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256130961 Seitenabrufe seit dem 30.06.2003


HauptseiteProduktlinienSlaine RPG (D20)

Slaine RPG (D20)

Slaine RPG (D20)

Welcome to Tir Nan Og, a land where ancient Celtic legends mingle with prehistoric fact, thousands of years ago, just after the end of the last ice age. Tir Nan Og is known as the Land of the Young, for very few of its people live to old age. The noble Tribes of the Earth Goddess keep their proud warrior traditions alive in northern Tir Nan Og, but are constantly threatened by the Fomorian sea-devils, the tribes of the evil Drune Lords, and the bloodthirsty Berserkers of Midgard. The gods and goddesses of the Land of the Young take a personal interest in its affairs, and it is quite possible to interact directly with them in their own lands, and even to call upon their aid on the battlefield.

The Sláine role-playing game allows players to take the role of mighty Celtic heroes exploring a land in which legends are real and a strong warrior can carve out a reputation that may last for millennia. As members of the Tribes of the Earth Goddess, they will be called on to raid or war against rival tribes, quest after ancient treasures, or defend their lands against invading sea-devils. Over the years they will build up their honour and reputation, until one day they might join the ranks of the tribe's most elite warriors, or even become tribal leaders themselves.

By playing the Sláine role-playing game, you can create a character who lives both in the magical land of Tir Nan Og and in your own imagination and that of your friends. One player will take the role of the Games Master, controlling the people and creatures who dwell within the land, whilst the other players will be either valiant heroes, wise druids, wily thieves or cunning witches. The Games Master sets Tir Nan Og before the other players, allowing them to explore everywhere from the frozen wastes of Lochlann to the north, to the magically drained Sourlands in the south and the territory of the evil Drune Lords beyond.


Produkte vom Herausgeber (Mongoose Publishing)


MGP 8001

Slaine: Tir na Nog RPG Core Rules (HC)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Das D20 Rollenspiel basierend auf dem keltischen Hintergrund der Slaine Comics.

The Sláine role-playing game allows players to take the role of mighty Celtic heroes exploring a land in which legends are real and a strong warrior can carve out a reputation that may last for millennia. As members of the Tribes of the Earth Goddess, they will be called on to raid or war against rival tribes, quest after ancient treasures, or defend their lands against invading sea-devils. Over the years they wi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR



MGP 8002

Slaine: Tir Na Nog - The Land of the Young

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Tir Nan Og is the legendary Celtic Land of the Young, a world rather like a legendary version of Northern Europe in a time before much of that continent sank beneath the waves. The four Tribes of the Earth Goddess, on whom the Sl ine stories concentrate, are threatened on all sides, with the constant risk of the Fomorians sweeping down from the icy north, the Drune Lords encroaching from the south and the ravages of the berserkers of Midgard in the east.

Tir Nan Og is a land full of heroes, a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


MGP 8004

Slaine: The Fir Domain

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The Fir Domain are one of the fiercest and most troublesome Tribes of the Earth Goddess. Whereas the Sessair and Finians will go to war as soon as look at you, the Fir Domain are just as eager for trouble but always with an eye to the main chance. Likewise, they can be as cunning as the Tribe of the Shadows, but are quite prepared to apply that intelligence and planning to a frontal assault or even an entire war, rather than relying on night raids. If they cannot profit from war, and with minima... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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MGP 8006

Slaine: The Sessair

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The blood-shot and maniac grinning face on the front cover (by Mark Gibbons) leaves no doubt as to the content of this supplement. As part of the same series as the previously released Fir Domain, The Sessair is packed full of history, background and good solid game information designed to expand the characters of any player who hails from this tribe. The supplement kicks off with the History and Traditions of the Sessair, a long treatise on the origins and nature of the tribe,. including their ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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MGP 8007

Slaine: The Ragnarok Book

In the land of the Tribes of the Earth Mother, there once existed a ring of stones called the Teeth of the Moon Sow. Many tales were told of their power and potency, but none knew their real magic. The third part of the epic Horned Lord and Moon Sow campaign for the Slaine RPG reveals new perils, enemies and goals in the quest to defeat the evil King Osdann, the hideous Drune Lords and the loathsopme Fomorians.

20,00 EUR


MGP 8008

Slaine: Way of the Horned God

Welcome to Way of the Horned God, the fourth adventure in the Horned Lord and Moon Sow campaign for the Sláine roleplaying game. In this epic adventure, the heroes will need to free their tribe from fomorian tyranny, quest for the tribal treasures of the other three Tuatha de Danaan, unite the four Tribes of the Earth Goddess under a single High King, re-establish the religion of Carnun, the Horned Lord, and assemble the last of the magical Teeth of the Moon Sow to create a magical artefact of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


MGP 8009

Slaine: The Falians

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Unlike the other Earth Goddess Tribes, the folk of the Tribe of the Shadows place little importance on directness as a virtue. They will happily sneak up behind an enemy and strangle him, not thinking it the least bit dishonourable. Before an army brings them to battle, they may find the general assassinated and warriors out of action through a dose of hallucinogenic fungi in the mead cauldron. Once in combat they will not shirk from stabbing in the back if the opportunity arises, but their cour... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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MGP 8010

Slaine:The Finians

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The Finians are a somewhat mysterious tribe, not so much due to deliberate efforts at obfuscation as in the case of the Tribe of the Shadows, but simply because of their geographic isolation in Alba to the far north of Tir Nan Og. What the other tribes know of them for certain is that the Finians are as fierce and valiant in battle as even the Sessair. This mighty Alban tribe is also noted for the dourness of its members and their relative indifference to what the other tribes regard as the esse... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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MGP 8003

Slaine: The Invulnerable King

Part One of the epic Horned Lord and Moon Sow Campaign

For 1st-2nd Level Characters

Welcome to The Invulnerable King, the first part in the epic Horned Lord and Moon Sow campaign for the Slaine roleplaying game. This campaign will take your players from Albion all over Tir Nan Og and beyond, as they quest to depose their tyrannical king, re-assemble an ancient stone circle and save all the norhtern tribes from the combined might of the Fomorians and the Drune Lords.

All you need to play... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


MGP 8005

Slaine: Teeth of the Moon Sow

In the land of the tribes of the Earth Mother once existed a ring of stones called the Teeth of the Moon Sow. Many tales were told of it as a place of power and potency, but in the time before Sláine, none knew of its real magic. Long ago, the circle was dedicated to the Goddess in her aspect as the white moon Ceridwen, whose name means 'Crooked White One.' In gentle aspect, she was the muse, creator and protector of bards. In anger, she was a monstrous white sow, a flesh-devourer and bringer o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR



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