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HauptseiteTabletops / MiniaturenProduktlinien (Tabletops / Miniaturen)Heavy Gear

Heavy Gear

Heavy Gear

Heavy Gear has been called by many the finest science-fiction game on the market. A rich world has been painted in the many supplements available, a world that is at war with itself. Heavy Gear, definitively not your father's Giant Robot game!

Back Story: The year is 6132. More than three hundred years ago, a political crisis on Earth caused it to abandon its colonies and retreat into isolation. Since that fateful day, the former colonists have adapted to their new home planets and evolved into distinct societies. As our story opens, the former colony of Terra Nova is recovering from the War of the Alliance, wherein they successfully repelled a surprise invasion attempt by a newly imperialist Earth government. Victory was short-lived, however: the power brokers of Terra Nova are restless once again. No one seems to know or care what is happening to the rest of the human colony worlds -- an oversight that might have devastating consequences in the future...

Tabletops / Miniaturen

Produkte vom Herausgeber (Dream Pod 9)


DPN DP9-001

Heavy Gear Rulebook - A New Era Has Just Begun

z.Zt. vergriffen


Terra Nova is a land full of beauty and mystery: rolling grasslands, rocky precipices, misty jungles, thick forests and harsh deserts. Throughout them all, the military forces of Terra Nova wage their deadly contests in the hopes of besting one another. The Heavy Gear Tactical Miniatures Rulebook now allows players to experience this struggle in miniature play format.

z.Zt. vergriffen

DPN DP9-103

Heavy Gear Game Accessory One: Gamemaster's Guide - Mastering the Game

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Running a game is no picnic. This supplement contains vital information that will provide everything both novice and experienced Gamemasters need to run a dynamic, action-packed, highly entertaining Heavy Gear campaign. The Gamemaster's Guide also provides a full list of Perks and Flaws for roleplaying characters, allowing you to add extra detail to your Heavy Gear characters.

* Full color map of Terra Nova.
* Three-fold Gamemaster's Screen.
* Easy-to-access reference tables.
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


DPN DP9-106

Heavy Gear Tactical Miniatures Rules, 2nd Edition - The War Goes On

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


The HUD came to life, screaming warnings of incoming fire. Duncan gripped the controls, spinning his war machine to face his opponent. The Gear suddenly dropped to one knee, hoping to dodge the blast. It worked, but even through the thick armor, Duncan felt the shockwave from the rockets' near miss. He pushed his vehicle to its feet and began running for the cover of the nearby trees. His fire control system pinpointed the approaching opponent and plotted a firing solution; Duncan squeezed the t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



DPN DP9-008

Heavy Gear Tactical Air Support: Aircraft & Aerial Warfare

Sammlerstück / Rarität



Enrike switched off his radio and quickly maneuvered his Headhunter Gear away from his present location, zig-zagging through the rocky terrain in search of better cover. Undoubtedly, his transmission had given away his position and enemy artillery was about to swamp the area with suppression fire. His odds were bad.

The terrain was flat enough but rough, making it difficult for his SMS to perform at peak efficiency. He reach... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


DPN DP9-010

Heavy Gear Southern Field Guide: Southern Vehicles 1

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Are you running out of new machines to pit your plaqers against? Tired of playing the same old machines? Need to spice up your campaign with never-seen-before designs? Running out of time to create your own Gears?

Wait no more! This is the book you've been waiting for.

The Terra Nova Field Guide series showcases the most common pieces of equipment used by the armies of the 62nd century. Combat and utilitarian vehicles, Heavy Gears. striders, it's all there! This first 48-page volume in the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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DPN DP9-012

Heavy Gear Northern Field Guide: Northern Vehicles 2

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


A Mechanical Catalog for the Heavy Gear Universe. Are you running out of new machines to pit your players against? Tired of playing the same old machines? Need to spice up your campaign with never-seen-before designs? Running out of time to create your own Gears? Wait no more! This is the book you've been waiting for. The Terra Nova Field Guide series showcases the most common pieces of equipment used by the 62nd century. Combat and utility vehicles, Heavy Gears, striders, it's all there! This t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


DPN DP9-013

Heavy Gear Southern Field Guide: Southern Vehicles 2

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Are you running out of new machines to pit your plaqers against? Tired of playing the same old machines? Need to spice up your campaign with never-seen-before designs? Running out of time to create your own Gears?

Wait no more! This is the book you've been waiting for.

