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256131577 Seitenabrufe seit dem 30.06.2003


HauptseiteCosimsProduktlinien (Cosims)Wargames


This section contains product information about the award-winning wooden block games. The games cover a wide-range of eras. We emphasize playablity above all and strive to find subtle and innovative ways capture the "feel" of a period.

Our elegant wooden-block system gives you fog of war and step-reduction with no muss or fuss.


Produkte vom Herausgeber (Columbia Games)


COL 3001

Quebec 1795

z.Zt. vergriffen


Quebec 1759 is a small, simple and short war game covering the conflict between the British and the French in Canada during the French and Indian War. The game comes with a gorgeous map drawn in the style of the period. Movement is conducted via a point-to-point system following the roads and towns in the area around Quebec. The game comes with handfuls of blocks to represent the British and French units.

This title uses Columbia Games Block system. While there are variations in the rule sets... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 3002

War of 1812 (First Edition 1985)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


War of 1812 is an elegant strategy wargame depicting the Anglo-American struggle to control the Great Lakes and Canada.

War of 1812 sets up in five minutes and plays in 1-2 hours. This classic game has been enjoyed by thousands of gamers for over 30 years.

Unit types in this edition include artillery, cavalry, infantry, and navies. The map board is unchanged from previous editions.

History of the War of 1812

On Christmas Eve 1814, American and British diplomats signed the Treaty of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


COL 3002.2

War of 1812 (Second Edition 2008)

War of 1812 is an elegant strategy wargame depicting the Anglo-American struggle to control the Great Lakes and Canada.

War of 1812 sets up in five minutes and plays in 1-2 hours. This classic game has been enjoyed by thousands of gamers for over 30 years.

Unit types in this edition include artillery, cavalry, infantry, and navies. The map board is unchanged from previous editions.

History of the War of 1812

On Christmas Eve 1814, American and British diplomats signed the Treaty of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


COL 3007


Sammlerstück / Rarität


MedFront details the conflict between the Allies and Germany during WWII from 1940-43, as well as the Spanish Civil War from 1936-39. Players have to contend with production, supply, command control and the weather to break the other side's lines and achieve victory. The game comes with a fantastic detailed map of Spain and North Africa printed on card and many wooden blocks for the units. This is just one portion of the complete EuroFront series, which covers the entire European conflict of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

64,00 EUR


COL 3008


Sammlerstück / Rarität


Der gesamte zweite Weltkrieg in Europa Zusätzliche Blocks (Polen, Franzosen etc.) und politische Regeln. EastFront, WestFront, MedFront werden benötigt, VolgaFront wird empfohlen.

50 Blocks, Regelbuch usw.

76,00 EUR


COL 3010


Sammlerstück / Rarität! Sonderangebot


Complete Eurofront System Rules by Columbia Games

MasterFront is the ultimate system rules bookfor the EuroFront series of games. Owbership of EstFront, WestFront, MedFront, VolgaFront and EuroFront are required.
MasterFront is printesd on durable stock ready for a binder.

84 Pages
# Combined Rules for the Five "Front" games
# New EuroFront Rules and Scenarios

New Game record charts

Comprehensive Exil Zone / Transit Box map

Das komplette Systemregelbuch für die EuroFront S... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


COL 3021

Liberty: American Revolution

Liberty is a fast-playing game covering the American Revolution from 1775-1783. British, American, and French forces are included and the role of the Indians and Navies is depicted. The unique problems faced by each side become clear in this exciting game.

Liberty: The American Revolution is a block game, built on the same foundation as Columbia's much-acclaimed Hammer of the Scots. The card play and wintering rules are similar. The map has switched from area movement to a hex-based map with ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR


COL 3041

Texas Glory: 1835-36

In 1835 Texas fought for independence from Mexico. The Mexican dictator, Santa Anna, responded in 1836 by recapturing the Alamo and overrunning much of Texas until he was captured at the battle of San Jacinto.

Texas Glory is a strategy game that brings this exciting period in history to life. Men like Houston, Austin, Crockett, and Bowie play key roles in the Texan struggle to defeat superior Mexican forces with a small but heroic army.

The game is challenging and exciting for both players... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR


COL 3061

Athens & Sparta

Athens & Sparta is a strategic level game of the Peloponnesian War, fought from 431 BC to 404 BC.

This war pitted the wealth and naval power of Athens against the superior army of Sparta.

Players will enjoy creating strategies for the different abilities of the two sides.

94,00 EUR


COL 3121

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar brings the drama of the Roman Civil War (49-45 BC) to life. Players take control of the legions of Caesar or Pompey and fight to determine the future of Rome: republic or empire. Marc Antony, Cleopatra, Octavian, and Brutus also play key roles.

The map board depicts the major theatre of operations during the Roman Civil War.

Julius Caesar is a card driven block game. You use cards to Move, levy or play an Event. 13 victory point Towns or Cities are depicted on the 17"x 34" (4... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


COL 3151

Crusader Rex

Crusader Rex is a game of the 3rd Crusade. One Player plays the Christian Franks, the other, the Muslim Saracens. The objective of the game is to control important Victory Cities such as Jerusalem, Acre, Damascus, and Antioch.

The board depicts the Middle East from Antioch in the north to Egypt in the south.

Game design by Jerry Taylor and Tom Dalgliesh (Hammer of the Scots).

90,00 EUR


COL 3161

Hammer of the Scots 3rd Edition

William Wallace, Robert the Bruce und Andrew de Moray verteidigen Schottland und führen einen Guerillafeldzug gegen Longshanks und die englische Armee. Dieses Spiel gibt einen interessanten Einblick in die schottische Geschichte.

2 Spieler. Ab 12 Jahren. 2-3 Stunden Spieldauer.

56 Blocks, 1 Karte, 25 Ereigniskarten, Regelbuch usw.

Deutsche Regel möglich!

Hammer of the Scots brings the rebellion of the Braveheart, William Wallace, to life.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

84,00 EUR


COL 3171

Richard III - The War of the Roses

Jetzt auch mit Deutscher Regel als download!

Richard the Third is an epic two-player game concerning the long and bloody dynastic struggle between the houses of Lancaster and York for the throne of England. The game depicts both the vicious military campaigns and the rich political struggles that surrounded the late rule of the mad-king Henry VI, the Yorkist usurper Edward IV, the bloody rule of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR


COL 3201

Napoleon 4th deLuxe Edition: The Waterloo Campaign, 1815

Fourth Edition! A new 4th edition, funded on KICKSTARTER, is now available. The success of the Kickstarter campaign has made Napoléon better for everyone - all 4th edition copies has metallic foil unit labels and a deluxe map and battleboards.

The 4th edition brings the game back to its 1st edition roots with some improvements. Napoléon can be played by two or three players.

Read what gamers are saying about Napoléon on BoardgameGeek.

On June 18, 1815, one of the most decisive battle... (vollständige Beschreibung)

86,00 EUR


COL 3212

Borodino 1812

Borodino was fought between the Army of Imperial Russia and Napoléon's Grand Armée on September 7, 1812. The battle ended with a French victory, but strategic defeat. Losses were terrible on both sides, but the Russians could replace theirs. One week after the battle Napoléon occupied an undefended Moscow, hoping to impose a peace, but after four weeks was forced to retreat home with calamitous results.

The historical battle involved wave after wave of frontal attacks by both sides, focusi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR


COL 3301

Bobby Lee - The Civil War in Virginia 1861 - 1865 (2nd Edition)



Der amerikanische Bürgerkrieg 1861 bis 1865 im Osten auf strategischemMaßstab.

84 blocks, 1 Karte (22×25 Zoll), Regelbuch usw.

Bobby Lee brings to life the most dramatic military event in American history, the Civil War. The game covers the war in the east, focusing on the one hundred miles between the two rival capitals of Richmond and Washington.

For four years, the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, commanded by the incomparable Robert E. Lee, defende... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


COL 3301.3

Bobby Lee - The Civil War in Virginia 1861 - 1865 (3rd Edition)

z.Zt. vergriffen


The New 3rd Edition:
Bobby Lee brings to life the most dramatic military event in American history, the Civil War. The wargame covers the war in the east, focusing on the one hundred miles between the two rival capitals of Richmond and Washington.

For four years, the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, commanded by the incomparable Robert E. Lee, defended these few bloody miles against overwhelming Union strength in men and material. This was the scene of most major battles of the war, in... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 3302

Sam Grant (2nd Edition)

Bobby Lees Schwesterspiel im Westen

Sam Grant brings to life the most dramatic event in American history, the Civil War. The game covers the war in the western theater, focusing on the three year struggle for Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tennessee. Rules to link Sam Grant with Bobby Lee (our game on the eastern theater) are included.

The historical campaigns of Shiloh, Vicksburg, Chickamauga, and Atlanta can be restaged, or you can devise your own "war-winnin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

82,00 EUR


COL 3311deL

Shenandoah: Jackson's Valley Campaign deLuxe

Shenandoah covers the remarkable Valley Campaign of May/June 1862. Led by Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson, a smaller Confederate army with audacious marching and fighting, paralyzed and defeated three enveloping Union armies. Military students worldwide study Jackson's strategy and tactics to this day.

The CSA player has the advantage of central position, but must use it aggressively to prevent the Union armies from combining against him. The USA player has a clear advantage in numbers, but must c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

78,00 EUR


COL 3321

Gettysburg: Badges of Courage

Gettysburg: Badges of Courage employs an innovative tactical combat game system. Infantry, Artillery, and Cavalry units are led by Division, Corps, and Army commanders in an epic struggle to control the strategic crossroads at Gettysburg. The game has a brigade-level order of battle.

All three days of Gettysburg can be played separately or together. Players can change the entry roads of divisions to surprise opponents and must maintain division and corps organization to be successful.

84,00 EUR


COL 3322

Shiloh: April 1862

Shiloh was an important American Civil War battle fought in April 1862. A surprise Confederate attack, led by Albert Sydney Johnson, nearly swept encamped Union defenders into the Tennessee River. The next day, a reinforced Union army counter-attacked and drove the CSA line back in confusion and retreat. A CSA victory might have ruined the career of General Ulysses S. Grant. Instead, the battle ended with a Union victory, the death of Johnson, and the eventual demise of Confederate hopes in the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

82,00 EUR


COL 3401.2

Pacific Victory 2nd Ed.

Pacific Victory is an exciting, fast-paced wargame simulating the Pacific Theater of WWII.

Japanese, American, British, Indian, and Anzac land, naval and air forces are represented: Carriers, Submarines, Cruisers, Battleships, Airforces, Marines, and Infantry.

The game covers all the major campaigns of the war including China.

You can replay all of these campaigns or experiment with innovative strategies, including invasions of Australia, India, or Japan.

132 wooden blocks... (vollständige Beschreibung)

94,00 EUR


COL 3402

Victory in EUROPE

Victory in Europe is a game covering the Second World War in Europe from 1939 to 1945. One player commands the Axis powers, the other the Allies.

Players maneuver their armies on an area map of Europe, fighting for control of key victory cities and critical resources. Air, naval, and ground units are all involved. Battles are fought when enemy units clash in the same area.

The early war 1939-1941 is driven by the Axis, but gradually the Allies become stronger and usually take the initiativ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

86,00 EUR


COL 3405

EastFront 2

EastFront 2nd Ed. is part of the revised EuroFront series. The new series will consist of EastFront, WestFront, and EuroFront. MedFront, VolgaFront, and the proposed NorthFront and MidEast Front expansions are incorporated into these three games. EastFront and WestFront each contain two maps. EuroFront employs all 4 maps and adds blocks and rules for the entire war in Europe.

EastFront 2nd Ed.

EastFront includes two maps: each 22.5" x 34" for a 45" x 34" playing area. The map area includes... (vollständige Beschreibung)

134,00 EUR


COL 3406

WestFront 2

WestFront 2nd Edition is part of a planned re-release of the entire EuroFront series. The new series will consist of EastFront, WestFront, and EuroFront. MedFront, VolgaFront, and the proposed expansions are incorporated into these three games. EastFront II and WestFront II will each contain two maps. EuroFront II employs all 4 maps and adds blocks and rules for the entire war in Europe.

WestFront 2nd Ed.

WestFront will include two maps: each 22.5" x 34" for a 45" x 34" playing area. The m... (vollständige Beschreibung)

110,00 EUR


COL 3407

EuroFront 2

EuroFront links EastFront and WestFront together into a complete simulation of World War 2 in Europe from 1936 to 1945 (including the Spanish Civil War).

The game contains the EuroFront system rules and over 240 blocks for every European nation from Norway to Turkey. Axis and Allied versions are provided for most nations. Axis, Allied and Soviet units for the North and Mid-East fronts are also included. With the maps and blocks from EastFront and Westfront, you can now replay all of WW2 in a ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

108,00 EUR


COL 3421

Rommel in the Desert (New Edition)

Rommel in the desert is a fast-moving, challenging, tense, and playable wargame based on the North Africa desert campaign of World War II.

Rommel in the Desert simulates the experience of command. The real problems of generals have nothing to do with shuffling combat factors to get a perfect 3-1 attack while the enemy waits passively to be overwhelmed. Rommel gained many of his victories by employing speed, daring, and surprise.
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

106,00 EUR


COL 3421P

Rommel in the Desert (Played) (2004)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Played - but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials are perfectly prepared for playing!
Rules and Game-boards are in very good condition!

Rommel in the desert is a fast-moving, challenging, tense, and playable game based on the North Africa desert campaign of World War II.

Rommel in the Desert has been enjoyed by thousands of gamers for over 20 years. Experience the game many consider the best on the subject. Visit for ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


COL 3471

Combat Infantry: WestFront 1944-45

Combat Infantry is a fast-paced World War II squad level game, employing our wooden blocks. The game system features innovative and interactive rules for Fire Combat, Close Combat, Morale, and Leaders. The game is sophisticated, yet very playable.

You command a German or American infantry battalion, composed of three infantry companies and a heavy weapons company. Expansion sets will include British, Soviet, Italian, and Japanese battalions.

Unit types include:
Rifle Squa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

94,00 EUR


COL 3481

Combat Infantry: EastFront 1941-43

Hot Seller


Combat Infantry is a fast-paced World War II squad level game, employing our wooden blocks. The game system features innovative and interactive rules for Fire Combat, Close Combat, Morale, and Leaders. The game is sophisticated, yet very playable.

You command a German or Soviet infantry battalion, composed of three infantry companies and a heavy weapons company. Expansion sets will include British, American, Italian, and Japanese battalions.

Unit types include:
Rifle Squa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

94,00 EUR


COL 3501




Victory is an exciting, fast paced strategy game of World War 2 combat. You command a variable force of army, navy, and air units, over maps that can be joined together in a variety of ways. You can choose from ten (10) different unit types based on WW2 technology.

The Victory game system is simple, fast and fun and is an accurate reflection of WWII unit abilities and combined arms combat. Victory is easy to learn and is designed so that you can play within minutes of opening the box.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR



COL 3009


Sammlerstück / Rarität


Volgafront is a folio add-on to Columbia Games EastFront. It provides an eastern map extension of Russia so that a complete picture of the strategic possibilities during WWII in Germany's fight with the Soviet Union. It also comes with an additional EastFront rulebook and a set of new scenarios that utilize the map extension directly. EastFront is required to play with the VolgaFront map. VolgaFront is also part of the EuroFront series.

This title uses Columbia Games Block system. W... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR



COL 3121WM

Julius Caesar 48x26 Neoprene Mat

Oversize game map printed on deluxe neoprene. Does not crease or bend; always lays flat.

Size: 48" x 26"
Thickness: 1/8"
Machine Washable
Durable neoprene rubber

98,00 EUR


COL 3161WM

Hammer of the Scots 48 x 26 Deluxe Neoprene Map

Oversize game map printed on deluxe neoprene. Does not crease or bend; always lays flat.

Size: 36" x 36"
Thickness: 1/16"
Machine Washable
Durable neoprene rubber

180,00 EUR


COL 3171WM

Richard III - The War of the Roses Deluxe 36x36 Neoprene Mat

Oversize game map printed on deluxe neoprene. Does not crease or bend; always lays flat.

Size: 36" x 36"
Thickness: 1/16"
Machine Washable
Durable neoprene rubber

134,00 EUR


COL 3405WM

EastFront Series Neoprene Wargaming Map

A massive 68" x 45" neoprene wargaming mat for the entire EastFront WWII series by Columbia Games!

Thickness: 1/8"
Machine Washable
Durable neoprene rubber

174,00 EUR


COL 3408

EuroFront 4 Map Set

A new set of 4 maps for EuroFront which fit squarely with each other and extend the playing area to include southern Scandinavia and the Middle East! Total map size is 45" x 68".

80,00 EUR


COL 3421WM

Rommel in the Desert - Deluxe Neoprene Mat (34" x 68")

A new neoprene, roll-up map for Rommel in the Desert. Total map size is 34" x 68" (Four times the size of the normal map)..

128,00 EUR


COL 35011

Victory Map 1 A + B

This map is included in the Victory base game.

6,00 EUR


COL 35012

Victory Map 2 A + B

This map is included in the Victory base game.

6,00 EUR


COL 35013

Victory Map 3 A + B

This map is included in the Victory base game.

6,00 EUR


COL 35014

Victory Map 4

z.Zt. vergriffen


This map is included in the Victory base game.

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 3513

Desert Mapset

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Map 5 is a long isthmus traversed by a strategic canal.
Map 6 is a vast desert wasteland with difficult supply lines due to the limited roads.

18,00 EUR


COL 3514

Island Mapset

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Map 7 is a coastal map (at least two sides all water). The map includes a Resource Center. Resource centers produce resources which are then shipped to Cities and converted to production. Resource blocks (Elite blocksets) are required.
Map 8 is a coastal map (at least two sides all water). The map includes a Resource Center. Resource blocks (Elite blocksets) are required.

18,00 EUR


COL 3515

Ocean Mapset

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Map 9 is an island map (all water edges). It is dotted with small islands and is ideal for naval and carrier scenarios. The map includes two Resource Centers. Resource blocks (Elite blocksets) are required.
Map 10 is a coastal map (at least two sides all water) with a canal. The map includes two Resource Centers. Resource blocks (Elite blocksets) are required.

18,00 EUR


COL 3516

Steppe Mapset

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Map 11 is a steppe map (with one long edge all water). The map area is a vast plain ideally suited to tank-warfare.
Map 12 is a steppe map (with one short edge all water). The map area is a vast plain ideally suited to tank-warfare. Combines well with map 11.

18,00 EUR


COL 3517

Alpine Mapset

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Map 13 is an island map (all water edges). It is dominated by a huge island with a mountainous spine.
Map 14 is a coastal map (at least two sides all water). The terrain is mountainous with narrow fjords leading deep inland. The map includes two Resource Centers. Resource blocks (Elite blocksets) are required.

18,00 EUR


COL 3518

Forest Mapset

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Map 15 is a coastal map (at least two sides all water). The terrain is forested with defensible rivers lines. The map includes a Resource Center. Resource blocks (Elite blocksets) are required.
Map 16 is a coastal peninsula (three sides water). The terrain is forested and marshy.

18,00 EUR


COL 3521

Red Blocks

Sammlerstück / Rarität


20,00 EUR


COL 3521V

Victory - Block Set (black)

This blockset includes 60 blocks and labels allowing you to play multi-player Victory games.

26,00 EUR


COL 3522

Blue Blocks

Sammlerstück / Rarität


20,00 EUR


COL 3523

Gray Blocks

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen

  The gray blockset includes 50 gray blocks and the standard labels allowing you to play multi-player Victory games.

endgültig vergriffen

COL 3524

Green Blocks

The green blockset includes 50 green blocks and the standard labels allowing you to play multi-player Victory games.

20,00 EUR


COL 3526

Red Elite Blocks

Sammlerstück / Rarität


20,00 EUR


COL 3527

Blue Elite Blocks

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


endgültig vergriffen

COL 3528

Gray Elite Blocks

Sammlerstück / Rarität


20,00 EUR


COL 3529

Green Elite Blocks

Sammlerstück / Rarität


20,00 EUR


COL 3531

Orange Blocks

The orange blockset includes 50 orange blocks and the standard labels allowing you to play multi-player Victory games.

20,00 EUR


COL 3532

Black Blocks

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The black blockset includes 50 black blocks and the standard labels allowing you to play multi-player Victory games.

