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270369007 Seitenabrufe seit dem 30.06.2003


HauptseiteBrettspieleProduktlinien (Brettspiele)Board & Card Games

Board & Card Games


Produkte vom Herausgeber (Mayfair Games)


MFG 04128

Asgard's Chosen!

It is the end of the Bronze Age! A new era begins. Only recently have you discovered how to extract iron from the ore in the peat bogs, and it's best to use your new discovery before others use it against you. As a Teutonic lord, your duty is to ensure your family line is preserved and that your land prospers and grows. Of course, every other lord seems to be thinking the same thing. The gods grant favors both to control creatures and to aid your goals. Make the proper sacrifices to the Æsir to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


MFG 04131

Bedpans & Broomsticks: Escape from Shaddy Pines

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 (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR


MFG 04133

Mad City

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Take on the role of city builders as you race against time and other developers, and strive to build the most lucrative city. Arrange your city tiles in order to score for Residential, Industrial, and Urban areas. Do you dare boast that you have the largest communities or show off your roadwork skills in order to score bonus points? Or do you play it safe to avoid the shame of being wrong? If you're a really efficient builder, you can wrap up your building projects before your opponents and be t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR


MFG 04138


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Treasures of all types! But the hard part is not capturing the ship’s bounty, but dividing it fairly to the pirates! Players take turns splitting each round’s booty into shares for the other players. Different types of treasures have different values, and of course there’s the hidden items to keep people guessing. Will you be the quartermaster to give everyone their fair share–but giving yourself the best share?
Each round, cards representing treasures are revealed. Some are worth point... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR


MFG 0451


z.Zt. vergriffen


Sanctuary, "the meanest, seediest city in all of fantasy" is waiting for you! Based on the Thieves' World series of Robert Lynn Asprin and Lynn Abbey, Sanctuary challenges you to match your wits against the hard-core, streetwise criminals who stalk its dark alleys. Follow the trail of clues that leads to riches. To survive in Sanctuary you must be cunning, alert, and clever... just don't count your silver too soon; in Sanctuary there's always someone waiting to snatch it away. Sanctuary is an ex... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

MFG 0453

The Myth Fortunes Game

Get involved in a game of dragon poker, walk the fine line between ethics, Bunny and da boss, and try to keep Gleep out of trouble in this game of myth and mayhem based on the popular Myth series by Robert Lynn Asprin.

You and the other players are characters from Robert Asprin's "Myth Adventures" series, and roam around the board screwing up, trying to stay out of trouble, and indulging in the occasional round of dragon poker. Lavishly illustrated by Phil Foglio. The object of the game is to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


MFG 0456

Lone Wolf & Cub Boardgame

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The Serenity and beauty of Japanese culture combines with the violent struggle of life and honor in this boardgame based on the comics and graphic novels published by First Comics. One or two players take the roles of Itto Ogami (Lone Wolf) and his son Daigoro (Cub) and go in search of vengeance, honor, and Mu, the highly desired trait of enlightenment. This beatifully illustrated game features a full color game board depicting the eastern area of Honshu, Japan, and a striking cover by Matt Wa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

MFG 0459

Xanth Board Game

z.Zt. vergriffen


There is supposed to be a considerable separation between Xanth and Mundania, but somehow the boundaries are leaking. Tangle trees have been showing up in the back yards of some readers, and ogres have assumed positions as Phys-Ed instructors in some schools. Anyone who doesn't believe in magic must reckon with the rainbow, which shows up only at a distance and retreats if anyone walks toward it. If one person stands still and another walks, the rainbow remains in place for the one and retreats ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

MFG 0462

Road to the White House

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Road to the White House is really three games in one; a "light" version that is quick to learn and play, a version that incorporates positions on issues and the use of dirty tricks, and an advanced version that allows players to develop their own candidates in a complete simulation of a presidential primary campaign.

Travel the Road to the White House. Your family and friends will love the chance to outshine this year's Presidential hopefuls and those of years to come.

For 3 to 6 players, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

MFG 0463

Alibi Card Game

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


This whodunit card game makes players use their skills of deduction and reasoning to solve the who, what, where and why of a murder. Players score points for solving the mystery, but also for helping other players solve it, forcing them to make strategic decisions during play. This intriguing family game is excellent for large groups.

For 3 or more players, ages 8 to adult.

24,00 EUR


MFG 0468

Grand Prix - Detroit - Cleveland

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Experience the thrill of car racing in your own living room. Race around a famous speedway, vying with other cars (and players) to be the first across the finish line.
Players use the cards dealt them to decide which cars to bid on. Playing cards moves the cars around the track, with the first car past the checkered flag taking home the biggest purse. Easy to understand, Grand Prix is a great family game.

For 2 to 6 players ages 8 to adult.

78,00 EUR


MFG 0470

Power Lunch Card Game

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Conversation flies in this card game involving well-known personalities at power lunches. Players score points for coming up with creative and plausible reasons why the celebrities in their hand would meet over lunch.

Players can meld cards (to earn points) two ways. First, in a traditional rummy/canasta fashion with 3 or more of a kind or a consecutive run of 3 or more of a suit. Second, by convincing the majority of players that three or more personalities would go to a "Power Lunch" and ma... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR


MFG 0474

Simply Cosmic

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Simply Cosmic, a Mayfair Games winter release, is the newest product in the award-winning Cosmic Encounter line. It is designed to be an introductory version of the game. Simply Cosmic contains new art, additional rules, and new hex-tile colors giving players four more galaxies to conquer.

Simply Cosmic comes with a 5 piece game board, 110 cards, 8 alien powers, 80 tokens, a hyperspace cone and rulebook.

78,00 EUR


MFG 0477


At the end of the Renaissance, one alchemist rose above the rest:
Theophrastus von Bombast der Hohenheim.
His skill and knowledge of alchemy and science were legendary. Each year Theophrastus would accept only one new apprentice. This fortunate youth, upon completion of his training, would depart for the luxuries of life in the court of some noble or king.
But Theophrastus had many applicants. To select his new apprentice, Theophrastus would challenge them with a clever test of their skill an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


MFG 0478


Try a different type of city building with Manhattan, the Skyscraper Building Boardgame. As much fun to watch as it is to play, Manhattan is an easy-to-learn game playable in under an hour. Players use 3 dimensional building pieces to create skyscrapers in various neighborhoods of New York City. Using cards to determine where on a block to build, players can choose either to start a new skyscraper, or build on an opponents'. Protecting your own blocks and buildings while trying to be the top sto... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


MFG 0479

Street Car

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In Streetcar, players try to build a trolley route across New Orleans, competing against other players who are trying to build their own route. Each player has specific locations that they must build to, laying track one square at a time, adding new twists and turns to the board. When two players disagree about where things should go, the tracks can become a jumble of loops and dead ends. You must place your track as best you can to navigate your route. The first player to build a complete ro... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

MFG 3305


Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Lord Vetinari has disappeared and certain factions are trying to take control of the city." Each player has a secret personality with specific victory conditions, which means that you're not sure exactly what the other players need to do in order to win.

The action takes place on a map of Ankh-Morpork, with players trying to place minions and buildings through card play. Each of the 132 cards is unique, and says Wallace, "The cards bring the game to life as they include most of the famous cha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

MFG 3310

The Witches - (Discworld)

z.Zt. vergriffen


It’s not easy being a trainee witch. Early mornings, long days, low to no pay, and a definite lack of health and safety provisions. One day you could be tied up trying to cure farmer Poorchick’s sick pig, the next you are fighting back an invasion of elves. Fortunately you are not alone, and just when you feel things are as bad as they can possibly be, Granny Weatherwax will appear to give a helping hand.

In this game you take on the role of a young trainee witch, such as Tiffany Aching a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

MFG 3509

Isle of Skye: Chieftain to King

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Isle of Skye, one of the most beautiful places in the world: Soft sand beaches, gently sloping hills, impressive mountains: the landscape of Isle of Skye is breathtaking and fascinates everyone.
In this tile-laying game 2 to 5 players are the chieftains of 5 famous clans. The players try to build their little kingdoms to score as many points as possible. But in each game only 4 of the 16 scoring cards will be scored. Each game is different and leads to different tactics and strategies.
To hav... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 32,00 EUR


MFG 3510


Thirty years have passed since the Romans left Britain. The power of the Picts and the Scots is growing, and they are pushing inland. In order to save Britain, the great chieftain Vortigern has asked the Saxon brothers Hengist and Horsa to help defend Britain. You and your brother agree to help, but over the years Vortigern has become greedy and does not pay you enough.

It is time for you to take matters into your own hands and take what is rightfully yours! You have good maps, strong fighter... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


MFG 3517

Fight for Olympus

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In Fight for Olympus, two players battle for control of Olympus by pitting demi-gods, titans, and soldiers against one another.

In game terms, players face off on opposite sides of a game board with each player having six spaces for playing cards: three for military conflict, two for control of power discs, and one for control of resources. On a turn, a player plays as many cards as desired by paying the cost of each card — that is, discarding cards of the proper colors that match the cost ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


MFG 3530


Up to two thousand pounds in weight and over ten feet tall, the bear is considered the biggest and heaviest terrestrial carnivore in the world. Of course, there is not just "one bear"; on the contrary, there are plenty of subspecies that differ from each other in various aspects. For instance, only the Kodiak bear (ursus arctos middendorffi) weighs about 2,000 lbs. The polar bear (ursus maritimus) weighs "only" 1,100 lbs., but gets much bigger than the Kodiak bear, being as much as 11 ft. tall!
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


MFG 4102


Land Wealth, Power, Prestige

The king shall return...

But before he does, the realm falls into anarchy and chaos. The lords of the kingdom struggle to improve their place and standing. New borders are drawn, and expanded through strength of arms and subtle maneuver. Each duke seeks to establish a claim over the most valuable parts of the kingdom before the king finally returns...

In the dark of the Middle Ages, control of the land was the key to wealth and power. Can y... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR


MFG 4107


Sammlerstück / Rarität


Experience the adventure of exploring unknown islands! Each game presents new and unique challenges, for the board is different every time you play.

In the 2-player variant, you and your opponent seek to claim the biggest islands in Oceania. The most successful explorer is the victor!

Or you can be your own opponent in the solo variant. You will seek out larger, more valuable islands as the game challenges you to beat your own record score!

Oceania is the smaller but no less exciting br... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR


MFG 4116

Tigris & Euphrates

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Thousands of years ago, in the fertile land between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers, a new civilization flourished. The leaders of the powerful and independent kingdoms were believed to be the earthly representatives of the gods. These leaders developed this new culture, which would last for thousands of years. Many of the most important scientific and cultural inventions would develop under the rule of these leaders. Farmers would discover the wheel and use it for the oxcarts needed to brin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

MFG 4117

Nuns on the Run

In Nuns on the Run you explore the exciting nocturnal world of a grand abbey filled with intrigue and deception. As the old abbess, the noble prioress, or a simple novice you become hunter or prey. A very casual, social game for 2-8 players ages 10 and older.

40,00 EUR


MFG 4120

Lords of Vegas

z.Zt. vergriffen


If Las Vegas did not exist, you would have to invent it. It's 1950 and you're a real estate developer in a struggling desert town in undeveloped southern Nevada. Millions of wealthy tourists from nearby Los Angeles might be willing to drive here on their vacations, spending billions of their hard-earned dollars, if only you produced something. But your town has nothing to offer but sand, hot weather, and the world's most unsophisticated gambling laws. Your brilliant plan? Erect a forest of casin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

MFG 4121

Lemming Mafia

z.Zt. vergriffen


The third game based on the German webcartoon "Nichtlustig" by Joscha Sauer.

It features the Mafia Lemming characters from the cartoons.

From the publisher's website:
"Real lemmings want to jump off the next cliff.
Members of the different lemming mafia families aren't any different.

Because in the game, there is not only one, but six members of the suicidal species, they make a contest out of it:
They all run to the lake and the first one who jumps in the lake wins.

And it wouldn... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

MFG 4123

Five Points: Gangs of New York

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The name "Five Points" evokes images of poverty, rampant crime, decadence and despair. That's true. The Five Points area of New York in the mid-1800s was a lurid geographical cancer filled with dilapidated and unlivable tenement houses, gang extortion, corrupt politicians, dance halls and drunkenness and gambling. This was a place where all manner of crime flourished, the residents were terrorized and squalor prevailed. This is the setting over many decades through the nineteenth century.

Fiv... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 34,00 EUR


MFG 4132

Hot Tin Roof - Cats Just Want to Have Fun

It's night, and you, a clever cat living on rooftops high above the busy city, have a mission. Your lofty goal is simple: become the town's Top Cat. Stealthily moving from roof to roof, stake out as many shelters as you can, connecting with your cat buddies and collecting tribute fish from your fellow felines. With fish, you get valuable cans; collect the most cans and you become Top Cat!

To win Hot Tin Roof, you've got to navigate the right paths, avoid the dangers of the city streets below,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


MFG 4135

Extra! Extra!

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Stop the presses! Stories are coming in from around the world, but you have a limited amount of money, a few reporters, and a race against all the other newspapers to get your publication out first!
Stories require writing and photos, but advertising, headlines, interviews and features will all help boost your attention and your reputation!
Players place their reporters to claim stories, fit their stories into their paper’s layout, and get money from advertising or extra stories. Other repor... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 74,00 EUR


MFG 4139

Star Trek: Five Year Mission

z.Zt. vergriffen


Star Trek: Five-Year Mission is a cooperative dice placement game for 3-7 players who take the roles of crew members of either the USS Enterprise (from the original Star Trek series) or the USS Enterprise-D (from Star Trek: The Next Generation). Each crew member has a different ability and the crew’s abilities differ for each crew.

In these roles, players try to cooperatively solve a series of blue (easy), yellow (medium) and red (difficult) alerts to score points, attempting one of 6 diffe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

MFG 4401

Family Business

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Experience the excitement and mayhem of the Gangster age!

Be the boss in this quick-paced card game of survival on the streets. Family Business pits mobsters against each other. You want to be the last family standing!

One by one, your gang members are placed on the hit list. Have you the influence to save them? Will they "Take it on the Lam," seek "Police Protection," or pehaps up the ante with a "Double Contract?"

In fast and furious Family Business, the goal is survival! What's in th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


MFG 4403

Ablaze !

Ablaze! consists of three complete, distinct games. Each game revolves around a forest fire, but each is different and has its own unique favor.

In Wild Fire!, you lead a crew of firefighters who are attempting to contain a rapidly spreading wildfire. To emerge victorious, you and your crew must cover the largest area of forest while always maintaining a link to water.

In Volcano!, you pilot an air tanker struggling to help extinguish a conflagration initiated by an erupting volcano. Extin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


MFG 4531

Aeroplanes: Aviation Ascendant

z.Zt. vergriffen


Aeroplanes: Aviation Ascendant explores the dawn of commercial aviation, an exciting era between 1919 and 1939. Experience the difficulties and triumphs of commercial airlines in Europe, pioneering airports and service in continental Europe and around the world!

Aviation spurred the growth of intercontinental travel, and airlines struggled to dominate the regions of the globe that they served.

Rapid technological advances in planes play a vital role in this development as you compete to pu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

MFG 5753


Bitte vorbestellen


Visit the lost city of Atlantis, before it was consumed by the sea!

You control a faction in beautiful Atlantis, the glorious civilization built upon the sea. No other city rivals its power. None command such riches. Now, the link between the land and your beloved home of Atlantis is crumbling! You must race to move your people along the great bridge to the mainland before it disappears into the thundering waters below.

Atlantis is a very casual, social game for 2-4 players ages 10 and old... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 34,00 EUR


MFG 6025


In 1940 four teenagers discovered a complex of caves in southwest France, at Lascaux. The caves are famous for their paintings, consisting mainly of realistic images of large animals which are known from fossil evidence to have lived in the area at the time. They are dating back to the Upper Paleolithic era, somewhere between 13,000 and 15,000 B.C. In Lascaux, the game, the players place a certain amount of cards in the center of the table at the start of each game turn. Each card depicts an ani... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


MFG 7767

Van Helsing

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In Van Helsing, one player plays Dracula, moving through his castle searching for his brides. The other players play Van Helsing and his associates. They move through the castle trying to avoid being bitten and searching for weapons and equipment that will help them defeat Dracula. Players bitten by Dracula become his minions and try to help him catch the other players (so no players are ever out of the game).

Will Van Helsing and his brave team of vampire hunters stop Dracula before he can r... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 60,00 EUR



MFG 4136

Lords of Vegas: UP

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Your casino empire is expanding, but new players want a piece of your action. There's only one direction to go to stay ahead of your competition — up! Lords of Vegas: UP! allows for up to six players to compete in Lords of Vegas.

What's more, you'll now be able to increase the size of your casinos not just by building out, but also by building up. These new, taller hotels are more prestigious, and as a result earn you more victory points.

ca. 30,00 EUR


Produkte von anderen Herstellern

1A Games

1AG 0001

Cross Hares: Testing Grounds

The first game in the Cross Hares line — each of which will be standalone with its own expansions — is Cross Hares: Testing Ground, a fairly straightforward game in which you want to move down a trail from your starting area in order to "defeat" a factory at the end of the line.

To start, each player chooses one of the six available characters. As you move down the trail, you'll draw cards, which might be good or bad for you, bad for opponents, or terrible for everyone at the table. You'l... (vollständige Beschreibung)

54,00 EUR


2 F-Spiele

2FS 1151


Bilingual edition (English & German) - including a challenging solo game!

The box sides show the English title: FREE RIDE

Idea of the game
Around the end of the 19th century, a growing network of railway lines was built in Europe. This allowed people to travel to the major cities to visit beautiful structures influenced by Art Nouveau and Historicism.

In Free Ride, you are taking charge of building the railway lines. Connect the cities in Europe and carry passengers to the cities. Your... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR


2FS 1837


Bilingual edition (English & German) - including a challenging solo game!

The box sides show the English title: FREE RIDE

Idea of the game
Around the end of the 19th century, a growing network of railway lines was built in Europe. This allowed people to travel to the major cities to visit beautiful structures influenced by Art Nouveau and Historicism.

In Free Ride, you are taking charge of building the railway lines. Connect the cities in Europe and carry passengers to the cities. Your... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


2FS 980


Bilingual edition (English & German) - including a challenging solo campaign!

Idea of the game
The oasis-like basin Faiyum was artificially built 3,900 years ago by enlarging the Bahr Yussef channel that connected to the Nile to create a regulated flood plain. During the Middle Kingdom of Egypt, this swampland was slowly changed into farmland under the aegis of pharaohs such as Amenemhet III and Sesostris II. They ordered their advisors to build a system of canals and dikes to reclaim the la... (vollständige Beschreibung)

54,00 EUR


2 Handsome Games


Stay out of my Dungeon!

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Stay Out of My Dungeon! is a semi-cooperative 4-6 player worker placement, hidden identity, building game that plays in about 60 minutes.

In Stay Out of My Dungeon! players take on the role of goblins trying to defend their dungeon from the greedy king Flumperdump. Each player, playing as 1 of 7 unique goblins, takes turns visiting and building various locations in and around their dungeon. From flame throwing turrets, to sharkodile moats, to poison traps, players must work semi-cooperatively... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 64,00 EUR


2 Tomatoes

2TO 00747


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Fugitive is a two-player card game set in the world of Burgle Bros. One player is a fugitive trying to make it out of town while being pursued by an unstoppable agent. The fugitive plays cards face down to the table trying to work their way to a goal, while the agent must guess those cards to uncover them. If all the cards are face up, the fugitive is caught.

Awards & Honors
2017 Golden Geek Best Card Game Nominee
2017 Golden Geek Best 2-Player Board Game Nominee

ca. 30,00 EUR


2TO 1301

Lands of Galzyr

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Lands of Galzyr is an adventuring game with an open and persistent world, with everyone's actions having consequences in both the current and future games. Players assume the roles of cunning adventurers traversing the lands while completing quests and trying to gather fame and prestige.

Each game continues where the previous one ended thanks to a clever save-and-load mechanism, with no need for paper-and-pencil bookkeeping. You can play the game as many times as you wish and even swap player... (vollständige Beschreibung)

144,00 EUR


2TO 1315

Peak Oil - Profiteer

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Peak Oil Profiteer is a standalone board game set in the Peak Oil universe. As the top executive of an oil corporation, you are sent to a war-torn nation that's got a lot of oil - and no one who can help sell it! That's where you come in: Your task is to make the most cash before corruption ruins the land.
This card-driven tactical game features area control, simultaneous action selection, and a healthy dose of player interaction. Progressing in rounds, players improve their workforce by invest... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 0,00 EUR


2TO 770

Magic Maze on Mars

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The first settlers of mars are arriving soon, but the colony is not ready yet! You are the robots that are trying to build the colony before the settlers arrive. The goal in Magic Maze on Mars is to build "domes" where the settlers can live, then to guide them to their domes when they arrive. When time runs out, they are out of oxygen.

To begin, place the starting tile in the middle of the table. Deal out the appropriate action tiles and shuffle the four A tiles in a pile face down.

Creati... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


2TO IM005

Escape Pods

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Escape Pods is a game of spaceships and escape for 1-5 players of ages 10+. You are tasked to evacuate crew members from an exploding spaceship, taking them via pods to secure refuges on a nearby moon.

The goal of the game is to rescue as many crew members as you can, taking them from the spaceship to the four shelters in some nearby moons. However, be careful: The combination of crew members in each shelter could make the escape not completely successful!

Players will alternate their turn... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 28,00 EUR


2TO MV01

The Ming Voyages

"The Ming Voyages" are the seven journeys made by the Chinese treasure fleet of oceanic junks between 1405 and 1433. The Yongle Emperor constructed the fleet during a period of outward-looking expansion of Chinese influence overseas, and its commander was Admiral Zheng He. The maritime power of the Ming Empire was used for political purposes, not just for trade. The immense fleet was technologically far in advance of European counterparts until at least the 18th century. While it is purported by... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


2TO PO01

Peak Oil

'You are the top manager at one of the big oil companies, tasked with leading your enterprise into a future without oil. With peak oil looming ahead, you try to squeeze the last drops from oil fields around the world to gather the resources to invest into various oil replacement technologies. While you may try to emerge from the coming crisis by regular means, your competitors will most probably not, forcing you to dirty your hands as well.

On your turn in Peak Oil, you assign your agents to ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR




Every spring, the melted snow fills the riverbeds, opening the way back home for the salmon after a life swimming in the oceans.

In Upstream, each player controls a bank of salmon swimming upstream to lay their eggs where they were born. During their journey, they will face hungry bears, fierce birds of prey, and patient fishermen, all of which they must avoid in order to survive. These are not the only hazards the salmon must face as each round of play the strength of the water flow will cau... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


25th Century Games

25CG 21000


Hot Seller


Kohaku is a peaceful koi-pond-building, tile-laying game. Each turn, players will draft both a Koi and Feature tile from the central pond board to place into their personal koi pond.

Score points by surrounding flowers with koi containing matching colors, placing frogs next to koi tiles that have dragonflies, and ensuring that baby koi have a safe place to hide by placing them near rocks.

Butterflies score based on line of sight, so make sure to line them up with similar-colored koi. Turtl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


25CG 21000X




Leichte Quetschung der Box - Rechts seitlich (zu reparieren) Inhalt tadellos - noch eingeschweißt!

Slight bruising of the box - Right side (to be repaired) Contents impeccable - still shrink-wrapped!

Kohaku is a peaceful koi-pond-building, tile-laying game. Each turn, players will draft both a Koi and Feature tile from the central pond board to place into their personal koi pond.

Score points by surrounding flowers with koi containing matching colors, placing frogs next to koi tiles th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


25CG 22000

Three Sisters

Three Sisters is a strategic roll-and-write game about backyard farming. Three Sisters is named after an indigenous agricultural technique still widely used today in which three different crops — in this case, pumpkins, corn, and beans — are planted close together. Corn provides a lattice for beans to climb, the beans bring nitrogen from the air into the soil, and the squash provides a natural mulch ground cover to reduce weeds and keep pests away.

In the game, you have your own player sh... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


25CG 24000

Cryptid Cafe

Players compete to serve as many customer orders as possible and earn the most tips by the end of the night. Sound simple? Well, with each passing round, unserved customers will get frustrated waiting for their food and become unhappy with the service. And in turn, they'll give smaller tips when they do get served. Continue to ignore them, and they will walk out of the cafe. And if that wasn't enough, players will be competing for those much-needed menu items.

However, with a smidge of strate... (vollständige Beschreibung)

48,00 EUR


25CG 26000


You are the leader of a prehistoric tribe, deciding which members of your tribe go hunting and what prey they want to catch. To guide you, the Elders have created challenges that you can complete by painting on the wall of your cave.

Each round in Prehistories, you and your fellow tribe leaders bid simultaneously (and secretly) to decide who hunts where. The more hunters you have, the bigger the game you can catch, but the slower you are. The fastest player — that is, the one with the small... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


25CG 27000


It's a beautiful day at the beach, and the surfers are out shopping for new boards. Create the coolest and biggest longboards to establish your surfboard-shaping shop as the best in town. Surf's up!

In Longboard, players draft and trade surfboard pieces as they attempt to build the tallest and most surfboards. More specifically, on a turn you take two actions, with three types of actions being possible:

Add a card from the deck to your personal supply, that is, cards lying face up in front... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


25CG 32000

Motor City

Motor City is a strategic roll-and-write game about running an auto plant in the heydey of Detroit.

In Motor City, you have two player sheets, each with multiple areas. These areas are represented by tracks that you will mark off as you make progress. Many of the tracks are interconnected with other elements in the game, giving you bonuses along the way and opportunities to unlock more points. Advancing on all of these tracks offers various amounts of points, advancements, and bonuses.

The... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


25CG 45000

The Hunt

Hot Seller


An asymmetric card driven duel between the British and German fleets.

September 1939: The commander of the Admiral Graf Spee receives the order to sink as many British freight ships as possible in the South Atlantic. The objective is to intercept the ships crossing the Atlantic and prevent supplies from reaching the UK and other destinations.

