multiple sets for different warcasters. Just mark the token with a dry-erase marker and get back to the action in seconds! Made from high-quality plastic, WARMACHINE token sets arm players ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Faction E : Mercenaries

PIP 01013

Forces of Warmachine: Pirates of the Broken Coast (SC)

Beware the scourge of the Broken Coast!

The terrors of the high seas are now yours to command! Presented in this 72-page full color book is a rogue's gallery of ruthless sea dogs and notorious personalities drawn from the darkest dens and seediest seaports of the Iron Kingdoms. Prepare to assault your enemies with lightning fast tactics and deadly combos the likes of which they have only heard about in bone-chilling tales.

Forces of WARMACHINE: "Pirates of the Broken Coast"TM includes all ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


PIP 01014

Forces of Warmachine: Pirates of the Broken Coast (HC)

Beware the scourge of the Broken Coast!

The terrors of the high seas are now yours to command! Presented in this 72-page full color book is a rogue's gallery of ruthless sea dogs and notorious personalities drawn from the darkest dens and seediest seaports of the Iron Kingdoms. Prepare to assault your enemies with lightning fast tactics and deadly combos the likes of which they have only heard about in bone-chilling tales.

Forces of WARMACHINE: "Pirates of the Broken Coast"TM includes all ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


PIP 01014D

Forces of Warmachine: Pirates of the Broken Coast (HC) dt.

Hot Seller


Das Buch wird alle Warcaster, Einheiten, Solos, Einheitenangliederungen und Warjacks beinhalten, die ihr benötigt um eine eigenständige Freibeuter Armee zu spielen. Auch wird dort beschrieben, wie ihr die Piraten in bestehende Kontrakte einbindet und mit anderen Armeen zusammen spielt. Brandneue Geschichten versetzen euch in die Welt von blutrünstigen Seeräubern und fügen der Iron Kingdoms Storyline neue Dimensionen hinzu. Es wird zeit, eure Halsabschneider zusammen zu trommeln und eine neu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,99 EUR


PIP 01031

Forces of Warmachine: Mercenaries (SC)

Our Business is War
Where war arises, warriors-for-hire inevitably follow—and conflict is constant within the Iron Kingdoms. The mercenaries of the region are as varied as its lands and the peoples who inhabit them. From vile assassins such as the infamous Croe’s Cutthroats to the Hammerfall companies from the dwarven nation of Rhul and the highly disciplined Steelheads, generals can find mercenaries to suit any battlefield role.
Whether you field mercenaries as faction reinforcements or a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


PIP 01032

Forces of Warmachine: Mercenaries (HC)

Our Business is War
Where war arises, warriors-for-hire inevitably follow—and conflict is constant within the Iron Kingdoms. The mercenaries of the region are as varied as its lands and the peoples who inhabit them. From vile assassins such as the infamous Croe’s Cutthroats to the Hammerfall companies from the dwarven nation of Rhul and the highly disciplined Steelheads, generals can find mercenaries to suit any battlefield role.
Whether you field mercenaries as faction reinforcements or a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


PIP 01032D

Forces of Warmachine: Söldner (HC) dt.

Hot Seller


Unser Geschäft ist der Krieg

Wo immer ein Krieg ausbricht, findet man auch Söldlinge, und die Eisernen Königreiche sind ein Ort ständiger Konflikte. Die Söldner dieser Region sind so vielfältig wie ihre Herkunftsländer und deren Bewohner. Von verabscheuungswürdigen Meuchlern wie Croes Halsabschneidern bis zu den Hammerfall-Kompanien des Zwergenreiches Rhul und den disziplinierten Stahlschädeln können Generäle für jede Schlachtfeldaufgabe die passenden Mietsoldaten finden.

Egal ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

39,99 EUR



PIP 41001

Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios (new price)

The Mage Hunter is loyal only to her own convictions, and will work for anyone who gives her a chance to eliminate a Warcaster from this world.

Armed with an arsenal of magical crossbow bolts, this assassin of magic users is both prized and feared in any army.

7,00 EUR


PIP 41002

Magnus the Traitor Box Set

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A relic of the dark days before good King Leto took the throne, the war criminal Magnus the Traitor is one of the most wanted men in the known world.

100,00 EUR


PIP 41003

Boomhowler & Co. Box Set

Armed with axe and blunderbuss as well as debilitating stink bombs, the trollkin mercs are equipped for all manner of combat.

The bestial appearance of the trollkin mercs belies their true sophistication in combat. These warriors use firearms with the same skill as most trained human troops.

43,00 EUR


PIP 41004

Trollkin Mercenaries(2)

Armor is ony one form of protection for the fearsome trollkin. A lesser regenerative ability held over from their troll ancestry allows them to avoid what might otherwise be fatal wounds.

14,00 EUR


PIP 41005

Herne & Jonne with Barrage Arquebus

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Herne Stoneground & Arquebus Jonne - Mercenaries for hire.

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PIP 41006

Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator

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Reinholdt, the Gobber Speculator, sells his expertise and experience as a world traveler, to warcasters throughout the Iron Kingdoms.

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PIP 41007

Heavy Warjack: Mangler (1)

After fleeing Cygnar, Magnus used looted components to assemble what he considered to be the deadliest combinationof strength, ability, and durability he could afford‹the Mangler. Its massive wrecking ball and three-foot tempered punching spike make it as formidable as any warjack created by Cygnar's finest engineers.

22,00 EUR


PIP 41008

Light Warjack: Talon

The Talon once served as a front line 'jack for Cygnar. Now it is common sight on the black market and in merci nary armies.

14,00 EUR


PIP 41009

Light Warjack: Renegade

The Renegade is a custom warjack of Magnus the Traitor.

These 'jacks can be used by Magnus, and hecan field up 2 per 500 points.

12,00 EUR


PIP 41010

Devil Dogs Unit Box

The best professional ‘jack hunter’s coin can buy, Captain Sam MacHorne and the Devil Dogs specialize in the kind of controlled demolition that passes for modern warfare on the battlefields of western Immoren. Armed with custom built, armor blasting slug guns, war machine entangling chains and nets, and heavy pickaxes designed to dismantle warjacks plate from piston, the company of the Dog are truly a force to be reckoned with throughout the kingdoms.

28,00 EUR


PIP 41011

Devil Dogs Troopers (2)

Zwei Trooper im Blister.

10,00 EUR


PIP 41012

Gorten Grundback Battlegroup

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Gorten Grundback developed his Jack handling skills as a mining foreman in the Mines of Rhul.
After recognising that a Driller Jack was equally capable in grinding stones to dust, as in grinding Warjacks to shreds, his lust for fame turned him into a Mercenary Warcaster.
Now he roams the Land accompanied by his Grundback Gunners and his Driller in search for fame and Money.

Includes: 1x Gorten Grundback ( Dwarf Warcaster )
1x Driller Heavy Warjack
3x Grundback Gunner (... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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PIP 41013

Heavy Warjack: Nomad

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Still found in service on the battlefield, the Nomad is an effective monster of iron, wielding an oversized Caspain battleblade. The Nomad model boasts many points of articulation, such as the waist, arms and wrists, so you may create a wide variety of poses.

25,00 EUR


PIP 41014

Rogue Alchemist Gorman di Wulfe

Obfuscated by alchemy, Gorman di Wulfe, darts from battle-to-battle, mixing just the right amount of obsession with a healthy portion of dedication for powerful results on the battlefield. Blinding oil, acid bombs, and iron-rusting potions are his weapons of choice, and he offers his services to any who can promise him an exciting battle.

8,00 EUR


PIP 41015

Rhupert Carvalo, the Piper of Ord

Rhupert Carvolo is a piper of war .Employeed by any faction besides Khador or Cryx, his songs help advancing troops move through rough terrain, make them terrifying warriors, or toughen their spirits against the sorrows of war.

8,00 EUR


PIP 41016

Mercenary Grundback Gunner Light Warjack (2) Blister

Grundback Gunners add lots of punch to Gorten Grundback's battle group.

These 'jacks have an unlimited field allowance but may only be used with Gorten Grundback, a Rhulic warcaster.

16,00 EUR


PIP 41017

Rhulic Heavy Warjack: Ghordson Driller ( 1 )



The Driller Rhulic Warjack is a dwarven merc's best friend.

10,00 EUR


PIP 41018

Ashlyn d'Elyse, Lael Warcaster

Hot Seller


Replacing the normal parrying blade common among Llaelese duelists with an augmented handcannon, Ashlynn d’Elyse has surprised many an opponent with a point-blank blast instead of the slice or jab of her saber. So amazing are her abilities it has been noted that she once kissed her opponent as she delivered the final blow that ended their duel.

8,00 EUR


PIP 41019

Heavy Warjack: Mule ( Box ) (new price)

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Based off the Nomad design, the Mule has become many a mercenary commander's dream, a simple design that is inexpensive, easily repaired, and brings to bear devastating weaponry. The steam-lobber in particular can be extremely effective, at times tossing opposing warjacks to the ground as if they were small children.

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PIP 41020

Light Warjack: Vanguard (new price)

Originally designed and crafted from the finest materials and the skilled hands of the Golden Crucible, only a small number of Vanguards were ever produced. Able to keep pace with the fleetest of warcasters, and to set their cannon-laden shield and long hafted poleaxe against their foes, the Vanguard is a highly prized masterpiece on the battlefield.

14,50 EUR


PIP 41021

Steelhead Halberdiers Unit Box ( 6 )

Using their halberds and practiced fighting formations Steelhead units can bring down numerous targets in short order. Timing their strikes seamlessly through a series of numeric and verbal commands, the Halberdiers can lay targets low blindingly fast as they approach, be they made of flesh or metal.

30,00 EUR


PIP 41022

Steelhead Halberdiers ( 2 )

Using their halberds and practiced fighting formations Steelhead units can bring down numerous targets in short order. Timing their strikes seamlessly through a series of numeric and verbal commands, the Halberdiers can lay targets low blindingly fast as they approach, be they made of flesh or metal.

10,00 EUR


PIP 41023

Hammerfall Shield Gun Corps Unit Box ( 6 )

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Hand picked and trained from numerous Rhulic riflemen, the High Shield Gun Corps are a war battalion from the dwarven fortress of Hammerfall. Like arrow slits in a citadel battlement, the Gun Corps' rifles fire between the notched walls of shielded dwarves to blast away at anyone in the firing lane ahead of their unit.

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PIP 41024

Hammerfall Shield Gun Corp ( 2 )

Hand picked and trained from numerous Rhulic riflemen, the High Shield Gun Corps are a war battalion from the dwarven fortress of Hammerfall. Like arrow slits in a citadel battlement, the Gun Corps' rifles fire between the notched walls of shielded dwarves to blast away at anyone in the firing lane ahead of their unit.

10,00 EUR


PIP 41025

Ogrun Bokur ( 1 )

Hot Seller


Without a Korune to swear loyalty to, many young Ogrun look towards the battlefields of man to showcase their martial abilities and draw the attention of a worthy lord. Hiring themselves to individuals, those lucky enough to broker a deal and fall under a Bokur's protection soon discover it is time and money very well spent.

20,00 EUR


PIP 41026

Croe's Cutthroats Unit Box

A murderous band of Mercenaries, Croe’s Cutthroats prefer stealth and guile to confrontations of brute strength. Constantly utilizing poisoned weapons to bring down their targets many have fallen to their unseen hands.

30,00 EUR


PIP 41027

Croe's Cutthroats

A murderous band of Mercenaries, Croe’s Cutthroats prefer stealth and guile to confrontations of brute strength. Constantly utilizing poisoned weapons to bring down their targets many have fallen to their unseen hands.

10,00 EUR


PIP 41028

Alexia Ciannor and the Legion of Lost Souls

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Drawn to the chaos and bloodshed of war, Alexia Ciannor has turned to the life of a mercenary as a means to increase her knowledge and power of death magic. With the Witchfire in hand the ability to raise and control the dead has come to her with ease. Once upon the battlefield all sides must watch one that wields such power intensely.

70,00 EUR


PIP 41029

Mercenaries Risen Troopers (3)

Raise an army of undead right on the field. These models work with the Alexia and Risen Unit Box Set,

10,00 EUR


PIP 41030

Mercenaries Thrall Warrior

Raise an army of undead right on the field. This model works with the Alexia and Risen Unit Box Set.

Only one model per blister. Two models displayed for detail.

6,00 EUR


PIP 41031

Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters Unit Box ( 6 ) (new price)

Hot Seller


Cylena was the foremost hunter of her shard even before recent tragedies, which have plunged her people into a desperate struggle to avenge the destruction of Nyss culture. Recent fighting for survival has honed them into a peerless killing force. They unleash withering arcing volleys, pinning down foes regardless of attempts to hide or evade. They are equally adept with their claymores, each bearing an edge sharp enough to cleave flesh, bone, and even metal.

24,00 EUR


PIP 41032

Nyss Hunters Troopers ( 2 )

Recent fighting for survival has honed them into a peerless killing force. They unleash withering arcing volleys, pinning down foes regardless of attempts to hide or evade. They are equally adept with their claymores, each bearing an edge sharp enough to cleave flesh, bone, and even metal.

10,00 EUR


PIP 41033

Magnus, the Warlord

Magnus has proven to be more than simply a one-man army with a grudge against the nation he once served. He has become a singular lord and master of the arts of war. He relies on no nation’s backing, and he carves his legend across western Immoren with blood and blade. He is ruthless in his determination to bring the exiled former king of Cygnar back to power regardless of the lives it costs.

16,00 EUR


PIP 41034

Kell Bailoch (1)

Kell Bailoch is a name now synonymous with 'assassin'. A victim of the premiere rifleman hears nothing and sees nothing. Heexperiences only a moment of surprise and a keen,if brief, sensation of agony before a precisely targeted bullet ends his life.

10,00 EUR


PIP 41035

Durgen Madhammer

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Durgen Madhammer feeds on the ferocity of explosive violence and has a compulsion for obliteration that borders upon sadistic. He has combined his impressive arcane skill and mastery of steam craft with demolitions, elemental magic, and mechanikal know-how to become a legendary mercenary respected and feared by both friends and foes.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 41036

Rhulic Light Warjack: Grundback Blaster (2)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Blasters Rhulic ruggedness and durability make it both a brutal and economic weapon of war. Armed with a canister-fed Hail-Shot Cannon, the Blaster answers many of the demands of mercenary commanders and adds an incredible degree of flexibility to Rhulic forces fighting all over western Immoren.

