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256130590 Seitenabrufe seit dem 30.06.2003


HauptseiteRollenspieleProduktlinien (Rollenspiele)Hârn Master

Hârn Master

Eine wichtige Mteilung an alle Freunde (sowohl Cosimer als auch Rollenspieler) der Firma Clumbia Games:
Leider hat sich Columbia Games dazu entschlossen, nur noch an Privatpersonen zu liefern. Damit sind wir aus dem Rennen und werden leider, leider in Zukunft die wirklich schönen Spiele und das unvergleichliche Harnmaster nicht mehr anbieten können. Als kleines Trostpflaster wurde uns eine letztmalige Gelegenheit gewährt, unser Lager zu füllen. Momentan können wir alle COL-Produkte liefern - aber eben nur noch solange der Vorrat reicht! Daher gilt, wer zuerst bestellt, bekommt zuerst. Und wer zu spät kommt, der muß den teuren und umständlichen Direktimportweg (Zoll, Einfuhrumsatzsteuer, Transportkosten) wählen.


Produkte vom Herausgeber (Columbia Games)


COL 4001B

HarnMaster Core Rules - Third Edition deLuxe (Box)

HârnMaster deLuxe is the boxed set edition with 160 looseleaf pages, a pad of color character profiles, and a GM Screen.

The HârnMaster character generation system gives players a rich Hârnic experience. Characters may start the game with a wide variety of interesting occupations, and at various levels of experience.

Introductions to religious, Shek-Pvar, and Military occupations are included. Average incomes for all occupations and information about the guild system is included. Charac... (vollständige Beschreibung)

74,00 EUR


COL 4001L

HarnMaster Third Edition "Light"

z.Zt. vergriffen


You can order a low-priced printed version of HârnMaster with the same 160 looseleaf pages and combat charts.
HârnMaster deluxe is the boxed set edition with the same 160 looseleaf pages, a pad of color character profiles, and a GM Screen.
The HârnMaster character generation system gives players a rich Hârnic experience. Characters may start the game with a wide variety of interesting occupations, and at various levels of experience.

Introductions to religious, Shek-Pvar, and Military o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 4001S

Hârnmaster RPG ( Softcover )

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


"At last - a sophisticated and common-sense set of rules for fantasy role playing. Finally - a rule system as good as the world of Harn.
Harnmaster is the result of years of testing, development, and campaigning on the World of Harn. This fantasy world is quite simply the most logical, detaíled, and consistent product of its kind. Harnmaster reflects this quality. Although the rules are designed for Harn, they can be used in most fantasy envíronments.
Of course many other systems have made s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

COL 4011

HârnPlayer (Box) Third Edition

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HârnPlayer is an abbreviated version of HârnMaster for players. The boxed set includes the Character, Skills, Combat and Physician sections of HârnMaster, a pad of character sheets and HârnPlayer, an illustrated guide to Hârnworld with an overview of the geography, politics, economics, law, religion, and history of Hârn.

Note: the HârnMaster articles in the HârnPlayer boxed set are exactly the same articles as those in the HârnMaster boxed set. Also, the HârnPlayer book was formerly... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

COL 4301

Harnmaster Magic

The Ancient & Esoteric Orders of the Shek-Pvar have existed on Melderyn, the Wizard's Isle, and in other locales of Hârn for at least two thousand years. The six orders are members of the Guild of Arcane Lore. Their traditional colors and symbols are shown on the Wheel of the Shek-Pvar (below).

HârnMaster Magic is compatible with both the second and third editions of HârnMaster.

Mage Character Generation
Extensive rules and background for generating and running a Shek-Pvar (mage) chara... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


COL 4401

Harnmaster Religion

Religion is pervasive is all levels of Hârnic society. The churches are very powerful and influential. No roleplaying campaign is complete without them. HârnMaster Religion is compatible with both the second and third editions of HârnMaster.

Cleric Character generation
Extensive rules and background for generating and running a cleric character for each of ten different religions of Hârn.

Ritual Invocations
A broad selection of rituals (miracles) for each religion. There are common r... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


COL 4601

HârnWorld Bestiary

Hot Seller


Hârn is a rugged, wild, dangerous island where pockets of civilization are surrounded by large tracts of wilderness. It is a land of feudal kingdoms, noble knights, religious turmoil, wild tribesmen, and savage creatures. There is even a god who creates hundreds of unique creatures called the Ivashu.

Bestiaries are a useful source of creatures to help or hinder player characters. This book contains a selection of Hârnic creatures, some mundane, some incredibly dangerous. Each creature is co... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


COL 4761

Harn Barbarians

z.Zt. vergriffen


The deep forests of Hârn are home to eighteen tribal nations. Although civilized Hârnians look down on them as backward, most tribesmen have more freedom and leisure time than manorial peasants. However, much of that spare time must be spent sharpening spears and fletching arrows because the tribal wilderness is a more dangerous place than the manor.

An overview of tribal culture, economics, and religion. A guide to HârnMaster character generation for tribal characters is also ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5001.2

HarnWorld - 2nd Edition

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"Harn is a rugged, forested, hazy, island off the northwest coast of Lythia. Harn is regarded with disdain by most Lythians. Tales of wild men, dwarves, elves, and fearsome beasts have been carried to the continent and these have served to discourage all but the most adventurous of travellers. Included is a beautiful full-color map of Harn (20" x 30") and an overview and detailed index of the cultures, economics, geography, history, politics, and religions of the island."

endgültig vergriffen

COL 5001.3

HarnWorld - 3rd Edition

HârnWorld binder includes 58 color pages and a 22 x 34 inch full color map of Hârn.

HârnWorld is a detailed, realistic, flexible, and system-neutral setting for fantasy role-playing games. Since 1983, HârnWorld has been used by thousands of people across the world to run a wide array of medieval fantasy adventures. HârnWorld can accommodate whatever style of campaign you are looking for, whether your player characters are knights, mages, barbarians, clerics, noble lords, mercenaries, gl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR


COL 5001.3HC

HarnWorld - 3rd Edition (HardCover)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


40th-anniversary deLuxe HARDCOVER of the classic fantasy role-playing setting HarnWorld 3rd Ed., rich with authentic medieval detail and bonus material.

HârnWorld is a detailed, realistic, flexible, and system-neutral setting for fantasy role-playing games. Since 1983, HârnWorld has been used by thousands of people across the world to run a wide array of medieval fantasy adventures. HârnWorld can accommodate whatever style of campaign you are looking for, whether your player characters are... (vollständige Beschreibung)

94,00 EUR


COL 5002


Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Hârndex binder includes 154 pages.

Hârndex is an alphabetical, general reference source book for gamemasters using HârnWorld. It is sold in a 3-ring binder includes the following information:

Geographical Entries: Every settlement shown on the Hârn Regional Map is listed, along with many non-map entries. Location entries give the name of the holder, the liege, and approximate population, plus historical and biographical notes as applicable. Populations include nearby village... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

COL 5002X

Cities of Harn

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Cities of Hârn is a fantasy role-playing game supplement which contains seven reversible color and black-and-white city maps and very detailed accompanying background information for each of these seven Hârn cities. The supplement also provides detailed interior plans of various buildings, including temples, taverns, and arenas. The supplement can also be used a generic supplement for any campaign world.

The seven cities are: Aleath, Cherafir, Coranan, Golotha, Shiran, Tashal, and Thay.

endgültig vergriffen


COL 4035


8 Pages

Hârn is a relatively barbaric region. But no civilized society can function without a legal system, and even on Hârn the administration of justice is surprisingly complex. The article covers various types of justice that exist commonly on Hârn.

Includes sections on Family Law, Vendetta Law, Feudal Law, Royal Law, Forest Law, Town Law, Trials and Enforcement, etc. An extensive list of crimes and common punishments is given.

This article was originally published in... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 4036


12 Pages

Astrology is the study of the stars and the heavens, physically and meta-physically. The article includes star charts, data about the Kethiran solar system, the moon, and other planets. The 12 signs of the Kethiran zodiac (sunsigns) are shown on the star charts.

This article was originally published in Encyclopedia Hârnica 7 and 8.

8,00 EUR


COL 4037


Almost nothing is known of the first inhabitants of Hârn; even the name by which they knew themselves is lost. They are now referred to as the Earthmasters, or Ancients. Surviving murals and sculpture portray humanoid figures of diverse stature and configuration. This might indicate that they were either shape-changers or of several distinct species. When and from where the Ancients came is unknown. Legends tell of an empire flourishing on Hârn 15,000 to 20,000 years ago. There is physical evi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 4038

Pamesani Games

z.Zt. vergriffen


4 Pages

The Pamesani Games are bimonthly events held by the Agrikan orders of the Octagonal Pit and Demon Pameshlu the Insatiable. In addition to contests between gladiators, individually and in teams, the games offer combats involving wild beasts, judicial duels, and spectacles of a depraved and perverse nature.

This article was originally published in the Tharda Republic Module.

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 4040


Kelestia is the Hârnic word for everything that exists, the sum total of all universes and all realities. Metaphysical and religious beliefs always blur into each other. It is often difficult to determine where one kind of belief stops and the other begins; both are ambiguous and esoteric. This article explains Hârnic metaphysical beliefs and provides suggestions to gamemasters as to how these beliefs might be incorporated into fantasy gaming.

This is a Hârn Classics release with new color... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


COL 4045


Kethira is the planet on which the island of Hârn is found. This article provides a brief overview of the planet and its continents, with descriptions and color maps of the planet's vegetation, winds, currents, and tectonics. Also included are details of the Nolomar solar system, including charts of the stars and constellations of Kethira's northern and southern skies.

10,00 EUR


COL 4341

Fyvria Expansion (Pages 7-12)

z.Zt. vergriffen


6 Pages (11 new spells)

A compendium of spells, lore, and experiment notes assembled by Theron of Yisgaraen during his ill-fated expedition with Bognor of Barth to the Anoth Delta. Theron was the sole survivor of the journey which has come to be known as Bognor's Folly (see HârnPlayer). Contains 11 new Fyvrian spells.

* M'NOGAI REAPING (II... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 4411

Order of the Eight Demons

z.Zt. vergriffen


6 Pages

The Order of the Eight Demons is a clerical order of the Church of Agrik, god of fire and war. The order emerged from bloody schism just over five years ago when female clerics of the Order of Herpa the Mace chose to chart their own destiny. The separatists toppled the Herpan establishment with sudden violence and have quickly become the dominant Agrikan religious order in the Thardic Republic, while also controlling a keep and substantial lands in the Kingdom of Rethem.
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 4412

Order of the Cohorts of Gashang

z.Zt. vergriffen


The Cohorts of Gashang is a fighting order dedicated to Agrik, god of fire and war. The order was formed in 714 when Agrikan warriors clawed their way to power through treachery and violence during the schism that also gave rise to the clerical Order of the Eight Demons. Faced with potential enemies on all sides, the order has recruited aggressively and indiscriminately. The order counts among its members the worst sorts from both the Thardic legions and Rethemi chivalry and has a reputation for... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 4501

Shek-Pvar Magic Rules & Environment

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The Ancient & Esoteric orders of the Shek-Pvar have existed on Melderyn, the Wizard's Isle, and in other locales of Harn for at least two thousand years. The six orders are members of the Guild of Arcane Lore. Their traditional colors and symbols are shown on the Wheel of the Shek-Pvar.

Origins of the Shek-Pvar
The Guild of Arcane Lore is a loose association of alchemists, astrologers, mages, psionicists, runemasters, etc. The Shek-Pvar is a suborganization (actually six seperate su... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

COL 4502

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Phantasms of LYAHVI

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Achtung - Der Einband ist stark mitgenommen ...