The plan seems to work in the first months. Within a few weeks, the Admiral Graf Spee sinks nine freight ships and sends almost 50,000 gross registe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


25CG G03

Christmas Lights: A Card Game

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Time to open up the boxes of Christmas decorations, untangle the lights, replace broken bulbs, and decorate the tree. To have a bit of fun, you’ve decided to compete with your fellow decorators to see who can build their sets of lights the fastest. Sift through the bulbs, exchange information, and arrange them in the right order as you trade and build your strands. Ho ho ho!

Players swap, play, trade and draw Christmas Light Bulbs into their own s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 18,00 EUR


25CG G08


Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


You're a cantankerous crank, a surly grump, a crusty grouch, and an ill-tempered malcontent all in one body! This game rewards you for being the biggest Curmudgeon on the block because its pretty great.

26,00 EUR


25CG P03

Robots Love Ice Cream: The Card Game

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Robots Love Ice Cream: The Card Game is a family-friendly semi-cooperative game for 1-4 players ages 10+ that can be played in about 30 minutes or less.

The game is based on the hit mobile video game Robots Love Ice Cream released by Dragon Army, and this card game features all of the same characters and art style found in the video game, plus new illustrations available only in the tabletop version.

In the game, Spinston and his robot army are invading planets in search of ice cream. Your... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


25CG SE01

Space Explorers

Bitte vorbestellen


The conquest of space was one of the greatest achievements of the 20th century.
In 1957, the first satellite - named Sputnik 1- was launched into orbit. Just four years later, Yuri Gagarin was the first human in space, aboard the spaceship Vostok 1.

This game is dedicated to the early space explorers: all the outstanding people who worked to make space travel possible. As Yuri Gagarin said at the moment of his launch: “Let's go!”

You are the head of a Research & Development Hub in a S... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 28,00 EUR



2D6 0005


Sammlerstück / Rarität


It's the dawn of the Livonian Crusade, and Estonia is being conquered by several nations. The Danish forces of Valdemar the Great are arriving from the West. The Crusaders, led by Bishop Albert, are crossing the borders from the South. Vsevolod, Prince of Novgorod, is attacking from the East. There's only one hope for Estonians: Lembitu, the leader, who is brave enough to fight against all the conquerors.

Lembitu is a co-operative board game inspired by the events of the Livonian Crusade in E... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR


3DTotal Games

3DT WA001

Wizard's Academy

z.Zt. vergriffen


On entering the wizard's academy, the new apprentices swore a solemn vow to learn the ways of magic, protect the institution, and uphold its values. Unfortunately most of them have failed to learn any significant magic in their first year. Susie coasts by on her natural talents, Malkar would sooner sell his soul for power than read a book, Nyvetta has forgone that option along with opposable thumbs upon accidentally turning herself into a bear, Flitter is only here to steal magic items to sell o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

4 Hogs


Skull Port

Skull Port is fun and engaging dice game designed for 2-4 players. Each player assumes the role of a notorious pirate captain who wants to become the pirate king!

Players need to use their influence points on ships and port tiles in order to score points and earn doubloons. Roll the dice, use doubloons to manipulate roll outcome, spread your influence across the fleet, and become the next pirate king!

36,00 EUR




On Fire!!!

It smells of smoke… Fire!!! Fire!!! The building’s on fire!!!

A fire has just started in an office building, and all employees are trying to escape from the flames. You can do whatever it takes to reach the exit. You can push, jump on top of others, run down the stairs, or call the fire brigade. Are you going to be the player with the most survivors in On Fire!!!?

In more detail, each player has employees distributed in an office building, and they must move their employees using a han... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


5th Street Games

5SG 01005

Smash Monster Rampage!

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A huge monster, taller than the highest skyscraper, is attacking your city! Work together to mobilize your troops and exterminate the beast before every building becomes a heap of rubble.

In Smash Monster Rampage!, players work together to defeat an attacking monster before the town is destroyed or too many survivors are lost. The "Monster Die" generates random actions for the Monster, making the beast unpredictable and dangerous. It sets buildings ablaze, creates devastating quakes, and dest... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 48,00 EUR



5SG 01005M

Smash Monster Rampage! Mega Monster Box

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The town is under attack again! Choose from 16 unique monsters to protect the town from, each with its own mechanics and cards.

The Mega Monster Box also introduces new unit types, weapon tokens for one-time attack bonuses, and variant Smash dice for a more challenging game.

ca. 70,00 EUR


8th Summit


Ace Detective

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The year is 1941. Within eight months, the United States will join in the war raging in Europe and brewing in the Pacific. However for the moment, the lives of most Americans continue in relative peace...unless you live in the City by the Bay.

In San Francisco crimes, mysteries, and good old-fashioned murder present unique challenges to detectives and residents alike – especially if you happen to be a detective investigating a dirty backroom deal inside a neon lit nightclub, or a future cri... (vollständige Beschreibung)

108,00 EUR



Coven: A Game of Hidden Alingments

Solstice approaches. A swirling darkness coalesces in the night sky over a field as you, one of five Witches, perform incantations to vie for Earthly prominence, calling upon five Goddesses for protection and favor... But which of your fellow Witches serve the light, and which the dark? Gather information and form alliances, cast hexes, and use all your wit and connivance to ensure your dominance. Serve your Goddesses well, and they will reward you above their other followers, as they cast down ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

48,00 EUR



Defenders of the Last Stand

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Defenders of The Last Stand is a post apocalyptic adventure game by Richard Launius (Arkham Horror, Run Fight or Die, Defenders of the Realm) for 1-5 players set in the Western United States more than 50 years after nuclear war. Players take on the roles of Defenders of the last known haven for humanity, called The Last Stand. Four outside clans leaders, along with their followers, advance toward the town, and players work cooperatively to defend The Last Stand. Menacing mutants also roam the de... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


Defenders of the Last Stand (Kickstarter Version)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Defenders of The Last Stand is a post apocalyptic adventure game by Richard Launius (Arkham Horror, Run Fight or Die, Defenders of the Realm) for 1-5 players set in the Western United States more than 50 years after nuclear war. Players take on the roles of Defenders of the last known haven for humanity, called The Last Stand. Four outside clans leaders, along with their followers, advance toward the town, and players work cooperatively to defend The Last Stand. Menacing mutants also roam the de... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


Expedition: Famous Explorers

Expedition: Famous Explorers is an updated version of two award-winning Wolfgang Kramer games – Wildlife Adventure and Expedition – with a new theme: discovery and exploration. Players lead three expeditions to various locations by placing arrows on a map. When an expedition arrives at a location that matches either a location card held by that player or a public location, that player scores that card by placing it in front of him.

Expedition: Famous Explorers retains all the core rules o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


8SU MT01

Mythos Tales

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Macabre detection in the worlds of H.P. Lovecraft

Welcome to H.P. Lovecraft’s Arkham, the 1920s. There will be many mysteries to uncover in this storytelling game of Lovecraftian terror. Using the provided newspaper, a list of allies, the directory of Arkham residents and a map of Arkham - your job is to follow the clues from location to location, suspect to suspect - to unravel the mystery and answer the questions posed at the end of each scenario.

Your score will depend upon the number... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


8SU TD10

Till Dawn

Don't get caught in the sun!

Till Dawn, a 20–30-minute game for 4-8 vampires (or 12, with the expansion), takes place over the course of three nights during which time all self respecting vampires leave their coffins to hunt. A deck of hunt cards is passed from vampire to vampire, each taking one card, reading it aloud, then passing the rest on. If a feeding card is drawn, all vampires gain blood tokens — but the deck is also loaded with events, vampire slayers, a vicious werewolf, invita... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR




Coven: The Village



Coven: The Village adds a less abstract to your game of coven, with more flavor and storytelling. The game is set in early 16th-Century Europe, where you are a practicing witch living in a small village not too far from Innsbruck, Austria. Martin Luther has recently posted his 95 theses, setting off the firestorm of religious wars known as the Reformation. Malleus Mallificarum has been published and, although condemned by the church, is widely used in the persecution of witches.

Cover: The Vi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


ABBA Games


Justice League: Dawn of Justice

Play your favorite stories from the amazing world of DC Comics in Justice League: Dawn of Heroes, a combat-based adventure game for 2-6 players. The game is divided into missions, each with several chapters. Players are divided into two teams and will battle each other to achieve their respective goals in each chapter. The winning team earns bonuses for the final battle, a face-off between the two teams to decide the fate of the world!

With many beloved characters from the DC Universe, every ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR




Texas, 1933 — a new day dawns for the brave pioneers of the American West, like yourself. Under the burning sand, the black gold awaits for your arrival, so what are you waiting for? Get a government lease in one of the richest oil reservoirs, build towers, drill the resources, trade and invest wisely! Only the most audacious amongst you, using a smart strategy, will be able to surpass your competitors and become a true oil tycoon.

In Oilfield, you take the role of an American businessman s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR



Portal of Morth

Portal of Morth is a competitive board game inspired in tower defense video games. During the game, the players will have a team of heroes with which they will fight against an ever increasing amount of powerful enemies. As a general rule, the game will have a duration of five rounds, with one wave per player each round. Each wave is divided in four phases:

1. Lord Morth’s phase: The starting player rolls the enemy dice into the portal board, to determine in what path will the enemies enter... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR



Ray Master

From one of the most hidden laboratories in the Atomic Biochemistry Brave Academy (ABBA), a shout rises to the skies: “¡Eureka!”. After years of research, Professor Röntgen has invented a new thingamajig that apparently is capable of modifying the atomic composition of objects, to the point it can make them shrink and grow at will. But the underworld of science is horrifying and his “colleague”, archrival and former student, Professor Stern, wants to steal his idea. In the next few day... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR



Sector 6

Sector 6 is an abstract strategy game for 1 to 4 players, with a playing time of 30 minutes. Each player controls two prisoners as they make their way through the winding labyrinth of a space prison, trying to collect enough oxygen to survive while denying their opponents the same. The goal is to collect as many points as possible (represented by oxygen tiles of different colors and values), located inside a maze formed by hexagonal tiles. Players must move across the maze and collect the points... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


Academy Games

ACA 5450

One Small Step

Hot Seller


Lead the United States or Soviet Union Space Agency in this engine building, worker placement, race for the moon Eurogame.

Play on a team of one or two players where each player on a team controls either the Engineer Workers or the Administrator Workers for their team.

Coordinate your actions with your teammate on each of your turns to either place an Engineer or Administrator Worker on board actions to gather the games 9 different resources, draft development cards, increase your media co... (vollständige Beschreibung)

76,00 EUR


ACA 5500

878 - Vikings

The year is 878. For the past 75 years, Viking raiding parties from Norway and Denmark have been terrorizing the coasts of England with ‘hit and run’ attacks. The treasures and stories gained from these attacks have allowed the Norsemen to raise huge hosts of eager men seeking glory and riches. These armies now stand poised to thunder across England where they will settle and farm the fertile land they conquer. The divided English kingdoms are unprepared for this impending onslaught. The Vik... (vollständige Beschreibung)

76,00 EUR


ACA 5520

878 - Vikings: Invasion of England 2nd Edition (Square Box)

Scramble to defend your home as the English or gamble on invasion as the Vikings.

The year is 878. For the past 75 years, Viking raiding parties from Norway and Denmark have been terrorizing the coasts of England with ‘hit and run’ attacks. The treasures and stories gained from these attacks have allowed the Norsemen to raise huge hosts of eager men seeking glory and riches. These armies now stand poised to thunder across England where they will settle and farm the fertile land they conq... (vollständige Beschreibung)

96,00 EUR


ACG 05440


Bitte vorbestellen


Welcome lords and ladies to Tudor, a worker-placement Eurogame for 2-4 players from Academy Games and Corax Games! Your family has risen in stature to serve the House of Tudor in the court of King Henry VIII and now you will begin to maneuver through the halls of power. Using intrigue and cunning, you will seek to gain influence and ensure your family members are promoted to the highest offices at court.

ca. 78,00 EUR



ACA 5502

878 - Vikings AGE Expansion

Hot Seller


This is a boxed collection of nine expansions for 878: Vikings – Invasions of England:

War for Land and Gods
Epic Battle Events
Viking Ships
Relics and Holy Sites
Legendary Leader
Runes and Prayer Dice

40,00 EUR



ACA 2000

878 - Vikings Puzzle

 (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


ACA 2020

Awakening the Bear Puzzle

June 22, 1941 Over three million German soldiers unleashed Operation Barbarossa, striking deep into Soviet territory. By October, German Panzers had pushed to the gates of Moscow. But record-breaking sub-zero temperatures froze their equipment, progress, and morale.

The Soviets then seized the initiative and began to shift the war’s momentum. The Soviet bear had awakened!

700 x 500mm 1000 pc Puzzle
Original Painting by Stephen Paschal

24,00 EUR


Action Phase Games

APG 00200

Scoundrel Society

The season is upon us once more: the time of year when the carefree rich escape from their oh-so-trying lives to idyllic retreats both near and far—and when we of The Society invite ourselves to their soirees, derbies, and day-to-day routines to play our annual game. This year’s mark has been carefully selected, and Constable Cramphorn is hot on our trail. And did I mention that you should watch your back? After all, stealing from a Society member is just as entertaining as fleecing a mark. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


APG 00220

Kodama: The Forest Spirits

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The forest is growing fast! As caretakers for Kodama, the tree spirits, you must keep the forest a healthy and lush home for your little friends. Over three growing seasons, you must cultivate trees with the right mix of flowers, insects, and branch arrangements to make your Kodama as happy as possible. Whoever cares for their Kodama best will be remembered for generations!

From the designer of the hit game Kigi, Kodama: The Tree Spirits branches out into a fun new way to play! Grow your tree... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


APG 00300


In a place outside the waking world where children go while they sleep.
Wander the dreamkin—lost sleepers, whose souls this land seeks to keep.
Underneath the gentle waves of lucid seas we fell.
We’re off to find our missing friends in the vast Dreamwell.

Dreamwell is a 2-4 player competitive game featuring the art of Tara McPherson where players are trying to locate their lost friends in the Dreamwell. The Dreamwell is represented by a 4 x 4 grid of tiles. Each tile shows a environmen... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR



Kokoro: Avenue of the Kodama

The enchanted forest of the kodama is flourishing. But with so much growth, the ancient paths to the sanctuaries within have become overgrown and lost. Now the forest guardians call upon you, their loyal kodama, to restore these paths. Help your kodama build these paths, gather offerings for the guardians, and win their favor.

Kokoro is an exciting family game that can be played with up to six players (with a stretch goal to expand to more)! Each player has a forest map to draw their paths an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR



Kodama: The Tree Spirits 2nd Ed.

The forest is growing fast! As caretakers for Kodama, the tree spirits, you must keep the forest a healthy and lush home for your little friends. Over three growing seasons, you must cultivate trees with the right mix of flowers, insects, and branch arrangements to make your Kodama as happy as possible. Whoever cares for their Kodama best will be remembered for generations!

From the designer of the hit game Kigi, Kodama: The Tree Spirits branches out into a fun new way to play! Grow your tree... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Adam's Apple Games

AAG 1311

Swordcrafters Expanded Edition

Swordcrafters Expanded Edition includes the Swordcrafters base game and expands on the game with three exciting new modules that can be played singly or combined. The sword of protection has broken again. The king has opened up the forgotten tomb granting you access to Sword Mastery, Sword Relics, and Sword Tips.

In Swordcrafters, players compete to forge the best sword scoring based on length, quality, and magic. Each round, each player makes one cut in a grid of sword tiles to create a sepa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR


AAG 1401


Bitte vorbestellen


Thrive is a two-player abstract strategy game with incredibly simple rules that grows in complexity as you play.

You play as one of two lotus flowers, competing to control the pond. Be the first to capture all but one of your opponent’s seed pods and win this game of tactical decision making!

Each turn you move a piece, then add two additional pegs to any of your pieces, giving them more possibilities for movement on future turns.

ca. 36,00 EUR


AAG 1502

Planet Unknown - Regular Edition Reprint

Our planet has run out of resources, and we are forced to move. We have discovered a series of planets and sent our rovers to test their environment with the hope of colonization. Our rovers have confirmed 1-6 viable colonization options.

Planet Unknown is a competitive game for 1-6 players in which players attempt to develop the best planet. Each round, each player places one polyomino-shaped, dual-resource tile on their planet. Each resource represents the infrastructure needed to support l... (vollständige Beschreibung)

106,00 EUR


AAG 1601

Four Humours Regular Edition

In Four Humours, you are a doctor in medieval times, and everyone knows that your personality is determined by an imbalance of your bodily fluids, a.k.a., the four humours:

Choleric (Yellow bile) - Goal-oriented, decisive, ambitious.
Sanguine (Red blood) - Talkative, enthusiastic, social.
Melancholic (Black bile) - Analytical, detail-oriented, reserved.
Phlegmatic (White phlegm) - Relaxed, peaceful, easy-going.
The kingdom — composed of six map tiles with various locations — is filled... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


Adventureland Games

ALG 1002

Sushi Go!

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Sushi Go! is the the super-fast sushi card game, from the designer of Archaeology: The Card Game. You are eating at a sushi restaurant, trying to grab the best combination of sushi dishes as they whiz by. Score points for collecting the most sushi rolls or making a full set of sashimi. Dip your favourite nigiri in wasabi to triple its value! And once you've eaten it all, finish your meal with all the pudding you've got! But be careful which sushi you allow your friends to take, it might be just ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


ALG 1003

Pack of Heroes

Pack of Heroes is a superhero card game from the designer of Sushi Go!, Dungeon Raiders and Archaeology! Choose your very own team of superheroes from the 40 unique heroes in the game. Then fight your opponent in an all out tactical battle with surprising super powers and killer combinations! Whichever team wins will be declared the official superhero team of Power City! Pack of Heroes is set in a fun parallel universe of vintage comics. Each hero card features amazing artwork, fun stats and an ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


ALG 1011


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Elevenses is a card game in which respectable 1920s socialites strive to serve the finest morning teas!

Each player starts the round with an identical set of eleven morning tea cards. Each card has a point value as well a special action which must be carried out when it is played. The lower the point value of a card, the better its power. The powers lead to surprising interactions between the players! Cards must also be played to a specific position on the table. Whenever a card is played, in... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


Agie Games



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Every year at the Summer Solstice, all the adults of Zura take their teenagers on a journey of initiation into their long standing heritage of guardians of the balance. This journey is arduous and lasts for many days. Their destination is the mystical oasis called Tzerzura, in the heart of the desert that lies beyond the mountains. Back home the village elders, too wary to travel, watch over the children. One night though, the elder notice that the stars stopped shining, without the stars in the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 14,00 EUR


AGG 001

The Botanists

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In Botanists, players tend a small area of land to grow flowers, which they then hope to sell. As botanists, each of the players has three small plots of land dedicated to growing the most popular flowers among their usual clients. However, all players obtain the seeds to those flowers from the same supplier, and because not all flowers are equally popular, the supplier only sells the seeds in bundles, on top of that, other botanists might attempt to snatch certain seeds away from under your nos... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 44,00 EUR


Alban Viard Studio Games



z.Zt. vergriffen


The 1920s: Small City was founded just a few years ago and is still a fledgling town at this stage. Nonetheless, the Town Center is prosperous, and the managers of the weird CliniC have been duly incarcerated for years by this point. Now it is time to reach a new step: Building a new map transit.

In Tramways, you take the role of one of the managers of the local CliniC who were fired last month when it was discovered that you had acquired wealth on the backs of patients and their poor health.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Tramways: Engineers Worldbook

Tramways Engineer's Workbook is a board game released in 2018 with minimalist components:

1 book of 100 laminated pages
2 erase pens
a rule set of 16 pages
In solo play, this is a book of puzzles; each puzzle adds a new rule, and you have to match the different goal within a given number of rounds. In duo play, the game becomes a competitive pick-up-and-deliver game with different victory conditions. In both configuration, you draw lines on the left side of the book which shows a grid map ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR




Tramways: Paris/New York

Tramways Expansion: Paris / New York, the first expansion for the Tramways base game, contains a mounted, double-sided game board with art deco graphics by Todd Sanders and a small sheet of rules for the twists:

In Paris, the players can move passengers along the Seine with boats.
In New York, the players can build big expensive bridges that will grant them more money and more happiness points at the end of the game.

16,00 EUR



Tramways: Grand Blue Expansion

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Earth as you know it today no longer exists!

Dominated by machines in Tramways: Dystopian Expansions, the remaining human beings have only two solutions: Stay on Earth and be enslaved, or flee to new horizons: the Moon and Mars.

38,00 EUR



Tramways: Adelaide/Shanghai

Tramways: Adelaide / Shanghai includes one large, 42cm × 60cm, 2-sided gameboard, folded into 4 sections, with a map of the Adelaide of the 1920s on one side, and a map of Shanghai on the other side. It also includes a A4 rulesheet that explains the rules differences, and the peculiarities of each map.

Both maps are illustrated by Todd Sanders, and these new maps will help highlight the depth of the game, while simulating construction in these two exotic cities, each with its own characteris... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR



Tramways Busan Halle Merseburg

Expansion for Tramways:

Busan map with an airport and special rules for the parks (green areas)
Halle Merseburg with a long already printed line that each player can use to cross the City.

22,00 EUR



Tramways: Conductor's Manual

Tramways Conductor's Manual, an expansion for the game Tramways and the Tramways Engineer's Workbook, comes with a 3D locomotive (approximately 4.5cm) and the rules sheet.

You can play with one locomotive or more, depending how much you like your passengers to take the locomotive. You need one rail worker to catch the locomotive, and you will receive +2 happiness points compared to your the normal income.

6,00 EUR



Tramways: Denver

A promotional map created for HeavyCon 2017. It contains a geographically accurate downtown Denver at a 45 angle; as well as the Zoo, Airport and Rocky Mountain Arsenal.

12,00 EUR



Tramways: Exclusive Residences

Sammlerstück / Rarität


This is the third set of mini expansions for Tramways.

It contains:
2 New Modular boards with a new space type: the forest
4 New Development cards with double icons
1 tricolor mayor meeple
10 green discs
This expansion is released in a green cover flap.

30,00 EUR



Tramways: Tramways Grand Station

Grand Station is the first set of mini expansions for Tramways.

It contains:
3 new tiles with special abilities:
Grand Station
Stock Exchange
4 new building cards
1 Station Master
This expansion is released in a cover flap that explains how the Grand Station of Tramways was built.

16,00 EUR



Tramways: The Heart of Commerce

Sammlerstück / Rarität


This is the second set of mini expansions for Tramways.

It contains:
2 new modular boards with a new type of land — the rivers
10 blue discs for a new actions during the action phase
5 Ticket inspectors
This expansion is released in a blue cover flap.

16,00 EUR



Tramways: Home of Industry

Sammlerstück / Rarität


This is the fourth set of mini expansions for Tramways.

It contains:
1 Funfair tile
2 Airport tiles
4 New building cards
5 Yellow Super Rail Workers
10 Yellow discs
This expansion is released in a yellow cover flap.

30,00 EUR


ACM 0001

Medieval Battle

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


(auch mit deutschen Regeln!)

Medieval Battle is a battle game for two people commanding armies of knights. The players try to defeat their opponent by either taking and holding the strategic points of the battlefield or seizing the opponent's wagon train.The key to victory is an efficient recruitment of units that will be best suited to a given terrain, as well as skilful placement and opportune maneuvering on the battlefield.

The board consists of two-sided modules, which will allow the g... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Alderac Entertaintment Group


Atelier: The Painter's Studio

Bitte vorbestellen


Take on the role of an artist managing an atelier, or art studio, during the 19th century. Roll dice, manage your assistants, collect needed paint, and complete famous works of art. Will you be a prolific artist completing many works for your patrons, or will you be known for just a few masterpieces that stand the test of time?

Atelier: The Painter's Studio is played in rounds. During each round, players take turns using one or more of their dice to accomplish tasks. Turns proceed clockwise a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR


AEG 05843

Greedy Greedy Goblins

Bitte vorbestellen


The frantic game of riches and dynamite
In Greedy Greedy Goblins, you and the other players take the roles of goblin clans mining out a mountain laden with riches. Fabulous gems and glittering gold can be found, but you must be careful that your goblins don’t blow themselves up in their eagerness to collect the loot!
Too much dynamite, not enough time
All players start each round at the same time and play simultaneously – there are no turns! Players draw mining tiles from the pool and pl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 42,00 EUR


AEG 05874

Scorpius Freighter

Hot Seller


It’s been almost 100 years since the Scorpius system was settled. Sentients came from everywhere to start a new life, following their dreams of prosperity and adventure. The truth was less idyllic. The Government controls almost everything. They control wages. They control prices. They control entertainment. They control information. They have transformed an idealistic colonization project into a systemwide serfdom. Tens of billions of sentients live in Scorpius with no hope of advancement, no... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR


AEG 1028

Fit to Print

Fit To Print is a tile-laying game for the whole family. Players simultaneously collect newspaper tiles, stacking them on their desks until they think they have what they need to make the perfect front page. Then, they will yell “Layout!” and begin to lay out the page by carefully considering the placement of centerpieces, articles, photographs, and advertisements. When everything is just right, they yell “Print” to be the first off the press and gain their choice of centerpiece for the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


AEG 15790

Legend of the Five Rings - War of Honor

Sammlerstück / Rarität


War of Honor is a Legend of the Five Rings game of strategies and tactics for 2-4 players. It allows players to follow their own path to victory through political, honorable, military and spiritual deeds. The game brings a whole new dimension and dynamic to multiplayer Legend of the Five Rings and is suitable for play with cards from the existing arc or older card collections.

The game is played using L5R CCG cards, but a collection of cards is not required to play the game. It comes with fou... (vollständige Beschreibung)

98,00 EUR


AEG 5001


z.Zt. vergriffen


Recruit a Party. Kill the Monsters. Take Their Stuff!

Tomb pits opponents against one another in a fast-paced action game of monsters, traps, treasures, and spells. Tomb captures the dungeon crawl experience without hours of preparation. Just grab your party and go!

Every Time you Play, the Game is Different

Assemble a crack squad of adventurers and enter the fabled Goldenaxe Catacombs in search of glory and hidden treasure. And with Tomb's unique set up and character recruitment, you'l... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

AEG 5004

Abandon Ship

The S.S. Nvrsnks is going down, and who is always first off a sinking ship? The rats! Abandon Ship is the new game in which you play to move your group of rats off the ship before the rising water drowns your furry friends. The Nvrsnks is also loaded with valuable points-earning cheese, but don't let desire for that lovely food send your rats to the watery depths. The water level is rising, get to the boats!