20,00 EUR


PIP 41037

Rhulic Heavy Warjack: Wroughthammer Rockram (1) (new price)

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Modified from a - jack designed to crack rock walls and render stone to powder, the Wroughthammer Rockram pulverizes opposing warjacks with equal ease. The tempered ammunition of its Sledge Cannon wrecks - jacks from the inside out, and the concussive power of its Pulverizer hammer shakes the very ground beneath its enemies.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 41038

Cpt. Phinneus Shae

Hot Seller


Once a respected nautical warcaster for the Mercarian League, Captain Phinneus Shae has turned to piracy aboard the Talion. Shae is wanted but refuses to allow the bounty on his head to get in the way of earning a profit as a sword for hire. His powers over wind and storm serve as well on land as at sea, and few can stand against him blade to blade.

10,00 EUR


PIP 41039

Heavy Warjack: The Mariner (new price)

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Designed to Captain Shae's specifications, the Mariner is intended to endure uncertain footing fighting ship-to-ship, a skill just as formidable on dry land. Giving up some armor to move quickly and proving nearly impossible to knock down, the Mariner carries a 'liberated' ship cannon in one hand and a brutal barnacle-encrusted anchor in the other.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 41040

Light Warjack: Buccanneer (new price)

Another warjack in Captain Shae's arsenal, the Buccaneer is a nimble and sure-footed combatant. The Buccaneer is a warjack commonly carried on Mercarian League vessels and carries nets capable of entrapping an enemy warjack as easily as smaller prey. It can then close for the kill utilizing its lengthy pole gaff.

14,50 EUR


PIP 41041

Sea Dogs Unit Box (6) (new price)

Mustered together from disreputable coastal taverns and wharves, the Sea Dogs are motley pirates hungry for spoils. Armed with swords and pistols and barely kept in check by grizzled mates, the Sea Dogs serve any master with sufficient coin. What they lack in training and manners they make up for with frightening bluster, enthusiastic avarice, and drunken debauchery.

The Sea Dogs are a mercenary privateer unit charging onto your WARMACHINE battlefield this May, where they serve also warcaster... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


PIP 41042

Sea Dogs Blister (2) (new price)

Mustered together from disreputable coastal taverns and wharves, the Sea Dogs are motley pirates hungry for spoils. Armed with swords and pistols and barely kept in check by grizzled mates, the Sea Dogs serve any master with sufficient coin. What they lack in training and manners they make up for with frightening bluster, enthusiastic avarice, and drunken debauchery.

The Sea Dogs are a mercenary privateer unit charging onto your WARMACHINE battlefield this May, where they serve also warcaster... (vollständige Beschreibung)

7,00 EUR


PIP 41043

Commodore Heavy Ship Cannon Box (3+1)

Hot Seller


A special legacy of Captain Shae's mutiny, the 'Commodore' is a massive royal-weight cannon such as those found only on first-class ships of the line. The cannon is named in sardonic tribute to Shae's former employer whose skeleton can be seen strapped to the cannon's wide barrel. No man and few warjacks can withstand a shelling by the Commodore.

35,00 EUR


PIP 41044

Mr. Walls Unit Attachment (new price)

Packing more pistols than a paranoid gun mage, Mr. Walls is never seen without his pet monkey. Serving as Shae's quartermaster for the Sea Dogs, Mr. Walls knows how to motivate the men and inspire them to ferocity. His aim suffers from an old injury that took his eye, but he makes up for it by closing to give the enemy both barrels.

8,50 EUR


PIP 41045

First Mate Hawke (new price)

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Captain Shae's first mate Hawk is responsible for keeping her Sea Dogs ready for action, and she suffers neither fools nor sloth among the crew. She wields a pair of cutlasses, and few can boast to have lived after standing toe-to-toe with her. Hawk's example fires up the men who go to great lengths to catch even the slightest nod of her approval.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 41046

Bosun Grogspar

The bosun of the Talion is a veteran sea-salt named Grogspar. Grogspar enforces discipline with the simple expedient of hurling worthless lubbers over the rail with his hook and is a crack shot with a harpoon launcher as well. Against the rare eventuality of a harpooned foe who lingers, Grogspar makes sure to attach a lit stick of explosives to every shot.

13,00 EUR


PIP 41047

Doc Killingsworth

Doc is both the ship's cook and the ship's surgeon, and he finds his talent with sharpened knives useful in both roles. Doc has an enthusiasm for treating the wounded, but his patients are uneasy, such that often the mere threat of treatment is enough to convince them to fight on.

10,00 EUR


PIP 41048

Lord Rockbottom (new price)

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The Rhulic pirate Lord Joln Rockbottom is Captain Shae's 'Expedition Financier.' He ensures the pirates are well paid and equipped for the bloody work ahead. Coin is not his only weapon, for Lord Rockbottom enjoys employing a fire-belching firearm that has ended the lives of many who underestimated him.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 41049

Sea Dogs Rifleman Special Weapon Attachment (new price)

Any Sea Dog worth his salt can lay claim to an old pistol, but those owning an accurate long rifle are doubly prized for being able to lay down fire at nearly twice the distance. Such shots from atop the crow's nest or the ship's prow have made all the difference by picking off enemy officers and boarders before they can close.

5,00 EUR


PIP 41050

Bartolo Montador, aka Broadsides Bart (new price)

Loud, bombastic, and bigger than life, Bartolo "Broadsides Bart" Montador has used his beloved cannons and warjacks to win fame and admiration with audacity, skill, and charisma. Though jovial and magnanimous, Bart truly is a bloody-minded, ruthless combatant who carries a legitimate letter of marque signed by the Ordic king. Few captains walk the delicate line between pirate and privateer with as much style as Broadsides Bart.

Captain Bartolo Montador, aka Broadsides Bart comes one per blist... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,50 EUR


PIP 41051

Warcaster: Fiona the Black (new price)

This bloody Thamarite pirate takes to the battlefield completely free of quaint notions of morality and justice. Surrounded by a worshipful cabal of Sea Dogs who obediently follow her, Fiona rushes into the fray eager to press the attack personally. She has the power to dominate lesser minds while consuming her stronger-willed enemies with bursts of soul-ravaging flames.

Fiona the Black comes in a blister (PIP 41051) and will not work for the Protectorate.

Read more about Fiona the Black i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

9,50 EUR


PIP 41052

Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile (new price)

Dougal has spent a lifetime at sea learning the fine art of naval artillery, defying the odds of accident and combat, and becoming something of a patron saint of gunners. He can land a cannonball on target in even the worst circumstances -- a crucial skill when an entire battle can hinge on a single well-placed shot.

Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile comes in a blister (PIP 41052) and will work for any faction.

9,00 EUR


PIP 41053

Dirty Meg

Boasting a natural aptitude with machinery and a deadly swing with her 'jack wrench, Dirty Meg fits right in among pirate crews. Her ability to keep everything from warjacks to the ship's boiler in perfect shape makes her invaluable, and her skills controlling 'jacks in combat make her a feared and prized privateer across the Iron Kingdoms.

Dirty Meg comes one per blister (PIP 41053), and players may field one of her in their army. Dirty Meg will not work for Cryx.

10,00 EUR


PIP 41054

Bloody Bradigan (new price)

Many men have foul tempers, but the term "berserker" is reserved for the likes of Bloody Bradigan. This blood-mad brawler seeks violence as other men hunger for wealth or women. Kept constantly drunk and locked away, Bradigan only finds happiness when he can hammer his chain-wrapped fists through flesh and steel or can beat men and warjacks into unsalvageable scrap.

Bloody Bradigan comes in a blister (PIP 41054) and will work for any faction.

Read more about Bloody Bradigan in Forces of WA... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,00 EUR


PIP 41055

Lady Aiyana & Master Holt

Consummate professionals, the Iosan spell-caster Lady Aiyana and her gunslinging bodyguard Master Holt add an air of mystery to the Talion. All that is known about them is that she deftly manipulates powerful magic unknown beyond her native land and that he wields his pistols with skill and cool dispassion that unnerves even hardened soldiers.

Lady Aiyana and Master Holt come in a blister (PIP 41055) and will not work for Cryx.

14,00 EUR


PIP 41056

Sea Dog Deck Gun Crew (2)

No less devastating on land than at sea, Deck Gun Crews add a deadly punch to Privateer armies. Whether obliterating tightly packed formations or singling lone targets, Deck Guns provide Sea Dogs with the firepower to breach heavy defenses or sweep aside waves of enemies in the field.

The Sea Dog Deck Gun Crew comes in a blister (PIP 41056). A player may field two Deck Gun Crews for each warcaster in his army. The Sea Dog Deck Gun Crew will work for any faction.

17,00 EUR


PIP 41057

Heavy Warjack: Freebooter

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Freebooters barrel across heaving decks to obliterate anything in their path. A favorite of sea captains everywhere, the Freebooter has undergone a number of mechanical alterations to turn this former laborjack to military use, and it takes to brawling with frightening enthusiasm. Many crews graft a jury-rigged arcane turbine to the engine that allows warcasters to shred a few gears for a quick surge of speed.

The Freebooter heavy warjack comes one per box (PIP 41057), and players may field a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

72,00 EUR


PIP 41058

Press Gang Box (6)

Many captains view impressing sailors as a practical and time-honored method of recruitment, and it falls to the hardened men and women of the press gangs to replace lost crewmen. These thugs take sadistic delight in waylaying strangers and enemies alike, shanghaiing them into a new life at sea with the application of a club to the back of the head.

The Press Gangers come in a unit box of six (PIP 41058), and a player may add two additional blisters (PIP 41059) to create a unit of up to ten m... (vollständige Beschreibung)

25,00 EUR


PIP 41059

Press Gang Blister (2)

Many captains view impressing sailors as a practical and time-honored method of recruitment, and it falls to the hardened men and women of the press gangs to replace lost crewmen. These thugs take sadistic delight in waylaying strangers and enemies alike, shanghaiing them into a new life at sea with the application of a club to the back of the head.

The Press Gangers come in a unit box of six (PIP 41058), and a player may add two additional blisters (PIP 41059) to create a unit of up to ten m... (vollständige Beschreibung)

9,00 EUR


PIP 41061

Anastasia di Bray

The master spy Anastasia di Bray fights the Khadoran occupiers of Llael and their collaborators with a fury fueled by loss. Traitors and the invasion took everyone she loved, and now she aids the Resistance in a war that is as much personal as patriotic. The information she steals can spell the doom of armies, and any who would interfere with her missions die silent deaths on her blades.

8,00 EUR


PIP 41062

Epic Eiryss, Angel of Retribution (new price)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Eiryss has spent years cutting down humans who would profane Caen and her goddess with foul sorceries, but she has seen first-hand that the wars and magics of mankind threaten to destroy her people and her gods. Eiryss has returned to her lonely fight with renewed conviction and new tools to hunt and slay human spell-casters and their perverse machines.

Eiryss, Angel of the Retribution comes in a blister (PIP 41062). A player may field one Eiryss in his army. Eiryss, Angel of the Retribution ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

PIP 41063

Thor Steinhammer Solo (new price)

One of the best-paid mercenaries in western Immoren, Thor Steinhammer repairs and command warjacks with outstanding skill. This consummate combat mechanik can coax unheard-of performance out of his machines, scorch any nearby enemies with his ever-ready torch, and keep the warjacks of other sell-swords in fighting trim, all for a reasonable fee.

Thor Steinhammer comes in a blister (PIP 41063). A player may field one Thor Steinhammer in his army. Thor Steinhammer will not work for Cryx or the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,00 EUR


PIP 41064

Stannis Brocker

Stannis Brocker cares for little beyond coin and battle. He cares nothing for the reasons behind any specific conflict and makes no apology for decades spent earning coin by dealing death and misfortune. Commanding ranks of Steelhead mercenaries, Brocker rides to battle as if from an ancient era, when such men conquered and created nations with the edge of their blades.

Stannis Brocker comes in a box (PIP 41064). A player may field one Stannis Brocker in his army. Stannis Brocker will work fo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


PIP 41065

Steelhead Heavy Cavalry (3)

The larger branches of the Steelhead Mercenary Company often employ hardened horsemen to provide the speed and power of heavy cavalry. Hiring such professionals costs a fair amount, but the crushing impact they deliver makes them a bargain. Their heavy cavalry axes and deadly blunderbusses let them unload a terrible volley before closing to cut their enemies down.

Steelhead Heavy Cavalry comes in a box (PIP 41065). A player may add up to two blisters (PIP 41066) for a total of five models and... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


PIP 41066

Steelhead Heavy Cavalry (1)

The larger branches of the Steelhead Mercenary Company often employ hardened horsemen to provide the speed and power of heavy cavalry. Hiring such professionals costs a fair amount, but the crushing impact they deliver makes them a bargain. Their heavy cavalry axes and deadly blunderbusses let them unload a terrible volley before closing to cut their enemies down.

Steelhead Heavy Cavalry comes in a box (PIP 41065). A player may add up to two blisters (PIP 41066) for a total of five models and... (vollständige Beschreibung)

17,00 EUR


PIP 41067

Horgenhold Forge Guard (6) (new price)

The Horgenhold Forge Guard enter battle in superlative Rhulic armor, form an impervious line, and deliver blows capable of toppling warjacks with their massive, piston-driven hammers. Though the dwarves remain officially neutral in the southern wars of men, the Forge Guard hire out as mercenaries and bring the power of raw, blunt destruction to the battlefield.

Horgenhold Forge Guard comes in a box (PIP 41067). A player may add up to two blisters (PIP 41068) for a total of ten models and fiel... (vollständige Beschreibung)

31,00 EUR


PIP 41068

Horgenhold Forge Guard (2) (new price)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


The Horgenhold Forge Guard enter battle in superlative Rhulic armor, form an impervious line, and deliver blows capable of toppling warjacks with their massive, piston-driven hammers. Though the dwarves remain officially neutral in the southern wars of men, the Forge Guard hire out as mercenaries and bring the power of raw, blunt destruction to the battlefield.

Horgenhold Forge Guard comes in a box (PIP 41067). A player may add up to two blisters (PIP 41068) for a total of ten models and fiel... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 41069

Orin Midwinter Solo

Once a senior member of Cygnar's infamous Inquisition, Orin Midwinter has come out of hiding to reclaim his place of power as the noose closes around the country that hunted him. Specialized in hunting spell-casters, Midwinter uses his arcane energy to draw power from enemy wizards, suppress their magic, or simply strike them down with arcs of lightning.