20,00 EUR


COL 3536

Orange Elite Blocks

Sammlerstück / Rarität


20,00 EUR


COL 3537

Black Elite Blocks

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen

  The black elite blockset includes 50 red blocks and the elite labels which include many new unit types.

endgültig vergriffen

COL 3551

Victory in Europe - Logistic Set

A set of die-cut counters that add Airfields, Mulberries, Destruction Markers and a Storm to Victory. Also includes factories to customize and divide production into specific Air, Naval, and Army factories. Air units can only be built in Air factories, and so on. Expansion rules are included.

101 die cut markers (two sided): 60 factories, 24 airfields , 10 destruction markers, 6 mulberries (temporary ports), 1 storm

32,00 EUR


COL 3556

Blank Maps

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


A blank hexmap exactly the size and shape of the Victory maps.
Draw your own maps!

endgültig vergriffen

COLX 3905

Computer East Front



EastFront for Windows V1.2. Keine KI, aber Modemunterstützung.

20,00 EUR



COL 3005P

Computer EastFront

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Computer EastFront is a faithful simulation of the EastFront boardgame enjoyed by thousands of wargamers all around the world. It is designed to be played solitare or two-player via LAN, modem, or electronic mail. There is no computer opponent (AI).

Computer EastFront tracks headquarters, movement, terrain, production and all other elements of the boardgame so you can concentrate on strategy. Combat is quickly and easily resolved.

With Computer EastFront you can:

* Play head-to-head... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


Dixie Card Games

COL 3705

DIXIE: Bull Run 1861 Full Set

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Dixie is an exciting card and dice game for two players. Each player commands a USA (North) or CSA (South) Army and seeks to win a battle from the American Civil War.

The Bull Run full set contains all 200 cards in the Bull Run series.

Bull Run
Replay the first major battle of the American Civil War. A battle that shattered any hope of a quick war; a battle that set the stage for America's bloodiest conflict...

The uniforms and the portraits of the generals are historically... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


COL 3711

DIXIE: Shiloh 1862 Edition (Collectable Card Deck)

Sammlerstück / Rarität! Sonderangebot


Dixie is a collectible card game but with a flat rarity. This is the second set with 400 cards for the Battle of Shiloh. Complete sets are also available and individual cards may be ordered through the Columbia Games web site. All artwork and graphics in the Dixie series (each regiment card is drawn with its historical uniform) was created by RPG/Historical artist, Eric Hotz (

The Dixie system is an expanded version of Columbia's tactical battle board system used in such... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


COL 3715

DIXIE: Shiloh 1862 Full Set

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Dixie is an exciting card and dice game for two players. Each player commands a USA (North) or CSA (South) Army and seeks to win a battle from the American Civil War.

The Shiloh full set contains all 400 cards in the Shiloh series.

Shiloh -
Replay the first major battle of the West during the American Civil War. A battle that the Confederates could have won. A battle that was General Grant's first great test.

Historical -
The uniforms and the portraits of the generals are historically... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


COL 3725

Dixie - Gettysburg 1863 Full Set

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Gather your armies and fight over 3 positions. Cards represent infantry or cavalry regiments or artillery batteries. The uniform colors and styles are the uniforms that the regiments actually wore (according to the designers). You also have cards representing the participating generals , terrain and the ever present special events.

Dixie is a collectible card set but with a flat rarity. This is the third set with 250 cards for the Battle of Gettysburg.

All artwork and graphics in the Dixie... (vollständige Beschreibung)

288,00 EUR


Eagles Card Game

COL 3801

EAGLES: Waterloo Deck (Collectable Card Deck)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Recreate the dramatic Battle of Waterloo with Eagles, a fast-paced card and dice game for two players. You command either the French or Allied Army (British and Prussian). The game simulates all four battles from the Waterloo campaign: Ligny, Quatre Bras, Wavre, and Waterloo. Each battle can be fought separately, or they can be combined into a campaign game.

The Cards
Each Eagles deck contains 60 collectable different cards illustrated by Eric Hotz. They accurately portray every general, reg... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


COL 3805

EAGLES: Waterloo Set

z.Zt. vergriffen


Recreate the dramatic Battle of Waterloo with Eagles, a fast-paced card and dice game for two players. You command either the French or Allied Army (British and Prussian). The game simulates all four battles from the Waterloo campaign: Ligny, Quatre Bras, Wavre, and Waterloo. Each battle can be fought separately, or they can be combined into a campaign game.

This set contains all 300 cards that were printed for the Waterloo series.

The Cards -
Eagles contains 300 different cards illustrat... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Produkte von anderen Herstellern

3W (World Wide Wargames)



An exciting introductory game


26,00 EUR


Avalon Hill

AVH 0501P

Gettysburg (Played)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

The booming of over 200 cannons fill the air as both armies prepare for the Confederate onslaught. Success will mean the probable capture of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0502P

Tactics II (Played)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

The hobby of wargaming was born in the 1950s with the publication of the game Tactics. TACTICS II is a direct descendant of this original board w... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0516P

Waterloo (Played)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

Refight the last great campaign of Napoleon, in this fast-moving game of military strategy. Over 160 die-cut counters representing the massed arm... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


AVH 0600P

Afrika Korps (Played)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

(m. dt. Regeln möglich)

Easy and fun historical game of Rommel’s battles with the English in North Africa during WW2. One of the early Aval... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0601


Sammlerstück / Rarität


The basic idea is each player has his or her own map of the area (in this case the Midway Island) behind a screen. Each player "searches" for the enemy fleet by flying search planes to the hex and calling the hex number. Once found, bombers can be sent in to sink the enemy fleet. The actual attack is fought on a separate battle board where the ships are first placed on hexes and the attacking planes are placed in hexes to indicate which ship it is attacking.

The basic game is very simple. But... (vollständige Beschreibung)

144,00 EUR


AVH 0700P

Blitzkrieg (Played)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition + Errata
I can send Pictures on request!

Blitzkrieg is one of Avalon Hill's earlier releases. The game is a fictional representation of the breakout of World War II. Five minor ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


AVH 0703P

Jutland (Played)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition + Errata
I can send Pictures on request!

Dunnigan's first game for Avalon Hill, this is a "play on the floor" game with measured movement and range finding, enabling you to re-f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0705P

War at Sea (Played)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

War at Sea is a simple strategic wargame covering the Battle of the Atlantic and naval warfare of the Mediterranean in WW2.

The game divides t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0706P

Caesar: Epic Battle of Alesia (Played)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition + Errata
I can send Pictures on request!

Caesar at Alesia simulates an epic battle in 52 BC where Julius Caesar surrounded the battered forces of the Gauls led by Vercingetorix.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0707P

Submarine (Played)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

Submarine is a tactical game of World War II submarine warfare. One player assumes the role of a submarine captain, while others are escort and/o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0708P

Alexander the Great (Played)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

Macedonians vs. Persians in the climactic battle at Gaugamela.

Alexander The Great is a medium complexity wargame recreating an ancient battle... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


AVH 0709P

Wooden Ship & Iron Men (Played)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition + Errata + a lot of Extras!
I can send Pictures on request!

Fighting ships in the age of sail! This classic title details military engagements in the golden age of sail with a p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


AVH 0710P

Caesar's Legions (Played)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

Caesar's Legions is a medium complexity wargame simulating the Roman campaigns in Germany at the operational level.

Players choose from 5 scen... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0718P

The Russian Campaign (Played)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition + Errata
I can send Pictures on request!

On the 18th of December, 1940 Hitler issued Fuhrer Directive No. 21, code named Barbarossa, which stated: “The Soviet Union is to be c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0734

Midway - Smithsonian

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(m. dt. Regeln möglich)

Very Similar to the Smithsonian version of Guadalcanal (1992).

The basic idea is each player has there own map of the area (in this case the Midway Island) behind a screen. Each player "searches" for the enemy fleet by flying search planes to the hex and calling the hex number. Once found, bombers can be sent in to sink the enmey fleet. The actual attack is fought on a separate battle board where the ships are first placed on hexes and the attacking planes are plac... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0736x

Mustangs Expansion Kit

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Air unit counters for an 62 additional aircraft types, giving Mustangs greater flexibility and play value.

Extends Mustangs to the early days of World War II and contains fighter types not only from the U.S., Germany and Japan, but also from other aircraft producers such as Great Britain and the Soviet Union.

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0737

We the people

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


This game was the first in what has become a very popular trend for wargaming. The typically hex-based maps were simplified into an abstract system of connected spaces, which are used for army movement and to keep track of who controls the provinces politically. The armies themselves are greatly simplified, but the general in charge of the army gains much importance through his ratings for combat effectiveness and overall strategic effectiveness. Typically, dice are used to resolve conflicts bet... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0738P

For the People (Played)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


played - but in very good condition!

Die erste Version des später bei GMT veröffentlichen Titels und der letzte Titel der bei Avalon Hill erschien. Ein echtes Sammlerstück. (mit deutscher Regel)

This is the 4th entry in the We the People system of games, following Hannibal and Successors (but pre-dating Paths of Glory, which is arguably more of a spin-off than a follow-on). The underlying system is basically Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage, but For the People is much longer and more complex... (vollständige Beschreibung)

120,00 EUR


AVH 0809P

Luftwaffe (Played)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

"The game of Aerial Combat over Germany 1943-45". A turn based hex and counter wargame covering the strategic air war over Germany in WWII. Turns... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


AVH 0811

Richthofens War

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0813P

Rise and Decline of the Third Reich (Played)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

Rise and Decline of the Third Reich is a realistic simulation of the grand strategic situation as it existed in Europe during WWII. It features 6... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

AVH 0821P

The Arab-Israeli Wars (Played)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

"Now you can re-fight the battles that determined the fate of nations. Victories that strike like lightning, if you can win them--like the vict... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

AVH 0827P

War and Peace (Played)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

(m. dt. Regeln möglich)

From the autumn of 1805 through the climactic summer of 1815, the entire 10 year conflict between France, England, Au... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


AVH 0828P

Fortress Europa (Played)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

Fortress Europa recreates the Allied campaign in Western Europe from D-Day to March 1945. The Allied player must select an invasion site and ma... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0831P

The Guns of August (Played)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

The thunder of the guns that August would deafen all Europe. For the next four years there would be no quiet: on the western front in France, on ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0835P

Panzer Armee Afrika (Played)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

Panzer Armee Afrika is a simulation of the North African Campaign between April 1941 and November 1942.

Battalion, Regiment and Brigade-sized ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0840P

The Game of France, 1940: German Blitzkrieg in the West (Played)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

France 1940 is an operational level simulation of the German invasion of France in 1940. Units are corps and divisions, with important regiments ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0843P

Conquistador (Played)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

"Conquistador recreates the 16th Century exploration and conquest of the New World (North and South America) by the major powers of Europe." (fro... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0844P

Frederick the Great (Played)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition + Errata
I can send Pictures on request!

Frederick the Great is an operational level wargame on the Seven Years War between Frederick the Great's Prussia (and allied Hanover) an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


AVH 0846P

Napoleon at Bay (Played)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

Napoleon at Bay is a division level, two-player simulation of the Campaign of 1814 which was one of Napoleon's finest. he conducted this campaign... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0847

Bull Run (mint!)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


mint! - unplayed!

Bull Run is a tactical combat game of the first battle of Bull Run.

The game is played on a map of the area over which the battle was fought overlaid with a hexagonal grid. Units are infantry, cavalry, and artillery, with brigade, division, and army leaders. Each turn is 30 minutes, and each hex represents 1000 ft. Units are basically regiments and batteries. Some infantry regiments with their brigade leader are capable of forming brigades, increasing offensive power at t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0853

Up Front - The Squad Leader Card Game - mint! (opend, but unpunched)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


A card game that is loosely based on Avalon Hill's Squad Leader series. Each player directs a squad of men in various scenarios with cards driving the action.

"UP FRONT is a game of man-to-man infantry combat set in WWII Europe loosely based on the Squad Leader game system. UP FRONT is a far simpler adaptation of Squad Leader principles designed to a card game format. Yet, in many ways is more realistic than its predecessor in that its inherent mechanics simulate the fear and confusion of the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0854P

Panzerkrieg (Played)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

Panzerkrieg is a simple-mid complexity operational level game of the military operations in Southern Russia during World War 2. The game is playe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0855P

Panzergruppe Guderian (Played)

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Panzergruppe Guderian is a simulation of the German campaign to capture Smolensk in July, 1941. The game is played in twelve turns, each one representing 2 days time, on a map scale of 10.5 km/hex.

The game is famous for its innovative use of "untried" Soviet units. These untried Soviet counters enter play face down, their combat strength unknown to either player, until they take part in combat, at which time they are flipped to reveal their strength and defense numbers.

The game also mode... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0860


Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Firepower is a detailed look at the organization, weapons and equipment, and tactics of many of the world's nations since 1965.
Firepower gives players the opportunity to command squad units in recent or current wars. The destructive capabilities are massive, and the problems of command and control in devising effective tactics are a real challenge for any gamer.
Unit scale is individual soldiers, vehicles and equipment

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0861

Hitler's War (mint!)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


mint! - unplayed!

The game examines the war in Europe at several levels. Operation Barbarossa concentrates on the great ground struggle waged for four long years between Stalingrad and Berlin. The Fall of Germany begins at the eve of the great amphibious invasion of France and expands the war into the West. The War for Europe completes the picture with an examination of the entire 6 years of war in all of its ramifications. Great fleets of bombers may be launched towards enemy targets; swift... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0864

Empires in Arms (mint!)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


mint! - unplayed!

Deutsche Regeln möglich!

Empires In Arms was first published as a board game in 1983, nominated "Game of the Year" at Origins and quickly licensed to the Avalon Hill Game Company. Empires In Arms remains an extremely popular Napoleonic board game, with a worldwide following and a best-selling reputation for excitement and depth of play.

Empires In Arms allows players to recreate the Napoleonic Period (1805-1815) as one of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0865P

Russian Front (Played)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition + Errata
I can send Pictures on request!

A Game of the War in the East: 1941-44.

Russian Front is a game that re-creates the ebb and flow of the largest, longest and most cos... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


AVH 0867

Knights of the Air (Shrink-Wrap Condition)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


> Mit Deutscher Regelübersetzung! <

Authentic recreateion of deadly combat of the WWI ari war.. All panes included ahv been carefully reserach fo runparalleel reasiml For 2-6 players, including a solitare scenario.
KNIGHTS OF THE AIR recreates the deadly combat of the World War I air war. You learn to fly the great airplanes of the period in much in the same way the Aces did - right in the cockpit using control stick, throttle and rudder pedals. Each kind of warplane included in the game ha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

112,00 EUR


AVH 0867M

Knights of the Air (MINT!)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


> Mit Deutscher Regelübersetzung! <

Authentic recreateion of deadly combat of the WWI ari war.. All panes included ahv been carefully reserach fo runparalleel reasiml For 2-6 players, including a solitare scenario.
KNIGHTS OF THE AIR recreates the deadly combat of the World War I air war. You learn to fly the great airplanes of the period in much in the same way the Aces did - right in the cockpit using control stick, throttle and rudder pedals. Each kind of warplane included in the game ha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

96,00 EUR


AVH 0871

Flight Leader

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Mit Deutscher Regel !

Flight Leader is a turn based, hex and counter tactical game of "modern" air combat (Korean War to 1986). Each turn is 30 seconds, each hex is 1 km, and each counter is a single aircraft.

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0874

Raid on St. Nazaire

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Mit Deutscher Regel !

In this solitaire wargame, the play simulates the British raid on the Nazi-occupied French port of St. Nazaire held on March 28, 1942.

In the first part of the game, you move the British boats and destroyer HMS Campbeltown (redressed to look like a German ship) to their landing areas while determining the results of many shots from the harbor defense guns. Upon landing, the remaining force tries to reach targets (Sub pens, caiss... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0879P

Siege of Jerusalem (Third Edition) (Played)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition + Errata
I can send Pictures on request!

It is 70 A.D. Dawn breaks on the combined might of four Legions arrayed on the heights of Mount Scopus, starting their methodical advanc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0882

M.B.T. - Main Battle Tank

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


MBT is a turn based, hex and counter tactical game of "modern" tank warfare. Each turn is 1-5 minutes, each hex 100 meters. Unit counters are single vehicles or infantry squads/teams.

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0888P

Advanced Third Reich (Played)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition + Errata and a lot of Extras!
I can send Pictures on request!

Advanced Third Reich is a board wargame published originally by The Avalon Hill Game Co. The game is a rewrite of R... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0889P

Stonewall Jackson's Way (played)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

This simulation of the Second Manassas campaign is the first volume in Avalon Hill's new series of strategic Civil War games. Future games will l... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0896


Sammlerstück / Rarität


Guerilla is a multi-player simulation card game. Three to six players vie for control of the government as rebels wage a civil war against those in power. As in real guerilla warfare, the government forces are handicapped by their inability to separate friend from foe. This "fog of war" is accomplished by a clever dichotomy of goals wherein each player simultaneously commands both government and rebel forces. However, each player is secretly backing either the government of rebel cause and is se... (vollständige Beschreibung)

64,00 EUR


AVH 0898


Sammlerstück / Rarität


The U.S. - Indian conflicts, a tragic period of history.

Each turn, players are randomly assigned a side to play -- either Indian
tribes or the U.S. Only one player represents the U.S. each turn, while
the other players each have a number of Indian tribes under their
control. Indian players get to select one or two of their active
tribes, but the rest are dealt to them randomly. There are usually more
Indian tribes available than what are active each turn, but players
don't really know ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR


AVH 0906

Hannibal - Rome vs Carthage

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Mit Deutscher Regel !


2 players Playing Time: 2 hours Aurthor: Mark Simonitch Publisher: Avalon Hill

Hannibal is a strategy game that lets you experience the excitement and events of Hannibal's march across the Alps and his subsequent 18 year campaign against Rome. As the Carthaginian player, you have the incomparable Hannibal to lead your armies of elephants and mercenaries against the mighty legions of Rome. As the R... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 0908

Princess Ryan's Star Marines

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The evil Black Guard has kidnapped Princess Ryan and now a crack troop of Star Marines is charged with finding her before she's put to death. The players form a semi-cooperative team that must overcome a steady onslaught of deadly attacks. When the Marines win a contest, the biggest contributor wins the right to rewards, which could help him determine the location of the captive Princess. If the Marines get to the castle in time, the player who determines the correct location of the Princess is ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR


AVH 1977

Fury in the West

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Game of the Battle of Shiloh - April 6 and 7, 1862.

Dawn. April 6, 1862. The Union Army of the Tennessee is beginning to stir beneath the shadow of a small frontier church in western Tennessee. The troops of U.S. "Unconditional Surrender" Grant wait only for their junction with Buell's Army of the Ohio to begin their long planned advance into the heartland of the Confederacy.

Then suddenly the spring morning is shattered by the rattle of gunfire and the piercing rebel yell of over 40,000 c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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AVH 6457

Starship Troopers - Movie Edition

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Quick and fierce battles for survival!
Based on the hit movie. For 2-4 players. Ages 10 & older.

Starship Troopers: Prepare For Battle! should not be confused with the original "Starship Troopers" wargame, also by Avalon Hill, published in 1976.

"Starship Troopers" was based on the Heinlein book. Starship Troopers: Prepare For Battle! is based on the film version.

This is a fast-paced tactical wargame which begins simply and then adds additional rules with each new scenario. By the tim... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 8881

Empire of the Rising Sun (MINT)

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Mint and in excellent condition!

Rules und Game-boards in perfect good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

Pacific Theater version of Advanced Third Reich.

Empire of The Rising Sun is a board wargame published originally by Avalon Hill, designed by Bruce Harper with much input by Dave Casper into the naval warfare rules. This is the Pacific War companion game to Advanced Third Reich (A3R), using similar rules, and containing once again a copy of "Ultra" magazine with a synopsis o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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AVH 8928

Air Force

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A tactical simulation of air combat over the Europe during WWII. Each player controls one or more aircraft represented on the board with one counter per plane. A card contains all the relevant manueverability, speed, and weaponry data. Each plane is also has a log column containing ammo records, damage records, moves, altitude, speed, and attitude. All movement is pre-plotted and then executed on the board simultaneously. Hits are determined based on relative facing, range, and gunnery factors a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

76,00 EUR


AVH 8930

Flat Top (mint!)

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100% mint! Only the box is not shrink-wrapped any more.
Deutsche Regeln möglich!

Flat Top is a board game of high complexity that covers the battles of the Solomon Seas between the United States and Japan in 1942. It is very well researched and covers all aspects of naval and air combat as it existed in 1942. The system depicts weather, air searches, air combat, surface combat, carrier operations, submarines, air bases, supplies, and much more. The game requires intense planning and searchi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AVH 8942P

Trireme (Played)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition
I can send Pictures on request!