Twenty-four spells from the convocation of Lyahvi: the magic of the air, of the insubstantial, the invisible, the ethereal, and the illusory. Also contains a listing of Lyahvi chantries (guildhalls).

endgültig vergriffen

COL 4503

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Powers of PELEAHN

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Twenty-four spells from the convocation of Peleahn: the manipulation of heat, smoke and fire to produce pyrotechnic effects.

endgültig vergriffen

COL 4504

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Artifice of JMORVI

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Twenty-four spells from the convocation of Jmorvi: the study, making and manipulation of tangible metals, things that do not yield easily to the spirit, even the spirit of the mage. Also contains a listing of Jmorvi chantries (guildhalls).

endgültig vergriffen

COL 4505

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of FYVRIA

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria presents 24 spells of Fyvria, mainly dealing with plants and the element of earth.

20,00 EUR


COL 4506

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Quiescence of ODIVDHE

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Twenty-four spells from the convocation of Odivshe: the magic of slow, cool darkness, of water and ice, the opposite of fire and action. Also contains a listing of Odivshe chantries (guildhalls).

endgültig vergriffen

COL 4507

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Wisdom of SAVORYA

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Twenty-four spells from the convocation of Savorya: the magic of mind and spirit, perhaps the most esoteric of the convocations of the Shek-Pvar. Also contains a listing of Savoryan chantries (guildhalls).

endgültig vergriffen

COL 4508

The Tome of Gray Mysteries

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Being Ancient Wisdoms of the Venerable and Esoteric Orders of the Shek-Pvar

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COL 4611


14 pages

The Ivashu article details 13 varieties of Ivashu:

Adwelna Ogarna
Aklash Polan-Tekek
Ergath Scurgah
Hru Tave
Hygith Umbath
Miuruca Vlasta

Ivashu is a Bestiary article.

Ivashu are creatures of Ilvir, known as the Fatherless Multitude by the faithful, or the Accursed Beasts of the Barren Circle by non-believers. Ilvir creates the Ivashu at Araka-Kalai, making use of a limited number of souls over and over again. Some Ivashu are fairly common, because th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,00 EUR


COL 4612


Dragons is a Bestiary article.

Travellers have an inexhaustible supply of tales of fantastical beasts residing in the Hârnic wilderness. The fire-breathing fiend of a thousand such tales is the dragon, known to descend from its lair to devour an entire village or just one helpless maiden.

10 Pages
The Dragons article details:
Ahnerin (Fire Dragons)
Dhiverin (Frost Dragons)

10,00 EUR


COL 4613


10 Pages
The Horses article details all the major species of Lythian horses and Unicorns.

Horses is a Bestiary article.

Most kingdoms on Hârn rely on an elite mounted warrior class for protection and maintaining the rule of law. As a result the horse is by far the most popular form of transportation on the island for nobility, and its use in warfare is almost universally considered the pinnacle of martial achievement.

There are two indigenous breeds of horse on the island of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 4614


6 Pages
The Aquatics Article includes descriptions and statistics for the mysterious wrecan, sea serpents, and three species of whales.

Aquatics is a Bestiary article.

Mariners oft tell tales of ferocious beasts they have faced, whilst plying their trade. It is rumored that terrors such as the wrecan and daranog guard the skeletons of sunken ships.

Gigantic whales are killed for their ivory, blubber and oil but, occasionally, the hunters are the victims. The smaller dolphins ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

4,00 EUR


COL 4615


Ghosts is a Bestiary article. 4 Pages.

Ghosts features rules for manifestations allowing ghosts to scare the life out of the living.

2,00 EUR


COL 4616

Undead (Morvrin)

6 Pages
The undead (morvrin) article is an expansion of their descriptions in HârnMaster Religion.

Undead is a Bestiary article.

Many folk are aware of a fate worse than death. Anyone, whether noble or common, free or serf, strong or weak, good or wicked, can lose their soul to Bukrai. The servants of Bukrai are the soul-predators known to most folk as amorvrin (singular: amorvrus) and their undead slaves the gulmorvrin (singular: gulmorvrus).

4,00 EUR


COL 4617


The dogs article includes 8 species of dogs and wolves and rules to train dogs.

Dogs is a Bestiary article.

Dogs play an important role among all levels of Lythian society. They are companions, trackers, guards, shepherds, fighters, and friends.

There are four broad classes of Lythian dogs. Dogs are selectively bred by dog trainers to preserve and propagate the best traits. Most dogs are of mixed parentage; those specially bred to type are expensive and rare.
Attack Dogs: used in comba... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 4618


The bears article includes 3 species of bears with HârnMaster stats.

Bears is a Bestiary article.

Bears are powerfully built. They are covered with long, rough fur, usually of one color, although some have white marks on the chest or face. A bear paw has five digits, each ending in a strong, curved unretractable claw.

Bears have an excellent sense of smell, but their eyesight and hearing are not as good. A bear can smell at 100 feet what a human can smell at 10 feet.

* Black Bea... (vollständige Beschreibung)

4,00 EUR


COL 4619

Zhura (Fungi)

6 Pages
The Zhura article includes 5 species of fungi.

Zhura (Fungi) is a Bestiary article.

Zhura (pl. Zhuran) is the Khuzan name for mushroom, a staple of their diet. It has come to be used in human society as a general name for predatory fungi that require animal protein and/or minerals to reproduce.

4,00 EUR


COL 4620


10 Pages
The Cats article includes 8 species of felines.

Cats is a Bestiary article.

Cats are graceful, silent, masterful hunters. Big cats include the cheetah, cougar, lion, tiger, and the fearsome dracofelas, while medium-sized cats include the dejekra and lynx. The common domestic cat is also included.

6,00 EUR


COL 4621


6 Pages
The Snakes article includes 4 species of snakes. Also includes details about snake bites and venom.

Snakes is a Bestiary article.

Snakes are scaly, limbless reptiles. Snakes usually attack humans only when startled or injured. There are five broad classes of snakes known in Lythia and Hârn: adders, asps, myenae, constrictors, and harmless snakes.

2,00 EUR


COL 4622


Old Ones is a Bestiary article.

The "Old Ones of the Forest" are one of the most elusive and mysterious of the sentient species of the Misty Isle of Hârn. They once ranged throughout the primeval Peran region but today are rare even among the dense forests of the northern coastal plain.

Taller than a man by more than half, a Tawedog's rangy frame is covered in stringy, ruddy brown hair tinged blue-green with moss and often tangled with plant debris. While the Old Ones are shy and notoriou... (vollständige Beschreibung)

2,00 EUR


COL 4623


Seals is a Bestiary article.

The Seals article includes several species of seals, sea Lions, and warluses. Also includes information about hunting seals.

6,00 EUR


COL 4624


Birds are ubiquitous across Hârn and familiar to all. They are found in cities and keeps, in fields and hedgerows, in the wilds, forests, mountains, and shores. They range in size from the small wren with a wingspan of six inches to the northern eagle, which reaches nearly 20 feet tip to tip.

This bestiary article describes how birds are used by man (including falconry) and includes techniques for hunting and capturing birds. Illustrations, details and statistics are provided for two excepti... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


COL 4625


Griffin: This noble carnivore, often featured in heraldry, has the wings, head, and forelegs of an eagle, and the size, body, and hindlegs of a lion. The rare specimens that reach civilization are a spectacular attraction in the Pamesani arenas. Griffins are gliders; despite their 20 foot wingspans, the powerfully-built beasts are too heavy for true flight so the wings needn't be clipped as long as the creature can be confined to the floor of the arena.

Hirenu: Although the lower body of a Hi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

2,00 EUR


COL 4625A

Chimerae: Centaurin

The centaurin are a race of creatures with a blend of humanoid and equine features, frequently described as having the torso of a man atop the body of a horse. Although the centaurin live in many places on Hârn, they are rarely seen. They are nomadic and avoid areas of human occupation; they do not welcome intruders. Although they are virtually unknown in civilized Hârn, their ranges intersect with those of many of Hârn's tribal nations.

Chimerae: Centaurin is a bestiary article that inclu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

2,00 EUR


COL 4626


4 Pages
The deer article includes 3 species of deer with HârnMaster stats.

There are many varieties of deer on Hârn. The Northern Deer is the largest of all and is found only in the north of the island. It prefers a colder climate and can thrive where other deer would starve. The Great Deer is considered by many to be king of the deer. Although most abundant in woodlands, it also is also found on grasslands and moor as long as there is some cover in which to rest. The Forest Dee... (vollständige Beschreibung)

2,00 EUR


COL 4627


Cattle are indigenous to Hârn and most parts of the Lythian continent. Domestic cattle are used for milk and labor and are slaughtered for hides, meat, and tallow. Herds of wild cattle roam the grasslands and river valleys in great numbers. This article describes the domestic breeds of cattle common to Hârn as well as wild breeds such as the huge, aggressive aurochs and the shaggy-coated wisent. It details common uses and includes economic data in addition to physical statistics.

4,00 EUR


COL 4628


Swine are born to die; the food value of a pig is far greater than all other uses. From the guildsman's hams and the legionnaire's sausages to the lard on a peasant's crusty bread, from the lord's succulent roast pork to the suckling pig of the wedding feast, there is no creature more honored in the kitchen. This article describes the common uses, physical statistics, and economic data of the domestic swine common to Hârn. Also included are a detailed description and statistics of the cunning a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

2,00 EUR


COL 4629


Goats were introduced to Hârn by the earliest Jarin settlers. They have adapted to the island very well and provide milk, meat, tallow, and horn. This article describes the common uses, physical statistics, and economic data of the domestic goats common to Hârn. Also included are a detailed description and statistics of the wild mountain goat.

2,00 EUR


COL 4630


Sheep are among the most common livestock on mainland Lythia and are particularly numerous on Hârn. Sheep thrive in almost any kind of terrain but are disease-prone and favored as snacks by wolves and gargun. This article describes the common uses, physical statistics, and economic data of the domestic sheep common to Hârn. Also included are a detailed description and statistics of the wild mountain sheep.

2,00 EUR


COL 4631


Ilme is a Bestiary article.

The Ilme are a strange race of mere-dragons, among the most unique and mysterious of the intelligent races on Hârn. The Ilme have an ancient culture with a complex language and a deep mythology. They bear some likeness to their great dragon cousins, and many a reported tale of dragonkind was almost certainly really an Ilme encounter, but there are significant differences. Although they are reptilian, the Ilme have no wings and probably could not fly even if they h... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 4633


Bats is a Bestiary article.

This article describes the habitat and physical attributes of Hârnic bats. Full HârnMaster stats are given.

2,00 EUR


COL 4634


Hot Seller


> Ist ja bald Ostern ! <

Rabbits originate around the Venarian Sea. The Jarin and later Lythian settlers brought rabbits with them to Hârn as food animals; over time, they escaped into the wild and have spread throughout the island, although predators generally keep their numbers in check. Hares are relatives of rabbits; however, they do not live in burrows and instead rely on speed to escape.

Rabbits is a bestiary article. It describes the habitat and physical attributes of Hârnic rabbi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

2,00 EUR


COL 4635


Rodents are the most numerous of all mammals. They are very adaptable and are found in practically every environment on the Misty Isles. Some species, especially mice, voles, and rats, survive at the bottom of the food chain by their sheer fecundity.

Rodents is a bestiary article. It describes the habitat and physical attributes of Hârnic rats, beavers, and squirrels, with full HârnMaster stats. Also included are rules for rodent infestations.

6,00 EUR


COL 4636


Weasels are the largest group of carnivorous mammals. In addition to the true weasels such as the stoat, mink, polecat, and sable, the weasel family encompasses subgroups as diverse as badgers, otters, and wolverines. Although geographically widespread and common, they are stealthy creatures and rarely seen in the open.

Weasels is a bestiary article. It describes the habitat and physical attributes of badgers, weasels, stoats, minks, polecats, sables, river otters, sea otters, and wolverines.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 4637


The folklore of almost all Hârnic and Lythian cultures includes tales of lycanthropes and their origins. Lycanthropes are people who have been cursed to involuntarily alter their form to that of a half-human, half-animal creature, typically during the night of a full moon. Although werewolves are the most common type of lycanthrope, the accursed may take on other forms, including that of a werebear or werecat.