Orin Midwinter comes in a blister (PIP 41069). A player may field one Orin Midwinter in his army. Orin Midwinter will not work for Cygnar.

9,00 EUR


PIP 41070

Warcaster: Magnus the Traitor (new price)

The war criminal called Magnus the Traitor is among the most wanted men in the known world. With a broken body and will of iron, he wages a vendetta against Cygnar, his former homeland. Magnus finances his private war with mercenary contracts, spending the bulk of his spoils on supplies to keep his battlegroup running. He is infamous for his callous disregard for life, and his services are retained only by the desperate and the ruthless.

Available for the first time in a blister, Magnus the T... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,50 EUR


PIP 41071

Gorten Grundback

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Gorten Grundback is a dwarven mercenary who brings Rhulic warjacks and a mighty command of stone and earth to the battlefield for the right price. He can invoke walls of rock to rise from below or beleaguer the enemy with crashing waves of stone and soil.

Available for the first time in a blister, Gorten Grundback advances through battle as a solid block of muscle and armor, wielding his weapon Forgehammer in one hand and a double-barreled pistol in the other.

Gorten Grundback comes in a b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 41072

Madelyn Corbeau

The court of King Baird Cathor II of Ord is known for its subtle intrigues and stunning courtesans. Madelyn Corbeau may not have been the most beautiful woman to grace the Bandit King's court, but she is certainly the most brilliant intrigant to enter his service. Having charmed half the courtiers in western Immoren, it is simple enough for her to gain access to the commanders of armies. She sells her services as an advisor and intelligencer to any army with coin. No matter which army she accomp... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,50 EUR


PIP 41073

Mercenary Drake Macbain

Some mercenaries fight for a lost home, for revenge, or for adventure. Drake MacBain fights for coin, pure and simple. No mission is too dangerous, no battlefield too bloody; he'll work for any of the warring nations of the Iron Kingdoms without moral qualm. MacBain fights with the gritty determination of the hired professional and will let nothing stop him from the completion of his contracts. He is the consummate mercenary and has the tools to finish any job.
Drake MacBain comes in a blister ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

11,00 EUR


PIP 41074

Warmachine Mercenaries: Mercenary Steelhead Riflemen (10)

A doctrine of combined arms lies at the heart of the Steelhead Company, and their riflemen are one of the most important elements of these combined forces. Working in concert with other Steelheads or the regular forces of a client army, the riflemen are skilled shooters capable of decimating enemy lines or providing covering fire to ensure their allies reach the enemy in one piece. Each rifleman is a sure shot; when ordered to concentrate their fire at a single target, a group of these riflemen ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


PIP 41075

Warmachine Mercenaries: Mercenary Rutger Shaw - 2010

Rutger Shaw enlisted in the Cygnaran Army as a young man and trained as a trencher, demonstrating a unique knack for marshaling warjacks as well as skill with a blade. Military service and long years of battle hardened him, even as his conscience chafed at fighting at the whim of callous officers. He opted out and turned sell-sword, spending recent years travelling the Iron Kingdoms guided by his taste for adventure and coin.

Rutger Shaw comes in a blister.

A player may field one Rutger Sh... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,50 EUR


PIP 41076

Taryn de la Rovissi, Gun Mage

A former study with the Order of the Golden Crucible, Taryn realized early on that her talents could be put to better use with a brace of magelock pistols in her hands rather than toiling over flasks of alchemical brews. Full of bravado, this lass with an insatiable lust for adventure was last seen clearing out a seaside tavern, along with her adventuring companion Rutger Shaw, of some odd dozen pirate scoundrels.

8,50 EUR


PIP 41077

Ghordson Avalancher

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


While most of the warjacks that accompany Rhulic mercenaries into battle were designed with industrial uses as well as military service in mind, the Avalancher is a dedicated combat machine. The warjack bears the intimidating avalanche cannon, a weapon capable of obliterating man and mechanika alike from a tremendous range. The warjack serves as a dedicated mobile artillery platform, its huge cannon granting Rhulic forces excellent battlefield control as it fires powerful shells that detonate on... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 41078

Mercenary High Shield Gun Corps Officer & Standard Bearer

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


The fortress of Hammerfall produces some of the most outstanding riflemen in all of Rhul, and the captains who graduate from that training are superb leaders. A client army lucky enough to hire a Gun Corps company led by one of these officers is assured of a mercenary troop that will perform flawlessly no matter the battlefield or enemy. In battle, the captain is accompanied by a standard bearer charged with carrying the company’s standard, a device with inscriptions detailing the legal status... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 41079

Mercenary Horgenhold Artillery Corps

The clan lords of Rhul viewed the advent of artillery among the human nations of the Iron Kingdoms with amusement. The Rhulic Moot has traditionally taken a dim view of mercenary operations, but in recent years the profits certain clan lords have gained is difficult to dismiss. Certain provisions were made to allow Rhulic mercenaries abroad to equip themselves with siege cannons and other weapons of war. Their powerful mortars are extremely destructive and can be fired indirectly, giving the Rhu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

21,50 EUR


PIP 41080

Dannon Blythe and Bull Bounty Hunters (new price)

The bounty hunter team of Dannon Blythe and the trollkin known simply as "Bull" has gained infamy across the war-torn region for their ruthless determination and efficiency. Wielding an impressive arsenal, they often take the expedient route of delivering targets dead allowing them complete to twice as many jobs while avoiding the tedious hassle of handling live prisoners.

Dannon Blythe and Bull come in a blister (PIP 41080). Dannon Blythe and Bull will work for Cygnar, Khador, the Protectora... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,50 EUR


PIP 41081

Harlan Versh

Uncompromising against the forces of darkness, Harlan Versh is among the most formidable soldiers trained by the Order of Illumination. The order expelled him after he defied orders and prematurely terminated men suspected of black magic. He insists he still serves the Church of Morrow and stands ready to wield his blessed quad-iron pistol against any unholy creatures stirring in the shadows.

Harlan Versh comes in a blister (PIP 41081). Harlan Versh will work for Cygnar and Khador as well as ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

7,00 EUR


PIP 41082

Ghordson Basher (new price)

This Rhulic heavy 'jack appears to be little more than a mass of armor atop a pair of powerful steam-powered legs. As it rampages across the battlefield it smashes anything caught in its path. This basic design was augmented for battle with powerful short-range grenade launchers that can annihilate soldiers it fails to crush outright.

Ghordson Basher comes in a box (PIP 41082). A player may field any number of Ghordson Bashers with his Rhulic warcaster.

20,50 EUR


PIP 41086

Ogrun Assault Corps Unit (5)

Strong enough to wield handheld battle cannons that fire explosive shells across the battlefield, the ogrun assault corps serve their employers as highly mobile artillery. Their great strength and fearsome axes allow them to effectively deal death in melee as well as at range.

60,00 EUR


PIP 41087

Mercenary Ragman Thamarite Character Solo

Once a Llaelese noble turned to the vile arts of necromancy, the Thamarite called the Ragman has been drawn to the battlefields of western Immoren by the palpable odor of death. As he picks among the dead for his unnatural purposes, his profane magic lets him kill with a glance and animate his victims to serve him.

9,50 EUR


PIP 41094

Mercenary Galleon Colossal Box (plastic)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Mercenary Galeone Söldner Koloss
The raw might of a naval ironhull now walks the lands as the Galleon. The colossal fires a rolling broadside before reaching out with its enormous cargo claw to toss warjacks like rag dolls. It can also use its massive trident to reel in foes and finish them off at close range with a series of punishing blows. The Galleon commands a high price, but for those mercenaries who have the fortune to spend, it fights as a symbol of unquestionable affluence and might.
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 41101

Mercenary Horgenhold Forge Guard Unit (10) Box (repack)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


The Horgenhold Forge Guard enter battle in superlative Rhulic armor, form an impervious line, and deliver blows capable of toppling warjacks with their massive, piston-driven hammers. Though the dwarves remain officially neutral in the southern wars of men, the Forge Guard hire out as mercenaries and bring the power of raw, blunt destruction to the battlefield.

The Horgenhold Forge Guard unit comes in a box (PIP 41101). A player may field up to two Horgenhold Forge Guard units for each warcas... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 41103

Mercenary Ghordson Earthbreaker Colossal Box (plastic)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


When the wealthiest Rhulic clans need to leverage immense power—whether at a construction site or on the battlefield—they mobilize the Ghordson Earthbreaker. This hulking construct, outfitted with drilling torpedoes and massive steam claws, can level opposing soldiers and warjacks as easily as it moves mountains of earth. While these great machines were once employed only within Rhul, the emergence of colossals in the wars of the Iron Kingdoms has motivated Rhulic mercenary warcasters to inv... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 75005

Alten Ashley (1)

Alten Ashley is a truly exceptional hunter of the great beasts stalking the wilds of western Immoren. His incredible skill is almost great enough to match his ego, but Alten's ability to bring down large game for his employers is too valuable to pass up.

10,00 EUR


PIP 75011

Gudrun the Wanderer (1)

Disgraced, exiled, and cursed to live when he wishes to die, Gudrun often seems too drunk to fight as he once did. All such doubt vanishes when he steps into battle. His comrades describe him fighting as if inviting death. He screams incoherent battle cries while the lives his polearm ends add a steadily rising tally of carnage to the weight of his soul.

Gudrun the Wanderer comes in a blister (PIP 75011). Gudrun will work for any HORDES faction and every WARMACHINE faction except the Protecto... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR



PIP 91056

Mk II Mercenary Token Set

Each of these faction-specific token sets includes 10 focus tokens sporting the faction’s color and symbol in addition to over 30 status tokens for tracking spells and in-game effects. The spell tokens are completely customizable, so you won’t have to spend time fishing around for the right token or carry multiple sets for different warcasters. Just mark the token with a dry-erase marker and get back to the action in seconds! Made from high-quality plastic, WARMACHINE token sets arm players ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Faction F: Allies

PIP 42001

Precursor Knights Unit Box (6)

Hot Seller


A Cygnaran order dedicated to the warrior philosophies of the god Morrow, the Precursor Knights are sworn to honorable combat and dedicated to protecting the innocent. The prayers of these righteous soldiers can knit flesh and protect them from malignant magic as they shield the helpless, preserve morality amid brutality, and lend their might to bringing peace even one step closer.

Precursor Knights come in a box set of 6 (PIP 42001), and players may add up to two additional blisters (PIP 420... (vollständige Beschreibung)

33,00 EUR


PIP 42002

Precursor Knights Blister (2)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


A Cygnaran order dedicated to the warrior philosophies of the god Morrow, the Precursor Knights are sworn to honorable combat and dedicated to protecting the innocent. The prayers of these righteous soldiers can knit flesh and protect them from malignant magic as they shield the helpless, preserve morality amid brutality, and lend their might to bringing peace even one step closer.

Precursor Knights come in a box set of 6 (PIP 42001), and players may add up to two additional blisters (PIP 420... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 42003

Idrian Skirmishers Unit Box (6)

Masters of the unpredictable and lethal terrain of the Bloodstone Marches, most Idrian tribesmen converted to the Lawgiver but preserved their nomadic ways. They excel at stalking, ambush, and desert warfare and have turned these talents to the service of Menoth's Temple. With their ancient, curved blades and newly adopted rifles, these ruthless warriors cut down heretics across all nations of Immoren.

Idrian Skirmishers come in a box set of 6 (PIP 42003), and players may add up to two additi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


PIP 42004

Idrian Skirmishers Blister (2)

Hot Seller


Masters of the unpredictable and lethal terrain of the Bloodstone Marches, most Idrian tribesmen converted to the Lawgiver but preserved their nomadic ways. They excel at stalking, ambush, and desert warfare and have turned these talents to the service of Menoth's Temple. With their ancient, curved blades and newly adopted rifles, these ruthless warriors cut down heretics across all nations of Immoren.

Idrian Skirmishers come in a box set of 6 (PIP 42003), and players may add up to two additi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


PIP 42005

Cephalyx Slaver & Slaves Unit Box (6)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The inscrutable and unknowable Cephalyx lurk below western Immoren capturing humans and transforming them into mindless drudges with machinery, drugs, and horrible surgery. Cephalyx exert terrifying control over the minds of others even before enslaving them. The Cephalyx have concluded some unholy alliance with Lord Toruk, and now the mind slavers' drudges march to war alongside Cryxian thralls and helljacks.

The Cephalyx Slaver and Drudge Mind Slaves come in a box set of 6 (PIP 42005), and ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR


PIP 42006

Drudge Mind Slaves Blister (2)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The inscrutable and unknowable Cephalyx lurk below western Immoren capturing humans and transforming them into mindless drudges with machinery, drugs, and horrible surgery. Cephalyx exert terrifying control over the minds of others even before enslaving them. The Cephalyx have concluded some unholy alliance with Lord Toruk, and now the mind slavers' drudges march to war alongside Cryxian thralls and helljacks.

The Cephalyx Slaver and Drudge Mind Slaves come in a box set of 6 (PIP 42005), and ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


PIP 42007

Kayazy Assassins Unit Box (6)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


The kayazy, merchant-princes of the new Khadoran Empire, have long employed bands of skilled and ruthless bladesmen to settle scores. Now these private soldiers go south to protect their masters investment in the war. With a swift dueling style honed on the pitiless streets, these casual killers easily avoid unfavorable fights to attack in a group and quickly dispatch even well armored foes.

Kayazy Assassins come in a box set of 6 (PIP 42007), and players may add up to two additional blisters... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 42008

Kayazy Assassins Blister (2)

The kayazy, merchant-princes of the new Khadoran Empire, have long employed bands of skilled and ruthless bladesmen to settle scores. Now these private soldiers go south to protect their masters investment in the war. With a swift dueling style honed on the pitiless streets, these casual killers easily avoid unfavorable fights to attack in a group and quickly dispatch even well armored foes.

Kayazy Assassins come in a box set of 6 (PIP 42007), and players may add up to two additional blisters... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


PIP 42009

Precursor Knights Officer & Standard Bearer UA

These holy warriors emulate the example of their god and march to war preaching His word. Leading units of blessed Precursor Knights, these officers and their standard bearers bring light to the darkness of war. They preserve the souls and bodies of their comrades from rapacious undead and destroy the wicked with righteous fervor.

