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256130980 Seitenabrufe seit dem 30.06.2003


HauptseiteMagazineProduktlinien (Magazine)Against the Odds

Against the Odds


Produkte vom Herausgeber (LPS)

Warning: getimagesize(/home/spielefokus/website//files/produkte_cover_38023_tn.gif): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/spielefokus/website/libs/ on line 149

LPS 0058

Against the Odds Vol.15 Issue 2 - Clash of Carriers: The Battle of the Philippine Sea

The Battle of Midway was fought between seven carriers. Compare this to the Battle of the Philippine Sea which featured a total of 24 carriers on both sides! It was simply the largest carrier battle of all time which will never be surpassed.

Clash of Carriers, by designer Mark Stille, portrays this epic battle. The historical result saw the Japanese carrier force shattered, never to recover for the rest of the war. While this showdown is almost always treated as a one-sided affair, in this ga... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR



LPS 0081x

Against the Odds - "Buffalo Wings" Expansion

Basically, this map and rule book brings the Buffalo Wings issue we sold here completely up to what was offered in the kickstarter offering.

Contents: One map and one rule book enclosed in a Zip Lock bag.

22,00 EUR


Magazine & Bücher

LPS 0001

Against the Odds Vol.1 Issue 1: Hegemon (Boxed Ed.)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen



Hegemon is an operational simulation for two players which recreates the efforts of Athens and Thebes to withstand the Makedonian pursuit of Hellenic hegemony in the crucial years of 339-338 BC. One player commands the forces of Athens, Thebes, and their allies (the Hellenes), while the other controls the Makedonian army and its allies (the Makedonians).

The uneasy and uncertain partnership between Athens and Thebes is based upon the tenuous agreement that A... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

LPS 0002

Against the Odds Vol.1 Issue 2: Khe Sanh 1968 (Boxed Ed.)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Khe Sanh 1968

"When you're at Khe Sanh, you're not really anywhere. You could lose it and you really haven't lost a damn thing."

That is how B.G. Lowell English, the assistant commander of the 3rd Marine Division summed up his branch's rational for not wanting to fight for Khe Sanh. Unfortunately, Theater Commander Gen. Westmoreland felt differently - even years later, when he wrote his memoirs.

"Khe Sanh could serve as a patrol base for blocking enemy inf... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


LPS 0003

Against the Odds Vol.1 Issue 3: Kesselschlacht (Boxed Ed.)

Sammlerstück / Rarität



Kesselschlacht (literally, "cauldron battle") is a simulation depicting the encirclement and escape of the German First Panzer Army from the Ukraine in the Spring of 1944.

The German forces were very low on fuel and ammunition and had been caught flat-footed by yet another overwhelming Soviet offensive. First Panzer Army had been cut-off by a total of nine Soviet armies. Its breakout began on March 25, 1944, and continued into early April. In these tw... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


LPS 0004

Against the Odds Vol.1 Issue 4: Napoleon at the Berezina (Boxed Ed.)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Napoleon at the Berezina

Napoleon at the Berezina is a solitaire game of the last major action of the 1812 campaign. Disintegrating as it moved along, the French army was faced with total destruction if the three converging Russian armies caught the French army with its back against the Berezina River. A way had to be found across the river before that happened.

Being a solitaire game, the player should imagine himself as the French side "fighting a colossus of blin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


LPS 0005

Against the Odds Vol.2 Issue 1 - "North Wind Rain" (Boxed Ed.)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


North Wind Rain

North Wind Rain, the Japanese invasion of Manchuria is an operational/strategic level game covering one of the great "what ifs" of the Second World War – a Japanese attack against the Soviet Far East. This attack, pitting the elite Japanese Kwantung Army against the full-strength divisions of the Soviet Far East Armies was not simply a hypothetical scenario, but one that the Japanese prepared for and seriously contemplated.

Two variants are off... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


LPS 0006

Against the Odds Vol.2 Issue 2 - "Go Tell the Spartans" (Boxed Ed.)

Go Tell the Spartans

Go Tell the Spartans is a solitaire game simulating the three day battle (August 18th, 480 BCE through August 20th, 480 BCE) for the pass at Thermopylae (the Hot Gates) between an immense Persian host under Xerxes and the a small Greek force dominated by Leonidas and his 300 Spartans.

Being a solitaire game, the player is in the role of the Greek side "fighting a colossus of blind automata". The solitaire rules combine a set of parameters for mo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0007

Against the Odds Vol.2 Issue 3 - "A Dark and Bloody Ground" (Boxed Ed.)

A Dark and Bloody Ground

The newly formed United States faced a challenge with its western territories. Many of the soldiers and colonists of the original 13 colonies looked forward to settling the regions along the Ohio River, but the new nation lacked the resources and force to rapidly expand into the areas beyond the Appalachian mountains. Further, the British had not withdrawn from their western forts, in clear violation of the Treaty of Paris, 1783. Great Britain sought ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0008

Against the Odds Vol.2 Issue 4 - "Fortress Berlin" (Boxed Ed.)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Fortress Berlin

"The Führer lives and is defending Berlin!" screamed out Martin Bormann's final message on April 30th, 1945. Fortress Berlin is a two-player tactical / operational simulation of the last major battle of World War II in Europe, the assault on Berlin. Playing pieces represent the actual units that took part in this fight, along with some optional forces that might have become involved but did not do so.