Pacific Theater version of Advanced Third Reich.

Here is a thoroughly accurate recreation of Greek and Roman naval warfare in the heyday of ra... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR




Quick play Cross of Iron Scenarios

Vier Szenarien - Sonderdruck aus General

4,00 EUR



Rogue Scenarios

Szenarien für Squad Leader, Cross of Iron und Crescendo of Doom

16,00 EUR



Series 300 Scenarios

Szenarien für Squad Leader, Cross of Iron, Crescendo of Doom, G.I. Anvil of Victory

16,00 EUR


Conquest Gaming LLC

CQG 3000

Warlords of Europe

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An epic strategy game of medieval warfare by Ken Griffin, Kyle Battle, and Russ Rupe

Early in the 13th century, Medieval Europe is experiencing a time of widespread conflict between lords, barons, kings, and countries. You have the opportunity to create a dominion without rival. Your warlords must subjugate the peasantry, then bring other kings, warlords, and nobles into submission. Through conquest they will become your vassals and swear allegiance to you. Then by taxation and plunder you wi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Dan Verssen Games

DVG DV1-002

Field Commander - Alexander the Great (Reprint)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Solitär Game!!

Alexander is the second game in our Field Commander series of solitaire strategy games.
You take on the role of Alexander the Great in his world-conquering quest to extend the Macedonian empire and achieve personal glory.

When we started designing the game, our goal was to represent the battles of Alexander the Great, but the more we learned about him, the more we realized our opportunity to explore not only his battlefield exploits, but also the other aspects of his life... (vollständige Beschreibung)

98,00 EUR


DVG DV1-010

Field Commander - Napoleon (Reprint)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Solitär Spiel!!

Field Commander Napoleon is our biggest game to date, as befits the Empire, the Emperor, and his Grande Armée! The game is so massive it requires a 4" high box!

Wan Chiu created the artwork for this mega game. He got off to a fantastic start with a classic box cover design.

The game design focuses on the battlefield tactics and Napoleon’s powerful personality. Through political and military cunning, Napoleon swept France to super-power status. In previous Field Comma... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

DVG DV1-016

U-Boat Leader (2nd Printing)

Solitär Spiel!!

"The only thing that ever frightened me during the war was the U-Boat peril." - Winston Churchill

DVG welcomes U-Boat Leader, the latest game in our series of solitaire strategy games!

The Battle of the Atlantic was the longest continuous campaign of World War II running from 1939 through to the defeat of Germany in 1945. It involved thousands of ships, stretched over hundreds of miles of ocean, and involved hundreds of convoy battles and single-ship encounters. During ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


DVG DV1-016X

U-Boat Leader (2nd Printing) (MINT)



MINT - but no longer in foil!
Solitär Game!!

"The only thing that ever frightened me during the war was the U-Boat peril." - Winston Churchill

DVG welcomes U-Boat Leader, the latest game in our series of solitaire strategy games!

The Battle of the Atlantic was the longest continuous campaign of World War II running from 1939 through to the defeat of Germany in 1945. It involved thousands of ships, stretched over hundreds of miles of ocean, and involved hundreds of convoy battles and s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


DVG DV1-022

Field Commander - Nimitz Core Game (2nd. Edition 2020)

Solitär Spiel!!

Fleet Commander Nimitz is the fourth game in our Commander series of solitaire games. For the first time, we take the Commander series to the high seas!

At the start of the war, Nimitz faces a Pacific Ocean on the brink of disaster. The Imperial Japanese Navy has just delivered a devastating attack against the US fleet at Pearl Harbor, and little stands in the way of total defeat for the US in the battle for the Pacific. In the months to come, the situation will spira... (vollständige Beschreibung)

114,00 EUR


DVG DV1-023

Field Commander Rommel - deLuxe Edition (Reprint)

Deluxe Edition: This edition of Rommel has the same content as our original game. The Deluxe version features mounted maps, extra thick counters, and a new taller box.

Rommel was designed by Dan Verssen and was the first game in our "Field Commander" solitaire series of historical strategy board games. You get to take command of General Erwin Rommel's forces in 3 exciting WWII campaigns: France 1940, North Africa 1941, and D-Day 1944. An easy to use game system manages the Allied movement, co... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR


DVG DV1-026

Gato Leader

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


A solitaire board game that places the player in command of US submarines patroling the waters of the WWII Pacific Ocean. The goal is to sink enemy shipping, perform special missions, accumulate experience, and manage crew stress.

The American submarine campaign in the Pacific during World War II was a major contributor to the ultimate defeat of Japan. During the war, American submarines comprised less than two percent of the U.S. Navy, but sank almost 60 percent of the Japanese merchant mari... (vollständige Beschreibung)

98,00 EUR


DVG DV1-031

Tiger Leader - The WW2 Ground Combat Solitaire Strategy Game (Edition 2020)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Solitaire Game! - A design by Dan Verssen and Rick Martin. Tiger Leader follows in the tradition of Hornet Leader and Thunderbolt-Apache Leader but takes those game systems down in to the mud and in to a whole new time period – World War II!

In Tiger Leader, you’ll be in command of a German Kampfgruppe of tanks, armored cars, trucks, halftracks and supporting infantry. You’re Kampfruppe may also be assigned air support and heavy weapons support in order to achieve your goals. Your goals... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

DVG DV1-041

Sherman Leader - Core Game

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


In Sherman Leader, you command an American group of tanks, armored cars, trucks, half tracks, and infantry squads. You get to choose your campaign. Anything from 1942 North Africa to 1945 Berlin, and everything in between.

Sherman Leader is a great game for both experienced strategy gamers and well as new players. Each campaign takes only 30 minutes to set-up, and each battle can be resolved in 15 to 30 minutes.

Being a solitaire game, you can play whenever you have time, at your pace. Thi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

100,00 EUR


DVG DV1-041B

Sherman Leader + Tiger Leader Upgrade Kit! Bundle

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Includes the Tiger Leader Upgrade Kit!

In Sherman Leader, you command an American group of tanks, armored cars, trucks, half tracks, and infantry squads. You get to choose your campaign. Anything from 1942 North Africa to 1945 Berlin, and everything in between.

Sherman Leader is a great game for both experienced strategy gamers and well as new players. Each campaign takes only 30 minutes to set-up, and each battle can be resolved in 15 to 30 minutes.

Being a solitaire game, you can play... (vollständige Beschreibung)

146,00 EUR


DVG DV1-045

Pavlov's House (Reprint)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


In Pavlov’s House, you take control of the valiant defenders of a Soviet strongpoint in Stalingrad as they hold out against constant German attacks for almost two months. You also control the key leaders throughout the Soviet 62nd Army that made the defense of Pavlov’s House possible.

Object of the Game
The goal of Pavlov’s House is to last until the 7th Company, 3rd Battalion, 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment of the 13th Guards Division is tasked with storming a key German strongpoint durin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

120,00 EUR


DVG DV1-051

Castle Itter (Reprint)

The Battle of Castle Itter was fought near the Austrian village of Itter on 5 May 1945, in the last days of the War in Europe during World War II. US soldiers joined forces with Wehrmacht infantrymen, an §§ officer, an Austrian resistance fighter, and recently freed French prisoners of war to defend the castle against an attacking force from the 17th §§ Panzergrenadier Division.

Game Overview
Castle Itter is divided into turns. Each turn consists of two phases:
• Defender Ph... (vollständige Beschreibung)

64,00 EUR


DVG DV1-061

Spruance Leader - Core Game

Hot Seller


Solitär Spiel!! Command a US Navy Task Group at the height of the Cold War!

Spruance Leader is a solitaire game placing you in command of a Cold War era US Naval Task Force! It is the next game in the very successful DVG Leader Series!

This game is inspired by the Microprose game Red Storm Rising. Your Task Force will be facing off against Soviet ships, subs, and aircraft from the 1980's. You will select what Actions to perform to destroy the Soviet forces while avoiding damage and s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

130,00 EUR


DVG DV1-062

Stuka Leader - Core Game

Hot Seller


Stuka Leader is based on Corsair Leader and Zero Leader, expanding gameplay from the previous games. You are in command of a German aerial squadron in Europe in World War Two, with aircraft including the Messerschmitt Me 109 and Me 262, Heinkel He 111, Focke-Wulf Fw 190, and the eponymous Junkers Ju 87 Stuka.
You will need to select the right mix of pilots and aircraft under your command in order to carry out the different types of missions. Each aircraft has its advantages and disadvantages.
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

126,00 EUR



DVG DV1-022C

Fleet Commander Nimitz - Exp 1: Yamamoto

The expansion features the "Yamamoto" AI cards, giving Japan an enhanced AI to give its forces a whole new level of decision-making.

The Expansion includes:
- Yamamoto AI Cards
Yamamoto Rulebook

46,00 EUR


DVG DV1-022D

Fleet Commander Nimitz - Exp 2: Total War

The expansion adds detailed rules to Nimitz allowing you fight the War in the Pacific from Pearl Harbor through VJ Day in one campaign!

22,00 EUR


DVG DV1-022E

Fleet Commander Nimitz - Exp 3: Islands

This Expansion adds a custom 8.5" x 11" Island sheet with unique rules for each of the Islands!

24,00 EUR


DVG DV1-031C

Tiger Leader: Panzers! Expansion #1

Blitzkrieg! is a double expansion pack with 98 cards and 14 counters to reinforce your Tiger Leader game!

The Expansion includes:
More Commander cards x60
More Enemy Battalion cards x14
More Special Condition cards x05
More Mission Event cards x11
More Objective cards x03
More Campaign cards x05

46,00 EUR


DVG DV1-031D

Tiger Leader: Panzers! Expansion #2

Panzers! is an expansion pack with 24 cards and 24 counters to reinforce your Tiger Leader game!

The Expansion includes:
More Armor cards - Panzer II, Panzer III (75mm), Panther, Marder II, Marder III, Panzer Jaeger I, E-50, E-100
More Light Armor cards - SDF Kfz 234/2 (Long), SDF Kfz 234/3 (Short), SDF Kfz 234/4 (75mm), SDF Kfz 251 (ATG)
More Infantry cards - Rifle Teams

24,00 EUR


DVG DV1-045B

Pavlov's House - Companion Book

This Booklet gives you the history of the battle at Pavlov's House as well as Designer notes, written by Designer David Thompson.

24,00 EUR


DVG DV1-051A

Castle Itter - Companion Book

The Castle Itter Companion Book contains information about the battle as well as notes from the designer.

24,00 EUR


DVG DV1-061A

Spruance Leader - Carrier Expansion

The Carrier Expansion adds Carriers, Carrier Wings, and Carrier Squadrons to the game. Use Carrier Squadrons to attack Soviet Ships and Subs on the Tactical Display, or attack Targets a distance from the Carrier. Soviet Bandits and Air Defenses can reduce your Squadron strength during the mission.

This expansion includes:
8 Carriers (64 cards)
4 Carrier Commanders (24 cards)
13 Carrier Air Wings (13 cards)
1 Counter Sheet
3 Campaigns
Carrier Expansion Rulebook
Carrier Combat Card
Summ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


DVG DV1-061B

Spruance Leader - Submarine Expansion

The SSN Expansion adds SSNs for use instead of Task Force ships. Your SSN acts alone to clear out Soviet forces, adjusting your SSN depth to attack ships and subs above and below the Thermal layer.

8 SSNs (48 cards)
4 SSN Commanders (24 cards)
1 Counter Sheet
4 Campaigns
SSN Expansion Rulebook
Summary Sheet

40,00 EUR


DVG DV1-061C

Spruance Leader - Allies Expansion

The Allies Expansion adds NATO and other Western ships from around the world to your fleets! This includes ships from: Canada, UK, Australia, France, Italy, and Germany

This expansion includes:
50+ NATO and Allied Ship Cards
50+ Ship Counters

40,00 EUR


DVG DV1-062A

Stuka Leader - Expansion #1: Eastern Front #1

Hot Seller


Includes 3 new campaigns, 5 new targets, 2 new aircraft, 2 new bandits, a new bomber and 3 new events.

Replay the German invasion of Russia. Fly from 1941 to 1943 in this expansion.
Fly aircraft like:
Hs-129 Ground Attack
Do 335 Fighter

46,00 EUR


DVG DV1-062B

Stuka Leader - Expansion #2: Eastern Front #2

Includes 3 new campaigns, 5 new targets, 2 new aircraft, 2 new bandits, a new bomber and 3 new events.

Relive the end of the Russian Invasion. Fight to defend the Fatherland with such aircraft as:
Ju-87g Tankbuster
Do-335 Fastest propeller aircraft in WW2

46,00 EUR


DVG DV1-062C

Stuka Leader - Expansion #3: Mediterranean #1

Includes 3 new campaigns, 3 new targets, 3 new aircraft, 2 new bandits, 2 new bombers and 2 new events.

Fly in the Med with such aircraft as:
Sm.79 Level / Torpedo Bomber
Cr.42 Biplane Fighter
Mc.202 Fighter

46,00 EUR


DVG DV1-062D

Stuka Leader - Expansion #4: Mediterranean #2

Includes 3 new campaigns, 3 new targets, 3 new aircraft, 2 new bandits, 2 new bombers and 2 new events.

Later war battles in the Mediterranean and North Africa!
Fly such aircraft as:
Me-109f Fighter
Do-217 Medium Bomber
Re.2001 Italian Fighter

46,00 EUR


DVG DV1-062E

Stuka Leader - Expansion #5: Spanish Civil War

Includes 2 new campaigns, 3 new targets, 3 new aircraft, 2 new bandits, a new bomber and 2 new events.

Fly and fight in the air battles of the late 1930's!
Fly aircraft such as:
Ju-86 Diesel powered medium bomber
Hs-123 Biplane ground attack
He-51 Biplane Fighter

46,00 EUR


DVG DV1-062F

Stuka Leader - Expansion #6: What If…?

Hot Seller


Includes 3 new campaigns, 4 new targets, 4 new aircraft, 3 new bandits, 2 new bombers and 1 new events.

What if the amazing weapons the Germans had on the drawing boards actually flew?

Fly aircraft like:
E-555 Amerika Bomber. Long range bomber
Ar-234 Jet powered light bomber
Ho-299 Jet powered Batwing Fighter
Ta-183 Precursor to the Mig-15

46,00 EUR


DVG DV1-062G

Stuka Leader - Expansion #7: Aces

Includes 52 Luftwaffe pilots and 4 aces event cards

Fly some of the greatest Luftwaffe and Italian Pilots in World War 2!
Such Pilots as:
Adolph Galland
Werner Mölders
And plenty more!

Plane Types on Pilot cards

German ACE list
1 x Do-335
3 x Fw-190a5
3 x Fw-190a8
2 x Fw-190d
2 x He-51
1 x He-162
1 x Hs-123
6 x Me-109e
5 x Me-109f
4 x Me-109g
2 x Me-110s
1 x Me-163
3 x Me-262
2 x Me-410
2 x Ta-152
1 x Do-17
1 x He-111
2 x Hs-129
1 x Ju-86
1 x Ju-87d
1 x... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR



DVG DV1-031M

Tiger Leader - Miniatures

A set of 136 metal miniatures from Pico Armor's 1/600th collection! These miniatures allow you to use miniatures on the Terrain Tiles for all your battles!

German Miniatures...
Type 222 4 Wheel
Type 231 6 Wheel
Type 232 8 Wheel
Panzer Jager I
STUG III (long 75mm)
Marder II Ferdinan
Jagdpanzer IV
Sdkfz 251 Halftrack
Field Gun 88mm anti-tank/anti-air gun/prime mover
Motorcycle Team
Panzer I
Panzer II
Panzer 38(t)
Panzer 35(t)
Panzer III (s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

98,00 EUR


DVG DV1-041B

Sherman Leader - US Miniatures Pack



3 packs of GHQ miniatures- 1/285th Scale American Forces (22)

All 3 packs together contain: of miniatures contain: M3 Stuart, M24 Chaffee, M3 Lee/Grant, M4A1 75mm Sherman, M4A3 76mm Sherman, M4A3E8 Jumbo Sherman, M26 Pershing, M3 Halftrack, M30 Halftrack 75mm, M8 Scout Car, M3 (White) Scout Car, M10 Wolverine, M36 Jackson, M18 Hellcat, M8 Scott SPG, M7 Priest SPG, Mortar Team, Machine Gun Team, Anti-Tank Team, BAR Team(x3)

100,00 EUR


DVG DV1-041C

Sherman Leader - German Miniatures Pack

4 packs of GHQ minatures- 1/285th Scale German Forces (42)

All 4 packs together contain: Panzer III (x2), Panzer IV (x2), Tiger I (x2), SdKfz 251 (x2), STuG III (x2), Opel Blitz (x2), Anti-Tank Gun (x2), Infantry Gun (x2), 88mm Gun (x2), Infantrymen (x20)

120,00 EUR



DVG DV1-022A

Field Commander Nimitz - Mounted Battle Board

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


1 Full Color Mounted Battle Map Board (11” x 17”) for the game 'Fleet Commander: Nimitz'

This is a Mounted Battle Board for Fleet Commander Nimitz, which is the fourth game in the Commander series of solitaire games.
For the first time, DVG take the Commander series to the high seas!
Size: 11? x 17?

Please note: This is an add-On to the Fleet Commander Nimitz Game.

endgültig vergriffen

DVG DV1-022B

Fleet Commander Nimitz - Upgrade Kit

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Copy of the new Nimitz rulebook and mounted map. The Japanese movement chart is upgraded to add a new layer of intelligence to the AI.

40,00 EUR


DVG DV1-031A

Tiger Leader - Neoprene Mat

Tiger Leader Neoprene Tactical Display 22"x 17"

28,00 EUR


DVG DV1-037

U-Boat Leader / Gato Leader Ship Miniatures

The U-Boat Leader and Gato Leader Ship
Miniatures expansion adds plastic miniatures to
your games!

The Ship Miniatures expansion to Gato Leader and U-Boat includes 14 plastic ship miniatures ranging in size from 25mm to 50mm.

Included miniatures...
1 Aircraft Carrier
1 Battleship
1 Cruiser
3 Destroyers
6 Transports
2 Submarines

These miniatures can be used with Gato, U-Boat, or any other naval warfare game that you'd like to add miniatures to!

This expansion also includes a ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


DVG DV1-041A

Sherman Leader - Neoprene Mat

Sherman Leader Neoprene Tactical Display 22"x 17"

28,00 EUR


DVG DV1-043

WWII Tank Leader - Commander Cards Expansion

For Sherman or Tiger Leader
Historical Enemy Commanders to give the enemy unique combat abilities! Commanders for the U.S., U.K., Russia, Germany, France, and Poland

22,00 EUR


DVG DV1-044

WWII Tank Leader - Terrain Tile Pack #1

Expansion pack for Sherman and Tiger Leader
This expansion includes Terrain Tiles for Europe, Winter, Desert, and Jungle. It also includes 4 new Terrain types: Roads, Rivers, Bogging, and Outposts!

32,00 EUR


DVG DV1-044A

WWII Tank Leader - Terrain Tile Pack #2

This Terrain Tile Pack adds 10 more Terrain Tiles to your Tiger Leader games! These tiles includes city and industrial locations! You can also use these tiles for your Sherman Leader game!

24,00 EUR


DVG DV1-045A

Pavlov's House - Neoprene Mat

A Neoprene Mat to replace the mounted board in the game Pavlov's House.

36,00 EUR


DisSimula Edizioni


From Salerno to Rome: World War II – The Italian Campaign, 1943-1944

z.Zt. vergriffen


From Salerno to Rome allows you to simulate the first ten months of the military campaign in Italy during WW2, from the landing in Salerno (September ’43) to the liberation of Rome (June ’44). The game starts with the American 5th army that has just landed in Salerno and the British 8th army advancing in Apulia, while the Axis powers gather their forces to hit with a powerful counter-offensive one of the two allied armies…

The game enables you to fight the battles that took place in Ita... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Give Us Victories

Hot Seller


"GIVE US VICTORIES" is a wargame about the Chancellorsville campaign, fought during the American Civil War, when 130,000 soldiers of the Union Northern Army clashed with the much smaller Northern Virginia Army, led by General Robert E. Lee.

General Joseph Hooker, newly appointed by President Lincoln, was in command of the Army of the Potomac. Lincoln’s engagement letter ended with the words "Give Us Victories”.

The game begins on April 30, 1863, with the Army of the Potomac now beyond ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

126,00 EUR



Radetzky's March: The Road to Novara

Radetzky's March allows you to fight the campaign and the bloody battle of Novara.