The Precursor Knights Officer and Standard Bearer are Cygnar models that may be included in mercenary contracts that include mercenaries that will work for Cygnar. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


PIP 42010

Idrian Skirmisher Chieftain & Champion UA (new price)

Experienced and accomplished war leaders, Idrian chieftains earn their rank through combat and can carve out sovereign domains in the borderlands. Using highly skilled guides, these leaders forge the individualistic bands of Idrian skirmishers into unified, well-coordinated forces that set deadly ambushes and execute precise assaults.

The Idrian Skirmisher Chieftain and Guide are Protectorate models that may be included in mercenary contracts that include mercenaries that will work for the Pr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,50 EUR


PIP 42011

Cephalyx Overlords

Hot Seller


Surface dwellers know little of the subterranean cephalyx and virtually nothing of their overlords. These sinister beings coordinate the alliance with Lord Toruk and direct their inhuman brethren in the furtherance of the cephalyx's enigmatic goals. The overlords' formidable mental powers bend lesser minds to their will with an excruciatingly painful burst of telepathic domination.

The Cephalyx Overlords are Cryx models that can be included in mercenary contracts that specify them as eligible... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


PIP 42012

Kayazy Assassin Underboss UA

The ruthless underbosses lead handpicked teams of assassins in the service of their Kayazy masters. These skilled, patience, and intelligent killers rise to their rank through murder and cutthroat competition. They demand a sizable price for their services, but are worth every coin. An underboss leading an assassination team all but assures the death of the target.

The Kayazy Assassin Underboss is a Khador model that may be included in mercenary contracts that include mercenaries that will wo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

7,00 EUR


PIP 42013

Cygnar Allies Precursor Knights (repack)

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A Cygnaran order dedicated to the warrior philosophies of the god Morrow, the Precursor Knights are sworn to honorable combat and dedicated to guarding the innocent. Protected from fell magic by the blessings of the ascendants and from the weapons of their enemies by heavy armor and locked shields, the Precursor Knights wield their blessed maces against the unholy terrors that threaten all of mankind.

Precursor Knights are Cygnar allies that can also be included in some mercenary contract arm... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 48,50 EUR


Faction G: Retribution of Scyrah

PIP 35047

Retribution Battlegroup Starter Box (plastic)

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Retribution of Scyrah Starter Box


The Retribution of Scyrah has risen out of the secluded elven nation of Ios to eliminate the human sorcery that threatens to destroy their gods. Kaelyssa, Night’s Whisper stalks her enemies with her myrmidons at her side, shrouding them in shadows to cover their advance. The flickering form of the Chimera and fleet Griffon strike suddenly, while the powerful Manticore lays down covering fire before closing with the d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 56,00 EUR



PIP 01019

Warmachine: Retribution of Scyrah MKII (SC)

Retribution is at hand!

Hidden behind their impenetrable borders, a sect within the long-secluded nation of Ios is preparing for war. Once outlawed as dangerous and radical, the Retribution of Scyrah has come from the shadows to offer the elves of Ios a chance at salvation. The Retribution is convinced that by ending the rampant spread of mankind's magic they can stop the slow death of their god Scyrah and save their race. Armed with the power of arcanika and backed by mighty myrmidon warjack... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


PIP 01019D

Warmachine - Vergeltung von Scyrah dt. (SC)

Die Vergeltung ist nahe!

Im lange von der Welt abgeschnittenen Ios, versteckt hinter undurchdringlichen Grenzen, bereitet sich eine Sekte auf den Krieg vor. Die Vergeltung der Scyrah war einst verboten, weil sie gefährlich und radikal ist, doch nun ist sie aus den Schatten getreten und bietet den Elfen von Ios eine Chance auf Erlösung. Die Vergeltung ist davon überzeugt, dass sie den langsamen Tod ihrer Göttin Scyrah aufhalten und ihr Volk retten kann, wenn sie nur die ungezügelte Verbre... (vollständige Beschreibung)

29,99 EUR


PIP 01020

Warmachine: Retribution of Scyrah MKII (HC)

Retribution is at hand!

Hidden behind their impenetrable borders, a sect within the long-secluded nation of Ios is preparing for war. Once outlawed as dangerous and radical, the Retribution of Scyrah has come from the shadows to offer the elves of Ios a chance at salvation. The Retribution is convinced that by ending the rampant spread of mankind's magic they can stop the slow death of their god Scyrah and save their race. Armed with the power of arcanika and backed by mighty myrmidon warjack... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


PIP 01020D

Warmachine - Vergeltung von Scyrah dt. (HC)

Hot Seller


Die Vergeltung ist nahe!

Im lange von der Welt abgeschnittenen Ios, versteckt hinter undurchdringlichen Grenzen, bereitet sich eine Sekte auf den Krieg vor. Die Vergeltung der Scyrah war einst verboten, weil sie gefährlich und radikal ist, doch nun ist sie aus den Schatten getreten und bietet den Elfen von Ios eine Chance auf Erlösung. Die Vergeltung ist davon überzeugt, dass sie den langsamen Tod ihrer Göttin Scyrah aufhalten und ihr Volk retten kann, wenn sie nur die ungezügelte Verbre... (vollständige Beschreibung)

39,99 EUR


PIP 01020DX

Warmachine - Vergeltung von Scyrah dt. (HC) LIMITED !

Das neue deutsche Regelbuch in einer Weltweit einzigartigen limitierten Kunstlederfassung. Das Regelbuch ist auf 100 Stück weltweit limitiert, hat einen schwarzen Kunstledereinband mit silberner Prägung, ein silbernes Lese- und Kapitalbändchen. Es erscheint in dieser Form nur in Deutschland!.

Die Vergeltung ist nahe!

Im lange von der Welt abgeschnittenen Ios, versteckt hinter undurchdringlichen Grenzen, bereitet sich eine Sekte auf den Krieg vor. Die Vergeltung der Scyrah war einst ver... (vollständige Beschreibung)

49,99 EUR



PIP 35001

Warcaster: Dawnlord Vyros

Dawnlord Vyros views the military might of the new Retribution as a sword in his hands, one sufficient to sunder any obstacle. He has the loyalty of the Dawnguard and the volunteered assets of dozens of other houses. The dawnlord has a reputation as a bold and forthright general who leads by example. Even pursuits such as falconry Vyros extends to applications in war, linking his mind to his hawk's to look down from above and survey the battlefield.

12,00 EUR


PIP 35002

Warcaster: Adeptis Rahn

Hot Seller


Among the most powerful arcanists born in a generation, Adeptis Rahn Shyeel is a master of force manipulation and arcane science. His movements send ripples through the air, and with but a thought he can generate storms of kinetic force capable of rending metal and bursting flesh. With a wave of his hand men and machines alike are swatted aside as easily as gnats, and it is just as effortlessly that he brushes away entire volleys of incoming fire.

Adeptis Rahn comes in a blister. A player may... (vollständige Beschreibung)

9,50 EUR


PIP 35003

Warcaster Kaelyssa, Night's Whisper (new price)

Kaelyssa is the foremost strike force commander of the Retribution's mage hunters. Her sergeants claim she can hear the heartbeats of the enemy and taste their movements on the wind. Those wizards caught in her sights are left defenseless as their own magic is negated or turned against them. To Kaelyssa her calling is a dangerous but thrilling endeavor, and with every mission she extends the depths of her formidable talents.

8,50 EUR


PIP 35004

Warcaster Ravyn, Eternal Light (new price)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Ravyn stands as a beacon of hope within a sect consumed by an apocalyptic vision of the future. Off the field she possesses a calm and pious wisdom. In battle some believe her to be invincible. She takes no joy in killing, but neither does she shrink from it. When Scyrah is restored, the warcaster plans to embrace peace as readily as she now welcomes war. Ravyn is seen as a fighting embodiment of the righteousness of the Retribution's holy cause.

Ravyn, Eternal Light comes in a blister (PIP 3... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

PIP 35005

Warcaster Garryth, Blade of Retribution

Even among mage hunters Garryth is a fanatic. He crosses the battlefield like a living storm, letting the death reaped by his pistols and their razor-sharp blades serve as prayers to the stricken goddess. No warcaster in Ios has his length of experience fighting mankind, and this affords him a terrifying mystique. Garryth has long anticipated the day the shackles of restraint would be removed and he would be given the liberty to kill at whim.

Garryth comes in a blister. A player may field one... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,50 EUR


PIP 35006

Myrmidon: Chimera (new price)

The Chimera has an unsettling appearance as its active power field makes its form blur and fade. Once it nears the enemy, a Chimera becomes a delivery device for its warcaster's most powerful arcane powers, channeled across its arc node. The Chimera will strike and kill with its scything arm-mounted glaives, then vanish as nearby soldiers turn to desperately engage it. With a flicker of blended light it appears behind them to deliver arcane death.

17,00 EUR


PIP 35007

Heavy Myrmidon Plastic Kit (new price)

Hot Seller


House Shyeel has brought the power of its formidable myrmidons to the Retribution, fighting machines enhanced by sophisticated arcanika systems. The Hydra stores energy in its arcane batteries to unleash a torrent of crushing blows or a singularly powerful blast. The Manticore is equally as formidable in melee or at range, thanks to kinetically augmented attacks and its Cyclone Cannon. The Phoenix enters battle in a blaze of blue-white flames as liquid fire ignites along its massive thermal blad... (vollständige Beschreibung)

25,50 EUR


PIP 35008

Dawnguard Invictor Unit Box (10) (new price)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Invictors make up the bulk of House Nyarr's Dawnguard order. When supported by the formidable Iosan myrmidons, invictors are unsurpassed on the battlefield. Firing their weapons as they close, the invictors are ever ready to charge into the ranks of the enemy and cut them down with the heavy blades set into their rifles.

Dawnguard Invictors come in a box (PIP 35008). A player may field two Dawnguard Invictor units for each warcaster in his Retribution army.

78,00 EUR


PIP 35009

Dawnguard Sentinel Unit Box (10)

Dawnguard sentinels charge into the enemy as an overwhelming tide of cleaving blades. These heavily armored knights use their great swords to expertly carve through any adversary willing to stand against them. Sentinels embody sheer determination in flesh and steel and view themselves as the timeless essence of their order.

42,00 EUR


PIP 35010

Houseguard Halberdiers Unit Box (10)

Hot Seller


The majority of the houseguard are career soldiers who have spent years at drill and formation. Though they are drawn from dozens of lesser Iosan households, all follow an ancient shared tradition. Disciplined ranks of halberdiers form a tide of rising and falling steel that can cut down masses of enemies with deliberate ease.

42,00 EUR


PIP 35011

Houseguard Riflemen Unit Box (10)

Companies of riflemen have joined the Retribution in number and serve as the long-reaching line for the army abroad. They wield heavy rifles capable of delivering punishing firepower against the human armies that so greatly outnumber them. Rather than haphazardly firing into the enemy, a rifleman is trained to take careful aim and regard each trigger pull as a prospective kill.

35,00 EUR


PIP 35012

House Shyeel Battle Mages (new price)

House Shyeel has assembled squads of arcanists who specialize in the application of raw evoked force. They have no fear of closing with the enemy, for they enter battle equipped with massive arcanika-charged gauntlets that lend supernatural strength to their strikes. Their control over kinetic energies allows them to emerge unscathed from even massive explosions.

House Shyeel Battle Mages come in a box (PIP 35012). A player may field two Battle Mage units for each warcaster in his Retribution... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


PIP 35013

House Shyeel Magister Solo

Battle mage magisters manipulate invisible energies to tear an enemy limb from limb or to haul weighty machinery around like pieces on a game board. The massive arcanika gauntlets they wear not only serve as conduits for their powers, but can deliver tremendous crushing blows and send opponents flying.

8,50 EUR


PIP 35014

Mage Hunter Strike Force Unit

z.Zt. vergriffen


Mage hunters are expected to function in extreme circumstances, such as surviving hand-to-mouth deep in enemy territory while isolated from friendly support. At home in any environment, they learn to scavenge and improvise, and to kill without hesitation. Their first priority is always the elimination of enemy arcanists and mechanikal constructs which they believe harm Scyrah.

Mage Hunter Strike Force comes in a box. A player may field two Mage Hunter Strike Force units for each warcaster in ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

PIP 35015

Mage Hunter Commander Unit Attachment

z.Zt. vergriffen


Veteran teams led by senior commanders are well versed in advanced Retribution techniques. Slipping past the outer defenses of an enemy base, they fire bolts through intervening walls to kill without a trace. Working alongside other soldiers in the Retribution military, these teams apply similar methods to erase vital targets before they can even join battle.

Mage Hunter Commander comes in a blister (PIP 35015). A player may field one Mage Hunter Commander for each warcaster in his Retributio... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

PIP 35016

Mage Hunter Assassin

Mage hunter assassins are practiced killers, mage hunters with refined skills. Recruitment for this cabal is slow, for their chain blades are tricky and require exceptional reflexes. A skilled assassin can send the blade flying tremendous distances before whipping the chain to bring the weapon to hand for close-quarter fighting.

Mage Hunter Assassin comes in a blister (PIP 35016). A player may field two Mage Hunter Assassins for each warcaster in his Retribution army.

6,00 EUR


PIP 35017

Stormfall Archers Unit

Stormfall archers are walking artillery batteries who can unleash a firestorm of destruction from an arsenal of alchemical ammunition. Requiring only their great compound bows to send their firepower across the battlefield, these archers are quite unlike the slow-moving cannon crews of the human kingdoms.

Stormfall Archers come in a box (PIP 35017). A player may field two Stormfall Archer units for each warcaster in his Retribution army.

20,50 EUR


PIP 35018

Soulless Escort Weapon Attachment

While Retribution handlers endeavor to train soulless as soldiers, some are destined to serve another function. Energy flows sent to destroy Retribution soldiers are siphoned into the body of the soulless. If they siphon too much it prompts complete organ failure. Heart and lungs burst from hostile energy pouring into the soulless, while leaving those allies around him untouched.

6,00 EUR


PIP 35019

Arcanist Solo

Even the most masterfully crafted myrmidon requires repair and support, particularly after the rigors of battle. Arcanists are seasoned mechanics with a broad working knowledge of arcanika that allows them to piece together shattered and broken hardware to get even a mostly ruined myrmidon working again. Their expertise also allows them to lend subtle arcane power to push these machines past their normal operational limits.