Fortress Berlin is a two-player tactical / opera... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


LPS 0009

Against the Odds Vol.3 Issue 1 - Suleiman the Magnificient (Boxed Ed.)

Suleiman the Magnificient

Suleiman the Magnificent is a game covering the massive battle on August 29th, 1526 between the Ottoman Empire and the army of the Kingdom of Hungary that eventually resulted in the fall of the latter kingdom and the disappearance of Hungary as an independent country for 400 years. The Hungarians numbered around 35,000 (including artillerists), the Ottomans, about 60,000. While there is much disagreement about numbers at this battle, all sources agre... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


LPS 0010

Against the Odds Vol.3 Issue 2 - Into a Bear Trap (Boxed Ed.)

Into a Bear Trap

The capital of Chechnya, Grozny (meaning "terrible" in Russian), was in January 1995 the target of a Russian attack -- beginning a war that continues to this day. The Russian plan was to subdue the city with a massive show of force to intimidate its populace into submission. This approach had worked in 1991, and Moscow saw no reason why a repeat performance would not again suffice. Massive artillery and air support were not thought essential, as the long colu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0011

Against the Odds Vol.3 Issue 3 - The Big Push (Boxed Ed.)

The Big Push

The Big Push covers the gigantic battle of the Somme in summer-fall of 1916. Rivaling Verdun in ferocity, scale and casualties, Somme was Britain's first real chance to open up the Western Front in World War I. French and British allies, wanting to take initiative away from Germany at Verdun, launched a large joint offensive at the Somme, where their fronts met. British generals called it the "Big Push," to break the trenches and carry them to victory. Here was a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0012

Against the Odds Vol.3 Issue 4 - Chennault's First Fight (Boxed Ed.)

Chennault's First Fight

As 1941 moved from winter into spring, and then into summer, it was becoming increasingly apparent that war was coming to the United States. Most American political and military leaders viewed the Nazi war machine in Europe as the most menacing of all, and fear that US intervention/involvement may come too late grew with each passing month. Most who viewed the escalating conflict in Asia felt that diplomacy and economic sanctions could bring Japanese a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0013

Against the Odds Vol.4 Issue 1 - Bittereinder (Boxed Ed.)


Bittereinder is a two-player simulation of the entire 2nd Anglo-Boer War of 1899 to 1902. It depicts the events arising from President (of the Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek - ZAR) Paul Kruger's ultimatum to the British Empire on October 9, 1899, demanding the following:

- The withdrawal of British troops on the borders of the ZAR, - Discontinuing the British military build-up in South Africa, and - Settling all differences between Britain and the ZAR thr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0014

Against the Odds Vol.4 Issue 2 - War in the Aegean (Boxed Ed.)

War in the Aegean is a simulation of the sea, ground and air battles that raged in the Dodecanese Islands from September to November 1943. With the confusion surrounding the surrender of Italy, seizing the islands struck Churchill as easy pickings, with a vast potential for future successful Allied operations. A single British brigade, the 234th, began a bold island hopping campaign. In time, the Germans countered and checked the advance, first at the island of Kos, and then later at Leros. The ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0015

Against the Odds Vol.4 Issue 3 - Cactus Throne (Boxed Ed.)

Dissatisfied with the Mexican President's decision to halt all payments on foreign debts until the Mexican economy improved, a coalition of European Powers that included the French Empire, Spain and Great Britain, agreed to send an expeditionary corps to capture the main port of Vera Cruz and hold it until debt payments were restored. The British and Spanish monarchs did not reckon with the ambitions of Napoleon III, nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte and Emperor of the French. The wily Napoleon III s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0016

Against the Odds Vol.4 Issue 4 - La vallée de la mort (Boxed Ed.)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


La vallée de la mort

By the beginning of 1954, both the French and Viet Minh realized that the war in Indochina was nearing an end. Ho Chi Minh had requested cease fire negotiations in Geneva, Switzerland, and the French government was looking for a way out that would give them peace with honor. Both sides felt that a "big win" on the battlefield would finally secure at the peace table what they had been unable to obtain in six and a half years of war.

The site of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

LPS 0017

Against the Odds Vol.5 Issue 1 - Imperial Sunset (Boxed Ed.)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Imperial Sunset

Imperial Sunset is a moderate level complexity simulation of the largest naval battle in history, the Battle of Leyte Gulf. The battle was fought from October 23-26 1944 as the US returned to the Philippines, landing on the island of Leyte. The US Navy and the Imperial Japanese Navy fought a series of actions that collectively have been recorded as the Battle of Leyte Gulf. The historical result was a decisive defeat of the Imperial Navy, virtually elimina... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


LPS 0018

Against the Odds Vol.5 Issue 2 - Kulikovo 1380: The Golden Horde (Boxed Ed.)

Kulikovo 1380: The Golden Horde

Kulikovo 1380 is a game covering the battle between the Golden Horde clan of Mongols and the collected principalities that we know as Russia under the growing leadership of Muscovy, and the Grand Prince of Moscow, Dmitri Ivanovich, later entitled Donskoi for his victory at Kulikovo (which is right near the Don River). For 150 years, Tatar armies had readily destroyed all Russian opposition, and Kulikovo was the first sign that Russia was sta... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0019

Against the Odds Vol.5 Issue 3 - Not War But Murder (Boxed Ed.)

