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256131166 Seitenabrufe seit dem 30.06.2003


HauptseiteBrettspieleProduktlinien (Brettspiele)Catacombs (engl. & dt.)

Catacombs (engl. & dt.)

Catacombs (engl. & dt.)

Catacombs is an action/dexterity-based adventure board game. One player controls the Overseer, controlling the monsters of the catacombs; the other player(s) control the four heroes who cooperatively try to defeat the monsters and eventually the Catacomb Lord. Each of the heroes has special abilities that must also be used effectively if they are to prevail.

The main mechanism of Catacombs is for the players to flick wooden discs representing the monsters and the heroes. Contact with an opposing piece inflicts damage, but missiles, spells, and other special abilities can cause other effects. When all of the monsters of a room have been cleared, the heroes can move further into the catacomb. Items and equipment upgrades can be purchased from the Merchant with gold taken from fallen monsters. The Catacomb Lord is the final danger that the heroes must defeat to win the game; conversely, the Overseer wins if all of the heroes are defeated. The game is designed for quick set-up and fast play within 30 to 60 minutes.


Produkte vom Herausgeber (Elzra Corp.)

Catacombs 3rd Edition

ELCO 1000

Catacombs 3rd Edition

Catacombs is an award-winning, cooperative board game set in the fantasy world of Cimathue, and you need skill and dexterity to master this fast-paced game.

One player (the Overseer) marshals an army of monsters while the others choose from six brave heroes who embark on a quest to save the town of Stormtryne from the threat lurking in the catacombs below. As the heroes explore, they must use their abilities, buy items, and recruit allies to help them defeat the monsters before facing the pow... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR


ELCO 1080

Catacombs: Conquest

Hot Seller


Catacombs Conquest is a standalone, introductory title to get players acquainted with the Catacombs world and its dexterity game system. Gameplay is driven by an innovative combination of cards and dexterity action.

32,00 EUR


ELCO 1200

Catacombs & Castles

Catacombs and Castles is a standalone game featuring a "Catacomb" team of heroes vs a "Castle" team of heroes. The game serves as an introduction to the Catacombs world and dexterity game system, so it features simplified, fast game play with some new mechanisms.

As in Catacombs, players flick pieces around a board to simulate combat, with cards and special powers dictating how you can move and attack.

Catacombs and Castles supports up to eight players competitively (in "Team Mode") and up... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR


ELCO 1600

Catacombs: Cubes

Hot Seller


Set in the world of Catacombs, in Catacombs Cubes players draft various "Tetris-like" wooden shapes from the quarry to race to build structures from blueprints. These completed buildings are added to the growing town of Stormtryne. The player who successfully builds the most structures wins. The game features a novel "cube-building mechanism".

The game features:

Solo Mode included
Enough components to support four players with the base game
Features characters and places from the world o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR



ELCO 1201

Catacombs 3rd Edition: Caverns of Soloth

Dwarves mining in the Scavewyrm Pit have brought back news that the mythical cavern of Soloth has been discovered. Although unexplored, it is rumored to contain exotic weapons and treasures from the reign of Soloth, the ancient Vampire Lord of the Underworld. Furthermore, sinister acolytes laboring in a forgotten labyrinth seek to reanimate Soloth's malevolent queen.

In the Catacombs: Cavern of Soloth expansion, four new heroes set out to confront this impending evil and prevent disaster.

38,00 EUR


ELCO 1202

Catacombs 3rd Edition: Wyverns of Wylemuir

Wyverns of Wylemuir is an expansion for Catacombs Third Edition and Catacombs & Castles. Defend the magic land of Wylemuir by riding the Wyverns that live there. The set includes eight Wyverns enabling characters such as heroes and monsters to ride them and unlock their powers. New heroes, monsters, items, rooms and warriors complement a double-side game board featuring a wooded meadow on one side and a dangerous swamp on the other. Finally new area of effect templates add new strategic elements... (vollständige Beschreibung)

54,00 EUR


ELCO 1602

Catacombs: Cubes - Monuments

Build the exciting new Monument structure type in this expansion for Catacombs Cubes! Monuments take plenty of resources to build, but once placed on the board, open up huge reward potential for their owner. Double down and build a second one!

The Monuments expansion adds two new heroes to choose from, and expands the maximum number of players in a single game from four to six!

