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256131165 Seitenabrufe seit dem 30.06.2003


HauptseiteProduktlinienWorld War II

World War II

World War II

Eine ganze Generation kämpfte und starb auf allen Seiten im ersten und einzigen Waffengang, der die ganze Welt überzog und in der Morgendämmerung eines schrecklichen neuen atomaren Zeitalters endete...
A generation fought and died on all sides in the first and only clash of arms the would engulf the entire world and end at the dawn of a terrible new atomic age...


Produkte vom Herausgeber (Decision Games)


DCG 1006


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Krieg! is a "player's game of modest complexity with example-filled rules so that history is easily yours to make.

* 1 Rules booklet
* 6 Player Aid Cards
* 108 Strategic Option Cards
* 2 34" x 22" Maps
* 420 Die cut counters
* 2 Dice
* 4 Storage bags

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DCG 1008

Totaler Krieg!

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Totaler Krieg! ist die 2. Auflage, welche die Grenzen des klassischen Spieles Krieg! von Steves Kosakowski überschreitet und die Spieler einen Schritt weiter bringt. Mit kompletter online-Unterstützung (Hausregeln der Spieler und verschiedene kostenlose Artikel).
560 Spielsteine, 153 Strategische Optionskarten, Regel, Beispiele, 2 Karten Weitere Informationen auf der Homepage Totaler Krieg!

The Critics Raved About Krieg!

"Krieg! is a game where the complexity lies in the play of the g... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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DCG 1008

Drive On Stalingrad

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Drive on Stalingrad, is a two-player, low-to-intermediate complexity, strategic-level simulation of Fall Blau (Operation Blue), the German attempt to conquer Stalingrad and the Caucasus area of the southwest Soviet Union in 1942.

The German player is on the offensive, attempting to win by seizing key areas on the map. The Soviet player is primarily on the defensive in the first scenario, but he is also given the chance to run a full-blown counter-offensive in the second, "Operation Uranus," s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

DCG 1009

Cherkassy Pocket: Encirclement at Korsun

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Mitten im Winter 1944 führte die Rote Armee eine Zangenbewegung gegen einen vorspringenden Punkt in den deutschen Linien in der Nähe der Stadt Cherkassy durch. Durch Adolf Hitler am Rückzug gehindert, waren die deutschen Streitkräfte bald eingekesselt, ihr einziges Nachschubzentrum war ein Flugplatz bei der Stadt Korsun. Die Sowjets zogen die Schlinge um die deutschen Truppen immer fester zu. Gleichzeitig brachten die Deutscher starken Ersatz gegen den äußeren sowjetischen Ring. Kann der d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR


DCG 1010

Operation Kremlin

Operation Kremlin gibt den Spielern die Gelegenheit, zu entdecken, was passiert wäre, wären die Deutschen 1942 vor Moskau nicht geschlagen worden. War diese die letzte große Chance für das Dritte Reich, im Osten zu gewinnen? Oder hätte es ein noch größeres "Stalingrad" gegeben?
Jedes Feld sind ca. 16 km. Die Luftwaffe wird abstrakt dargestellt. Eine Spielrunde entspricht 1 Woche.
Ein Karte, 176 Counter.

What if Hitler decided to try again for Moscow during the summer of 1942 rather ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


DCG 1011

Beyond the Ural

Beyond the Urals ist eine strategische Simulation für 2 Spieler einer Kampagne, die vielleicht in Rußland während des Zweiten Weltkriegs so hätte stattfinden können. Beyond the Urals geht davon aus, daß die Deutschen die Rote Armee bei ihrer Invasion der Sowjetunion 1941 besiegt hätten, aber es ihnen nicht gelang, die Kapitulation der Sowjetunion selbst zu erzwingen.
Jedes Feld sind ca. 32 km. Die Luftwaffe wird abstrakt dargestellt. Russische Einheiten sind Armeen, deutsche Einheiten si... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


DCG 1012

Pacific Battles, Vol. 1

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Volume 1, The Rising Sun.

Pacific Battles behandelt die großen Landschlachten im Pazifk während des WWII. Einheiten sind Bataillone, mit Kompanien und Regimentern. In den meisten Spielen der Serie befehligen die Spieler alles zwischen einer Division und eine Korps und die Verwendung kombinierter Waffen ist entscheidend. Das System zeigt die Evolution von taktischer Doktrin in sowohl den japanischen als auch verbündeten Armeen mit Banzai Attacken überlegene USA schießen Koordinierun... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


DCG 1015


Luftwaffe is an update of the classic Avalon Hill game covering the US strategic bombing campaign over Europe in World War II. As the US commander, your mission is to eliminate key German industrial complexes. You select the targets, direct the bombers, and plan a strategy intended to keep the Luftwaffe off-balance. As the German commander, the entire arsenal of German aircraft is at your disposal against the finest in Allied designs. Turns are quarterly, with German reinforcements keyed to that... (vollständige Beschreibung)

54,00 EUR


DCG 1016

Land Without End - The Barbarossa Campaign

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Land Without End: The Barbarossa Campaign, 1941 is a two-player, low-to-intermediate complexity, strategic-level simulation of the German attempt to conquer the Soviet Union in 1941. The German player is on the offensive, attempting to win the game by rapidly seizing key cities. The Soviet player is primarily on the defensive, but the situation also requires he prosecute counterattacks throughout much of the game.

Game play encompasses the period that began with the Germans launching their at... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


DCG 1019

RAF: The Battle Of Britain 1940 Deluxe (4th Printing)

A third printing of John Butterfield's award winning RAF update with a two-sided mounted game board in a 3-inch box.
France has fallen. England stands alone against the might of a triumphant Germany, defended only by the Spitfire and Hurricane squadrons of the Royal Air Force. Hitler orders his mighty Luftwaffe to destroy the RAF in preparation for Operation Sealion—the invasion of England. German fighters and bombers fill the English skies and the RAF responds.
Now you command the RAF or th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

168,00 EUR


DCG 1020

Hurtgen: Hells Forest

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HURTGEN: Hell’s Forest is a grand-tactical simulation of that enormous campaign. The 2,240 counters in the game represent almost every formation, at company and battalion levels, which fought in the battle, including US, German, British, and even Belgian units. Infantry, armor, anti-tank, reconnaissance, engineer, assault gun, howitzer, rocket, parachute, ranger, glider, and headquarters units are all fully represented in the counter-mix. The two map sections are an accurate representation of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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DCG 1021

Wacht am Rhein (2012 Ed.)

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The Battle of the Bulge,

WACHT am Rhein, the Battle of the Bulge, is a grand-tactical simulation of that enormous battle. The more than 2,380 counters represent every formation, at company and battalion levels, which fought there, including US, German, British, French, Canadian and Belgian units. Infantry, armor, anti-tank, reconnaissance, engineer, assault gun, howitzer, rocket, parachute, ranger, glider and headquarters units are all fully represented. The four maps are an accurate represen... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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DCG 1022

Axis Empires: Totaler Krieg!

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This game stretches from the fjords of Narvik to the sands of El Alamein, from the gates of Moscow to the beaches of Normandy, from the Spanish Civil War to the last days in Berlin and everything in between. No game tells the story of World War II in Europe like Totaler Krieg!

This new edition of our popular Krieg! game is still the playable, unpredictable and enjoyable experience it’s always been. What’s new is a design and graphic update and expansion to give you more options – especi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

DCG 1023

Axis Empires: Dai Senso!

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


This game stretches from the border clashes at Marco Polo Bridge and Nomonhan to the titanic battles of Midway, Guadalcanal and Leyte, to the firestorms of Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki and everything in between. No game tells the story of World War II in Asia and the Pacific like Dai Senso!

Dai Senso! takes the playable, unpredictable and enjoyable Krieg! system used for World War II in Europe and adapts it to tell the story of Japan’s struggle from a unique perspective. Most other Pacific... (vollständige Beschreibung)

148,00 EUR


DCG 1024

Atlantic Wall: D-Day to Falaise

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


ON 6 JUNE 1944 the greatest armada the world has ever seen approached northern France. That fleet consisted of more than 5,300 ships carrying over 300,000 men and 50,000 vehicles. Opposing them was Germany’s veteran Wehrmacht.

ATLANTIC WALL is a grand-tactical simulation of that campaign. The counters represent almost every formation that participated at the company and battalion level. Infantry, armor, anti-tank, reconnaissance, engineer, assault gun, howitzer, rocket, parachute, ranger, c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

256,00 EUR


DCG 1027

D-Day Quad DeLuxe Edition

The Allied invasion of Normandy was a watershed moment in the war. Months of careful planning proceeded while the entire uncommitted strength of the American, British, Canadians, and other Allied armies massed in England. Across the Channel the Germans strove mightily to create hardened defenses on the beach and back them with a slew of new and veteran divisions. The clash came in the early hours of 6 June 1944: D-Day. If the Allies failed to grab a large enough beachhead the invasion would be c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


DCG 1043

Lucky Forward: Patton's Third Army in Lorraine

Hot Seller


Lucky Forward: Patton’s Third Army in Lorraine (6 Sep-13 Dec 1944). This GOSS series game presents Third Army’s Fall 1944 offensive to just before the Germans launch their Ardennes Offensive further north.
The battles of Metz, Fort Driant, and the German counteroffensive attempt against Patton using the new German Panzer Brigades are included. Smaller scenarios allow players to game smaller periods of time in each of the four months making up the campaign. Variant counters are included for... (vollständige Beschreibung)

230,00 EUR


DCG 1051

Battles in the East 1: Sandomierz Offensive and Bagration Stopped

First of a new series of accessible East Front battle games.

Battles in the East (BITE) is a series simulating World War II Eastern Front battles. The system rules are an evolution of the SPI classics Panzergruppe Guderian, Army Group South, and Cobra. Unit integrity bonuses include Soviet Corps and vary to show the increasing Soviet cohesion and decreasing German cohesion as the war progresses. HQ units provide higher level combat support and supply advantages to corresponding units in rang... (vollständige Beschreibung)

122,00 EUR


DCG 1052

Battles in the East 2: Uman Pocket and Guderian's Last Blitzkrieg

Hot Seller


The second game in a new series of accessible East Front Operational wargames.

Battles in the East (BITE) is a series simulating World War II Eastern Front battles. The system rules are an evolution of the SPI classics Panzergruppe Guderian, Army Group South, and Cobra. Unit integrity bonuses include Soviet Corps and vary to show the increasing Soviet cohesion and decreasing German cohesion as the war progresses. HQ units provide higher level combat support and supply advantages to correspond... (vollständige Beschreibung)

122,00 EUR


DCG 1402

Drive on Moscow (Ziplock)

Drive on Moscow: Operation Typhoon 1941, is a reprint of the original game published in S&T 244. This edition incorporates corrections from the original publication, updated graphics and includes a new German order of battle based on information that has come out since the original publication of the game.