Not War But Murder

"June 3. Cold Harbor. I was killed."

Thus read the last diary entry, found in the pocket of a dead Union soldier. He had made the entry himself, while all around him, other soldiers were writing names and home addresses on slips of paper and pinning them to the back of their coats.

These veteran soldiers knew what was coming, although it seems their commanders did not. Three full corps launched a disjointed attack against well-entrenc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0020

Against the Odds Vol.5 Issue 4 - A Fatal Attraction: The Gallipoli Campaign (Boxed Ed.)

In the beginning, it was Churchill's idea... a way of putting the old "pre-dreadnaughts" to useful service and making a show of strength in the waters off Istanbul which would, he said, cause immediate regime-change and take Turkey out of the war. It was thought very little infantry would be needed.

In the end, when the last Allied troops evacuated, the casualty count for both sides topped half-a-million. (And Churchill lost his job.)

And yet, the big naval attack had almost succeeded. The... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0021

Against the Odds Vol.6 Issue 1 - Day of the Chariot: Kadesh (Boxed Ed.)

Miniature armies - carefully painted and labeled with unit names, strengths, and abilities - have been found in Egyptian tombs, suggesting that "wargaming" goes back a long time.

Of those miniature armies, no units take more precedence than the chariots - the "panzers" of their day. Keep in mind that horses of this period were too small to "ride" with a man on their back in a "cavalry" way. Only chariots offered a battle platform faster than sandals, and provided the "shock troops" of their d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0022

Against the Odds Vol.6 Issue 2 - Paukenschlag (Boxed Ed.)

It was sort of like "Pearl Harbor" all over again, but worse. Twice as many allied deaths, 400 ships lost, while the authorities resisted both the proven convoy system and the common-sense approach of simply turning the lights out on coastal cities.

It could have been much worse. While Stalin knew about Pearl Harbor in advance, Hitler did not. The Kriegsmarine started Operation Drumroll with just FIVE submarines and were navigating with US tourist guide books. But, with cities alight, US dest... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


LPS 0023

Against the Odds Vol.6 Issue 3 - Guerra a Muerte (Boxed Ed.)

Americans seldom notice the enormous changes that the Napoleonic Wars caused to the Western Hemisphere...things far larger and with much greater effects than our own War of 1812.

The Louisiana Purchase really started it, as Napoleon sold Jefferson a large block of land that really "belonged" to Spain. In shifting their forces to try and limit American expansion, the Spanish-loyal authorities opened the door to losing the remainder of two continents. Guerra a Muerte depicts the 14 year struggl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


LPS 0024

Against the Odds Vol.6 Issue 4 - Deathride: Mars-la-Tour 1870 (Boxed Ed.)

The Franco-Prussian War started from a number of causes, ranging from Prussian objections to the French buying Luxembourg, to a dispute about a vacant Spanish throne... sounds like the "good old days" for European wars, doesn't it?

Except, with breech-loading rifles and artillery all around, and the first "machine guns" in mass operation, this war had a very modern feel about it...but still vestiges of the old ways, especially at Mars-la-Tour, where both sides made powerful, desperate, and bl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0025

Against the Odds Vol.7 Issue 1 - Storm Over Taierzhuang: Samurai Stalingrad 1938 (Boxed Ed.)

It sounds very familiar. An Axis army launches an offensive to take a key city, hoping this will be the final victory needed to knock an Allied giant out of the war. Except, the defenders anticipated the attack and set up an elaborate trap, turning the city into a fortress that had to be taken block by block and building by building. With most of the city captured, the defenders suddenly launched a massive attack on both flanks and virtually eliminated the Axis army.

Stalingrad, 1942: right?
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0026

Against the Odds Vol.7 Issue 2 - There Must Be A Victory (Boxed Ed.)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Sailing ships with broadsides - the last vestige of "wooden ships and iron men."

They mingle in a fleet action with iron-plated steamships, speedy armored rams, and a few ships with armored turrets.

Mobile Bay? Charleston?

No, it's the Adriatic, in a short and violent naval war between Italy and Austria-Hungary. Yes, you heard right. Finally, you'll have a chance to see the Austro-Hungarian navy in action. Historically, they did very well. How will you do?

The "Seven Weeks War" of 18... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


LPS 0027

Against the Odds Vol.7 Issue 3 - The Pocket At Falaise (Boxed Ed.)

At the end of the Gulf War in '91, cable TV news was full of horrific photos from the "Highway of Death" the route back to Iraq from Kuwait that seemed, almost literally, to be "paved" with burnt-out vehicles. Those who study WWII remember similar destruction... on the road out of the Falaise Pocket... where 25 German divisions raced for survival, while the Allied armies aimed to turn Hitler's delayed counterattack on Normandy from failure to war-ending disaster. In one sense, neither side succe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0028

Against the Odds Vol.7 Issue 4 - "Tarleton's Quarter!" (Boxed Ed.)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


"Tarleton's Quarter!" is a game about the British attempt to win the American Revolution by invading the Southern colonies. The object of the British efforts in the South was to bring the four southern colonies "Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia" back under British sway after almost four years of uninterrupted Continental control. Ideally, the English wanted to "restore civil government," i.e., to return the South to its status ante-bellum with British governors, taxes paid t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


LPS 0029

Against the Odds Vol.8 Issue 1 - "Buffalo Wings" (Boxed Ed.)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Historians, air aficionados, and gamers may have friendly disagreements when asked, "What was the best Allied fighter of WWII?"