Meet Beeble the Dwarf and Regulus the Vampire Noble. Two new heroes in Catacombs Cubes: Monuments, which expand t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR



ELCO 1084

Catacombs 3rd Edition: Lenores Cave Playmat

This neoprene playmat is an optional expansion component for the Catacombs Conquest base game (ELZ-1080). It provides a smooth surface and additional thematic artwork on which a game of Catacombs Conquest can be played. The playmat also provides printed markers which can be used for obstacle and character disc placement, allowing a more fair and consistent gaming experience.

22,00 EUR


xX Catacombs 2nd Edition Xx

SOTG 1100


A barbarian, a thief, a wizard, and an elf walk into a dungeon...

Dwarves mining in the Scavewyrm Pit have brought back news that the mythical cavern of Soloth has been discovered. Although unexplored, it is rumoured to contain exotic weapons and treasures from the reign of Soloth, the ancient Vampire Lord of the Underworld. Furthermore, sinister acolytes labouring in a forgotten labyrinth seek to reanimate Soloth's malevolent queen. In this expansion to the original Catacombs game, four new ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


SOTG 1100X




Leichte Abreibungen an der Box - Inhalt tadellos - nicht mehr eingeschweißt!

Light abrasions on the box - contents impeccable - no longer shrink-wrapped!

A barbarian, a thief, a wizard, and an elf walk into a dungeon...

Dwarves mining in the Scavewyrm Pit have brought back news that the mythical cavern of Soloth has been discovered. Although unexplored, it is rumoured to contain exotic weapons and treasures from the reign of Soloth, the ancient Vampire Lord of the Underworld. Furthermo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


SOTG 1300

Catacombs: Horde of Vermin

Rats, bats, snakes! While exploring the Catacomb the heroes encounter hordes of them crawling and flying everywhere! Horde of Vermin is a new expansion for the award winning dexterity game Catacombs. In the base game, the heroes valiantly fight monsters from the dungeon, mythological, infernal and undead family. This expansion introduces the vermin family: seven new monsters from hordes of Rats to the horrendous Remorhaz who crawl from the sewers to challenge the heroes. Do not be deceived by th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


Produkte von anderen Herstellern

Schwerkraft Verlag


Katakomben: Grundspiel

„Tief im zerklüfteten Tal der Forthstron Bergkette, jenseits der östlichen Wüste des Landes Cimathue, befindet sich die Stadt Stormtryne. Diese entlegene Siedlung wurde über einem weit verzweigten Netz unterirdischer Katakomben erbaut, den Resten einer untergegangenen Zivilisation von Kriegerpriestern."

4 Helden brechen nun zu einer Reise auf, um die Stadt Stormtryne vor den in den Katakomben lauernden Schrecken zu retten. Sie werden dabei ihre speziellen Fähigkeiten nutzen, neue Gegen... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR



Katakomben & Kastelle: Grundspiel

„Xaugorth und seine Armee von Geisterrittern belagern die Burg Mivorih, den Sitz der vier Matriarchinnen. Diese Magierinnen beherrschen das Land Tellaryth und sind die Hüterinnen des geheimnisvollen Schlusssteins, den Xaugorth entwenden möchte. Larra, die Jägerin, erreicht die Burg auf der Suche nach ihrem verlorenen Wolfsgefährten. Sie schließt sich Randsarr, dem Kommandanten der Wache an, der seine Truppen für einen epischen Kampf zusammenruft, um die Eindringlinge zurückzuschlagen u... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR



Katakomben: Kuben

Hot Seller


Katakomben - Kuben spielt in der Welt von Cimathue. Aufgrund der häufigen Gewitter, die sich über den Gipfeln, die das Tal kreisförmig umschließen, entladen, wird diese Gegend im Volksmund Stormtryne genannt. Hier kommen menschliche Flüchtlinge, die vor den Kämpfen in der Region Tellaryth fliehen, mit ihren hölzernen Barkassen an Land und träumen davon, hier eine neue Kolonie zu gründen. Sie finden Unterkunft in der Wärme der Dorill-Höhle mit ihren kristallklaren Strömen aus phosphor... (vollständige Beschreibung)

64,00 EUR



1 x Catacombs: C...

S: 32,00 EUR

> Zur Kasse


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