Drive on Moscow is a two-player (solitaire friendly), low-intermediate complexity, strategic simulation of the German attempt to capture the capital of the Soviet Union late in 1941. Play e... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


DCG 1404

Operation Olympic & Coronet (Ziplock folio edition) (2018)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Operations Olympic & Coronet is an update of the Olympic solitaire game first published in S&T along with a second complete game covering the planned follow-up invasion: Operation Coronet.

The Olympic map has been updated to reflect better understanding of the tough and, in places, impassable terrain as well as the potential landing sites.
The Coronet map shows the flat, wide-open Tokyo plain.
The counters have also been updated with new information about the Japanese order of battle, espec... (vollständige Beschreibung)

54,00 EUR


DCG 1410

Barbarossa Deluxe: The Russo-German War – 1941-1945 (Ziplock)

A strategic-level, two-player “mini-monster” of intermediate complexity, designed by Ty Bomba, covering the entire Russo-German War. Play may end sooner than the historic termination time, if the German player is able to do significantly better than his historic counterparts by advancing so quickly he causes the overall political, social, economic and military collapse of the Soviet Union. Likewise, if the Soviet player is able to carry out his strategic comeback more efficiently than did hi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR


DCG 1501/2

NUTS! The Battle of the Bulge - North & South

Kartenspiel. Das Set enhält 150 Karten. Es kann allein gespielt werden oder mit "SOUTH" zusammen.

NUTS!:The Battle of the Bulge is a card game for two, three or four players recreating the famous World War Two battle (16-31 Dec. 1944) in which the German Army mounted a surprise attack on the thin U.S. forces deployed in the Ardennes region hoping to breakthrough to the English Channel and split the Allied forces. Each player controls either the German or U.S. and British forces. The cards ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


DCG 3001

Battles for the Ardennes

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Battles for the Ardennes behandelt den ersten und letzten Feldzug im Westen auf vier zusammenhängenden Karten, die für unterschiedliche Schlachten benutzt werden. Oder zusammen die Feldzüge von 1940 und 1944 abhandeln.
Ein 32-seitiges Regelheft, 600 Counter, 4 Karten

Battles for the Ardennes simulates the campaigns that marked the first breath and last gasp of the Nazi war machine in the West on four comprehensively illustrated maps, used separately for individual battles, or linked tog... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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DCG 3003

Battle for Germany

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Die letzten Tage des Dritten Reichs.
Ein Regelheft, 120 Counter, 1 Karte

By mid-December, 1944, the question was how many more lives would be lost before the Third Reich collapsed. In the west, combined armies of France, Britain, and the United States stood on the very border of the German nation. acing them stood the same divisions that four years before had swept all before them. In the east, the massive Soviet forces were about to launch their winter offensive and drive the Wehrmacht to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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DCG 3003

Battle for Germany DeLuxe

Hot Seller


Battle for Germany Deluxe Edition - The Destruction of the Reich, Dec.1944-May 1945.

This is an update of the several previous editions.

It will retain the original map, counters, and rules with a graphic update and enlargement to a full-size game board and larger counters.

New content includes optional rules and counters from the 1995 DG edition and various MOVES articles and other sources (as the counter limit allows).

By mid-December, 1944, the question was how many more lives wou... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR


DCG 3003X

Battle for Germany DeLuxe



Beschädigung an der Box - Die Rückseite der Box ist rechts oben (mit Riss) kräftig eingedrückt (reparierbar)
Inhalt tadellos! - noch eingeschweißt!

Damage to the box - The back of the box is heavily dented (with crack) on the top right (repairable).
Contents impeccable! - Still shrink wrapped!

Battle for Germany Deluxe Edition - The Destruction of the Reich, Dec.1944-May 1945.

This is an update of the several previous editions.

It will retain the original map, counters, and ru... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


DCG 3004R

Leningrad (Reprint)

A wargame simulating the German drive to capture Leningrad.

Leningrad recreates one of the most critical campaigns of the Second World War--the drive by German forces to capture the Baltic seaport of Leningrad and trap the Soviet fleet. An easy-to-learn rules format allows players to get right into action. Based on the award winning Panzergruppe Guderian game system , Leningrad features enough surprises to ensure that each game will be different and exciting. All of the elements of battle... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


DCG 3006-22

Across Suez: The Battle of the Chinese Farm October 15, 1973

Across Suez is an operational level simulation of the Battle of Chinese Farm, 15 October 1973. The Israeli high command planned to cross the Suez Canal in order to isolate the Egyptian Third Army, but two Egyptian divisions threatened to block the Israeli counteroffensive.

Across Suez is a relatively simple, yet challenging recreation of the wildest and most important battle of the October War.
Such elements as surprise and shock of first combat, combined arms combat, Canal crossing, as we... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


DCG 3006-94

Across Suez: The Battle of the Chinese Farm October 15, 1973

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Refight the pivotal battle of the Yom Kippur war - as either side!

"Across Suez" is an operational level wargame simulation of the Battle of Chinese Farm, 15 October 1973. The Israeli High Command planned to cross the Suez Canal in order to isolate the Egyptian Third Army, but two Egyptian divisions threatened to block the Israeli counteroffensive.

Across Suez is a relatively simple, yet challenging recreation of the wildest and most important battle of the October War. Such elements as su... (vollständige Beschreibung)

62,00 EUR


DCG 3009

Deluxe USN

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Deluxe U.S.N. War in the Pacific, 1941-45, in a unique wargame which is strategic in scope, operational in planning and tactical in execution as naval, air and land forces fighting for victory in one of the greatest campaigns of history. U.S.N. was originally published in S&T 29, and the system has held up surprisingly well over the three decades of its existence. It's held up so well that it was worth an update as well as an expansion. Deluxe U.S.N. uses the same system as the original, but ad... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR


DCG 3010

Cobra: The Normandy Campaign

Hot Seller


D-Day, 6 June 1944, was just the first step toward the final defeat of Nazi Germany. Over the following seven weeks, the Allies battered their way through the tough bocage country while the Germans scrambled to keep a line together. By the end of July they had run out of tricks and the Allies were on the verge of a massive breakout.

From D-Day to the break-out, Cobra allows you to play out the Allied invasion of Normandy and the break-out from the peninsula in one complete game. One player or... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR


DCG 3015

War in the Pacific

On Sunday, 7 December 1941, the US naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, was attacked by Japanese aircraft. For the next four years, Allied task forces engaged elements of the Imperial Japanese fleet throughout the ocean. Marines and army units began their program of island-hopping, wresting from the Japanese the empire that they had expanded in every direction.

War in the Pacific is a multi-level simulation of the Pacific theater of operations during World War II. The game enables players to r... (vollständige Beschreibung)

438,00 EUR


DCG 3019

Highway to the Reich - The Allied Airborn Invasion of Holland, 1944

Operation Market Garden

Highway to the Reich is a tactical simulation of the largest airborne operation in history. Over 35,000 men belonging to 1st Allied Airborne Army dropped from the skies of Holland. Their objective: capture and hold a highway. The result: a salient into German territory that lacked only the last objective, and was thus a tragic defeat.

The 2,000-plus counters detail Brereton's Airborne Corps of three divisions, the units of Brian Horrocks's 30th Corps, and Model's s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

192,00 EUR


DCG 3029

Advanced ETO

z.Zt. vergriffen


Die ist ein Update des Spiels European Theater of Operation, das vor langer Zeit bei TSR/SPI erschienen ist. Es ist eine Level Simulation der Kämpfe in Europa während des WWII.

This is an update of the European Theater of Operations game published by TSR/SPI. It is a corps-level simulation of the battle in Europe during World War II.

Advanced ETO is much more than just another World War II strategy game; Advanced ETO is an accurate simulation of the war in Europe, with historically accu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

DCG 3032

Advanced Pacific Theater of Operations

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Advanced Pacific Theater of Operations is the most comprehensive game ever published on this topic, encompassing the entirety of the war in the Pacific. From the Japanese invasion of China in 1937 to the end of the war, the entire conflict is portrayed.

Like Advanced ETO, the forces in APTO are exactingly accurate and have been exhaustively researched. There's no guesswork; every piece is based on the most thorough study ever devoted to a wargame. It even features all the Soviet and Japanese ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

120,00 EUR


DCG 3037

Desert Fox DeLuxe

z.Zt. vergriffen


Desert Fox Deluxe is a combination of two previously published games covering parts of the North African campaign–Desert Fox and Trail of the Fox–expanded with additional rules, units, and maps to cover the entire war in the North African desert from the Italian invasion of Egypt in 1940 to the final Allied clearance of Africa in 1943. The map scale is 10 miles per hex, turns cover one month each, while units are mostly regiments and brigades, with specialist battalions and a few Italian and... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

DCG 4202

Bulge - The Battle for the Ardennes

Divisional sized game on the Ardennes offensive in 1944 on a small map and with short rules. The German objective is to blast the American lines and exit as many units as possible on the West and North West edges of the map.

Central to the system are the supply rules. Supply lines are interdicted by possession and proximity (3 hex range) to bridge hex-sides. Victory is checked at the end of every turn where the Germans will compare VPs collected against the Victory conditions. If Victory cond... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


SPI 2900

Battle over Britain

Sammlerstück / Rarität


mint! - unplayed!

Hitler's war machine has rolled like a juggernaut across the Continent, crushing all opposition. Only Britain still stands, isolated and defiant, readying itself for a mortal struggle between the Luftwaffe and the Royal Air Force. For the first time in history, air power will decide the fate of a nation.

In TSR's / SPI brand BATTLE OVER BRITAIN air game, the outcome of the battle is in your hands. You must plan the strategies and the decisive moves that will bring vic... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR



DCG 1008TK

Totaler Krieg! Player's Guide

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A special Totaler Krieg! Players Guide (described below). It's over 90 pages long with a nice glossy, thick-stock cover. Two insert cards provide off-map Naval Box corrections and the mini-Ikusa variant.

One thing that everyone will be interested in is that it contains 80 Totaler Krieg! counters. Including a "clean" set of Soviet pieces to replace those two-tone jobs in the original game. Two additional Stalin Line and Festung Europa fortress units. A Soviet Heavy Bomber unit. This will go wi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

DCG 1019K

RAF Deluxe Edition Update Kit

This is an update kit for RAF Deluxe Edition box game.
This is NOT the full game! It only includes the following contents.

Double sided mounted board
3 Color Rule Booklets
4 Double sided PACs

54,00 EUR


DCG 3015E

War in the Pacific - Extension Kit

An Extension kit that will extend the game into 1946 with more counters and charts along with additional scenarios (Okinawa and some small scenarios, e.g. Tawara), more tactical maps, and other additional items.