The Terra Nova Field Guide series showcases the most common pieces of equipment used by the armies of the 62nd century. Combat and utilitarian vehicles, Heavy Gears, striders, it's all there! This fourth 48-page volume in ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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DPN DP9-016

Heavy Gear Tactical Field Support: Artillery & Ground Warfare

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The sound of the artillery batteries was a distant thunder on the far horizon. Temporarily safe at the bottom of a hastily digged foxhole, Ranger Callahan considered his options. With his Gear blown out from under him by a well-concealed mine, these were dreadfully limited.

Callahan immediatly ruled out any thought of a pick-up. This far out on the border, no operation was completely official, and if you missed the first bus home there was no second service.

"If I'm to make it out of here,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

76,00 EUR


DPN DP9-039

Heavy Gear Southern Vehicles Compendium Two: Tanks & Artillery - Swords of Honor

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Caporal Nadia Venier positioned herself at the top of the dune and removed the cap on her rifle's sight. Low-light amplification and a digital telescopic lens brought her within spitting distance of the Northern formation. This was a big advance - Aller MBTs, Klemm and Tyburr tanks, it was an impressive display. But she was interested in the vehicle protected by a squadron of Jaguar Gears. Clustered with antennae, it was a Murdock command vehicle, most likely carrying the regimental commander.
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


DPN DP9-060

Heavy Gear Space Combat Rules: Tactical Space Support - Space Warfare

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Captain Lothair Aleron pushed against the bridge airlock, the reaction sending him toward his duty station. A practiced flip landed him in the seat where he immediatly secured his flight harness. "What have we got, mister Aubert?"

"Not sure yet, captain. I've got a contact ten-thousand klicks off the starboard bow, ten degrees down. No positive ID yet - it's running fairly clean in the IR and radio bands."

The sensor operator kept his eyes fixed on the holographic sphere suspended just abo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


DPN DP9-104

Heavy Gear Technical Manual 2nd Edition - Terranovan Technology

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Soldat Beringer winced as the heat from the melted circuits penetrated his insulated gloves. The cooling shroud of the Long Fang Naga's surviving field gun had been damaged and excess heat had poured into the weapon's articulation circuitry when it had last fired.

"Hurry up. They're almost here!" Beringer knew Soldat Hennan tracked the approaching Jaguars on her sensors. He gritted his teeth and ripped out the melted wiring.

"One minute," he mumbled into his helmet comm. Taking out a stand... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR



DPN DP9-002

Heavy Gear Sourcebook: Life on Terra Nova

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


The harsh world of Terra Nova was once the jewel in Earth's colonial crown, but it was eventually abandoned and forced to fend for itself. The planet has thrived since then. Home to 250 million humans, this once marginal world is now home to diverse cultures and belligerent nations. The confederations that rule the hemispheres are poised on the verge of war, trapping the desertic Badlands in the middle. Intrigue and action blend across the world as a global conflict begins.

30,00 EUR


DPN DP9-005

Heavy Gear Sourcebook: Duelist's Handbook (1st Edition)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


The crowd was going wild. Thousands of dinars were changing hands and Elise was sweating like crazy.

Her Iguana was running full tilt, weaving back and forth in an effort to escape the Sidewinder's autocannon fire. The other Gear was moving more slowly, keeping its aim steady and sure. Armor-piercing shells ripped into the leg of her machine and red warning lights began dancing in front of her eyes. She ignored them.

Skidding to a stop behind the cover of a makeshift bunker, she waited for... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


DPN DP9-021

Heavy Gear Sourcebook: Character Compendium

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Heavy Gear Character Compendium provides a wealth of information for Gamemasters of the Heavy Gear rolepaying game. Ten different groups are profiled, each fully detailed and ready to interact with Player Characters as allies, friends, enemies or contacts. Each group has its own stories which can also be easily integrated into an existing campaign.

The Compendium also takes a close look at the most important people in TN 1933 (A.D. 6132). Moving beyond the geographical limitations of regi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


DPN DP9-024

Heavy Gear Sourcebook: Southern Army List One - Honor, Glory & Steel

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Soldat Laubert and his comrades, all dressed in brand new uniforms, looked on with apprehension to their commanding officer. This was the escouade's first official sortie and they were determined to prove themselves worthy of the honor bestowed upon them by the army. The air inside the armored personnel carrier was thick with tension. Explosions and bullet impacts resounded outside the metal plating.