Lycanthropes is a bestiary article that includes full descriptions and HârnMaster... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 4751

Harn Manor

z.Zt. vergriffen


HârnManor includes 4 generated manors and rules to create your own. Fully compatible with HârnMaster or any rules system.

Rules to generate useful, realistic Hârnic villages, populated with a variety of serfs, freeholders, and craftsmen.

Rules to populate the lord's household. For most lords a rich household carries prestige and a penny saved is a penny wasted.

Manor Budget
Rules to operate realistic medieval manors.

Manors of Hârn
Four manors that illustra... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 4751A

Clord #20: Woodcrafter

Edan of Peskil is an experienced and highly skilled woodturner. He is known throughout Lenedshire in Melderyn for his functional and highly decorative products, from bowls to chairs. Although Edan's designs are utilitarian, they are finely finished and blemish free.

This article is a location expansion intended for use with "Clord Manor" article in the HârnManor module (COL #4751). It describes the master woodcrafter and his establishment. Full color plans of the building are included, along... (vollständige Beschreibung)

2,00 EUR


COL 4851


Color illustrations and descriptions of 36 different plants with special properties native to Hârn. Many herbs are thought to have miraculous medicinal or other properties. Characters who can properly identify, gather, preserve, and sell good-quality herbs can earn a good living, be respected in the community, and gain useful contacts among guilded apothecaries, physicians, and arcanists.

Many herbs are used in the recipes for potions. Each herb also includes a related adventure seed.

Tho... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


COL 4852


Potions are found all over Lythia, in markets and fairs, on the shelves of apothecaries and physicians, in castles and in hovels. Some potions are well-known, but perhaps only in one region. Others are rare because they are difficult to prepare, have a short shelf life, or include rare or illegal ingredients. Magical effects are claimed for some potions, but most are intended as common remedies. Where guilds thrive, potions are a monopoly of Apothecaries, but there has always been a broad overla... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


COL 7001

Lionheart (1190 AD)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Lagerspuren außen - aber innen wie neu!

Enter the dramatic world of Richard the Lionheart with this historically accurate and detailed role playing aid. Set in the year 1190, Lionheart includes a large, accurate color map, historical, political, and cultural notes, and an extensive gazetteer.

88,00 EUR



COL 4002

Pilots' Almanac

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Pilots Almanac
The Pilots' Guild, information on the Vessel Profile, and navigation and sailing rules.

The Seamans' Guild, maritime ranks and jobs, crewing a vessel, and handling the Crew List.

The Shipwrights' Guild, shipyards, details and illustrations of vessels, and rules for shipbuilding.

Maritime Trade
Information on filling out a cargo manifest, and rules for handling maritime trade and cargoes.

Port Almanac
A glossary of about 400 ports, listing shipwrigh... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

COL 4055

Tomes & Scrolls

This article describes influential and interesting books and other written works that may be found in a Hârnic campaign.

Different versions of a written work arise when they are translated into a new language/script, or are heavily edited to ensure greater appeal to a specific group. Some versions may omit original material; some add new material. Original and later versions of a book are detailed with the following data.

* Author
* Year
* Medium (Pages/Cover material)
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


COL 4415

Agrik: Herpa the Mace

Hârn is home to many clerical orders devoted to Agrik, the dark god of war and violence, but none is more mystical than the Order of Herpa the Mace, whose priests are known for their ability to foresee the future with remarkable clarity. Although village soothsayers may claim similar prophetic talents, the Herpans are reputed to gain their powers by feeding the appetites of the V'hir, Agrik's demonic horde. The summoning of these demons as part of the order's rites lends it a fearsome aura, as ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

4,00 EUR


COL 4416

Agrik: Red Shadows of Herpa

The Order of the Red Shadows of Herpa is a religious fighting order devoted to Agrik, the dark god of war and violence. Righteous war and devotion to Agrik's demonic servants, the V'hir, are the hallmarks of the order, which traces its lineage to the bodyguards of the astrologer-priests of the Corani imperial court. Today they are politically powerful through the sponsorship of the clerics of the Order of Herpa the Mace and rich from the mineral wealth of their lands at Menekai. To most peasants... (vollständige Beschreibung)

2,00 EUR


COL 4423

Agrik: Mamaka Master of Steel

The Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel, is the most politically powerful clerical order in the Hârnic church of Agrik, the god of war and violence. The order's grandmaster is the Agrikan church's highest representative on Hârn and the order's control over the Hârnic church is threatened by the other Agrikan orders.

The Order of Mamaka reveres weaponcrafting and alchemy as the practical worship of Mamaka of Mameka, the Holy Smith of Balgashang. The order, which refers to itself as the "Master... (vollständige Beschreibung)

4,00 EUR


COL 4424

Agrik: Warriors of Mameka

The Warriors of Mameka are a wealthy and disciplined fighting order in the church of Agrik, the god of war and violence. Sponsored by the clerical order of Mamaka, Master of Steel, the Warriors are the most politically powerful Agrikan force on Hârn.

The Warriors are distinguished by deep spiritual toughness and discipline, exemplified by their strict celibacy. Welded together from youth, the Warriors employ a complex martial art that stresses mutual defense without compromising offense. The... (vollständige Beschreibung)

4,00 EUR


COL 4441

Larani: Order of Hyvrik

Hyvrik is the name given to the legendary red and white checkered shield of Larani, goddess of chivalry and battle. Just as Hyvrik protects the "Unwilling Warrior" from her foes, so does this order of her priesthood seek to protect her followers. The Order of Hyvrik is the main arm of the Laranian Church in western Hârn and stands as a spiritual bulwark against the churches of Agrik and Morgath that seek to dominate the region.

This article describes the order's origin and history, current s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 4442

Larani: Order of the Checkered Shield

Chivalry, honor, and duty are characteristics of the Order of the Checkered Shield, a fighting order dedicated to the goddess Larani, the Shieldmaiden of the Worthy Cause. The knights and men-at-arms of the Checkered Shield are renowned for their individual and collective military prowess and for upholding the ideals of Laranianism.

This article describes the order's origins and history, current situation, politics, code of behavior, and primary holdings. Also included are guidelines for gene... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,00 EUR


COL 4443

Larani: Order of the Spear of Shattered Sorrow

6 Pages

Since its start as a group of zealous Laranian missionaries, the Order of the Spear of Shattered Sorrow has become a powerful force in the religious and secular realms of eastern Hârn. Commonly referred to as the Order of the Spear, the order stands shoulder to shoulder with powerful and puissant earls with vast lands and military might while struggling to retain its theological and spiritual focus.

6,00 EUR


COL 4444

Larani: Order of the Lady of Paladins

Loyalty, martial prowess, and chivalry are the hallmarks of the Order of the Lady of Paladins. The older of the two Laranian fighting orders on Hârn, its knights and men-at-arms defend temples, pilgrims, and clergy east of Lake Benath. The order holds manors in Kaldor, Chybisa, and Melderyn and is a political and military force in each.

12 Pages

12,00 EUR


COL 4452

Peoni: Balm of Joy

Benevolence, compassion, and industriousness are the hallmarks of the Order of the Balm of Joy, the female clerical order of the Peonian Church. Serving as both complement and counterpoint to the all-male Irreproachable Order, the sisters of the Balm of Joy contribute to the root mission of the Peonian Church in ways that are more secular and temporal than spiritual and dogmatic. The chief aim of the Order of the Balm of Joy is to alleviate physical human suffering by providing direct aid to the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


COL 4453

Peoni: Irreproachable Order

The Irreproachable Order is the clerical order for men in the Peonian Church. Like their sisters in the Order of the Balm of Joy, the brothers of the Irreproachable Order carry out the basic mission of the Peonian Church: easing hardship in the lives of the poor and afflicted by offering assistance through agriculture and healing.

6,00 EUR


COL 4721


Tournaments is a Military article.

The tournament is a martial sport that demonstrates the strength and skill of a knight in battle. In its present form, it comprises the Melee, in which groups of mounted knights engage in battle on a field, and the Joust, which is a contest between two mounted knights, armed with lance and shield.

Tournaments have been held for as long as feudalism has existed. Originally, they were simply mock battles between two groups of knights during peacetime. Such ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 4741

Uthriem Roliri

Uthriem Roliri, Brotherhood of the Forest in the Sindarin tongue, is a covert brotherhood of human woodsmen intent on protecting the wilderness and its wildlife. The group was founded by followers of Siem in the foothills of the Sorkin Mountains in the second century TR as a reaction to the depredations committed by gargun.

The Uthriem Roliri exists only on Hârn. The Brotherhood rarely has more than 200 members, preferring to remain a small and elite group. Although still concentrated in eas... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 4762

Tribes of the Kubora

The Kubora are the tribal people who inhabit the Peran wilderness of northwestern Hârn. The civilized folk of western Hârn these ancient, complex people as an unpredictable primal force, as likely to torture a traveler as to welcome them.

This article is numbered Kubora 7-14 and it appends to Kubora 1-6 in HârnMaster Barbarians.

The expansion describes each of the 26 tribes of the Kubora nation. The tribes vary in size; some are beleaguered, others are gaining strength. A confederation ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


COL 4801


A guild is a brotherhood of craftsmen who have banded together to control economic activity in specific or related trades. Throughout western Lythia, virtually all significant commercial and professional activities are within the control of powerful international guilds whose monopolistic rights are protected by law.

The article explains the guild system: its rules and ranks and includes a section on each major guild from Apothecary to Weaponcrafter, illustrated with its guild badge.

6,00 EUR


COL 4802

Lia-Kavair "Thieves Guild"

4 Pages
This article was originally published in the Rethem Kingdom Module.

Although better known as the "Thieves Guild", the Lia-Kavair only superficially resembles the commercial guilds of western Lythia. The confusion arises primarily because the internal slang of the Lia-Kavair uses many terms that are associated with guilds. There is no parallel for the apprentice training system of commercial guilds. Little is known of the Lia-Kavair by outsiders, although there is considera... (vollständige Beschreibung)

2,00 EUR


COL 4803

Arcane Lore

The Arcanists' Guild is a loose association of scholars whose study and practice involve esoteric knowledge. Some study magical phenomena, while others practice magic; many are only students in obscure but mundane fields. The differences are sometimes unclear.

The article details the origins and development of the guild, its organization and ranks, and includes a list of Lythian Chantries.

10 Pages
This article was originally published in the Melderyn Kingdom Module.

6,00 EUR


COL 4804


Hot Seller


20 Pages
This article was originally published in Encyclopedia Hârnica 7.

Heraldry, also known as armory, is an art in perfect harmony with this flourishing age of chivalry. Among civilized folk, heraldry is strongly supported by the noble classes. This is partly due to the exclusive right of gentle folk to bear arms and partly due to the color and pageantry involved. On the practical side, military helmets tend to obscure the face, while armour and shields disguise gait and buil... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


COL 4812


Throughout western Lythia, the Innkeepers' Guild has a monopoly over the operation of inns and taverns. The masters of this guild are mostly well-respected and influential guildsmen, partly because of the high profile of their establishments in a community, and not least because of the covert links between some masters and the Lia Kavair.

Inns & Taverns
There are two levels of guild franchise: inns and taverns. The latter should not offer accommodation or serve hot meals, but thes... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,00 EUR


COL 4841


This article introduces detailed rules for stalking and killing prey and trapping animals for their fur. It also contains simple rules to determine the outcome of other types of hunting, such as hunting for sport. This article expands on hunting articles in HârnLore 4 and HârnMaster Barbarians.

14,00 EUR


COL 4842


z.Zt. vergriffen


Fishing is an unguilded occupation.

The fishing article details the fisherman's methods and equipment as well as the common types of fish and methods of preservation.

Fishing has great economic and social importance to all coastal communities. The sea provides raw materials such as whale oil, mother of pearl, and ambergris.

Fishermen are unguilded and the majority are unfree. Most have very little land or wealth. Sea fishermen depend on their maritime skills to survive; the rewards are ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 4915


10 Pages
This article was originally published in Encyclopedia Hârnica 6 and was expanded in HârnLore 9

Includes detailed information about Godstone locations and their function and purpose with rules for interworld travel.