This Extension kit is just that -­ a kit to extend WITP into late 1945 and
1946 making it possible to explore the possibilities of the war continuing
without atomic intervention. The kit includes a new counter sheet for
planes, ships, and other units scheduled to appear after Augu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


DCG 3031

Africa Orientale Italiana / AETO Expansion

The first game to cover the entire East African Theater of Operations during World War II, Africa Orientale Italiana (Italian East Africa or AOI) is designed to expand Advanced European Theater of Operations into Africa and the Middle East, as well as presage the general war in Europe, beginning with the Italian invasion of Ethiopia in 1935, and continuing into the Second World War as British and Italian forces fight for control of the vital Red Sea region.

AOI also includes an entire map of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR



DCG 2100

War in Europe (PC)

War in Europe is a computer-moderated simulation of the European Theater of Operations in World War II. There¹s no computer/AI player in the game; players make all the critical decisions. You decide on production schedules, declare war on neutral nations, and control the ground, air, sea and strategic forces of the Axis, Allied and Soviet powers in order to change or recreate the events of the war. The game is a division-level simulation, with some brigade and corps-sized ground units. Play tak... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR


DCG 2101

Wolfpack (PC)

The German Submarine War in the North Atlantic, 1939-44

Wolfpack is a historical simulation of the furious convoy battles of February-May 1943 in which the U-boats’ defeat marked the turning point in the Battle of the Atlantic. Utilizing a solitaire game system, the German player has to try to disrupt vital Allied sea communications by sinking the largest possible volume of Allied merchant tonnage while conserving his U-boat forces to the greatest possible degree. Hindering the German playe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


DCG 2108

RAF: Lion Computer Game (PC)

“Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.”
- Winston Churchill

France has fallen. England stands alone against the might of a triumphant Germany, defended only by the Spitfire and Hurricane squadrons of the Royal Air Force. Hitler orders his mighty Luftwaffe to destroy the RAF in preparation for Operation Sealion—the invasion of England. German fighters and bombers fill the English skies and the RAF responds.

Now you command the RAF or the Luftwaff... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Solitaire War Game

DCG 1018

D-Day at Omaha Beach 6. June 1944 (Solitaire) 3rd Updated Edition!

Includes Mounted Game Board!

"Get the hell off the beach! If you stay you are dead or about to die!"
Col. George Taylor, US 16th Infantry

D-Day at Omaha Beach (5th Printing - Includes new Mounted Game Board! ) recreates America’s most bloody and heroic day of World War II. In this solitaire game from the designer of the solo classics RAF and Ambush, you control the forces of the US 1st and 29th Divisions landing under fire on the Normandy shore, and struggling desperately to establish a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

112,00 EUR


DCG 1025

D-Day at Tarawa (2nd Edition)

Based on John Butterfield's groundbreaking D-Day at Omaha Beach system, this solitaire game presents the critical days of fighting at platoon and company scale. You command the invading American forces against dug-in Japanese defenders, which are controlled by the game system. Tarawa covers the landings on Betio Island in November 1943, and the operations of the US 2nd Marine and 27th Infantry Divisions to clear it -- the first heavily contested landing of the Pacific War. The battle for the tin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

74,00 EUR


DCG 1026

D-Day at Peleliu

D-Day at Peleliu is a solitaire game simulating the amphibious invasion of Peleliu in the Palau Islands. The Marines assaulted with the primary goal of capturing the airstrip nestled amid jungle and overlooked by forbidding mountain terrain. Though Maj. Gen. William Rupertus, commander of the division, predicted a quick four-day victory, the battle was instead a two-month fight to the death against some 10,000 tenacious Japanese.

In D-Day at Peleliu, designer John Butterfield advances the sol... (vollständige Beschreibung)

72,00 EUR


DCG 1028

Midway Solitaire Deluxe - The Japanese Offensive in the Pacific, 1942

This game was selected in last year’s Deluxe survey. We are updating the map and counters and adding more variant counters along with variant rules. One mounted map board, two counter sheets (260 9/16” counters), full color play aid cards, and a 32-page full color rules booklet.

Midway Solitaire is a wargame of the Campaign in the Pacific Theater of Operations (PTO) in April-June 1942. This period saw the Japanese take the offensive in two major campaigns which resulted in the battles of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR


DCG 1030

Sealion DeLuxe: The Proposed German Invasion of England

Germany attempts to conquer Britain in one of the most famous "What If's" of WWII.

This game was selected in last year’s Deluxe survey. We are updating the map and counters
and adding more variant counters along with variant rules. One mounted map board, two counter sheets (260 9/16” counters),
full color play aid cards, and a 32-page full color rules booklet.

Midway Solitaire is a wargame of the Campaign in the Pacific Theater of Operations (PTO) in April-June 1942.
This period... (vollständige Beschreibung)

96,00 EUR


DCG 1032

D-Day at Iwo Jima

D-Day at Iwo Jima is a solitaire game simulating the amphibious invasion of Iwo Jima. The five-week battle was some of the bloodiest fighting in the Pacific. In one of the costliest intelligence failures of the war, the planners had completely misjudged the situation that would face the Marines. The beaches had been described as excellent and the advance inland was expected to be easy. Instead, the Marines were faced with 15-foot-high slopes of soft black volcanic ash that brought the normally r... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR


DCG 1038

Coral Sea Solitaire: Deluxe Edition

Hot Seller


Refight the World War 2 Battle of the Coral Sea in this solo wargame.

Coral Sea was the first of the Pacific War’s great carrier versus carrier battles. It was the result of an Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) offensive into the South Pacific, with their South Seas Fleet transporting invasion forces to Port Moresby (at New Guinea) and Tulagi (off Guadalcanal). Their strategic objective was to cut Allied lines of communication to Australia. The US Navy (USN) moved to counter and inflict a defea... (vollständige Beschreibung)

96,00 EUR


DCG 1040

Axis Empires - Ultimate Edition

Hot Seller


Axis Empires is a completely new edition of Axis Empires: Totaler Krieg and Axis Empires: Dai Senso,
with four new maps, 8 1/3 countersheets, 550 cards, and five new full-color rules booklets with new optional
rules and scenarios. Now you can play out those East vs. West “Separate Peace” scenarios
and spring unexpected surprises on your opponents with “Fortunes of War” cards!

The Ultimate Edition also comes with Schiffskrieg, the air-and-naval expansion that provides additional ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

432,00 EUR


DCG 1042

D-Day at Saipan

D-Day at Saipan is a solitaire game that simulates the first five days (15 to 19 June 1944) of the US invasion and conquest of the island of Saipan. Despite heavy resistance, over 8,000 Marines of the 2nd and 4th Marine Divisions managed to reach the shore that first morning and by the end of the day approximately 20,000 men had established a beachhead, despite having suffered over 2,000 casualties. Over the next five days the Marines were joined by the Army’s 27th Infantry Division and began ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

122,00 EUR


DCG 1049

Drive on Stalingrad Deluxe Edition

During World War II, Germany and the Soviet Union had been at war since the launching of Operation Barbarossa in June 1941. Caught in a brutal war of attrition in the summer of 1942, a weakened German Army prepared to launch another major offensive, Operation Blue. The German Army would attempt to push into the Caucasus region to capture the oil fields of Baku, Grozny, and Maikop, while also advancing along the Don River to the city of Stalingrad on the Volga, with the additional hope of finally... (vollständige Beschreibung)

132,00 EUR



DCG 1018K

D-Day at Omaha Beach Kit (3rd Edition!)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


This is not a complete game. Must own previous version of game to play. ONLY includes new Mounted Game Board and updated Rules Booklet.

Color Rules booklet
One 34” x 22” Mounted Game Board

40,00 EUR


DCG 1025K

D-Day at Tarawa Beach Kit (3rd Edition!)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


This is not a complete game. Must own previous version of game to play. ONLY includes new Mounted Game Board and updated Rules Booklet.

Color Rules booklet
One 34” x 22” Mounted Game Board

32,00 EUR


DCG 1026K

D-Day at Peleliu Beach Kit (3rd Edition!)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


This is not a complete game. Must own previous version of game to play. ONLY includes new Mounted Game Board and updated Rules Booklet.

Color Rules booklet
One 34” x 22” Mounted Game Board

32,00 EUR



DCG 2107

D-Day at Omaha Beach Computer Game (PC)

D-Day at Omaha Beach recreates America’s most bloody and heroic day of World War II. In this solitaire game from the designer of the solo classics RAF and Ambush, you control the forces of the US 1st and 29th Divisions landing under fire on the Normandy shore, and struggling desperately to establish a viable beachhead.

US units include assault infantry, amphibious tanks, artillery, engineers and HQs. The game system controls the hidden German defenders in Widerstandsnest resistance points o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


DCG 2109

D-Day at Tarawa Computer Game (PC)

Command the US 2nd Marine Division in “one square mile of hell”

D-Day at Tarawa is a solitaire game simulating the amphibious invasion of Betio Island in the Tarawa Atoll. The US marines assaulting the tiny island, with its strategically vital airstrip, found themselves in their toughest battle of World War II, a fight to the death against 5000 Japanese defenders.

D-Day at Tarawa advances the solitaire game system of its award-winning predecessor D-Day at Omaha Beach to the next level.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


Produkte von anderen Herstellern

Critical Hit


D-Day : Rudder's Line

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Rudder's Line is an AREA MOVEMENT game that simulates The Battle of Normandy, specifically the landing of the 2nd Ranger Battalion at Point du Hoc on D-Day, 6 June 1944. Players take the sides of the German 726th Infantry Regiment or elite US Army Rangers of the 2nd Ranger Battalion. Following an unprecedented invasion by landing and cliff-scaling in the face of enemy fire, the battle devolved into the quintessential hedgerow battle in Normandys bocage. The Rangers were literally backs to the se... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Fresno Gaming Association

FGA 9107

The Eagle and the Sun

Sammlerstück / Rarität! Sonderangebot



"The War in the Pacific-1932~~1948". As this implies, you are supposed to be able to recreate the various Campaigns ongoing in the time line covered. Some claim that this is a remake of S.P.I.'s "War in the Pacific" although I'd have to remark that it was more ambitious than that. Here's a taste of what's included in this gem.

The contents consist of the following: '7'-22" by 34" multi-colors Game Mapsheets; 2,580 1/2" by 1/2" & 672 1/2" by 3/4" cardboard game counters; '2'-Rules,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR


FGA 9203

Kasserine: The Baptism of Fire, February 1943

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Beautiful map and beautiful, readable counters in a remake of a game originally part of Four Battles in North Africa.

Rules for combat were modified from the original. The game simulates the battles between Allied and Axis forces near the end of the North African campaign of World War II. Little historical background is included in the game materials.

36,00 EUR


FGA 9204

Bastogne: The Desperate Defense, December 1944

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A remake of one of the classic SPI folio quad-games.
Graphics updated to FGA standards.
Step-reduction introduced.
Brand new overrun rules with possible adverse effects to the overrunning player.

All new 1d10 Combat results Table.
But still retains the classic 'Quad-Game' flavor originated by SPI.
This simple game system results in a dynamic, fun-to-play game that captures the essence of WWII warfare, where the right gamble at the right moment can change history.