There seems to be much easier agreement on the question, "Which was the worst?" Answers always seem to include the stubby Brewster "Buffalo" near the top of any list.

Though reportedly a pleasure to fly originally, by the time it was weighted down with armor, guns, self-sealing gas tanks, radio, and the other bits of modern equipment, it lost both speed and maneuv... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


LPS 0030

Against the Odds Vol.8 Issue 2 - "The Lash of the Turk " (Boxed Ed.)

With the fall of Jerusalem, Europe learned a new synonym for boogeyman—"Turk." Organizing the Moslem forces of the Middle East with discipline and training, the Turks recaptured the Holy Land and gradually took over the rest of Asia Minor and spread into Europe like a slow tide, including capturing Constantinople and swallowing the remnants of the Byzantine Empire and the Balkans. Presuming extreme cruelty, various European leaders called for new crusades, to free fellow Christians from "the L... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0031

Against the Odds Vol.8 Issue 3 - "Hungarian Nightmare " (Boxed Ed.)

Rumble on the Danube!

The bitter winter fighting for Budapest was one of the most prolonged, vicious city fights in history. And, until now, no one has ever tried to make a game to capture the struggle.

Late December, 1944, while the Allies began to pinch off The Bulge, the Soviets—and their new-found Romanian allies—began the assault on the “twin cities” of Buda and Pest, where 79,000 surrounded Axis defenders held on against heavy odds, made more difficult by “high command” o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0032

Against the Odds Vol.8 Issue 4 - "Birth of a Legend " (Boxed Ed.)

Richmond Redeemed!

The Seven Days Campaign, fought from June 26th to July 2nd, 1862, represented the Union’s finest chance to put an early end to the great rebellion, and the Confederacy’s best shot at “bagging” an entire Union Army.

Virtually unknown when appointed to command the month before, Gen. Robert E. Lee promptly renamed his force, "The Army of Northern Virginia" - defining a future theater of operations the present defenders of the swampy ground east of Richmond could sca... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0033

Against the Odds Vol.9 Issue 1 - "Meatgrinder " (Boxed Ed.)

Two years after the last US troops left Vietnam, People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) General Van Tien Dung launched Operation 275, a "limited" offensive designed to set up an attack on the provincial capital of Pleiko. Rapid collapse of South Vietnamese (ARVN) forces caused a change in plan, with PAVN forces quickly taking one city after another, pausing only before an attack on Saigon itself. Based on previous performance, when three full PAVN divisions, supported by tanks and ample artillery, atta... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0034

Against the Odds Vol.9 Issue 2 - "Right Fierce & Terrible" (Boxed Ed.)

Most people think of the 100 Years War as a battle over the geography and dynastic questions of who would rule which parts of France.

The 100 Years War is known for sieges, sacking, lots of misery, a few large battles like Crecy and Agincourt, and famous leaders like the Black Prince and Joan of Arc. But naval battles?

Actually, the first significant action of the Hundred (and 15) Years War took place off the coast of Flanders in 1340. And changed everything. The French had been dominating... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


LPS 0035

Against the Odds Vol.9 Issue 3 - "Boudicca: The Warrior Queen" (Boxed Ed.)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Boudicca, Boudica, Bunduca, Voadicia, Boadicea, Boudiga, are just some of the ways historians have spelled her name, which probably comes from a Celtic word meaning “victory” (and is one of the reasons she was raised to national hero status during the reign of her namesake queen, “Victoria”).

Regardless of how the name is spelled, she meant “trouble” for the Roman occupation of Britain. After her revolt succeeded in burning three major towns and slaughtering tens of thousands of R... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

LPS 0036

Against the Odds Vol.9 Issue 4 - "Defeat into Victory " (Boxed Ed.)

The opportunities following the swift Japanese subjugation of Burma in early January 1942 were not exploited. For their chastened opponents, Allied operations in this theater of the war were limited to raids and small-scale offensives as war efforts in North Africa and Europe, as well as the South Pacific, drew higher priorities for resources and personnel. For much of 1943 and early 1944 the fighting in Burma was relegated to WWII's backwater by both sides.

With the end of the monsoon season... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0037

Against the Odds Vol.10 Issue 1 - "For Bloody Honor" (Boxed Ed.)

Though the roots went back decades before, maybe you could say it “started” with a special train, guarded from Switzerland to a Swedish ferry… as part of the German war effort…to “plant” an exiled Vladimir Lenin back into Russian soil, fertile for revolution. The Germans hoped to take Russia out of the war, but they never dreamed how much the world would change.

Now, Against the Odds lets you explore the tangled facets of the Russian Civil War, with the historical situation exempl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0038

Against the Odds Vol.10 Issue 2 - "Guns of the Askari" (Boxed Ed.)