The game simulates the brief campaign fought by the Sardinian army against the Austrian Empire in 1849.

Several changes compared to the previous edition: bigger map and counters; artillery can bombard, hidden movement, alternative strategic setup and much more.

The maps (2) are bigger, with distinctly different colors and better visual aids; now the various types of watercourses are clearly distinguishab... (vollständige Beschreibung)

72,00 EUR


Eclipse Editorial


Frontier Wars (KickStarter Version)

KickStarter Version with Solo Rules and KS Exclusives!

"Frontier War" ("Guerra Fronteriza" in spanish) allows you to take control of one of the four most relevant factions in World War 2.
Chose which role you want to take in the fray: United States, United Kingdom, Germany or Russia in games for 2 to 4 players.
Recreate battles of the largest military clash in history.
Learn how to manage your resources, make bold tactical movements with your troops: infantry, tanks, artillery and airstrik... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR




Frontier Wars - France / Japan (5-6 Players Expansion)

Frontier Wars: Expansion France/Japan brings two very different factions - Japan and France - into Frontier Wars, while also allow for games with up to six players. This expansion also includes a new type of tile (double tiles) and new additional scenarios.

34,00 EUR


Engelmann Military Simulations

EMS 0200

Crisis Games: Colombia

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Today the Columbian people find themselves between two wars. In their streets, bombs explode suddenly and with devastating effects. In the jungles, private armies and communist guerrillas fight a hit-and-run war with the government forces. Columbia is slowly being squeezed between these two wars. It is no longer a matter of whether Columbia will fall into total anarchy - just when. Players play either the government of Columbia, the anti-government rebels, or the drug lords.

30,00 EUR


Fantasy Flight Games


Fortress America (new)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Fortress America, a board game of strategy and survival for two to four players, imagines a not-too-distant future in which war has once again encircled the globe. This updated version of the 1986 classic features beautifully crafted components (including over 300 detailed plastic figures), thrusting players into a frightening geopolitical scenario.

In Fortress America, the United States must defend itself from three deadly invading armies: the Asian People’s Alliance from the West, the C... (vollständige Beschreibung)

188,00 EUR


Fifth Column Games


Buena Vista

Taktische Simulation der Schlacht von Buena Vista, 22./23. Februar 1847.
Im Ziplock.

Sub-title is "The Battle for Northern Mexico, February 22-23, 1847" with Artwork by Mark Simonitch & Stuart Rose, as well as assistance from Mark Miller, Gary Miller, & Mark May.
The Game is contained in a Ziploc "Baggie" with a 22-inches by 34-inches 7-Color Mapsheet, 100-Glossy Color Cardboard Counters, a Large Rules Booklet, 2-Casualty & Ammo Record sheets with a reduced planning Mapsheet printed on the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR



Codeword Cromwell: The German Invasion of England, 8 June 1940

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Codeword Cromwell was produced by the Combined Forces Military College in Greenwich, and is used to train officers of the Combined Defence Force that was established following the cessation of hostilities in March, 1941. This simulation does not reproduce the entire Invasion, but instead concentrates on a single action, the famous ‘Battle of Birkham Stokes’, in which a small group of civilians, Home Guard irregular forces and Regular British soldiers defended the strategically vital Sussex v... (vollständige Beschreibung)

140,00 EUR



Lost Battles

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"Lost Battles" is forty games in one. The game covers battles and campaigns in the Mediterranean and Near East from the Persian defeat at Marathon in 490 BC to Caesar's victory at Pharsalus in 48 BC. It has been exhaustively tested and refined over the past several years, and is based on Professor Philip Sabin's decades of research and simulation design on ancient warfare; and it includes an updated copy of his book, with extensive historical and design notes on every scenario.

The game can b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 200,00 EUR



Where There Is Discord: War in the South Atlantic

Sammlerstück / Rarität


"Where there is discord... may we bring harmony." -- Margaret Thatcher, quoting a prayer ascribed to St. Francis of Assisi

At 16.28 hours on the afternoon of Saturday, 1 May 1982, an AIM-9L Sidewinder missile fired from the Sea Harrier of Royal Naval Air Squadron Flight Lieutenant Paul Barton struck the Mirage III of Lieutenant Carlos Perona of Fuerza Aerea Argentina, destroying it on impact. The Falkland/Malvinas War had begun in earnest.

Over the next 45 days, the armed forces of the Uni... (vollständige Beschreibung)

400,00 EUR


Game Designers' Workshop

GDW 0002

Unentschieden (Ziplock)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Unentschieden! (Europa II) is an expansion for Drang Nach Osten (Europa I), an historical game/simulation of the German invasion of the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941 that lead to the gates of Moscow and ultimately to the destruction of the Wehrmacht and the fall of the Third Reich. Drang Nach Osten carries the Russian campaign from June 1941 to the end of the Soviet winter counteroffensive in March 1942. Unentshieden continues the campaign through 1944-45. The two games together comprise the enti... (vollständige Beschreibung)

180,00 EUR


GDW 0006

Indian Ocean Adventures

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Japanese Raids on Ceylon, 1942
Indian Ocean Adventure, designed by Marc Miller and released in 1978 by Game Designers Workshop, simulates the Japanese raid on the British bases in Ceylon in early 1942 and uses the same basic concepts and rules used by the designer in his previous games, Coral Sea and Battle for Midway. It includes special design features to simulate the fluidity of modern naval actions dominated by aircraft rather than surface gunfire, including turn segments decided by an ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

64,00 EUR


GDW 0101

A House Divided

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A House Divided simulates the epic struggle of the American Civil War that was fought over the twin issues of slavery and state's rights. The period from 1840 to 1861 saw these issues brought to a boil, and in 1861 the nation became tangled in a terrible war that lasted four long years.

The game depicts the war between North and South from the First Battle of Bull Run (or Manassas Junction) to Lee's surrender at Appomattox Courthouse – or Grant's surrender at Harrisburg... Each player leads... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


GDW 0103


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"Trenchfoot: Bullets & Bayonets in the Great War."

"Over the top! Run. Jump. Fire. Run. Slip and fall. So goes the advance across the mud, craters, and barbed wire of no-man's land."

Scale: 1 yard hexes, 1 second turns, each unit equals one man.

endgültig vergriffen

GDW 0106

Attack in the Ardennes

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GDW 0108

Red Army

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Red Army ist ein Zweipersonenspiel und behandelt die sowjetische Offensive in Byelorußland. Die Spielsteine stellen Infantrie, motorisierte Einheiten, Panzer dar und Kavalleriecorps, Divisionen und Brigaden, die an dem Feldzug teilnahmen. Die vier Karten erfassen Byelorußland im Maßstab von 10km pro Hex. Es können zwei Szenarien gespielt werden: den Beginn der Offensive und den gesamten Feldzug.

Vier Karten. 240 Counter. Spieldauer: 6+ Stunden. Mittlerer Schwierigkeitsgrad. (1982)(vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

GDW 0115

Battlefield: Europe

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GDW 0117

Tet Offensive

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Tet Offensive kann von zwei oder bis zu vier Spielern gespielt werden. Bei vier Spielern hat jeder Spieler seine eigenen Siegbedingungen. Tet Offensive ist ein einfaches Spiel, das, kombiniert mit den Fähigkeiten von Spezialeinheiten und unzähligen strategischen Optionen, einen hohen Spielwert bietet.

große aufgezogene Karte. Über 300 flache und aufrechtstehende Counter. Plastikfähnchen, um aufständische Städte zu markieren. Regelheft mit historischen Informationen.

deutsch... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

GDW 0118

Stand & Die

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Die Schlacht von Borodino, 1941. Stand & Die besitzt ein sorgfältig entwickeltes Spielsystem, es ist gut erklärt. Beide Seiten befehligen eine große Zahl an mobilen Streitkräften. Dadurch ist das Spiel ständig in Bewegung und es entstehen immer wieder neue taktische Situationen. Excellente Ausstattung.

650 Counter. 2 große aufgezogene Karten. Hex = 500m.

deutsche Regel vorhanden

endgültig vergriffen

GDW 0119

The Sands of War

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endgültig vergriffen

GDW 0125

Race for Tunis

Sammlerstück / Rarität

  In November of 1942, the Anglo-Allied 1st Army had landed in French Northwest Africa, deep behind the front lines of the struggle then raging between the AFRIKA KORPS and the British 8th Army. The two combatants clashed in northern Tunisia in a race to take Tunis the main supply port. These were unusual battles, fought by handfuls of troops. The AXIS won the race but only barely and the Allies let an opportunity to capture all of North Africa slip in a single blow. (11 pages of rules + a his... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


GDW 0126

Phase Line Smash

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GDW 0402

The Battle of the Alma

Series 120 Games. Am 20.September 1854 trafen die alliierten Streitkräfte (Briten, Franzosen und Türken) in der ersten großen Schlacht des Krimkrieges auf die russischen Streitkräfte. Dies ist eine taktische Simulation dieser Schlacht.

1 Karte. 120 Counter. Spielzeit: unter 2 Stunden.

26,00 EUR


GDW 0405

Guilford Courthouse

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Series 120 Games. Am Morgen des 15.März 1781 marschierte eine kleine britische Streitmacht unter Cornwallis durch die Wälder von Nordcarolina zu einem kleinen Weiler mit dem Namen Guilford Courthouse. Dort traf sie auf eine zusammengewürfelte Armee unter Nathanial Greene. Hier entschied sich das Schicksal einer Nation.

1 Karte. 120 Counter. Spielzeit: unter 2 Stunden.

endgültig vergriffen

GDW 0451

The Brotherhood

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Gangster unter sich. Deutsche Regel vorhanden.

Spieldauer 1-3 Stunden. 2-5 Spieler. Einfaches Spielsystem.

1 Karte, 160 Counter, Karten.

endgültig vergriffen

GDW 0472

The Normandy Campaign

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The Normandy Campaign ist ein 2-Personenspiel über die Kämpfe, die nach der Landung in der Normandie zwischen dem 7.Juni und 20.August stattfanden. Die Spielsteine stellen Divisionen, Brigaden und Regimenter von Panzern, Flugzeugen und Infanterie dar. Die Spieler benutzen ein "Hidden Movement" System. Ein Hex auf der Karte = 10km.

Schwierigkeitsgrad: mittel. 2 Karten. 240 Counter. Spieldauer: 2-8 Stunden.

endgültig vergriffen

GDW 0817

Eylau: Napoleon's Winter Battle, 1807 (mint!)

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MINT! - Box etwas eingedrückt
(Only the box is a bit dented because the game was so long stocked ...)

Napoleon's Winter Battle, 1807

Eylau is a fast-moving and exciting two-player game simulating the bloody Napoleonic battle in and around the East Prussian town of Eylau.

Elau contains one map (150 yards per hex), 240 counters, and complete rules and charts. Ages 12 to adult.

endgültig vergriffen

GDW 1978

The Battle of Lobositz (Ziplock)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A complete historical game/simulation from the campaigns of Frederick the Great.

A Series 120 game, playable in two hours by two beginning players, ages 12 to adult. Published 1978!

60,00 EUR



Road to the Rhine

Sammlerstück / Rarität


September 1944 : The German Army is in disorder and the road to the Rhine is open, if only the the Allies can break through before rapidly arriving German reserves can impose a stalemate in the formidable defenses of the West Wall. From Sept.'44 through April'45, the Allies fight a desperate battle against the last reserves of the Third Reich along the ....

This is a simulation of the post-Normandy campaigns from September 1st, 1944 to April 1945 on the West front. The game covers t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR



GDW 0120

The Sands of War Expansion Kit

Sammlerstück / Rarität


An expansion for The Sands of War, GDW's game of tactical combat in the Middle East from 1941-1991. The expansion adds four 11x17" geomorphic mapsheets, over 350 counters, an 11x17" campaign map, and 8 new scenarios covering battles from World War II through Desert Storm.

44,00 EUR


GDW 0432

Air Superiority - Desert Falcons

Sammlerstück / Rarität


This expansion for Air Superiority offers new aircraft and scenarios to portray air battles over the Middle East from the 1950s through the 1980s.

44,00 EUR




Mare Nostrum: Volume One of the Fronte Mare Series

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Mare Nostrum: Volume One of the Fronte Mare Series

Mare Nostrum: Fronte Mare is a simulation game recreating every aspect of modern naval combat in the Mediterranean Sea during World War Two. Each hex represents 1 maritime mile and unit scales represent single ships. Game turns represent 15 minutes. Average playing time is 2 to 8 hours depending on the scenario. Complexity rating is from 5.6 to 6.2 (using the old SPI scale). Number of players can be 1 to 4, or teams.

Compo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


ITA 6700

Operation Overlord Normandy 1944 Game - 1/72 scale

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Die Spielidee:
Nachdem die Landung in der Normandie letztes Jahr den 60. Jahrestag hatte, griffen auch die Hersteller von Modellbausätzen die Ereignisse auf und brachten unterschiedliche Themensets auf den Markt. Neben Heller wollte sich auch Italeri mit einem solchen Set von dem Kuchen ein Stück abschneiden. So beinhalten diese Sets unterschiedliche Bausätze aus dem Standardprogramm der jeweiligen Hersteller. Italeri ging hier noch einen Schritt weiter und brachte gleichzeitg in seinem Set ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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ITA 6701

Operation Overlord - Paratrooper Attack

z.Zt. vergriffen


Neues Material und auch neue Regeln sowie neue Szenarien für Operation Overlord !

The first expansion of Operation Overlord finally gives you the chance to deploy the legendary paratroopers. Detailed rules for American, English and German paratroopers are included in a practical coloured manual. The package contains: a manual compatible with the Operation Overlord Normandy 1944 game, and includes detailed rules for American, English and German paratroopers. 48 unpainted American paratroopers... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

ITA 6702

Operation Overlord - Upgrade Vehicle

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The second expansion adds a new level of realism, with its tables of different gun calibres, plus new rules enabling you to deploy entire platoons of armoured vehicles. The package also contains specific rules for smoke bombs, transported troops, and a lot more.
The 80-page volume is completed by 3 scenarios based on historical situations.

Items compatible
6033 German Infantry
7010 Dodge WC-51
6034 British Paratroopers "Red devils"
7012 Sd. Kfz. 184 Panzerjg. Elefant
6045 German Par... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 24,00 EUR


ITA 6703

Operation Overlord - deutsche Compact Version

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Das "Operation Overlord" Regelwerk mit etlichem Zubehör nun auch auf Deutsch !

The package contains: The German game manual with detailed rules, 2 pack of coloures order cards, 1 set of markers, 1 booklet of easy to consult summarising tables.

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ITA 6704

Operation Overlord - Berlino 1945

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ca. 0,00 EUR


Kuro Neko Design Workshop

KNDW 0003

The Dragon and The Cross

Sammlerstück / Rarität


'The Dragon and The Cross' is a remake of Manchu: The Taiping Rebellion (S&T #116). This remake is newly added event cards and was published in 2018.

Manchu is a two player wargame covering the Taiping Rebellion that occurred in Manchu China between 1850 and 1868. The game is strategic in scale, and units are generic strength points representing Taiping rebels, Manchu banner troops, provincial army troops, bandits and Mongolian cavalry. The game map represents Manchu China.

The Taiping pla... (vollständige Beschreibung)

110,00 EUR


KNDW 0004

Battle of North Kursk

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Battle of North Kursk is always a focus point of both history and military enthusiasts.

This game concentrates on the battle of the Northern pincer between Model's 9th army
and 2nd panzer army and Rokossovski's Central Front from July 5, 1943 to August 4, 1943.

It covers the attack by 9th Army south towards Kursk and the counterattack from the East
by the 3rd, 63rd Soviet armies and 3rd Guard tank army against Mzensk.

Each turn represents 4 days. The game system is similar to ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

86,00 EUR


Mercury Games

MCY 1202

The Guns of Gettysburg

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Mercury Games, in cooperation with Simmons Games, is proud to announce the release of "The Guns of Gettysburg" in an 150th Anniversary Edition. Carrying on the lineage of the two previous games in the series, "Bonaparte at Marengo" and "Napoleon's Triumph", this new game invites players to step into the most decisive battle of the American Civil War.

Will the Union be able to hold their ground, or will General Ewell have the courage to push Confederate troops up Cemetery Hill to secure victor... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


MET 3301

Rommel's Panzers

This is Metagaming's historical micro-game. Tactical unit combat in North Africa during World War II was the ultimate example of armored warfare. You command the tanks and fight the battles in this fast moving simulation.

Introductory level for two players age 12 and up, including rules, map and play counters.

10,00 EUR


MET 3302

Ram Speed - Naval Warfare in the Bronze Age

z.Zt. vergriffen


Ram Speed is a two-player game recreating the excitement of naval warfare in the Bronze Age. Each player constructs galleys for his fleet as he chooses, utilizing a point system. Hulls, rowing banks, missile weapons and boarding parties are all included. Combat covers ramming, shearing, grappling, boarding and missile attack. Ram Speed is a fast playing game from the age of mythical heroes, a time when gods roamed the earth and mystery veiled the oceans.

One rules booklet
Play co... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

MET 3303

Stalin's Tanks: Armor Battles on the Russian Front

Stalin's Tanks is a historical Microgame in which players command the might, proven German war machines or the relentless Soviet defenders. Complete with basic and advanced rules, this is an exciting simulation of armored warfare on the Russian front and is compatible with Rommel's Panzers.

Introductory level for two players.
Includes one rules booklet, player counters and game map.

10,00 EUR


MET 3305

Fire when ready

From the 1870's until 1906 was the age of pre-dreadnought battle wagons. The USA, Britain, France and other great powers began to build large navies of advanced ironclads. Fire When Ready explores this neglected era, allowing players to assemble fleets of battle wagons, cruisers, destroyers and torpedo boats.

From back of the box:

You Command in an Age of Valor...

Naval battles have always been a bloodbath. Brave men desparately fight their proud ships amidst shell-fire and death. Befor... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


Moments in History

MiH AFV-03

A Famous Victory

Marlborough und der Sonnenkönig, die Schlachten von Blenheim and Ramilles.

2 Szenarien, Schwierigkeitsgrad: mittel, Solospielbarkeit: hoch, 175 (bzw. 150) Yards/Feld, 30 Minuten/Runde, Bataillon/Regiment.

720 Counter, 2 Karten, Regelbuch usw.

58,00 EUR


MiH FOG-06

Fields of Glory: Oudenarde & Malplaquet

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Fields of Glory, Vol.II in MiH's popular Great Leaders, Great Battles series, features two more of John Churchill's, First Duke of Marlborough, victories during the War of the Spanish Succession. A few system changes have been implemented - all of them can be retrofitted to A Famous Victory.
The map is a masterpiece of period art!

Scenarios: 2
Complexity: Moderate
Solitaire Suitability: High
Scale: 170 yards per hex; 30 minutes per turn; Battalion/Regiment
Contents: two 22"x34" full colo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR


Nova Game Designs

NOV 009

Ace of Aces: Wingleader

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Wingleader is the exciting, fast-paced game of World War II air combat based on the award-winning picturebook game system first used in Ace of Aces. Wingleader puts you in the cockpit and lets you make the decisions.
Every page of the two Combat Books is photographically illustrated with two of the most famous fighters of the war: the North American P-51D Mustang, and the Focke-Wulf 109-A. Each photo show what you see looking from the cockpit of your plane. Is your opponent in your gunsights?... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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NOV 015

Ace of Aces: Jet Eagles

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Jet Eagles is the xciting, fast-paced game of World War II air combat based on the award-winning picturebook game system first used in Ace of Aces. Jet Eagles puts you in the cockpit and lets you make the decisions.
Every page of the two Combat Books is photographically illustrated with two of the most advanced fighters ever to fly: the U.S. F-15 Eagle and Soviet MiG-29. Each photo show what you see looking from the cockpit of your plane. Is your opponent locked-on in your Head-Up Display, wit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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Operational Studies Group

OSG 0701

Devil's Den - Hood's Assault at Gettyburg (mint!)

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mint! - unplayed!

Devil's Den is a company/batallion level simulation of the Confederate assaults against the union positions at Devil's Den and Little Round Top on the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg.

520 1/2" counters represent the opposing grey and blue combatants. There are three scenarios, one for each of the two hills and a grand scenario using the entire 22"x32" full color map. During a typical game turn, both players move their regiments by company, positioning them for rifl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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OSG 2061

Fleurus 1794

The Fate of Flanders was to be decided on the Sambre - Republican France against Imperial Austria.

The decisive Battle of Fleurus led to the Austrian loss of Belgium. With the two armies clashing again at Mont St Jean, the campaign gave the French Republic additional resources and manpower, opened the gateway to Germany, and the port of Antwerp to the French navy.