8,50 EUR


PIP 35020

Dawnguard Scyir

Ranking above captains and thanes, scyirs are trusted to lead large, mixed task forces that include all branches of their own order as well as other warriors of the Retribution. Most are sons and daughters of nobility who have proven themselves to be the elite of the elite, the pinnacle of Dawnguard martial coordination, with tremendous skill at coordinating myrmidons alongside their subordinate soldiers.

Dawnguard Scyir comes in a blister (PIP 35020). A player may field two Dawnguard Scyirs ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,50 EUR


PIP 35021

Ghost Sniper Solo

Ghost snipers are specialized and secretive hunter-killers employed ostensibly to help patrol the borders by employing powerful rifles to bring death to hapless intruders who wander into their sights. Many were already sympathetic to the Retribution while others seek profit and a chance to exercise their skills abroad. These killers stand ready to aim their formidable rifles at the enemies of the Retribution.

6,00 EUR


PIP 35022

Nayl Character Solo

Nayl is one of the soulless, destined to stand forever apart from his people, an uncomfortable reminder of the doom awaiting Scyrah and all of Ios. At rest Nayl seems empty, yet a blade in his hand moves with a will of its own, expressing echoes of emotions. Nayl's trainers prepared him from youth to serve as an arcane vortex when he at last perishes, striking against the Retribution's enemies even as death consumes him.

8,50 EUR


PIP 35023

Narn, Mage Hunter of Ios

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


While his name is largely unknown outside the Retribution, within their ranks Narn is held in legendary esteem for his blinding speed as a bladesman and the fluid yet austere grace with which he executes every kill. The veteran hunter is given tremendous flexibility in his choice of operations and favors serving as a lone assassin rather than as a task force leader.

Narn comes in a blister (PIP 35023). A player may field one Narn in his Retribution army.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 35024

Retribution Dawnguard Destor Cavalry Unit (5)

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The elite cavalry of the Dawnguard, destors thunder across the battlefield to smash apart enemy lines or bring down heavily armored foes. Armed with lance cannons designed specifically for their order, the destors can soften an enemy from afar with unerring blasts from their weapons and then finish the job with a crushing cavalry charge. Many times it is the thundering hooves of a destor charge that deliver victory for the Retribution.

Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be req... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 80,00 EUR


PIP 35025

Destor Thane Cavalry Solo

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The mighty Dawnguard Destor thane is an elite solider who commands the thunderous charge of the Dawnguard Destors. With great speed and skill, he can charge to skewer a foe with his lance cannon and then immediately rain death upon a second enemy with ranged fire. The Dawnguard Destor Thane cavalry solo comes in a blister (PIP 35025). A player may field up to two Dawnguard Destor Thanes for each warcaster in a Retribution of Scyrah army.

ca. 24,00 EUR


PIP 35026

Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen

Fane Knights are soldiers who have answered a divine calling and feel chosen to pledge their lives to the defense of Scyrah. They have vowed to protect both the fane and the goddess to their last heartbeat. Despite the warnings of Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen's priests and superiors, he has turned away from the Fane and to the Retribution for answers. Skeryth longs for battle and increasingly rests his hopes on the Retribution's claim that fighting humanity will provide relief to the goddess.

F... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


PIP 35027

Dawnguard Invictor Officer & Standard Bearer

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Invictor captains are veterans who have endured long years of service under merciless superiors. All Invictors are extensively drilled and trained to take part in complex coordinated actions, and this is particularly true of the veterans chosen to accompany each captain. Relying on this discipline, Invictor officers can deliver devastating concentrated fire at unprecedented range.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 35028

Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard Bearer

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Sentinel captains will commit any action that will bring honor and glory to the order and thereby to House Nyarr. The Sentinel discipline is the one most often chosen by heirs of House Nyarr's bloodline, for it exemplifies Dawnguard virtues. Banner bearers carry aloft in imperishable metal the oaths by which they live as a visible reminder to all their men of their purpose.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 35029

Scyrah Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard - 2010

The officers who lead halberdier companies see themselves as consummate warriors and living examples for their subordinates. These officers must forge their men into disciplined groups acting as a single concerted body. In time some few will be remembered as lasting heroes, while others will die on first clash with the enemy and have their banner picked up and carried on. Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard Bearer come in a blister. A player may field one Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Sta... (vollständige Beschreibung)

13,00 EUR


PIP 35030

Scyrah Houseguard Rifleman Officer & Standard - 2010

Sammlerstück / Rarität


After decades of directing fire, these committed houseguard officers know better than anyone the pressure they can bring to bear
with a few dozen rifles placed in the right place at the right time.
Under such a commander, riflemen stay steady in the face of incoming enemies and hold fire until the last moment,
increasing the deadly impact of every shot. Houseguard Rifleman Officer & Standard Bearer come in a blister.

A player may field one Houseguard Rifleman Officer & Standard Bearer u... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


PIP 35031

Myrmidon: Gorgon

The Gorgon exists to dictate the flow of battle by depriving the enemy of mobility. Its integral force cannon unleashes blasts of energy capable of forestalling an enemy's forward momentum. Its more powerful fields require close proximity, and the Gorgon will rush forward to seize even larger and more powerful 'jacks or myrmidons to pin them in place. While its force-locked prey struggles to extract itself, the Gorgon deals punishing blows with its arm-mounted glaives.

17,00 EUR


PIP 35032

Myrmidon: Griffon (Metal)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Griffon is a sleek and fast myrmidon, designed for swift flanking maneuvers. Its power field enables the Griffon to become near weightless for short intervals, allowing for long, loping strides before it strikes home with its powerful halberd. By judicious use of this field the Griffon can negotiate marshy terrain, dense undergrowth or other obstacles.

60,00 EUR


PIP 35033

Retribution Mage Hunter Assassin (Variant Pose)

Mage hunter assassins are practiced killers and mage hunters with refined skills. Recruitment for this cabal is slow, for their chain blades are tricky to use and require exceptional reflexes. A skilled assassin can send the blade flying tremendous distances before whipping the chain to bring the weapon to hand for close-quarter fighting.

The alternate sculpt Mage Hunter Assassin provides a dynamic new pose that allows players to differentiate their models on the tabletop.

Mage Hunter Assa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

7,00 EUR


PIP 35034

Retribution Banshee/Daemon/Sphinx Heavy Myrmidon (plastic)

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Recently unleashed upon the enemies of the Retribution, House Vyre’s myrmidons were developed with distinct capabilities all their own. The Banshee emits a high-pitched wail that prevents enemy spellcasters from using their magic, while its shrieking cannon hurls enemies aside with raw sonic power. A powerful assault myrmidon, the Daemon smashes foes with its rune fists or blasts them with concentrated arcane energy from its vortex cannon. The Sphinx rends its enemies with twin force claws or ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 31,50 EUR


PIP 35035

Retribution of Scyrah Aspis Light Warjack

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A marvel of Iosan force mastery, the Aspis is capable of manipulating its own protective force field. It can reshape and strengthen its shield in response to incoming threats. This ability, coupled with its incredible reaction time, allows it to intercept enemy fire directed at nearby allies, literally catching bullets before they strike. A warcaster accompanied by this myrmidon with its regenerating field can feel secure in taking risks that might otherwise be reckless.
The Aspis warjack comes... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 17,00 EUR


PIP 35038

Heavy Rifle Team - Weapon Crew

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The cannons used by the heavy rifle teams of the houseguard are deadly effective pieces of Iosan ordnance. The heavy rifle crews are adept at picking apart enemies from well across the battlefield, and the heavy bolts fired by their cannons can penetrate thick armor with appalling ease. The Heavy Rifle Team weapon crew unit comes in a blister (PIP 35028). A player may field up to two Heavy Rifle Teams for each warcaster in a Retribution of Scyrah army.

ca. 17,00 EUR


PIP 35039

Arcantrik Force Generator (Resin)

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The arcantrik force generator is a massive engine of war that houses one of the most devastating and complex weapons in the arsenal of the Retribution of Scyrah. Its teleforce cannon, which fires concentrated bursts of kinetic energy, represents the very pinnacle of Iosan arcane science. Blasts from the force generator shatter anything they touch, reduce the ground to craters and rubble, and fling enemies aside like broken dolls.

This model is composed of resin and white metal components.

... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 80,00 EUR


PIP 35041

House Shyeel Artificer Battle Mage Solo

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The House Shyeel artificer harnesses the might of Iosan magic to blast foes with bolts of rending energy and restrict their movement with walls of raw force. In addition, the artificer can smash enemies in melee with his twin power gauntlets. The House Shyeel Artificer battle mage solo comes in a blister (PIP 35041). A player may field up to three House Shyeel Artificers for each warcaster in a Retribution of Scyrah army.

ca. 15,50 EUR


PIP 35043

Discordia Character Heavy Warjack Upgrade Kit

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Discordia, the favored myrmidon of Adeptis Rahn, is arguably the pinnacle of Iosan warjack technology. Capable of projecting a wall of force energy around friendly forces or focusing that energy into a concentrated wave to shatter all opposition in its path, Discordia is a singular symbol of House Shyeel’s—if not the Retribution’s—might.
The Discordia Character Heavy Warjack Upgrade Kit comes in a blister (PIP 35043). The Discordia Character Heavy Warjack Upgrade Kit is NOT a complete m... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 8,50 EUR


PIP 35045

Retribution Hypnos Character Heavy Myrmidon Upgrade Blister

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Hypnos, a myrmidon of the most exacting construction, is of the creation of Lord Arcanist Ossyan’s own labors. The lord arcanist has forged an insoluble connection with Hypnos, allowing it to draw energy from Ossyan and become an extension of his abilities. In his presence the myrmidon’s phase gun is imbued with synchronized energy; those struck by it become nonconductive to mystical channeling, thwarting the use of arc nodes as well as the delicate synergy between warbeast and warlock. Once... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 11,00 EUR


PIP 35046

Warcaster Lord Arcanist Ossyan

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The fundamental laws of reality twist and shatter beneath the will of Ossyan, Lord Arcanist of House Vyre. Time bends with but a gesture from him, and he can alter his perception to see the convergence of fate. Armed with perfect foresight he is a deadly combatant and battlefield general. Ossyan’s myrmidons and soldiers move with the assurance of destiny as he unleashes House Vyre’s sophisticated armaments upon the enemies of the Retribution.
The warcaster Lord Arcanist Ossyan comes in a bl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


PIP 35047

Retribution Epic Warcaster -Vyros, Incissar of Dawnguard Box

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Retribution Vyros, Incissar der Dämmergarde Epic Warcaster
The Retribution of Scyrah has no greater champion than Vyros of House Nyarr. The leader of the Dawnguard rides to war astride his powerful warhorse Solarys, his hunting hawk circling overhead. Through her eyes he sees the battlefield unobstructed, allowing Vyros to direct his army rapidly to close gaps in the line or capture critical ground, ensuring he is never outmaneuvered in battle.

Vyros, Incissar of the Dawnguard comes in a bo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 34,00 EUR


PIP 35051

Retribution Mage Hunter Infiltrators Unit Box

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Mage hunter infiltrators specialize in hunting and killing enemy arcanists. At home in any environment, they take advantage of their surroundings to close on their target in silence, their blades slicing through arcane wards with practiced ease. From out of the darkness they strike, quickly and efficiently dispatching those whose very existence threatens Scyrah. The Mage Hunter Infiltrator unit comes in a box (PIP 35051). A player may field up to two Mage Hunter Infiltrator units for each warcas... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 44,00 EUR


PIP 35055

Retribution Chimera Light Myrmidon Box (plastic)

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Chimäre The Chimera has an unsettling appearance, as its active power field makes its form blur and fade. Once it nears the enemy, a Chimera becomes a delivery device for its warcaster’s most powerful spells, channeled across its arc node. The Chimera will strike and kill with its scything arm-mounted glaives, then vanish as nearby soldiers turn desperately to engage it. With a flicker of blended light it appears behind them to deliver arcane death. The Chimera light myrmidon comes in a box (... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


PIP 35056

Retribution Gorgon Light Myrmidon Box (plastic)

Bitte vorbestellen


Gorgone The Gorgon exists to dictate the flow of battle by depriving the enemy of mobility. Its integral force cannon unleashes blasts of energy capable of forestalling an enemy’s forward momentum. It will rush forward to pin down even more powerful ’jacks and myrmidons, enmeshing them in powerful short-range kinetic fields. While its force-locked prey struggles to extract itself, the Gorgon deals punishing blows with its arm-mounted glaives. The Gorgon light myrmidon comes in a box (PIP 350... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


PIP 35057

Retribution Griffon Light Myrmidon Box (plastic)

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The Griffon is a sleek and fast myrmidon, designed for swift flanking maneuvers. Its power field enables it to become near-weightless for short intervals, allowing for long, loping strides before it strikes home with its powerful halberd. By judicious use of this field the Griffon can negotiate marshy terrain, dense undergrowth, or other obstacles. The Griffon light myrmidon comes in a box (PIP 35057). A player may field any number of Griffons in a Retribution of Scyrah army. SPECIAL NOTE: PIP ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


PIP 35059

Retribution Houseguard Halberdiers Unit Box (10) (plastic)

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The majority of the houseguard are career soldiers who have spent years at drill and formation. Though they are drawn from dozens of lesser Iosan households, all follow an ancient shared tradition and undergo similar disciplined training and drills. At the orders of their superiors, ranks of halberdiers form a tide of rising and falling steel that can cut down masses of enemies with deliberate ease. The Houseguard Halberdier unit comes in a box (PIP 35059). A player may field up to three Housegu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 52,00 EUR



PIP 91055

Mk II Scyrah Token Set

Each of these faction-specific token sets includes 10 focus tokens sporting the faction’s color and symbol in addition to over 30 status tokens for tracking spells and in-game effects. The spell tokens are completely customizable, so you won’t have to spend time fishing around for the right token or carry multiple sets for different warcasters. Just mark the token with a dry-erase marker and get back to the action in seconds! Made from high-quality plastic, WARMACHINE token sets arm players ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Faction H: Convergence of Cyriss

PIP 36000

Cyriss Battlegroup Starter Box (plastic)

GRIND ALL WHO OPPOSE YOU TO DUST! Emerging from their hidden temple workshops, the enigmatic Convergence of Cyriss have unleashed their sophisticated clockwork and mechanika weapons called vectors on the Iron Kingdoms as they begin the final phase of their Great Work. The indomitable Forge Master Syntherion sends his heavy Cipher to bombard opposing forces before closing to annihilate them with its powerful piston spikes, while his nimble Mitigator entangles other foes with its razor bola to kno... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR



PIP 01053

Forces of Warmachine: Convergence of Cyriss (SC)

EMBRACE THE PERFECTION OF THE MACHINE To those who worship Cyriss, no tenet is more sacred than the Fifth Harmonic—the belief that the Clockwork Goddess will manifest once the perfect machine is created across all of Caen. The key to this vessel’s completion lies in the geomantic fulcrums of power that cover the world, many in hostile territory. For centuries the cult has been amassing an immense mechanikal army, poised to take the final steps in readying for their goddess. The time has come... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


PIP 01054

Forces of Warmachine: Convergence of Cyriss (HC)

EMBRACE THE PERFECTION OF THE MACHINE To those who worship Cyriss, no tenet is more sacred than the Fifth Harmonic—the belief that the Clockwork Goddess will manifest once the perfect machine is created across all of Caen. The key to this vessel’s completion lies in the geomantic fulcrums of power that cover the world, many in hostile territory. For centuries the cult has been amassing an immense mechanikal army, poised to take the final steps in readying for their goddess. The time has come... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


PIP 01054D

Forces of Warmachine: Konvergenz von Cyriss (HC) dt.