German Naval Zeppelin L-59 had been specially lengthened for code-name “China-Show,” and was longer than THREE Boeing 747s. It must have made quite a sight as it neared Khartoum and, hearing the faint “abort” message from naval command, turned back north again. The remarkable episode of a naval zeppelin, embarking on a one-way resupply mission, for an army campaign, was over… just one more example of historical events which sound too unlikely to be used for movies. But that could be sa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


LPS 0039

Against the Odds Vol.10 Issue 3 - "These Brave Fellows" (Boxed Ed.)

In 1805, with the French juggernaut pouring across Austria and advancing down on both sides of the Danube river towards Vienna, Napoleon formed a small provisional corps under Marshal Adolphe Mortier, the tallest man in the French Marshalate, to sweep along the northern bank while being supported by the large cavalry corps of Marshal Joachim Murat.

Defending Russian Marshal Mikhail Kutuzov had enough information to realize that the French had blundered badly and set a trap....

There migh... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LPS 0040

Against the Odds Vol.10 Issue 4 - "Lilliburlero " (Boxed Ed.)

July 12 in Ireland has become a day of pride and anger, lawsuits and fisticuffs. Called “The Twelfth,” it commemorates the Battle of the Boyne, 1690, when William of Orange (hence today’s Protestant “Orangemen”) and his polyglot army ended the Jacobite hopes for James II to regain the throne and allow (at least) more religious freedom for Catholic Ireland.

In one sense, The Boyne might be considered the last battle of the English Civil War—a conflict that had spilled into both Sco... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


LPS 0041

Against the Odds Vol.11 Issue 1 - "Siege of Cholm 1942" (Boxed Ed.)

Though now largely forgotten the successful defense of Cholm by Kampfgruppe Scherer ranks as one of the great small unit sieges of the Second World War and perhaps of all time. Now you can relive the first ten days of this epic battle, when the underfed soldiers of the Soviet 3rd Shock Army attempted to capture the town, its food, and its vital road hub “on the march” and avoid what would ultimately become a long and unsuccessful siege. As the Soviet side you have more men, stronger artiller... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


LPS 0042

Against the Odds Vol.11 Issue 2 - "A Thunder Upon the Land " (Boxed Ed.)

Before Hitler. Before Napoleon. Another European strong-man invaded Russia…and came to grief. He was Charles XII of Sweden. In later years, they would call it “The Great Northern War.”

Whether the blame can tagged to Swedish expansionism or Peter the Great’s desire for that warm-water capital city and “window on Europe,” the clash was a seemingly inevitable clash over who would own what in northern and eastern Europe and what shape Poland would take (if any). When the war started,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


LPS 0043

Against the Odds Vol.11 Issue 3 - "Islands of the Damned" (Boxed Ed.)

Any study of the early weeks of WW2 in the Pacific is certain to notice the campaign for Wake Island, referred to in those dark days as “the Alamo of the Pacific.” Though the “Send more Japs” radio line was never actually sent by those on the island (it turned out to be a radio code deception), the spirit of their defense heartened a nation shocked over their losses at Pearl Harbor and bracing for invasion. When the word came out about the defenders sinking two destroyers and inflicting ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


LPS 0044

Against the Odds Vol.11 Issue 4 - "Vercingetorix: The Twilight of the Gauls" (Boxed Ed.)

His father's name was Celtillus, of a noble family and a chief of the Averni tribe of Gauls--a people with a remarkably sophisticated civilization and tradition as warriors and craftsmen, but fiercely resistant toward having a ruler at beyond the tribal level. Celtillus tried to assert authority to organize and ally the disparate tribes against Roman incursions, but tradition and habit were against him and he was killed by his own people.

But strife with Rome worsened, and his son elected to ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


LPS 0045

Against the Odds Vol.12 Issue 1 - "Red Dragon, Blue Dragon: The Huaihai 1948 - 1949" (Boxed Ed.)

Red Dragon, Blue Dragon: The Huaihai 1948-49 is an operational-level game about the largest and most decisive battle of the Chinese Civil War: the Battle of the Huai-Hai. This showdown determined that the Nationalist forces of Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-Shek) would be driven from the mainland into exile on Taiwan. It was the culmination of 20 years of on-again-off-again civil war between the Nationalists and the Communists.

In 1946, the eight-year-long truce between Nationalists and Communists ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


LPS 0046

Against the Odds Vol.12 Issue 2 - "No Middle Ground: The Golan Heights 1973" (Boxed Ed.)

No Middle Ground, by Paul Rohrbaugh, covers the most decisive actions on the northern front of the 1973 Arab-Israeli Conflict.

There are three scenarios, from the opening Syrian attack to retake Golan, to the daring Israeli counter-offensive that drove into the heart of Syria and took the war to the doorsteps of Damascus. Plus a Grand Campaign game that covers the entire campaign for the Golan.

Each copy of No Middle Ground includes a 22” by 34” map and two sheets of full color, die cu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


LPS 0047

Against the Odds Vol.12 Issue 3 - "Arctic Disaster " (Boxed Ed.)

In the hardest fought Arctic convoy battle of the war, Convoy PQ-17 was largely destroyed by German air and naval forces in July 1942. Arctic Disaster, by designer Mark Stille, examines this pivotal battle and what went wrong (for both sides)!