"This is it, men," said the sergent as he moved to his drop-off position near the door. "This... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


DPN DP9-025

Heavy Gear Northern Vehicles Compendium One: Gears & Striders - Shields of Faith

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Contains the Gears and striders originally found in Field Guides N1 and N2, along with all the weapons, Perks and Flaws found in these two books, and a wealth of new material.

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DPN DP9-026

Heavy Gear Southern Vehicle Compendium One: Gears & Striders - Shields of Honor

Sammlerstück / Rarität


"All right rebels, you asked for it!"

The huge armoplast and durasheets fist of the Cobra MP smashed through the concrete wall with explosive force. Clouds of gray dust flew in the closed quarters of the barracks as rebel MILICIAmen scampered to find cover. The hulking military police model, its massive Piston Punch already retracting, backed up a few paces to make room for an Iguana MP, which stepped into the chamber. The smaller Gear's Riotmaster frag cannon made an ominous noise as a round... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


DPN DP9-030

Heavy Gear C.N.C.S.Leaguebook One: Northern Lights Confederacy - Land of the Prophet

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Das Handbuch zur Northern Lights Confederacy, dem mächtigsten der drei nördlichen Bünde auf Terra Nova. Alles über Ökonomie, Geschichte, Geographie und die Gesellschaft im Angesicht des bevorstehenden Krieges.

The Northern Lights Confederacy brings Heavy Gear fans into the heart of the North. The largest league of the CNCS, the NLC is the driving force behind the policies of the great northern confederation. The home of the great Sorrento Revisionist Faith, the league is nevertheless a d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

DPN DP9-031

Heavy Gear Southern League Book One: Southern Republic - Land of the Snakes

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The single-most powerful nation on Terra Nova, the Southern Republic holds the entire South in its iron grip. Massive military might, a gargantuan intelligence community and an ingrained culture of national supremacy all keep the Republic the master of the Allied Southern Territories and a real and present danger to the Northern leagues. But the so-called Land of Snakes remains dangerous even for loyal citizens. Centuries of intrigue and betrayal are finally catching up to the great league and i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


DPN DP9-032

Heavy Gear Southern Leaguebook Two: Humanist Alliance - Utopia Under Siege

Sammlerstück / Rarität


"This is for your own good."

Peri didn't believe it. The two Inquisitors, clad in starched black uniforms and flanked by armored protectors, seemed anything but helpful. She looked left and right, hoping for an escape route. It was no use, of course. They had cornered her on the observation deck of Perth's great Bast Tower. Her only way out was an eighty-meter drop to the main canal below. Not an appealing option.

"You've made a mistake," she said in order to gain time. "I'm a loyal citize... (vollständige Beschreibung)

76,00 EUR


DPN DP9-033

Heavy Gear Storyline Book One: Crisis of Faith (1933-1995)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Storyline Book One: Crisis of Faith traces the events on Terra Nova from TN 1933 through TN 1935. The planet lurches toward a global conflict and the words of Terranovans themselves betray their machinations and true intentions. Dramatic events that were only hinted at in previous books start to take form with world-shaking consequences. Letters, private conversations, journal entries and official reports expose the true face of history, from the deadly secrets of master spies to the fears of th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


DPN DP9-035

Heavy Gear Campaign Setting One: The New Breed - Battle Before the Storm

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Ehemals als Landship Sourcebook tituliert, umfaßt dieses Quellenbuch alle Fahrzeuge und die Fähigkeiten der Besatzungen aus dem Heavy Gear Computerspiel von Activision.

"Sir! They've made it into the bays!"

Sous-Commandant Sabourin cursed loudly. He strode up to the security console and assessed the situation. The Northern infantry had made it into the Eagle Star's vehicle hangars. The red blips marking the enemy on the monitors were moving out and spreading like viruses. Sabourin knew t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


DPN DP9-036

Heavy Gear Southern Leaguebook Three: Mekong Dominion - Land of the Dragon

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Taipan Aaron Logan inserted the datachip into the reader slot that had silently opened on his previously featureless desk. He turned to face the large holoprojector set into a corner of his spacious office. The light dimmed as the windows autopolarized to filter out the rays of the sun.

The report was short and to the point. The short film of orbital workers unloading shuttles and securing the supplies within the holds of a southern long range ship matched the description he received from his... (vollständige Beschreibung)

76,00 EUR


DPN DP9-037

Heavy Gear Design Works: The Making Of A Universe

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Heavy Gear universe is one of the richest settings ever designed for a science fiction game. Countless hours were spent developing a coherent, complex yet believable world that would capture the imaginations of casual readers and players alike. Only a tiny portion of the material created was ever shown, however. The Heavy Gear Design Works intends to remedy this by giving fans what they've been clamoring for: a "behind the scenes" look of the Dream Pod 9 works.