Fleurus 1794 is an Expansion Game Module for Napoleon's Last Gamble. Requires the south map from Napoleon's Last Gamble and the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


Panther Games

PTG 0001P

Trial of Strength (Played)

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Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted!
Rules + Variants and Game-boards in good condition ...
- However, the game maps (3 pieces) are mounted on sturdy cardboard, so that a shipment is difficult. This game is rather something for people to pick up!

I can send Pi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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Panzer Press Publ.
Magazine & Bücher

PPP 1st1st

Game Collector's Guide Volume 1 "Wargames"

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Tom Slizewski complete guide to wargaming 1952 to 1989 1st Edition, 1st Printing.
Over 1250 titles listed alphabetically with information on Current Value, year of publication, publisher and much more ...
Includes historical, science fiction and fantasy games.
Special chapters feature related magazines as well as foreign games and miniatures.

endgültig vergriffen

Paper Wars Games

PWG 1980

Gallipoli: The Dardanelles Campaign, 1915 (mint!)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


mint! - unplayed! (Karton altersbedingt etwas gebeult)

by Paper Wars Games 1979

The Dardanelles Campaign, 1915

The land game is a battalion-level simulation of the landings at Cape Helles, Anzac Cove, and Suvla Bay. The naval game recreates the assault by British and French battleships on the Dardanelles forts.

Game features:

3 MAPS (2 land & 1 naval)
Land Rules/Naval Rules (30 pages)
504 Counters (UNPUNCHED)
Charts and tables card
Allied/Turkish damage record sheet

400,00 EUR


People's War Games

PWG 0005


Sammlerstück / Rarität


Storming the Siegfried Line, September 12 - October 21, 1944

Aachen is a simulation/game depicting the battle for the city of Aachen from September 12 through October 21, 1944. The struggle between the US 1st Army's VII and XIX Corps is presented on a scale of 1/2 mile (800 m.) per hexagon and company/battalion sized units, with a time frame of one turn (containing 5-6 impulses) per day. The problems posed by the game for the Americans is how to penetrate a double belt of fortifications and c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


PWG 0006

Gazala: The Clash of Armor - 1942

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May 16,1942. Rommel's Panzerarmee Afrika races around the British Eighth Army's fortified Gazala line in an attempt to encircle and destroy the British positions. Rommel's panzers are stopped just short of their objective: for the next four weeks a seesaw battle rages across the desert.
Over 1000 tanks and a quarter million troops grapple in a life and death struggle across the barren sands. When the dust had settled. Tobruk had fallen and the Eighth Army was in full retreat towards Egypt. Thin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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PWG 0008

Duel for Kharkov

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February 1, 1943

Stalingrad has been freed, five fascist armies nave been swept from the map, and before the tired Red Army looms a hole in German lines as big as the entire Western Front in 1918. Just over the horizon lies the industrial Donets Basin, the wide expanses of Ukraninian farmland, and, to the south, the possibility of encircling two German Armies against the Sea of Azov. True, the troops are tired, the ranks depleted, the equipment worn and supplies are low, but just one more pus... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Quarterdeck Games

QDG 1979

Destroyer Captain (mint!)

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mint! - unplayed!

Hex-based simultaneous-move wargame based on destroyer (and an occasional light cruiser) actions in the 20th century. By the same designer and uses the same system as Ironbottom Sound. Gunfire is figured in factors, and an ordered-pair dice roll determines number of hits based on factors firing and range. The location of each hit is then determined by another ordered-pair dice roll. A hit on a location knocks it out unless the location has armor superior to the shell which h... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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QDG 1983

Grant Moves South (mint!)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


mint! - unplayed!

Early in 1862, a little known General named U.S. Grant overran West Tennessee, taking two river forts and the largest bag of prisoners captured up to that time by an American army. But as the Union troops advanced on Corinth, the Confederates hit back, staking everything on a furious battle in the woods around Shiloh Church.
GRANT MOVES SOUTH puts you in command of the Tennessee campaign. As General Grant, you must combine river and overland movement to strike deep into reb... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


QDG 1984

The Royal Navy (mint!)

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mint! - unplayed!

Follow-up to Iron Bottom Sound. The Royal Navy in action against Germany & Italy in WWI & II. Also has US, French & Soviet ships. Surface ship only. Hex and counter, but lots of tables and status sheets so it has a miniatures feel.

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Rhino Game Company

RGC 0112

Campaign to Stalingrad: Southern Russia 1942 (1992)

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Campaign to Stalingrad is a game simulating the Russo-German War in southern Russia from June to December 1942. Three scenarios are included: the German summer offensive (Fall Blau), the Soviet winter offensive (Uranus), and a campaign game that covers the entire period.

Campaign to Stalingrad is a game of moderate complexity. Each turn represents 3 days, each hex equals 16 kilometers. Most units are divisions, however Soviet Tank, Cavalry, and Mechanized Corps, along with independent brigade... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

RGC 0114

Decision in France

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Shield Laminating Inc.

SLI 0100

Counter Magnets 1/2"in (80pc.)

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Half-inch magnetic counter holders suitable for playing boardgames on a vertical surface.
The 1/2 inch counter magnets are for counters that are 0.5 inches, or ~13mm, across (1/2 means "one-half").
1 inch = 2,5401 cm
Most wargames use half-inch counters. Panzerblitz/Panzerleader and some of the area movement games (Arnhem, Turning Point: Stalingrad) use the larger, five-eighths-inch counters.

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SLI 0110

Counter Magnets 5/8"in (60pc.)

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5/8" magnetic counter holders suitable for playing boardgames on a vertical surface.
The 5/8 inch magnets are for counters that are 0.625 inches (five-eighths of an inch, or ~16mm across)
1 inch = 2,5401 cm
Most wargames use half-inch counters. Panzerblitz/Panzerleader and some of the area movement games (Arnhem, Turning Point: Stalingrad) use the larger, five-eighths-inch counters.

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Shrapnel Games, Inc.

SGF 9101

Lock 'N Load: Forgotten Heroes: Vietnam

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Mit deutscher Regel

Lock 'N Load is a new tactical series created by Mark H. Walker, well known for his writings on the world of computer gaming. Designed primarily for the modern era, the series will eventually include settings from World War II to Mark's upcoming science-fiction novel. Each game in the series is a complete game, yet wholly compatible with the others. You'll never be burned by being forced to buy a game that you aren't interested in ju... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Simmons Games

SMMG 0001

Bonaparte at Marengo

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  Deutsche Regeln gibt es hier

This is a simulation of the battle of Marengo, which was fought on June 14, 1800. In the weeks prior to this battle, the French army under then-First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte had crossed the alps into the rear of the Austrian army in Italy under General Melas. Although Bonaparte expected the Austrians to attempt to avoid battle, Melas decided on a counter-attack in a despa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SMMG 0002

Napoleon's Triumph

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This is a simulation of the battle of Austerlitz, which was fought on December 2, 1805. In the aftermath of his strategic victory over the Austrians at Ulm, Napoleon advanced east, where he encountered a second Allied army, the predominantly Russian force under Czar Alexander. Napoleon, who feared being drawn deeper into Austria, feigned weakness in order to lure the Allied army into advancing. Alexander and his aides, taken in by the French deception, resolved to attack immediately rather than ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SPI (Simulations Publications, Inc.)

SPI 0340

The Crimean War Quad (mint!)

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mint! - unplayed!

The original SPI set, the quad game, containing four battles:

Tchernaya River

Crimean War is a tactical level game on the battles that were fought on the Crimean Peninsula in the mid-1800's. Units are (presumably) companies of infantry, cavalry and artillery. The game has Standard Rules and scenario specific Exclusive Rules. Standard Rules cover the game system and include things like movement, fire combat, melee combat and ra... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SPI 0341

Chariot (mint!)

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mint! - unplayed!

One of five games in a series by SPI called PRESTAGS (the others were SPARTAN, LEGION, VIKING and YEOMAN). Tactical level game. Each game shares a set of the same common rules. Each game also has a set of exclusive rules that highlight features of warfare during the period that game covers.

400 counters

Scenarios Included:
Basic Scenario: Rome, 753 BC

Game Player's Scenarios:
The Delta, 1675 BC
Babylon, 1595 BC
Megiddo, 1469 BC
Kadesh, 1294 BC
Sinai, c. 1225 B... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SPI 0342

Yeoman (mint!)

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mint! - unplayed!

One of five games in a series by SPI called PRESTAGS (the others were Chariot, Spartan, Legion, and Viking), YEOMAN is a representation of the major battles roughly around the period of the Hundred Years' War and the Renaissance (1250-1550.)

A key element of the armies and tactics is, of course, the English yeoman, which came into prominence around this period. The concepts are fairly standard for wargames as far as unit strength, movement, range, and so forth. The battle... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SPI 0343

Spartan (mint!)

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mint! - unplayed!

One of five games in a series by SPI called PRESTAGS (the others were CHARIOT, LEGION, VIKING and YEOMAN). Tactical level game. Each game shares a set of the same common rules. Each game also has a set of exclusive rules that highlight features of warfare during the period that game covers.

Tagline: Tactical Warfare in the Hellenistic Age 500-100 BC

Spartan covers the period from the rise of Greece to the beginning of the Roman ascendance, including the rise and fall o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SPI 0344

Musket & Pike - Tactical Combat 1550 - 1680 (mint!)

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mint! - unplayed!

"Musket and Pike is a simulation of the art of warfare in Europe from the introduction of manageable individual-man firearms to the introduction of the socket bayonet in the late Seventeenth Century. The game presents the tactics and possible results of many of these battles during this period. These battles are shown as scenarios giving a mix of units which are moved and engage in combat on the mapsheet."
--from the Introduction of Musket & Pike

one 22" by 29... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SPI 0345

Napoleon's Last Battles (mint!)

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mint! - unplayed!

Game on the Waterloo Campaign. Actually Napoleon's Last Battles are 5 games in 1. There are 4 individual battles:

Quatre Bras
La Belle Alliance (Waterloo)

with the campaign game linking all 4 maps.

The DG edition adds three more scenarios, including a Grand Waterloo battle scenario.

Napoleon's Last Battles uses the Napoleon at Waterloo system with modifications for command control and Line of Communication. Campaign game starts from... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SPI 0346

Thirty Years War (mint!)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


mint! - unplayed - NEW!

Classic Quad game of 30 Years War battles.
400 counters

The Thirty Years War Quad consists of four battles, each with its own map, counters and Exclusive Rules. The Standard Rules are common to all four battles.
The Quad contains 4 games: Lutzen; Nordlingen; Rocroi; Freiburg

Lutzen: Intent on wintering in Saxony, Count Von Wallenstien failed to reckon on Gustavus' resolve and was caught with a quarter of his Imperialist Army dispersed. It was a smashing v... (vollständige Beschreibung)

140,00 EUR


SPI 1974


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Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted
Rules und Gameboards in very good condition

I can send Pictures on request!

Frigate simulates naval battles of the 18th and 19th centuries in 20 different scenarios.

Battles involving the American, British, French, Sp... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SPI 2390

Four Battles of Army Group South (mint!)

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mint! - unplayed!

Each battle in Army Group South is simulated on a map portraying the actual terrain fought over, across which cardboard playing pieces move through a superimposed hexagonal grid. Simple probability charts determine the outcome of various game functions.

Kiev - General Kleist's First Panzer Army attacks from the south to surround 600,000 Soviets.
Rostov - the Germans take Rostov, but within weeks are forced out by waves of Soviet infantry attacks.
Operation S... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SPI 2860

Leningrad (mint!)

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mint! - unplayed!

Each battle in Army Group South is simulated on a map portraying the actual terrain fought over, across which cardboard playing pieces move through a superimposed hexagonal grid. Simple probability charts determine the outcome of various game functions.

Kiev - General Kleist's First Panzer Army attacks from the south to surround 600,000 Soviets.
Rostov - the Germans take Rostov, but within weeks are forced out by waves of Soviet infantry attacks.
Operation S... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SPI 3029P

World War II: European Theater of Operations (Played)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted + Errata and a Lot's of Extras!
Rules und Game-boards in very good condition

I can send Pictures on request!

The WORLD WAR grand strategic game covers the European Theater of Operations and the Middle East from 1939 to 1... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR



SWX 0001

Washington's War (dt.Edition)

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Spiel enthält zusätzlich zum englischen Spielmaterial deutsche Spielkarten und Regeln!

Washington's War is the long awaited re-design of the original card driven game, We the People. Washington's War, like it's predecessor, pits the forces of a world power (England) against its rebellious American colonists as they fight for their independence.
Washington's War is a true re-design that maintains the deep strategy ofWe the People while creating a game with a very short playing time (approxi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SWX 0002X

Nations at War-Serie - White Star Rising (dt.Edition)



White Star Rising ist das erste Spiel der Nations at War-Reihe, die Kämpfe im Zweiten Weltkrieg auf Zugebene simuliert. Das Spiel enthält Panzer, Artillerie, Infanterie, Luftunterstützung, Befehlsstrukturen und mehr.

White Star Rising stellt Kämpfe der US-Streitkräfte, der Briten und der Deutschen in Frankreich, Belgien und Deutschland 1944 und 1945 nach. Die Spieler kämpfen an Omaha Beach, in Lothringen, in den Ardennen und im Deutschen Reich.

White Star Rising umfasst 16 unterschie... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


SWX 0003

Das Boot - Der deutsche U-Bootkrieg 1939-1943 (dt.Edition)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Das Boot ist die definitive Studie zum deutschen U-Bootkriegs im Zweiten Weltkrieg.

Jedes bis Mitte 1943 gebaute deutsche U-Boot verfügt über einen eigenen Spielstein! Dazu sind u.a. alliierte Schiffe und Flugzeuge, deutsche "Asse" (Topp, Kretschmer, Prien, Hardegen uvm.) sowie italienische U-Boote enthalten.

Das Boot ist eine Solitärsimulation, bei der der Spieler die Rolle des Befehlshabers der U-Boote einnimmt und verschiedene Abschnitte oder den gesamten Feldzug nachspielt. Er setz... (vollständige Beschreibung)

150,00 EUR


SWX 0004

Zeitalter der Vernunft

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A Martin Wallace Game!

Zeitalter der Vernunft führt drei bis sieben Spieler in die zweite Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts.

Als Regenten von Großbritannien, den Niederlanden, Frankreich, Spanien, Preußen, Österreich und Russland versuchen sie, ihre Macht in Europa auszubauen und gleichzeitig Kolonialreiche in Amerika, Afrika und Indien zu gründen.

Ein Land alleine wird seine Ziele jedoch nicht erreichen können. Deshalb bilden die Spieler wechselnde Allianzen, mit deren Hilfe sie ihre ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

140,00 EUR


SWX 0005

Elisabeth I. - Die Religionskriege 1559-1598

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„Ich weiß, dass ich zwar den Leib eines schwachen kraftlosen Weibes, dafür aber Herz und Mark eines Königs, noch dazu eines Königs von England habe, und ich kann nur darüber lachen, dass Parma oder Spanien oder irgend ein Herrscher Europas es wagen sollte, die Grenzen meines Reiches zu überschreiten.“

Elisabeth I., Tilbury, August 1588

Elisabeth I.: Die Religionskriege 1559-1598 ist ein epochales Strategiespiel für 2 bis 6 Spieler, das die militärischen, politischen und re... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SWX 0006


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Im Jahre 1989 scheint das Ende des Kalten Krieges greifbar.

Michail Gorbatschow hatte es mit seinen Programmen Glasnost (1986) und Perestroika (1988) eingeleitet. Während diese Programme im Westen ungeheuer populär waren, wurden sie von den sozialistischen Regierungen im Osten sehr skeptisch gesehen. Diese wollten ihre Macht um keinen Preis verlieren.

1989 stellt die Revolutionen des Jahres 1989 nach und verwendet dazu ein System, das dem preisgekrönten Twilight Struggle ähnelt.
Im "c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SWX 0010

Napoleon gegen Europa 1805 - 1815 (dt.Edition)

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Napoleon gegen Europa ist ein so genanntes card driven game, das Spielkarten einsetzt, um historische Ereignisse und Abläufe der Epoche darzustellen.

Die Spieler schlüpfen in die Rolle Napoleons bzw. der Koalitionen der Gegner Napoleons.

Jeder Spieler kontrolliert Flotten und Landstreitkräfte (auf Korpsebene). Dazu besitzen berühmte Generäle der Epoche eigene Spielsteine.

Jedes Jahr ist in sechs Spielrunden unterteilt - nicht nur die Entscheidungsschlacht ist wichtig, sondern der B... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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Treefrog Games

TFG 5127

A few Acres of Snow

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A Few Acres of Snow is a two-player, card-driven game about the French and British conflict in North America.
It covers the long struggle between Britain and France for control of what eventually became Canada. The version on offer is the standard edition, the limited edition is now sold out. The game involves a deck-building mechanism which may be familiar to those people who have played another certain award winning card game. Each player starts with a small set of cards. Cards come in two ge... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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U&P Games

U&PG 0002

Helsinki 1918: German Intervention to the Finnish Civil War

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A few months after Finland made its Declaration of Independence from Russian rule at December of 1917 a civil war broke out between Finnish Reds and Whites. The paramilitary Red Guards formed by the worker class took control of Helsinki on the 27th of January 1918. The Senate fled from Helsinki and declared the White guards as their official troops.

On the 3rd of April 1918 the German Baltic Sea Division landed in southern Finland. By the 11th of April they had reached the outskirts of Helsin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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Valley Games

VAG 00001

Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage

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Mit deutscher Spielregel falls gewünscht!

One of the greatest military commanders and tacticians in history descends on the Roman Empire once again. Do you face him as Rome and try to ward the invasion that comes from the North, or do you climb atop your war elephant and show Rome you will take that which they hold most dear: their territory.

Designed with all new artwork from Kurt Miller this is a reprint of the very popular Avalon-Hill version from 1996. The game uses the popular card s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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VAG 00003

Republic of Rome

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Robert Haines and Richard Bertholds classic game of political intrigue and diplomacy is back in full form! Republic of Rome is a distillation of 250 years of Roman history, from about 265 B.C., all in one evening!
In Republic of Rome, players are in a constant balancing act between personal advancement and the welfare of the State. Players build the Empire from scratch and thus develop and change the political environment in which they are competing.
Players senators vie for political power, m... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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VAG 00403

D-Day Dice

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Normandy, June 6th, 1944 – as you land on the well-defended beaches, a German machine gun nest is killing your comrades like flies. You must do something!

In D-Day Dice, players are Allied soldiers trying to organize improvised units for an attack against the machine gun nest. Each player starts the game with a unit of a few soldiers and nothing else. As the game progresses, he will collect resources and advance on the beach, sector by sector, as his unit grows stronger and deadlier. He wil... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


VAG 00403.2

D-Day Dice

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Like new - Unpunched and unplayed - Only the foil of the box was removed!

Although built around dice rolling, this game is about resource management (soldiers, specialists, items and courage) and knowing when to move your unit. Resources are kept from turn to turn, so the players can plan ahead. Contents: • 8 Battle Maps • 52 Regular Specialist cards (4 sets of 13, in each color) • 11 Unique Specialist cards • 10 Regular Item cards • 18 Special Item cards • 6 Vehicle cards • 12 ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR



VAG 0040x

Hamilcar – First Punic War

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Hamilcar – First Punic War is an expansion for Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage. Designed by Mark Simonitch and John Rodriguez, Hamilcar takes you back to the First Punic War where Hamilcar (Hannibal’s Dad), is running the show… and Rome isn’t very happy about that!

This expansion includes:

A new map board for the First Punic War,
A map board for the ORIGINAL Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage game on the reverse side,
This expansion includes a two-sided board. One side feature... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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VAG 04031

D-Day Dice: Atlantikwall Expansion

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Atlantikwall comes with everything you need to add a 5th player to your game (6 dice, 14 German specialists, 16 German items and a resource card), plus a deck of German Decorations and a Battle Map. A few Allied cards are also included, like the Sniper and TNT. So what are you waiting for? Fight your friends! Crush the invaders! And make sure your bunker doors are locked! THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE GAME. A COPY OF D-DAY DICE IS NECESSARY TO PLAY. June 6th, 1944. The Allies are landing in Normandy to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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VAG 04032

D-Day Dice: Operation Neptune Expansion

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Expand the Normandy front with 6 new Battle Maps! This expansion adds many new twists to D-Day Dice, including double-sized Battle Maps, a Regular Specialist that changes with each player color, and new rules that will make your games even more exciting! THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE GAME!