The 33 merchant ships of the convoy were provided a large escort of anti-submarine ships to ward off U-boat attack, a close covering force of four heavy cruisers and three des- troyers, and a distant covering force of battleships HMS Duke of York and US... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


LPS 0048

Against the Odds Vol.12 Issue 4 - "Apocalypse in the East: The Rise of the First Caliphate 646-656" (Boxed Ed.)

The accession of the Caliph Uthmãn b. Affan enabled Mu’ãwiyah b. Sufyan, his cousin and the formidable governor of Syria to construct a fleet and carry on the war against Byzantium. From the highlands of Armenia to the shores of Crete, the elite Syrian army and navy seeks to overwhelm the last stronghold of the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople.

Unfortunately for them, the new emperor, a callous youth named Constans, is equally determined to stop them. Coming to the throne in the wake of m... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


LPS 0049

Against the Odds Vol.13 Issue 1 - "A Gate of Hell: The Campaign for Charleston, July-September 1863" (Boxed Ed.)

During the summer of 1863, in the aftermath of the Gettysburg and Vicksburg campaigns, battles on land and sea were fought over control of the birthplace of the Confederacy, Charleston, South Carolina. A Union victory here would send an unmistakable signal to the states in rebellion as well as the rest of the world that the Confederacy’s cause was lost and further fighting a waste of lives and effort.

A Confederate victory in the face of the tremendous Union host, that included every Union ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


LPS 0050

Against the Odds Vol.13 Issue 2 - "Die Atombombe": The Reich's Bid to Build the Bomb (Boxed Ed.)

Die Atombombe is a card game for 2 to 5 players. Each player represents a faction inside German government, industry, or military circles, seeking to engage one of the Reich's prestigious research institutes to start work on a nuclear program.

Acting through the Director of each center, players will need to size matters up, recruit other scientists, acquire scarce resources, (plus spy on their rivals, this is the Third Reich remember) and certainly go all out if they hope to develop atomic we... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


LPS 0051

Against the Odds Vol.13 Issue 3 - "Almost a Miracle!”: The Revolutionary War in the North (Boxed Ed.)

When asked about it, years after it ended, George Washington said that the American Victory was "little short of a standing miracle."

Almost a Miracle! uses our successful Tarleton's Quarter! as a game engine starting point to bring the Northern "half" of the American Revolution into play. Will the British be able to impose "the King's Peace" on the northern colonies or will the revolution survive to birth a new nation?

The map and victory conditions for Almost a Miracle! show players why ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


LPS 0052

Against the Odds Vol.13 Issue 4 - "Operation Ichi-Go": Japan's Massive 1944 Offensive Across China (Boxed Ed.)

In mid-1944, despite their rapidly deteriorating position, the Japanese launched a massive offensive in China. They had three objectives:

Open a land and rail route across China to their southern conquests in Indochina and the Dutch East Indies (and bypass the US submarine blockade along the Chinese seacoast), and;
Eliminate all the US bomber bases in China from which B-29s were targeting the home islands, and;
At a minimum, severely degrade Nationalist Chinese capabilities and best case, m... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


LPS 0053

Against the Odds Vol.14 Issue 1 - "ROME, INC.": From Augustus to Diocletian (Boxed Ed. Reprint)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


ROME, INC. by designer Philip Jelley, is a solitaire game of the Roman Empire. The premise is that the player runs the operations of the Roman Empire like a business, but with a bit more blood, bread and circuses. After hostile takeovers of such competitors, like Carthage, Greece and Gaul, Rome has been incorporated into an empire, ready to monopolize the ancient world. But this requires the efforts of many, some who might be in it for themselves. As the player, you are not “the Emperor” - y... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


LPS 0054

Against the Odds Vol.14 Issue 2 - Montys D-Day

British General Sir Miles Christopher Dempsey, GBE, KCB, DSO, MC, served on both world wars and with considerable competence as brigade, corps, and then army commander in the European theater. Liked and respected, he managed to get along with Montgomery and was highly regarded by him. In fact, it was DEMPSEY in command of the three Anglo-Canadian beaches at Normandy. Technically, all FIVE of the Normandy beaches were "Montgomery's," since he was the commander of the entire army group, with Omar ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


LPS 0055

Against the Odds Vol.14 Issue 3 - Lee's Greatest Victory: Chancellorsville 1863

“My God! What will the Country say?"
-- President A. Lincoln

The Chancellorsville campaign, which took place in and around Virginia’s Wilderness in May 1863, is considered by many to be Robert E. Lee’s masterpiece, a true triumph “against the odds.” Opposing Lee was Union commander Joseph “Fighting Joe” Hooker, who had devised a plan that seemed assured of success. His cavalry would raid deep behind Confederate lines, cutting Lee’s supplies, while Hooker and four of his seven... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


LPS 0056

Against the Odds Vol.14 Issue 4 - Hitlers Stalingrad: Breslau 1945

Hot Seller


After being cut off and isolated in mid-February 1945, the German garrison at Breslau, some 50,000 men, defied all odds holding onto the city for almost a week AFTER Berlin fell! Hitler had ordered the city be held at all costs, believing Soviet forces tied up there were thus not taking part in any assault on Berlin. The defending garrison finally surrendered just days before the war officially ended (with the Gauleiter in charge fleeing the city by air to escape capture).