In Abandon Ship, your opponents may also share some of the rats in your group, making... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


AEG 5401

Ninja: The Legend of the Scorpion Clan

Ninja is a hidden-movement game for 2-4 players, designed by veteran game designer Fréderic Moyersoen and set in the award-winning world of Legend of the Five Rings. Players take the role of the guards protecting a castle, or a ninja and traitor trying to sneak in, wreak havoc, and escape. Tactical cards give each side unique abilities, and miniature figures dramatically enhance this tense game of cat and mouse.

The night is quiet, but somewhere in the darkness shadows are moving. A ninja an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR


AEG 5601


Bitte vorbestellen


Progress! That's what these Dark Ages need, someone with a little get-up-and-go. You've been a serf in this one-pig town long enough, and it's time to shake things up. You've opened a guildhall for like-minded professionals from all over Europe to work together, build their trades, and get some economic stability.

Now if only everybody else didn't have the same idea...

Well, you'll just have to do it faster than those other guys! Gather professionals into chapters, and use their combined m... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


AEG 5801


z.Zt. vergriffen


Manage Modern Railways! The railways of today are amazing things and bullet trains, freight trains and more keep entire countries running. From transporting the populace to carrying essential materials, trains play an integral part in a nation's power and economic development. You will start with a small set of cards, but by building a more effective deck throughout the game, you will be able to place stations and lay rails over the maps of Osaka or Tokyo. Gain enough points from your railways a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

AEG 5817

Empire Engine

Bitte vorbestellen


Once, the world of Mekannis was united and prospered under the guidance of the Great Engine—an enormous thinking machine built into the molten heart of the world. Over millennia, Mekannis was transformed until every piece of land was incorporated into the gears and levers of the Engine itself. An act of hubris by the world’s rulers caused a series of devastating malfunctions that shattered the land and the death of the Great Engine. Now four empires rise to dominance. The Kestrel Dominion, d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 10,00 EUR


AEG 5826

Dark Seas

Build a pirate empire in the uncharted Plunder Islands of the Cairribbi— er, Carebbe— er, near the Gulf of Mexico! Seize your destiny of buccaneerrific awesomeness, and gather hordes of pirates, hoards of doubloons, ever greater infamy, and (of course) ever more treasure!

Dark Seas is a dicey island-building game. Each player plots out his own plundering route, filling its ports with docks, hideouts, and shady sea-faring characters. Players sail their ships around their islands, building ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


AEG 5828

Game of Crowns

Many will sit on a throne, but only one can wear the crown!
Long ago, the great Ruelen Empire was united under a single banner. In the aftermath of Ruele’s Doom, the Empire was shattered, torn apart into nine houses each led by one of the Emperor’s former council. The realm was thrown into bitter conflict, as each of the nine houses vied for power over the others–each seeking to reunite the broken Empire under their rule. This conflict became known as the Game of Crowns.
Each player take... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


AEG 5830


Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Drivers, Start Your Engines!
Will you cross the finish line first? Now is your chance to find out! Automobiles is a deck building game where the fun is cubed. Instead of cards, you’ll be building your collection with cubes. Your cubes not only allow you to race your car around the track, but they will also allow you to improve your handling, optimize your pit crew, and boost your speed, which are your keys to victory!
The goal of the game is to cross the finish line first! You accomplish thi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

54,00 EUR


AEG 5836

Dice City

Bitte vorbestellen


Grow your Village!
Provide for the economic, cultural, and spiritual needs of your citizens and create a vibrant and growing village. Will you build a large military and defeat bandits? Create trade goods and sell them to neighbors, or construct amazing works of culture? Why not all three? The stategies are deep yet the game play is easy enough young and old players alike!

ca. 42,00 EUR


AEG 5838

AEG Black Friday Black Box 2015

Sammlerstück / Rarität


AEG's second Black Friday Black Box, containing 7 games:

Bacon Wars
Lost Legacy (Kanai Factory version including Flying Garden and Starship)
Adventure Time: Love Letter (without the Jake sack)
Empire Engine (Cold War edition)
Who Stole the Cookie? (Christmas theme)
one of:
Agent Hunter

Plus a bag of AEG logo wooden tokens in scarlet, yellow, dark blue, and black (20 of each)

44,00 EUR


AEG 5839

Treasure Lair

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Lairs with vast treasure await heroes who have the endurance to travel through treacherous locations, are clever enough to overcome encounters with dangerous charlatans, and are brave enough to defeat the fearsome monsters that lurk within.

In Treasure Lair, you must form a party of heroes in order to face the many challenges during your quest — but choose wisely, for each quest requires different skills and abilities. Brute strength may be enough to smash your way into the treasure lair, b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


AEG 5841


Bitte vorbestellen


Birds of a Feather Flock Together
Lead the most impressive flock through feeding, nest building and hatching. Selecting the actions is simple, but when one bird flies, so do all the others! Can you time your actions to take advantage of when the flocks fly?
During the game, players try to expand their flock with the goal of scoring the most victory points after three rounds of play. Victory points are scored by controlling the action cards at the end of each round. Also, be sure to have enough... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 32,00 EUR


AEG 5879

Dice Heist

Bitte vorbestellen


Daring Art Heists with a roll of the dice!
Take on the role of an international thief, and attempt a series of daring heists to steal the most valuable artifacts, gems and paintings from four of the world’s most famous museums.
Recruit sidekicks to help you, or go at it alone. Will you beat the security systems at the Louvre in Paris and make your escape with the Mona Lisa, or will one of the other thieves get there first?
Whoever can impress his fellow criminals with the most valuable coll... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


AEG 5897

The Captain Is Dead

Imagine that you are one of the crew in your favorite science fiction TV show. Now imagine that in the last 10 minutes of the show things have gone so badly that the captain is dead and you and the surviving members of your crew have to pull together and save the day yourselves!

The Captain Is Dead is a co-op game for 2 to 7 players. All you have to do is get the ship's engines (aka "Jump Core") back online and you win, but because there is a hostile alien ship trying to destroy you, that is ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR


AEG 7005

The Masters' Trials: Wrath of Magmaroth

The legend says that in a time of grave danger, masters of the elemental orders will leave their ancestral retreats and join forces to restore peace to the world. From the once-dormant Tekirin volcano, the vengeful Magmaroth has emerged. Born of earth and fire, its goal is to mold the world to its image: primal and ruthless. The time is now for the masters to face their destiny.

The Masters' Trials: Wrath of Magmaroth is a cooperative dice-crafting game in which players represent the masters ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


AEG 7006

Unicornus Knights

z.Zt. vergriffen


Unicornus Knights is a cooperative board game where the players are generals who must assist the Princess of a Kingdom to reach her capital. Chased away from the capital by a sudden attack from the Empire, the Princess is set on returning, and will stop at nothing. The players must pave way for the princess so that she does not run into enemy hands.

The game is played on a modular board, where each board contains an enemy general. When a player closes in upon an enemy general, random "fate" c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

AEG 7018

The Captain Is Dead - Lockdown

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Lockdown is a new standalone episode in the ongoing saga that started with The Captain Is Dead. This time, our intrepid crew find themselves prisoners on their own ship. Hostile aliens have taken control, and the crew must work together and remain hidden while attempting to regain control of the ship.

You don't need The Captain Is Dead base game to play Lockdown, which is a 1-7 player co-op game. Lockdown first appeared as "Episode 3" of the game when released by The Game Crafter, while Alder... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AEG 7018X

The Captain Is Dead - Lockdown

Sammlerstück / Rarität! Sonderangebot


Leichte Beschädigung an der Box - Auf der Rückseite oben links ist die Schachtel etwas eingerissen (reparierbar)
Inhalt tadellos! - noch eingeschweißt!

Slight damage to the box - The box is slightly torn on the back top left (repairable)
Contents in perfect condition! - still shrink-wrapped!

Lockdown is a new standalone episode in the ongoing saga that started with The Captain Is Dead. This time, our intrepid crew find themselves prisoners on their own ship. Hostile aliens have taken ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


AEG 7032

Space Base

Hot Seller


In Space Base players assume the roles of Commodores of a small fleet of ships. Ships begin docked at their stations and are then deployed to sectors as new ships are commissioned under your command. Use cargo vessels to engage in trade and commerce; mining vessels to build reoccurring base income; and carriers to spread your influence. Establish new colonies for a new Commodore in a sector to gain even more influence. Gain enough influence and you can be promoted to Admiral!

Space Base is a ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

54,00 EUR


AEG 7053

Tiny Towns

z.Zt. vergriffen


You are the mayor of a tiny town in the forest in which the smaller creatures of the woods have created a civilization hidden away from predators. This new land is small and the resources are scarce, so you take what you can get and never say no to building materials. Cleverly plan and construct a thriving town, and don't let it fill up with wasted resources! Whoever builds the most prosperous tiny town wins!

In Tiny Towns, your town is represented by a 4x4 grid on which you will place resour... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

AEG 7055

Meeples & Monsters

The peaceful city of Rowan is surrounded by dangerous monsters. It’s up to the citizens to fortify the city, train up warriors, clerics, knights, and mages, and defend Rowan in Meeples & Monsters!

Meeples & Monsters is a big, beautiful bag-building engine builder by designer Ole Steiness (Champions of Midgard and more). Depth, replayability, beautiful components, and a splash of meeple humor will have you coming back for “just one more play” game night after game night!

During a play... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


AEG 7083

Inner Compass

Bitte vorbestellen


In Inner Compass, you play as one of four characters searching for meaning in their everyday lives. (Sound familiar?)

Make the right life choices, experience the full spectrum of emotions, create meaningful memories, and ultimately find your own inner compass

4 Life Board Sections
4 Player Boards
4 Player Pieces
60 Player Cubes
8 Value Tokens
69 Emotion Cards
6 Emotion Tokens
1 Situation Track
1 Qualities Board
16 Quality Tiles
1 Compass Token
80 EP Tokens

ca. 46,00 EUR


AEG 7084


Be Fast or Be Last! Players take on the role of participants in the annual Cube Cup;
a race of strategy and luck to determine the Cubitos Champion.

Each player has a runner on the racetrack and a support team, represented by all the dice you roll. Each turn you roll dice and use their results to move along the racetrack, buy new dice, and use abilities.
But you must be careful not to push your luck rolling too much or you could bust!

58,00 EUR


AEG 7084X




Deutliche Beschädigung an der Box - Box Deckel hat oben zwei kräftige Einrisse (zu reparieren) Inhalt tadellos - noch eingeschweißt!

Significant damage to the box - box lid has two strong tears at the top (to be repaired) Contents impeccable - still shrink-wrapped!

Be Fast or Be Last! Players take on the role of participants in the annual Cube Cup;
a race of strategy and luck to determine the Cubitos Champion.

Each player has a runner on the racetrack and a support team, represent... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


AEG 7085

Rolling Heights

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Roll Your Meeples, Build the City.

It's the 1920's and your career as a general contractor is about to take off. You have just started your business in a rapidly expanding city.

In Rolling Heights, players roll workers in the form of meeples. Standing meeples work hard that day and provide special actions and building materials, while face-down meeples provide nothing. You can always push your luck for better rolls, but you might lose valuable materials you need to construct new buildings.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR


AEG 7092

Santa Monica

Bitte vorbestellen


In Santa Monica, you are trying to create the most appealing neighborhood in southern California. Will you choose to create a calm, quiet beach focused on nature, a bustling beach full of tourists, or something in-between to appeal to the locals?

Each turn, you draft a feature card from the display to build up either your beach or your street. These features work together to score you victory points. The player with the most points wins!

ca. 46,00 EUR


AEG 7096

Sheepy Time

Bitte vorbestellen


You are the Dream Sheep - the sheep that people count in order to drift off to Dreamland! Each time you jump the fence, you help everyone fall asleep easier. But beware the Nightmares that haunt these dreams and threaten a rude awakening. Play your cards right, use your Zzzs on the sweetest dreams, and prove you are the dreamiest sheep of All!

ca. 40,00 EUR


AEG 7097

Whirling Witchcraft

Bitte vorbestellen


Being a witch is all about wielding powerful magical ingredients — but a witch can wield only so much power before everything blows up in their face. Choose your recipes wisely to clear your workbench and stick others with too much raw material because the first player to overflow their nemesis' cauldron with enough ingredients wins!

In Whirling Witchcraft, you start with a hand of four recipe cards, as well as a number of ingredients on your workbench; ingredients come in five types, and y... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 42,00 EUR


AEG 7100


Bitte vorbestellen


TEN is an exciting push-your-luck and auction game for the whole family! Players draw cards one-at-a-time, trying to add as many as they can without exceeding a total value of TEN, or they bust! Players may push their luck to draw more cards and use currency to buy additional cards in their attempt to build the longest number sequence in each color. When valuable wildcards emerge from the deck, players compete in auctions to obtain them in order to fill gaps in their sequences!

ca. 20,00 EUR


AEG 7102

The Guild of Merchant Explorers

Bitte vorbestellen


The Queen has sent out a call to The Guild of Merchant Explorers, asking brave adventurers to voyage to all corners of the kingdom of Tigomé. While the kingdom is flourishing, its maps have not been updated in some time and its great cities have lost contact with one another. With your team of explorers, you will journey over rough seas, majestic mountains, vast deserts, and lush grasslands to establish trade routes between cities, visit far-seeing discovery towers, and discover new villages th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 56,00 EUR


AEG 7105

Shake that City

Welcome, city planners! Design the best city block using patterns from the new and exciting "Cube Shaker". You'll place a mix of tiles to help grow the thriving city. The best design wins the game!

Shake That City is a family puzzly tile-laying game for 1-4 players, that plays under an hour! The game is played over a series of rounds. The active player shakes the Cube Shaker and presses its slider to reveal a 3x3 pattern, based on which they need to place the corresponding building tiles of a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


AEG 7129


In a peaceful galaxy, a new technology has been invented: wormholes. They allow ships to warp from one point to another and open countless possibilities for commerce and travel. As the captain of a passenger spaceship newly equipped with a wormhole fabricator, you can make some serious space bucks by building a robust network of wormholes. Link the farthest reaches of space while delivering passengers to become the most successful captain in this golden age of spacefaring. It’s time to bend sp... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR


AEG 7134


Hot Seller


Verdant is a puzzly spatial card game for 1 to 5 players. You take on the role of a houseplant enthusiast trying to create the coziest interior space by collecting and arranging houseplants and other objects within your home. You must position your plants so that they are provided the most suitable light conditions and take care of them to create the most verdant collection.

Each turn, you select an adjacent pair of a card and token, then use those items to build an ever-expanding tableau of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


AEG 7134X




Beschädigung an der Box - Vorderseite links deutlich eingedrückt und etwas eingerissen (zu reparieren)
Inhalt tadellos - noch eingeschweißt!

Damage to the box - front left clearly dented and somewhat torn (to be repaired).
Contents impeccable - still shrink-wrapped!

Verdant is a puzzly spatial card game for 1 to 5 players. You take on the role of a houseplant enthusiast trying to create the coziest interior space by collecting and arranging houseplants and other objects within your ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR



Rush' N' Crush

A game by Frédéric Henry, Charly Cazals and Guillaume Blossier

When you weld guns and armor onto a race car, you need some real psychos to drive them. But we did it. Why?

Because chaos is fun!

A race where anything goes and with room for only one on the podium. Break-neck speed and road-rage are not only encouraged, they are required! The only ways to finish Rush N'Crush are as the winner, or as one of many losers. The first driver across the finish line wins, the rest clearly haven't... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR



Istanbul: Big Box

Bitte vorbestellen


Istanbul: Big Box is the all-in-one package for Istanbul, including the base game as well as both expansions, Mocha & Baksheesh and Letters & Seals.

This combination also gives players the option to play on a big 5 x 5 tiles bazaar.

ca. 70,00 EUR



AEG 5010

Tomb: Cryptmaster

Bitte vorbestellen


Once again, it is time to assemble a party and delve into the dangers of the Tomb! Tomb: Crypt Master is a stand-alone expansion to the of the 2008 hit game Tomb, a dungeon adventure game where each player recruits a unique party and races to clear more of the dungeon than any other player. Tomb: Crypt Master introduces two new boards, 80 new characters, 400 new cards to play with, more spells, items, prayers, and tactics, and a new deck: the Crypt Master deck, which contains cards you can use t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 60,00 EUR


AEG 5848

Dice City: All that Glitters

Bitte vorbestellen


Roll, Build and Win! Again...
The nobles of Rolldovia have struck a rich vein of gold, and now it is time to put it to good use! The competition to be the new capital has now taken on a new twist, with not just new architecture, but the power to inspire through great craftsmanship or simply extravagant displays of wealth. But beware, there is a limited supply.
It is time to show off All that Glitters… It is time to once again roll, build, and win!
New Locations and new commodities
All that... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


AEG 5854

Guild Hall Fantasy: The Gathering

Bitte vorbestellen


This new set of Guildhall contains an all new stand-alone set for Guildhall, featuring six never
before seen professions. Additionally, this set contains two mini expansions: "The Chapter
Masters" and "The Master Houses.”

ca. 52,00 EUR


AEG 5881

Dice City: By Royal Decree Expansion

Bitte vorbestellen


The Queen is taking a personal interest in the development of your cities. The type of locations you construct, where you build them, and even your capacity to gather resources or build armies may all come under her scrutiny. Trade is also high on the royal priorities. Winning the prize, and becoming the next great capital just got more interesting, exciting, and challenging!

Dice City: By Royal Decree comes with a new and separate trade board, extra dice for that board, and new strategies wi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 34,00 EUR


AEG 7039

The Captain Is Dead - Dangerous Planet

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The intrepid crew escaped the alien prison in Lockdown. Now, having been assigned a third captain, they are on their first away mission! Taking their shuttlecraft to the surface of an abandoned alien planet, they are tasked with discovering alien relics that may point to why the alien empire detests our Spacefleet so much, and how we may one day forge peace.

Of course, your new captain was very diplomatic, and upon encountering giant bugs that may very well be the reason the aliens abandoned ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


AEG 7040

Space Base: The Emergence of Shy Pluto

A strange new galactic body has emerged within the Milky Way. The greatest minds of The United Earth Services find themselves bewildered by the sudden appearance of Shy Pluto. Get the crews to their stations — it's time to deploy your ships.

The Emergence of Shy Pluto is the first installment of Space Base "Saga Expansions". This expansion to Space Base is a collection of story-based scenarios that introduce new content to the game via a narrative structure. Not only are new ships added, bu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


AEG 7064

Space Base: Command Station

Hot Seller


Following the events surrounding Shy Pluto, two new zones within known space have opened up. The Admiral has promoted two new Captains to the rank of Commodore to command these new Space Bases and work their sectors!

The Space Base™: Command Station expansion allows players to expand their games of Space Base™ to include two more players. Now six or seven Commodores can compete for the promotion to become the Admiral of the U.E.S. Fleet! Inside you will find two more player boards, two mo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


AEG 7072

Tiny Towns: Fortune

z.Zt. vergriffen


The smaller creatures of the forest have created a civilization free of predators, and they look to you as mayor to guide their growing and thriving town. However, the area is small, and resources are scarce. The clever use of limited resources will determine the most successful tiny town. In the expansion Tiny Towns: Fortune, the creatures of the forest have found a way to trick each other into thinking shiny bits of metal have arbitrary value. It’s very useful—so much so that you can use t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

AEG 7073

Tiny Towns: Villagers

In Tiny Towns: Villagers, word has spread far and wide of a thriving little civilization in the forest. Creatures with incredible talents from engineers to merchants have come to visit these towns and decide where they will make their new homes. They offer the most astute town mayors their skills, which can transform buildings, control the influx of resources, and perform impressive architectural feats. The world of Tiny Towns is getting a bit bigger!

30,00 EUR


AEG 7075

Space Base: The Mysteries of Terra Proxima

A New addition to the galaxy and A New Way to Expand Your Game!

Merging the power of Shy Plutonium with new starship technologies has allowed the U.E.S. Science Corps to reach the distant stars of Alpha Centauri, and discover the planet Terra Proxima. Strange ruins and vast fields of fungi cover much of the planet. Eager for knowledge, the U.E.S. authorizes colonization!

Welcome to the second installment of Space Base™ Saga Expansions. This is a collection of games with a linked story th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR



AEG 5010-1

Tomb: Cryptmaster Dice Set

More Dice, More Damage! This set gives players 30 extra Tomb dice to incorporate into their game: 10 Red for max damage; 10 Blue that announce your presence with authority; and 10 Green for the Clerics.

10,00 EUR



ALE 26993

In the Year of the Dragon

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Choose and manage your workers to protect your palaces from a series of disasters.

In the Year of the Dragon: 10th Anniversary consists of the In the Year of the Dragon base game and the The Great Wall of China & The Super Events expansions that first appeared in the alea Treasure Chest.

In In the Year of the Dragon, players take on the role of Chinese rulers around the year 1000. The game plays out in twelve rounds, with each round representing one month in a year that seems to go from b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

ALE 27348

Puerto Rico 1897

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Puerto Rico 1897 takes place the year after Puerto Rico achieved political autonomy and separated itself from the colonial Spanish government. In the game, you take on the role of an independent Puerto Rican farmer in this new era and compete against others to hire workers to grow, sell, and trade valuable crops. You will also be in charge of resurrecting parts of the country as you attempt to build vital city infrastructure. Your goal throughout the game is to acquire more wealth and prestige t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR


ALE 27348X

Puerto Rico 1897



Beschädigung an der Box - Der Deckel der Box hat Mitte unten eine Beule und rechts unten eine Quetschung (alles reparierbar)
Inhalt tadellos! - noch eingeschweißt!

Damage to the box - The lid of the box has a dent in the bottom center and a bruise in the bottom right (all repairable).
Contents impeccable! - still shrink-wrapped!

Puerto Rico 1897 takes place the year after Puerto Rico achieved political autonomy and separated itself from the colonial Spanish government. In the game, you... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


ALE 81083

Broom Service

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Score the most victory points by delivering potions via Broom Service throughout the magical realm.

Broom Service is a card-based game that combines luck, skill and balances timely bluffing with clever hand management.

Remake of award-winning Witch's Brew:

New theme! Now with 3 types of roles: witches, druids, and gatherers.
Drizzelda, the weather fairy, helps chase away the bad weather.
New illustrations and game pieces.
Same style of play, and by the same game designer as Witch’s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Aleph Game Studio


La Belle Epoque

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A competitive wargame between the four European Major Powers of XIX century.

During the period between the "French-Prussian Wars" and the beginning of the "First World War", Europe was pervaded by great optimism and incredible innovations both in science and arts.

All European Powers took a dangerous path towards an open conflict by developing new weapons, by conquering the last free territories in Africa and Asia and by attempting to gain control of other countries across Europe!

In "... (vollständige Beschreibung)

118,00 EUR



Baroque: War & Politics in the Holy Roman Empire

"Baroque" is a card-driven multi-player wargame in which players use a variety of strategies to control states, build cities and cathedrals, and thereby get elected Holy Roman Emperor. The situation is very loosely based on the political situation in what is now Germany immediately after the Thirty Years War (starting about 1650), the Baroque Era.

62,00 EUR


Alewood Games LLC



Alewood is an inclusive Wild West roleplaying drinking card game where alcohol and consumption are optional but silliness is absolutely required. It re-imagines the drinking game format by rewarding rambunctious roleplaying and allowing players to only drink as much or as little as they please. Players roleplay as the various townfolk (the banker, the doctor, the saloonist etc) working together to defeat the Outlaws but only one player will win the game with the highest bounty amount. Players wi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


All or None Games


Betwixt and Between

You've finally found a way in to the home of the spirits and the fae, the Betwixt and Between, a tangled and uncharted web of strange places where most peculiar creatures dwell. Be wary — this land is steeped in ancient magic, and you're far from alone in here...

Betwixt and Between is a strategic adventure board game for 1-4 players, mixing eerie European folklore with magical creativity and euro-inspired mechanisms.

In the game, you take on the role of mystics who have found their way ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR



Cat Packs

Hot Seller


Cherry pick the most magnificent gang of cats the world has ever seen!

Cat Packs is a fast-paced card game mixed with tile-laying in which you'll cleverly put together the cat gang of your most whimsical dreams! The game includes over one hundred unique illustrated cats by artist Liselotte Eriksson.

On each turn, players draft a new cat from the alley and use resources to play out cards from their hand to add to their cat pack. All cats have different requirements and benefits, but not al... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR




Betwixt and Between - Dual Layered Mystic Board

22,00 EUR


Alley Cat Games

ACG 0014

Coral Islands Deluxe (Reprint)

Coral Islands is the 2-in-1 game featuring 2 competitive games utilising dice stacking as the prominent mechanic. Players are tasked with conservation efforts to repopulate coral as well as redevelop islands to make them conducive to animal life.

"Coral," designed by Richard Maass, sees players repopulate a shared coral reef using colourful translucent dice. Players take turns stacking dice on the board aiming to score points by completing structure cards that involve both their own dice and ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


ACG 0016

Chocolate Factory

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Set in the early 20th century of entrepreneurs and chocolatiers experimenting with new ways to create and market chocolates, YOU are assigned the task of chief chocolate maker! Chocolate Factory is a euro game of literal factory building and moving (using a pushable conveyer belt component) chocolates you must complete the most amount of chocolates required by retailers for the best value. The game also features wooden chocolate pieces and a movable conveyer belt making the physicality blended w... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 62,00 EUR


ACG 0023


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In a time when early sea-faring Polynesians roamed the Pacific they came across the archipelago of Tungaru, today also known as Gilbert Islands. Rich in nutrients and resources they set about colonising these lands and spreading their culture.

Tungaru sets players as early Polynesians in this dice placement and resource conversion, medium-weight euro game. Players will jump from island to island in an effort to recruit Nomads as new tribe members, colonise land, spread their culture and excha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR


ACG 0025


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The fun mint-tin sized dexterity game gamers and non-gamers will love!

Tinderblox sets players in a campfire setting, where each player will attempt to grow the fire! But watch out! Place the blocks badly and you risk burning down the camp!