3 Scenarios with 1/2 ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

FGA 9206

Operation Crusader: The 8th Army's Forgotten Victory

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Operation Crusader is a tactical/operational game covering the desert operations in the vicinity of Tobruk from May 1941 to December 1941.

This game uses the same system as GMT games Air Bridge to Victory: Operation Market-Garden, 1944 (Note: announcement printed on back of the box)

3 Introductory Scenarios
3 Intermediate Scenarios
3 Campaign Scenarios

three miles per hex
1/2 day per turn (note: information on back of the box is wrong)

48,00 EUR


FGA 9208

Remagen: Bridgehead on the Rhine, March 1945

Sammlerstück / Rarität


"Remagen is a simulation on the battalion/regiment level of the operations from 7 March to 17 March 1945 that saw the U.S. Army cross the Rhine River in force at the town of Remagen. An optional scenario is provided to show what might have happened if the Germans had reacted quicker to the U.S. seizure of the Ludendorff Bridge." (from the Remagen rules folder.)

Remagen is one of four games included in the West Wall Quadrigame set. The game includes a 17" x 22" three-color map, 100 counters an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR



GIO 0002

War to Axis

Sammlerstück / Rarität


2 players game
difficulty: easy 4/10
Playing time: 60/180 min
12 years up

    Game contents:
  • 6 geomorphic maps (35x48,5cm each)
  • 160 unit counters (25x27mm)
  • 150 plastic chips
  • 120 plastic stands
  • 3 army charts
  • 2 event cards sheets
  • 10 special dice (5 black, 4 white, 1 yellow)
  • 2 pre-cut dice labels sheets
  • 1 pre-cut hexagons group sheet
  • 350 counters
  • 1 en... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR



HXS 0003

Liberty Roads

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Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in absolut 'new' condition

LIBERTY ROADS is an historical simulation retracing the campaign of France, from June 6th, 1944, D-Day, to March 1945.

The map covers the whole theatre of operations, from... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

HXS 0011

Victory Roads

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June 1944, the Allies have finally opened the second front demanded by Stalin. The Red Army then launches the Bagration operation. Bringing considerable resources, over 2 million men and 4,000 tanks, it aims to liberate Byelorussia. Taken by surprise, the German Army Group Center collapses quickly. The Soviets then advance 600 km in a month, causing an unprecedented defeat to the Germans. They are stopped at the gates of Warsaw, where the insurgency that has just started will be ruthlessly suppr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

HXS 0020

Med Sirocco

June 1940-December 1943, Mediterranean Sea

Standing alone, the British Empire must replenish its strategic bases in Malta and Alexandria by convoys coming for the most part from Gibraltar. Each journey is long and dangerous facing Italian SM-84 torpedo planes and German U-boats. On the other side, Italy and Germany are sending more and more troops to North Africa under constant threat from aircraft in Malta and facing the imminent entry of the United States into the war.

Med Sirocco is a s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR



HXS 0007

Liberty Roads Expansion: ROUNDHAMMER 1943

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At the start of 1943 Churchill and Roosevelt had divergent views on the conduct of the war. The British Prime Minister favoured a strategy which focussed on the peripheries of Europe: Italy was a ripe fruit ready to be plucked, via Sicily. For the American President on the contrary, Germany was the sole objective. The enemy was to be struck right in the heart of his war economy, the Ruhr, and by the most direct route: France ! Two operations are studied in the game : "Round up" and "Sledgehammer... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Jeux Grenier Games

JGG 0004

Operation Weserübung

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen! Sammlerstück / Rarität


Operation Weserübung: The Invasion of Norway covers the German invasion of Norway in 1940 during World War II. The game covers all aspects of the invasion, including land, naval, and air operations as well as the British and French involvement.

Operation Weserübung is a two-player or three-player game, with one player taking the Germans and the other player or players taking Norway and Great Britain/France. The game is regimental scale with each hex representing approximately 20-25 kilometr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

L2 Design Group

L2D 0001

Streets of Stalingrad

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Das erste Großprojekt dieser noch jungen Firma stellt sich vor.

3 Karten, 6 Countersheets (2304 Counter), 1 Beispielheft, 8 Szenarien

Noch mehr Infos Infos hier.

"We are very excited about our first game," said Art Lupinacci, Presidentof L2. "We are taking the extra time to carefully proof the many componentsto make sure that when it is finally released, 'Streets' will be as perfectas we can make it."

<... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

L2D 0002

Russian Campaign 4th edition

Sammlerstück / Rarität


This is the 4th Edition with vastly improved contents over previously released versions. There are many differences, over the others, that have been enhanced from these fine folk's efforts and countless others.

The best way to see those, is to visit the L2 Design Group's web-site or one of the other's that feature this wonderful game. Some of the things that they've done for this is: enlarged the size of the game-board hexes; enlarged the game counters(to 5/8"); enhanced the visual aspects of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

260,00 EUR


L2D 0003

Deluxe Bitter Wood

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Bitter Woods is a mid-complexity wargame on the last great German offensive in Dec 1944, commonly known as the "Battle of the Bulge". The map depicts the area of operations, the Ardennes area at the borders of Germany, France, Belgium, and Luxemberg. Prominent features like roads, rivers and cities are depicted. A hexagonal grid is superimposed over the map to regulate game play. Each hexagon is 2 miles across, unit size is brigade and regiments. Each turn represents 12 hours of real time.

Ga... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

L2D 0006

Russia Besieged

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Russia Besieged is L2 Design Group's upcoming corps level game on the entire WWII campaign in Russia, piting the German Wehrmacht against the Soviet colossus.
The game will feature 420 1/2" die cut counters, printed back and front, OB cards, Rules book and heavy mounted, one piece map.
The map will span from Archangle to Baku, Berlin, Budapest to Bucharest.

The map is about 30" x 44" or, the same size as "Bitter Woods".

It is a ONE PIECE map, harder board, just like the maps used in TR... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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L2D 0008

War at Sea

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War at Sea is the classic game designed by John Edwards of Jedko games and entrusted to L2 Design Group to reproduced this fine classic game in the custom you are used to from L2 Design Group.

A naval simulation of the Second World War naval battles in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, this game has all the big battleships and carriers of the belligerent sides. True to the original game, War at Sea has a one piece die cut map on heavy board, all the classic rules and the most rece... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

L2D 0011

Breakout: Normandy - deLuxe Edition

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Breakout: Normandy is a complex two-player wargame on the Allied invasion of France in World War 2. The game concentrates on the initial landings and the subsequent breakout attempts. The German player tries to prevent the a successful Allied landing, and if that fails, to contain the beachhead. The Allied player wins by establishing a beachhead, or (better) by successfully breaking out of the landing area.

The mapboard depicts the Normandy area where the initial landings took place. Units ar... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


L2D 0004

Deluxe Bitter Wood Expansion # 1

Sammlerstück / Rarität


This expansion for the Bitter Woods Deluxe Edition (fourth edition) game features an expanded 28 page full color rulebook, 96 new counters and 3 full color expansion game charts.

70,00 EUR


L2D 0005

Russian Campaign Southern Expansion # 1

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The Russian Campaign (4th Edition) Southern Expansion Kit is a collection of new and frequently requested variant rules that breathe new life into a grand favorite game that has stood the test of time.

The kit includes a 13" by 30" may extension that carries the game into the Caucasus Mountains of southern Russia. It includes numerous rules that incorporate the "red dot" counters added into the counter mix of the 4th Edition and some new twists. Also included are some interesting What-If scen... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Folio Series


Blood & Steel

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Blood & Steel is a "quick-playing strategy wargame depicting Kursk's climactic tank battle, Prokhorovka. The complexity is Low with only 4 pages of rules. The unit sizes are Regiments & Brigades.

Each player has formations which activate when their chit is drawn. The Soviet player makes decisions on which formations he would like to have on the board and when. Victory conditions are based on geographical objectives, exiting units(German) and not entering reinforcements(Soviet). The combat sys... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Lock 'n Load Publishing, LLC
Corps Command

LnLP 18502

Peter Bogdasarian's Tank on Tank

June 6, 1944.
The Allies land in Normandy to liberate France from German rule. The liberation however, won’t be an easy road. From D-Day at Omaha Beach, through the battle for Normandy, the Allies will fight the Germans tooth and nail, bayonet and rifle, tank on tank.

February 13, 2010.
Tank on Tank is a new Peter Bogdasarian design. A smaller game that can be learned in less than five minutes and played during a lunch break, Tank on Tank depicts tactical ground combat in Europe in the l... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


LnLP 311950

Peter Bogdasarian's Corps Command: Totensonntag 2nd. Edition

On November 19th, 1941, as the sun rose over a new day in the Libyan Desert, a clock was ticking in the headquarters of the British Eighth Army. They had done the impossible and surprised Erwin Rommel, the Desert Fox, slipping nearly five hundred tanks behind his lines. The opportunity to crush the Afrika Korps lay within their grasp...

Totensonntag is the expanded 2nd Edition of Peter Bogdasarian’s Totensonntag from the award-winning Corps Command-system game. At stake: The First Battle o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


LnLP 312001

Summer Lightning: The Invasion of Poland 1939

Despite the lack of an exclamation point, we are jubilant. Brian Train's operational simulation of the German invasion of Poland in 1939 is flying (or at least being carried away in a mail truck) out/from our door. The game uses a unique non-random grid matrix, coupled with a semi-random determination of casualties, to resolve combat. Couple this with simple, yet restrictive suppy rules, straight-forward weather determination, and other bits and pieces of chrome, and you have a fun, yet rich, s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR



LnLP 18503

Peter Bogdasarian's Tank on Tank: East Front

Tank on Tank: East Front brings the excitement of Peter Bogdasarian’s Tank on Tank series to the grueling battleground of the Eastern Front. Command Panthers against T-34s, Hungarian Turán IIs against KV/85s, and armored infantry against anti-tank gun positions. Capture enemy supply depots, protect valuable convoys, and lead all-out assaults.

New in Tank on Tank: East Front are rules for improved positions, armored infantry, airstrikes, and the massed activation of Soviet units. Now you c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


LnLP 18504

Peter Bogdasarian's Tank on Tank: West Front

Tank on Tank: West Front is the 2nd edition of Peter Bogdasarian’s hit game Tank on Tank. A game that can be learned quickly and played in less then an hour, Tank on Tank: West Front depicts deadly tactical ground combat in 1944 and 1945 during World War II.

New in Tank on Tank: West Front are rules for improved positions, armored infantry, airstrikes
and supply trucks. Experience the tactical flavor of World War II tank battles like never before.