Of all the enigmas in the Kethrian family of worlds, none is more puzzling than that of the Earthmasters, who appeared from nowhere some 20,000 years ago then five millennia later disappeared as suddenly. Their power was godlike and their nature unknown. A... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 4916

Real Estate

Sammlerstück / Rarität


6 Pages
This article was originally published in Hârnlore 10.

Everyone has to live somewhere, and PCs are no exception. Given free rein, characters adopt nomadic lifestyles, staying in inns and carrying their possessions on their backs. This is a rootless, expensive lifestyle that real people would adopt only in dire necessity. If only to give PCs one more headache, GMs should encourage them to establish households, somewhere to hang their sword and helm after a long hard bout of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

4,00 EUR


COL 4917


z.Zt. vergriffen


10 Pages
This article was originally published in Hârnlore 7 and 8.

A guild is a brotherhood of craftsmen who have banded together to control economic activity in specific or related trades. Throughout western Lythia, virtually all significant commercial and professional activities are within the control of powerful international guilds whose monopolistic rights are protected by law.

The article explains the guild system: its rules and ranks and includes a section on each majo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 4918


10 Pages
This article was originally published in Hârnlore 11.

The Households article includes a wealth of detail about the costs of maintaining appearances or simply subsisting.

Players sometimes question why their characters should be obliged to spend their "hard-earned" money on good food, untorn clothes, pleasant accommodations, and life in general. Frugality and wise planning, they might argue, should permit them to save perhaps 70% of their incomes to really get ahead in... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 5003

Gods of Hârn

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


"Gods of Harn, the Libram of the Pantheon, bridges the physical and spiritual world of Harn.

Gods of Harn is part of a series of expansion modules for the fantasy world Kethira. It provides detailed and consistent information about the beliefs, religious rituals and internal organizations of the churches of the ten gods.
Gods of Harn is compatible with any rule system you may now use. It allows you to use religion and worship as integral parts of a realistic fantasy campaign, rather than mer... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

COL 5004

Azadmere (Kingdom)

A dwarven mountain kingdom and city. Included is a color map of this ancient walled city, plans of the city's tunnel network, and a color map and index of the kingdom.

The history, culture, religion and economics of Hârn's dwarves, one of two demi-human races on the island.

The human Jarin keep and barony within the Kingdom of Azadmere. This article contains a color site map and interior plans of the keep, plus interior plans of a local inn.

The mighty ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


COL 5007

Chybisa (Kingdom)

A tiny feudal kingdom in eastern Hârn, ruled by Verlid VII. Chybisa maintains a fragile independence from Kaldor and Melderyn, both of whose kings have claims on her crown. Included is a full-color Atlas Map, plus details on the history, politics, economy, and clans of this surprisingly wealthy kingdom.

The largest town and the royal seat of Chybisa. Burzyn is strategically located on the south bank of the Ulmerien, guarding the only bridge to cross this river. It is a rich ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


COL 5008

Orbaal (Kingdom)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


This fragmented and unruly northern kingdom, was a Jorin realm before being conquered by Ivinlan uikings. Includes notes on the history and culture of Orbaal, genealogical data on the royal clan, and a colour page of heraldry for thirty-eight great clans.
The royal castle and major settlement of the Kingdom of Orbaal, a hybrid community of Ivinian masters and Jarin peasantry. Included is a colour site map and interior plans of the castle.
The history and culture of the Jari... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

COL 5014


Sammlerstück / Rarität


The mysterious "pit of Ilvir" is reputed to be the home of Harn's most bizarre inhabitant, the deity Ilvir. The fetid pool is said to be the breeding ground of the Ivashu, the god's strange creatures, and it is the final destination for many Ilviran pilgrims. This article includes two colour maps, one of the pit itself and the other of a nearby Ilviran temple complex. Interior plans of the temple, and extensive maps of the caverns beneath Araka-Kalai are also included. Details on the geography a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


COL 5016

Kiraz - The Lost City

The Lost City of Kiraz
Kiraz, the golden city, was the birthing bed of the Hârnic Khuzdul. For seven thousand years Kiraz was the largest and richest city of Hârn. The dwarves made her well, and she endured the coming of men, their haste and pestilence, their greed and wars. Until, that is, the tyranny of Lothrim, the Foulspawner. Now gloom hangs like a shroud about Kiraz, sealed with enchantment and good stone. Her dark and cavernous, haunted halls, seem yet to ring with the muted sounds of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


COL 5021

Castles of Harn

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


All eight sites in Castles of Hârn include a color local map, interior plans of each castle, and a key to special features in each settlement.

GEDA: The seat of Baron Kjal Forsetha in the tiny kingdom of Chybisa. Geda is a thriving small town on the Genin Trail.

GESHTEI: Capital of Gerium Province in the republic of Tharda. Geshtei is a center of intrigue between two powerful Thardic families.

GYTHRUN: A growing port on Melderyn's mainland coast, and seat of the Earl of Biren. He is a ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

COL 5022

Castles of Orbaal

z.Zt. vergriffen


Orbaal Map
A full color map of the Kingdom of Orbaal, showing all major settlements, roads, trails, etc. An index of political, social, and economic data for each settlement, and an article about the kingdom of the Orbaal.

All four castles include a full color local map, detailed interior plans, and a key to special features in each settlement.

The seat of Tursi Cyeen, located on a small island off the northwest coast of Orbaal. It is a center of the rich fur trade.

A m... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5091

Inns of Harn

Inns of Hârn is a collection of five detailed inns, suitable for any roleplaying campaign.

Details are provided about each inn's accommodations and services, as well as its menu, staff, and regular clientele. Additionally, each inn features detailed floor plans and several adventure hooks.

Aranoal's Inn: A run-down inn in the city of Coranan, popular with locals. It has a reputation as a place where visiting travelers can disappear.
Blue Bell Inn: Located near the pier in the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


COL 5092

Inns: The Drunken Hake

z.Zt. vergriffen


The Drunken Hake is an Inn located in Arathel, Orbaal. The article is formatted like the inns detailed in Inns of Hârn, COL #5091.

Arathel is the first "civilized" landfall and shipwright facility for Ivinian ships making the long and dangerous journey back from Golotha. Arathel's population, an uneven balance of many Jarin and a handful of Ivinians, is less tense than their more easterly neighbors as a result of Valhakar Tursi Cyeen's policy of tolerance and opportunity.

Although rustic ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5102


Sammlerstück / Rarität


- altersbedingtes Aussehen (nur äußerlich)

MENGLANA: A once great kingdom now in decline and under pressure from both the rising power of Ibanuaal and the piratical realm of Rogna. The aging king stubbornly clings to power and there is growing civil unrest among the clans. Includes a full color atlas map of the kingdom's heartland, and a color plate of heraldry of the Mengianan great clans.
VULENHEIM: The only walled town in Menglana is a major trading center and a power base of warring ro... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


COL 5201

Shorkyne - Regional Expansion Module

A large feudal kingdom in the south of the region. Shorkyne has been a powerful lure to great empires, but has maintained her independance by military excellence. The kingdom always seems to be on the verge of falling apart, for it's a land where scheming, regional lords (several dukes of Shorkyne are far more powerful than Hârnic kings) hold sway over a weak throne. But somehow, when the need arises, they have united to defeat invaders.

A small island kingdom at the gate... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


COL 5600

Kingdom of Chybisa

Chybisa is Hârn’s smallest realm but is rich in both history and natural resources. The kingdom sits in the fertile valley of the Ulmerien River, where a succession of cultures across two millennia have woven a complex cultural tapestry. The kingdom’s story is one of ebbs and flows, with intrepid settlers, lands lost to barbarians, invasion and assimilation, secession and intrigue.

Surrounding the kingdom are the ranges of three barbarian nations. While the Bujoc to the east are wary and... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


COL 5601

Burzyn Castle

Hot Seller


Burzyn is the largest settlement in the Kingdom of Chybisa and the principal seat of King Verlid VII of Clan Geledoth. The castle controls the only bridge over the Ulmerien River and is perhaps the most impressive fortress on Hârn.

Burzyn prospers through trade. At roughly half way between Thay and Tashal on the Genin Trail, it is a natural stop for travelers and caravans. It is also a center of river trade. Much of this is between settlements within the kingdom, but the town sees the occasi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


COL 5606

Geda Keep

Geda is a small keep in the southeast of the Kingdom of Chybisa. The settlement sits on the Ulmerien River and the Genin Trail, the major trade route between Chybisa's much larger neighbors, Kaldor and Melderyn. Geda is a hub of the mining trade that fuels much of Chybisa's economy. Baron Kjal Forsetha, an Ivinian former mercenary, won his fief as the result of a wager. The Geda article describes the settlement's history, government, religion, economics, and military forces. It includes color GM... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


COL 5610

Harn - Kaldor Kingdom

Includes a Kaldor binder with room to add other Kaldoric articles such as Olokand (sold separately). Also includes a color political map and heraldry of the great clans. 60 pages.

Kaldor is a feudal kingdom in eastern Hârn. This edition is a major expansion of the original kingdom article.

Kaldor is ripe with adventure possibilties. Characters might become involved in royal succession intrigue, seek ancient Khuzdul ruins, or campaign with the Oselmarch or Chelmarch armies in barbarian ter... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


COL 5610-AH

Harn - Kaldor Atlas Maps (6)



The 6 Atlas Maps covering the Kingdom of Kaldor in eastern Hârn. Maps included are J4, J5, J6, K4, K5, K6. All settlements listed in the Kaldor Kingdom book appear in these maps.

28,00 EUR


COL 5610HC

Harn - Kaldor Kingdom (HC)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Kaldor is a land-locked feudal kingdom in eastern Hârn. Since its founding more than 500 years ago, external threats have been minimal but internal strife has been common. The current dynasty, Clan Elendsa, has sought to uphold the traditional principles of feudalism, chivalry, and royal justice. King Miginath Elendsa is popular with the common people because he has kept the kingdom prosperous and at peace.

King Miginath is in poor health and has never married, leaving the succession a ma... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


COL 5611

City of Tashal

Tashal is the largest city in the Kingdom of Kaldor, and largest on Hârn after Coranan. Constructed almost entirely of local granite and oak, shingled with weathered gray cedar, the "Gray Lady of the Kald" is appreciated more for her political and commercial significance than beauty. Beneath the city run extensive tunnels and sewers of ancient origin.

This module is an expansion of the Tashal articles originally published in Cities of Hârn and Son of Cities. Expanded to 70 pages f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


COL 5618

Olokand Castle

Olokand is the family holding of Clan Elendsa, the royal clan of Kaldor. It is one of two principal seats held by the king, the other being the city of Tashal. Located on the western bank of the Kald River, Olokand castle guards the Elendsa Bridge and controls the Fur Road, the kingdom's principal trade route with the north.

With a year round population over 800, Olokand is one of Kaldor's larger settlements. The population swells in the spring when the Fur Road caravan arrives from Orbaal, a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


COL 5623

Gardiren Castle

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Gardiren is the principal settlement of Nephshire on the northern frontier of Kaldor. It lies on the eastern bank of the fast-moving River Shem, twenty leagues north of Tashal. Vast forests claimed by the Taelda barbarians extend north and east to the Sorkin Mountains. These rich forests and centuries of trade with Azadmere have been sources of great wealth for Clan Curo, a wealthy and ancient clan led by the proud Earls of Neph.

Caer Gardiren's excellent river port and its control of Medrik ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


COL 5623A

Gardiren #10: The Jug Inn

z.Zt. vergriffen


The Jug Inn sits in a prime location just south of Gardiren's wharf and offers a magnificent view over the Shem River. Trivin of Jasath, the proprietor, caters mainly to wealthy guildsmen and nobles. He discourages riffraff by keeping the room rates high and by serving only fine food and expensive wines and brandies. Trivin is an important man in town and has a very inquisitive nature; he is always seeking to uncover any secrets his guests may have.