The Battle Maps are:
Mission Albany
Mission Boston
Brécourt Manor
Juno Beach II
Operation Neptune (double-sized)
Operation Overlord (double-sized)

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VAG 04033

D-Day Dice: Normandy Expansion

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This small expansion contains 4 new Battle Maps, using some of the new features introduced in the "Operation Neptune" expansion (including special rules if you don't own Operation Neptune).

The Battle Maps are:

Operation Tonga
Mission Chicago
Pegasus Bridge
Gold Beach II

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VentoNuovo Games

VNG 0001

Blocks in the East

On 22 June 1941, under the codeword "Dortmund", the German Wehrmacht and other Axis powers started the invasion of the Soviet Union. Over 150 divisions – ca. 3,6 million troops – of the Axis invaded the USSR along a front of 2,900 km. In addition to troops, Barbarossa involved 600,000 motor vehicles, 750,000 horses, 3350 tanks, 7300 guns, and nearly 2000 planes – the largest invasion in the history of warfare.

BLOCKS IN THE EAST is a game of World War II conflict simulation at the strat... (vollständige Beschreibung)

114,00 EUR


VNG 0002

Blocks in the West

Early in the morning of May 10, 1940, under the Codeword Danzig, Fallschirmjäger from the 7th Flieger Division and 22nd Luftlande executed surprise landings at Den Haag, on the road to Rotterdam and against the Fortress of Eben Emael in order to facilitate German Army Group B's feint advance in Belgium, while the main attack was conducted by stronger Army Group A led by seven panzer divisions from the Ardennes, through a terrain believed uncrossable to armor units. France and the UK reacted imm... (vollständige Beschreibung)

114,00 EUR


VNG 0003

Blocks in Afrika

Blocks in Afrika — the game has two faces

Blocks in Afrika (BiA) rounds out our “Blocks” series by covering the entire North African campaign, including all the most decisive battles fought in the Theater, from the Italian drive to Marsa Matruh in Summer 1940, until the collapse of the Axis forces in September 1943.

BLOCKS IN AFRIKA is a game for two players, with one controlling the Western Allies and the other controlling the Axis Powers. Although based on history, players can modi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

92,00 EUR


VNG 0004

Moscow '41

A wargame about the most critical campaign of WWII.
You command the powerful forces of Germany and the Soviet Union, from July to December, 1941.
Can you change history?
Using wooden blocks and beautiful PVC stickers to provide “fog of war” and easy accounting of strength and losses, MOSCOW '41 gives both players a range of challenging decisions...each impulse of every turn.

Moscow ’41 begins right after the German capture of Smolensk in Late July.
What happens the rest of the C... (vollständige Beschreibung)

92,00 EUR


VNG 0005

Leningrad ’41

Hot Seller


This is VentoNuovo's continuation of the system created for Moscow '41, now looking at the campaign of Army Group North in Barbarossa.

Players take either the German or Soviet Union forces and use colorful wooden blocks to simulate the forces they have involved.

Leningrad '41 uses the same basic game engine of Moscow '41, with a few tweaks and changes to suit the differing conditions in the north. The game brings new wrinkles in as well because the Germans have "allies" as part of their fo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

78,00 EUR


VNG 0006

Waterloo 200

The sun rose on the morning of 18th June, 1815. Napoleon Bonaparte breakfasted with his generals at Rossomme on the Brussels's road. The conversation returned to the weather; It had poured rain throughout the night and Drouot, the commander of the Emperor's artillery was worried about the effect on his guns. Napoleon acquiesced to a delay in starting the attack. This was the first of many fateful decisions to be made on that day...

Waterloo 200 is a new concept game covering the epic Waterloo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


VNG 0007

1914: Germany at War

On 28 June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were shot dead in Sarajevo, by Gavrilo Princip, member of the Black Hand, a political organization seeking for a merging of the Balkan area into a Greater Serbia or a Yugoslavia.

Austria-Hungary subsequently issued an ultimatum against Serbia. As the ultimatum was rejected, Austria-Hungary then declared war, marking the outbreak of the war.
While France and Russia immediately sided with Serbia, Germany joined the Austria-Hunga... (vollständige Beschreibung)

92,00 EUR


VNG 0008

Bloody Monday

“So what is the single bloodiest day of all the Napoleonic Wars?”
Most would guess Waterloo, Wellington’s “pounding match.”
Or maybe Leipzig, with 600,000 soldiers involved.
But no. The single bloodiest day of all the Napoleonic Wars came in 1812, in the desperate battle before Moscow, where 250,000 troops fought and 70,000 became casualties.
Borodino. The name that has graced many wargames, but few that are remembered fondly. It is a difficult battle. Too many troops. Too confined... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


VNG 0009

Stalingrad: Inferno on the Volga

Stalingrad: Inferno on The Volga recreates one of the most bloody and epic battles of World War II. Four different game modes are provided, including a complete solitaire system that challenges the player to overcome a tenacious Soviet (AI) defense.

The battle became a clash of wills between Hitler and Stalin, who each threw vast amounts of men and material into a deadly struggle the outcome of which helped bring about the defeat of the Third Reich.

Inferno’s map has been created from a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

92,00 EUR


VNG 0010

Kiev 41

Bitte vorbestellen


With Moscow '41 and Leningrad '41, VentoNuovo established their successful foray into Operation Barbarossa, covering the Central and Northern fronts of this immense invasion. Following on from their success, VentoNuovo now present Kiev '41, which will cover the Southern front and complete the trilogy.

Players take either the German or Soviet Union forces and use colourful wooden blocks to simulate the forces involved.

Kiev '41 uses the same basic game engine of Moscow '41, with a few tweak... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 104,00 EUR


VNG 0011

Orange Swan - Pacific 1941 - 1945

Orange Swan is a strategic game that recreates the war in the Pacific.

The Call of The Orange Swan

Japan, on the eve of its entry into World War Two, is looking in two different directions. It sees opportunity and it fears defeat. It clamours for modernity and yet it will not, cannot, forsake a history of staid traditions and the rituals of self-slaughter.

Admiral Yamamoto, at the head of a powerful navy, is being driven towards a decision that is not of his making. Those who truly desi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

136,00 EUR


VNG 0012

Black Swan - Europa 1939 - 1945

Relive WW2 in Europe from 1939 to 1945. Two to five players, with excellent solitaire suitability.
"Black Swan" is a block wargame with over 200 combat units. A game turn is three months (a season) and there are several three-season Scenarios and two Campaigns (1939 and 1941).

When in 1939 Hitler ordered the invasion of Poland, few in Germany - and probably in the rest of Europe - believed that France and Great Britain would have declared war.

In the previous months Hitler had broken the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

120,00 EUR




Moscow '41 Mounted Board

64x86 cm full laminated Mounted Mapboard.

40,00 EUR



Leningrad ’41 Mounted Board

64x88 cm Full Laminated Mounted Mapboard
same size as the one included in the Game Box

40,00 EUR



Waterloo 200 Mounted Board

64x86 cm full laminated Mounted Mapboard.

40,00 EUR



1914: Germany at War Mounted Board

The Mounted Map is an accessory developed for 1914: GERMANY AT WAR.

It is included in the Limited Edition.

40,00 EUR



Bloody Monday Mounted Board

The Mounted Map is an accessory developed for Bloody Monday.

It is included in the Limited Edition.

42,00 EUR



Blocks in the East - Chrome Upgrade Kit

The Mounted Map is an accessory developed for Stalingrad: Inferno on the Volga.

It is included in the Limited Edition.

Inferno's map is generated from highly detailed air recon photographs and depicts both the city and outskirts in extreme detail, as it was in August 23, 1942, when the battle began. The map scope includes the main city and the its suburbs from Lateschanka to Kuspornoe, along 30 km of the volga river, and extends to the west as far as Gumrak Airfield, Orlovka, and Alexandro... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



Blocks in the East - Stalingrad Inferno on the Volga - Mounted Map

The Mounted Map is an accessory developed for Stalingrad: Inferno on the Volga.

It is included in the Limited Edition.

The Mounted Map is an accessory developed for Stalingrad: Inferno on the Volga.

It is included in the Limited Edition.

40,00 EUR


Victory Games

VIG 30003P

The Civil War (Played)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted!
Rules + Variants and Game-boards in good condition ...
- However, the game maps (3 pieces) are mounted on sturdy cardboard, so that a shipment is difficult. This game is rather something for people to pick up!

I can send Pi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


VIG 30005

Vietnam 1965 - 1975 (played)

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This simulation game re-creates the longest, most complex, and least understood conflict in US history in all of its military and political aspects.

The rules include detailed treatment of movement, terrain, search and destroy operations, special operations, firepower, air mobility, riverines, brigade-level formations, limited intelligence and auxiliary units in each scenario. The scenarios start out small with Operation Starlite, and slowly build in complexity, introducing more rules, until ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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VIG 30006

1809: Napoleon's Danube Campaign

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Wagram Campaign, using the same system as other Napoleonic games by Zucker (Napoleon at Bay, Bonaparte in Italy, Sun of Austerlitz, etc) that emphasizes command, logistics, and lines of communication.

GAME SYSTEM: CAMPAIGNS System - Series 1X = 3,200m/hex, 1,000 men/SP, 2 days/turn.

Designed by Kevin Zucker and published by Victory Games, Inc., 1809: NAPOLEON'S DANUBE CAMPAIGN (© 1984) is a two player, Division level simulation of Napoleon's 1809 Danube Campaign against a revitalized Aust... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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VIG 30008

Panzer Command

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VIG 30011P

Pax Britannica (Played)

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Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted!
Rules + Variants and Game-boards in good condition ...
- However, the game maps (2 pieces) are mounted on sturdy cardboard, so that a shipment is difficult. This game is rather something for people to pick up!

I can send Pi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

VIG 30017

The Korean War

Sammlerstück / Rarität


An operational level simulation of the first year of the conflict for control of the Korean peninsula, from the first North Korean attack, through UN-forces invasion of Inchon and the subsequent drive into North Korea that unleashed the Chinese counter attack.

160,00 EUR


VIG 30018

2nd Fleet

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endgültig vergriffen

VIG 30019

France 1944

Sammlerstück / Rarität


38,00 EUR


VIG 30023

Omaha Beachhead

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Omaha Beachhead is a grand tactical simulation of the American amphibious assault against the German-occupied coast of Normandy on June 6, 1944 and the subsequent ten-day battle for the beachhead. In turns representing one day, each player controls a force of infantry, artillery, tank, anti-tank, flak, and ranger units. The map, which was drawn from US Army maps actually carried in the battle, is a 1:50,000 representation of Normandy showing all of the geographical features that played a signifi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


VIG 30024

Central America

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Central America is a comprehensive, dynamic simulation that encapsulates the multiple elements of modern land and air combat. Conventional and guerrilla warfare are combined in a fluid, interactive game system. Players choose for themselves the intensity of the game and the level of detail involved. Four Introductory Scenarios teach the basics of the game. Five Intermediate Scenarios offer a night's play. Seven Campaign Scenarios cover the vast potential of war in Central America, from the histo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

VIG 30025

Open Fire

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endgültig vergriffen

VIG 30027

Lee vs. Grant (mint!)

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mint! - unplayed!

This game simulates the decisive 1864 spring campaign in Virginia during the American Civil War, nicknamed The Wilderness Campaign.

Players control the Union and Confederate armies which took part. The game is played in turns that represent five days. A unit's strength point represents approximately 2,500 men commanded by a leader. The map is a 1:200,000 representation of an area between Fredricksburg and Petersburg.

The game is split into two: Basic and Advanced. The ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

VIG 30028

Tokyo Express

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Tokyo Express is a solitaire and two-player simulation of the night naval battles off Guadalcanal. In the solitaire version, you command the US fleet, awaiting the emergence of the Tokyo Express from the darkness. You group your ships into formations, assigning them orders, and select the targets to attack with torpedoes and guns. Simple mechanisms control Japanese maneuvers and target assignments in a realistic manner. You never know when combat will occur until the explosion of torpedo salvos ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

156,00 EUR


VIG 30029

Ambush! - Shell Shock

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Shell Shock! is a two-player game of combat, adventure and heroism in World War II Europe; adapted from the award-winning and incredibly popular Ambush! solitaire game. In each of six missions, one player commands a squad of German infantry while another commands American, British, or Soviet troops. The players determine the composition of their squads - men, weapons, and equipment - and purchase Light and Heavy supports to assist them in the mission - from foxholes and barbed wire to artillery ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR


VIG 30031

3rd Fleet

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The fifth installment in Victory Games (I) popular Fleet Series, 3rd Fleet is actually three games in one. One games deals with the North Pacific, another with the volatile Caribbean region, and the third with the eastern Atlantic. In all three games, both players control surface ships, submarines, and aircraft. Each unit is carefully evaluated in ten different areas of modern naval combat. The players must attempt to protect their forces from the devastating firepower of such modern naval weapo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

280,00 EUR


VIG 30032

Flashpoint Golan

Sammlerstück / Rarität


100,00 EUR


VIG 30033

Carrier (mint!)

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mint! - unplayed!

Carrier is a solitaire simulation of both historical and hypothetical carrier battles in the Southwest Pacific Theater during the hotly-contested naval campaigns of 1942 and 1943. As the U.S. commander, you maneuver your task forces and conduct air searches in a tension-packed contest to find the Japanese carriers before they locate and attack yours. Simple game mechanics control Japanese movement and determine the timing and strengths of their attacks. You will not know tha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


VIG 30017

Desert Shield

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This is an expansion to Gulf Strike, also by Victory Games. It was published in 1990, and updates Gulf Strike with new scenerios, rules, and counters. It comes with a 16 pages scenerio update book, a 12 page Desert Shield expansion module covering the 1st Gulf War (with Saddam pictured on the cover!), an expansion map showing Western Iraq to go along with the Gulf Strike map, and 2 countersheets with 130 and 260 new counters respectively. It is basically an update for the system to reflect the s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


VIG 30022

Battle Hymn - Letherneck

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The rules, missions, playing pieces, and mapsheets provided in Leatherneck are fully compatible with those components in your Battle Hymn game. This complete four-mission module is designed to test your squad to its utmost. Using the most exciting solitaire system ever devised, it is up to you to lead your men through steaming jungle and across shell-torn beaches - and lead them home again. The stakes are high, the missions dangerous, and the enemy cunning, but your squad has not survived the ri... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

WBS Games (webuildsmiles)

WBS 0001

Winged Victory - Among the clouds above (2nd Ed.)

Manage your plane’s energy and altitude while maneuvering and dogfighting against the enemy. A true 3D world, thanks to the side-view where you can see your aircraft losing altitude while turning and exploit environmental elements such as the sun and clouds to surprise your opponent.

35 HISTORICAL PLANES TO COVER THE ENTIRE WWI Fly 35 different and accurately simulated aircraft from the early D.H.2 and Fokker E.III to the late Snipe and Siemens... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR


WBS 0002

Pocket Air War - Western Front

Pocket Air War is a fast game of aerial combat in WWII you can play wherever you want since it doesn’t need any board map, but just the pieces included in this box. With this game you can simulate the epic duels on the Western Front from the Battle of Britain, to the bombing campaign over Germany. Missions include dogfight, close air support, dive and level bombing anti-ship and anti-subs ops.

24 Dashboard Rulers
74 Counters
24 Playable aircraft models
Turning Templates
20-S... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR



WBS 0003

Pocket Air War - Mediterranean Front

Expansion game of the Pocket Air War series including 14 new planes and the North African and the Italian Theatre of operations

18,00 EUR


Word Forge Games


Airborne In Your Pocket - Core Game

The night before June 6th, 1944, more than ten thousand Allied paratroopers were dropped into enemy territory to prepare the Normandy landings – but the troop-carrying planes were blasted by German anti-aircraft fire, scattering their airborne troops everywhere but where they were supposed to be.

You are one of these paratroopers. And as luck turns out, the winds have blown you directly where you are needed the most! As you were descending, you discovered a terrible sight: the Germans have ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR



D-Day Dice (Second edition)

Hot Seller


The new version of D-Day Dice, published by Word Forge Games, sees new art, missions, tiles and dice. It is fully compatible with the previous version, but adds new mechanics and play concepts to the highly successful D-Day Dice franchise.

Normandy, June 6th, 1944 – as you land on the well-defended beaches, a German machine gun nest is killing your comrades like flies. You must do something!

In D-Day Dice, players are Allied soldiers trying to organize improvised units for an attack agai... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR



Pocket Landship

z.Zt. vergriffen


Pocket Landship is a solo and 2 player co-operative dice and card game, set in an alternative early 20th century, pitting the player(s) against an onslaught of enemy mechs, artillery, infantry, and more.

The game is called 'Pocket Landship' for a reason. It is a small game, designed to be played in a small space and to be carried easily in your pocket or bag. It is all about being a fun, compact, transportable solo and 2 player game.

Pocket Landship is based on the print and play Board Gam... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen



Airborne In Your Pocket / D-Day Dice - Inside the Bunker

An expansion pack for Airborne in your Pocket, which allows crossover with D-Day Dice.


43 cards for Airborne in your Pocket and
12 airborne themed Awards, Items and Specialists for D-Day Dice: When your Unit enteres the Bunker in D-Day Dice, you play a mini game of Airborne in your Pocket to see what happens inside.

16,00 EUR



D-Day Dice - Way to Hell

This expansion for D-Day Dice sees the players travel from the battleships to the beach on their landing craft. It plays very differently to the main game: the players start with all their resources…how much will they lose on the way to the beach?

This expansion contains 5 modules that are completely independent from each other. They can be added individually or as a whole to the base game.

Way to Hell: This expansion introduces the Sea Battle Map to the game. Now, instead of starting yo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR



D-Day Dice - War Stories

Bitte vorbestellen


The War Stories expansion contains 6 modules that are completely independent from each other. They can be added individually or as a whole to the base game. They consist of:

War Stories: little scenarios that are written on a card, randomly drawn or chosen at the beginning of the game. These scenarios use tokens to add various effects to the game, like artillery fire, or to set specific objectives for the players, like trying to find dead officers on the beach. Some even simulate the rising t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 38,00 EUR



D-Day Dice - Legends

Hot Seller


10 Legendary Units (and their special equipment) that you can play in place of the Nations included in D-Day Dice.

This deck of 70 Cards (10 Poker and 60 Small) includes 10 Legendary Units (and their unique items and specialists).

These units can be used instead of the standard Units in any of the expansions of the core game.

Legendary Units include:
Royal 22e Regiment
Polish 1st Armoured Division
Royal Warwickshire Regiment
92nd Infantry Division (Buffalo Soldiers)
9e Compagnie du... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR



D-Day Dice - Atlantikwall (2nd Edition)

This new version of Atlantikwall has been redesigned and vastly expanded.

In addition to its 6 Battle Maps, including Omaha Beach II & Exercise: Fabius, Atlantikwall contains 3 “mini-expansions” that are completely independent from each other. Players can add 1, or 2, or all of them to their game:

Atlantikwall: This module lets one player play the German side on any existing Battle Map. The German player can transform a 2-player game into a head-to-head confrontation, or be added to an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR



D-Day Dice - Spoils of War

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


An expansion including 10 Special Missions, 3 War Stories and 46 Servicemen, as well as 2 Awards, 4 Vehicles and 10 War Heroes and a Legendary Unit which includes 2 Legendary Specialists, 3 Legendary Items, and the Legendary RWB Table for the unit.

16,00 EUR



D-Day Dice - Overlord (2nd Edition)

This expansion includes the full campaign rules, a variant Battle Map of GOLD Beach (with one bunker), Juno Beach II, a token sheet, plus the necessary components to add 2 players to your campaigns:
2 sets of RWB dice,
2 sets of all new Specialists including resource cards (Greece and Norway)
and 2 unique Unit Markers,
and a full set of Awards, Items and Vehicles.

Also included are 4 new and exclusive Awards.

38,00 EUR



D-Day Dice - Gott mit Uns

The Gott Mit Uns Mini Expansion is a mini-expansion for D-Day Dice (Second edition): Atlantikwall, containing a deck of 60 mini Sized Cards including 30 Battle Conditions, 4 German Items, 3 German Specialists and 22 Decorations (can be played by itself or added to the original deck).

14,00 EUR


Worthington Games

WTG 0002P

Clash For a Continent: Battles of the American Revolution and French & Indian War (Played)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition

I can send Pictures on request!

Worthington Games is pleased to announce its exciting new game on the American Revolution and French & Indian War. This game will feature 15 s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


WTG 0003

For Honor and Glory: War of 1812 Land and Naval Battles (Played)

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I can send Pictures on request!