AKZEPTIERE DIE PERFEKTION DER MASCHINE! Für die Anhänger Cyriss' ist kein Grundsatz heiliger als die fünfte Harmonie – der Glaube, dass die Uhrwerkgöttin sich manifestieren wird, sobald die perfekte Maschine auf Caen gebaut wurde. Der Schlüssel zur Vollendung dieses göttlichen Gefäßes liegt in den geometrischen Achsen der Macht, die die Welt umspannen. Über Jahrhunderte hat der Kult eine gewaltige mechanische Armee versammelt, um die letzten Gebiete für seine Gottheit zu erobern. Die... (vollständige Beschreibung)

39,99 EUR



PIP 36001

Cyriss Warcaster - Aurora, Numen of Aerogenesis Blister

Accompanied by her personal guard of Clockwork Angels, Aurora flies into battle at the vanguard of the Convergence army, striking its enemies with swift precision alongside her mechanikal allies. Aurora is blazing a new way forward for the Convergence, proving herself a peerless warrior and visionary inventor. A beacon of inspiration to all within the Convergence of Cyriss, Aurora sweeps aside any who would impede the Great Work, continually seeking to prove she is ready to transcend the flesh a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


PIP 36002

Cyriss Cipher/Inverter/Monitor Heavy Vector Box (plastic)

The Inverter represents the first of the Convergence of Cyriss’ vector chassis. Designed specifically for brute force, its heavy spring-loaded macropummeler sends its unfortunate opponents crashing to the ground, making them easy targets for the finishing blows of its meteor hammer. The Cipher supports the assault with a pair of hydraulically powered piston spikes and an integrated servipod mortar that can unleash several different ammunition types in support of its army’s advance. The Monit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


PIP 36003

Cyriss Clockwork Angels Unit Box (3)

Clockwork angels are fast and deadly strike forces that utilize the innovation of true flight to remain in constant motion, eagerly disrupting all who would dare to oppose the will of Cyriss. Relying on their speed, maneuverability, and the devastating precision of their polynomial beams to surgically cripple enemy forces, the clockwork angels leave their foes weakened and vulnerable to the finishing blows of other Convergence elements. The Clockwork Angels unit comes in a blister (PIP 36003). A... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


PIP 36004

Cyriss Axis, The Harmonic Enforcer Warcaster

What Axis lacks in subtlety, he more than makes up for in knowledge, mathematical precision, and brute strength. His dedication to crushing any who oppose the Great Work is matched only by his devotion to Cyriss herself. Armed with his twin hammers Action and Reaction, Axis finds satisfaction in serving the goddess through the calculated destruction of her enemies. Axis, The Harmonic Enforcer comes in a blister (PIP 36004). A player may field one Axis, The Harmonic Enforcer in a Convergence army... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


PIP 36005

Cyriss Diffuser Light Vector Box (plastic)

The Diffuser is a clockwork marvel equipped with a ripspike launcher and a sophisticated arcane relay. The individual ripspikes bear tiny fins controlled by a clockwork mechanism. This allows the arcane relay to adjust the trajectory of each ripspike, maximizing the probability of every shot striking true. The relay sends similar signals to other vectors, clockwork vessels, and priests of Cyriss to direct their efforts toward targets marked for immediate termination. The Diffuser light vector co... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


PIP 36006

Cyriss Attunement Servitors Solos (3)

Attunement servitors boldly fly between enemies to seek out high priority targets and mark them for destruction. Attunement servitors fire small glass globes filled with phosphorescent lumichem to bathe their targets in highly adhesive, chemiluminescent fluid that impairs mobility and is highly visible even from great distances. Because all members of the Convergence know to concentrate fire on anything marked with lumichem, such unfortunate targets soon become the focus of innumerable spikes, s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


PIP 36016

Cyriss Obstructors Unit Box (10) (plastic)

Having achieved the first step in their greater journey among the Convergence by having their souls installed in intricate clockwork vessels, obstructors know neither fatigue nor pain. In battle their shields interlock through an intricate mechanism of gears to present an unbreakable steel wall to their enemies. They serve as the primary cogs around which the greater Convergence army is ordered. The Obstructor unit comes in a box (PIP 36016). A player may field up to three Obstructor units for e... (vollständige Beschreibung)

54,00 EUR


PIP 36017

Cyriss Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex Solo

Among the most important but demanding tasks carried out by the living priests of the Convergence is the deployment of algorithmic dispersion arrays—devices that increase the reach of a warcaster’s arcane spells well beyond normal tolerances. By carefully modulating the dispersion array’s frequencies, the optifex acts as a transmitter through which the warcaster can bolster his battlegroup or strike down enemy targets. The Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex solo comes in a blister (PIP 36017).... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


PIP 36018

Cyriss Prime Axiom Colossal Vector

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The Prime Axiom inspires awe and fear among the armies of the Iron Kingdoms. The thrum of energy cycling through it is nearly deafening as the machine hovers over the battlefield. Its multiple weapon systems rip through screening troops, dismantle warjacks, and send servitors deep into the heart of battle. To confront a Prime Axiom is to behold the inevitability of the Great Work and the terrifying power made possible by the guiding hand of Cyriss. The Prime Axiom colossal vector comes in a box ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 36022

Cyriss Eradicators Unit Box (5)

Frontline shock troopers, eradicators charge into the fray using protean bucklers to protect their advance. In the thick of combat their bucklers transform to release spring-loaded claws. The clockwork shock troopers employ these claws to strike down opponents with surgical precision, using the momentum of each blow to propel themselves even deeper into enemy lines.

50,00 EUR


PIP 360227

Cyriss Elimination Servitors Unit Box (3)

The elimination servitor operates by one directive: hunt down and terminate any and all it does not recognize as an ally. Once it has acquired a target, an elimination servitor advances in a series of precise movements intended to bring its spike projector to bear with the greatest efficiency. The spikes inflict modest but reliable damage and are particularly effective against foot soldiers.

12,00 EUR


PIP 36023

Cyriss Servitors Solo (3)

The reflex servitor represents precise function given deadly form. In many respects, its efficiency and lethality perfectly embody the Convergence’s basic combat doctrine. Though it is programmed to eliminate enemies through its own detonation, it does not sacrifice itself randomly. Indeed, the reflex servitor resembles a predator stalking prey, waiting for the proper moment to strike. The Reflex Servitors solos come three to a blister (PIP 36023). A player may field up to three groups of thre... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR



PIP 91073

Mk II Cyriss Token Set

This official Convergence of Cyriss token set includes:

12 Focus Tokens 6 Faction Tokens 5 Spell Tokens 4 Upkeep Spell Tokens 2 Shield Wall Tokens 3 Variable Tokens 4 Flare Tokens 2 Beacon Tokens 4 Knockdown Tokens 3 Dug In Tokens 3 Soul Tokens 2 Token Stands

12,00 EUR



PIP 61001


Sammlerstück / Rarität


Suspended just above a lake of seething magma, this flame-scorched arena is ground zero for the most brutal sport ever created—Grind! Here 10-ton, ash-spewing, steam-powered robots called steamjacks fight to move a giant, spiked ball into the other team’s goal. Using every weapon in their arsenal, these steamjacks slam, smash, and crush their way through the opposition as they tirelessly slug it out for the title.

The Destructodome is the battlefield for two rival teams of armored metal w... (vollständige Beschreibung)

108,00 EUR


Warmachine Accessories

PIP 2006

Privateer Press Catalog 2006

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Noch "Riesigerer"* PIP Farbkatalog 2006 !

*wir wissen das es das Wort "riesigerer" nicht gibt ;)

This 9x 13 Full color catalog list the 2006 Privateer Products. Contained with in is an assembly of our products released so far as well as those immediately on the horizon. In addition, view some of this years HORDES releases, and some sneak peaks at SUPERIORITY the next WARMACINE expiation.

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PIP 2007

Privateer Press Catalog 2007

With Privateer Press entire product line all in one convenient place in brilliant full-color, the 2007 catalog is a valuable resource for both players and collectors. In addition, the 2007 catalog contains guidance for building armies in WARMACHINE and HORDES and includes a section of tips and techniques for painting them using the range of Formula P3 paints.

12,00 EUR


PIP 2008

Privateer Press Catalog 2008

The 2008 Privateer Press catalog delivers the full range of Privateer models for WARMACHINE® and HORDES, all rulebooks and publications, and includes the full range of P3 paints and hobby supplies, so you can get your models built, painted and on the battlefield. With over 140 pages of models, books, apparel, game aids, and model collecting and painting tips, this catalog is the ideal gateway for total hobby immersion into the Privateer Press gaming experience.

12,00 EUR


PIP 82177

Warmachine Collectors Card Album

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PIP 91001

Warmachine 30mm Bases (12) (new price)

30mm round bases for use with WARMACHINE and Iron Kingdoms RPG Full-Metal Fantasy Miniatures. 12 bases per blister.

4,00 EUR


PIP 91002

Warmachine 40mm Bases (8)

40mm round bases for use with WARMACHINE and Iron Kingdoms RPG Full-Metal Fantasy Miniatures. 8 bases per blister.

3,50 EUR


PIP 91003

Warmachine 50mm Bases (5)

50mm round bases for use with WARMACHINE and Iron Kingdoms RPG Full-Metal Fantasy Miniatures. 8 bases per blister.

3,50 EUR


PIP 91004

Cygnar Color Stat Card Deck

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Each is a 65 card presorted, non-collectable deck that contains the entire set of faction stat cards for use in WARMACHINE. Every Prime and Escalation warcaster, each unit, solo, and warjack, are redone in glorious full color, some with amazing new artwork from award-winning Privateer Press artists. Decks are sold separately, and cards will not be available individually.

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PIP 91016

Cygnar Color Stat Card Deck Mk. II

Completely revised, updated, and redesigned, this deck contains color stat cards for every Cygnar warcaster, warjack, solo, and unit available from Prime through Superiority. Altered to reflect the clarifications made in WARMACHINE: Prime Remix, these decks bring every model up to date with a simple, beautiful layout and provide players with the most current rules for their favorite models.

18,00 EUR


PIP 91017

Protectorate of Menoth Color Stat Card Deck Mk. II

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Completely revised, updated, and redesigned, this deck contains color stat cards for every Protectorate of Menoth warcaster, warjack, solo, and unit available from Prime through Superiority. Altered to reflect the clarifications made in WARMACHINE: Prime Remix, these decks bring every model up to date with a simple, beautiful layout and provide players with the most current rules for their favorite models.

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PIP 91018

Khador Color Stat Card Deck Mk. II

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Completely revised, updated, and redesigned, this deck contains color stat cards for every Khador warcaster, warjack,
solo, and unit available from Prime through Superiority. Altered to reflect the clarifications made in WARMACHINE:
Prime Remix, these decks bring every model up to date with a simple, beautiful layout and provide players with the
most current rules for their favorite models.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 91019

Cryx Color Stat Card Deck Mk. II

Completely revised, updated, and redesigned, this deck contains color stat cards for every Cryx warcaster, warjack, solo, and unit available from Prime through Superiority. Altered to reflect the clarifications made in WARMACHINE: Prime Remix, these decks bring every model up to date with a simple, beautiful layout and provide players with the most current rules for their favorite models.

18,00 EUR


PIP 91020

Mercenaries Color Stat Card Deck Mk. II

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Completely revised, updated, and redesigned, this deck contains color stat cards for every mercenary warcaster, warjack, solo, and unit available from Prime through Superiority including new mercenary contract cards. Altered to reflect the clarifications made in WARMACHINE: Prime Remix, these decks bring every model up to date with a simple, beautiful layout and provide players with the most current rules for their favorite models.

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PIP 91034

Warmachine MKII Template Set

This official WARMACHINE Template Set includes a blast template, a spray template, and a measuring key. The spray template incorporates a line of sight tool for establishing a model’s targetable volume under the new WARMACHINE Mk II system. The measuring key will quickly confirm the distances for melee, Reach, and cover and can be used to properly align an elevated spray template with the edge of the firing model’s base.

10,00 EUR


PIP 91046

Cygnar: MKII 2010 Deck

Harness the power of the storm and unleash it upon your enemies. Arm yourself for the next stage in steam-powered miniatures combat with the WARMACHINE MK II Cygnar Deck. This deck contains 90 full-color, redesigned stat cards for every Cygnar model through Legends for use in WARMACHINE Mk II.

20,00 EUR


PIP 91046D

Cygnar: MKII 2010 Deck

Enthält die neuen Mk II Datenkarten für Cygnar.

Harness the power of the storm and unleash it upon your enemies. Arm yourself for the next stage in steam-powered miniatures combat with the WARMACHINE MK II Cygnar Deck. This deck contains 90 full-color, redesigned stat cards for every Cygnar model through Legends for use in WARMACHINE Mk II.

12,60 EUR


PIP 91047

Protectorate of Menoth: MKII 2010 Deck

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Go forth and smith the unfaithful in the Creator's name. Arm yourself for the next stage in steam-powered miniatures combat with the WARMACHINE MK II Protectorate of Menoth Deck. This deck contains 90 full-color, redesigned stat cards for every Protectorate model through Legends for use in WARMACHINE Mk II.

ca. 20,00 EUR


PIP 91047D

Protektorat MKII Kartenset

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Enthält die neuen Mk II Datenkarten für das Protektorat.