Each turn players will draw a card from the campfire deck. The card will instruct them to place on the campfire a log, a fire block or any combination of the two (or more) in various orientations. Players use tweezers to "Play with fire" in a shared poo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


ACG 0038

Tinners Trail Deluxe Components

In Tinners' Trail, set in 19th century Cornwall, you represent a mining conglomerate at the height of the tin and copper mining industry. You must buy plots of land across Cornwall in auctions and survey them for tin and copper, always managing your "work points" and money effectively.

Once you have a mine in place, it's time to extract the ore and (ideally) make a profit, but the deeper your mine goes, the more expensive the process gets. To reduce the cost of mining, you can place developme... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


ACG 0052

Star Fighters - Rapid Fire (EN)

Star Fighters: Rapid Fire combines the excitement of real-time dice rolling with tactical starship combat. Each player hops into the cockpit of their own starfighter and duels it out in a dog fight to prove who is the superior pilot. The game plays in multiple modes 1 vs 1, 3 player free-for-all, 2 vs 2, or a solo mode where a single starfighter attacks an orbital space station.
In the real-time phase all players roll and re-roll their command dice simultaneously, and assign them to the various... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


ACG 0057

Autobahn (EN)

Hot Seller


Build roads, deliver goods and get up the ministry of transport ladder!

Autobahn is an economic strategy game about the building of the German motorway system over three periods of time spanning from the end of World War II to the present day.

At the end of the second period (in 1990), the Unification opens up opportunities to further extend the network into the eastern part of the country.

As a director within the BundesAutobahn Organisation, you are responsible for managing and devel... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


ACG 0074

Arborea (Reprint)

Hot Seller


Welcome to the world of Arborea. You are a Patron Spirit, guiding your villagers to heal and grow the landscape around them by sending them on pilgrimages and building your personal Ecosystem.

Arborea is a worker placement euro game where time, and planning ahead, is key.

During the game, players will place workers on Action Tracks ("Pilgrimage"). These tracks will then advance, moving all workers with them. The farther the Action Tracks move, the better the Rewards gained when workers are... (vollständige Beschreibung)

64,00 EUR



Tinners Trail

Hot Seller


In Tinners' Trail, set in 19th century Cornwall, you represent a mining conglomerate at the height of the tin and copper mining industry. You must buy plots of land across Cornwall in auctions and survey them for tin and copper, always managing your "work points" and money effectively.

Once you have a mine in place, it's time to extract the ore and (ideally) make a profit, but the deeper your mine goes, the more expensive the process gets. To reduce the cost of mining, you can place developme... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR


ACG 2023

Amun-Re: 20th Anniversary Edition

Sammlerstück / Rarität


As Pharaoh, buy land, trade, and build pyramids to your greatness in this Knizia gem!

Everyone knows of the pyramids on the Nile — eternal monuments of a powerful and beautiful culture that can still take our breath away. The players (leaders of a royal Egyptian family) choose their sites, build their pyramids, and thank Amun-Re and the other gods for their bounty.

In Amun-Re, each pharaoh wants to build the most pyramids. To accomplish this, they must first acquire a province where the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR



Cat Café

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Make your corner in the Cat Café the best one possible! Entice cats by literally drawing toys for the cats to play with. Place the toys in the most favorable way possible, and you win by attracting the most cats!

Cat Café is a reimplementation and slightly altered version of the Korean game Cat Tower by Mandoo Games. Cat Café is a light roll-and-write game in which players draft one die each round, then use the final unused die as well. Both dice are then used to 1) Draw a particular type ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Dice Hospital

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In Dice Hospital, a worker placement game, players must treat as many patients as possible to appease the local authorities! Players use their hospital staff to treat patients on their personal hospital player boards. However, players may also call in specialist staff to react to certain situations that arise to score more points with the authorities! The game uses worker placement mechanics for the staff, dice as the patients where low scores indicate low health and a personal player board of a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 58,00 EUR



Lab Wars

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Lab Wars is the science themed card game of building up your lab and sabotaging your competitors all for scientific glory!

How to play:
Players start play with a research team of 5 lab characters and 3 lab item cards in their hand. At the beginning of each round players will reveal which character they will be playing in a rock, paper, scissors mechanism. When it is the player's turn their character activates an attack (a resource bonus) if another player has played the targeted character an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


Paper Dungeons (Reprint)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Prepare your adventurers for a challenging dungeon exploration in Paper Dungeons, a roll-and-write game that seeks to reproduce the feel of a dungeon-crawler.

In the game, you control a classic group of medieval adventurers: warrior, wizard, cleric, and rogue. In each of the nine rounds, you select three of the six rolled dice and use these results to raise the level of your characters, produce magic items, obtain healing potions, and explore the dungeon to face challenges and collect treasur... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen



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*English version. Language independent game. German rules as download.*
Ruthless is a pirate themed game in which players will gather their
crew and fight with their opponents.

The primary mechanic of Ruthless is deck building. Every turn a
player must play a card or set of cards from their hand after which
they may buy new cards to their deck. The deck consists of pirate
cards, which allow to attack opponent, draw more cards and perform
many more profitable actions, and treasure cards ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 28,00 EUR



Tinners Trail (Expanded Edition) Deutsche Ausgabe

EXPANDED EDITION + Limitierte Auflage KS-Pack

Tinners' Trail ist ein thematisches Euro-Spiel, das im 19. Jahrhundert in Cornwall spielt. Diese neue Ausgabe von Tinners' Trail ist eine Neuauflage des von der Kritik hochgelobten Spiels von Martin Wallace aus dem Jahr 2008, das in Zusammenarbeit mit Alley Cat Games neu entwickelt und verbessert wurde und eine erhöhte Spielerzahl, einen Solomodus und 2 brandneue Erweiterungen enthält.

Du spielst ein Bergbaukonglomerat in der Blütezeit des ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR


ACG/SMG 1553

Autobahn (D)

Über mehrere Epochen hinweg seid ihr verantwortlich für die Entwicklung des Autobahnnetzes. Indem ihr euch daran beteiligt, gewinnt ihr Sitze in verschiedenen Bauämtern der Bundesautobahn. Erweitert das Netzwerk, baut Straßen und Tankstellen und transportiert Waren. Am Ende gewinnt, wer die prestigeträchtigeren Sitze innerhalb der Verwaltungsgremien innehat.

In diesem Spiel für 1 bis 4 Autobahnisten seid ihr Vorstandsmitglieder der für die deutsche Bundesautobahn zuständigen Behörde.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR




Dice Hospital - Community Care

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Dice Hospital: Community care is the new box with 3 expansions for the original game: Dice Hospital.
Containing: The city expansion, the maternity expansion and the improvements expansions.

The City Expansion
The intake phase is now replaced by a set of city tiles where players use their ambulances and paramedic tokens to collect patients.
This vastly increases interactivity, as now players have a direct say over which specific dice you pick up, as well as bonuses gained by picking up unhe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 44,00 EUR





Navigate your pirate ship together through tricky waters and avoid the Kraken!

Strap up your piratical boots, and navigate your ship through turbulent waters in Sail, a co-operative trick-taking game for two players.
Reach the end of this dangerous deep end, and avoid taking damage from the Kraken to win the game together...or your crew will be sleeping with the fish!

Before each round begins, players exchange cards, then play a series of tricks.
Different game actions will be trigger... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR



ANK 151

Dino Party

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In Dino Party, each player adopts a species of dinosaur and attempts to save it from certain destruction by throwing adorable dinosaur meeples onto an ever-increasingly inhospitable board! Land them in the fields or caves, and you'll have some happy dinos. Land them in the jungles or the ocean, and that may be the last you see of them. At the end of four rounds, the player who manages to save or create the most dinosaurs wins!

ca. 32,00 EUR


ANK 210


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You are dreaming about evading in the islands? To travel above the sky and further than the horizon? Be glad as you now are a celestial construction manager, architect of the sky! Collect animal and plant ressources, assemble them and add a little life spirit: congratulations! You just built an island in the sky!

The aim of the game is to win the most gold by crafting and selling those famous floating islands. Each turn, the players/architects can either select a new island creation contract,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 38,00 EUR


ANK 220

Treasures of Cibola

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Rescuing Mayan treasure is no easy task, especially when the competition is fierce. You'll have to send your explorers in a nearby undiscovered temple to get the treasures stored inside. But watch out! The ancient temple is unstable and its imminent collapse might just ruin your plans... and some treasures might not be worth what you think!

Treasures of Cibola is a 2 to 4 players family game in which each player controls a team of explorers looking for treasures in the legendary City of Gold.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR




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Welcome to the party! Please, have a drink. There’s only a slight chance that one of the other guests have poisoned it! Will you take the risk?

Poisons is a bluff-based card game in which players have to carefully weight their risks to earn points. Each turn, players secretly add a card from their hand to each opponent's drink: an innocuous liquid or a deadly poison. When everyone has their cup filled, each player decides whether they will drink the contents of their cup.

Those who don't... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR



Shadows of Macao

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In the underbelly of Macao, city of crimes, the local mafia’s Boss is dead, leading to a power vacuum. The Boss’s widow has put you in charge of the family business. Will you develop your shady activities into a true criminal empire? There’s only a single seat available at the top…

Shadows over Macao is an engine-building game where players extend their empire by using shifty informants and establishments of ill reputation. During their turn, each player can do one of three things: co... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


Antler Games

ATG 0201

Critters Below

A great war has broken out and is threatening to eradicate all of Critterkind. A few of you have made it to a shelter deep underground. However the lights have gone out, leaving you in the dark with limited resources. You do not know how long you have to stay down here before it is safe to go outside. How many of you will survive and will you be among them? Will you work together?

At the end of each turn players vote whether to open the bunker doors. If they do and it is peaceful outside they... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


APE Games

APE 01300

Island Siege

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Island Siege is a card game of colonization in the West Indies. Players build forts using building stones from their supply, then move colonists in each turn to populate it. Colonists in turn build buildings and ships, which then house the colonists. Buildings provide players with special abilities, while ships are sent to lay siege to the opponent's forts. The goal is for players to get all of their colonists into play on their forts, buildings and ships. Be careul, though, whenever a fort is d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 32,00 EUR


APE 01310

Island Siege (2nd Edition)

Hot Seller


Island Siege is a card game of colonization in the West Indies.
Players build forts using building stones from their supply, then move colonists in each turn to populate it.
Colonists in turn build buildings and ships, which then house the colonists. Buildings provide players with special abilities, while ships are sent to lay siege to the opponent's forts.

The goal is for players to get all of their colonists into play on their forts, buildings and ships.
Be careul, though, whenever a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


APE 01400


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In RARRR!!, players first draft monster power cards in order to build their perfect monster, then draft power bid cards to fuel their monsters' rampages through cities. Cities are destroyed using a bidding system, and players are limited in their bids by the amount of each type of power that their monster possesses.

Will you build a super fire-spewing dragon monster, or a more balanced monster that can flatten cities time and time again for the long haul? Either way, it's not a good day to li... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


APE 01800

Spirits of the Rice Paddy

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Ancient Balinese legend describes a host of powerful spirits who help poor rice farmers achieve success. These farmers have long used a sophisticated irrigation system to organize rice cultivation by integrating religious devotion and social responsibility with traditional farming methods.
In Spirits of the Rice Paddy players must compete with fellow rice farmers to construct and tend rice paddies. Oxen can build walls and remove large rocks. Ducks can be employed to eat harmful pests and ferti... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 52,00 EUR


APE 03200

Rice Dice: A Spirit of the Rice

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Rice Dice is a streamlined dice game version of Spirits of the Rice Paddy. Players familiar with that game will feel at home with Rice Dice. New players will find Rice Dice to be a great introduction to its big brother. Roll the custom dice and choose one action based on the results: Add rice paddy cards to your field using the card action, run water through your paddies, or assign laborers to plant and harvest. Harvesting gains players rice, which is essential to winning, but paddies with weeds... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


APE 0800

1955: The War of Espionage

In 1955: The War of Espionage, you are the head of one of the two major Faction's Covert operations Agency. Your task is to protect your country from the tainted views of your enemies while seeking to gain the trust and support of the world's population. To do that, you will be utilizing resources provided to you by your supporters (represented by the cards you draw). Every successful operation in a country gains you some level of temporary influence. Your main directive is to stabilize the coun... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


APE 2600

The Great Dinosaur Rush

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The Great Dinosaur Rush — or the Bone Wars, as it's otherwise called — was a period of incredible advancement in paleontology (i.e., the discovery of fossils).
In The Great Dinosaur Rush, players compete to grab bones from the best dig sites, and build new dinosaurs for prestigious museums, gaining notoriety in the process by stealing bones, sabotaging dig sites, and otherwise impeding your fellow paleontologists.
The game is played over turns, each with two main phases: dig and build. Dur... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 52,00 EUR


APE 2800

Dark is the Night

A Hunter has set up camp in a dark and dangerous forest. In the middle of the night she is awakened by a sound in the darkness, just outside the light of her small fire. Again! A guttural growl informs the Hunter that she is not alone. To survive this night, the Hunter will need keen wits and sharp aim with her crossbow.

Dark is the Night is a two-player game of hunt-or-be-hunted. One player takes the role of the hunter and can move in the lighted spaces surrounding the campfire while the oth... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


APE 2900

Major General: Duel of Time

Well, there you go getting yourself involved in a time war. Fortunately, you have the best generals in history on your side. Unfortunately, so does your opponent! In Major General: Duel of Time, each player has a set of eight Order cards which they play beside the battlefield, overlaying existing orders. All orders for both players that are still showing are resolved after each card is played. Control the most territories at the end of the game to win!

16,00 EUR




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Moa takes its inspiration from the events surrounding the settlement of New Zealand, recasting them with anthropomorphized birds and mammals. The inhabitants of the Pacific island are represented by giant birds, such as the moa and kakapo, while the settlers from the west are played by dogs, rats, possums and weasels.

Players take on the role of the defenders of the land, competing with their fellow players for control of the regions while staving off the advances of the mammals. However, the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR




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Welcome to the lush world of Petrichor; you are a cloud. Your entire purpose in life is to expand, sire other clouds and water crops. Unfortunately, your mates (who are also clouds) have a similar plan. It’s up to you to manipulate the weather and assimilate these rogue clouds to contribute to the growth of as many crops as possible - all in order to claim the title of Most Valuable Cloud.

Petrichor is a highly interactive game for 1-4 players in which players control clouds, vote on the we... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 58,00 EUR


Aporta Games


Bad Company

Build your own gang and customize it to suit your plans. Gather resources to complete heists and money to recruit new gang members. And make sure you escape the police! A unique and fun game from the award-winning designers of Automania and Trails of Tucana.

Bad Company supports up to 6 players with very little downtime. It also includes a solo mode where you try to outsmart the police.

Each player has a player board with 11 gang members. You may upgrade them by placing overlapping cards o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR



House of Cats

Fill your house with cats, mice and dice!

Form rooms using numbers. Then use the rooms' special abilities to score the most points.

There are 4 unique levels (each with their own rules), and every time you play you use a random set of 4 out of 12 possible abilities. This ensures new challenges every game.

House of Cats is a quick and clever roll-and-write game, and the first collaborative design by veteran designers William Attia and Kristian A Østby.



Each tu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR




Hot Seller


Revive civilization, 5000 years after everything was destroyed. Lead your tribe and explore the frozen earth. Harness its resources. Recruit surface survivors to your cause. Build factories with powerful machines. And populate ancient sites to relearn your tribe's forgotten technologies.
Revive is a game for 1-4 players with asymmetric player powers, highly variable setup, and no fighting or direct conflict. Playing through the 5-part campaign unlocks additional contents, and once all conte... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR




Hot Seller


Lead your fishing village through the harsh Nordic winters.

The generations before you have relied on harvesting the oceans. But as the 19th century ends, change and opportunity reach your fishing village in northern Norway.
In Saltfjord, you must decide if you will expand your settlement with new buildings, send your boat to collect fish, engage in trade, or pioneer new technologies to make everyday life easier. How will you shape the destiny of your village?

Saltfjord is set in a Norwe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

62,00 EUR



The Magnificient

The Magnificent is a tightly designed Eurogame from the creators of Santa Maria set in a mystical world beautifully illustrated by French artist Martin Mottet.

In the game, players are competing to attract the largest audiences to their shows, featuring magnificent performers. In the process, you must expand your camp by placing Tetris-style tiles on your player board, gather elements needed for the shows, and set up performances in your tents.

On your turn, you take one die from the suppl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

62,00 EUR



Trails of Tucana

z.Zt. vergriffen


Trails of Tucana is a flip-and-write game from the creators of Avenue and Doodle City that is quick and easy to play, but has enough depth to entertain gamers.

Each player is given a map of the island Tucana, showing its villages and important sights. The positions of the villages are randomized for each player, so every game will provide a unique puzzle.

Each turn, one player flips over two terrain cards. Each player must draw — on their own map — a trail between two neighboring space... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

APO 1009.1


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The vast oil reserves off of the Norwegian shores is an environmentally controversial topic, but it undoubtedly remains one of the most important contributors to the country's massive wealth. Offshore is a lightweight competitive strategy game about this highly specialized industry.

In the game, players build oil platforms in the North Sea. Opening a new oil field is, of course, not easy as it requires both technology and temporary co-operation between players. On your turn, you perform one o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 62,00 EUR


APO 1009.1X




Beschädigung an der Box - Kräftige Beule und 18cm Riss auf der Rückseite Mitte oben (reparierbar)
Inhalt tadellos! - noch eingeschweißt!

Damage to the box - Strong dent and 18cm tear on the back center top (repairable).
Contents impeccable! - Still shrink wrapped!

The vast oil reserves off of the Norwegian shores is an environmentally controversial topic, but it undoubtedly remains one of the most important contributors to the country's massive wealth. Offshore is a lightweight com... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR




Trails of Tucana: Ferry

Supplies for all Trails of Tucana fans! With the Trails of Tucana: Ferry expansion, two new game pads come into play: one with the island maps from the basic game, and one with two new islands.

With the new map, players have two new island maps for Isla Bahía and Isla Habita. On both maps, the ferries help players navigate stretches of sea — and on Isla Habita three additional villages offer new challenges.

12,00 EUR




Trails of Tucana: Scoreboard

Scoring chart for Trails of Tucana.

6,00 EUR


Arcane Wonders


Air Land and Sea: Critters at War - Stand Alone

In Air, Land & Sea: Critters at War, two players vie for control over each theater of war by playing cards and strategically utilizing their special abilities to win battles. Whoever gains the most victory points over several battles wins the war!

Gameplay is the same in this standalone game as in Air, Land & Sea, but with 100% critters and more vibrant colors.

22,00 EUR



Critters at War Flies Lies & Supplies - Stand Alone

Hot Seller


Critters At War: Flies, Lies & Supplies is a standalone game in which you play in three theaters: Intelligence, Diplomacy, and Economics. Alternatively, you can mix this game with Critters At War and use any three theaters for a regular game or any five theaters for "epic mode".

Gameplay is the same in this standalone game as in Air, Land & Sea: Spies, Lies & Supplies, but with 100% critters and more vibrant colors.

22,00 EUR


ACW 4127

Sheriff of Nottingham

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


The Sheriff of Nottingham is a fun and engaging game for all where each player will have the chance to step into the shoes of the Sheriff himself! Other players, acting as Merchants will attempt to bring their goods into the city for profit. Beware though, while many may act as honest merchants, there is always the possibility of contraband being smuggled into the city!

Experience Nottingham in a whole new way! Declare your goods, deal with the Sheriff and secure victory in a fun-filled and e... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen



Viruses compete in a thinky tug-of-war for control over organs in a body!

You are a VIRUS that has just infected patient. Now you have to spread out and mutate your virus in order to infect
other organs to gain viral points.

But watch out for the other VIRUS controlled by other players and the powerful immune system!
VIRAL is a 2-5 players competitive boardgame in which each player controls a virus that is growing inside of a human body.
Players will be placing tokens on the board... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR



Smartphone Inc

Bitte vorbestellen


Smartphone Inc. is an economic simulation Eurogame for 1-5 players with a unique and elegant planning mechanic. It contains a high-quality, double-layer game board, improvements and goods tokens, patents, technologies, retailers, and user-friendly individual player components including pads, screens, and organizers, with more than 200 plastic markers. Furthermore, it includes the Steve A. I. mode, which can be played one-on-one or in a game with up to four players.

ca. 70,00 EUR




You are a senshi, a warrior-monk studying diligently at the temple under the tutelage of the current master. You and your fellow students train vigorously every day to improve your mind and body, but your master is ailing, and only one senshi will become the next master. To prove your worth, you must develop four attributes: strength, agility, wisdom, and honor. A true master must be strong in all of these, and weak in none.

Senshi is a strategy game for 2-4 players that takes only 15 minutes... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR



Spoils of War

The raid is over, and the victorious Vikings gather in the chieftain's tent to divide the spoils of war! Piled high on a massive oak table are the best treasures taken during the raid: gleaming gems, shiny swords, fine armor, and magical artifacts! Once strong allies, the Vikings are taken by greed, and soon a heated debate ensues — who will get which spoils? Fists pound the table, insults are made, and tempers rise!

Spoils of War is a fast-paced and exciting game of bidding and wagering fo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR



Volcanic Isle

Bitte vorbestellen


Long ago, Easter Island was a vast continent ravaged by constant volcanic activity. The settlers of this land raised Moai, gigantic monolithic statues to appease the gods and mend the wounds of the land. Unfortunately, instead of healing the land, the very act of sealing off craters and geysers caused an even greater disaster to unfold...

Players in Volcanic Isle are tasked with building villages and raising Moai across the continent. However, with each Moai raised, the possibility of a volca... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR




Furnace is an engine-building Eurogame in which players take on the roles of 19th-century capitalists building their industrial corporations and aspiring to make as much money as they can by purchasing companies, extracting resources, and processing them in the best combinations possible.

Each player starts the game with a random start-up card, the resources depicted at the top of that card, and four colored discs valued 1-4.

The game is played over four rounds, and each round consists of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR



Picture Perfect

Bitte vorbestellen


How do you take the perfect picture of a group of people if you only have one try? Each character has different wishes. Some want to be at the front of the picture; some want to stand next to another; and some really don't want to be next to that one particular person by any means. Do your best to make everyone happy – even if you don't actually know all the characters' preferences…

In Picture Perfect, first released as Der Perfekte Moment, you need to arrange fourteen characters to take ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 52,00 EUR




Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Doubt is in the air!

How much can you tell about a person from their clothes or moods? Is it possible to work out their occupation or secret by what they have in their bag? That's what you'll have to do. Answer five questions and listen carefully to what others have to say about themselves. Try to guess who's who and become the shrewdest detective ever!

Dubious is a game of deduction in which each player creates a story for their character and tries to get the majority of the players to gu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR



Four Gardens

Long ago, in a beautiful Eastern kingdom, a queen and her people pleased their Gods by building a mystical pagoda. The pagoda housed the four Gods and towered strong over the magnificent kingdom. As time passed, the queen fell ill, and she summoned her people to compete for her crown. The crown would be passed on to the person who could build the most pristine garden around the pagoda. The heir would be chosen by the four Gods themselves.

The goal of Four Gardens is to accumulate the most poi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR



Four Gardens



Deutliche Beschädigung an der Box - Der Deckel der Box ist an der oberen Ecke links etwas eingedrückt und eingerissen (ist reparierbar) Inhalt tadellos! - noch eingeschweißt!

Significant damage to the box - The lid of the box is slightly dented and torn at the upper corner left (is repairable) Contents impeccable! - still shrink-wrapped!

Long ago, in a beautiful Eastern kingdom, a queen and her people pleased their Gods by building a mystical pagoda. The pagoda housed the four Gods and ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


You are a formidable villain; your sinister conquests are innumerable. But there is one foe that even you cannot vanquish alone, Archerex, the lord of Dragons. A hoard of treasure beyond imagining waits to be claimed, and the scales of this dragon are more valuable than any amount of gold or gems! Will your loose alliance be able to take down Archerex, or will this great dragon’s rage consume you all?

Dragonscales, by Arcane Wonders®, is a game of villainy and treasure-grabbing where playe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 60,00 EUR



Mortum: Medieval Detective

Bitte vorbestellen


Mortum: Medieval Detective is a game of deduction and adventures that takes place in a grim world shaped in the image of medieval Europe, with its legends, superstitions and fears coming to life. Take on the roles of secret organization agents and investigate mysterious and thrilling events. You will solve mysteries and encounter fascinating characters in the course of three exciting scenarios, all part of a single storyline. Each case requires up to three hours to play.

You are free to explo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 58,00 EUR



Mortum: Medieval Detective

Beschädigung an der Box - Beule an der Schachtel (reparierbar)
Inhalt tadellos! - noch eingeschweißt!!

Damage to the box - dent on the box (repairable).
Contents impeccable! - still shrink wrapped!!

Mortum: Medieval Detective is a game of deduction and adventures that takes place in a grim world shaped in the image of medieval Europe, with its legends, superstitions and fears coming to life. Take on the roles of secret organization agents and investigate mysterious and thrilling event... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR



RWBY: Combat Ready

RWBY: Combat Ready is an exciting cooperative game for 2-4 players. It captures the flavor and excitement of the animated web series RWBY from Rooster Teeth, with fast-paced battles, where all players are actively involved and engaged at the same time.

Players play as one of the four main heroines in the series: Ruby, Weiss, Blake, or Yang. Each of them have their own separate deck of cards, representing their attacks, actions, and moves. Each character plays a little differently, using their... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR


G13MF Set

Mother of Frankenstein Vol. 1-3

Hot Seller


Inspired (but not entirely beholden to) the incredible real life of Mary Shelley, Mother of Frankenstein is a 10-15 hour experience for 1-6 players (ages 13 and up), designed by Terry Pettigrew-Rolapp and Tommy Wallach of Hatch Escapes, creators of LA Magazine's top-ranked escape room, Lab Rat.

Mother of Frankenstein challenges you to solve a series of puzzles in order to learn the truth behind Shelley's infamous monster. While challenging enough for serious puzzlers, it also features a rich,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

154,00 EUR



ACW 4128

Sheriff of Nottingham: Merry Men

Sheriff of Nottingham: Merry Men contains five modules that can be added to the base game, as well as the option of including a sixth player. The five modules are:

Deputies: In six player games, you may use two Deputies instead of a single Sheriff. Here, both deputies must decide to search bags or let people pass, and they will share the punishments and rewards. If a deputy disagrees with the other and searches a bag, they will receive the punishment or reward by themselves.
Merry Men: Adds ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



Viral - The Hive

You are a deadly virus who has just infected the patient!