England is at war with Napoleon in Europe. American honor is being tarnished as the British Navy seizes American shipping and impresses her sailors in sight of her shores. America launches a war to regain her honor and perhaps capture Canada from England, thus securing her northern border. The war will see the burning of the White House by the British and a great battle won by America after the war is officially over. The American Navy will distinguish itse... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

WTG 0005

Blood of Noble Men: The Alamo

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Worthington Games is excited to have Dennis Bishop designing this thriller. The game of course is based on the Battle of the Alamo. The mechanics are similar to Worthington Games "VICTORIA CROSS", but will introduce some new concepts to the system. The game will feature art from Gary S. Zaboly, who illustrated Allan Huffines (consultant for the Alamo movie) book on the Alamo. Some of the features new to the system are artillery, which will play a prominent role in the defense of Texas freedo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

WTG 0007

Prussia's Defiant Stand

z.Zt. vergriffen


In 1756, Frederick the Great launched a preemptive strike on Saxony and his archenemy Austria, sparking the Seven Years War and pitting the most powerful countries of Europe against the fledgling state of Prussia. Frederick's gamble nearly destroyed Prussia, but a few stunning victories over numerically superior forces, many delaying actions, British gold, and the timely death of Tsarina Elizabeth of Russia saved Prussia and ensured Frederick's place in history as a great general.

Prussia's D... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

WTG 0008P

Hold the Line

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Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition

I can send Pictures on request!

Take command of the American and British Armies in twelve great battles of the American Revolutionary War. You'll feel the battles come to life... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

WTG 0010

MedWar Sicily

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Designed by Richard Berg. Originally titled Bitter Victory and desktop published by BSO games.

It is 1943, the Allies have driven the Axis out of Africa and have begun preparations for the invasion of Europe. Unable to launch the invasion of France in 1943, and needing to keep the pressure up in order to prevent German troops being sent to the East Front, the Allies opt to invade Sicily as a stepping stone to Italy. Operation Husky is the code name of the Allied Invasion of Sicily.

Most of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

54,00 EUR


WTG 0011

Guns of Galicia

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Guns of Galicia (GoG) uses the same core rules as Guns of August (GoA) to simulate Corp-level fighting on the Eastern Front in WWI. Game mechanics compensate for players’ 20/20 hindsight to encourage historically accurate play that makes "sense" in game terms while avoiding a “straight jacket” of special rules to enforce irrational play. Players maneuver corps and divisions through 9-mile wide hexagons in turns that span three days each. Chit pull activation along with modest movement poin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

WTG 0012


Sammlerstück / Rarität


"Desert War Egypt, 1940, is a game covering Italy's invasion of Egypt, before Rommel came to rescue them from their folly. This game uses an updated, and slightly expanded, version of the MedWar Sicily game system: no CRT, just dice, and cards...a totally new approach to gaming battles that can be learned in five minutes and played in 2-3 hours.

Most of the rules and mechanics will be familiar to anyone who has ever played a wargame. Richard Berg however, has added to this simplicity a combat... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


WTG 0014

Enemies of Rome

THE GAME: It is 300 BC. Since being founded as a Republic in 509 BC Rome has grown in power and influence. Now it is your time…

You and up to 4 other players are one of Rome’s great leaders. Take control of legions and lead them across the known world for the next 600 years as you deal with uprisings, rebellions, political intrigue, and wars. Players can make alliances with one another (and true to Rome, break those alliances!) maneuver their forces and the enemies of Rome, all as they t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR


WTG 0015

Saratoga 1777

z.Zt. vergriffen


WHAT’S SARATOGA 1777: Saratoga 1777 is a war game about the American Revolutionary War campaign led by British General Burgoyne against the American colonist led by General Gates. It is a point to point movement war game using blocks with labels for the military units. The game uses the system from our previous games, New York 1776 and Trenton 1776.

Each turn both the American and British player will receive activation points with which to activate either groups of blocks moved by a leader,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

WTG 0016

Philadelphia 1777

Hot Seller


Philadelphia 1777 is a war game about the American Revolutionary War campaign led by British General Howe against the American colonist led by General Washington. It is a point to point movement war game using blocks with labels for the military units. The game uses the system from our previous games, New York 1776, Trenton 1776, and Saratoga 1777.

Each turn both the American and British player will receive activation points with which to activate either groups of blocks moved by a leader, or... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR


WTG 0017


Sammlerstück / Rarität


There are lots of battle games out now that use cards, but you've never seen, "A Men at Arms" Series and its initial offering, CHAINMAIL.

The game uses cards, one deck for each player (whose cards are somewhat different from those of the other player) to drive the game. Each player gets a certain number of cards each turn - often a different number for each player! - but never his full deck. The cards are used to determine movement, combat, and actions such as Missile Fire, Knights Charge, Co... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


WTG 0037

Caesar's Gallic War

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Caesar's Gallic War portrays Caesars battles in Gaul from 58BC to 51BC. The game is designed by Daniel Berger and is playable in 3 hours. The game contains 60+ blocks, box, game map, labels, rules, 30+ cards, and dice. The game uses are movement and portrays from Transalpine Gaul to Britania. The Romans only get 10 legions in the game but can convert tribes militarily and politically (it's easy to get people to see things your way when you hold their family as slaves.) The German player gets 6 b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

WTG 0038

Shiloh April 2-7,1862 Volume II Civil War Brigade Battle Series

SHILOH 1862 is Volume II in the Civil War Brigade Battle Series from Worthington Publishing. The game is brigade level with 100 men per strength point. Hexes are 250yds from side to side. The game system uses command control for units within 4 hexes of their leader may move adjacent to enemy units.

It is a ugo-igo system that follows a basic move-combat style system similar to the rules from Gettysburg High Tide of the Confederacy and Chickamauga River of Death by Phoenix Games.

Victory is... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


WTG 0039

Antietam 1862 (Reprint)

Refight the battle of Antietam in this classic hex and counter wargame that plays in 3 to 5 hours. Includes 3 scenarios and main battle scenarios.

What does that mean to you? ANTIETAM 1862 is Volume I in Worthingtons Civil War Brigade Battle Series. With streamlined mechanics the series rules, and battle specific rules, gamers can refight the Battle of Antietam in 3 to 5 hours .

Brigade Level Detail -
Each infantry and cavalry piece is a brigade with each stren... (vollständige Beschreibung)

74,00 EUR


WTG 0040

Hearts and Minds: Vietnam 1965-1975

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Vietnam is a card-driven game covering the American buildup of troops and arms in Southeast Asia as to our decision to begin troop withdrawal: 1965-1975. The game is quick (3-6 hours) and clean (map using area movement) Hearts and Minds uses most major events of the period, including proposed events such as the Macnamara Line which was never actually built. Although nominally a combat game, the mechanics actually revolve around both sides occupying South Vietnamese provinces for propaganda purpo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR


WTG 0041

Custer's Last Stand - The Battles of Rosebud Creek and Little Big Horn

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This is an old school hex and counter war game that includes 2 full complete games in one box. Both game maps are hard mounted, front and back on one large game board. Both are playable in under two hours. Both are for 2 players but are solitaire friendly. Both are complete games unto themselves yet use the same basic rule system. Everyone knows about the Little Big Horn battle. The battle of Rosebud Creek was its prelude, just as big, and may have prevented troopers from reaching Custer. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

WTG 0042

Freemans Farm 1777

Freeman's Farm: 1777 is an Old School War Game with an Old School look! Military style map with military formations and a vintage layout. Created and Designed by Maurice Suckling.

An innovative card driven board game on the Battle of Freeman's Farm. 1 - 2 players. Playable in 1 hour.

Freeman's Farm: 1777 is the first game in our new Battle Formations game series. These games are a new game system centered around battle formations and have been designed for solitaire and two players . ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

78,00 EUR


WTG 0043

Devil Dogs: Belleau Wood 1918

DEVIL DOGS: BELLEAU WOOD 1918 is designed by former Marines John Poniske, and his son John Poniske Jr. The game is a card driven, hex and counter war game that uses a truly unique diceless combat system to allow gamers to refight the 1918 Battle of Belleau Wood that spelled the end of World War I for the German army and the beginning of the legend of the US Marine Corps as the Devil Dogs.

The game will come with a large hand drawn game board drawn by historical artist/cartographer Rick Barb... (vollständige Beschreibung)

102,00 EUR


WTG 0044

Turning Point

Freeman's Farm and Lundy's Lane were Turning Points in the American Revolution and the War of 1812 for America in the formation the United States Army. Using the Battle Manuver system, this is a low complexity game designed by Richard Berg. It is a full box game offered at a great discount to introduce players to this great system.

38,00 EUR


WTG 0045

Struggle for Europe 1939-1945

z.Zt. vergriffen


STRUGGLE FOR EUROPE 1939 – 1945 is a card driven, card destruction game on a large game board. Modifying concepts from LINCOLN, TWILIGHT STRUGGLE, and others. Gamers will be able to play World War II in Europe in under 2 hours.

The Axis powers begin the war with decisions to be made, strike east or strike west. The cards show the Axis strength early in the war. Things can change quickly. Your decisions can determine that.

As the Allies, do you stiffen your defense as was done histor... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

WTG 0048

Napoleon's War Volume #1: The 100 Days

z.Zt. vergriffen


The Napoleon's War Series are games that give players the French Army of Napoleon against the foes of France from 1796 -1815. Each game will include battles that have their own custom game boards, plastic figures representing the infantry, artillery, and cavalry with counters representing the special units, leaders, etc. Each battle within the game are playable in 1 to 2 hours. The game uses the Hold the Line command action point (CAP) system.

The first game in the series is Napoleon's War: T... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

WTG 0049

Red Poppies

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Red Poppies simulates regimental-sized engagements from WWI with company-level units in 10 minute turns on maps scaled at 200 yards per hex. The game strives to illustrate the sort of command and control trade-offs that typified WWI battles.

The units involved are companies and platoons, making this one of the few games to cover World War I small unit tactics. In addition, there are rules for tanks, barbed wire, artillery support, infiltration tactics, cavalry, and machine guns. Scenarios wil... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

WTG 0053

French and Indian War 1757-1759

"French and Indian War 1757-1759" is a strategic wargame on that conflict in America during the peak war years of 1757 to 1759. One side commands the British and its allies while the other commands the French and its allies. The object of the game is for the British player to control enough key locations in New France to win the war. The French goals are to protect New France while pursuing its own strategy of gaining territory in the American colonies.

1 Hard Mounted Game Board
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

64,00 EUR


WTG 0056

Crusader Kingdoms: The War for the Holy Land

After the miraculous success of the 1st Crusade in 1097, three Christian kingdoms are established in Outremer; the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the Principality of Antioch and the County of Edessa. But in 1144 the Crusaders suffer their first setback with the fall of Edessa at the hands of Zengi (the ruler of Mosul and Aleppo), which provokes the 2nd Crusade.

Crusader Kingdoms is a hand management game set in this era, in which up to 4 players control the main Christian or Muslim kingdoms of Outreme... (vollständige Beschreibung)

84,00 EUR


WTG 0058

Boots on the Ground 2nd Edition

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Now with the "Full House, Ace's High" Scenario in the box. Plus a portion of our procceds is going to be donated to the amazing Navy Seal Foundation.

Boots on the Ground is the new Worthington Games series that puts you in the middle of the action. Start your mission as the Team leader of an elite group of shooters. Your team consist of a Demo expert, Heavy Weapons Expert, Medic, Scout, Sniper and you, the leader. During your briefing you are told your objectives and known intel on the area. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

WTG 0060

Dunkirk: France 1940

Dunkirk: France 1940 is a block wargame designed by Doug Bryant. The game allows you to refight the German invasion of France, and the low countries in May and June of 1940. Doug has been designing and playtesting the game for over 2 years and has some innovative concepts in the game.

Before the game begins the German player picks a strategy card that has various goals for him to attain for victory. Each player has a hand of cards that add to battle, reinforcements, and other elements that oc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

78,00 EUR


WTG 0062

Stalingrad Besieged

Three ways to play!!! You can play with cards, blocks, or counters -- the game comes with them all. The cards/blocks/counters represent the units of the German and Russian armies in 1942 around Stalingrad.

Each turn the players will move their units, optionally play an event card, and fight battles in an attempt to gain control of the two ferry points and and tank factory. Each turn you will replace eliminated units using replacement points, but for each unit you bring back one of your "dead ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

64,00 EUR


WTG 0063

1944 - Battle of the Bulge

One of the greatest battles in World War II history is finally coming to Worthington Publishing. Designed by Dan Fournie, and using concepts from Worthington's Holdfast Series, this fast playing Bulge game will give you hours of game play. With fewer than 50 counters per side, and 8 pages of rules, you'll be up and playing in 15 minutes, and finishing games in 2 hours or less.

Each side gets a set number of resource points to move and have combat, each move or combat costing a resource point.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

86,00 EUR


WTG 0064

In Magnificent Style: Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg (deLuxe Edition)

In Magnificent Style is a solitaire game depicting the final desperate Confederate attack on 3 July 1863 at the Battle of Gettysburg, popularly known as Pickett’s Charge. As General Longstreet, you must decide how quickly to press your troops across this deadly open ground before allowing the men to regroup for another bound. But time is not on your side, and the longer your stalwart soldiers remain in this maelstrom of enemy fire.. the more dangerous it becomes, and the less likely they will ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR


WTG 0065

Napoleon's War II: The Gates of Moscow

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The Napoleon's War Series are games that give players the French Army of Napoleon against the foes of France from 1796 -1815. Each game includes battles that have their own custom game boards, plastic figures representing the infantry, artillery, and cavalry with counters representing the special units, leaders, etc. Each battle within the game is playable in 1 to 2 hours. The game uses the Hold the Line command action point (CAP) system. Also added is a new optional chit pull system that is id... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

WTG 0066

Hidden Strike: American Revolution

Hot Seller


Hidden Strike: American Revolution recreates the struggle between the American colonists and the British forces during the War of Independence. Each side tries to win the war by controlling a majority of regions.

Confronted by overwhelming forces, the colonists will need strategy to defeat the larger British army and navy to gain their Independence. This is a card driven game, where players manage their hand of cards, usually playing just one card a turn to allow them to move tokens represent... (vollständige Beschreibung)

86,00 EUR


WTG 0068

Soviet Dawn Deluxe Edition

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The deluxe edition and update of the classic Solitaire game, SOVIET DAWN. Can you deal with the great crises of the Revolution?

The game will include the Expansion Set with the game!!
Soviet Dawn Deluxe Edition brings Darin Leviloff’s novel States of Siege(TM) game system back for a much larger storytelling adventure covering the Russian Civil War from 1918 to 1921. With several enemy "Fronts" converging on Moscow, the fate of the revolution and the prestige of international communism res... (vollständige Beschreibung)

84,00 EUR


WTG 0069


z.Zt. vergriffen


TARAWA 1943 is a solitaire, card driven game on the invasion of Japanese controlled Tarawa by the 2nd Marine Division. Each turn the USMC player will activate one of his battalions (there are 8 in the game). During it's activation it can move, attack, and attempt to regroup. The USMC player further has a 3 card hand (out of a deck of 30 cards) that gives additional resources to the player (naval support, air support, engineers, tanks, etc). The USMC player can play 1 card during their turn and 1... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

WTG 0070

KEEP UP THE FIRE! - The Boxer Rebellion

Keep Up The Fire! is a solitaire game set in 1900 Peking, China. You are in command of the Foreign Legations (Ambassadors, their families, staff and small security forces) in the areas assigned to imperial powers and a relief column coming to their rescue. An anti-imperialist revolution is sweeping China and your presence has become the focal point of the Chinese “Boxers” (Society of the Harmonious Fists) and Imperial Manchu forces of the Qing Army who are angry and determined to expel all f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

86,00 EUR


WTG 0071

Malta Besieged Deluxe Edition

Hot Seller


Malta Besieged 1940-1942 is a solitaire game covering the pivotal World War II years in the often overlooked Battle for the Mediterranean. You are placed in the role of the Commonwealth Commander in the theatre, and must utilize every resource at your disposal to fend off unrelenting Axis attacks in order to ensure the survival of the island of Malta.

The George Cross was awarded to the island of Malta by King George VI so as to "bear witness to the heroism and devotion of its people" durin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

92,00 EUR


WTG 0073

414 BC: Siege of Syracuse

Hot Seller


414 BC: The Siege of Syracuse is the second in Worthington Publishings Great Sieges game series.

These games are designed for easy setup, quick game play, and can be finished in under an hour. Game marker placement is shown on the game board. Command orders and cards are used to shorten the rules. Developed for solitaire play, this game requires you to make great decisions based on good strategy, keeping your wits about you when orders do not turn out well, and pressing on to victory.

Game... (vollständige Beschreibung)

72,00 EUR


WTG 0074

1565 Siege of Malta

Hot Seller


1565: The Siege of Malta is the third in Worthington Publishings Great Sieges game series.

These games are designed for easy setup, quick game play, and can be finished in under an hour. Game marker placement is shown on the game board. Command orders and cards are used to shorten the rules. Developed for solitaire play. Both versions of the game require you to make decisions based on good strategy, keeping your wits about you when orders do not turn out well, and pressing on to victory.

G... (vollständige Beschreibung)

72,00 EUR


WTG 0075

Naval War of 1812

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Showcasing the global commerce war between Great Britain and the young United States. The goal of the American player is to hunt down British merchant ships while avoiding their warships. The British goal is to seek out the American frigates and merchant ships, while protecting their own. The game includes a hard mounted game board, plastic ships in four colors and cards for ship maneuver that depict the strategic and tactical capabilities of the era.

The Naval War of 1812 is Worthington's s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

74,00 EUR


WTG 0076

Archie's War: The Battle of Guadalcanal

Hot Seller


Relive the Battle for Guadalcanal either solitaire or against an opponent.

A 1 to 2 player game on the climactic battle in the Pacific in 1942 between the US Marines and Japanese military. Plays in 30 minutes.

In the solitaire game you are Alexander "Archie" Vandegrift, commander of the 1st Marine division tasked with holding Guadalcanal against the Japanese. Your Marines are tough but isolated as the Japanese build up around you. Your biggest asset is Henderson Field, a small airstri... (vollständige Beschreibung)

86,00 EUR


WTG 0080

Blood & Sand - The Campaign for North Africa, 1941-42

Sammlerstück / Rarität


What, another North Africa game? Yes but here is something almost completely different from any WWII Campaign game you've seen: no CRT (or any other tables), buckets o' dice, and cards all used in a totally new approach to gaming that can be learned in 5 minutes and played in a few hours.

Most of the rules and mechanics for Blood & Sand will be familiar to anyone who has ever played a wargame. However, Designer Richard Berg, no stranger to this campaign, has added to this accessible simplicit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR


WTG 0083

1944 - D-Day to the Rhine

Hot Seller


The allied invasion and race to Germany during WWII

D-Day to the Rhine, 1944 is the follow up to, Battle of the Bulge 1944. D-Day to the Rhine, 1944 follows WWII on the Western Front from June of 1944 until March of 1945.

As the German player, you will set your defenses to meet the Allied landings. As the Allied player you will land and try to break out and drive across France as quickly as possible. Can you cross the Rhine and break through the West Wall before Christmas?

The game incl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

86,00 EUR


WTG 0088

Rommel’s War

A 2 player game of combat in North Africa during World War II.

ROMMEL'S WAR is a 2 player game about the first year of the war in the desert, from March 1941 to January 1942. One player takes the role of Rommel in command of Axis forces, and the other player takes the role of the British commanders (Wavell and Auchinleck).

The game only has 8 pages of rules and a playing time of 1 hour or less so you will be picking the sand from your shorts in no time in this exciting, fast paced game o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

86,00 EUR


WTG 0089

Louisbourg 1758

Hex and block, two-player game on the campaign to take the Louisbourg fortress.

The Siege of Louisbourg in 1758 was one of the most important contests of the French and Indian War. Louisbourg protected the Saint Lawrence River gateway into New France. Greatly outmanned and outgunned Louisbourg eventually fell to the British but the French fortress held out long enough to prevent a British campaign in 1758 against Quebec and the interior of New France.

Lou... (vollständige Beschreibung)

96,00 EUR


WTG 0090

Gettysburg 1863

Refight the battle of Gettysburg as the Union or Confederate player.