Tank on Tank: West Front is a tac... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR



LnLP 313336

Peter Bogdasarian's Tank on Tank: East Front - Red Storm in the Valley

Tank on Tank: East Front – Red Storm in the Valley

is a new expansion to our Tank on Tank: East Front series. In this expansion, Tank on Tank fans can delve into catastrophic armored clashes between Germany and the Soviet Union. This expansion includes two maps and many customized scenario rules to add to your gaming experience. Within these ten scenarios, the Soviets confront the Germans in huge armor battles in valleys, depressions and over railroad tracks in order to achieve victory for... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


LnLP 313343

Peter Bogdasarian's Tank on Tank: West Front - Defenders of the Rhine

Defenders of the Rhine - Tank On Tank West Front Expansion

Tank on Tank: West Front – Defenders of the Rhine is a new expansion to our Tank on Tank: West Front series. In this expansion, Tank On Tank fans can delve into catastrophic armored clashes between the United States and Germany. This expansion includes two maps and many customized scenario rules to add to your gaming experience. Within these ten scenarios, US tanks confront German panzers in devastating battles in villages and over ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


Lock'n Load

LnLP 18388

Lock 'n Load: Band of Heroes 2nd Ed.

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Get ready for Mark H. Walker's Lock 'n Load: Band of Heroes. This is the second complete board game in the Lock 'n Load series, covering the battles of the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions during World War II.

More Game, Less Guff...
"Superb!! Nobody makes games better than Mark Walker! [...] If you want to catch a glimpse of the complexity and horror of 20th Century infantry combat, 'Lock and Load' is a must-play." - Colonel [retired] John F. Antal, author of Proud Legions, A Story of Amer... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

LnLP 18399

Lock 'n Load: Heroes of the Blitzkrieg

z.Zt. vergriffen


Mark H. Walker's Lock 'n Load: Heroes of the Blitzkrieg relives the desperate struggle for France in May 1940 with this new Lock 'n Load module. Play as the Germans, French, and Belgians. Employ cavalry, Char B1 tanks, Germans Panzers, and much more as you refight the German invasion of France.

A Charles S. Roberts award winner, International Gamers Awards Game of the Year, and voted by Game Magazine as one of the top five conflict simulations. Everyone is playing Lock 'n Load. Shouldn't you ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

LnLP 18600

Lock 'n Load: A Ring of Hills

z.Zt. vergriffen


Mark H. Walker's Lock 'n Load: A Ring of Hills brings the immersive Lock 'n Load tactical gaming system to the windswept group of islands east of Argentina. In 1982 Argentina invaded the Falklands, or Malvinas as they are called in Argentina, easily defeating the occupation platoons of Majors Mike Norman and Gary Noot. This invasion set in motion what many have called Great Britain's final colonial war.

A Ring of Hills covers this colonial war from the initial Argentine assault to their final... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

LnLP 18950

Lock ‘n Load: Forgotten Heroes - "Vietnam" 2nd Edition

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Forgotten Heroes 2nd Edition simulates combat in Vietnam with the immediacy of squad-level combat. Counters represent squads, leaders, medic, chaplains, machine guns tanks, and much more. Turns cove 30 seconds to two or three minutes, and the interactive impulse system keeps both players involved in the game.
All the art has been completely updated from the original.

Forgotten Heroes 2nd Edition returns the aboriginal Lock'n Load series game to print. The art has been completely updated. Eac... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


LnLP 18102.2

Lock 'n Load: Dark July '43: The Battle of Prokhorovka (2nd Edition)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Lock ’n Load Tactical Dark July Second Edition. depicts the brutal battles fought west of Prochorovka between July 9th and 12th, 1943, during the epic Battle of Kursk.

Four 11” x 17” non-geomorphic maps fit together to form an immense 22” x 34” historical battlefield, covering the famed Hill 252.2, the Soviet trenches to the east, and the Oktiabrski State Farm to the north. Six scenarios—five on the historical map—will test your tactical acumen as either the determined Soviet de... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


LnLP 18117

Lock 'N Load: ANZAC Attack Expansion Pack - Australia and New Zealand in Vietnam

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The war in Vietnam is most often associated as an American war, and with good reason. Yet while the battles raging in the hills and valleys of southeast Asia were predominantly fought by American and Vietnamese troops, the United States did have allied help. Australians and New Zealanders, all under the ANZAC command, played an important role in the war that not only changed Vietnam, but also changed the homelands of everyone involved.

While the Australian government had been a supporter of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

LnLP 18390

Lock 'n Load: Not One Step Back

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Our biggest expansion ever, Lock 'n Load: Not One Step Back is Lock 'n Load's first foray into the Eastern Front of World War II. This expansion includes the units, rules, and scenarios that gamers need to recreate the desperate struggles on the Russian steppe, ruins of Stalingrad, and partisan-infested woodlands.

Partisan AmbushCommand awesome Soviet heavy tanks, such as the KV-1, SU-152, and JS-2. Brew up hapless T34 tanks with your incredible King Tiger. Use the Soviet Guards to lead count... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

LnLP 18391

Lock ‘n Load: In Defeat, Defiance

Lock ‘n Load: In Defeat, Defiance brings the British Expeditionary Force to the battlefield of France 1940. An expansion to the hugely popular Lock ‘n Load: Heroes of the Blitzkrieg, In Defeat, Defiance is the biggest British Lock ‘n Load expansion ever. Included are over 170 counters, and fourteen intriguing scenarios.

The 170 counters include Vickers, Cruiser, and Matilda tanks, Bren carriers, 2pdr and 25mm Anti-tank guns, 51mm mortars, Leaders, heroes, snipers, Squads, Bren guns, Boy... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


LnLP 311691

Lock 'n Load: Noville - Bastogne's Outpost (2nd Edition)

Bitter cold and Here Come the Tigers in the Snow

In the bitter cold, on the eve of winter in 1944, the Germans launched a most unlikely o ensive through the Ardennes Forest against the Allies, in what came to be known as the Battle of the Bulge. On December 19th and 20th, the small town of Noville, Belgium, to the northeast of Bastogne, was the location of an intense struggle. For the Americans of Team Desobry, stragglers from a handful of shattered formations, including paratroopers from the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LnLP 983835

Lock 'n Load: Dark July '43: The Battle of Prokhorovka (3rd Edition)

Warrior Tanks of Kursk
Dark July 43 is a Lock ‘n Load Tactical expansion module that depicts the brutal battles fought west of Prochorovka between July 9th and 12th, 1943, during the epic Battle of Kursk.

One 34” x 22“ non-geomorphic map and two 12.75” x 8.25” geomorphic maps that forms a historical battlefield, covering the famed Hill 252.2, the Soviet trenches to the east, and the Oktiabrski State Farm to the north. Six scenarios—five on the historical map—will test your ta... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR



LnLP 00300

Lock 'n Load - Band of Heroes Exp.Pack: Swift and Bold V2

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Swift and Bold V2 expands the forces, battles, and options available in Lock ‘n Load: Band of Heroes V2 with the addition of the British paratroopers. The expansion includes twelve scenarios spanning the D-Day drops and Operation Market Garden. There are 85 new counters, 12 missions, and rules covering Piats, gliders, the British 2" mortar, and much more. The new counters are a blast. The British Piat, Vickers MG, 2 Pounder ATG, Horsa glider, Cromwell, Firefly, and Bren all make an appearance.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

LnLP 00500

Lock 'n Load: Battle Pack Alpha

The first scenario pack for Lock 'n Load.
Includes twelve new scenarios on cardstock, just like those included in all other Lock 'n Load games.
Scenarios for Forgotten Heroes, Band of Heroes, Swift and Bold, and Not One Step Back.
12 scenarios in all (see below for details), ten designed by Dale Holmstrom (scenario designer for NOSB and Swift and Bold), two by Mark H. Walker.

Everyone has been asking for more scenarios, so we decided to do something about it. Battle Pack Alpha is that so... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


LnLP 00500.2

Lock 'n Load: Battle Pack Alpha 2nd. Edition

On the way - our 2nd edition of Battle Pack Alpha. We really wanted to make this standout from the old black & white edition. Battle Pack Alpha 2nd Edition now comes in full color with 14 scenarios designed to increase the replayability of your Lock "n Load games. Included are missions in the jungles of Vietnam, the streets of Arnhem, and the small Belgian village of Foy. There are Jewish Partisans defending their home, German panzers attacking a Russian bridgehead, and North Vietnamese regula... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


LnLP 00600

Lock 'n Load: Battle Pack Bravo

What could be more exciting than the publication of the 2nd Edition of the award-winning Lock 'n Load: Band of Heroes? How about more scenarios? Twelve, in fact! Where can you get them? In Battle Pack Bravo!

Lock 'n Load: Battle Pack Bravo contains 12 new scenarios for use with the components found in Band of Heroes and Noville, Bastogne's Outpost; and they are available for EITHER immediate download from our Web site, or proffessionally PRINTED, carefully placed in a zip-locked bag, and mail... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


LnLP 00600.2

Lock 'n Load: Battle Pack Bravo 2nd. Edition

Battle Pack Bravo is an expansion pack of Lock ’n Load scenarios Band of Heroes and Noville, Bastogne's Outpost. It contains 12 scenarios and a new Castle map. Six of the 12 scenarios use the Band of Heroes components exclusively; the other six use components from both Band of Heroes and Noville, and two scenarios are set on the new Castle map. Two scenarios also occur on the wintry expanse of the Noville map.

Scenarios take place from Normandy to the Hürtgen Forest, at Monte Cassino and ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR



LnLP 314074

Lock 'n Load: Dark July '43 (3rd Edition) Battle Generator

Dark July 43 Battle Generator puts the power to create scenarios and engagements into the player's hands, allowing you to get the most out of your game as you go from scenarios we built to charting your own course. Since it’s inception, the Lock ’n Load Tactical Series has been defined by two things: its innovative rule set and its engaging scenarios.

This generator is based on a point system defined by the size of the battle you want to play and then modified up or down by the variabl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


LnLP 314081

Lock 'n Load: Dark July '43 (3rd Edition) X-Maps

What are Dark July 43 X-Maps you ask? X-Maps simply put are larger maps able to be used with our Lock ‘n Load Tactical game series. X-Maps are the same as our standard maps in every way except they are comprised of larger hexes, which contain nearly twice the area of the standard hexes. X-Maps are 11” x 17” in contrast to the 8.25” x 12.75” dimensions of the standard maps.

Requirements: Dark July 43 and Heroes of the Motherland is required to use this product.

34,00 EUR


LnLP 314340

Lock 'n Load: Noville - Bastogne's Outpost Battle Generator

Generator puts the power to create scenarios and engagements into the player's hands, allowing you to get the most out of your game as you go from scenarios we built to charting your own course. Since it’s inception, the Lock ’n Load Tactical Series has been defined by two things: its innovative rule set and its engaging scenarios.

This generator is based on a point system defined by the size of the battle you want to play and then modified up or down by the variables of the battle. This ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


LnLP 314674

Lock 'n Load: Noville - Bastogne's Outpost X-Maps

Expand Your Game with X-Maps

What are the X-Maps you ask? X-Maps simply put are larger maps able to be used with our Lock ‘n Load Tactical game series. X-Maps are the same as our standard maps in every way except they are comprised of larger hexes, which contain nearly twice the area of the standard hexes.