The Jug Inn is a location expansion intende... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5624

Esenor Keep

Hot Seller


Esenor is a wealthy barony in the Kingdom of Kaldor. Located in the kingdom's peaceful heartland, its rich soil and lush meadows have allowed its holders to focus on aesthetics and comfort rather than the ability to withstand attack or siege. Esenor is the seat of Clan Tesla, who hold their lands from the Earls of Neph at Gardiren.

Baron Kisan Tesla is a shrewd negotiator and brilliant intriguer, with numerous friends--and enemies--in the royal court and contacts in the Laranian Church and th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


COL 5628

Kiban Castle

Kiban is the second largest settlement in the Kingdom of Kaldor and the principal seat of Clan Dariune, the Earls of Balim. Kiban was a small agricultural castle town not many years ago but is now an emerging center of trade, especially in weapons and jewelry from the dwarven Kingdom of Azadmere. Earl Troda Dariune is Kaldor's Chancellor of the Exchequer and a cousin of the king. He has powerful allies, including key clerics, as well as many enemies.

The Kiban Castle article describes the set... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


COL 5634

Minarsas Castle

Minarsas is the commercial center of Vemionshire, the easternmost shire of Kaldor. Isolated from the rest of Kaldor by empty hills and trackless fens, and ignored by an ineffective sheriff, the Earl of Vemion rules his vast holdings from Minarsas and nearby Zoben with intelligence and efficiency. He enjoys an autonomy unavailable to the other earls of Kaldor.

Minarsas lies at the center of Kaldor’s best sheep farming area. Generations of isolation have produced the Vemion Cross ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


COL 5638

Qualdris Castle

Qualdris is a prosperous and important settlement in the south of the Kingdom of Kaldor and is the seat of the Earl of Osel. Earl Sedris Meleken comes from one of the oldest and proudest families in the kingdom. He has been away from the castle for almost a year, searching for a murderer. The castle is being governed by his wife in his absence.

The Qualdris Castle article describes the town's history, government, religion, and economics, and provides details for some of the settlement's craft... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


COL 5639

Heru Keep

Qualdris is a prosperous and important settlement in the south of the Kingdom of Kaldor and is the seat of the Earl of Osel. Earl Sedris Meleken comes from one of the oldest and proudest families in the kingdom. He has been away from the castle for almost a year, searching for a murderer. The castle is being governed by his wife in his absence.

The Qualdris Castle article describes the town's history, government, religion, and economics, and provides details for some of the settlement's craft... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


COL 5651


Oselbridge is a welcome waystation for weary travelers on the Genin Trail, the road between Tashal and Thay in eastern Hârn. The bridge is the only crossing of the Osel River and most travelers spend a day or two at this oasis of civilization. Because of its strategic location, there has been an on-going dispute over control of Oselbridge for centuries. The bridge has been seized from time to time by Pagaelin tribesmen and the kingdoms of Kaldor and Chybisa; none have established any lasting au... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 5660

Harn - Kanday Kingdom Binder

z.Zt. vergriffen


Kanday is a feudal kingdom in southwestern Hârn. This edition is major expansion of the original kingdom article.

Kanday is an exciting kingdom for your Hârn campaign. Characters could become involved in the border skirmishes between the Checkered Shield and Copper Hook, explore the Ternu Heath seeking a lost city, or immerse themselves in court intrigue in Dyrisa.

Additional Kandian articles are planned for separate release soon including Heroth, Dyrisa, and Menekod.

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5661

City of Aleath

Includes the original Aleath article from Cities of Hârn, the expansion from Son of Cities and some of the content from Web of the Widow. The city has been divided into 4 neighborhoods and the buildings numbered accordingly. The 12 Aleathian aldermen have been identified and the 4 villages located outside town have been described. There is also some new artwork and a new readable layout.

Aleath has been organized for future expansion. New plans and sites within the city can easily be added t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


COL 5662

Dyrisa Castle

Includes the original Aleath article from Cities of Hârn, the expansion from Son of Cities and some of the content from Web of the Widow. The city has been divided into 4 neighborhoods and the buildings numbered accordingly. The 12 Aleathian aldermen have been identified and the 4 villages located outside town have been described. There is also some new artwork and a new readable layout.

Aleath has been organized for future expansion. New plans and sites within the city can easily be added t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


COL 5662A

Larani: Dyrisa Temple Expansion

z.Zt. vergriffen


Dyrisa's Laranian temple is dedicated to the goddess' holy silver sword and is commonly referred to as the "Temple of Avarkiel." It is run by the Order of Hyvrik and stands in the center of Dyrisa in honor of Larani's role in the victory of King Andasin I over the town's Morgathian overlord in 620. Nobles and commoners come from leagues away for Soratir services.

This article is a location expansion intended for use with the Dyrisa Castle article (COL #5662). It describes the temple and its r... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5669

Menekod Castle

z.Zt. vergriffen


Menekod is a one of the most important defensive positions in western Hârn. Sometimes called the key to the Kingdom of Kanday, it is held by the Order of the Checkered Shield, a fighting order of Larani, the goddess of chivalry and battle. The Checkered Shield is one of the finest military forces on Hârn and is engaged in ongoing conflict with the Order of the Copper Hook, a fighting order dedicated to Agrik, god of fire and war.

The Menekod article describes the town's history, government,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5670

Minilaous Keep

Minilaous is a keep and barony southwest of the Kandian city of Aleath. The keep is nestled atop the high cliffs of Mercia Bay. The region has a rich heritage, arising from a mix of cultures. The area was decimated during the Thecracy of Tekhos but emerged as an independent kingdom before becoming part of the Kindom of Kanday. The barony is held by Baroness Iala Pesirias, the only female tenant-in-chief in the kingdom.

The Minilaous Keep article describes the settlement's history, government,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


COL 5675

Heroth Castle

Heroth is a castle and small town held by the Earl of Heroth in the Kingdom of Kanday. The largest settlement in Noreashire, Heroth is located at an important crossroads just three leagues west of the Thardic Republic and seven leagues south of the Kingdom of Rethem. The castle and its surrounding manors occupy a clearing in the center of the Forest of Narath, a relatively pristine wilderness and royal forest unpopulated except by a few small bands of outlaws and brigands.

The Heroth article ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 5684

Selvos Castle

Selvos castle is the seat of the Earl of Selvos in northwest Kanday. Seized in 695 from Rethem during Ezar's War, it is a rich fishing port and one of the few safe harbors along the rugged western coast of Hârn.

Although officially at peace with Rethem for over twenty years, raiding and skirmishing continues along the nearby frontier. Agents of Rethem, and political intrigue between hawks and doves of Kanday, make this a dangerous place for the unwary.
Location: Kingdom of Kanday
Governmen... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


COL 5685

Dunir Keep

Dunir is an isolated keep and small town on the northwestern coast of Kanday, although it gets more traffic than one would expect. The road from Selvos to Menekod enters Rethem and is blocked by Hyen Keep, headquarters of the Agrikan Company of the Copper Hook.

This fighting order once held Selvos, Menekod, and Dunir and has never accepted the Peace of Selvos. Hence, all military traffic and most trade in northwestern Kanday passes through Dunir. Although now a peaceful area, remnants of the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


COL 5688

Tesien Earthmaster Site

z.Zt. vergriffen


Tesien is an Earthmaster site on Ternu Heath with a sinister reputation far beyond that of its sister constructions located across Hârn.

The original Earthmaster structures have sunk beneath the marsh; the visible ruins are of recent origin. As with all similar sites, the builders seem to have abandoned Tesien 15,000 years ago; its purpose remains an enigma.

10 Pages
2 Color Maps

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5700

Harn - Melderyn Kingdom (Binder)

Melderyn, Hârn's oldest kingdom, is named for the island off the southeast coast of Hârn on which it was founded. The many strange goings-on and mystical persons attributed to the island, which is commonly called "The Wizards' Isle," have given the realm a reputation as a place of mystery and enchantment.

Melderyn is an exciting kingdom for your Hârn campaign. The kingdom is the gateway for trade and travel between Hârn and the realms of the Lythian continent. Three barbarian tribal natio... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


COL 5700HC

Harn - Melderyn Kingdom (HC)



Melderyn, Hârn's oldest kingdom, is named for the island off the southeast coast of Hârn on which it was founded. The many strange goings-on and mystical persons attributed to the island, which is commonly called "The Wizards' Isle," have given the realm a reputation as a place of mystery and enchantment.

Melderyn is an exciting kingdom for your Hârn campaign. The kingdom is the gateway for trade and travel between Hârn and the realms of the Lythian continent. Three barbarian tribal natio... (vollständige Beschreibung)

64,00 EUR


COL 5701

City of Cherafir

Cherafir is the capital city and principal port of the Kingdom of Melderyn. The city is well fortified and its strong citadel is the main residence of the king. Known as the "Mages' City," Cherafir is seen by most as a bizarre anomaly, prone to strange happenings and inhabited by weird entities. While largely fictitious, this reputation is promoted by the inhabitants. Cherafir is the most cosmopolitan of Hârnic towns, particularly its dock-side foreigners' quarter known as the Alienage. Cherafi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


COL 5701A

Cherafir #D5: Clothier

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Valeth the Robewright runs a small, exclusive clothier's shop that specializes in custom-tailored vestments, gowns, robes, and other ecclesiastic wear. He and his journeymen produce garments featuring designs for the Laranian, Peonian, Halean, and Save-K'norian churches and fighting orders. His clientele are senior clerics and noble religious warriors who can afford his fine wares. Despite his upstanding reputation, there is more to Valeth than meets the eye.

This location expansion is intend... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5702

City of Thay

'Thay' is the second-largest city in the Kingdom of Melderyn in southeast Hârn. The city is the dominant economic force in northern Melderyn, both as as a busy seaport and the terminus of one of the major trade routes of eastern Hârn. It is the closest port on the Hârnic mainland to the Lythian continent.

Thay offers game masters many opportunities, both as the site of urban intrigue and adventure and as a base for treks into the wilderness. The lands to the north of Thay are inhabited by ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


COL 5702A

City of Thay #B9: Jeweler

z.Zt. vergriffen


Rulf of Iachome, a master in the Jewelers' Guild, operates a mint in the city of Thay. He has a license from Melderyn's King Chunel to mint coins. Rulf's predecessor cheated the king and produced underweight coins; his hands are still nailed to the door of the mint as a reminder of the penalty for committing fraud.

This article is a location expansion intended for use with the City of Thay article (COL #5702). It describes the master jeweler and his establishment. Full-color plans of the buil... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5703

Chyrefal Castle

Chyrefal is the principal settlement of the island of Ikom and shire moot of Melderyn's Ikoshire. The majestic castle town is home to Hârn's premier Odivshe chantry, an ancient megalith circle, and a gigantic haunted burial tumulus. The sheltered harbor is home to a large fishing fleet and the annual spring seafarers' fair attracts boats from all over eastern Hârn. Chyrefal is held for the king by Sheriff Balsen Torele. Communication with Cherafir can be difficult and the crown leaves Ikoshire... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


COL 5713


Gythrun Castle is the third largest of the mainland settlements in the Kingdom of Melderyn. It is the principal seat of the Earl of Biren and the center of economic activity for Birenshire. The town is a major stopover for caravans on the Nuem Trail and attracts significant maritime trade. For both moral and economic reasons, Gythrun has found itself embroiled in the Solora Crusade, a campaign of subjugation being waged against the Solori tribal nation by the Order of the Lady of Paladins, a fig... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


COL 5715

Menio Keep

z.Zt. vergriffen


Menio is the heart of a wealthy barony in northeastern Melderyn. The economy is driven by the pottery trade. The many kilns of the Potters' Guild are fed by barges of charcoal and the smell of smoke is everywhere. Poul Morezyn, the young baron, ignores his responsibility to govern his fief and is rapidly emptying the coffers it took his father years to fill. His mother and his liege hope that marriage might tame him; there are no lack of would-be brides.