Taking the city fel... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR


LPS 0057

Against the Odds Vol.15 Issue 1 - A Crowning Glory Austerlitz 1805

Even weeks before Trafalgar, by August 1805 the newly crowned Emperor Napoleon Ier, had come to understand his plans required action on land. More specifically, he had to defeat his continental enemies in order to secure his continued power. Britain, Russia and Austria were allied against him and, since he couldn’t get at the British on their island fortress, and Russia was too far away to allow for the required quick victory, he was left with invading Austria.

Rapidly surrounding and captu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

54,00 EUR


ATO Annual Edition


Campaign Study 2010: Wintergewitter: Operation "Winter Storm" and the Relief of Stalingrad (Boxed Edition)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


T.S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men" gave us:

This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

When dealing with the Battle of Stalingrad, one hardly knows whether the "whimper" is represented by 6th Army's surrender in February, 1943... or better represented by the mere 6000 survivors of 6th Army (out of 91,000 captured) who finally made it home in 1955.

But if the whimper can be debated, the final "bang" is certain... Wintergewitter. Operation "Winter Storm" began as the final ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


Campaign Study 2011: Bradley's D-Day: "Overlord: South"

Twenty-five years ago, John Prados surprised the gaming community with Monty’s D-Day, which looked at the D-Day operation from ONLY the British perspective.

Now, after two decades of revising and rethinking, he offers the “other half” of the biggest story of WWII.

Bradley’s D-Day looks at the American efforts all along the right flank of the Normandy landings. While Utah seemed relatively easy, it was there, at Omaha Beach, where the Germans came closest to derailing the greatest s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

48,00 EUR



ATO Annual 2006 - Toppling the Reich: The Battles for the Westwall (Boxed Ed.)

The enemy has committed a major blunder by continuing to fight west of the Rhine.

-- General Montgomery, January 21, 1945.

I want him [von Runstedt] to hang onto the West Wall as long as humanly possible. Withdrawal will merely mean moving the catastrophe from one place to another.

-- Adolf Hitler, March 2, 1945.

We're going to go through them like crap through a goose!

-- General George S. Patton.

Toppling the Reich i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

48,00 EUR



ATO Annual 2007 - Look Away! The Fall of Atlanta (Boxed Ed.)

At the climax of the American Civil War the armies of the Confederacy were pressed back into their heartland as the rebellion tried desperately to sustain itself against Union forces. One of the most important campaigns occurred in southeastern Tennessee and Georgia, as Federal armies pressed toward the Confederacy's vital city of Atlanta, home to much of its remaining industry and gateway to the southern and western lands the Confederates still held. The campaign for and siege of this vital cit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR



ATO Annual 2008 - Operation Cartwheel: Breaking the Bismark Barrier (Boxed Ed.)

"You are remembered for the rules you break."
--Douglas MacArthur

Deciding which battle in the Pacific War is the bloodiest all depends on what numbers are being counted. Convincing arguments can be made for Tarawa, Iwo, Okinawa, and Peleliu, and possibly others.

One island's name is not on the list. But it could have been.

The Japanese "fortress" of Rabaul had 60,000 soldiers, over 350 miles of tunnels, many airfields, and heavy defenses of all kinds. It was the largest case of the "b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR



ATO Annual 2009 - Verdun: A Generation Lost (Boxed Ed.)

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Inside the 2009 ATO Annual Edition

Hoping to bring a decisive conclusion along the Western Front despite the mud-and misery-filled trench deadlock, German General von Falkenhayn launched an attack from which the French could not retreat, and would prove costly for them to defend. The goal of the German offensive was the historic and symbolic city of Verdun.

The German attack used new weapons such as poison gas, fighter airplanes to clear the skies of enemy observation planes, and a massive... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


ATO Annual 2010 - Four Roads To Moscow (Boxed Ed.)

Inside the 2010 ATO Annual Edition

Shortly after Directive #21 was issued in 1940 authorizing the attack on the Soviet Union, Hitler personally intervened to assign it the codename to which it would henceforward be known: Barbarossa. He chose as his paragon the Germanic hero and twelfth-century Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I, known as "Barbarossa" from the Italian for "redbeard." In 1190, while leading the Third Crusade, Barbarossa drowned and his body was lost. Ironic of Hitler to choose suc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR



ATO Annual 2011 - Beyond Waterloo (Boxed Ed.)

“Another Waterloo game?”

Not exactly. And much more.

While most “Waterloo games” either lock players into the circumstances of that famous battle, or give some small leeway into the overall circumstances of the "100 Days" battles in Belgium, they all suffer from a similar narrow focus. You will have the Armée du Nord face some combination of Blucher and Wellington and everyone just does the best they can.

But any reading of the 100 Days shows a flurry of activity—key, histori... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR



ATO 2012 Annual - Forlorn Hopes (Boxed Ed.)

World War Two history has a pattern in both the European and Pacific Theaters. Constant Axis expansion, followed by steady Axis contraction, as the Allies recapture lost territory. In Europe, it is hard to pinpoint the transition point (a good barroom discussion any time!). In the Pacific, it is a little easier to focus precisely at the campaign where the Japanese tide of conquest began to ebb-- their unsuccessful campaign to take Port Moresby, the "step too far."

What then represents the "hi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR



ATO 2013 Annual - La Bataille de Vauchamps 1814 (Boxed Ed.)