Go forth and smith the unfaithful in the Creator's name. Arm yourself for the next stage in steam-powered miniatures combat with the WARMACHINE MK II Protectorate of Menoth Deck. This deck contains 90 full-color, redesigned stat cards for every Protectorate model through Legends for use in WARMACHINE Mk II.

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PIP 91048

Khador: MKII 2010 Deck

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Take up the mantle of the empire and crush any who would deny your destiny. Arm yourself for the next stage in steam-powered miniatures combat with the WARMACHINE MK II Khador Deck. This deck contains 90 full-color, redesigned stat cards for every Khador model through Legends for use in WARMACHINE Mk II.

ca. 20,00 EUR


PIP 91048D

Khador MKII Kartenset

Enthält die neuen Mk II Datenkarten für Khador .

Take up the mantle of the empire and crush any who would deny your destiny. Arm yourself for the next stage in steam-powered miniatures combat with the WARMACHINE MK II Khador Deck. This deck contains 90 full-color, redesigned stat cards for every Khador model through Legends for use in WARMACHINE Mk II.

20,00 EUR


PIP 91049D

Cryx: MKII 2010 Deck

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Enthält die neuen Mk II Datenkarten für dCryx.

The Dragonfather calls. Let the end of the Iron Kingdoms come by your hand. Arm yourself for the next stage in steam-powered miniatures combat with the WARMACHINE MK II Cryx Deck. This deck contains 90 full-color, redesigned stat cards for every Cryx model through Legends for use in WARMACHINE Mk II.

20,00 EUR


PIP 91050

Mercenaries MKII 2010 Faction Deck

Sammlerstück / Rarität


War is your business. And business is good. Arm yourself for the next stage in steam-powered miniatures combat with the WARMACHINE MK II Mercenaries Deck. This deck contains 90 full-color, redesigned stat cards for every Mercenaries model through Legends for use in WARMACHINE Mk II.

20,00 EUR


PIP 91050D

Söldner MKII 2010 Fraktionsdeck

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Enthält die neuen Mk II Datenkarten für die Söldner.

2010 Fraktionsdeck: Rüste dich mit diesem WARMACHINE Mk II Söldner Deck für die nächste Stufe des Vollmetall Fantasy Miniaturenspiels. Das Deck enthält 90 vollfarbige Datenkarten im neuen Design aller Söldner Modelle, die bis 1. Januar 2010 erschienen sind. Für WARMACHINE Mk II.

Das exklusiv bei Ulisses Spiele auf Deutsch erscheinende 30-mm-Tabletop Warmachine ist ein schnelles, hartes Miniaturenspiel in einer ungewöhnlichen F... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


PIP 91103D

Cygnar: MKIII 2016 Fraktionsdeck

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Dieses Fraktionsdeck enthält 124 aktualisierte und überarbeitete Karten mit Mk3-Spielwerten für alle Cygnar-Modelle, die bis zum 1. Juni 2016 für Warmachine veröffentlicht wurden.

40,00 EUR


PIP 91135

Convergence of Cryiss Template Set acrylic

This official WARMACHINE Faction Template Set includes a circular template, a spray template, and a measuring key. The measuring key allows quick confirmation of short distances and includes marks establishing model volume for line of sight. The spray template allows easy measuring of sprays or movement of up to 10 inches. The circular template allows for accurate measurement of AOEs, and the deviation compass marks allow you to accurately determine AOE placement.

14,00 EUR


Wreck Markers

PIP 91024

Cygnar Heavy Warjack Wreck Marker

Enhance your WARMACHINE experience with these beautifully-sculpted Cygnar wreck markers for both light and heavy warjacks. Specifically designed to deliver a stunning visual impact without limiting game play, these specially crafted pieces both gorgeously represent the carnage of battle and lift easily off of their seating ring so that other models can move over the wreck without risk of damage or distorting play.

10,00 EUR


PIP 91025

Cygnar Light Warjack Wreck Marker

Enhance your WARMACHINE experience with these beautifully-sculpted Cygnar wreck markers for both light and heavy warjacks. Specifically designed to deliver a stunning visual impact without limiting game play, these specially crafted pieces both gorgeously represent the carnage of battle and lift easily off of their seating ring so that other models can move over the wreck without risk of damage or distorting play.

6,00 EUR


PIP 91026

Protectorate Heavy Warjack Wreck Marker

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Enhance your WARMACHINE experience with these beautifully-sculpted Cygnar wreck markers for both light and heavy warjacks. Specifically designed to deliver a stunning visual impact without limiting game play, these specially crafted pieces both gorgeously represent the carnage of battle and lift easily off of their seating ring so that other models can move over the wreck without risk of damage or distorting play.

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PIP 91027

Protectorate Light Warjack Wreck Marker

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Enhance your WARMACHINE experience with these beautifully-sculpted Cygnar wreck markers for both light and heavy warjacks. Specifically designed to deliver a stunning visual impact without limiting game play, these specially crafted pieces both gorgeously represent the carnage of battle and lift easily off of their seating ring so that other models can move over the wreck without risk of damage or distorting play.

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PIP 91028

Khador Heavy Warjack Wreck Marker

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Enhance your WARMACHINE experience with these beautifully-sculpted Khador heavy warjack wreck marker. Specifically designed to deliver a stunning visual impact without limiting game play, these specially crafted pieces both gorgeously represent the carnage of battle and lift easily off of their seating ring so that other models can move over the wreck without risk of damage or distorting play.

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PIP 91029

Cryx Helljack Wreck Marker

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Enhance your WARMACHINE experience with these beautifully-sculpted Cryx wreck markers for both bonejacks and helljacks. Specifically designed to deliver a stunning visual impact without limiting game play, these specially crafted pieces both gorgeously represent the carnage of battle and lift easily off of their seating ring so that other models can move over the wreck without risk of damage or distorting play.

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PIP 91030

Cryx Bonejack Wreck Marker

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Enhance your WARMACHINE experience with these beautifully-sculpted Cryx wreck markers for both bonejacks and helljacks. Specifically designed to deliver a stunning visual impact without limiting game play, these specially crafted pieces both gorgeously represent the carnage of battle and lift easily off of their seating ring so that other models can move over the wreck without risk of damage or distorting play.

endgültig vergriffen

PIP 91031

Mercenary Heavy Warjack Wreck Marker

Enhance your WARMACHINE experience with these beautifully-sculpted Mercenary wreck markers for both light and heavy warjacks. Specifically designed to deliver a stunning visual impact without limiting game play, these specially crafted pieces both gorgeously represent the carnage of battle and lift easily off of their seating ring so that other models can move over the wreck without risk of damage or distorting play.

10,00 EUR


PIP 91032

Mercenary Light Warjack Wreck Marker

Enhance your WARMACHINE experience with these beautifully-sculpted Mercenary wreck markers for both light and heavy warjacks. Specifically designed to deliver a stunning visual impact without limiting game play, these specially crafted pieces both gorgeously represent the carnage of battle and lift easily off of their seating ring so that other models can move over the wreck without risk of damage or distorting play.

6,00 EUR


PIP 91067

Warmachine Objective Markers (plastic)

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Representing battlefield commodities such as warjack parts, ammo cache, and food stores, these resin objective markers add style and panache to your gaming table and scenarios.

ca. 15,00 EUR


Produkte von anderen Herstellern

Gale Force Nine

GFN 50105

Cygnar Faction Die Set, with Tin

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This full-color metal dice tin measures approx. 5 3/8" x 3 3/4" x 1" deep and contains eight faction specific dice with the Cygnar logo on the "6" and two Privateer Press "Pirate" dice with the logo on the "6".

What a great place to keep your dice, tokens and character cards!

endgültig vergriffen

GFN 50180

Warmachine Battlefield in a Box: Cygnar Storm Research Station

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Cygnar's top reseachers spend their waking hours at one of a handful of Cygnar Storm Research Stations; busily trying to harness power, both mechanical and mystical, to drive their latest experiments.

* Cygnar Storm Research Station includes: 1 Storm Reactor
* 2 Lightning Towers

Battlefield in a Box is Gale Force Nine's amazing new terrain line for your favorite miniatures battle games. Make your conflicts come to life with these high-quality pre-painted terrain pieces and tableto... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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GFN 50205

Menoth Faction Die Set, with Tin

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This full-color metal dice tin measures approx. 5 3/8" x 3 3/4" x 1" deep and contains eight faction specific dice with the Protectorate logo on the "6" and two Privateer Press "Pirate" dice with the logo on the "6".

What a great place to keep your dice, tokens and character cards!

endgültig vergriffen

GFN 50305

Cryx Faction Die Set, with Tin

z.Zt. vergriffen


This full-color metal dice tin measures approx. 5 3/8" x 3 3/4" x 1" deep and contains eight faction specific dice with the Cryx logo on the "6" and two Privateer Press "Pirate" dice with the logo on the "6".

What a great place to keep your dice, tokens and character cards!

z.Zt. vergriffen

GFN 50405

Khador Faction Die Set, with Tin

z.Zt. vergriffen


This full-color metal dice tin measures approx. 5 3/8" x 3 3/4" x 1" deep and contains eight faction specific dice with the Khador logo on the "6" and two Privateer Press "Pirate" dice with the logo on the "6".

What a great place to keep your dice, tokens and character cards!

z.Zt. vergriffen

GFN 50480

Warmachine Battlefield in a Box: Khador Avalanche Cannon

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The Warmachine Battlefield in a Box terrain sets from Gale Force Nine are designed to turn your ordinary games table into the steam powered lands of the Iron Kingdoms. These iconic terrain pieces will put your games firmly in the Warmachine universe and will be the centerpiece of furious skirmishes and epic battles.

Enormous Avalanche Cannons stand guard atop many of Khador's mountain passes, where their shells cause almost as much carnage to enemy troops as the cascade of rocks and debris th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

GFN 90010

WM Min. Sculping Set - 12pc.

Gale Force Nine is proud to present the GF9 Sculpting Set. This wonder sculpting set includes:

(12) Hardened stainless steel sculpting tools and picks. Each tool is double-ended giving the user 24 different heads to choose from.

(1) Canvas Carrying Case - This case has 14 slotted compartments to securely house your tools. With 12 tools included with this set, that leaves two extra to store any favorite extras you may have.

This is the perfect sculpting set for any would-be sculpture a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


Tokens und Schablonen

GFN 11150

Fire & Explosion Markers

These are mad (but WAY cool)
a 3D fire representation of for gamers never before !
it blew me away when i recived it what can i say

12,00 EUR


GFN 32101

Template Set

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Gale Force Nine, LLC. is pleased to annouce that we have signed an exclusive agreement with Privateer Press to manufacture and distribute "OFFICALLY LICENSED" IK Warmachine Blast and Spray Templates for use with the IK Warmachine Miniatures Game System.

This beautful templete set is made of a durable see-thru "smoke" colored acrylic which is laser cut then etched with all the markings required to play IK Warmachine. The spray temp... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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GFN 32201

WARMACHINE 3" Cloud Effect - Smoke

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Gale Force Nine’s Warmachine Cloud Effects Markers are designed to effectively denote continuous Cloud Effects on the table top with a dynamic 3-D marker while still maintaining playability. These markers are the ideal solution to indicate attacks such as The High Reclaimer’s Burning Ash or the Breath of Corruption from the Iron Lich Asphyxious.

Once placed on the table, the center cloud piece may be easily rotated or removed from play to allow models to move through the cloud region as n... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 6,00 EUR


GFN 32202

WARMACHINE 3" Cloud Effect - Fiery

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Gale Force Nine’s Warmachine Cloud Effects Markers are designed to effectively denote continuous Cloud Effects on the table top with a dynamic 3-D marker while still maintaining playability. These markers are the ideal solution to indicate attacks such as The High Reclaimer’s Burning Ash or the Breath of Corruption from the Iron Lich Asphyxious.

Once placed on the table, the center cloud piece may be easily rotated or removed from play to allow models to move through the cloud region as n... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 6,00 EUR


GFN 32203

WARMACHINE 3" Cloud Effect - Poison

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Gale Force Nine’s Warmachine Cloud Effects Markers are designed to effectively denote continuous Cloud Effects on the table top with a dynamic 3-D marker while still maintaining playability. These markers are the ideal solution to indicate attacks such as The High Reclaimer’s Burning Ash or the Breath of Corruption from the Iron Lich Asphyxious.

Once placed on the table, the center cloud piece may be easily rotated or removed from play to allow models to move through the cloud region as n... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 6,00 EUR


GFN 50101

Warcaster Token: Lt. Allistair Caine

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
1 x Blur
1 x Deadeye
1 x Snipe
1 x Arcane Shield
1 x Disrupted
9 x Focus

12,00 EUR


GFN 50102

Warcaster Token: Captain Victoria Haley

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
1 x Arcane Shield
1 x Deadeye
1 x Disrupted
1 x Scramble
1 x Temporal Barrier
1 x Blitz
7 x Focus

12,00 EUR


GFN 50103

Warcaster Token: Coleman Stryker

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:

1 x Arcane Shield
1 x Blur
1 x Snipe
1 x Invincibility
1 x Disrupted
6 x Focus

12,00 EUR


GFN 50111

Warcaster Token: Cmdr. Adept Nemo

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
1 x Accelerate
1 x Blinding Flash
1 x Disruption Field
1 x Electrify
1 x Voltaic Snare
1 x Overpower
3 x Power Token
3 x Disrupted
10 x Focus

12,00 EUR


GFN 50120

Cygnar Troop Token Pack

This Troop Token Set contains the following:
3 x Knocked Down
2 x Fleeing
2 x Focus
3 x Disrupted
10 x Dug In

12,00 EUR


GFN 50131

Lord Commander Coleman Stryker Token Set

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
6 x Focus
1 x Rolling Thunder
1 x Arcantrik Anomaly
4 x Disrupted
1 x Deflection
3 x Positive Charge
1 x Storm Wracked

12,00 EUR


GFN 50132

Major Markus " Siege " Brisbane Token Set

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
6 x Focus
3 x Explosivo
1 x Fox Hole
1 x Higher Ground
1 x Rift
2 x Disrupted
1 x Scrambled
2 x Knockdown
1 x Illumination

12,00 EUR


GFN 50133

Captain Darius Token Set

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
1 x Fortify
4 x Stall
1 x Jackhammer
3 x System Lock
2 x Pressure Cooker
1 x Full Throttle
1 x Knockdown 6 x Focus

12,00 EUR


GFN 50134

Epic Captain Allister Caine Token Set

Constant exposure to the carnage of the battlefield and the tumultuous nature of combat takes its toll. The warriors of western Immoren, locked in world-shaping conflict, must continually push themselves to the limits of their capabilities. The rigors of war affect the most stalwart men, and not even the mightiest of warcasters can weather it unchanged.