The Menio Keep article describes the s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5718

Harden Castle

z.Zt. vergriffen


Harden is the principal northern fortress of the mainland holdings of the Kingdom of Melderyn. The castle is strategically placed along the Genin Trail and holds a commanding position on the Horka River. Once the economic center of the region, Harden had declined since the founding of the city of Thay two centuries ago. Harden was once the capital of the Kingdom of Elorinar and is now the seat of the Earl of Elorin. Several ancient burial mounds in the vicinity are believed to be cursed.

The ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5718A

Harden #23: Charcoaler

z.Zt. vergriffen


Noran of Faloran's charcoaling camp is in Bujdel Forest, a league or so across the Horka River from Harden Castle in Melderyn. Noran is a shrewd businessman and an expert in woodlore and timbercraft. He has had a license to harvest timber for charcoal in Bujdel Forest for many years. He is a skilled forager and keen waterfowler on Elierna Bog, and some suspect him of being a poacher.

This article is a location expansion intended for use with the Harden Castle article (COL #5718). It describes... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5723

Karveth Castle

z.Zt. vergriffen


Karveth is the biggest and wealthiest town on Elnar, a large island in the Indatha Straits that run between Melderyn and Hârn. The town is an important maritime center with a large fishing fleet. It is also the seat of Clan Avona, who have held the Earldom of Karveth for over three centuries. Earl Jannys, the current earl, is the latest in a long line of seagoing nobles.

The businesses and facilities around the wharves and river form the busiest hub of activity in the town. Interior plans of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5725

Nurisel Castle

Nurisel is the second largest settlement on the island of Melderyn and is the principal seat of the Earl of Nurisel. The settlement has a well-deserved reputation as a center of learning. Earl Sunoril Thabel is an insightful, intelligent man with a reputation for coldness and formality. He is an influential advisor to the King of Melderyn.

The Nurisel Castle article describes the town's history, government, religion, and economics, and provides details for some of the settlement's craftsmen a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


COL 5726

Glenoth Keep

Glenoth is an island located midway between the islands of Ikom and Melderyn. The island's only major settlement lies on the east coast of the island.

Around 700 BT, a Jmorvian chantry was established on the island by scholars from Emelrene who wished to study the structures of the enigmatic Henge Culture. There is some evidence that the local basalt is susceptible to receiving and maintaining enchantments, which increases its value to Jmorvian Shek-PÕvar.

Includes interior plans of the k... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


COL 5731

Gelimo Chantry

Nurisel is the second largest settlement on the island of Melderyn and is the principal seat of the Earl of Nurisel. The settlement has a well-deserved reputation as a center of learning. Earl Sunoril Thabel is an insightful, intelligent man with a reputation for coldness and formality. He is an influential advisor to the King of Melderyn.

The Nurisel Castle article describes the town's history, government, religion, and economics, and provides details for some of the settlement's craftsmen a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


COL 5733

Escorsen's Hermitage

Escorsen's hermitage is deep in the Leonese Marshes on the eastern side of the Island of Melderyn. The setting is simple and isolated, typical of the dwelling of a hermit. People who have encountered Escorsen have described him as a slightly eccentric Ilviran priest. But Escorsen is not all that he seems; those few who suspected he was other than he let on are no longer among the living.

The Escorsen's Hermitage article describes Escorsin of Tenir (including HârnMaster stats), his hermitage,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 5740

Harn - Rethem Kingdom Binder

z.Zt. vergriffen


Rethem is a feudal kingdom in western Hârn where feudalism rules by force. The political situation is still far from settled and the threat of civil war looms over the kingdom. Rethem is bounded by the Kingdom of Kanday to the south, the Kuboran tribal lands to the north, and the Thardic Republic to the east. With its long history of violence, a rulership built on cunning and strength, and its shaky political structure, Rethem is viewed warily by its neighbors.

The Peran wilderness to Rethe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5740HC

Harn - Rethem Kingdom with Shostim & Golotha (Hardcover)

Rethem is a fractious feudal kingdom on the western coast of Hârn. The kingdom's politics are dominated by the "black-souled and evil" churches of Agrik and Morgath. The threat of warfare between religious orders compounds the danger posed by rivalries between feudal lords. The political situation is far from settled and the threat of civil war looms over the kingdom. Rethem is bounded by the Kingdom of Kanday to the south, the Peran wilderness to the north, and the Thardic Republic to the east... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


COL 5741

City of Golotha

Golotha is the principal settlement of the Kingdom of Rethem and the political heir to the infamous Theocracy of Tekhos. Strategically located at the mouth of the River Thard, the city was founded in the fourth century on ground reclaimed from a misty swamp. It is still plagued by morning fogs. Golotha is a city of secrets and dark places. Its narrow streets are dangerous even during the day.

This module is an expansion of the articles originally published in Cities of Hârn and Son of Cities... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


COL 5742

Shostim Castle

10 Pages
2 Color Maps

Shostim castle has been the primary seat of the kings of Rethem since the foundation of the kingdom nearly a century ago. Shostim is one of the largest settlements in the kingdom, second only to the city of Golotha. The castle is undergoing major construction; the current king, Chafin III, intends for Shostim to be the most formidable and impressive fortification in western Hârn.

8,00 EUR


COL 5744

Bedenes Keep

26 Pages
2 Color Maps

Bedenes is a formidible fortress on the northern frontier of the Kingdom of Rethem. Bedenes Keep and the surrounding lands of Emesa Hundred are held by the Warriors of Mameka, a powerful fighting order of Agrik, god of war and violence. From Bedenes, the Warriors wage war against the Kuboran tribesmen and plunder the riches of the Peran wilderness.

Bedenes also is a seminary for the Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel, the Warriors' sponsoring clerical order.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


COL 5747

Hyen Keep

Hyen is an imposing keep on Rethem's border with Kanday, Hyen is held by the Order of the Copper Hook, an Agrikan fighting order. Hyen and its surrounding manors are all that remain of the order's once-extensive lands in southern Rethem, the rest having been lost to them a generation ago during Ezar's War. The Copper Hook never recognized the treaty that ended that war and its members continue to raid across the border, dreaming of the day they can retake their lands from the hated followers of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 5752

Ithiko Castle

Ithiko castle in Rethem's Hohnamshire is the seat of Earl Herrin Barzak. The earl is a loyal supporter of the king and a staunch enemy of the Earl of Tormau to his north. Ithiko was originally built as a fortress on the edge of the Corani Empire and is infamous as the birthplace of the Morgathian prophet Balsha and the rallying point of the Balshan Jihad. Ithiko is a pilgrimage destination for Morgathians and the church maintains a shrine to Balsha and a temple in the castle town.

6,00 EUR


COL 5759

Tormau Castle

Tormau castle in northwestern Rethem is the principal seat of Earl Denyl Lynnaeus, the most powerful of the kingdom's three tenants-in-chief and the most dangerous rival to King Chafin III. Tormau's location on an island in the mouth of the Denia River and astride the Scarlet Ribbon allows it to control trade with the tribes of the Peran region. Tormau dominates northern Rethem and the earl is carefully building an army for an expected civil war.

8,00 EUR


COL 5767

Keserin Mine

Keserin is an isolated forest hundred in the Kingdom of Rethem's Parachshire, where heavily forested foothills meet the low rocky spurs of the Rayesha Mountains. Although the landscape is dotted with forgotten ruins from the Corani Empire, civilization has long been kept at bay by gargun (orcs) and the Kubora barbarian tribes. The area's mineral wealth, however, has not been forgotten.

Nestled in a deep ravine lies a mining complex held by the Order of the Red Shadows of Herpa, a religious fi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


COL 5770

Harn - Republic of Tharda Binder

z.Zt. vergriffen


Tharda is a region of west-central Hârn, primarily the Thard River basin. It includes small parts of the kingdoms of Rethem and Kanday and all of the Thardic Republic. The natural vegetation is mixed woodland and forest, but includes some rugged coniferous highlands.
The Thardic Republic, commonly called just "Tharda", is bordered to the south by the feudal Kingdom of Kanday and to the west by the Kingdom of Rethem. The Republic has won a war with Kanday within the last decade, and relations w... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5776

Telen Castle

The Telen Castle article describes the settlement's history, government, religion, and economics, and provides details for some of its craftsmen and other locations. Includes GM and player local maps as well as interior plans for the fortified villa of the powerful Nordaka clan, all in full color.

This is a Hârn Classics release. Portions of this article were originally published in 1987 as part of the Thardic Republic Module. The article has been upgraded with new color artwork and redrawn ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


COL 5783

Imrium Castle

Imrium Castle stands on a rocky crag in the shadow of the Rayesha Mountains, The castle is held by the Imrium Cohort of the Thardic Republic's Gerium Legion and protects a town made wealthy by its role in the salt trade, the source of much of the republic's income.

The Imrium Castle article describes the settlement's history, government, religion, and economics, with special attention to the lucrative salt trade. Detailed descriptions of craftsmen and other locations in the settlement are inc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


COL 5788

Moleryn Castle

Moleryn is the capital of the Thardic Republic's Ramala Province and the seat of the provincial magistrate and marshal. It is also the headquarters of the Ramala Legion and houses two of its eight companies. Moleryn sits on the Salt Route, the main corridor for trade between western and eastern Hârn, and prospers as an important trading center.

The Moleryn Castle article describes the settlement's history, government, religion, and economics, and provides details for some of its craftsmen an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


COL 5789

Fort Taztos

Fort Taztos is an outpost of the Ramala Legion of the Thardic Republic. It sits on the Salt Route that links the western Hârnic realms with the kingdoms of the east. The fort has a permanent garrison of 100 (75 infantry and 25 cavalry), which is hopelessly inadequate for their appointed task of patrolling the huge Athul wilderness. Taztos may have the most skilled troops in the Thardic army and is regarded as "the hard school," where a man fights well or not at all.

The Taztos article descri... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


COL 5790

City of Shiran

Shiran is Hârn's smallest city. Located on the north bank of the Thard River near Lake Benath, it is the second-largest settlement in the Thardic Republic and capital of Shiran Province, one of six in the Republic. Shiran is one of the Republic's economic and cultural centers. The city has a reputation for corruption and hedonism and is known throughout Hârn as the "City of Sins".

Shiran offers game masters many opportunities as the site of urban intrigue and adventure. The Shiran article c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


COL 5790A

Shiran #E14: Bull Ring Tavern

z.Zt. vergriffen


The Bull Ring Tavern is located in the cellar of a nondescript warehouse in the Kobar District, home to many of Shiran's poorer residents. Although most popular with ordinary folk, the Bull Ring is also frequented by members of wealthy land-owning clans seeking a taste of the forbidden. Some patrons appreciate the poor illumination and the lack of questions as long as one's coin is good. Some activities demand privacy and discretion. The tavern features a fighting pit, where men and animals figh... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5800

Harn - Orbaal Kingdom Binder

z.Zt. vergriffen


Includes an Orbaal binder with room to add other articles. Also includes a color political map and heraldry of the great clans. 68 pages.

Orbaal, a fractious kingdom in Hârn's wild north, is a land of mountains and fjords. A land where the rebellious Jarin, beaten but not broken, chafe under the rule of Ivinian viking conquerors. Around 8,000 Ivinian conquerors hold almost all of the kingdom's fortresses and rule over 65,000 Jarin. A major rebellion erupted less than 20 years ago and conside... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5800HC

Harn - Orbaal Kingdom (Hardcover)

Orbaal is the fourth of nine different fantasy kingdoms printed in a beautiful hardcover format. Each kingdom is filled with political and player maps, detailed heraldry and genealogies, statistics on military resources, and prominent nobles families. The hardback also contains the sites of Geldeheim, Lorkin, Leriel, and Gedan.

Please note the Hardcover book contains exactly the same content as the looseleaf print and PDF versions of the same content.

80,00 EUR


COL 5806

Zynholm Thran

Zynholm is a fortified thran held by Clan Saargax from Orbaal's King Alegar II. Melvold Saargax, the current valhakar (clan leader) is stern and demanding to the Ivinian clans that owe him tribute and a harsh overlord to the oppressed Jarin population.