To use these X-Maps you must have Noville Bastogne's Outpost.

30,00 EUR


Nation at War

LnLP 311943

Nations at War: Stalin's Triumph

Hot Seller


The Clash of Steel at Kursk
It is a matter of profound indifference to the world whether we hold Kursk or not. So why do we want to attack in the East at all?

You're quite right. Whenever I think of this attack my stomach turns over.

It’s July 1943, on the endless plains of Russia, in a clash of the giants, the Soviet Red Army defends the Motherland against its German invaders from such fearsome formations as the 2nd SS and 11th Panzer Division. Centered on the area of Kursk in 1943, S... (vollständige Beschreibung)

72,00 EUR


LnLP 312032

Nations at War: Rommel at Gazala (2nd Edition)

Rommel’s Greatest Victory
On 26 May, 1942, Erwin Rommel launched a strong right hook into the desert, flanking the minefields and fortifications painstakingly built by the British to protect Tobruk. Against heavy odds and in a tensely contested battle, Colonel General Erwin Rommel defeated the British and recaptured Tobruk, earning himself a Field Marshal’s baton in the process.

Rommel At Gazala is the 2nd Edition of Jim Werbaneth’s simulation of the daring offensive of Panzerarmee Af... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LnLP 312888

Nations At War - Core Rules v3.0

Now Comes in a Spiral-Bound Booklet

The Nations At War v3.0 (v3.0) rules manual contains the latest set of guidelines and regulations for the game system. Our goal is to present the rules in a straightforward manner without disrupting their existing structure and foundation. For clarity, some rules sections have been modified not with content but with a new structure, e.g., additional subsections, more bullet points and rule summaries. Additional cross-referencing of rules expanded unit-ima... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LnLP 312889

Nations At War - Core Rules v2.0

Nations At War v2.0 rules are the latest set of guidelines and regulations for the game system written by Sean Druelinger, Lead Developer of the Nations At War Series.

These rules present the core rules for the game system. This new rule book has been designed to place all the rules in one book, making playing the game is easier and faster than ever.

Notable changes from previous versions of the rules (v1.0 and earlier) will be presented in BLUE text. This new edition of the rules can be... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


LnLP 313473

Nations at War: White Star Rising (2nd Edition)

It's the summer of 1944 and Allied forces fight to liberate occupied France from Germany. It's a titanic struggle that pits the advanced weaponry of the German Army against the airpower, artillery and ever-improving soldiers of the Allies. Welcome to Nations at War!

White Star Rising introduces LNL Publishing's Nations at War (NAW) game system. Based on the popular World at War tactical system, NAW depicts platoon level combat in World War II. In NAW you'll find everything you're looking for ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

72,00 EUR


LnLP 313480

Nations at War: Desert Heat (2nd Edition)

Endless Burning Sand
In a man to man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine.

Desert Heat Second Edition brings all the heat, sand, grit and fluid action of the North African Campaign to you in our second game in the Nations At War series. Desert Heat Second Edition is a platoon-level scale fighting in the desert of North Africa during World War II. All of the tanks, armored vehicles, anti-tank guns, mortars, infantry, air support, and artillery will be at the tip of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

86,00 EUR


LnLP 313718

Nations At War Starter Kit v3.0

Hot Seller


Play the Game and Not the Rules!

Do you ever wish you could try a new game system and make sure it is for you? Well now you can, with our Nations At War Starter Kit. Nations At War Starter Kit gives you a chance to play a scenario from our Stalin’s Triumph game. Our games are designed and produced with the new player in mind, and for today’s gamers: we use a large font size making our games easy to read, with high-quality components. Our manuals have lots of examples to illustrate the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR



LnLP 314395

Nations At War - Compendium Vol 1

Feet First Into Hell
"Men, I am not a religious man and I don't know your feelings in this matter, but I am going to ask you to pray with me for the success of the mission before us. And while we pray, let us get on our knees and not look down but up with faces raised to the sky so that we can see God and ask his blessing in what we are about to do”

Here it is one one glorious package, Nations At War (NaW) Compendium Volume 1. This Compendium includes all the articles and scenarios from o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR



LnLP 18602

White Star Rising: Operation Cobra

White Star Rising: Operation Cobra is an expansion for the game White Star Rising in the Nations at War series. This expansion focuses on the events surrounding the Allied breakout from the Normandy beachhead over the course of a month in July-August 1944. White Star Rising: Operation Cobra adds the Canadians, the Free French, and the Free Polish to the Nations at War series in addition to new units for the Americans, British, and the Germans.

White Star Rising: Operation Cobra comes with nin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


LnLP 18604

White Star Rising: Airborne 2nd Edition

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White Star Rising: Airborne is an expansion to the popular White Star Rising series. Featuring fourteen scenarios and a set of new map overlays, the expansion details British and American paratroopers fighting in Europe during 1944-45.

Included are two persistent campaigns: The first is a five scenario campaign featuring British Paratroopers at Arnhem. The second is a three scenario campaign detailing the battles fought by the Screaming Eagles 101st Airborne troopers on June 6th, 1944 at Norm... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


White Star Rising: Operation Cobra (2nd Edition)

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


On July 25th, 1944 the American, British, Canadian, Free French and Polish Armies launched an offensive to eliminate the deadlock in the Norman peninsula, and launch the Allied Armies into the interior of France. The German Army, over-committed and under-equipped, was soundly defeated; thousands of its troops, in addition to much of their equipment, were captured in the Falaise pocket. In short, the offensive worked, but that doesn't do justice to the blood spilled and courage shown during the s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR



LnLP 313732

Nations At War - Player Aids v3.0 Rev 3

Nations At War Player Aid Cards v3.0 (PAC) have been redesigned to incorporate all the updates and additions from version 2.0, as well as a complete visual overhaul to make using them easier and faster.

Inside you’ll find new Terrain Effect Cards (TEC) for all three core games in the series as well as a new Counter TEC for referencing which counters change the terrain for your units. You will also find a Large 11x17 Rules Reference Card with summaries for all the actions in the game. Final... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,00 EUR


LUDIC Juegos de Ingenio

LJI 0001

BlitzWar - World War Two in Europe


A highly accurate simulation of WW2, but with simpler rules and shorter playing time than other games.

The war in Europe and North of Africa, from the attack against Poland until spring 1945.

Blitz War is a World War Two strategic game set in the European and North African theater of operations which provides a high level of historical simulation with shorter games and with simpler rules than other games currently available.

The main goal of Blitz... (vollständige Beschreibung)

74,00 EUR


Moments in History


Clash of Titans: The Tank Battle of Kursk (Boxed Edition)

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It's back in VERY limited supply! Yes, we're talking about CLASH OF TITANS—THE TANK BATTLE FOR KURSK. This is the original counters, map, play aids and rulebook, plus an errata sheet...and newly printed replacement counters to deal with the errata!

The game simulates Operation "Zitadelle", the German attempt to cut off the front bulge at Kursk - history's greatest tank battle ever! Clash of Titans uses the popular Ring of Fire system. It comes with one 22"x34" map, 600 counters, player aid ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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D-Day: The Great Crusade

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D-DAY: The Great Crusade by designer Danny Holte portrays the invasion of France by Allied forces during World War II. Suitable for solo and team play, the game covers Operation Overlord from June 6th and depicts the action in Normandy until July 6, 1944.

Turns represent one day each. A hex repr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

MiH EW-10

Eastwall: The battles for Dnepr (Ziplock)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Die Schlacht am Dnepr. Opertionale Simulation um die Kontrolle über die Ukraine, September 1943 bis Februar 1944. Basierend auf dem Ring of Fire System.
3 Szenarien, Schwierigkeitsgrad: niedrig bis mittel, Solospielbarkeit: mittel/hoch, 15 km/Feld, 7 Tage/Runde, Brigade/Kampfgruppe/Division/Korps.
1 Karte, 480 Counter, Regelheft usw. Im Ziplock

Eastwall is an operational simulation of the campaign for control of the Ukraine, lasting from September 1943 to February 1944. One side represents... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR




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Sozusagen das Spiel zum Film ( "Der Untergang" )

Berlin 1945 - eine belagerte Stadt.

420 Counter. 1 historische Karte auf operationalem Level. Taktische Karte mit den Verteidigungsstellungen der Stadt. 16-seitiges Regelheft.

BERLIN 1945—CITY UNDER SIEGE: At left is the operational map of Berlin; units entering city hexes move immediately to action on the tactical urban map—from whence they do not exit until the city falls or Festung Berlin lives on...... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


Iron Bottom Sound II

Iron Bottom Sound 2 is a tactical simulation of night naval surface combat in WW2.
Iron Bottom Sound 2 captures the flavor of bloody night surface battles fought off Guadalcanal.
A past property has been succeeded because it focuses it on the combat at nighttime though the system was greatly changed from the Ironbottom Sound.
The only fault of this game should be very large the size of the map board, and widely take up the place where it plays.
Moreover, it is necessary to confirm it before ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

54,00 EUR



Piercing the Reich

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Piercing the Reich uses a player interactive formation activation system similar to that used in Tunisia 1943 and Triumphant Fox.

Benutzt ein modifiziertes Spielsystem von "Triumphant Fox".

1,2 km/Feld, 2-8 Tage/Runde, Bataillon.

1 Karte, 360 Counter, Regelbuch usw.

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Ring of Fire: The Fourth Battle for Kharkov, August 1943 (Played)

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Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted + Errata
Rules und Game-boards in very good condition

I can send Pictures on request!

Ring of Fire: The Fourth Battle for Kharkov, August 1943 is an operational simulation of the fourth battle for Kharkov, which took place... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


ShipBase III - Tactical Naval Combat 1890 - 1945 (version 1.1)

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Shipbase III is the game of naval warfare from 1890-1945. More than just a set of rules, Shipbase III is a computer program that handles all the record-keeping and serves as an interface between you, the gamer, and thousands of lines of code representing years of technical research, allowing the players to concentrate on tactics...and fun!

200 Game Pieces ... Shipbase III includes everything you need to play in one package. You receive 200 color, mounted cardboard game pieces representing shi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


Triumphant Fox

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Triumphant Fox is an innovative, interactive simulation of the swirling Gazala Battles in May and June 1942. The players activate individual formations (e.g. the 21st Panzer Division) and then undertake actions. The system is as fluid as desert warfare!

Scenarios: 7
Complexity: High
Solitaire Suitability: High
Scale: 3.5 km per hex; 1 to 6 days per turn; Regiments and Battalions

Contents: one 22"x34" full color map, 240 full color backprinted counters, one rulesbooklet with historical ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR



Triumphant Return: The Soviet Liberation of Kiev, November 1943 (Ziplock)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Die sowjetische Befreiung von Kiev, November 1943. Operationale Simulation. Basierend auf dem Ring of Fire System.