Have you conquered the body in Viral? Are you ready to turn up the heat? The Viral: The Hive expansion introduces five asymmetric and highly thematic viral factions.

In this expansion, each player starts with a new hive within the body from which to spread their influence and unlock new abilities for their viral faction.

18,00 EUR



Smartphone Inc Status Update 1.1 Expansion

Bitte vorbestellen


Smartphone Inc. Update 1.1 Expansion expands the base game of Smartphone Inc!

Expansion adds 4 new modules for playing the game including a new 2-3 Player specific game board and Hardcore Mode!

Includes 5 new CEO Miniatures

ca. 32,00 EUR



Furnace: Interbellum

Bitte vorbestellen


Furnace expands into the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century — the interwar period known as the interbellum. In this expansion, you will find new Company cards and Capitalists, new abilities, Manager tokens, variable Capital discs, a set of components for a fifth player, and new Agents for two-player and single-player games. All of this exists within beautiful industrial buildings and structures from the epoch of Art Deco, Constructivism, and Bauhaus.

Interbellum is designed for ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 44,00 EUR



RWBY: Combat Ready - Villains Expansion

Replaces base game generic villain token with 3 villain specific miniatures, 10 new cards for each base game villain, 6 new cards for each of the five base game main characters.

26,00 EUR



RWBY: Combat Ready - Sub Boss Expansion

Adds 3 new objectives, and an 18 card deck for each objective.

24,00 EUR



RWBY: Combat Ready - Combat Ready Team JNPR Expansion

z.Zt. vergriffen


Team JNPR has entered the fray! Introducing four unique Huntsmen to battle alongside team RWBY against the forces of Grimm. Play as honorable Lie Ren, dependable Jaune, feisty Nora, and the legendary Pyrrha – or mix-and-match Huntsmen from the base game to craft your perfect team.

Earn experience to customize your Huntsmen’s abilities between scenarios and prepare for the formidable challenges ahead!

z.Zt. vergriffen


ACW 4129

Sheriff of Nottingham: Play Mat

z.Zt. vergriffen


They mats are 24 x 14 and are intended to be used however you like. Some people buy one for each player, some people buy one for the center of the table, to "fan out" the discards... we made it as an aesthetic accessory item to be used as you like.

z.Zt. vergriffen


Furnace - Playmat

Furnace is an astonishing game where you will take on the roles of 19th-century industrialists. Purchase new production facilities and timely upgrade them to extract and process your resources in the most effective way and the title of the wealthiest capitalist of the technological revolution will be yours!

16,00 EUR


Archon Studio

ACS 0002

Heroes of Might & Magic III

Heroes of Might and Magic III: Das Brettspiel

Heroes of Might & Magic III®: Das Brettspiel ist ein Abenteuer-Strategiespiel, angesiedelt in einem Kult-Fantasy Universum.

Das Spiel umfasst kompetitive, kooperative und Solo-Szenarien zum Kämpfen und Erkunden.

Versammele Deine Streitkräfte und bestimme das Schicksal von Erathia.

Stehst Du an der Seite von Königin Catherine Eisenfaust und bezwingst das lauernde Chaos? Hilfst Du der machthungrigen Mutare, ihre Pläne zu verwirklichen... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR


ARES Games


Diabolik Heists and Investigations

Hot Seller


In Diabolik: Heists and Investigations, players will experience in first person the "impossible thefts" that are told every month in the comic books, both from the side of Diabolik and Eva Kant, and from Inspector Ginko and the police.

The mechanics are that of hidden movement, but with the exception that when discovered, the criminals will be forced to flee on the main board, visible to all cops. Thanks to the cards, every turn offers different situations.

The Criminals will have to compl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR



Dungeon Time

Are you brave enough to accept the dungeon challenge?

In Dungeon Time, a real-time cooperative card game, you will enter a fantasy realm with only five minutes to complete your missions. Find the equipment, get the mission — while frantically trying to beat the clock and avoid being over-burdened by your equipment – and level up to higher challenges if you do!

In more detail, players play and draw cards, with each card showing either an item or a mission. Players call to one another fo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR




Hot Seller


In Brazil in the late 1800s and early 1900s large landowners called Coronéis were starving the north-east of the country in an extensive area that included the Sertão desert. In this climate of corruption and abuse, the Cangaceiros, bandits who violently opposed the status quo, were born.
Cangaceiros is a strategic competitive game for 2 to 5 players in which each player plays a gang that tries to survive in the hostile desert territories, hunted by the Volantes, the state police trained to k... (vollständige Beschreibung)

76,00 EUR



Tales of Evil

z.Zt. vergriffen


Tales of Evil is a game for 1 to 6 Braves (the name used for the players from now on) who become one of the members of a group of kids called Pizza & Investigation. During each adventure, the young Investigators venture into places inhabited by the forces of evil and need to get out alive - while trying to complete their missions! The Investigators will have to use all of their strength and ingenuity to stop the Demons they meet along the way, not to mention the Evil that resides in the places t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Last Friday Revised Edition

Last Friday Revised Edition is the updated and revised version of our hidden movement, hunting, and deduction board game, inspired by the popular "slasher" horror movie genre. Subtle but important changes to the rules enhance the game balance, giving to the Maniac more opportunities than ever to spread terror in Camp Apache! This revised edition also features new cover art.

Last Friday Revised Edition is a game for 2 to 6 players, divided into four chapters full of horror and suspense (“Arr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR



Master of the Galaxy

The Galaxy is vast, rich and open to any species who discovers space flight... but nine Elder Races are expanding through space, ready to assimilate or exterminate anybody who stands in their way.

We are proud to announce Master of the Galaxy, a fast playing 4? board game - eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate - using a unique and innovative blend of bag-building, card-drafting and tech-tree development mechanisms.

Drawing inspiration from classic science-fiction, movies, and computer gam... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR



The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31

It is the start of the bleak, desolate Antarctic winter when a group of NSF researchers manning the claustrophobic, isolated U.S. Outpost 31 comes into contact with a hostile extraterrestrial lifeform. Bent on assimilating Earth's native species, this being infiltrates the facility — creating a perfect imitation of one of the Outpost 31 crew. The staff frantically begin a sweep of the base, desperate to purge this alien infection before escaping to warn McMurdo Station that somewhere, out ther... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR




In the co-operative game Ensemble, all players must vote - without communicating - on one of the cards on display that they think best matches a card in the middle of the table. Communication is allowed only once all the players' votes have been revealed, and if all players have voted the same way (with a small, variable tolerance depending on the number of players), the group moves on to the next level. Otherwise, they lose a life.

The goal of the game is to win level 9 - and once the game i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR



The Rich and the Good

The Rich and the Good is the new edition of Carlo Rossi's cult classic Hab & Gut, with a completely new graphic design, still featuring Michael Menzel's great art, and a new 2-players game mode.
In the game, you trade in commodities from all over the world, and you have access to inside information to aid your investments and manipulate the markets. You are not alone in doing this, though. Your competitors also have a deep knowledge of the markets, and will be able to react to every one of your... (vollständige Beschreibung)

48,00 EUR



Quartermaster General WWII 2nd Edition

Quartermaster General is a fast-paced game that puts you in command of the major powers of the Second World War. In the game, supply is crucial to keep your armies and navies fighting; destroy your enemies' supply lines and their forces will surrender!

During play, you control one or more countries on either the Axis or Allied team and try to score as many victory points (VPs) for your team as you can through the use of cards or by occupying the starred supply spaces. Each major power has a u... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR



Quartermaster General WWI: 1914

z.Zt. vergriffen


Quartermaster General: 1914 is the next title in the critically acclaimed Quartermaster General series by Ian Brody and creates a narrative of the First World War in Europe, reflecting the military, technological, and social changes that occurred over the following four years.

In Quartermaster General: 1914, each card has two different uses: one when played, and another when prepared. On your turn, you have the opportunity to both play and prepare a card. You can also spend cards to draft mor... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Quartermaster General WWII: East Front

An in-depth look at one of the major operational theaters of the World War.

Quartermaster General: East Front is a two-player game that depicts the deadly struggle between the Soviet Union and Germany.

In June 1941, Germany invaded the Soviet Union, along with Finland, Romania, and other nations. Germany was seeking another lightning victory, like those attained in Poland, France, and elsewhere; four years and millions of lives later, Soviet troops captured Berlin and forced the German su... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR



Alone Core Game

Bitte vorbestellen


Alone is a sci-fi survival horror / dungeon crawler game that will pit a single, stranded hero against 1-3 evil masterminds who will do their best to stop the hero from completing a quest to discover the truth and save his companions.

The Evil players always have the full map of the scenario in front of them, hidden behind a huge screen. They manage all the events happening during the game, and try to stop the Hero from completing his objectives.

The Hero can only see the Sector of the map... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 92,00 EUR



The Thing - The Boardgame (Reprint)

Hot Seller


The Thing is a game that mixes different mechanisms to create an experience that is as faithful as possible to that of the original film. It is a "hidden role" game, in which one player is initially the Thing and the others players are humans. The purpose of the Thing is to infect others, to prevent the survivors from escaping from the base (which can happen three different ways), or to try to escape with them by behaving as a human.

In addition to these elements, players also have to manage ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

86,00 EUR



The Thing - The Boardgame (Reprint)



Beschädigung an der Box - Rückseite hat eine Quetschung und einen Riss rechte Seite unten (zu reparieren) Inhalt tadellos - noch eingeschweißt!

Damage to the box - back has a bruise and a tear right side bottom (to be repaired) Contents impeccable - still shrink-wrapped!

The Thing is a game that mixes different mechanisms to create an experience that is as faithful as possible to that of the original film. It is a "hidden role" game, in which one player is initially the Thing and the ot... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR




Last Friday: Return to Camp Apache

Ten years after the tragic Camp Apache massacre narrated in Last Friday, in the nearby village of Spring Forest, an ancient evil is waking up again. Something that the people of the village tried to forget for years, a demon who can enter people's dreams and twist them into horrible nightmares…

After the unexpected deaths of their friends, a group of young men and women realize that they must try to stop this demon. They need the help of someone who truly understand what they are facing —... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR



Quartermaster General: Prelude

Quartermaster General: Prelude adds a short pre-game of new “Prelude” cards, setting the stage for WW II.

The prelude has a truncated sequence of play designed to create differing opening situations from whence regular play can begin. There are two types of prelude cards: History and Armament. History cards are (generally) resolved immediately and have a tension modifier. Armament cards are played face down, like response cards, but cost a regular card to use (not to play). When the total... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR



Alone Deep Expansion

Bitte vorbestellen



3 hero miniatures
Character Cards
4 boss miniatures
Mission cards
The Alone - Deep Expansion includes 3 hero miniatures (with the corresponding character cards and 2 mission cards) and 4 boss creature miniatures (with the corresponding mission cards). The expansion also includes 5 special creature cards that can be used with the mob rules. They allow players to use miniatures of unique creatures in a different way. The special rules for rooms, on the other hand, give the hero pla... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 28,00 EUR



Alone Avatar Expansion

Bitte vorbestellen



2 hero miniatures
Character Cards
5 avatar creatures and cards
Hero cards
The Alone Avatar Expansion includes 2 hero miniatures (with the corresponding character cards) and 5 avatar miniatures (with the corresponding avatar cards and special hero cards).

The expansion also includes the AVATAR rules, which add a new level to the gameplay. This time the evil side players move an AVATAR on the map and try to catch the hero in different ways, but be careful? the hero becomes more ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 28,00 EUR



The Thing Boardgame - Norwegian Outpost (Reprint)

This expansion for The Thing - The Boardgame allows you to experience the events that happened at Thule Station, the Norwegian station where it all began! As for the 1982 version, the expansion lets you relive the tensest moments from the story, transporting you into the cinematic film!

The core element of the game is based on the emulation properties of the Thing, which will hide its identity under a blanket of fake humanity, but with substantial differences in the way they interact with the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR




The Thing: Norwegian Miniatures Set

This expansion for The Thing - The Boardgame allows you to experience the events that happened at Thule Station, the Norwegian station where it all began! As for the 1982 version, the expansion lets you relive the tensest moments from the story, transporting you into the cinematic film!

The core element of the game is based on the emulation properties of the Thing, which will hide its identity under a blanket of fake humanity, but with substantial differences in the way they interact with the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR



Alone Alpha Expansion

Bitte vorbestellen


ca. 20,00 EUR



The Thing: Alien Miniatures Set

This expansion for The Thing - The Boardgame allows you to experience the events that happened at Thule Station, the Norwegian station where it all began! As for the 1982 version, the expansion lets you relive the tensest moments from the story, transporting you into the cinematic film!

The core element of the game is based on the emulation properties of the Thing, which will hide its identity under a blanket of fake humanity, but with substantial differences in the way they interact with the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR



The Thing: Human Miniatures Set

This expansion for The Thing - The Boardgame allows you to experience the events that happened at Thule Station, the Norwegian station where it all began! As for the 1982 version, the expansion lets you relive the tensest moments from the story, transporting you into the cinematic film!

The core element of the game is based on the emulation properties of the Thing, which will hide its identity under a blanket of fake humanity, but with substantial differences in the way they interact with the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR



The Thing: Norwegian Miniatures Set (Reprint)

Bitte vorbestellen


This expansion for The Thing - The Boardgame allows you to experience the events that happened at Thule Station, the Norwegian station where it all began! As for the 1982 version, the expansion lets you relive the tensest moments from the story, transporting you into the cinematic film!

The core element of the game is based on the emulation properties of the Thing, which will hide its identity under a blanket of fake humanity, but with substantial differences in the way they interact with the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 36,00 EUR



ART 1201

Tesla vs. Edison Duel

Hot Seller


Tesla vs. Edison: Duel is a 15-30 minute two-player card game that brings the "War of Currents" to light in an easy-to-learn, fast-playing, but seriously strategic game. Players take control of Nikola Tesla or Thomas Edison and build a company that claims projects in regions around the United States, advance the latest technologies, engage in a propaganda war around AC and DC technologies, and buy stock shares in smaller electricity companies. During the game, players bring famous luminaries of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR



First in Flight

Hot Seller


First in Flight is a push-your-luck, deck-building game about the race to early flight. Players take on the roles of the Wright Brothers, Samuel Langley, and other flight pioneers, racing to build and pilot the “flyers” that preceded modern airplanes.

Each player’s flyer design is represented by a deck of cards that they can steadily improve and refine, and which may include unknown design flaws that threaten their success.

Flying is a blackjack-style challenge to test a design, brea... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR




First in Flight - Pilot Pack

Bitte vorbestellen


Adds 5 New Pilots to your First in Flight adventure:
- Amelia Earhart and her special Determination Skill
- Clément Ader
- Eugene Ballard, his Evasive Maneuver Skills, and a set of Watch Out! Flight Cards
- Richard Pearse
- Ruth Law Oliver and her Loop the Loop Flight Cards

The new pilots can be included into any game of First in Flight to provide additional unique abilities that use cards in new ways.

ca. 14,00 EUR




First in Flight - Upgrade Pack

Bitte vorbestellen


Take your First in Flight experience to new heights with the First in Flight upgrade pack.

This upgrade pack includes:
40 Metal Coins
1 Large Year Tracker
4 Premium Pilot Miniatures
4 Premium Flyer Miniatures
4 Alternate Record Trackers.

*The base game of First in Flight is required to play

ca. 28,00 EUR


Artipia Games


A Thief's Fortune

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Nabbarah: A city full of wonders and stories to be told — a glimmering jewel in the middle of the desert.

You are a thief, always on the lookout for the next target to hit. You decide to sneak into the Royal Palace, break in its treasure room, and look for the mythical treasures rumored to be hidden there. Among piles of gold, emeralds, and precious jewelry, you stumble upon a chest containing a mysterious hourglass. As soon as you touch it, you are filled with mystical energy and realize i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR



Kitchen Rush: Piece of Cake

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Dinner has been served and now it is time for dessert! New orders come in for delicious cakes, tasty pies and exquisite ice-creams. However, preparing a dessert properly and on time requires even more attention than a regular order and is definitely no piece of cake.

Piece of Cake, an expansion for Kitchen Rush, adds a new type of order with desserts, ice-cream mini-orders, two new ingredients (crème and fruit with custom-shaped wooden tokens), and a new type of token (ice cream scoops). An ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR



Archon: Glory & Machinations

Sammlerstück / Rarität! Sonderangebot


The land of Cardis has been ruled for many years by King Rhodrig. Cardis is a rich and powerful kingdom controlling all neighboring provinces, which provide valuable resources. All this wealth attracts warlords and raiding parties who more than often launch attacks against the kingdom. So far Cardis has stood against such attacks but with heavy casualties. Thanks to the support of wealthy Archons, the kingdom gets rebuilt so that Science and Arts can flourish once again. At the same time new sol... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR



Shadows over the Empire

The King is dead! Cardis has fallen...

After a long siege, the empire of Asmidan has conquered Cardis and the Conclave of Law has been sent by the Emperor to establish the new rule. The city is in disarray and several factions struggle for power behind the scenes. The former Queen is using her influence to gather allies in an effort to help her son claim the throne. The Order of the Coin — a group of wealthy individuals — wants to rise to power ensuring the gold keeps flowing. The Asmidan... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


ATPG 0005


The world of business is a world of tough situations.Tough situations demand tough decisions.You, as a young and ambitious entrepreneur, will struggle for wealth. In order to gain wealth, you should first create an efficient economic engine. The dilemmas will be hard. Which companies will you acquire and activate first? Which company's ability is the most appropriate for the early yearʼs economic boost? Will you manage to create a flexible but also effective decision deck? Timing is crucial... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


ATPG 0007

Pursuit of Happiness (2nd. Ed.)

Hot Seller


We all have one common desire: the desire for happiness. As we build our life, taking steps towards the pursuit of happiness, we come closer to the realization that happiness lies in the pursuit.

The Pursuit of Happiness is a game in which you take a character from birth and you live the life you always wanted. Using a worker-placement mechanism with time as your workers, you take on projects, you get jobs, you buy items, you establish relationships, you raise families. The possibilities are ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


Artistic Justice Games


Dragon Tides

z.Zt. vergriffen


Dragon Tides emphasizes non-linear play, with your decisions during narrative or from the success or defeat from a scene guides you to the next location and part of the story. Each scene has different objectives for both the heroes and the Tiger Organization making the game more than just a beat-em-up. Components include six double-sided hex maps that are interchanged based on the scene setup; miniatures of Bruce Lee, Brandon Lee, Viktoria Jovovich, Luke Elba, and the four bosses/sub-bosses; ten... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Artistically Inclined

ATI 0101

Heroes of Asfar Basic Game (No.292 / 500 from 1993)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Heroes of Asfar is a fairly simple card game of fantasy combat (for no stated reason). Character cards each show an illustration, name, point value, usable weapon, and special abilities (such as spell casting, thievery, immunities, or bonuses).

Each player begins with 6 random character cards, arranged into two ranks, and a hand of 5 weapon cards. Players take turns hacking at each other's characters with weapon cards usable by their own characters. The fray continues until one player has sla... (vollständige Beschreibung)

96,00 EUR



ATI 0102

Heroes of Asfar Expansion #1 - The College of Magi

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The College of Magi is an expansion for the Heroes of Asfar fantasy combat card game. This set includes 10 new character cards and 48 new play deck cards, as well as a few special rules for the new characters.

58,00 EUR



ATI 0105

Heroes of Asfar Expansion #4 - Maze Modules (a mapping aid for role players)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


MAZE MODULES - Less Drawing time means more playing time!

With Mate Modules you can chart and explore an ifinite dungeon cpomplex. Speed up your play, and never get caught needing that last minute crypt or ruined complex.

48,00 EUR


Asmadi Games

ASMG 0060

Penny Press

Set during the tumultuous 'yellow journalism' years at the end of the 19th century, Penny Press has players taking on the role of newspaper magnates such as Pulitzer and Hearst as they strive to become the dominant paper in old New York City.

Players move up on the circulation track throughout the game by publishing newspapers, and they are awarded bonuses at the end of the game for best covering the five news 'beats' or leading news categories of the day: War, Crime & Calamity, New York City... (vollständige Beschreibung)

62,00 EUR


ASMG 0070

Phoenix Syndicate

Legend tells of the daring exploits and relentless greed of The Phoenix Syndicate, which rose to power and created a galactic regime – but the old order has lost its fire and become bogged down with the affairs of the masses. It is time for a new syndicate to rise from the ashes of the old...and make a tidy profit along the way.

The Phoenix Syndicate is a game about building a network of agents on planets spread across the galaxy. Every time you play, a new galaxy is created by randomly arr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

84,00 EUR


ASMG 020


Equinox is an abstract tile-placement game with 48 different two-sided hexagonal tiles named things such as Night, Day, Sword, Tower; these tiles have a white side and black side that are otherwise identical.

One player plays as black and the other as white. They take turns playing tiles from a common pool until all have been played. Each tile has a unique action that affects the tiles around it, the score, or some other gameplay element. At the end of the game, each player scores points for ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


Asmodee Editions

ASM 02101


You're the leader of a great nation which is currently expanding. Over the course of the seven decades covered by the game, you will have to invest in infrastructures and industries, provide your country with energy and finance the mercurial forces of research in order to remain competitive.

But prosperity has a price. You owe it to future generations to leave them a healthy world. Pollution lurks, but will you be able to limit it?

Prosperity has players building up their countries on a gr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


ASM 217632

Colt Express

On the 11th of July, 1899 at 10 a.m., the Union Pacific Express has left Folsom, New Mexico, with 47 passengers on board. After a few minutes, gunfire and hurrying footsteps on the roof can be heard. Heavily armed bandits have come to rob honest citizens of their wallets and jewels. Will they succeed in stealing the suitcase holding the Nice Valley Coal Company's weekly pay, despite it having been placed under the supervision of Marshal Samuel Ford? Will these bandits hinder one another more tha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


ASM 827033


From the humble beginnings of civilization through the historical ages of progress, mankind has lived, fought and built together in nations. Great nations protect and provide for their own, while fighting and competing against both other nations and nature itself. Nations must provide food and stability as the population increases. They must build a productive economy. And all the while, they must amaze the world with their great achievements to build up their heritage as the greatest nations in... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR




Abyss is a development game, a combo-building game, and a set collection game in which players will attempt to take control of the various locations of the kingdom. This takes place on three levels: collect the Allies of your choice which will allow you to recruit Lords, who themselves will grant you access to the various Locations of the kingdom.

42,00 EUR




Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Dieses Spiel lässt das große Zeitalter der Erkundungen wieder aufleben, eine Zeit bahnbrechender Entdeckungen und der Kolonisierung neuer Welten durch europäische Seefahrer. Jeder Spieler übernimmt die Rolle eines Entdeckers, der von einer europäischen Nation beauftragt wurde, mit einem Expeditionsteam die unbekannten Gebiete der Neuen Welt zu entdecken, zu kolonisieren und zu bewirtschaften. Dabei handelt es sich um eine friedliche Mission. Die Bedürfnisse der lokalen Bevölkerung dürfen... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


Bugs & Co

In this game, everyone plays at the same time, and players' speed and memory skills get a thorough workout!

A number of "monster" tiles are spread face down on the table. The aim of the game is to collect as many families of three identical monsters as possible, without being fooled by similar-looking impostors!

When the game starts, each player (using one hand only) must turn over and pick up as many "monster" tiles as possible, one by one. Each tile thus collected is placed face down in ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR




In Deus, players work to develop their own civilizations in a shared environment. Each player starts the game with five building cards, and on a turn a player either uses one of these cards to construct a building or discard one or more cards to make an offering to a god. Cards come in six colors: red for military, green for resource production, blue for trade, brown for scoring, purple for temples, and yellow for a variety of effects.

When you construct a building, you build it in the approp... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR




Hot Seller


London, November 17th, 1896: The streets of the city are almost deserted, traveled only by passersby whose only goal seems to reach their warm homes as quickly as possible. But in the private salons of a luxury Bloomsbury hotel, the goal is something completely different. The fifty greatest known mediums are taking part in a never-before-seen tournament in order to determine which one is the most powerful of all. The final table opens in a few minutes and you will be joining it. Who will win the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


The island of Krah is home to nomadic tribes and strange creatures long extinct elsewhere in the world. With a wildly unstable climate, the tribes survive as best they can by setting up camps in more or less hospitable areas. All lived with the fear that their lives and those of their beasts would be in danger someday. Thankfully, scientists were working around the clock to save the flocks of creatures. The inhabitants of Krah knew that the genetically modified creatures would survive.

But fo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR






Felinia is after Valdora and The Golden City the third part in the Gold-Trilogy. As in the first two parts a city and a valley got explored this time it is a whole country. Felinia is a trading, collecting and exploring board game that is modular and includes both a beginner and an advanced game.

From the back of the box:

Gold! Spices! Felinia is a mysterious continent, full of exotic riches! It‘s up to you to establish profitable trading posts, but beware: the competition is stiff.
Alo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR



Ghost Stories

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Ghost Stories is a cooperative game in which the players try to banish unwanted spirits before they haunt a town.
Each Player represents a ghost hunter who is working together with the others to fight off waves of spirits and other beings mostly inspired by eastern mythology.

endgültig vergriffen


Game Over

Helft den kleinen Barbaren, ihre von den Blorks gefangene Prinzessin zu retten. Schnappt euch eine Waffe und ab ins Verlies! Über verdeckte Karten bahnt ihr euch den Weg und erkundet mehr und mehr vom Gefängnis der Blorks. Aber Vorsicht, die Fieslinge können überall lauern! Ihr müsst gegen sie kämpfen, aber wenn die richtige Waffe fehlt, heißt es ganz schnell: GAME OVER und noch mal von vorne. Doch zum Glück habt Ihr euch den Weg des kleinen Barbaren gemerkt, oder? GAME OVER ist ein kurz... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR




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A crime scene, three suspects, one victim, and clues...guess who is the culprit, to accuse him or to deceive the other players!