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For the casual reader who looks into the “100 Days” and the Waterloo Campaign, one of the early questions is, “Who (the heck) is Grouchy?” Followed up by wondering why (on earth) Napoleon would give this guy a third of his army and depend on him to keep Blücher’s Prussians far from Wellington.

In context of Grouchy’s performance then, it’s a very reasonable question. But the answer goes back to February,1814, where - at the Battle of Vauchamps – then Cavalry-General Grouchy s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


ATO 2014 Annual - Set Europe Ablaze: The Resistance War 1939-1945 (Boxed Ed.)

Hot Seller


There were mixed feelings among the few people in the British government or military high command who heard of Churchill establishing the SOE -- Special Operations Executive HQ. While many approved of the idea of consolidating efforts that had been scattered among at least four small, unfunded departments, not everyone agreed with the whole idea.

Churchill's directive, "Set Europe Ablaze," had grand sound to it, but many felt that the diversion of crack military personnel would be a waste -- ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR



ATO 2015 Annual - Four Roads to Paris (Boxed Ed.)

Shortly after Poland was conquered in 1939, Hitler begin urging an immediate attack in the West. The original plans were uninspiring and his generals feared an attritional stalemate. Over the winter the Germans keep taking the measure of their opponents and hit upon a plan was that inspired, risky, and utterly decisive. Ironic of Hitler to assume his remarkable success was simply the new template for all future campaigns. His eyes turned east....

But why, exactly, did France fall? This ATO An... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR



ATO 2016 Annual - Confederate Rails: Railroading in the American Civil War 1861-1865 (Boxed Ed.)

In the spring of 1861 the American Railroad Journal predicted that the majority of the railroads would be unaffected by the Civil War, a mistaken prophecy, indeed.

Confederate Rails, designed by Richard H. Berg, is a unique type of railroad game. Players operate the historical railways of the Confederate States of America during one of the "hottest wars" of the 19th Century – the American Civil War - which ends up turning it into a kind of an "anti-railroad" game. Not only do players have t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR



ATO 2017 Annual - Six Days of War (Boxed Ed.)

“Israel wants to make it clear to the government of Egypt that it has no aggressive intentions whatsoever against any Arab state at all.”

-- Israel’s Prime Minister Levi Eshkol (May 15th, 1967)
Today, it is hard to fathom the concept of a war—a serious, shooting war with countries committing ALL their resources—starting and coming to a very decisive finish in just six days!

Over 50 years ago, Israel made pre-emptive attacks against the neighboring Arab countries that had vowed t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR



ATO 2018 Annual - Sea Monsters! (Boxed Ed.)

Sea Monsters! offers four complete naval simulations that will provide hours of challenging play and comparison.

Paul Rohrbaugh with Iron and Fire is a moderate level complexity game covering the battles fought by the Peruvian Ironclad Huáscar during the 1879 War of the Pacific against Chile. It outclassed everything it met but there was only one (think of the SF classic, Ogre, but on the waters this time).

Paul Stuhlfaut with Under Ten Flags starts early in 1939 when the German merchant ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

64,00 EUR



ATO 2019 Annual - La Vendée - 1793 (Boxed Ed.)

Oh Liberty, how many crimes are committed in thy name?"
-- Madame Roland (at the guillotine), 1793

The Central Western provinces of France proved to be a major headache to both the new French Republic and the subsequent Empire. There, nobles lived with and were respected by the peasants who adhered to Catholicism. Parisian decrees ordering conscription and church closure encouraged counterrevolution. Vendéan peasants (Whites) begged local nobles to rebel and defend them against a massive in... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR



ATO 2020 Annual - The Cruelest Month: Air War over Arras, April 1917 (Boxed Ed.)

Air-focused game on the Battle of Arras

When T.S. Eliot penned, "April is the cruelest month", he was talking about seasonal and life stages, not about a dreadful offensive on the Western Front that would be called the "Battle of Arras" but remembered far better for what the Royal Flying Corps called it-- "Bloody April." Still flying mostly outdated aircraft, General "Boom" Trenchard insisted on constant offensive actions and round-the-clock missions for recon, artillery spotting, mapping, et... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR



ATO 2021 Annual - Operation Roundup: The Allies Invade France in 1943 (Boxed Ed.)

Operation Roundup was the code name for a plan prepared by Allied forces to invade Northern France in 1943 in the Pas de Calais area. This game explores the first month of this never-run plan, set in September 1943 (instead of the historical landings at Salerno in Italy). Allied forces are not the mighty invasion armada of 1944 lacking both the armored "funnies" and Mulberries that worked so well in Normandy. For the Germans at this time their "Atlantic Wall" and panzer arm are more promises of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

64,00 EUR


Produkte von anderen Herstellern

Last Stand Games

LSG 0001

Stalingrad: Verdun on the Volga (Ziplock)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A regimental-scale game of the two-month struggle for control of the 30-kilometer long industrial town that sat on the west bank of the Volga River. Stalingrad: Verdun on the Volga is divided into several two-player scenarios (based on the historical German offensives in September and October). The game enables you to re-fight one of the most important battles of World War II in a single evening (a victory point check at the mid-way point that can keep games under three hours) using Rinella's fa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

120,00 EUR



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