Epic warcasters are variations of other warcaster models but with fresh abilities, strengths, and weaknesses.

Choose your Warcaster, then ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


GFN 50201

Warcaster Token: Grand Scrutator Severius

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
1 x Blessing of Menoth
1 x Death Sentence
1 x Eye of Menoth
1 x Holy Vigil
1 x Vision
3 x Convert
3 x Fire
3 x Divine Might
8 x Focus

12,00 EUR


GFN 50202

Warcaster Token: Mikael Kreoss

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:

1 x Lamentation
1 x Protection from Menoth
1 x Retribution
1 x Ward
5 x Knockdown
3 x Fire
7 xFocus

12,00 EUR


GFN 50203

Warcaster Token: The High Reclaimer

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
1 x Soulstorm
5 x Soul Token
3 x Fire
10 x Focus

12,00 EUR


GFN 50211

Warcaster Token: Feora

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
1 x Engine of Destruction
1 x Hex Hammer
1 x Ignite
10 x Fire
6 x Focus

12,00 EUR


GFN 50220

Menoth Troop Token Pack

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This Troop Token Set contains the following:
1 x Infuse
1 x Safe Passage
1 x Shielding Ward
3 x Acolyte Hymn
1 x Prayer of Warding
1 x Prayer of Protection
1 x Prayer of Fervor
2 x Knocked Down
2 x Fleeing
3 x Focus
3 x Fire
1 x Stone & Mortar
1 x Righteous Fury
1 x Fiery Assault
1 x Greater Destiny
1 x Flare

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GFN 50230

Harbinger of Menoth Token Set

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
1 x Soulstorm
6 x Soul Token
3 x Fire
11 x Focus

12,00 EUR


GFN 50231

High Allegiant Amon Ad-Raza Token Set

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
14 x Focus
1 x Union
4 x Knockdown
1 x Divine Judgement
1 x Flagellation
1 x Mobility
1 x Synergy

12,00 EUR


GFN 50232

Testament of Menoth Token Set

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
11 x Focus
6 x Soul
2 x Fire
1 x Ashen Veil
1 x Hallowed Avenger
1 x Soulstorm
1 x Essence of Dust

12,00 EUR


GFN 50233

Grand Exemplar Kreoss Token Set

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
7 x Focus
1 x Strength of Arms
1 x Castigate
4 x Fire
1 x Hallowed Vengeance
1 x Inviolable Resolve
1 x Retribution
1 x Sacrosanct
2 x Knockdown

12,00 EUR


GFN 50301

Warcaster Token: Iron Lich Ashyxious

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
1 x Parasite
1 x Scything Touch
1 x Spectral Leech
10 x Focus
3 x Soul Tokens
3 x Corrosion

12,00 EUR


GFN 50302

Warcaster Token: Pirate Queen Skarre

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
1 x Blood Magic
1 x Backlash
3 x Corrosion
12 x Focus

12,00 EUR


GFN 50303

Warcaster Token: Warwitch Deneghra

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
1 x The Withering
1 x Shadow Bind
1 x Crippling Grasp
1 x Dark Seduction
1 x Death Rage
1 x Parasite
3 x Corrosion
3 x Soul Tokens
10 x Focus

12,00 EUR


GFN 50311

Warcaster Token: Goreshade, the Bastard

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This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
1 x The Claiming
1 x Cloak of Shadows
1 x Dark Shroud
1 x Mage Blight
3 x Corrosion
10 x Focus

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GFN 50320

Cryx Troop Token Pack

This Troop Token Set contains the following:
4 x Knocked Down
1 x Fleeing
3 x Focus
4 x Corrosion
2 x Corporeal
3 x Corpse
3 x Soul
3 x Power
1 x Arcane Interference

12,00 EUR


GFN 50330

Lich Lord Terminus Token Set

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
1 x The Withering
1 x Shadow Bind
1 x Crippling Grasp
1 x Dark Seduction
1 x Death Rage
1 x Parasite
3 x Corrosion
3 x Soul Tokens
10 x Focus

12,00 EUR


GFN 50331

Lich Lord Asphyxious Token Set

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:


14 x Focus
6 x Soul
1 x Convocation
1 x Excarnate
1 x Hellbound
1 x Parasite
1 x Soul Reaper

12,00 EUR


GFN 50332

Witch Coven of Gharlghast Token Set

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
9 x Focus
1 x Nightfall
2 x Ghost Walk
1 x Infernal Machine
1 x Necrophage
1 x Stealth
1 x Puppet Strings
2 x Blind
1 x Imprison

12,00 EUR


GFN 50333

Wraith Witch Deneghra Token Set

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
10 x Focus
1 x Web of Shadow
3 x Soul
2 x Incorporeal
1 x Dark Seduction
1 x Harrowing
1 x Marked for Death
1 x Predation
3 x Corrosion

12,00 EUR


GFN 50401

Warcaster Token: Butcher

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:

1 x Blood Frenzy
1 x Fury
1 x Iron Flesh
1 x Killing Blow
1 x Retaliation
6 x Focus

12,00 EUR


GFN 50402

Warcaster Token: Sorsha Kratikoff

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This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
1 x Boundless Charge
2 x Fog of War
2 x Wind Rush
6 x Focus
8 x Frozen

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GFN 50403

Warcaster Token: Vladimir, the Dark Prince

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
1 x Blood of Kings
1 x Boundless Charge
1 x Brittle Frost
1 x Forced March
1 x Impaler
1 x Signs and Portents
1 x Wind Wall
7 x Focus

12,00 EUR


GFN 50411

Warcaster Token: Irusk

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
1 x Battle Lust
1 x Confusion
1 x Inhospitable Ground
1 x Iron Flesh
1 x Superiority
1 x Undying Loyalty
7 x Focus

12,00 EUR


GFN 50420

Khador Troop Token Pack

This Troop Token Set contains the following:
4 x Knocked Down
2 x Fleeing
3 x Focus
3 x Frozen!
3 x Ice Cage
2 x Drive
1 x Shell Open

12,00 EUR


GFN 50430

Karchev, the Terrible Token Set

Tokens for Karchev

12,00 EUR


GFN 50431

Forward Kommander Sorsha Kratikoff Token Set

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
6 x Focus
1 x Winter's Chill
2 x Desperate Pace
4 x Frozen
2 x Boundless Charge
1 x Cyclone
2 x Snowblind
1 x Deep Freeze
1 x Shatter Storm

12,00 EUR


GFN 50432

Old Witch of Khador Token Set

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
10 x Focus
1 x Field of Talons
3 x Soul
1 x Iron Flesh
1 x Slaughter
1 x Trepidation
1 x Weald Secrets
1 x Pinned
1 x Murder of Crows
1 x Defensive

12,00 EUR


GFN 50433

Vladimir, The Dark Champion Token Set

This Warcaster Token Set contains the following:
10 x Focus
6 x Blood Legacy
3 x Blood
1 x Might of Kings
1 x Assail
1 x Hand of Fate
1 x Transference

12,00 EUR


GFN 50501

Warcaster Token: Magnus, the Traitor


1 x Blur
1 x Disrupted
1 x Frenzy
1 x Temper Metal
4 x Hit & Run
1 x Critical Concussion
1 x Stall
6 x Focus

12,00 EUR


GFN 50502

Warcaster Token: Gorten Grundback


5 x Focus
6 x Critical Concussion
1 x Strength of Granite
2 x Critical Concussion
1 x Solid Ground
1 x Knockdown
1 x Crater

12,00 EUR


GFN 50520

Mercenary Troop Token Pack

This Troop Token Set contains the following:
4 x Knocked Down
2 x Fleeing
3 x Focus
2 x Invisibility
1 x Disruptor Bolt
3 x Fell Call
1 x Corrosion
1 x Blind
1 x Rust
2 x Stall
1 x March
1 x Heroic Call
1 x Dirge of Mists

12,00 EUR


GFN 50534

Magnus the Warlord Epic Token Set

Constant exposure to the carnage of the battlefield and the tumultuous nature of combat takes its toll. The warriors of western Immoren, locked in world-shaping conflict, must continually push themselves to the limits of their capabilities. The rigors of war affect the most stalwart men, and not even the mightiest of warcasters can weather it unchanged.

Epic warcasters are variations of other warcaster models but with fresh abilities, strengths, and weaknesses.

Choose your Warcaster, then ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


GFN 50535

Durgen Madhammer Token Set

Durgen Madhammer feeds on the ferocity of explosive violence and has a compulsion for obliteration that borders upon sadistic. He has combined his impressive arcane skill and mastery of steam craft with demolitions, elemental magic, and mechanikal know-how to become a legendary mercenary respected and feared by both friends and foes.

Choose your Warcaster, then choose your token set. Each set of tokens is specifically designed to contain every counter, marker or token needed to play IK Warmac... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


GFN 50536

Captain Phinneus Shae Token Set

Once a respected nautical warcaster for the Mercarian League, Captain Phinneus Shae has turned to piracy aboard the Talion. Shae is a wanted man but refuses to allow the bounty on his head to get in the way of earning a profit as a sword for hire. His powers over wind and storm serve as well on land as at sea, and few can stand against him blade to blade.

Choose your Warcaster, then choose your token set. Each set of tokens is specifically designed to contain every counter, marker or token ne... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


GFN 50538

Broadsides Bart Token Set

Loud, bombastic, and bigger than life, Bartolo "Broadsides Bart" Montador has used his beloved cannons and warjacks to win fame and admiration with audacity, skill, and charisma. Though jovial and magnanimous, Bart truly is a bloody-minded, ruthless combatant who carries a legitimate letter of marque signed by the Ordic king. Few captains walk the delicate line between pirate and privateer with as much style as Broadsides Bart.

Choose your Warcaster, then choose your token set. Each set of to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


GFN 50539

Fiona the Black Token Set

This bloody Thamarite pirate takes to the battlefield completely free of quaint notions of morality and justice. Surrounded by a worshipful cabal of Sea Dogs who obediently follow her, Fiona the Black rushes into the fray eager to press the attack personally. She has the power to dominate lesser minds while consuming her stronger-willed enemies with bursts of soul-ravaging flames.

Choose your Warcaster, then choose your token set. Each set of tokens is specifically designed to contain every c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


GFN 90022

Measuring Tape

z.Zt. vergriffen


- Nylon coated tape for extra durability
- ABS and rubber molded casing
- Tape in inche & cm
- Triple stop / lock brake

Das Maßband ist mit dem GF9 Logo verziert

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Warmachine - Khador Faction Dice Set

Jedes Set aus sechs exklusiven sechsseitigen Würfel beinhaltet fünf
Würfel mit den Farben und der Ikonographie der jeweiligen Fraktion und einen
Warmachine Würfel perfekt für WIRK Abweichungs- und Schadensrasterwürfe.

Each unique set of six premium six-sided dice includes five dice featuring
the colors and iconography of each faction and one Warmachine die perfect
for AOE deviation and damage location rolls.

16,00 EUR



Warmachine - Mercenaries Faction Dice Set

Jedes Set aus sechs exklusiven sechsseitigen Würfel beinhaltet fünf
Würfel mit den Farben und der Ikonographie der jeweiligen Fraktion und einen
Warmachine Würfel perfekt für WIRK Abweichungs- und Schadensrasterwürfe.

Each unique set of six premium six-sided dice includes five dice featuring
the colors and iconography of each faction and one Warmachine die perfect
for AOE deviation and damage location rolls.

16,00 EUR



Warmachine - Cygnar Faction Dice Set

Jedes Set aus sechs exklusiven sechsseitigen Würfel beinhaltet fünf
Würfel mit den Farben und der Ikonographie der jeweiligen Fraktion und einen
Warmachine Würfel perfekt für WIRK Abweichungs- und Schadensrasterwürfe.

Each unique set of six premium six-sided dice includes five dice featuring
the colors and iconography of each faction and one Warmachine die perfect
for AOE deviation and damage location rolls.

16,00 EUR



Warmachine - Cryx Faction Dice Set

Jedes Set aus sechs exklusiven sechsseitigen Würfel beinhaltet fünf
Würfel mit den Farben und der Ikonographie der jeweiligen Fraktion und einen
Warmachine Würfel perfekt für WIRK Abweichungs- und Schadensrasterwürfe.

Each unique set of six premium six-sided dice includes five dice featuring
the colors and iconography of each faction and one Warmachine die perfect
for AOE deviation and damage location rolls.

16,00 EUR



Warmachine - The Protectorate of Menoth Faction Dice Set

Jedes Set aus sechs exklusiven sechsseitigen Würfel beinhaltet fünf
Würfel mit den Farben und der Ikonographie der jeweiligen Fraktion und einen
Warmachine Würfel perfekt für WIRK Abweichungs- und Schadensrasterwürfe.

Each unique set of six premium six-sided dice includes five dice featuring
the colors and iconography of each faction and one Warmachine die perfect
for AOE deviation and damage location rolls.

16,00 EUR



Warmachine - The Retribution of Scyrah Faction Dice Set

Jedes Set aus sechs exklusiven sechsseitigen Würfel beinhaltet fünf
Würfel mit den Farben und der Ikonographie der jeweiligen Fraktion und einen
Warmachine Würfel perfekt für WIRK Abweichungs- und Schadensrasterwürfe.

Each unique set of six premium six-sided dice includes five dice featuring
the colors and iconography of each faction and one Warmachine die perfect
for AOE deviation and damage location rolls.

16,00 EUR



Warmachine - Convergence of Cyriss Dice Set

Jedes Set aus sechs exklusiven sechsseitigen Würfel beinhaltet fünf
Würfel mit den Farben und der Ikonographie der jeweiligen Fraktion und einen
Warmachine Würfel perfekt für WIRK Abweichungs- und Schadensrasterwürfe.

Each unique set of six premium six-sided dice includes five dice featuring
the colors and iconography of each faction and one Warmachine die perfect
for AOE deviation and damage location rolls.

16,00 EUR


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