2 Szenarien, Schwierigkeitsgrad: niedrig bis mittel, Solospielbarkeit: hoch, 7 km/Feld, 4-8 Tage/Runde, Bataillon, Regiment, Kampfgruppe, Brigade, Division, Korps.

240 Counter, 1 Karte, Regeln usw. Im Ziplock

The successful offensive of early autumn 1943 found the Soviets with several bridgeheads over the Dnepr River. The largest of these, located north of K... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR



Tunisia '43 - The Battle of Kasserine

Die Schlacht von Kasserine ist noch niemals so gründlich behandelt worden! Grundlage ist das Piercing the Reich System.

2 Meilen/Feld, 1 Runde = 1 Tag. Regimenter, Brigaden, Bataillone, Kompanien, Kampfgruppen und HQ.

1 Karte. 420 Counter, 36-seitiges Regelheft mit ausführlichen Beispielen. Boxed.

44,00 EUR


MiH WE-07

White Ensign - Rising Sun

"White Ensign/Rising Sun" (WERS) covers the Japanese raid on Ceylon under Vice-Admiral Nagumo into the Indean Ocean in April 1942. This raid sank and destroyed shipping in the Bay (including the British carrier Hermes) and destroyed targets in and around Ceylon."

It is based on Norway 1940.


* 2 22x34" game maps
* 176 counters
* rules booklet
* 4 player aid sheats
* four roster sheets

This game comes in a zip-locked (non-boxed) version.

Der Über... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR




D-Day: The Great Crusade Expansion

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D-DAY THE GREAT CRUSADE EXPANSION PACK provides new counters, rules and scenarios for a detailed invasion sequence! Designer Danny Holte made another TRIP TO NORMANDY in 2007 to get this right and it is a MUST HAVE for owners of the game.

This expansion game is for owners of D-Day: The Great Crusade. This is not a complete game; the original is required for use. Its purpose is to add a more detailed invasion sequence to the original game, and includes a detailed setup to reflect unit position... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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Eastwall: Battles for the Dnepr - New Map (2nd Ed.)

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Eastwall is an operational simulation of the campaign for control of the Ukraine, lasting from September 1943 to February 1944. One side represents the German forces of Heeresgruppe Süd while the other side controls the Red Army forces of several fronts. Eastwall uses the popular system of the Ring of Fire.

Eastwall includes two kinds of combat, tank combat and regular combat, plus innovative reserve rules, paradrops (á la Kanev), and special bridgehead operations across the mighty Dnepr ri... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


Götterdämmerung - Map 2nd Edition

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Map 2nd Edition - 22 x 34 operational level historical map of the battlefield from the Elbe to the Oder.
*Inset Berlin STREET LEVEL tactical map detailing the entire defense network of the city in 1945;

26,00 EUR



Piercing the Reich New (Upgrade) Map

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Dies ist eine neu kolorierte Karte, einschließlich aller neuen Orders für Piercing the Reich.

New UPGRADED map with new grahics for better playability

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T3 Operation Warfare


Drive to the Baltic!

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Es ist fast das Ende des Krieges, aber die Deutschen haben noch Biß! Prächtige Karte von Joe Youst, Spiel auf operationaler Ebene über die Panzerkriegführung.

Turning the Table System.

6 Meilen/Feld, 1 Runde = 3 Tage. Regimenter, Brigaden, Divisionen und Korps.

1 Karte. 280 Counter, Regelheft.

z.Zt. vergriffen


Turning the Tables

z.Zt. vergriffen


Die Niederlage der Achse bei der sowjetischen Frühjahrsoffensive '42.

3 Szenarien, Schwierigkeitsgrad: mittel, Solospielbarkeit: hoch, 8 km/Feld, 2 Tage/Runde, Bataillon, Regiment, Kampfgruppe, Brigade, Division, Korps.

1 Karte, 240 Counter, Regelheft usw. Im Ziplock

z.Zt. vergriffen


Velikye Luki: Little Stalingrad of the North

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Fortsetzung des Turning the Tables Systems.

2 km/Feld, 1 Runde = 6 Tage. Bataillone, Kampfgruppen, Regimenter und Brigaden.

1 Karte. 280 Counter. Regelheft mit Beispielen.

The town of Velikye Luki was captured by German forces during July 1941. From the view of Heeresgruppe Mitte which was responsible for this sector, Velikye Luki was very important for three reasons-(1) It formed a bridgehead across the Lowat River; (2) it was a major railroad junction; (3) It screened ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


Multi-Man Publishing


A Victory Awaits: Operation Barbarossa 1941 (Reprint)

Hot Seller


A Victory Awaits: Operation Barbarossa 1941, uses a lightly modified version of the A Victory Lost Series game system. The game covers Operation Barbarossa from June 22 to mid-September. Game play features the same chit-pull mechanics used in AVL, with 10 one-week turns. Players can play either the full campaign game, or the Army Group North, Army Group Center, or Army Group South scenarios. Each of the scenarios plays on a single map, or play the full campaign game on all three maps!

Famed J... (vollständige Beschreibung)

106,00 EUR



A Victory Denied

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In July of 1941, the German Army stood at the very door of Moscow. The Soviet forces before them had been routed and the path to yet another great victory for the Wehrmacht was seemingly undefended. But it was here that the Russian Army successfully rallied. For the first time in this terrible war, the Germans faced an enemy that was implacable and resolute. With victory so close, and with Germany closer to world domination then they would ever be before or since - the Russian line held - it was... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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A Victory Lost (Reprint)

z.Zt. vergriffen


A harsh, cold wind blows across the steppes of Russia. With a flurry of thundering explosions, the Russian offensive Operation Saturn begins. Can the Russians encircle and trap the extended German armies?

A Victory Lost was designed by Tetsuya Nakamura, who also designed MMP's recent release Fire in the Sky, and starts with the Russian Offensive through Manstein's famous "backhand blow".

A Victory Lost, the latest game in our International Game Series, was designed by Tetsuya Nakamura and... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Breakout: Normandy

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Bitter Woods 2nd Edition

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Fire In The Sky

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Simulating the Pacific Front of World War II has always been one of the great wargame design challenges. The same distance that planes could cover in a few hours took days for ships and weeks for foot soldiers. Hostile jungles and great oceans combined to make logistics and transport of paramount historical concerns. These and other design puzzles are solvable by only the most gifted designers.

Renown Japanese wargame designer Tetsuya Nakamura has successfully met these challenges and MMP is ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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Kawaguchi's Gamble: Edson's Ridge

Kawaguchi's Gamble: Edson's Ridge covers the area of Edson's Ridge and the surrounding jungle just south of Henderson Airfield on the island of Guadalcanal during September 1942. The Japanese, as part of a complicated multi-pronged attack, sent three battalions, nearly 3000 men, charging towards the ridge protecting the airfield. Almost 800 Paramarines and Raiders defended the ridge with amazing courage and, despite suffering horrible casualties, kept from being overrun and saved both the airfie... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR



Monty's Gamble: Market Garden (Reprint)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Monty's Gamble: Market Garden is a reprinting of MMP’s highly acclaimed area movement game on Operation Market Garden simulating the Allied attack in Holland and the German response. The Allies must land paratroopers, seize key bridges, and get XXX Corps up "Hell's Highway" to relieve the British paratroopers in Arnhem, all while the Germans are attempting to break the supply line.

Monty's Gamble: Market Garden features a semi-simultaneous movement system which provides maximum interaction ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR



Panzerblitz: Hill of Death

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In the words of a Senior German Officer "He who holds Hill 112, holds Normandy".

Join the epic battle for this key feature and the control of Normandy. Take command of Infantry and Armor to control key terrain features on Hill 112 and the surrounding countryside. This epic battle waged for over 4 weeks with the hill and surrounding objectives changing hands several times. Can you take and hold this vital piece of high ground the key to Normandy?

Panzerblitz: Hill of Death (PB:HOD) is based... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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Red Star Rising - The War in Russia, 1941-1944

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The War in Russia. The East Front. Many designers have tried to simulate the largest campaign in WW2. Few have done it as successfully as Masahiro Yamazaki has with Red Star Rising. Simulating Barbarossa through Germany's final retreat, can you expel the Nazi horde from Mother Russia?

Masahiro Yamazaki has long been considered the East Front specialist in Japan. His games - including the excellent Stalingrad Pocket by the Gamers - have been enjoyed by English gamers since 1992. Now, for the f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

98,00 EUR



Storm Over Dien Bien Phu

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In the spring of 1954, General Giap shocked the world by doing what had previously been considered impossible—defeating a Western occupying force. Storm Over Dien Bien Phu simulates the climatic moment when the isolated French forces (composed of French legionnaires and elite paratrooper units), crumbled under the unrelenting pressure of the Chinese–backed Viet Minh forces.

Using the Area Move system redefined in Storm Over Stalingrad, the game features the use of cards to augment game p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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Storm Over Jerusalem: The Roman Siege

Hot Seller


By the year 70 of the Common Era (CE), the province of Judea had been in revolt against Rome for nearly 4 years. The protests and riots that began in 66 CE had quickly turned into open rebellion. The standard Roman punitive force under Syrian legate Cestius Gallus, having failed to capture Jerusalem, was wiped out at Beth Horon. General Vespasian was given command of the Roman army in the region and ordered to crush the rebellion and restore order. Turmoil in Rome, however, saw Vespasian recalle... (vollständige Beschreibung)

108,00 EUR



Storm Over Stalingrad

z.Zt. vergriffen


The prize at the end of Germany's 1942 summer offensive was Stalingrad. The city, while being a propaganda key due to its name, was also a key industrial city sitting upon both rail and river networks. The German 6th Army hit arrived at the west bank of the Volga by late August and began their assault on the city. "Stalingrad must not be taken by the enemy" ordered Stalin. Now you can command the defense of the city and try to hold versus a talented, but stretched thin, German Army. Or will you ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Shifting Sands

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North Africa may well have been the theater in which the war was waged in its most modern guise...It was only in the desert that the principles of armored warfare as they were taught in theory before the war could be fully applied and thoroughly developed. It was only in the desert that real tank battles were fought by large-scale formations - Erwin Rommel

Shifting Sands is a point-to-point movement, card driven game based on the World War II African campaigns of 1940-1943. From the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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War of the Suns

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The war in China-India-Burma theatre is always looked at as through a veil; perceived as a backwater front of the far larger conflict that was World War Two. Nevertheless, this war was vital to the final Allied victory in the Pacific, and even more so to the impact this war would have on the post-war world. Many "what-ifs" could have dramatically changed the world. What if China had surrendered in 1937 and over a million Japanese soldiers would be free to overrun India. There would be no Flying ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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Bitter Woods - Rules of Play 2nd Edition

Regel und Counter

26,00 EUR


War Storm Series


La Bataille de France, 1940

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In May, 1940, World War II took a turn that will change history forever - the German Army invaded France through the neutral countries of Belgium and Netherlands and thus avoiding the fearsome Maginot Line. The French Army, supposedly the best army of the time, felt far from any threat. Against all expectations, the neutral nations were quickly overrun, and the British Expeditionary Corps was forced to be evacuated, almost miraculously, from the channel port of Dunkirk. France capitulated in two... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR




A las Barricadas ... Help Arrives! Expansion Module

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War Storm Series presents the first expansion of the tactical game set in the Spanish Civil War, A las Barricadas!. Help Arrives... in the form of new units such as the International Brigades, the Italian Corpo Troppe Volontarie, and the German Cóndor Legion.