GETTYSBURG 1863 uses the largest mounted game board Worthington/Old School Wargames has ever made. The reason this is the largest game board we ever created is because we wanted to use large thick counters with large hexes- 3/4" thick counters with large hexes - which at this scale creates the need for a large game board.
Scale: Each hex equals 200-220 yds per hex with 35' - 40' elevation changes. Each strength point ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

136,00 EUR


WTG 0091

Scotland Rising

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Scotland Rising is to honor the 700th Year Anniversary of the battle of Bannockburn. This is the a PT-90 game, our line of wargames that can be played in 90 minutes. Scotland Rising is a sharp fight that highlights the tactics of medieval battles on crowded battlefield. Knights are powerful and hard to bring down. Pikemen are best in massed formation. Archers have ranged fire but must be protected. Ax men are vicious in a close fight. Robert the Bruce and King Edward II lead their armies.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR


WTG 0092

New York 1776

New York 1776 is the first volume of the American Revolution Campaigns series. It is strategic in scope with battles tactically carried out on a battle board. Wooden blocks are used for fog of war. This campaign involves point to point land and water zone movement. Group movement can only be done with commanders and some commanders can move faster than others. The British win by capturing Washington or reducing his army and holding New York City at the end of the game. The Americans win by avoid... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


WTG 0093

Trenton 1776

Trenton 1776 is the second game in the Campaigns of the American Revolution series. The first, New York 1776, covered the battles around the city. Following that campaign Washington was chased out of New York into New Jersey with the British storming across the Hudson in hot pursuit. Trenton 1776 is that campaign. One where all seemed lost. One described as the "the times that tried men's souls." One where Washington the hunted became the hunter in a miracle winter campaign across New Jersey. On... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


WTG 0095

Wilderness Empires

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Wilderness Empires is a point to point grand strategy game on the French and Indian War. Players take the roles of the French and their Native American allies or the British and their American Provincials. Game play is fast and fun with clean mechanics and short rules. Wilderness Empires uses event cards to bring the detail and rich history into the game and showcases this important time in American and European history.

Wilderness Empires is a grand strategy game on the French and Indian ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR


WTG 0096

1759: Siege of Quebec

1759: Siege of Quebec is the first in our Great Sieges game series. These games highlight command decisions for players against a solitaire game engine opponent. They have been designed for easy set up and quick game play. Game unit placement is shown on the game board and units are wooden markers representing troop and ship formations. The game was developed for solitaire play and players can play as either the French or the British against the solitaire player game engine. There is also a two ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

84,00 EUR


WTG 0096.2

1759: Siege of Quebec 2nd. Edition

Hot Seller


"1759: Siege of Quebec (Second Edition)" is the remake of the first wargame of the "Worthington's Great Sieges" game series. These wargames highlight command decisions for players against a solitaire game engine opponent. They have been designed for easy set up and quick game play. Game unit placement is shown on the game board and units are wooden markers representing troop and ship formations. The game was developed for solitaire play and players can play as either the French or the British ag... (vollständige Beschreibung)

84,00 EUR


WTG 0097

Hold the Line: The American Civil War

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Hold the Line: The American Civil War is a block game that uses modified rules from the Hold the Line game system. Infantry, artillery, cavalry, leaders, and even gunboats are deployed on the game board allowing players to refight great battles from the American Civil War.

The game comes with a game board and terrain tiles so you can set up and play one of the 12 included scenarios or create your own.

Each turn players receive a fixed number of action points based on the historical leaders... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

WTG 0102

Victoria Cross II - 'The Battle of Rocke's Drift' DeLuxe Edition

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Come celebrate Worthington's 15th anniversary as we reprint the game that started it all. In 2004 we converted one of our favorite all time battles into an epic wargame that is still one of our favorites. Both print runs sold out quickly. In VICTORIA CROSS II DELUXE EDITION you get to lead either the British, or Zulu army in the game for the desparate struggle for the small mission outpost at Rorke's Drift. The battle where 150 British soldiers held off 4,000 Zulu warriors, immortalized in th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

144,00 EUR


WTG 0103

War Along the Great Lakes

War Along the Great Lakes is Volume III in Worthington Games War of 1812 series.

t is the summer of 1814 and two years of War Along the Great Lakes have produced a stalemate. Facing each other across the Niagara River, the Americans and British are locked in for one more grand campaign. The river connects Lake Erie and Lake Ontario and control of this strategic land bridge will determine the fate of Upper Canada. Chippawa, Lundy's Lane, Fort Erie and other battles will fill the summer alon... (vollständige Beschreibung)

94,00 EUR



WTG 0009

Hold the Line Exp.: French and Indian War

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As a prelude to the American Revolutionary War, the French and Indian War shaped many of the future leaders and laid the seeds for that conflict. The French and Indian War expansion for the Hold the Line contains the following:

8 page color rule/scenario book
French army counters
Indian Warrior counters
British Roger's Rangers type counters
New hex tiles for Indian villages, open water, boats, forts and additional forest terrain tiles

The expansion has the followings 5 French and India... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

WTG 0055a

Napoleon's War Battle Pack 1

Includes the Battle of Alexandria March 21, 1801 on a desert map. Jena October 14, 1806. Auerstadt October 14, 1806 and Busaco 1810. Each battle has it's own game board on card stock. The battle pack requires ownership of Napoleon's War Vol. I to play.

26,00 EUR


WTG 0055b

Napoleon's War Battle Pack 2: American's War

Includes the Battle of Alexandria March 21, 1801 on a desert map. Jena October 14, 1806. Auerstadt October 14, 1806 and Busaco 1810. Each battle has it's own game board on card stock. The battle pack requires ownership of Napoleon's War Vol. I to play.

26,00 EUR


WTG 0091

Hold the Line Series: Highland Charge

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HOLD THE LINE now looks at one of the most fabled conflicts in history, the Jacobite rebellions, in HIGHLAND CHARGE. These uprisings were, as of 2013, the last battles fought on British soil. Featured here are five battles from the fearsome contest: Sheriffmuir, Glen Shiel, Prestonpans, Falkirk, and Culloden. On this site we are offering Killiecrankie scenario free to download. The game closely aligns with the Hold the Line system, but includes rules for Highland charges, Scottish militia, and o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

American Civil War

WTG 0004

Forged in Fire: The 1862 Peninsula Campaign

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It is the spring of 1862 and the Civil War is at a stalemate in the east. The Confederate Army, victorious at Bull Run, sits watching warily across the Potomac at McClellans 100,000 plus troops train and prepare for the coming campaign season. McClellan is being spurred by politicians and press to use the army he has molded foroperations besides drill.

McClellan launches a bold flanking manuever, taking his juggernaut by boat to the tip of the Virginia Peninsula at Fort Monroe. He slowly move... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

WTG 0020

Blue & Gray Campaign Series Volume I: Grant’s Gamble

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A point to point block game that allows gamers to refight Grant's 1864 Overland Campaign from Culpepper to Petersburg. 1 to 2 gamers can refight the entire campaign in 2 hours or under. Low unit counts, and short turns create great tension, decision making, and high player interaction.

Each game comes with a sturdy card stock map, blocks and labels, dice, short 8 page series rules, 2 page game specific rules

Refight the American Civil War campaigns in Virginia with our Blue & Gray Campaign... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

WTG 0021

Blue & Gray Campaign Series Volume II: Lee’s Invincibles

Sammlerstück / Rarität


plus Advance Rules!

LEE’S INVINCIBLES: VOLUME II focuses on Lee’s 1863 Gettysburg Campaign from Fredericksburg to Harrisburg. As Lee can you do what wasn’t done and defeat the Union army leading to the capture of Washington DC and independence for the Confederacy? As Hooker or Meade can you defeat Lee and drive his army into the Potomac forcing his surrender and ending the war years early.

Refight the American Civil War campaigns in Virginia with our Blue & Gray Campaign Series of ga... (vollständige Beschreibung)

104,00 EUR


WTG 0022

Blue & Gray Campaign Series Volume III: Jackson and Sheridan

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JACKSON & SHERIDAN: VOLUME III focuses on the 1862 & 1864 Shenandoah Valley Campaigns from Lynchburg to Harper’s Ferry. As Jackson can you drive the Yankee army out of your beloved valley, forcing Lincoln to draw troops from in front of Richmond? As McDowell, Fremont, and Banks can you defeat Jackson and push east to finish the Confederacy in 1862 saving thousands of lives and years of turmoil? Refight 1864 as Sheridan and Early duel from Washington to Lynchburg.

Each game focuses on one or... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

WTG 0024

Blue & Gray Campaign Series Volume IV: Pemberton & Grant: Vicksburg Campaign of 1863

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VOLUME IV in Worthington’s BLUE & GRAY Series of fast playing American Civil War Campaign Games. This game is being printed in the USA so we will be able to ship this quickly to backers. Designed by Sean Chick, PEMBERTON & GRANT allows gamers to refight the decisive Vicksurg Campaign in under 2 hours.

The game comes with a 22&#8243; x 17” hard mounted game board, blocks, labels, series rules, campaign specific rules, battle board, and dice. The game is playable in 2 hours or under. The... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

WTG 0057

Chancellorsville 1863 (Reprint)

Chancellorsville 1863 is a card-driven game on the American Civil War Battle of Chancellorsville. Playable by 1 to 2 players in 1 hour, the game comes with a card-driven solitaire engine. Designed by Maurice Suckling (designer of Freeman's Farm 1777), the game uses many of the concepts from that game. However, added hidden movement, much more maneuver, and other design tweaks make this a truly unique game.

Each turn players will play 1 of their 3 in-hand formation cards to maneuver or attack ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

84,00 EUR


WTG 0069

First Bull Run - 150th Anniversary

Sammlerstück / Rarität


July 21, 1861: In northern Va. two raw armies prepare to do battle in what each believes will be a short war. Spectators have gathered for the spectacle. Both sides are in for a shock as this will be the first major battle in a war that will last another 4 years and consume 600,000 lives.

In honor of the 150th anniversary of the battle, Worthington Games brings you, BULL RUN 150TH. Players will take control of either the Confederate and Union armies, using wooden blocks in blue and gray, on a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


WTG 0082

Seven Days Battles 1862

Can you emulate Robert E Lee gambling in front of Richmond to save the Confederacy?

Seven Days Battles 1862 is Volume III in the Civil War Brigade Battle Series. It is an old school style hex and counter wargame that allows gamers to refight battles from the 1862 Seven Days Battles that occurred outside of Richmond, VA. One player will play the Confederate side, and one player will play the Union side. The victory conditions are the destruction of the enemy army and capturing key terrain obje... (vollständige Beschreibung)

98,00 EUR


WTG 0085


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In May of 1863 the Confederacy was winning battles but losing the war. In the west Grant was moving on Vicksburg. In the east, the Army of Northern Virginia was holding off the Army of the Potomac, but Lee realized that this could not last forever. Something had to change, he would strike north and take the war to the enemy. After weeks of maneuver, a chance collision between the two armies would seal the fate of the Confederacy. Now is your chance to change history. Can you do better than Lee a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


WTG 0023

Blue & Gray Campaign Series Expansion: McClellan Moves

z.Zt. vergriffen


McClellan Moves expands Grant's Gamble, allowing players to recreate the Peninsula Campaign. Included in this game is units for Johnston, McClellan, siege guns, and the CSS Virginia. Rules for Antietam might come out with a future expansion.

Union General McClellan’s 1862 Peninsula campaign to take
Richmond was a move to bring an early end to the Civil War.
His plan was to move up the Peninsula between the James and
York rivers, besiege Richmond, and bring up his siege guns to
overcome ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Band of Brothers

WTG 0011

Band of Brothers: Ghost Panzer (2nd Edition/Reprint)

Band of Brothers: Ghost Panzer is a fast playing game of squad level combat in WWII. It covers the exploits of the German 11th Panzer Division in Russia from 1941 to 1943. The rules are very simple with very few exceptions to remember and yet the game is meant to be all encompassing and will include infantry, tanks, and artillery.

Based on years of research, the game system uses a unique suppression mechanic. There are no longer two unique states for a unit, but varying degrees of suppression... (vollständige Beschreibung)

94,00 EUR


WTG 0051

Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles (Remastered/Reprint Edition)

Hot Seller


Band of Brothers is a fast playing game of squad level combat in WWII. It covers the exploits of the 101st in their battles from D-Day through the Bulge. The rules are very simple (no combat charts are needed) with very few exceptions to remember and yet the game is meant to be all encompassing and will include infantry, tanks, and artillery.

Based on years of research, the game system uses a unique suppression mechanic. There are no longer two unique states for a unit, but varying degrees of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

94,00 EUR


WTG 0068

Band of Brothers: Texas Arrows

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Band of Brothers: Texas Arrows is the third game in the Band of Brothers series of WW2 tactical games. It follows the US 36th Infantry Division through Italy, France, and Germany during WW2. First line and elite US Infantry squads are introduced. In twelve scenarios, they face a mixture of opposition forces including second line Germans, first line Germans, and Panzergrenadiers. New vehicles make an appearance as well.

Texas Arrows uses the same streamlined proficiency system introduced in Ba... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


WTG 0069

Band of Brothers: Old Breed South Pacific

Hot Seller


Band of Brothers: Old Breed South Pacific is a fast playing game of squad level combat in WWII. It covers the exploits of the U.S. First Marine Division in the battles for Guadalcanal. The rules are very simple (no combat charts are needed) with very few exceptions to remember and yet the game is meant to be all encompassing and will include infantry, tanks, and artillery.

Based on years of research, the game system uses a unique suppression mechanic. There are no longer two unique states for... (vollständige Beschreibung)

98,00 EUR



WTG 0013

Band of Brothers: Epic Battles Battle Pack 1

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


This is a dependent expansion for the Band of Brothers series. It contains a double sided 22"x34" map. Map 27 is of a large hill formation and Map 28 is a winter map with woods and a village.

A counter sheet includes extra counters for really large scenarios as well as new units, including the M26 Pershing and Waffen §§ counters.

The Battle Pack includes a mixture of 8 scenarios from small to large.

What’s Included in the Epic Battlepack 1:
Game Box
Approximately 22&#8243;... (vollständige Beschreibung)

62,00 EUR


Battle Command Series

WTG 0052

Battle Command Series: Anzio-Cassino

Anzio / Cassino is the first game in Mike Rinella's Battle Command Series with Worthington Games that will be released in the summer 2010.

The Battle Command Series are quick playing games with large 7/8" counters, a double sided map board, rules, and dice. Each battle has 4 pages of rules. Units are rated for their strength and movement, as well an endurance rating that reflect how much damage a unit can sustain in combat. Each battle includes 2 scenario's, one for the complete campaign, and... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


WTG 0063

Battle Command Series: Mercury / Market Garden

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Mercury: The Invasion of Crete is a two-player game that simulates the first ten days of Operation Mercury, the airborne invasion of Crete, May 20 to May 29, 1941. Each turn represents one day of combat, and each hex is about 4 miles across.

Market-Garden: Race for the Rhine is a two-player game that simulates the first ten days of Operation Market-Garden, the Allied airborne invasion of Holland, September 17 to September 26, 1944. Each turn represents one day of combat, and each hex is about... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


WTG 0050

Holdfast: EastFront 1941-1945

“When Barbarossa commences, the world will hold its breath and make no comment.” – Adolf Hitler (Arschloch!).

Now you get the chance to refight the greatest campaign in history as you direct the armies of Germany and Russia from 1941 to the bitter end of World War II. Using blocks with labels as the military units you will maneuver your forces to best destroy those of the enemy.

As the German player you must push rapidly east trying to capture the key cities of Leningrad, Moscow and... (vollständige Beschreibung)

74,00 EUR


WTG 0051

Holdfast: Atlantic 1939-45

HoldFast Atlantic recreates the ship battles contesting control of the Atlantic Ocean during World War II. The navies of Britain and the United States are challenged to keep sea lanes open for its convoys. German U-Boats prowl these waters and German and Italian battleships and cruisers threaten the sea supply lines of the Allies. The great Axis warships Bismarck, Tirpitz and others contest Britain’s best while the United States fleet adds its might to the fight as the war progresses. As the A... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR


WTG 0052

Holdfast: Pacific 1941-45

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HoldFast Pacific has the empire of Japan attempt to control the vast Pacific Ocean. After devastating the United States fleet at Pearl Harbor, the Japanese naval, air and land forces push their conquest across the Pacific. Their only obstacles are weakened Allied forces and time as the Allies recover. Can you as the Japanese player secure a Pacific empire that protects your homeland from your enemies? And as the Allied player can you rebuild your armed forces and mount a counter attack that prev... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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WTG 0075

HoldFast: Tunisia 1942-43

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Holdfast Tunisia is a 2 player game that allows players to refight the decisive North African WWII campaign in Tunisia using Worthington Publishings Holdfast gaming system.

Designed by Matt Looby. The game plays in 2 to 3 hours. The game comes with approximately 60 blocks and labels to represent the Axis and Allied forces, a hard mounted game board, rules, dice, and player aids.

Players will maneuver their blocks over the sands of North Africa as the German player tries to hold off the Bri... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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WTG 0086

HoldFast: Russia 1941-1942

Sammlerstück / Rarität


HoldFast Russia 1941-42 is our strategic World War II game on the Russian Campaign. It is the first of our Campaigns of World War II series. It uses wooden blocks for fog of war and hex movement. Clean mechanics and a manageable number of units allow for the entire campaign to be played in a evening. Objectives are clear. Hold two of the three victory location cities at the end of the game. But with mud and supplies a constant factor, German armor always a threat, and winter bringing a b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


WTG 0087

HoldFast: Korea 1950 - 1951

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The game uses simple mechanics with a highly interactive turn sequence that keeps gamers engaged for a fast, fun, and furious 2 to 2.5 hours of play. The game units are blocks with labels and a low unit density on board means the game does not bog down. The core rules are 4 pages expanded to 8 with detailed graphics and explanations meaning you can be up and playing with 15 minutes of rules reading and a short set up.

Korea is called America’s “forgotten war”. There are very few games o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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WTG 0089

HoldFast: North Africa 1941-1942

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Holdfast North Africa 1941-1942 is the follow up to the highly popular Holdfast Russia 1940-1941 and Holdfast Korea 1950-51. The game uses simple mechanics with a highly interactive turn sequence that keeps gamers engaged for a fast, fun, and furious 2 to 2.5 hours of play. The game units are blocks with labels and a low unit density on board means the game does not bog down. The core rules are 4 pages expanded to 8 with detailed graphics and explanations meaning you can be up and playing with 1... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR


XTR Corporation

XTR 1003

Black Gold (Texas Tea)


40,00 EUR


XTR 1005



20,00 EUR


XTR 1006

Poland '39


34,00 EUR


XTR 1007

Berlin '45


40,00 EUR


XTR 1008

Victory in Normandy


30,00 EUR


XTR 1009



60,00 EUR


XTR 1010

Back to Iraq (Ziplock Edition)

The topic is a variety of scenarios involving a new Iran-Iraq war which could expand to include the surrounding states, the US, France and the UK. Two other scenarios focus on Iraqi aggression against Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, and a UN Coalition attack to save the Kurds and Marsh Arabs. Scenario options allow for Israeli entry, chemical and nuclear war, and much more.

18 pages of rules; 34" x 22" map (17 miles/hex); two days/turn; 352 playing pieces representing Brigades and Divisions.

44,00 EUR


XTR 1011

7 Seas to Victory


50,00 EUR


Yaquinto Publications

YAQ 1310

The Thin Red Line (mint!)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


mint! - unplayed!

The Thin Red Line is a detailed tactical treatment of Napoleonic warfare. Waterloo was the final and most decisive land battle of the Napoleonic Wards, and possibly the most famous battle of all time. Napoleonic warfare was complex in its variety, and victory or defeat depended on the successful application of such diverse factors as organization and command control, leadership and training, formation and position, firepower, combined arms tactics, luck, and, especially, mor... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


YAQ 1613

Pickett's Charge (mint!)

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mint! - unplayed!

A game of the Battle of Gettysburg. A detailed tactical game of the battle with many of the intricacies of the Civil War including organization, command control, leadership, formation and position, mobility, firepower, ammunition and morale. Historic Order Of Battle included. The rules cover all the key factors of the battle with line, column, prone and dismounted cavalry formations, routing and rally, leader effects, casulties, artilley capture, hidden units, ammunition sup... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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YAQ 4010

Battles & Leaders (mint!)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


mint! - unplayed!

A game of tactical level combat in the American Civil War 1861-65.

From the back of the game box-
Battles & Leaders allows players to recreate brigade size engagements of the American Civil War. Accurate and playable rules cover the important aspects of the combat such as: formations (column, line, and skirmish), charges, melee, routs, leadership, sharpshooters, morale and the quality of individual regiments and more. The game's mechanics take into account over twenty di... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR



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