The Design Works showcase d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

72,00 EUR


DPN DP9-038

Heavy Gear Northern Vehicles Compendium Two: Tanks & Artillery - Swords of Faith

Ber Yanna gritted her teeth as her Klemm tank lurched forward over the dune. It was the first to clear the sand and see the forces laid out ahead of her. Intelligence had told them what to expect, but there was nothing like seeing a group of Visigoths in person to get the blood flowing. "You got those targets?" Yanna's gunner took his time answering. The enemy had an ECM screen up that was preventing them from using indirect fire. He swiveled the main turret and took shots at the Southern format... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


DPN DP9-040

Heavy Gear Campaign Setting Two: The Paxton Gambit - Peace River Showdown

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


"Peace Officer! Don't move!"

The suspect froze as he was ordered. His back was to Officer Donnely and he was wearing a baggy trench coat. Donnely's P9 pistol was pointed squarely at him.

"Hands up! Turn around slowly." While the suspect did so, Donnely reported in on her headset. "Intruder apprehended. Request pickup at my position."

"Confirmed, officer Donnely," came the patrol dispatch officer's voice. "Keep the suspect where you are. Bulldogs are leaving the pound now."

Donnely re... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


DPN DP9-046

Heavy Gear Tactical Supplement: Terra Nova Military Powers Book One - Northern Guard

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Autocannon fire sprayed across the massive Grizzly Gear, doing little more than chipping the paint. The enemy Gears -- Jägers and Iguanas -- fell back while the massive fire support machines advanced across the battlefield. Rocket fire was more effective at slowing them down, but it was only putting off the inevitable advance across the Southern position. One unlucky pilot in the Northern squadron screamed when his Gear's armor started to crack open under the rocket barrage, but his buddies qui... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


DPN DP9-048

Heavy Gear Tactical Supplement: Terra Nova Military Powers Book Two - Southern Milicia

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Satellite observations had picked up the task force hours ago, but the extra preparation time had done little to reassure the defenders of the small Northern outpost. They looked with apprehension at the dust cloud that was forming on the horizon, and turned their sensors toward the incoming enemy force.

Rows after rows of armored tanks and Gears were on the march, crossing the desert in a gigantic line that extended as far as the eye could see on either sides. Menacing weapons gleamed in the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

DPN DP9-051

Heavy Gear Northern Leagebook Two: United Mercantile Federation - The Price of Success

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Natalya Korolov spun the pen round her fingers as she thought. Opportunities like this were few and far between. It was too late to stop the chaos her erstwhile ally had already wrought when he chose to strike off on his own, including this Mamoud-forsaken war, but she could limit future damage. He was a fool if he thought his newfound friends in Valeria could protect him. It was a delicious irony that the emergency powers that ensured his continued tenure would soon strengthen her position.

... (vollständige Beschreibung)

48,00 EUR


DPN DP9-052

Heavy Gear Northern Leaguebook Three: Western Frontier Protectorate - Blood and Honor

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


The orange glow of out of control fires continued to illuminate the night sky. Until this morning -- yesterday morning now -- the war had been almost an abstract concept, held far to the south and having little impact at home. The cruise missiles and bombing runs changed all that, striking at military and civilian targets alike. The Christobal Hospital was one of the worst hit sites, throwing the relief effort into chaos. Lang had worked diligently since the first missiles struck, desperately at... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


DPN DP9-053

Heavy Gear Southern Leaguebook Four: Eastern Sun Emirates - Blood & Revolution

Sammlerstück / Rarität


"Things must change." Gazing from the dizzying heights of the Spire, the highest and most regal point in all Strathclyde, His Supreme Eminence Oliver Masao, Patriarch of the Eastern Sun Emirates, was tired.

Indeed, too much blood had been spilled in his name, and the sorrow of it all was overwhelming. The Masao name was now spat upon by his own people, even his own sister. The Free Emirates, glorious and despicable in their defiance, stood as proof positive that his own rule would end in flam... (vollständige Beschreibung)

96,00 EUR


DPN DP9-059

Heavy Gear Activision Game Companion: Black Talon - Mission to Caprice

Sammlerstück / Rarität


"Move it!" Vesping cried to the Liberati. "The path's clear!"