Each player receives a ''suspect profile'' and 5 accusation markers. Three suspect profiles are placed upright in the center of the tablke, and one profile is placed face down, next to the other three. That's the victim of the crime. The goal is to unmask the culprit among the three standing suspects.

To start, each player looks at the number on his suspect profil... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR



Help Me!

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The spirits of nature are in danger! Can you help? By making use of your bluffing and tactical skills, carefully move the game tile while trying to determine the identity of your opponent’s creatures. •A variant to the game play for 3 and 4 players, without the addition of any pieces. •Superb illustrations. •A cunning game appreciated by players of all ages. The box contains: 36 tiles and the game rule book.

ca. 26,00 EUR




z.Zt. vergriffen


Nach der Ermordung Julius Cäsars im Jahre 44 v. Chr. entschließt sich sein Adoptivsohn Gaius Octavius nach Rom zurückzukehren. Durch seine politischen Ambitionen hat er sich einen guten Ruf aufgebaut und erhält im Jahre 27 v. Chr. das Recht als erster im Senat sprechen zu dürfen. Nun trägt er den Titel Augustus. Kurz darauf wird er zum römischen Kaiser ausgerufen. Er teilt das Reich in Provinzen auf.

Die Spieler sind die Vertreter Augustus‘ in den einzelnen Provinzen und haben die Au... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Jungle Speed: Rabbids

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In Jungle Speed, you must rely on your keen sense of observation and quick reflexes in order to rid yourself of cards and win the game.

Each player is dealt a hand of cards, and players take turns revealing one card at a time in separate piles. If two face-up cards are identical, those players must make a grab for the totem in the center of the table. The faster player then gives his face-up cards to his unfortunate adversary. To add to the difficulty, certain cards are almost identical, whic... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR



Ladies & Gentlemen

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The unusual and asymmetric game Ladies & Gentlemen brings players into the world of glamour. In teams of two – one playing a man, the other a woman – the players try to pull together the best-looking and most famous couple who will attend the big ball. The gentleman's duty is to make as much money as possible, which the lady will then spend on jewelry, clothes, and exclusive accessories. Each team has its own action cards to carry out its tasks, and the more that the players embody their cha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 36,00 EUR


ASM LC03.2

Lewis & Clark - The Expedition 2nd. Edition

Sammlerstück / Rarität


On November 30, 1803, the United States purchased Louisiana from Napoleon. U.S. President Thomas Jefferson decided to send two explorers – Meriwether Lewis and William Clark – to discover this huge terra incognita.

Lewis & Clark is a board game in which the players manage an expedition intended to cross the North American continent. Their goal is to be the first to reach the Pacific. Each one has his own Corps of Discovery that will be completed by the Native Americans and the trappers me... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


Pirate ~ Loot and scheme

Outwit the plans of competing pirates over three campaigns while using the same crew cards as your comrades! Will you be able to make the most of the abilities of your characters at the right time, or will you have the loot snatched from under your foot by a wilier pirate than you? Dive in and prove your knack for tactics!

The game takes place over three campaigns where players try to amass riches by looting ships. Looting is a dangerous activity, as players need t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR



Le Petit Poucet

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In Le Petit Poucet, Tom Thumb and his brothers – after fleeing the home of the ogre – must make their way together through a mysterious forest to return to their cottage home. You must remember which places you have visited previously in order to find the right paths. Avoid the wolves, and be careful not to make too much noise or the ogre could find his way to you...

ca. 26,00 EUR



Mundus Novus

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Spain, 16th century. You are a powerful ship owner in search of wealth from the recently discovered Mundus Novus (New World). Your goal: Charter fleets of caravels to collect valuable goods (including the legendary Inca relics) and trade to form the best sets to expand your business empire and make your fortune.

The game is played using two decks of cards: a deck of resource cards, which contains cards representing ten different resources, and a deck of development cards, which give special b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR




Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


After drawing your rally-track (by connecting sides of 1,2,3 or 4 boards that are each double-sided, one side with asphalt, and the other side with snow) you begin the race.

The movement system is simple : each die rolled, you advance one space. So you have 5 dice for each of the speeds and 2 of 'gas' to continue moving without changing your speed. Each die is playable once and only once each turn. When you stop your movement, you take a card corresponding to the last speed that you started: ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective

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Have you ever had the desire to walk the streets of Victorian London with Sherlock Holmes in search of Professor Moriarty? To search the docks for the giant rat Sumatra? To walk up Baker Street as the fog is rolling in and hear Holmes cry out, "Come, Watson, come! The game is afoot!"? Now you can! You can enter the opium den beneath the Bar of Gold, but beware, that may be Colonel Sebastian Moran lurking around the corner. You can capture the mystery and excitement of Holmes' London in this chal... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR



Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective - Jack the Ripper and West End Adventures (stand alone or expansion)

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Enter the gaslit world of Sherlock Holmes in Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective! Now, you'll face ten entirely new cases in Jack and the West End Adventures! Six of these cases are standalone adventures, while four others form a linked campaign that challenges you to stop the murders of the notorious Jack the Ripper! With a new map of London and Whitechapel district, new newspapers for every case, and ten new casebooks, it's time to put your mind to the test!

ca. 50,00 EUR



Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective - The Thames Murders and Other Cases (stand alone)

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Enter the gaslit streets of Victorian London with The Thames Murders & Other Cases, a standalone expansion featuring ten fully revised cases for Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective. From the curious case of The Munitions Magnate, to The Pilfered Paintings and The Mummy's Curse, every case offers a new challenge for your deductive skills. It's up to you and your friends to conduct your own investigations, visiting the witnesses, the suspects, and the scene of the crime in order to piece together... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR



Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective - Carlton House and Queen's Park (stand alone)

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A standalone expansion for Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective, Carlton House & Queen's Park introduces ten exciting cases, each one drawing players deep into the world of Sherlock Holmes. Among these cases includes two classic, long out-of-print expansions, now revised and updated. If you're playing solo or with up to eight possible players, you'll need your wits about you to solve the cases and beat Holmes, himself!

ca. 50,00 EUR



Skull & Roses

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"Skull and Roses is the quintessence of bluffing, a game in which everything is played in the players’ heads. Each player plays a face down card, and then each player on turn adds one, until someone feels safe enough to state that he can turn a number of cards face up, and get only roses. Other players can then overbid him, saying they can turn even more cards face up. Highest bidder must then turn the cards face up, starting with his own ones. If he gets only roses, he wins. If he turns a sku... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen



Bitte vorbestellen


Famous Bruno Cathala's (Cyclades, Dice Town, Shadows Over Camelot, Mr. Jack, MOW...) latest design is a fast paced card game well suited for the whole family, with tactical choices, luck, and a bit of cunning.

Each turn you have to choose if you want to take a goods card, play a character with a special power or display a set of matching goods cards.
While taking a profitable card, you often collect corruption points, which add up in a pile in front of you.
During each each round five sets ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR



String Railway

Immer wieder neu, immer wieder anders. Jedes Spiel verläuft durch das Auslegen der Bahnhöfe und der Schüre anders. Der Rahmen des Spielplans wird von den Spielern ausgelegt und jeder Spieler legt in seinem Zug in diesen Rahmen einen neuen Bahnhof und versucht ihn mit seiner Bahnstrecke - einer Schnur - zu verbinden. Je nach Bahnhof bringt dies Plus- oder sogar Minuspunkte. Doch sollte man versuchen die Bahnhöfe so auszulegen, dass man sie auch erreichen kann. Lassen sie sich von einfachen Re... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR




Abyss: Kraken

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Smugglers Guild settled in the heart of the giant sea creatures cemetery, in the darkest depths of the Deep kingdom. In this disconcerting necropolis, with the help of mysterious Krakkens, representatives of Guilds are trading NEBULISES. Nebulises, wonderful black pearls, are the unofficial currency of the realm. That's money stained with blood. They accelerate your way to power, but be careful, because those who are caught on their possession awaits a terrible fate!

Abyss: Kraken is the firs... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 24,00 EUR



Deus: Egypt

In Deus: Egypt, you are now the head of an extraordinary ancient civilization: Egypt. Can you lead this dynasty to expand and impose itself upon the surrounding lands?

This first expansion for Deus adds 96 building cards: 16 for each area of development. Players can use this deck in place of the one in the base game, or swap in one or more groups of 16 cards for those in the base game. Each group of 16 cards delivers a new set of rules and strategies.

34,00 EUR



Ghost Stories: White Moon

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White Moon is an extension of the cooperative game Ghost Stories. The players represent Taoist priest who fi ght the Lords of the Nine Hells and his acolytes back to where they should have never left. Fight against the force of Evil and win together or fail together.

In White Moon, the players will have to protect and save the villagers. Their appearance in the game has new conditions of defeat: if twelve villagers are killed, the players lose the game. The villagers can be killed in differen... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR



Ghost Stories: Black Secret

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The cooperative game Ghost Stories often has players on the edge of their seats with uncertainty over whether their monks will be able to protect a village against the many aspects of Wu-Feng that threaten it. With Ghost Stories: Black Secret, the players will face an even more powerful dilemma: Wu-Feng himself.

Yes, the player count for Black Secret is 2-5 (instead of 1-4) as one player will take on the role of Wu-Feng and harass the monks in a more direct manner than they've experienced pre... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 76,00 EUR


AssA Games

ASSA 002

Galaxy's Edge

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You are a flagship commander of one of the great galactic superpowers, navigating the fringe of the known galaxy in an effort to claim and colonize the many bountiful star systems in the region. Expansion can be achieved through rapid peaceful occupation, but you must also use the military resources at your disposal to seize enemy outposts and to protect your own. Although this is new territory for you and your competitors, a variety of alien species are native to the newly-charted sectors... ea... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 36,00 EUR


Asylum Games

AYG 0001

Polis: Fight for the Hegemony

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Polis: Fight for the Hegemony is a two-player civ-lite game set in the beginning of the conflict between the two major poleis of the 5th century B.C: Athens and the Delian League against Sparta and the Peloponnesian League. The winner will be the Empire with more population and prestige at the end of the game.

With a growing empire, feeding your people is the main goal. Wheat was scarce in Greece, so both players must secure other goods supply and the route to five markets in order to trade t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

100,00 EUR


AYG 0003

21 Mutinies Arrr! Edition

Sammlerstück / Rarität


"I remember when the Caribbean was a place where any kid could become rich if he did the right thing in the right moment," said the old man sitting in the rocking chair near the door of a white hovel, paint peeling off its sides. "Oh, yes! Things were different then. Now there are no fights in the tavern of Tortuga, nor galleons that can be raided, nor rum because its trade is restricted. You couldn't loaf about in cities because you had a reward on your head and the shipwrecks weren't exhausted... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR


AYG 0004

15 Dias: The Spanish Golden Age

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


On March 31st, 1621, King Philip III of Spain, also known as Philip the Pious, passed away. He had rarely acted as a true ruler, having entrusted all authority to his favorite, the Duke of Lerma. When the young prince Philip IV succeeded to the throne, a new competitor arrived at court, the power-hungry Count of Olivares. Although the Duke of Lerma had been compelled to leave the court, after falling from favor and being accused of massive corruption by his own son, his family hoped to hold on t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


Atheris Games


The year is 2179, and Earth's future seems bleak. Years of pollution have tarnished the landscape, and the world's supplies of natural resources have dwindled to abysmal levels.The use of electric vehicles, solar technologies, and other energy-saving solutions have slowed the problem, but the long-term abuse on the planet by previous generations has been hard to reverse. Most Earthlings seem to have given up hope, yet a group of optimistic explorers are trekking to Mars, which some believe may t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


Atlas Games

ATG 01261

Fast & Fhtagn

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Fast & Fhtagn is a component rich card game in which players jockey for position on crowded, dangerous city streets. As the pack hurtles through an ever-changing urban landscape, racers must squeeze out their adversaries, accumulate style points, and keep their vehicles running smoothly even as dangers rain down and other drivers plot inhuman violence against them.

Climb aboard your Cycle of Self Doubt. Open a canister of Hypnos Oxide. Plant a lucky kiss on your Perverse Bobblehead of Ulthar.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 32,00 EUR


ATG 01400

Cursed Court

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The intrigues of the realm's greater nobility are a subject of fixation, even obsession, for the minor nobles whose fortunes can be elevated — or shattered — by what happens at court.

In Cursed Court players wager their limited influence across the courtly seasons. As the machinations of the nine key nobles are progressively revealed, their fortunes rise and fall. After three years, a winner is crowned.

ca. 56,00 EUR


ATG 1320

Ren Faire

A transparent card game from Atlas Games

You and your friends are newbies at the Renaissance faire. Food, music, mock combat ... it sounded like some kind of off-beat rock concert! Problem is, you stick out like a sore thumb. In a crowd of buccaneer hats and faerie wings, you're the only ones in shorts and t-shirts. Now you and your friends have one afternoon to assemble the ultimate Renaissance costume, but you're low on cash and the only way to earn more is to perform for the crowd!

In t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


ATG 1380


In Hounded, players will either be the cunning fox, trying to elude capture, or the determined hunter, trying to hunt down the fox.

In the game. each player moves their pawns and turns over tiles as they do, sometimes triggering effects and sometimes not. While the fox character is alone, the hunter has a team of hounds to help him hunt the fox. All the hunter has to do to win is either corner the fox with his dogs or force the fox to end his turn next to the hunter himself. For the fox to wi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


ATG 1390

Witches of the Revolution

The colonies of the Americas were a haven for the persecuted. But now there’s a war for independence, and those who would have freedom must fight for it.

Witches of the Revolution is a cooperative game. You and your fellow players lead covens of witches determined to see a ?edgling nation achieve freedom from tyranny. You must recruit powerful allies, unleash potent relics, overcome menacing events, and ultimately fulfill four keystone objectives before time runs out. Will you specialize, o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


ATG 1410


Hot Seller


Once, Etherium was plentiful and the land was peaceful. Now, its presence in the world has dwindled, and elite spellcasters battle to control the last place this primal resource can be harnessed — the Godsforge.

Godsforge features simultaneous play, with each player attacking the player to their left and defending against the player on their right. On a turn, everyone simultaneously rolls four dice, then each player lays one of their four cards face down in front of them. In any order yo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


ATG 1480

Dice Miner

z.Zt. vergriffen


The Dwarves once lived beneath three mighty mountains. After centuries of war they defeated their age-old enemies the Dragons. Moving to the surface, the Dwarves built magnificent cities and won renown for their heartening beer. But now the Dragons have returned. The Dwarves must remember their roots, clear old tunnels, and return to ancient caverns while fighting their primeval foes.

In each of three rounds, custom dice are rolled onto the mountain. You are a Dwarf hero, drafting dice for yo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

ATG 1501

Pieces of Eight: The Maiden's Vengeance

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Pirate Battles on the High Seas!

Adventure and glory await you in Pieces of Eight, the rousing combat game of rival buccaneer ships on the high seas. You play the game with a stack of metal pirate coins held in one hand that represents your ship. The coins you choose and the order in which you place them determine your ship's strengths, and you use the special abilities of your coins to destroy your opponent's coins one by one. Your goal is to expose the Captain coin buried deep in the middle... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR


ATG 1502

Pieces of Eight: The Cursed Blade

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Pirate Battles on the High Seas!

Adventure and glory await you in Pieces of Eight, the rousing combat game of rival buccaneer ships on the high seas. You play the game with a stack of metal pirate coins held in one hand that represents your ship. The coins you choose and the order in which you place them determine your ship's strengths, and you use the special abilities of your coins to destroy your opponent's coins one by one. Your goal is to expose the Captain coin buried deep in the middle... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR



AXE 0001

Might & Magic: Heroes

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


In Might & Magic Heroes: The Board Game, each player becomes a leader of one of four different factions hoping to conquer and govern the realms of Ashan.

At first, players control just one hero, a small army, and a city — but with every passing round, their heroes gain experience and grow in power, armies become more numerous, and small towns turn into enormous capitals. Players recruit new characters, take control of mines that produce resources and gold for their factions, defeat monsters... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AXE 002

Altaria: Clash of Dimensions

Bitte vorbestellen


Altaria is an island drifting in space that can be accessed through portals from different dimensions. Three enormous altars situated on the island give power over all dimensions to those who take control of them.

In Altaria: Clash of Dimensions, each player uses three of ten characters to try to capture all of the altars placed in the center of the game board or the portal that belongs to her opponent. The game consists of seven rounds, and each round is divided into three stages. In each st... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 38,00 EUR



Outer Rim

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


For hundreds of years, humanity has been traveling through far galaxies. Many centuries ago humans encountered other sentient – yet alien – races, but only Kalmians were as aggressive and as technologically advanced as the descendants of the inhabitants of Earth. In the remote outer rim of the universe Tellurians and Kalmians keep fighting in their spaceships for domination. In those fierce and deadly skirmishes only a few things really count: commanders’ skills to maneuver huge astral ves... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


B&B Games Studio

B&B  CDR008

Folded Wishes

Bitte vorbestellen


It is said that beautifully folded paper can make your heart’s deepest wish come true. In Folded Wishes, you’ll compete in a prestigious contest to be named a master of origami.

Each turn, you’ll connect a paper pattern tile to the grid of tiles in the center of the table. Each pattern tile has a fold action that lets you change positions of animals in the grid. Then, you’ll push your tile into the grid and take a new tile for your next turn. Folding your animals into specific shapes ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR



Destiny Aurora: Renegades

Hot Seller


Destiny Aurora: Renegades is a fast-paced, sci-fi adventure game
that takes place both on the planet's surface and in orbit as the
Renegades try to complete missions while attempting to be thwarted
by the Coalition agents. Campaign-based miniatures game. Choose a
ship, choose a crew, and choose a side.

78,00 EUR


B&B HTD003

Highlander: The Duel

They were born hundreds of years ago and are immortal. Now is the time of the Gathering, when the stroke of a sword will release the power of the Quickening. In the end, there can be only one. Will it be Connor Macleod or The Kurgan!

In Highlander: The Duel, you can take on the role of Connor Macleod or The Kurgan in an epic duel to determine who will take home the prize and who loses their head! This fast paced game tests your strategy, memory and cleverness as you strategically draft combat... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR



Noises at Night

In the 15-minute deduction game Noises at Night, up to four detectives compete to score victory points. Each player has a secret identity with their own scoring symbol and a location to score bonus points. Placing clues around the house scores points, but place too many and others will find out who you are which will land them additional guessing points. With each passing round, the timer goes down, and the amount of guessing points you can earn goes down with it. Each player has a chance to be ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR



The Refuge: A Race for Survival

Hot Seller


The Refuge: A Race for Survival is a post-apocalyptic zombie strategy game. The goal of the game is to be the first to reach the refuge while fending off zombies and other players. Each time you move, you activate a floor tile which have special features. The only tournament style zombie board game out there where you compete with six players in order to be the first one to reach the final refuge. Learning it takes less than five minutes, mastering it will take a while. Decisions make a big impa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


Backspindle Games Ltd.

BSG 0001.2

Luchador! Mexican Wrestling Dice Game 2nd.Ed.

z.Zt. vergriffen


The fast-rolling, hard-hitting, body-slamming, neck-crunching, chair-smashing, table-slapping dice game for 2 or 4 players...

Luchador! Mexican Wrestling Dice is a two-player dice game (with optional rules for four-player tag-team play) based on the popular world of professional Mexican wrestling, or "Lucha Libre" (a.k.a. free fighting). Players start with 21 points of health (or 18 in a tag-team match) and roll custom dice to try to either reduce the opponent's strength points to zero to win... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

BSG 1201

Guards! Guards! A Discworld Boardgame

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Guards! Guards! A Discworld Boardgame sees players taking on the role of newly recruited members of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. With the Eight Great Spells missing from the Unseen University, the future of the Disc hangs in the balance. Each player is tasked with collecting and returning a number of the spells to the university before it is too late. Each player selects one of four Guilds to infiltrate: Thieves, Assassins, Alchemists or Fools. Their chosen Guild Card will give them a specific s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Bad Comet

BDC 0003

Life of the Amazonia

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Build your very own thriving jungle by discovering various wild animals, insects, and plants in this beautiful board game.

Life of the Amazonia is a strategic meeple placing game that combines bag building and pattern building. Players will restore land, place various animals, and plant trees and flowers to enrich their jungles and create the most ecologically rich jungle. Various lives must be placed in the jungle taking into account each unique characteristic of the plants and animals in or... (vollständige Beschreibung)

92,00 EUR



Wild Serengeti

WILD: Serengeti is a board game inspired by the endless plains of the Serengeti. This game combines the joy of puzzle-solving with elements of set-collection and engine-building to create a deep and unique strategic experience. The mesmerizing artwork, 3D components and detailed animeeples will guide you straight into the vivid and breathtaking wilds of the Serengeti.

In order to gain victory points, the player must complete Scene Cards by placing the animals on the Main Board in the same pat... (vollständige Beschreibung)

76,00 EUR



Wild Serengeti - Kickstarter Version

Sammlerstück / Rarität


WILD: Serengeti is a board game inspired by the endless plains of the Serengeti. This game combines the joy of puzzle-solving with elements of set-collection and engine-building to create a deep and unique strategic experience. The mesmerizing artwork, 3D components and detailed animeeples will guide you straight into the vivid and breathtaking wilds of the Serengeti.

In order to gain victory points, the player must complete Scene Cards by placing the animals on the Main Board in the same pat... (vollständige Beschreibung)

76,00 EUR




Wild Serengeti - Animal Specialist

Wild: Serengeti Animal Specialist Mini Expansion
The Animal Specialist is a mini-expansion for the Wild: Serengeti and requires Wild: Serengeti to play.

Easy to learn and easy to play
Puzzle-solving and strategic depth
Highly re-playable
3D components and detailed animeeples

Meet a variety of Serengeti animals not seen in the base game! The 8 Animal Partners included in the Expansion Pack are used in their own unique ways, different from the 12 animals used in the base game. Furthermor... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



Wild Serengeti - Extra Meeple Set

A set with a total of 21 ani-meeples.

· Includes: A Lion, Hornbill, Zebra, Hyena, Gazelle, Jackal, Wildebeest, Leopard, Rhinoceros, Crocodile, Elephant, Vulture, Giraffe, Hippo, Warthog, Cheetah, Secretary Bird, Ostrich, Monkey, Buffalo, and Python.

· NOTE: NOT for in-game use and may not all fit in the Game Box.

20,00 EUR



Wild Serengeti - Upgraded Token Bundle

z.Zt. vergriffen


This is an upgrade pack for the components of Wild: Serengeti and requires Wild: Serengeti to play. Includes: A Cloth Bag, a Wooden First Player Marker, 4 Wooden Score Tokens, 6 Wooden Lock Tokens, 26 Wooden Food Tokens, 26 Wooden VFX Tokens, 36 Wooden Coin Tokens

z.Zt. vergriffen

Baksha Games

BAG 001

Good Help

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Congratulations! You have just finished your evil doctorate. Now it's time to build your first monster and unleash it on the town!

After bidding for two assistants, the doctors send them out into town to gather supplies and body parts. Once you have enough body parts, supplies and money to pay your help, you can assemble your monster and let it rampage! The player whose monster destroys the town is the winner—but if more than one monster gets into the action, It can be the last monster stan... (vollständige Beschreibung)

98,00 EUR


BAG 001

Gauntlet of Fools

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A beautifully illustrated adventure game of strategy and fortune where everyone dies in the end.

ca. 28,00 EUR


BAG 004

Hippies and an Armored Truck

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Go on a joyride through the 1980s. Your destination? Robbing the Banco de Mexico! Now
there’s even more ways to make your millions with Hippies and an Armored Truck, a 30-card
expansion for Banditos that introduces new characters and inside information for the armored

ca. 12,00 EUR


BAK 005

What's He Building in There?

Bitte vorbestellen


Now that you've got some experience as an Evil Doctor, it's time to move onward and upward. Where's the place to be in the Evil Doctoring World of the late 1800s? London. What's your plan? Find a cheap warehouse somewhere to build your Doomsday Machine. Scotland Yard is on your trail, however, so in addition to your Doomsday Machine, you'll have to build an Escape Plan.

In the worker-placement style game What's He Building in There?, players use their Doctors and three henchmen to acquire res... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 56,00 EUR



BAG 002

Good Help: Evil Doctors and an Angry Mob

Bitte vorbestellen


Congratulations! you have just finished your evil doctorate. now it's time to build your first monster and unleash it on the town!

After bidding for two assistants, the doctors send them out into town to gather supplies and body parts. (the doctors must at least appear to be an upstanding member of society...). Once you have enough body parts, supplies and money to pay your help, you can assemble your monster and let it rampage! The player whose monster destroys the town is the winner - but i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 10,00 EUR


Baloise Group

BAG 0001

Sarah's Vision

Europe 2163AD. Automated transport systems, flying cars, unlimited energy, seamless information flow…
The growth of technology continues to disrupt, amaze and influence society.

The human race is fast approaching a huge catalytic technological disruption that will democratize knowledge and systems, potentially enabling people to live truly fulfilled lives.
This is a point beyond which we cannot imagine how human civilisation might actually look like because it is a moment of “Singularit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


Bannan Games

BANN 0001


Hot Seller


Valda is a competitive strategy game where you as a viking warchief manage a village and resources, play powerful spells and build temples. So you gather followers, fight off enemies and climb the steps to divinity.

Realm of the gods: Loki, the trickster god framed Thor in a moment of distraction causing the hammer of Thor to fall on Tyr. Tyr the god who was guarding Yggdrasil, the tree connecting the worlds. Knocked out for a moment Tyr left Yggdrasil ungaurded. An opportunity for mo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

72,00 EUR



BANN 0004

VALDA - Rise of the Giants

Valda: Rise of the Giants is a an expansion to Valda. As in the base game, it is a power-building strategy game where you as a viking warchief use divine powers, manage a village and resources, play powerful spells and build temples. You gather followers, fight off enemies and climb the steps to divinity.

This expansion gives you the chance to discover the power of the Giants. 15 new cards for the base deck and 68 new Giant cards that offer you brand new powers with never before-seen graphics... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


BANN 0005

VALDA - Ragnarok

Valda: Ragnarok is a an expansion to VALDA. As in the base game, it is a power-building strategy game where you as a viking warchief use divine powers, manage a village and resources, play powerful spells and build temples. You gather followers, fight off enemies and climb the steps to divinity.