The Zynholm Thran article describes the settlement's history, government, religion, and economics, and provides details for some of its craftsmen and other locations. Includes color GM and player local maps, and floor plans for the clanhouse te... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


COL 5807A

Arathel Inn: The Drunken Hake

z.Zt. vergriffen


The Drunken Hake is an Inn located in Arathel, Orbaal. The article is formatted like the inns detailed in Inns of Hârn, COL #5091.

Arathel is the first "civilized" landfall and shipwright facility for Ivinian ships making the long and dangerous journey back from Golotha. Arathel's population, an uneven balance of many Jarin and a handful of Ivinians, is less tense than their more easterly neighbors as a result of Valhakar Tursi Cyeen's policy of tolerance and opportunity.

Although rustic ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5807B

Arathel Inn: Haakapik Inn

z.Zt. vergriffen


The Haakapik Inn is on the bleak, rocky shores of Arathel, a small island off the northwest coast of Orbaal. Visitors include merchants and ships' crews seeking rest after a long voyage. The inn is an important hiring hall for sealing captains seeking additional help or replacing injured hands during the spring and summer months. The Haakapik Inn serves mostly Ivinians, as proprietor Jarri Kurn makes it clear that Jarin are not welcome at his inn.

The Haakapik Inn article provides details abo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5849


The Jarin people were the first human inhabitants of Hârn. Many of the barbarian tribes of Hârn are of Jarin blood and small pockets of civilized Jarin can be found in Evael (kingdom of the elves) and Azadmere (land of the dwarves). Most civilized Jarin, however, live in the Kingdom of Orbaal, where they struggle under the rule of the Ivinian vikings who invaded northern Hârn during the last century.

The Jarin article describes the history of this ethnic group as well as their religion, la... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 5850HC

Harn - Kingdom of Azadmere (HC)



Hârn products are printed on high-quality, loose-leaf pages designed to fit standard 3-ring binders. This format enables you to arrange a collection of articles that are relevant to your campaign, providing easy access to the information you need.

Azadmere is the only remaining kingdom of Khuzdul (dwarves) on Hârn. Located high in the Sorkin Mountains of eastern Hârn, the kingdom is centered on the city of Azadmere and Lake Arain. Founded more than 7,000 years ago, it is now ruled by King ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


COL 5881


Misyn is a wooded plain on the northeast shore of Lake Benath in central Hârn. The region has a unique geography that is not found elsewhere on Hârn. The god Ilvir, principal deity of the Jarin people and lord-creator of the strange creatures known as Ivashu, is said to dwell at Araka-Kalai and Misyn is sometimes described as his kingdom. The only permanent settlement in Misyn is Ochrynn, an Ilviran abbey run by the Order of the Ochre Womb, the caretakers of Araka-Kalai.

The Misyn article c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,00 EUR


COL 5882

Ochrynn Abbey

Ochrynn is a religious community dedicated to Ilvir, one of the Hârnic deities. The abbey is just one half league northwest of the Pit of Araka-Kalai, the home of Ilvir and an important pilgrimage destination. Ochrynn is the only civilized human settlement in the Misyn region and its clerics are involved in supplying Ivashu, bizarre and often dangerous creatures created by Ilvir, to the Pamesani arenas of western Hârn, a practice that is opposed by some Ilvirans. The location offers a wealth o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


COL 5883

Anisha Earthmaster Site

Anisha is a site of Earthmaster origin at the northern end of Direna Lake in the Felsha Mountains. The site's environs are quite heavily forested but the visible buildings seem well preserved. There are extensive passages beneath these structures. The ranges of three gargun nations intersect in the vicinity of Anisha. With Araka-Kalai, home to the god Ilvir, not far to the north, the Direna Valley receives an undue share of migratory Ivashu, the strange creatures created by the deity.

The nea... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


COL 5886


Kustan is located in the Peran wilderness at the northern terminus of the road known as the Scarlet Ribbon. The site contains a ruined Corani Empire fort, numerous barrow graves, and the village of Kus, home to the Rathiri Kuroba tribe. Kustan is the site of the annual tribal moot of the Kubora, a powerful warrior nation.

The Kustan article describes the history and present situation of the site and provides details for its many interesting locations. A number of legends about Kustan and the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,00 EUR


COL 5887

Noron's Keep

Noron's Keep is an isolated stronghold near the source of the Kald River in the Sorkin Mountains. The keep is held by Noron, one of the semi-divine creatures known as Pradeyalkri. Noron is held in awe by the Taeldan tribesmen who live in the surrounding wilderness, and an implacable foe of the Gargun (Hârnic orcs) whose colonies are found in the mountains nearby. Noron and his sons are known to extract exorbitant tolls from travelers on the trail between Tonot in Kaldor and Shese in Orbaal.

... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


COL 5889

Telumar Earthmaster Site

z.Zt. vergriffen


Telumar is an Earthmaster site located in the gap between the Sorkin and Anadel mountains on the northern edge of the Kingdom of Melderyn in southeast Hârn. The site is the location of one of the most curious phenomena known to those who study the arcane lore of Hârn.

The site contains five buildings from the Earthmaster era, many of which were damaged and partially covered by a landslide 13 years ago. A ruined Khuzan stone wall dating from the Atani Wars is nearby. The range of the Chindra... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5890

Sorkin Mountains

The Sorkin Mountains are one of the wildest areas on Hârn. These granite spires form a forbidding hundred-league mountain chain that walls Kaldor from the Sea of Ivae. The terrain climbs from the lowlands of the Kald Valley to peaks above 7,000 feet. There are higher peaks on Hârn, but few more rugged.

Hardy souls come to the Sorkins mainly in search of furs in the highlands and gold in the icy streams. The foothills are littered with their bones. Moss-encrusted ruins, some of Khuzan origin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 5890A

Sorkins: The Seven Brothers

z.Zt. vergriffen


Deep in the densely wooded foothills of the Sorkin Mountains northeast of Gardiren in the Kingdom of Kaldor, a clearing in the woods holds a ring of standing stones that the Taeldan tribesmen call the Seven Brothers. The Taelda revere the stones and use the site for sacred ceremonies, led by mysterious Guardians.

This article is a location expansion intended for use with the Sorkin Mountains article (COL #5890). It describes the Seven Brothers site and the tribesmen who act as its protectors.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5891


z.Zt. vergriffen


Peran is an extensive wilderness in northwestern Hârn. Primeval forests cloak this land of mysteries so densely that the ill-prepared may be swallowed by the trackless wilderness. Outsiders are more often the hunted than the hunters and evils here are best left undisturbed. Peran is home to the fierce Kubora and Urdu tribes, savage warriors who defied the Corani Empire and once conquered the kingdom known today as Rethem. The tribes jealously guard the rich natural bounty of Peran from those wh... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5892

Afarezir Islands

The Afarezir Islands are desolate, windswept, rainy islands off the northwest coast of Hârn. The rocky shores of the wide eastern bays of these rugged islands are alive with sprawling colonies of seals and great wheeling flocks of seabirds. This harsh world has shaped the Nolgind Kubora who make the 10 largest islands their home. A hardy and unfailingly independent people, the Nolgind see their independence threatened by Orbaalese settlers attempting to establish sealing colonies and waystation... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 5893

Tontury Lake

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


This article describes the history, wildlife, and geography of the areas surrounding Tontury Lake, Hârn's second largest after Lake Benath. The lake and surrounding wilderness help form the eastern frontier of the Kingdom of Kaldor. Its watershed includes the densely forested Valdrun, the ruins of the ancient kingdom of Darlen, and the vast Ilmen Marsh, home to the reclusive meredragons. Few people willingly venture into the wilderness around the lake after hearing stories of the fey folk, drag... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 5894

Genin Trail

The Genin Trail, one of Hârn's major trade routes, traverses three kingdoms (Melderyn, Chybisa, and Kaldor) and leagues of barbarian-infested wilderness to connect the cities of Thay and Tashal. Travelers cross highland forests and open grasslands, all the while watching for ambushes by tribesmen or bandits. The unpaved trail is rough, rutted, and often muddy, even within the civilized lands of Kaldor and Melderyn.

The Genin Trail article covers the history and economic importance of the rou... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 5895

The Silver Way

The Silver Way sets a new standard for trade route articles. The history and economic importance of the Silver Way are covered with detailed sections about each day's march and nightly campsite.

The Silver Way is the only road into the ancient and wealthy Kingdom of Azadmere. It is one of four major trade routes that converge on Tashal, and one of the most important trade routes on Hârn. It is also one of the most dangerous.

Altitude and other mountain perils make the Silver Way uniquely ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,00 EUR



COL 5041

Dead of Winter

z.Zt. vergriffen


A Hârnic Murder Mystery
A stormy day in early winter. Gusts of wind whip up the powdery snow cloaking Ternu Heath in a mantle of white. A lone group of travelers hurries to a remote Laranian abbey to escape the merciless weather. The powers of fate have chosen them to become involved with a series of violent murders at the abbey.

Chendy is an abbey of the Laranian Order of Hyvrik, held from the Bishop of Ternula. Someone is killing clerics of the abbey. But why isn't there a corpse to be fo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5051

100 Bushels of Rye

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


100 Bushels of Rye is an adventure module for Hârnmaster, but it is sufficiently generic to be adapted to most other rule systems. The adventure is set in Kaldor, a feudal kingdom in eastern Hârn.

It's a gloomy, overcast, autumn day in Olokand. Sir Maldan Harabor, Sheriff of Meselynshire, has been informed by the local chapter of the Miners' Guild that the Amba Mine in the west of his shire has been closed due to a mysterious outbreak of violence. Several murders have occurred, and to make ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

COL 5063

Curse of Hlen

This module is the third and final part of the Panaga trilogy, the first two being The Staff of Fanon and The Lost City of Kiraz. Although these three adventures are linked to create an epic quest, each tale is a separate and exciting adventure by itself. A summary of the past two adventures is included in this module. The following sites are involved:

An Ivinian thran and port in northern Harbaal. The settlement lies at the western end of the Bovoni Trail, one of the few passes throug... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


COL 5951

Field of Daisies

Field of Daisies is an introductory adventure for HârnWorld. Although designed to be used with the HârnMaster rule system, it is generic enough for easy conversion for use with other rule systems and can easily fit into any medieval fantasy game setting.

The adventure unfolds in the fief of Falkath, a small manor in northern Kaldor, a feudal kingdom in eastern Hârn. Falkath's knightly lord, Sir Mayald Vobenor, is looking for able-bodied people to search for a missing child. Can the players... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


COL 5952

Dead Weight

Dead Weight is an introductory adventure for HârnWorld. Although designed to be used with the HârnMaster rule system, it is generic enough for easy conversion for use with other rule systems and can easily fit into any medieval fantasy game setting.

The PCs find themselves on the Sea Hag, a sailing vessel bound for northwestern Kanday, a feudal kingdom in western Hârn. Faced with an offer they cannot refuse, can the characters overcome their enemies and seize new opportunities or will they... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


Magazine & Bücher

COL 4912

"Hârnlore" Bundle (issues 1-11)

z.Zt. vergriffen


All 11 issues for one low price!

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 4951

The Fragment - A Harn Novel

Hârn is the most detailed fantasy world ever created. Now a brilliant new novel captures the excitement of this intriguing island where chivalry and magic blend in the best traditions of the Arthurian legends.

The year is 558TR. Rebellion brews within the Corani Empire of western Hârn. In the midst of rising social chaos a Morgathian priest seeks the Fragment, an arcane artifact that will allow him to overthrow the emperor and install a reign of terror.

Thrust into this turmoil is Artace... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR



COL 9901

Gargun Miniatures (10)

The Gargun (also called orcs and Foulspawn) reside in the high mountainous areas of Hârn, where they squabble, maim, kill, and cannibalize each other, or any other species they encounter.

The Gargun of Hârn are smaller than orcs from many fantasy environments. The miniatures are cast to the correct scale and are compatible with ALL 25mm gaming systems.