The engineers ran across the smoking field to the power relay. Within seconds after reaching it, they had the generator off-line and the lights surrounding the base went dark. As they ran away into the night, the generator relay blew in a mighty shower of sparks.

Like a trap-door spider released by the force of the blast, first one Gear-like vehicle crawled out of an underground bunker, then two. The flames reflected off their d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR


DPN DP9-062

Heavy Gear Storyline Book Four: Storm on the Horizon (1941-1943)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


"The end of the Interpolar War, along with renewed contact with the Capricians, signaled the end of one era and the beginning of another. I remember the days when even allied leagues eyed each other with suspicion and sent their war machines to fight for control over this or that. Now they are allied once more under the banner of the Westphalia Cabinet and fighting for the good of the entire planet. It's the War of the Alliance all over again.

"But the reality is somewhat different. Nations, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


DPN DP9-063

Heavy Gear Caprice Book One: Corporate Sourcebook - Business of Occupation

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Dieses Quellenbuch enthält die Geschichte der Firmen und Konzerne von Caprice, der machtvollen Personen im Hintergrund und der Kampagnen, die sich aus den Intrigen dieser Personen entwickeln können. Dieser Quellenband ist perfekt für alle Spieler, die Intrigen, Verschwörungen und Ränkeschmiede lieben!

Clayre Gessiyum watched the Peregrine swoop down on its target, its quad turbofans screaming as it maneuvered hard to align its weapons with the zigzagging Battle Frame. Beams of coherent l... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


DPN DP9-064

Heavy Gear Caprice Book Two: Liberati Sourcebook - Freedom for All

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Rebels and nomads on a rough primal world, the Liberati are stuck between uncaring megacorporations and a fascist government bent on conquest. They only really wanted to be left alone, but the New Earth Commonwealth will not accept independence, only total submission. It is literally a do-or-die situation for those brave souls on the front line of the new conflict racking the Heavy Gear universe!

This Heavy Gear sourcebook contains background information and resources for the Liberati, the un... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


DPN DP9-067

Heavy Gear Storyline Book 5: Distant Shores - 1943-1948

Sammlerstück / Rarität


"I wept as I read the most recent transmissions, now several weeks old, that the Black Talon team had sent us from Atlantis. Peaceful water, stretching from the sand to infinity. I never thought I would get to see it one day. In a strange twist of Fate, the greed and arrogance of the New Earth Commonwealth may well re-ignite the fire that drove us forward, drove us to soar among the stars. Once this conflict is over -- and I've come to believe we will win, for the freedom of societies across the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


DPN DP9-069

Heavy Gear Colony Book Two: Life on Utopia - The Waste World

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Hera stood on the roof of the crawler's armored cab, watching the ruins on the horizon that did not even hint at the presence of a colossal Deep City far below their feet.

“We were sent here to find out how to blend in. To study Utopian culture so that when the Cabinet starts its network, the Black Talons have hard data and good cover. Last night I started reading this book. It was printed on an underground printing press and gives us a clear idea of what happened during the early days ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


DPN DP9-070

Heavy Gear Colony Book Three: Life on Atlantis

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Beatrice Masant looked the young man up and down. His dress and posture marked him out as an Outsider, a Nov, and one who was, to use the old but relevant cliche a fish out of water. He was clearly nervous, fidgeting and eyes darting back and forth. Not pressure sickness, she thought, but it was the depth that worried him. How strange to think that, having traveled millions of kilometers through the hostile vastness of space, he was worried by a few thousand meters of water. But then he does com... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


DPN DP9-102

Heavy Gear Scourcebook: Life on Terra Nova - Mankind's New Home, 2nd Edition

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


"Wha'ch'u want, littl' man?" The GREL's breath was as bad as his diction.

"I'm here to meet someone. A Major Bukharin. My name is Naed Stamens." Major Ceritto, his handler, had said the Arthurian officer would be waiting for him.

"Go'on." The Mordred signaled to the bunker-cum-bar and Naed went in.