This expansion for Valda uncovers new treasures and new powers after the passage of the giants. 23 new cards for the base deck and 37 new god and giant cards that offer you new game mechanics and comb... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


Barrel Aged Games

BAG 02-100


It’s a hot summer and you see a new family just moved in across the street and you know what that means, boxes! You round up your friends and a giant bag of water balloons. You quickly split into teams, start stacking boxes, and fill your water balloons because everyone knows its time to Fortify!

Use the variety of boxes (Cards) to create a closed wall around your Base. The larger you make it the more friends can fit inside. The more friends you have the faster you can build or the more wat... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


Barrett Publishing

BPU 0007

Forgotten Road

One of the heroes in your party has been taken captive in a dungeon far beyond the edge of the wild. Now, you’ll have to travel down the forgotten road and traverse dangerous and unforgiving territory to get them back.

The Forgotten Road is a hand-management game in which you need to play your action cards and use your special abilities as efficiently as possible to take out monsters, pass skill checks, move to new locations, and defeat bosses of ever-increasing difficulty. The game ends wh... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


BPU 1200

Dungeon Ball

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While the monsters wait for more heroes to wander into the dungeon to meet their untimely end, they bide their time by playing games they learned through torturing adventurers. For the most part, they understand how to play, but they’re a little hazy on things like the rules against cheating and whatnot.

Dungeon Ball gives 1-2 players a fast-paced, arcade style experience as they try to outwit and outscore each other over the course of two halves of play. The player with the most points at ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 56,00 EUR


Battle Bunker Games

BBG 1100

Seas of Iron

Seas of Iron is a battleship combat game for 2-4 players set during the height of the battleship's reign around the time of World War II and the early 20th century. The game is quick to learn and simple to play, with players attempting to combat and eliminate each other's ships in order to be the undisputed king of the seas. Players can easily adapt the rules to play in teams or with fleets of ships.

6 battleships
Crew tokens
Scout plane tokens
8 target tokens
Damage counters... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


BBG 1101

Seas of Iron: Rising Sun

Seas of Iron: Rising Sun is the first expansion for the popular battleship combat game Seas of Iron. Rising Sun is a stand alone game that is also 100% compatible with Seas of Iron. The new game includes the addition of Aircraft Carriers, Fighters and new crew members.

24,00 EUR



BBG 1102

Seas of Iron: Battleship Expansion Pack

The Battleship expansion pack contains two additional iconic ships, German Battleship Bismarck and Japanese Battleship Yamato.

6,00 EUR


Bellwether Games

BWG 0711

Mars Open Tabletop Golf (Boxed Dexterity Game)

The dexterity golfing game for 1-8 players! Flick your wacky "goldf ball" over 3D obstacles and through 54+ cleveryly designed holes. Lowest stroke count wins. Then design your own course!

36,00 EUR


Bezier Games

BZG 00007


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Spy, swap, and peek to find Cabo the unicorn in this simple card game.

Your goal in CABO is to minimize the total value of your cards, but you don't know what all your cards are at the beginning of the game. By using certain powers to peek at your own cards, spy on your opponent's cards, or swap a card with an opponent, you can try to minimize the value of your cards. When you think you have the lowest value, you can call "CABO" to end the round, but everyone else gets another turn. In the en... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


BZG 00016

Favor of the Pharaoh

Bitte vorbestellen


In Favor of the Pharaoh, players roll dice to advance in Egyptian society, each turn gaining a new contact and more influence. These contacts give players more dice to roll or special powers to adjust those dice. The game culminates in a tense final roll-off as players vie for the Pharaoh's favor.
This re-imagining of Tom Lehmann's earlier game "To Court the King” boasts over 50 different characters, each of whom has a unique ability. In each game, only 21 of those characters are used, increa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 62,00 EUR


BZG 00018


Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Terra is a party/trivia game of general geographic information by Friedemann Friese, where being close counts.
How long is the Golden Gate Bridge? Where has “evidence" of the Yeti been found? How many sculptures are on Easter Island?
It‘s likely that you don‘t know any of these facts. But you might have a rough idea, and that‘s good enough, because Terra is the party game where being close counts. And if you have absolutely no idea what the answer is? Take advantage of your fr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


BZG 00023

Whistle Stop

With the driving of the golden spike in 1869, the first transcontinental railroad was completed in the United States. But really it was only the beginning of a rapid expansion of railways that would crisscross the entire country.
In Whistle Stop, you'll make your way west across the country, using your fledgling railroad company to build routes, pick up valuable cargo and deliver needed goods to growing towns, creating a network of Whistle Stops that you and your competitors can leverage as you... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR


BZG 00034


Bitte vorbestellen


A fast and engaging traditional card game with a werewolf twist! Your village is overrun by savage werewolves, represented by the number on each of the cards that make up your village. To get rid of these fanged fiends faster than the neighboring villages, utilize your residents’ special abilities and your powerful secret weapon: Silver. Call for a vote when you think you have the fewest werewolves, but be careful; everyone else gets one more turn to save their own village first…Combine with... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


BZG 460014

Silver Bullet

Bitte vorbestellen


Your village has been overrun by savage werewolves, which are represented by the number on each of the cards that make up your village. To get rid of these fanged fiends faster than the neighboring villages, use your residents’ special abilities and your powerful secret weapon: a silver bullet.

Call for a vote when you think you have the fewest werewolves, but be careful; everyone else gets one more turn to save their own village first…

Silver Bullet is a fast and engaging traditional ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR



Cabo Deluxe Edition

Bitte vorbestellen


Spy, swap, and peek to find CABO the Unicorn in this fun, addictive, and simple card game. The player with the lowest total wins! This Deluxe Edition features amazing artwork, two decks with unique cardbacks, a full color, oversized scorepad, and a high quality two-piece box.

ca. 24,00 EUR




In Colony, each player constructs and upgrades buildings, while managing resources to grow their fledgling colony. In a clever twist, dice are used as resources, with each side/number representing a different resource. Some resources are stable, allowing them to be stored between turns, while others must be used right away. Buildings provide new capabilities, such as increased production, resource manipulation, and additional victory points. Using dice-as-resources facilitates a dynamic, ever-ch... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR



Maglev Metro

Prolific Age of Steam map creator Ted Alspach (Suburbia, Castles of Mad King Ludwig) takes you into the near future with this subway-themed strategy title! In Maglev Metro, utilize state-of-the-art magnetic levitation technology to build a metropolitan rail system, transporting workers and robots beneath the city. Replace aging Manhattan and Berlin subway systems with newer, faster, quieter technology. Enhance your rail system's abilities so that your passengers arrive at their destinations firs... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR



Silver Coin

Your village has been overrun by savage werewolves, which are represented by the number on each of the cards that make up your village. To get rid of these fanged fiends faster than the neighboring villages, use your residents' special abilities and your powerful secret weapon: a silver coin.

Call for a vote when you think you have the fewest werewolves, but be careful as everyone else gets one more turn to save their own village first...

Silver Coin is a fast and engaging traditional card... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR



Silver Dagger

Bitte vorbestellen


Silver Dagger is the fourth stand-alone game in the Silver series by Ted Alspach. This series of fast and engaging card games come with a memory & werewolf twist!

In Silver Dagger you’ll find 14 all new roles and abilities – some of which will have you strategically switching up the direction of gameplay, the #4 Zombie card in particular! Just like in real life, it’s pretty hard to get rid of Zombies; you can’t put them on top of the discard pile, and they need to be faceup just to pa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 28,00 EUR




Plan, build, and develop a small town into a major metropolis. Use hex-shaped building tiles to add residential, commercial, civic, and industrial areas, as well as special points of interest that provide benefits and take advantage of the resources of nearby towns. Your goal is to have your borough thrive and end up with a greater population than any of your opponents.

Suburbia is a tile-laying game in which each player tries to build up an economic engine and infrastructure that will be ini... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR



Suburbia 2nd. Edition

Welcome to the 2nd edition of Suburbia. Plan, build, and develop a small town into a major metropolis. Use hex-shaped building tiles to add residential, commercial, civic, and industrial areas, as well as special points of interest that provide benefits and take advantage of the resources of nearby towns. Your goal is to have your borough thrive and end up with a greater population than any of your opponents.

Suburbia is a tile-laying game in which each player tries to build up an economic en... (vollständige Beschreibung)

92,00 EUR




Suburbia 2nd. Edition - Expansions

Suburbia: Expansions contains three large expansions for Suburbia that were originally released independently — Suburbia Inc., Suburbia 5?, and Suburbia Nightlife - as well as two smaller expansions: Essen and Cons. These expansions can be used with Suburbia one at a time, in any mixture, or all at once!

This collection includes dozens of new building tiles, goals, and new mechanisms, such as the turn-order-altering star track, borough-enhancing borders, bonuses, challenges, a fifth player ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


Black Box Adventures

BBA 0001

Revenge of the Dictators

Hot Seller


Welcome to your favorite holiday destination: Hawaii! Hawaii is a place to relax, drink lots of cocktails, and do nothing all day — except, of course, if you're a dictator. So what are dictators doing during their holidays? The same thing they do every day: Trying to take over the world! And what is a better place to start then that pesky "Ol' Murica"?

Revenge of the Dictators is a way too competitive board game for 2-5 players. For the course of the game (yes, only during the game) each pl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


BBA 0002

Frutti DI Mare:Veni, Vidi, Antipasti

Hot Seller


Seafood and spaghetti — a deadly combination bound to give you a delicious taste of war. At the head of the army stands the great and honorable King Crab, commander of vast seafood armies, breaker of chains, and inspirational leader in the most dire of times. The ranks of your army consist of a nicely balanced mix of Mighty Mussels, Cunning Calamari, and Shy Shrimps, topped with some Smoking Salmon and Loyal Lobsters. Frutti di Mare: Veni, Vidi, Antipasti! offers a wide pallette to satisfy eve... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR



BBA 0002

Revenge of the Dictators: The American Agent aka Bob

With Revenge of the Dictators: The American Agent aka Bob, the first expansion of Revenge of the Dictators, an additional player can play the role of Bob, an American agent trying to stop the dictators from taking over the world.

The ultimate goal of the American agent is easy: Make it to DEFCON 1 so that the dictators automatically lose. This will make you win the game. To do this, you need to try to spot as many dictators as possible as spotting a dictator gives the American agent certain t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Black Locust Games

BLG 001

Regnum Angelica

Join in the valiant battle to end the ultimate stalemate of good vs. evil and etch the final outcome into history. Regnum Angelica is a two-player strategic card/board game pitting Gabriel and his army of archangels against Beelzebub and the dark forces of the fallen. Wield the three elements of fire, earth and water in angelic combat, use ancient angelic scripts to gain an advantage over your opponent, or deploy pillars to protect your troops in an attempt to infiltrate the enemy's realm.

Re... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR


Blue Beard Entertainment LLC


The Lady and the Tiger

Inspired by the classic short story “The Lady or the Tiger?” by Frank R. Stockton, each game offers a unique experience. Five amazing games, packed into just eighteen unique cards!

The Lady and the Tiger is five games in one!

Doors: A 2-player deduction game by Peter C. Hayward.
Favor: A 2-4 player auction game by Allysha Tulk and Kevin Carmichael.
Hoard: A solo game by Ken Maher.
Labyrinth: A 2-player maze game by Philip Tootill.
Traps: A 2-6 player bluffing game by JR Honeycutt.
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


Blue Panther Games

BPE 6010


It is the height of the castle building era in Europe - and it is a matter of national pride that the royal couple's courtyard be the most ornate and splendid in the land.

Courtyard melds high-quality wooden components, traditional medieval themes, and simple border drawing mechanics to create a strategy game with a timeless feel.


80 laser engraved wooden tiles

4 Player Tile Trays

For: 2-4 players

To learn: 5 minutes

To play: 15-30 minutes

26,00 EUR


BPE 8003


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Welcome to Smackatoa!, the reality TV game where you're stranded on a mysterious chain of volcanic islands and have to escape before the constant eruptions destroy you all. There are alliances ready to shift, players ready to backstab and producers with plot twists that will turn your world upside down. Through it all, players must either cooperate to finish their escape raft in time ... or fall victim to the spirits of Smackatoa!

Contains: 63 Non-collectible Card Deck, Two custom dice, 16 Ra... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 36,00 EUR


BPG 1308


Bitte vorbestellen


In the game of Rasputin, players take the roles of assassins tasked with infiltrating the Winter Palace and killing history's most unkillable man - Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin. While all players share the same target, this is not a cooperative game and your opponents will prove to be an even greater threat than Rasputin’s personal guards.

Each player starts with a matching deck of fifty cards from which he must chose the twenty-five cards he will use in the game. Your cards determine which ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 46,00 EUR


Board Game Circus

BGC 0630


Hot Seller


Form mountains and build sacred monuments in the pursuit of wisdom and knowledge.

Oros ist ein innovatives, strategisches Worker-Placement- und Plättchenlegespiel mit einem räumlichen Puzzle-Element.

The Wise One, immortal keeper of wisdom and knowledge, has sent Demigods endowed with earth-moving power to the far reaches of humanity. In Oros each player acts as one of these Demigods. They must instruct their Followers in the wisdom of the mountains through study, worship, and experienc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

62,00 EUR


BGC 7002

Creature Comforts

Life in the forest is a lot of fun, at least while the sun is shining and the leaves are on the trees. Those days don’t last forever though, and long before the weather starts to change, the wise animals start to harvest for the long cold winter ahead. You will spend many months tucked into your burrow and you want to make it as cozy as possible. A nice bowl of soup, a comfortable rocking chair, and some toys and games will go a long way to make those dark winter days pass by quickly.

In Cr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR



BTD 001

Neon Knights: 2086

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Do you have what it takes to join the Neon Knights? Join the XRL (Extreme Racing League) Tournament today!

In the dystopian future of 2086, the city is split in two. The upper class lives in the upper half of the city while the lower class live in the slums. Cash is illegal in the lower part of the city, and the people there now use casino chips from the old world as currency. The upper class business men have created the Extreme Racing League as an automotive racing sport for entertainment. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 84,00 EUR


BTD 002

Street Kings

Bitte vorbestellen


Welcome to the world of underground racing.
Your goal? to become the Street King.

You’ll start at the bottom using your “D” class cars.
With the help of your crew, cars, upgrades, and skills, you’ll
win races to gain credits and fame.

With these credits, you’ll be able to buy parts, hire crew or even advance to the next class. Another way to gain credits is by showing off your ride at local car shows. You'll also be able to choose locations where the race will take place.
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR



B&D 0038

World Shapers

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Outwit your opponents to gather resources from the four elements — air, earth, fire, and water — in order to invigorate your world building power and create the grandest of grand worlds!

World Shapers is a card drafting game in which 1–4 players compete for elemental source materials in order to create and shape new worlds! Over the course of just a few rounds, you must carefully draft the necessary cards, outwit your opponents, and take advantage of powerful synergies. Utilize power cr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


B&D 0059


When Elsa von Frühlingfeld presented her invention to King Frederik Augustus II of Saxony, people thought it was trickery. She used the recently isolated element Uranium to heat up a jar of water and used the resulting steam to power an engine that kept the Uranium active via a process she called "atomization." Her device, the Nucleum, ushered in a new era of energy and prosperity over the next decades. Saxony went from a minor regional power to the hub of European science and engineering. Now,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

74,00 EUR


B&D 0077

Books of Time

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


The history of humankind has been written down for thousands of years. Our technological achievements, geographical discoveries, and the will to prosper are woven into intricate threads spread throughout books that tell the story of our time on Earth. Now you have the chance to shape this story.

Books of Time puts a unique and exciting twist on tableau building, allowing you to construct three great books, each with their own sets of special abilities that you can write, thereby creating incr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR


B&D 0083

Windmill Valley

Bitte vorbestellen


Light and quick engine building game filled with pretty flowers.

It’s the late 19th century, and more than 9000 windmills dot the landscape of the Netherlands,
some of them purpose-built to dry the lowlands, called polders.
In the polders between these windmills are fields filled with colorful tulips—the flower that
once was a part of the turbulent history of the first financial bubble but is now simply
a quintessential part of the Dutch landscape, especially on the famous Bloeme... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 62,00 EUR



Dark Ages: Heritage of Charlemagne - KS Version

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Dark Ages is a historically-based civilization-building game that features an innovative action selection mechanism. As long as your action markers remain on the board, you may be able to gain secondary bonus actions whenever you or another player repeat the action.

While Dark Ages features objectives commonly found in 4X games — encouraging you to explore nearby regions, expand your territory, exploit the resources, and exterminate your opponents — it does so featuring several Euro-centr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

188,00 EUR



Dark Ages: The Holy Roman Empire - KS Version

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Dark Ages is a historically-based civilization-building game that features an innovative action selection mechanism. As long as your action markers remain on the board, you may be able to gain secondary bonus actions whenever you or another player repeat the action.

While Dark Ages features objectives commonly found in 4X games — encouraging you to explore nearby regions, expand your territory, exploit the resources, and exterminate your opponents — it does so featuring several Euro-centr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

188,00 EUR


B&D DW01

Dust in the Wings

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After a long hike through the woods, you finally find the perfect place to set up your camera — a lush meadow. A green sea of grass rolls gently in the wind, spotted with flowers opening up to morning dew and gentle sunlight, and flocks of butterflies hovering above in a slow, deliberate dance. Light flickers in the golden dust, as you take the first look through your lens and get ready to capture the most beautiful of sights in your photo!

Dust in the Wings is a family game of perception, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR



Founders of Teotihuacan

Travel back in time to the founding of one of the greatest cities of Mesoamerica and become a part of its history once again. Design the foundations of a great pre-Columbian civilization, with its buildings, temples, and a grand pyramid in the center. Find perfect locations for production buildings and great temples, and build the might of the great pyramid overlooking your city. Establish yourself as the very best among competing architects, and your project will secure you a spot among the gre... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


B&D IB01


InBetween is a game for two players, competing against each other to either protect or devour the inhabitants of Upsideville in a tug-of-war between the Human and Creature dimensions.

During a game of InBetween, the Creature player is trying to devour the inhabitants of Upsideville by drawing them ever deeper into its home dimension, while the Town player is trying to increase the safety of the inhabitants in the Human dimension until they are secured from the Creature’s depredations. Playe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



Inuit: The Snow Folk

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As aurora borealis fills the night sky with fantastical light, and the eyes of those who came before look upon you, it has fallen on you to lead your village to power and prosperity. Now is the time to grow in numbers and strength, to build, to hunt, to look to the spirits of the white wilderness, and to prove yourself the greatest leader of the Snow Folk.

Inuit: The Snow Folk is a card-based strategy game of drafting and tableau building for 2-4 players.

On your turn:
1. Draw cards from ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 36,00 EUR



Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun

Hot Seller


Four millennia ago on the eastern bank of the Nile river was laid the foundation of the Temple of Amun-Ra. Over the course of two thousand years, the temple complex was gradually expanded and became widely known as "The Most Select of Places" (Ipet-Isut), boasting the largest religious building in the world. Today, the site is known as Karnak, located at Luxor in modern-day Egypt.

Join ancient Pharaohs in creating and growing one of the most impressive sites the world has seen, honoring the E... (vollständige Beschreibung)

62,00 EUR


B&D TN01

The Networks

In The Networks, you and your opponents are new television networks, and you need new programming. For this, you’ll need Shows, Stars, and Ads.

Shows need Stars and Ads. Stars give you bonus viewers (points), and Ads give you extra money. You’ll need everything you can get; you'll have a small amount of resources and time, and you must grab the latest hot show before your opponents.

And some Stars will give their best effort only if you put them on in the proper conditions. For example... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR



Yedo: Deluxe Master Set

Bitte vorbestellen


The deluxe edition features:

- Updated artwork
- All components upgraded to true deluxe
- You will be able to "set up” your own experience of YEDO. Whether you want no negative interaction or a game more punishing than ever before, you will be able to set up YEDO to suit your needs and pause play style.
- New modular components brings a lot of interesting mechanisms into Yedo: the Tea house with a set of unique helpers who'll join you for a turn, Specialists in place of regular Disciples... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 0,00 EUR



B&D 0084

Nucleum Australia

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Saxony's energy revolution was so impactful that everyone wanted to start using Nucleums in their regions. Australia's huge deposits of uranium were ripe for the taking, leading to visionaries — lured by the vast number of possibilities — visiting the continent and changing it into a new global power. Here, these entrepreneurs have to face new challenges presented by the sheer size of the continent. Fortunately, the clever use of shipping lanes will help them transport resources more efficie... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 32,00 EUR


Bomba Games

BBG 0001

Black & White

War is in the air. Two warring nations, after a decade of fragile peace, are assembling their armies - on the west Her Highness Susanne of Thargaton with her army in black uniforms, on the east cardinal Nikodemus of Vesania and his religious zealots in white robes. Both of them are trying to capture the best position in a 40 kilometres wide strip of no-man's land. Old forts, which survived war of the disciples, are now objects of fierce fights. Which side is going to outsmart the other in the fi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


BBG 0002

Amber Route

Amber Route is a journey to the land of Slavic beliefs, monsters and magic. This exciting game will take you on a dangerous adventure. You will lead your caravan into uncharted territories. Remember, the road you're about to go is treacherous. Every step of the way you're going to face traps, evil creatures and primeval magic. To win, plan your moves carefully, protect your ambers, strengthen your guard and try to reach the destination as fast as possible.

Content of the box:
- 5 dice
- 4 p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


Braincrack Games

BCG 0001

Last Resort

Bitte vorbestellen


In Last Resort, each player is the proud new owner of a defunct space station, which they plan to turn into the galaxy’s trendiest space resort!

Each round (or ‘season’) players will select one of their four advert cards to play, broadcasting it across the galaxy to attract tourists! These advert cards also dictate which parts of your station guests can check out of (generating income) and what kind of tile you can build this round. But beware – playing the same advert as another stat... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR



Dead & Breakfast

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In this game of ghoulish guesthousery, players build a mortifying motel, fill it to the brim with horrifying inhabitants, adorn its walls with voluptuous vines of poison ivy, and invite puzzled patrons in from the cold to meet their frightening finale.

However, a ghastly ghoul besieges the local Haunted Hardware Store, and other enigmatic entrepreneurs are opening horrible hostels of their own, meaning you’ll have to work fast to ensure that your Dead & Breakfast is the best of the worst!
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


Set in the legendary city of Ragusa (now Dubrovnik), Ragusa charges players with the task of building the city in the 15th century, constructing its great towers, boosting trade with the East, and finding their fortunes.

Players build houses on the spaces between three hexes, gaining access to resources (on rural spaces) and actions (in the city), which means that a house effectively functions as a worker being placed, but triggering three spots at a time. Players use resources gained in the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR


Break from Reality Games

BFG 0001

Disaster Looms!



The Earth is probably doomed, and rumors and speculation runs rampant. News headlines from across the globe stir the populace to desperation.

The race to escape Earth has begun. With the world's nations in decline, the shareholders turn to you and your massive corporation to take advantage of this opportunity, and ensure their safe retirement. You are humanity's last hope. Take the reins as CEO and venture out into space. Colonize profitable worlds, ensure brand loyalty among your customers, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR


BFG 0010

Ricochet Rock Jockeys



While your parent companies are colonizing new worlds, you are tasked with mining and supplying Goods. The race is on to find resource-rich Asteroid Fields, and you must go head to head against your opponents. Knock them out of your way and claim all the riches.

Greetings Semi-Intelligence: 221-B, and welcome to sentience. Upon completion of your training download, you will commence operation of Mining and Delivery Probe 4. Your task is to extract valuable materials from extrasolar planetoids... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



BFG 0002

Disaster Looms!: CEO's & Corporations

This is the first official expansion set for our debut game, Disaster Looms! Now you can play with up to 6 players and new challenges.

This expansion includes:
Two additional player sets
New technologies
21 New exploration tiles
Set of CEOs and Corporations with unique advantages, disadvantages, and goals of their own.

This is a full expansion for the game, and provides more than enough for the additional players - while also allowing greater flexibility and randomness in game play at ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


BFG 0003

Disaster Looms!: Founders Launch Pack

Bitte vorbestellen


This is a set of 18 Exploration tiles offered with the Disaster Looms! Kickstarter campaign. They contain two additional events and four more region tiles per game phase.

These additional tiles can be used to add a bit more game length, or to add additional replay value, length, or mystery to the treasures - and dangers - that space has to offer.

ca. 0,00 EUR


Breaking Games

BKG 1028514

Dwellings Of Eldervale (EN)

Bitte vorbestellen


Dwellings of Eldervale is an epic worker placement game set in a once lost magical world. Giant elemental monsters roam while dragons, wizards and warriors battle for dominance over 8 elemental realms. Players control unique factions seeking to adventure, battle, grow in power and ultimately dwell Eldervale, shaping it to their vision.

Dwellings of Eldervale blends worker placement, area control, engine building and unique worker units. Players take turns placing a worker in Eldervale or regr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 136,00 EUR


BKG 1080

The Amberden Affair

Bitte vorbestellen


Conspiracy is Served! In The Amberden Affair, players are domestic servants for a grand soiree held in the esteemed Amberden Manor. But, while carrying out orders for three distinguished dignitaries, observant footmen realize that one of their own has malicious objectives that threaten the very lives of the ones they are there to serve. Identify the miscreant who's secretly poisoning the guests, while accomplishing your orders in the process.

ca. 32,00 EUR


BKG 110226

Keep Calm

Bitte vorbestellen


Keep Calm is the hilarious party game where players are thrust into ridiculous situations and must decide what they're going to do? What do you do if a gypsy curses you, forcing you to begin every sentence with a hashtag? Do you 'Keep Calm' and give up on life - or talk dirty?

ca. 28,00 EUR


BKG 110288

Rise of Tribes

Bitte vorbestellen


In ancient prehistoric times, you have discovered a new land with plentiful lakes, mountains and forests (and apparently many stone rocks that shall be called dice). Your people can develop new things like basketry or find oxen or simply grow and conquer.