Help Arrives... with 300 new counters and 12 exciting new scenarios that expand the original game and cover almost every type of unit that took part in the conflict.

# The Help Arrives... module contains: 1 map
# 2 counter sheets
#... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR


New England Simulations

NES 02-003

The Killing Ground

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The Killing Ground is an operational level game dealing with intensive and costly battles in Normandy, France after the D-Day Landings. The game covers the entire campaign from mid July with the Allied attacks on Caen and St. Lo, through to the destruction of the German army trapped in the Falaise pocket.

The game system uses a separate chit draw that makes the combat strengths of units unknown to both sides until the moment of combat. Most units are regiments with armor and other assets as b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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NES 19-006

The Jaws of Victory: Battle of Korsun-Cherkassy Pocket – January/February 1944

Hot Seller


The Jaws of Victory is a 2-map simulation of the January-February 1944 battle of the Korsun-Cherkassy Pocket that took place in the Ukraine. It’s a classic pincer movement by two Soviet Armies that pocketed two German Korps. The Germans soon counterattacked with seven Panzer divisions in an attempt to relieve the pocket. The relief effort came close to success, but ultimately failed. The trapped units eventually broke out while incurring significant losses.

The Jaws of Victory is an excitin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

162,00 EUR


Omega Games

OMG 2000

Carrier War

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Take command of Japanese and Allied forces during the crucial years of the War in the Pacific. Maneuver naval, air and land forces from Japan to Ceylon and the West Coast of the United States. Three interactive naval/air rounds per monthly game turn recreate the excitement of fast carrier operations. Playing pieces represent American, Japanese, Commonwealth, Dutch, and Filipino land, naval and air units.

* Naval units represent individual capital ships or multiples of other ships.
* ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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OMG 3006

Eastern Front Solitaire

z.Zt. vergriffen


Ein alter Klassiker des Solitärspiels in neuem Gewand und überarbeitet zurück. Endlich wieder lieferbar!

In June 1941, Germany invaded the Soviet Union launching the largest land campaign in history. The German high command planned a lightning-paced campaign to destroy the Soviet Army and capture Leningrad, Smolensk and Kiev and finally Moscow by year's end. Russia would fall as easily as France had a year earlier. After stunning initial successes, the German effort faltered a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

OMG xxxx

The §§ Abyss

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The §§ Abyss is an operational simulation of two of the last major German offensives of World War II.

Hungary, 1945. On the brink of disaster, desperation sets in... Operations Konrad 3 and Spring Awakening were two of the last major German offensives of World War II. Konrad 3 was the final attempt to relieve the besieged German remnants in Budapest. In Spring Awakening, the Germans, drawing on the remains of the mighty Sixth Panzer Army rebuilt from the ruins of the Ardennes, attempted to ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 36,00 EUR



OMG 2001

Carrier War - Expansion

Sammlerstück / Rarität


1944-1946 Expansion Kit

30,00 EUR


Simulation Canada Games

SCG 0001

Assault on Tobruk

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SCG 0002


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SCG 0004

Divine Wind

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SCG 0005

Kriegs Marine

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SCG 0010


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SCG 0012

West Front

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SCG 0013

La Regia Marina

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Strategic level game of naval combat in the Mediterranean Sea during WWII. The units represent individual capital ships, squadrons of smaller ships, air groups, and amphibious and paratroop forces.

Players have two main objectives: Destroy the opponent's naval forces and deliver supplies to their troops fighting in North Africa. A turn consists of assigning shipping routes to convoys, moving combat forces to intercept detected enemy formations, and adjusting supply levels for successfully del... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SCG 0014


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Schnellboote, Tactical Small Craft Warfare, 1939-1945.

SimCan says: &quot;Darkness cloaks the Slot. Off the bow two other boats of the squadron idle along silently at 4 knots, almost invisible. The radio crackles into muffled life. The Tokyo Express has just passed the other half of the squadron, too distant to attack, but they are coming in. And they will now be between the fires of all six boats. The giant motors crank over, phosphorescent wakes building along the hulls, as the PTs rush to ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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Spearhead Games

SPH 1001

Bodyguard Overlord



Bodyguard Overlord is a simulation of intelligence, deception and preparations preceding the Allied Invasion of Normandy in June 1944 and their effect on the subsequent course of military operations. The emphasis of this simulation is on the often overlooked "fog-of-war", the tendency for information to get mixed up in the heat of a campaign.

Simulation des Unternehmens "Overlord", der Landung der Allierten in der Normandie. Im Gegensatz zu "normalen" CoSims sind jedoch nicht so s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


SPH 1003

A Bold Stroke: The Soviet Liberation of Kiev, 1943

Eine der am öftesten gespielten Kampagnen des 2. Weltkrieges. Die deutschen Armeen sind noch nicht geschlagen, aber die sowjetischen Truppen befinden sich in einer Phase des strategischen Vormarsches. Beide Armeen haben sich qualitativ immer mehr angeglichen. Die sowjetiche Armee verfügt über mehr Truppen, aber da ist noch der Dnepr...

280 Counter, 1 Karte 22×34 Zoll, Regelbuch usw.

Design von Jack Radey

44,00 EUR


Steve Bohn Games

SBG 0100

Operation Husky: The Campaign for Sicily 1943

It's June 11, 1943 and the Allies are ashore on Sicily...the race to Messina has begun. As the Allied player, you have 12 divisions of Americans, Canadians and British. In all, 467,000 troops commanded by two of the Allied's best: General George S. Patton and General Bernard L. Montgomery. Your objectives are to capture the Axis airfields and supply ports needed for the attack on the Italian boot and the destruction of the German and Italian forces in Sicily - you must not allow their evacuation... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


Tiny Battle Publishing


D-Day and Beyond, June 6, 1944 through May 19, 1945

D-Day, the largest amphibious invasion in history, opened the final chapter of the war in Europe with the landings on four Normandy beaches. For almost a year, General Eisenhower balanced Allied resources and clashing subordinates as he slowly drove back Field Marshal Karl von Rundstedt’s forces, who struggled with Hitler to command his theater forces. In late January 1945 the Rhine was breached and the end of the Third Reich drew nearer.

D-Day and Beyond is a tense, two-player operational ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR


VUCA Simulations

VUCAS 0001

Across the Bug River: Volodymyr-Volynskyi 1941

Across the Bug River: Volodymyr-Volynskyi 1941 is an operational level simulation about the fighting during the first days of Operation Barbarossa in the Volodymyr-Volynskyi region. The goal for the German player is to break through the Soviet defence lines and open the main road to the East.

It uses the same core system as VUCA's earlier "Crossing the Line".

Components of the game:
One rulebook
One mounted map board
382 large counters of which 181 are combat units
Four player aid char... (vollständige Beschreibung)

92,00 EUR


VUCAS 0002

Operation Theseus: Gazala 1942

Hot Seller


Operation Theseus - Gazala 1942 is an operational level simulation of the Gazala battles of 1942, which took place during May and June 1942.

The game is intended for two players but is also suitable for solitaire and team play. The goal for the Axis player is to hit the Allied forces hard and to seize specific victory locations, thereby opening the door to Egypt. The Allied player wants to prevent this from happening, thereby eliminating the Axis potential for further offensives.

The game ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

86,00 EUR


VUCAS 0003

Crossing the Line: Aachen 1944

Crossing the Line – Aachen 1944 is an operational level simulation of the Battle for Aachen, which took place from September 12th to October 21st, 1944. The game is intended for two players but is also suitable for solitaire and team play. The game is played in a semi-interactive way, as only one Division of the active player is activated to conduct actions at the same time and the inactive player sometimes can have one of his Divisions react to specific threats and interrupt the enemy's actio... (vollständige Beschreibung)

74,00 EUR


VUCAS 0004

Donnerschlag: Escape from Stalingrad

Hot Seller


'Donnerschlag' is a two player game which is playable in one sitting. It is more of a game than a simulation and intended to bring a high player interactivity and replayability to the player's table.

The Situation:
From December 12 to December 23 in 1942, "Unternehmen Wintergewitter" was in progress. This was the code name for a relief attack by Heeresgruppe Don to free the trapped 6th Army in Stalingrad.

The Axis formations entered with 50,000 men and 250 tanks, while the strength of th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

86,00 EUR


VUCAS 0008

The Chase of the Bismarck: Operation Rheinübung 1941

Chase of the Bismarck is played in turns, each representing nearly five hours of real time. In each turn, both players secretly move any or all ships and air units under their command on their own search board.

Each player may then call out zones in which he has enough search factors to locate his opponent's ships. This is the “operational part of the game”.

If opposing ships are discovered to be in the same zone, they may proceed to combat on the Battle Board. This is the “tactical ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

130,00 EUR


VUCAS 0010

Task Force - Carrier Battles in the Pacific

Hot Seller


"TASK FORCE: Carrier Battles in the Pacific" is designed to be accessible and enjoyable for all - ranging from players with no experience of simulation games, to those with intermediate or above proficiency in the genre.

There are an initial eight scenarios to play, focusing on Japanese naval engagements in World War II. These are: "Attack on Pearl Harbor," "Sinking of Prince of Wales and Repulse," "Battle of the Java Sea," "Carrier vs Carrier," "Battle of the Coral Sea," "Battle of Midway," ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

108,00 EUR


VUCAS 0011

Traces of War

Hot Seller


WWII chit-pull wargame about the aftermath after the battle of Kursk.

Traces of War is a two-player game that simulates the intense fighting between Axis and Soviet forces after the battle of Kursk during August 1943 to March 1944. A major Soviet offensive is launched against a German mobile defense. Will the breakthrough be successful?

Game Scale:
Game Turn: 1 month
Hex: 12.5 miles / 20 kilometers
Units: Divisions to Corps

Game Inventory:
Two 20.7 x 28" / 525 x 712 mm full color ma... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR


VUCAS 0013

Traces of Hubris

Hot Seller


WWII chit-pull wargame about the German Case Blue summer offensive.

Traces of Hubris is a two-player game that simulates the German Case Blue (Fall Blau) summer offensive in southern Russia during the second half of 1942. The goal was to “cut off” the Volga at Stalingrad and to capture the Caucasus oil fields.

The Axis player must eliminate the Soviet forces and break their defense lines in order to reach his objectives. The Soviet player must do everything to defend the homeland, and... (vollständige Beschreibung)

78,00 EUR



1 x Nations at W...

S: 36,00 EUR

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