The Gargun assortum contains 10 minatures (2 poses of each of the 5 subspecies of Hârnic orc). They are sold unpainted.

24,00 EUR



COL 4000

Pilots' Almanac Maps

z.Zt. vergriffen


Hârn / Ivinia / Shorkne / Trierzon
Gorgeous 22 x 34 inch map of Shorkyne.

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 4001A

Harnmaster Character Profile (25 Character Sheets)

Player Character profiles for HârnMaster

25 sheets per pack

The character profiles are double-sided and in full colo

10,00 EUR


COL 4101

Character Profiles Pad (50 sheets)

Player Character profiles for HârnMaster

25 sheets per pack

The character profiles are double-sided and in full color.

12,00 EUR


COL 4112

Harn Campaign Manager

Bitte vorbestellen


Hârn Campaign Manager is a download product. Download the software now from the Columbia Games page.
Explore Hârn in demo mode free.

Hârn Campaign Manager is the ultimate tool for gamemasters. Organize, track, print and export your campaign(s) like never before.

Hârn Campaign Manager is great for planning, researching, documenting, and organizing roleplaying sessions and campaigns. Includes extensive support and information from Hârnworld.

Minimum requirements for Windows

P... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 0,00 EUR


COL 4151

Harnmaster GM Screen

Full color Gamemaster Screen 34 x 11 inches.
4 panoramic views from Hârn:
1. Kjenfjord
2. The Salt Route
3. The Gargun fortress at Pixyn
4. The Thard River

4 HârnMaster GM tables:
1. Combat Tables 1
2. Combat Tables 2
3. Healing Tables
4. Campaign and Weather

Note: The GM Screen is included in the HârnMaster boxed set.

20,00 EUR


COL 4152


Hex Grid - 8 1/2" x 11" ( 7mm )

16,00 EUR


COL 5000-G2

Harn Atlas Harnica Map G2

The Atlas Hârnica series maps all of Hârn at the same scale, depicting all manors, villages, gargun and tribal camps, wilderness trails, contours, hills, streams, and more. Each map corresponds to one grid square on the Hârn regional map.

Atlas Hârnica map G2 covers the settled portion of the western edge of the Kingdom of Orbaal, including the major settlements of Arathel, Wethom, Pjagel, Vold, and Tandir. Like the rest of Orbaal, the terrain here is mountainous, with scattered villages,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 5000-J2

Harn Atlas Harnica Map J2

The Atlas Hârnica series maps all of Hârn at the same scale, depicting all manors, villages, gargun and tribal camps, wilderness trails, contours, hills, streams, and more. Each map corresponds to one grid square on the Hârn regional map.

Atlas Hârnica map J2 covers part of Hârn's eastern coast, in the mountainous, fjord-riven lands of the Kingdom of Orbaal. It includes the lands around Jarin Bay and the Elorna Hills, home to Anoa tribesmen and bands of nomadic gargun (Hârnic orcs). Lor... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 5000-L7

Harn Atlas Harnica Map L7

Hot Seller


The Atlas Hârnica series maps all of Hârn at the same scale, depicting all manors, villages, gargun and tribal camps, wilderness trails, contours, hills, streams, and more. Each map corresponds to one grid square on the Hârn regional map.

Another beautiful atlas map for Hârn. This covers parts of Melderyn from the Anadel Highlands to the Gulf of Denina.

This atlas map covers points of interest such as the above mentioned Cundras Castle and outlying areas. But that is just one location!... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 5000-M8

Harn Atlas Harnica Map M8

The Atlas Hârnica series maps all of Hârn at the same scale, depicting all manors, villages, gargun and tribal camps, wilderness trails, contours, hills, streams, and more. Each map corresponds to one grid square on the Hârn regional map.

Another beautiful atlas map for Hârn. This covers parts of Melderyn from the Anadel Highlands to the Gulf of Denina.

This atlas map covers points of interest such as the above mentioned Cundras Castle and outlying areas. But that is just one location!... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 5000B

Harn Heraldry Map

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A beautiful color map (22 x 34 inches) of Hârn in a medieval poetic style. Heraldry of the major clans of Hârn surround the map.

16,00 EUR


COL 5001A

HarnWorld Map

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Gorgeous 22 x 34 map of Hârn.

Note: This map is included in the HârnWorld boxed set.

endgültig vergriffen

COL 5099

HarnWorld Map Bundle

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Hârn / Ivinia / Shorkyne / Trierzon

Gorgeous 22 x 34 map of Hârn.

Gorgeous 22 x 34 inch map of the viking land of Ivinia.

Gorgeous 22 x 34 inch map of Shorkyne.

Gorgeous 22 x 34 inch map of Trierzon.

endgültig vergriffen

COL 5100-D6

Atlas Ivinia Map D6

The Atlas Ivinia series maps all of Ivinia at the same scale, depicting all manors, villages, gargun and tribal camps, wilderness trails, contours, hills, streams, and more. Each map corresponds to one grid square on the Ivinia regional map.

This Atlas Ivinia map features the eastern half of Heg Island, part of the fog-shrouded Elkyri Isles archipelago situated off the west coast of Ivinia. Heg and the many small islands nearby are part of the Kingdom of Rogna, which is known for the ferocit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


COL 5101

Ivinia Map ( small size )

12,00 EUR


COL 5101A

Ivinia Map

Gorgeous 22 x 34 inch map of the viking land of Ivinia.
Close up view of a section of the map

20,00 EUR


COL 5163

Harn Ilby Vathran (Castle)

Ilby, the second-largest settlement in the Kingdom of Rogna, is held by Clan Gelda, whose warriors played a pivotal role in the Ivinian conquest of the Jara region in northern Hârn. Like his predecessors, Valhakar Ermus Gelda has not given up claims for tribute from the Geldestaars, a cadet branch of the clan who conquered Lorkin. These interests in Orbaal have long caused the Geldas friction with Clan Turensyn, the royal clan of Rogna.

The Ilby article describes the settlement's history, go... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


COL 5201A

Shorkyne Map

Gorgeous 22 x 34 inch map of Shorkyne.

Note: This map is included in the Shorkyne module.
Close up view of a section of the map

20,00 EUR


COL 5301A

Trierzon Map

Gorgeous 22 x 34 inch map of Trierzon.
Close up view of a section of the map

20,00 EUR


COL 5400

Heroth Castle / Town Map

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


endgültig vergriffen

COL 5711

Cundras Keep

12 color pages

Cundras is the primary keep of the Order of the Lady of Paladins, a fighting order dedicated to Larani, goddess of chivalry and battle. From this stronghold on Melderyn's frontier, the order wages an increasingly bitter and bloody struggle with the barbarians of the Solora wilderness. The well-ordered keep and its manors stand in stark contrast to the burned fields and destroyed villages of the Solori, a reflection of the political and moral turmoil the crusade has ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


COL 5750

Themeson Keep

Themeson is disputed land, seized from the Thardic Republic just over a decade ago. Although technically part of the Kingdom of Rethem, Themeson is more of an independent petty state controlled by the Cohorts of Gashang, a fighting order dedicated to Agrik, god of fire and war. The order is strongly influenced by the priestesses of the Order of the Eight Demons, the dominant Agrikan clerical order in the Thardic Republic. The Cohorts took control of Themeson just over five years ago as part of t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


COL 5885

Gedan Earthmaster Site

Gedan is a site of Earthmaster origin in eastern Orbaal. Situated in well-forested hills, it was used by the Jarin as an ancient burial ground and is sometimes referred to as the "Lodge of a Thousand Souls." Few in their right minds approach Gedan at night, for it is widely believed to be home to more than just the dead. A faction of the Jarin resistance movement known as the Aenghysa has taken advantage of this to establish its base at Gedan. The Order of Chuchlaen Wheelwright, an Ilviran relig... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


COL 5911

Thard River

z.Zt. vergriffen


The Thard, Hârn's second-longest river, has dominated the economic and cultural history of the island's western region for centuries. Its gentle and meandering course has created a fertile alluvial valley that has been the cradle of several Hârnic civilizations. Coranan, Shiran, and Golotha were all founded on its banks. Today, the river is a major avenue of trade between the Thardic Republic and the kingdoms of Kanday and Rethem.

The Thard River article covers the history and economic impo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 6532

Harn 3 Ring Binder (1 Inch)

3 Ring binders are offered here for our customers outside North America who cannot obtain them locally.

Binder is clearview type with a clear plastic sleeve on front, back and left side.

12,00 EUR


COL 8001

BattleLust (Miniatures System)

z.Zt. vergriffen


BattleLust is a gaming system for medieval or medieval-fantasy miniatures reflecting the pre-gunpowder era of warfare. The game is designed for 25mm miniatures, but is adaptable to 15mm. Each miniature represents one warrior with his own physical attributes, weapons, and combat skills.

BattleLust is designed for any number of players. Each player typically commands a company of about twenty warriors, but an experienced player can operate two or more companies. BattleLust is compatible with ou... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 8100

BattleLust Roster Sheets ( 10 Cards / Sheets )

Sammlerstück / Rarität


20,00 EUR


Harn (D20)

COL 5071

Nasty, Brutish & Short

z.Zt. vergriffen


Ein Supplement für Harmaster und Harnworld über die Gargun (Ork)-Kulturen auf Harn. Mit farbigen Karten und Plänen für Gargun-Höhlen.

The Orcs of Hârn
The Gargun (also called orcs and Foulspawn) reside in the high mountainous areas of Hârn, where they squabble, maim, kill, and cannibalize each other, or any other species they encounter. This book provides details on Gargun culture, maps of four orc colonies, and six related adventure scenarios.

A natural cave complex situate... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5072

Trobridge Inn

Alles über das Gasthaus und die umgebende Bauernschaft, die an einem Knotenpunkt zweier Nationen liegt und ein Schmelztiegel der Gewalt werden könnte, wenn die Charaktere nicht Ordnung in die verworrene politische Lage bringen!

Trobridge is a fortified trading post on the major trade route between east and west Hârn. The module details the inn and village, and the powerful lords who struggle to control this highly strategic site. An adventure for HârnMaster/d20 involve players in the stru... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


COL 5081

Evael - Kingdom of Elves

Der Hintergrundband zur Elfennation auf Harn - mit wunderschönen Karten und ausführlichen Beschreibungen der Nation und ihrer Bewohner, der Hauptstadt Elshavel, von Ulfshafen, Bejist und Pesino! Eine einzigartige Elfennation erwartet euch hier! Auch für D20-Charaktere der Stufen 2-8.

The elves of Hârn, their culture, and their cities. Three adventures for d20/HârnMaster take the players deep into Shava Forest, the pristine sylvan kingdom of the elves where strangers are rarely welcome.
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR



COL 5901

Tapestry Saga - Web of the Widow

Das erste digitale D20-Abenteuer in der Welt von Harn. Diese CD enthält ein 120-seitiges Abenteuer, neun wunderschön animierte dreidimensionale Szenen, drei Papierfarbkarten, zusätzliche Karten auf CD, vollständig ausdruckbare Spielhilfen , Soundeffekte und Musik und die Harndex-Erweiterungsdatenbank. Eine wahre Schatzgrube... und im Abenteuer geht es um eine Hafenstadt, hinter derer glanzvollen Fassade es kräftig brodelt...

What can I see?

Hârn DE (Digitally Enhanced) allows role-pl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


COL 5999

Kingdom of Kanday - Electronic Atlas

The Kanday Electronic Atlas on CD ROM is a great resource for gamemasters.


69 detailed vector maps:

World Map of Kethira
Regional Map of Hârn
Atlas Map of Kanday
Shire and Hundred Maps
Local Maps of all cities, castles, and keeps in Kanday (including many never-before mappped at the local scale).

Campaign Cartographer map viewing software.
Unlimited zooming.
Maps are hyperlinked to one another.
Framework for future expansions in place.
Users ca... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR



1 x Sorkin Mount...

S: 6,00 EUR

> Zur Kasse


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