He had only taken three steps when the blow caught him in the back of the neck. Stunned, he stumbled forward into the bar and the waiting arms of several Arthurian soldiers. They pinned his a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


DPN DP9-105

Heavy Gear Duelist's Handbook, 2nd Edition - Champions and Daredevils

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Duelist's Handbook brings Heavy Gear players into the ritualized and violent world of mechanized dueling. The guardians of regimental honor, the stars of professional sports teams or the vicious gladiators of the underground, Duelists exemplify all the best and worst qualities of the Heavy Gear world. The Handbook examines the duties and lives of military, professional and underground duelists, and features new Gear and Mount models, dueling weapons, Perks and detailed rules for small scale ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


DPN DP9-108

Heavy Gear Miniatures Supplement: Tactical Dueling - Arena Champions

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


The Interpolar War caused a dramatic decrease in the number of dueling events taking place across the planet. Most of the better Duelists found themselves drafted into the polar armies or on the run, and few viewers were interested in witnessing arena fights when their city-states were under attack. Once the war ended, however, the arena promoters made sure things went rapidly back to normal. New dueling events are heavily romanticized, the action sequences are unbelievable and the fans are eati... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


DPN DP9-928

Heavy Gear Terra Nova Companion, 3rd Ed. - Mankind's New Home

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Welcome to Terra Nova! From the corrosive white sand of the Great White Desert to the snow-capped peaks of the polar mountains, the people of Terra Nova have always faced challenges head-on and persevered. Are you ready to meet the challenges of Terra Nova? This 3rd Edition book combines the best elements from Life on Terra Nova, Into the Badlands, Paxton Gambit and all the Heavy Gear League Books. Focusing on the physical and human geography of Terra Nova, the Terra Nova Companion provides play... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR



DPN DP9-050

Heavy Gear Tactical Supplement: Tactical Pack One - Battle Of Two Towers

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Following the Battle of Rahnguard, the governments of the North have declared war on the Allied Southern Territories. Intelligence and diplomatic sources have revealed serious divisions within the South, and the leaders of the North have come to believe that the Mekong Dominion will not fight to defend the Southern Republic, perhaps even siding with the North.

The Dominion is the site of heavy aerospace defense systems controlled by the Southern Republic which must be disabled by ground strik... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


DPN DP9-054

Heavy Gear Tactical Supplement: Tactical Pack Two- Shadow War

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General Kerezkovytch closed the cover of the envelope marked with the "Top Secret" stamp and snarled silently at his reflection in the window. Damn Snakes! he thought to himself. They'll push us over the brink and into a war bigger than this planet has ever seen. He picked up the handset of the desk comm and began punching codes into it. There was a soft electronic noise as someone answered. "Captain Hewlett, Operations. Secure Line."

"Captain Hewlett, this is General Kerezkovytch. What unit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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DPN DP9-055

Heavy Gear Tactical Supplement: Tactical Pack Three - Operation Sudden Fire

Sammlerstück / Rarität


"Damn Northern dawgs!" Lieutenant Tavarres cursed as he spat on the ground. Bitterly, he looked down on the remnants of his forces. It wasn't supposed to be like this. After many days of fierce fighting, they had managed to push the Northern forces back. They were then sent ahead to spearhead the drive into Northern territory only to find that the Northern retreat was a ruse. Northern Gears had surrounded his forces, scattering them all over the place. Taking control of what was left of his shat... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


DPN DP9-109

Heavy Gear Adventure Setting: Operation Jungle Drums (Redux!) - Covert Ops

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Operation: Jungle Drums was one of the very first supplements published for Heavy Gear, and it has had a marked influence on the game's development. Characters that first appeared in this book have since taken on great importance in the game's storyline, from Miranda Petite and Lussian Salban to the GREL Colonel Proust and Soldier Roskiman. The original version of this book has been out of print for many years, though, and while the characters and events in the book are well-known to longtime fa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR



DPN DP9-020

Heavy Gear Gamemaster Screen & Counters

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Three-fold Gamemaster Screen and more than 80 counters

18,00 EUR


DPN DP9-027

Heavy Gear Northern Record Sheets One: Gears & Striders - Shields of Faith

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Sheets for 86 widely deployed Gears, 8 combat striders, and 10 vehicle prototypes.

36,00 EUR


DPN DP9-028

Heavy Gear Southern Record Sheets One: Gears & Striders - Shields of Honor

Sammlerstück / Rarität

  "Circle around that enclosure; time to box them in." Moving his Iguana MP through the large fire base, Sous-Lieutenant Delamarne gave orders to his fellow policemen. Their blue-tinged Gears deployed around the make-shift structures with practiced precision. Some of the buildings were sheltering MILICIAmen with "political doubts" and it was the MPs' job to bring them in. Treason was punishable by death and the rebels were ready to fight for their lives. Delamarne was accompanied by Caporal ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


DPN DP9-049

Desert Hex Maps

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DPN DP9-06

Heavy Gear Gamemaster Starter Kit: Operation Jungle Drums

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


 (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR



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