In Rise of Tribes, players control a tribal faction in prehistoric times that's looking to grow, move, gather, and lead their people. The board is modular, composed of hexes in various terrain types. Each turn you roll two dice, and may sele... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR


BKG 113017

The Kings Abbey

The King's Abbey transports players to the 11th Century when great abbeys were a central part of the Middle Ages. Here, players lead an order of monks commissioned by King Sivolc to construct a great abbey to defend against the ever-increasing darkness that threatens to engulf the land. Players improve their abbey and gain prestige by training clergy, constructing towers and buildings, fighting off Viking attacks, and completing crusades.

66,00 EUR


BKG 1200

Zombie Shuffle

Bitte vorbestellen


Inconveniently, the Zombie Apocalypse is in full swing. Human flesh is the dish of the moment - coming highly recommended by gormless staggering zombies. Your aim? To survive said apocalypse and not develop a taste for brains (and drooling)!

ca. 12,00 EUR


BKG 1355

Moonquake Escape

Bitte vorbestellen


HOOK: The movies Alien and Escape from Alcatraz meet 3-Card Monte meet the spin cycle of your washing machine!
HOOK: Only the player with the best Plan B will Escape because Plan A never survives the MoonQuake!

In MoonQuake Escape, get ready to face the challenges of the spinning, changing 3D surface of the doomed prison planet of Zartaclaton. A massive MoonQuake grants you sudden freedom from your captivity, but there's only one way to Escape--the last rescue rocket, and you need to reach i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 66,00 EUR



BKG 110348

Rise of Tribes - Deluxe Expansion

Bitte vorbestellen


Take your customers to the next era! The Deluxe Upgrade Kit (requires standard edition to play) provides wooden component replacements for 94 pieces in the Standard Edition. This deluxe upgrade is our most popular version of the game among Kickstarter backers and is also available at wholesale prices on our retailer portal. Requires Rise of Tribes to play. Replaces cardboard peices with high quality wood. Entire Deluxe Upgrade box can be stored inside the base game.

ca. 28,00 EUR


Brotherwise Games

BWG 0153

Castles by the Sea

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Castles by the Sea is a puzzly sandcastle-building game for 1-4 players. As a group of tiny folk called "shorelings," your goal is to build and populate a seaside kingdom.

Each turn, you'll place blocks and meeples on the map to earn victory points. The core gameplay is similar to abstract strategy games like Santorini, in that players must optimize three-dimensional placement on a shared grid.

Hazards are the only source of randomness in the game, and even those depend on player choices. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

62,00 EUR


BWG 0238

Night of the Ninja

z.Zt. vergriffen


Night of the Ninja is a fast-paced game of deadly secrets, midnight assassinations, and paper-thin alliances. In Night of the Ninja, your mission is to defeat a rival ninja House ...if you can figure out who they are! Each round, you choose your ninja role: a Spy or Fortune Teller gains valuable information, but only a Shinobi or Blind Assassin can cut down an opponent. To win, you’ll have to trick your opponents, figure out who can’t be trusted, and fight for your House!

Night of the Nin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

BWG 0269

The Dragon Prince - Battlecharged

Inspired by the Emmy-award winning animated series, The Dragon Prince: Battlecharged is a card-based tactical miniatures game. Two teams, each consisting of 2-3 heroes, face off in fast-paced duels on one of six battlemaps.

Battlecharged uses a unique energy charging system in which every character has a different fighting style: a melee skirmisher like Rayla recharges when she darts in and out of combat, while a defender like Soren charges when you attack him or his adjacent ally.

The bas... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


BWG 0372

Empire's End

You lead a grand civilization at the height of its influence, but can you save it from collapse? In Empire's End, 2-4 players compete to keep calamity at bay. Empire's End marries the intuitive and elegant mechanism of reverse-bidding with engine-building, long-term planning, and strategic depth. The result is a game with a quick tempo, abundant tension, and multiple challenging paths to victory.

Players begin with a civilization at the height of its power. Play proceeds through a series of p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR



Unearth (Reprint)

Long ago, your ancestors built great cities across the world. Now your tribe must explore forests, deserts, islands, mountains, and caverns to find these lost cities. Claim the ruins, build places of power, and restore the glory of a bygone age.

Unearth is a bend-your-luck game of dice placement and set collection. Designed by Jason Harner and Matthew Ransom, it plays in under an hour with 2-4 players. Each player leads a tribe of Delvers, represented by five dice (3 six-sided, 1 four-sided, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR




Unearth: The Lost Tribe

Bitte vorbestellen


In an age now forgotten, a Lost Tribe discovered The Darkness. To tame its evil, they bound its magic into the very stones of their land, crafting wonders like the world had never seen. But The Darkness gnawed its way free of those stones, and consumed much of their world. Now the Lost Tribe has returned to unite the Delvers and stand once more against The Darkness. Will they defeat it once and for all, or will their world be lost forever?

Unearth: The Lost Tribe includes three expansions for... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


Bucephalus Games

BPG 0002

The Suicide Bomber Card Game

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Kaboom! It's time to blow up your friends and neighbors in this irreverent card game. A quick-paced, darkly humorous game where the goal is to blow up the most bystanders and buildings, "Suicide Bomber" is full of explosive action. With 12 bomb tokens and 2 decks of characters and bombs, there's plenty of mayhem and destruction to satisfy any occasion.

The game features brilliantly comical art laying out the cast of innocent and not-so-innocent bombers and victims. The dark humor of the game ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


BPG 0006

Toboggans of Doom

z.Zt. vergriffen


Come trick out your amazing racing toboggan with crazy upgrades (jet rockets, flame throwers, tunnelers, etc.) and use them to avoid crazy obstacles (abominable snowmen, surprise nuclear weapons testing, evil trees, etc) in a hidden and deadly race course.

* 2-4 players
* Ages 8+
* Play Time: 20-40 Minutes
* Difficulty: 2 of 5
* Strategy: 3 of 5
* Luck: 4 of 5

"Warning" Contains Choking Hazard. Not for Children 3 and Under."

z.Zt. vergriffen

BPG 0009

Top Ten: The Ten Commandments

Recreate the Ten Commandments with your friends! Each player has a set of goals for the final version of the Ten Commandments, and they debate and vote among themselves to get the Commandments that they want in the final ten.

Players: 3-8
Time: 20-40
Difficulty: 3
Strategy: 4

30,00 EUR


BPG 0010

The Bill of Rights

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A patriotic party game where players represent different secret societies trying to get the rights that they believe in reflected in the final Bill of Rights by voting among themselves. The winner is the player to whom the final list closest reflects the goals of his/her society.

Players: 3-8
Time: 20-40
Difficulty: 3
Strategy: 4
Luck: 2

58,00 EUR


BPG 0011


Sammlerstück / Rarität


In Michelangelo, you will be one of these assistants, splitting your time between Michelangelo's workshop and the political beehive of Renaissance Italy. You will earn money and points by helping Michelangelo, as well as making connections in some of the most powerful and influential families of the world.

Players: 2-5
Time: 45-60
Difficulty: 4
Strategy: 4

58,00 EUR


BPG 0012

Living Labyrinth

A maze game where you and your opponents play out action cards to change the nature of the board itself, moving pieces around, twisting pathways, and trying to plan our your turns to overcome any surprise.

As you move in closer and closer to the center of the game board, you and your opponents play out action cards to change the nature of the board itself, moving pieces around, twisting pathways, and trying to plan our your turns to overcome any surprise.

* 2-4 players
* Ages 8+
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


BPG 0017

Timestreams: Deck 1 - Stone Age vs. Future Tech

This multiplayer time-travel card game has players assign inventions to different time periods and then score points for appropriate combos and matching the correct eras for those inventions. The first pair of decks are Stone Age and Future Tech, and contain over 120 unique pieces of original art.

Players: 2-6
Time: 30
Difficulty: 3
Strategy: 3

20,00 EUR


BPG 0023

Timestreams: : Deck 2 - Medieval vs. Modern Day

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The second set of decks in the Timestreams series, these two decks contain the inventions and innovations of Modern Times and the Classical World. Play against the decks against each other, or against the Stone Age and Future Tech decks!

* 2-6* players
* Ages 8+
* Play Time: 30-45 Minutes
* Difficulty: 3 of 5
* Strategy: 3 of 5
* Luck: 3 of 5

*One box set is enough to play with 2 players, add additional sets to play with up to 6 players.

"Warning" Contains C... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


BPG 0028

Zombie Mosh!

Hot Seller


Zombies - whether fast or slow - have only two things on their minds: eating brains and moshing to heavy metal music. The impact of your fellow undead, moshing and thrashing about in the pit after a day of hunting for brains - what could be better?!

In Zombie Mosh, players strive to be the last zombie standing at the end of each song. As they flail about the limbs start flying... and start flying off! Lose too many limbs and you are out... at least until the next song. The danger doesn't just... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


BPG 0043

Perfect Pyramid: Four Card Games in One

The custom cards of the Perfect Pyramid deck are used to play new games and variants of great games you love. Play: Path to Perfection This multiplayer game adds Pyramid Dice to the Pyramid Deck, allowing you to change the cards in your hand as you race to finish the most valuable pyramids. Can you build the Perfect Pyramid? Pyramid Rummy A twist on rummy: Should you strive to make your Pyramids worth the most pointsEor just build as quick as you can hoping to catch your opponents with high valu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


BPG 0044

Dwarven Dig!

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Dwarven Dig! is the fast-paced, hard-hitting, cave-smashing game of dwarves on the hunt for treasure. With the wise, grit-generating elder, the savvy engineer, the hell-raising miner and the stout warrior, can you lead your team safely through the perils of the mountain to retrieve the treasure before your opponents do the same? Play defensively or go on the attack to directly thwart the other teams, and never play the same game twice due to the game board's tile construction system. Face the mo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

94,00 EUR


BPG 0046


Kachina is a tactical tile game based on the traditions of the Hopi Native American tribe. Each round you place one of your limited number of Kachina tiles, trying to dominate the largest possible area of the board. In the Hopi tradition, the world is ruled by kachinas (or spirits) of many different types. Children of the tribe learn about these different spirits through the use of Kachina dolls. To illustrate the tension of different spirits in the world, the tribal elders create games of kachi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


BPG 0047

Rorschach: The Inkblot Party Game

This thought provoking party game brings players together to look through Rorschach tests-inkblots, and try to match answers with the other players to score points. Try to match your crazy interpretations with as many of the other players as you can.

This uproarious party game brings players together to look through Rorschach tests-inkblots, trying to match answers with the other players to score points. Try to match your crazy interpretations with as many of the other players as you can!

... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


BPG 0048

The Duke

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In this two-player move and capture game, the pieces flip over, revealing different movement and capture patterns--each unique and interesting--with The Duke as the central piece, allowing new pieces to come onto the board near him.

* 2 players
* Ages 8+
* Play Time: 20-30 Minutes
* Difficulty: 2 of 5
* Strategy: 4 of 5
* Luck: 2 of 5

ca. 0,00 EUR


BPG 0049

Playbook Football

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Put yourself in the coaches seat, choosing offensive and defensive plays to drive the football to the end zone with this beautiful, all-wood game! With all plays taken straight from 10 years of NFL statistics, play is quick, intuitive, fun, and feels just like a live game.

The closest you can get to football without wearing shoulder pads!
Playbook Football appeals to anyone who enjoys football, from the armchair quarterback to the dedicated season ticket holder. It is easy to learn, fast to ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

158,00 EUR


BPG 0050

Roman Taxi

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Players play colorful chariot taxi drivers in ancient Rome, picking up and transporting famous (and infamous) passengers; competing to collect the most fares by the end of the day.

* 2-5 players
* Ages 8+
* Play Time: 45-60 Minutes
* Difficulty: 2 of 5
* Strategy: 3 of 5
* Luck: 2 of 5

56,00 EUR


BPG 0052

Mad Scientist: Lab Rats

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Play a Mad Scientist student, racing to animate your first monster! Send your unreliable assistants (Agor, Egor, Igor, Ogor, Ugor, or Ygor) to collect diverse body-parts from different graveyards, with the hope that you can cobble something together from the mis-matched parts.

Mad Scientist: Lab Rats

Players are Mad Scientist students chasing escaped, mutated lab rats throughout Mad Scientist University. Each rat has developed different powers while being a lab rat (psychic rats, genius ra... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR


BPG 0053

The Pickle Game

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Ever wonder just how many kinds of pickles there are? Of course you haven't! But we did! In The Pickle Game, players strategically change the ingredients in jars of pickle brine, each trying to achieve the correct ration of ingredients to complete different pickle recipes.

* 2-4 players
* Ages 8+
* Play Time: 15-30 Minutes
* Difficulty: 2 of 5
* Strategy: 3 of 5
* Luck: 3 of 5

ca. 20,00 EUR


BPG 0054

Oh My God! There's an Axe in my Head!

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GENEVA, 1920. The first meeting of the League of Nations. The Swiss mistakenly invite insane hatchet-throwing clowns as entertainment. As one of the Great Powers, you must conduct international business while escaping the League Hall...without getting an axe in your head!

* 3-6 players
* Ages 10+
* Play Time: 60-90 Minutes
* Difficulty: 3 of 5
* Strategy: 3 of 5
* Luck: 2 of 5

ca. 50,00 EUR


BPG 0055

The Psychic Plush Rat

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


The Cthulhu-style rat from our Lab Rats game in plush form has been a hit since the first samples where shown. He'll be a hit in your house or office as well!

Backstory on the rats: In the game, the purple Psychic Rat is one of six rats (Cyborg, Genius, Strong, Giant, Mutant, and, of course, Psychic) in a school's laboratory. At the start of the game the Psychic Rat escapes and frees all the other rats, who proceed to terrorize the school.

endgültig vergriffen

BPG 0056

The Art of War

In Art of War, players take on the role of generals attempting to outwit and overwhelm their competition. Will you control the shadowy Ninja, striking with a silent blade, or wield the power of faith as the Monk, or lead the barbarous horde in savaging the lands of all who stand against them? Balance protecting your civilian workers to grow your army, reinforce the territory you have conquered to protect your monarch, and expand your borders by conquering neighboring territories. Balancing all o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


Buddypal Games


Amazing Jungle Run

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This is your dream vacation?
You were expecting guided tours and lavish huts, but instead you were dropped off to fend for yourself in the wild. Do you have what it takes to gather necessary food, master the animals, and emerge "King of the Jungle?"
"Amazing Jungle Run" is an innovative, highly replayable game that rewards creative planning and clever tactics. Players compete to be the first to collect 9 points by collecting fruit cards, or the valuable "Shaman" card (worth 3 points).
Sets of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR



Amazing Jungle Run with Game Mat

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This is your dream vacation?
You were expecting guided tours and lavish huts, but instead you were dropped off to fend for yourself in the wild. Do you have what it takes to gather necessary food, master the animals, and emerge "King of the Jungle?"
"Amazing Jungle Run" is an innovative, highly replayable game that rewards creative planning and clever tactics. Players compete to be the first to collect 9 points by collecting fruit cards, or the valuable "Shaman" card (worth 3 points).
Sets of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


Burley Games Limited

BGL 0001

Take it to the Limit

Take it to the Limit is an advanced version of Take it Easy. Compared to the original game the boards are bigger in terms of the number of hexagonal spaces. There are 64 tiles in each set, with four different colors running in each direction. These tiles are subdivided evenly into "moon" tiles and "sun" tiles. There are also a number of Gold and Silver bonus tiles. If you complete scoring rows in all three directions through these tiles, then you can also add the bonus values to your total!

T... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


Burnt Island Games

BIG 1001


Bitte vorbestellen


Endeavor: Age of Sail is the new edition of the modern classic Endeavor. Working with the original designers and art team, we have streamlined the rules and enhanced the components while preserving the gripping gameplay of the 0riginal.

The major addition to this new Age of Sail is the innovative Exploits system. The Exploits are different in every game, and unlock slowly as your game progresses, opening up new aspects of world history for you to explore and navigate. New players and seasoned... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 86,00 EUR


BIG 1001

Endeavor - Age of Sail

In Endeavor: Age of Sail, players strive to earn glory for their empires. Sailing out from Europe and the Mediterranean, players will establish shipping routes and occupy cities the world over. As they do so, players will leverage their growing industry, culture, finance, and Influence, building their engine and extending their reach into the far-flung regions of the world.

In this second edition, players will experience:
Double-sided board to accommodate different player counts
Var... (vollständige Beschreibung)

76,00 EUR


BIG 6002

Fall of the Mountain King

The gnome attack was sudden and relentless. They swarmed our tunnels, defiling our mountain home and driving us from our ancestral caverns. Trolls from every clan rushed to the heart of the mountain to defend our Great Halls. We've lost track of how long we've been beating back the endless waves of invaders. Soon, it will be time for a final stand. Will we rise up like champions, or be driven out to the wilderness to fight for survival? Sharpen your blades, brothers and sisters! Raise your hamme... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR



BIG 2001

In the Hall of the Mountain King

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Excavate the ancient halls of your collapsed kingdom to win the crown!

Finally we trolls return home! Dig tunnels into the mountain, move statues into places of glory, and exploit the innovative Cascading Production system to become the new Mountain King! Amazing components and gameplay like nothing else on your shelf!

ca. 50,00 EUR


BIG 2002

In the Hall of the Mountain King: Cursed Mountain

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Excavate the ancient halls of your collapsed kingdom to win the crown!

Finally we trolls return home! Dig tunnels into the mountain, move statues into places of glory, and exploit the innovative Cascading Production system to become the new Mountain King! Amazing components and gameplay like nothing else on your shelf!

ca. 12,00 EUR


BIG 3001

Endeavor - Age of Sail Expansion

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Endeavor: Age of Sail is the new edition of the modern classic Endeavor. Working with the original designers and art team, we have streamlined the rules and enhanced the components while preserving the gripping gameplay of the 0riginal.

The major addition to this new Age of Sail is the innovative Exploits system. The Exploits are different in every game, and unlock slowly as your game progresses, opening up new aspects of world history for you to explore and navigate. New players and seasoned... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 34,00 EUR


Cackleberry Games


Gardens of Babylon

Hot Seller


King Nebuchadnezzar II has spoken: "Build me the most wondrous gardens the world has ever seen!" The gardening guilds of Babylon have answered, and it is now up to the players, as leaders of these guilds, to build one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and lead their guild to victory in the cutthroat world of competitive gardening.

Gardens of Babylon is a 1-4 player, competitive euro-style game in which players strive to earn the most points by planting flower seeds on the most valuabl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


Calliope Games

CAL 0119

Tsuro of the Seas

z.Zt. vergriffen


The basic game play of Tsuro of the Seas resembles that of Tom McMurchie's Tsuro: Players each have a ship that they want to sail — that is, keep on the game board — as long as possible. Whoever stays on the board the longest wins the game.

Each turn players add "wake" tiles to the 7×7 game board; each tile has two "wake connections" on each edge, and as the tiles are placed on the board, they create a connected network of paths. If a wake is placed in front of a ship, that ship then sai... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

CAL 0142

Enchanted Plumes

Play proficiently to produce perfect peacock plumes.

In Enchanted Plumes, players strive to complete magical peacocks by assembling plumes in sparkling rows from top to bottom.

Skillfully placing feather cards of the same color from row to row is key, as the top row value will count against your score,
while all lower rows count as positive values.

Once the peahen card is revealed, the player with the most valuable plumes wins the game and is bestowed with the luck of the peacock!

24,00 EUR


CLP 0120


Build your own Path without your opponents steering you in the wrong direction - or off the board! Tsuro is the quick-playing game in which directions can change as easily as the game plays. The rules are simple: You place your stones, select your tiles, and attempt to build a safe Path for your journey. The Paths of other players cross and connect, so the choices you make affect all the journeys across the board. Tsuro is recommended for 2-8 players ages 8 and up. Stay on the right Path - you... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


CLP 0120P

Tsuro Phoenix Rising

Hot Seller


Long ago, a vengeful god stole the stars from the night sky. To illuminate the night, hopeful people sent glowing paper lanterns floating toward the heavens. Out of nowhere, clever magical phoenixes appeared, soaring through the sky. As they flew from lantern to lantern, their enchanted touch changed the lanterns into new stars! The phoenix who can create a constellation of seven new stars will be the champion of a world looking for light!

Tsuro: Phoenix Rising is a new entry in the classic T... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


CLP 0136


In the late 17th Century, mighty ships sailed the seas and brought all manner of goods back to port. As a savvy captain, you must skillfully utilize your crew to fill your ship's hold with the best combination of treasure, cannons, and (ahem) other items to earn gold. In the end, the player who amasses the biggest bounty will be declared the greatest smuggler...uh, SEA CAPTAIN...of all time!

In ShipShape, 2-6 players each control a ship. Over the course of three voyages (rounds), you bid usin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR



CLP 0121

Tsuro: Veterans of the Seas Expansion

This is a repackaging of the parts that were originally available only as bonuses during the Tsuro of the Seas Kickstarter.

The forces of nature can be as devastating as the wrath of the daikaiju! With Tsuro of the Seas: Veterans of the Seas, an expansion for Tsuro of the Seas, you'll be able to add more excitement to your game with the Tsunami (Tidal Wave) and Uzushio (Whirlpool) tiles. This tile set also provides you with hope, however, as the Taihou (Cannons) and the Mystic Portal (Magic) ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


Camlyn Games

CAM 0001

Camlyn's Destiny



Camlyn's Destiny is a 2-4 player boardgame that combines the elements of a "war" game with the additional strategies of card play.

1 Game Board
1 Rulebook
60 Battlecards
20 '1' King's Note Bills
10 '5' King's Note Bills
1 Production Die
1 Mercenary Die
1 Economy Die
2 10-sided dice
30 Red Chips
30 Black Chips
20 Purple Chips
12 Crusader Chips
24 Kingdom Status Chips
10 Wood Production Chips
10 Iron Production Chips
8 Stone Production Chips
24 Knight Tokens
24 Archer Tokens
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Capstone Games


Age of Innovation

Age of Innovation is a standalone game set in the world of Terra Mystica.

Twelve factions, each with unique characteristics, populate this world of varying terrains. Here you will compete to erect buildings and merge them into cities. Each game allows you to create new combinations of factions, homelands, and abilities so that each game isn't the same as another.

You control one of these factions and will terraform the game map's terrain into your homelands where you can erect your buildin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

96,00 EUR


CSG 0101

Lux Aeterna

Mayday! Mayday! Can anybody hear me? Please answer! I am caught in the gravitational pull of a black hole. Can you hear me...please? This is the Lux Aeterna spaceship! Mayday Mayday! I transmit my coordinates. We were on course past NGC 1277 when a meteor hit. There was a bang...all systems are red. We are falling. We are falling towards the event horizon! Can anybody help me? Can you hear me? Your challenge in Lux Aeterna is to draw and play all of the cards in the main deck, one turn after ano... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


CSG 3210

Savannah Park

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You run a park home to some of the most fascinating wild animals in the world: a herd of zebras has gathered over there, antelopes are grazing in the shade beneath a tree, and a young elephant is playing happily at her watering hole. You have a lot to do. You must gather each type of animal into large herds, lead them to watering holes, and protect them from brush fires. A tricky task especially as each animal can only move once, and your opponents have a say in when! Savannah Parks simple rules... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 42,00 EUR


CSG 4210


Bitte vorbestellen


The Rifts changed our world. Villages were torn apart, Riftforce emerged from it and spread across the land. What seemed lifeless before started to rise and wake. Flames left campfires and waves poured out of their riverbeds. Even the sun and moon leave their footprints in the ground. In Riftforce, the two-player duel card game, each player starts by drafting four of the ten different guilds, each with a unique power, to forge their own asymmetrical alliance. Every game of Riftforce gives you a ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 32,00 EUR


CSG 5101

Imperial Steam

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The Industrial Age is starting to boom. You are in need of more workers for your factories, and you also need more workers to build railroad tracks to expand your railway network. This, in turn, will enable you to deliver the goods from your factories to cities with high demand. But do not forget to earmark goods for fulfilling profitable public contracts, because when the connection to Trieste is made, your net worth is all that matters. Imperial Steam is a highly strategic yet accessible econo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 74,00 EUR


CSG 6001


Sammlerstück / Rarität! Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


140,00 EUR


CSG 7240

Terra Mystica

Terra Mystica is a strategy game with a simple game principle and very little luck involved: You govern one of 14 factions trying to transform the landscape on the game board in your favor in order to build your structures. On the one hand, proximity to other players limits your options for further expansion, on the other hand though, it provides some benefits during the game. This conflict is the source of Terra Mystica’s appeal.
The 14 artfully designed factions, each having unique special ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

86,00 EUR



Terra Mystica: Big Box

In this peaceful strategy game, you'll decide the destiny of your faction. Choose between witches, darklings, dragon masters, and 17 other factions.

Terraform the world to your ideas and construct a large number of buildings. Upgrade them and gain various resources as regular income.
Build your stronghold to activate your faction's special ability. Build temples and gain influence in the four cults of fire, earth, water, and air!

The Big Box contains the following: Terra Mystica Base G... (vollständige Beschreibung)

190,00 EUR




Hot Seller


With a group of pioneers, you have left civilization behind to settle along the shores of Boonlake, a long-forgotten region inhabited by humans long ago. This unexplored area beckons you! Become part of a new community and commit yourself to the common good. Explore the landscapes, build houses and settlements, raise cattle, produce raw materials, and develop an infrastructure. Do your best to automate these processes. Seize the opportunity to make the best of your new life in Boonlake.

Boonl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


Maracaibo, the new strategy game for 1-4 players by Alexander Pfister, is set in the Caribbean during the 17th century. The players try to increase their influence in three nations in four rounds with a play time of 40 minutes per player. The players sail on a round course through the Caribbean, where you have city tiles where you are able to perform various actions or deliver goods to.

ca. 76,00 EUR




This game, named after the Swiss psychiatrist Herman Rorschach, uses some of his famous inkblot images (and many new ones) to put 2 teams to the test. The teams earn points by correctly guessing how their members paired randomly selected words with these inkblot images. Reading the other players and learning their associations is the key to success, but the real fascination lies in seeing how differently these images can be perceived, and in discussing and explaining the pairings afterwards. A p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR



CSG 7242

Terra Mystica: Fire & Ice

Terra Mystica: Fire & Ice has the original factions brace themselves for new competitors: Yetis – the masters of power, Ice Maidens – who adore their Temples, Acolytes – whose entire life is focused on the cults, and Dragonlords – who use their power to create volcanoes. And as if this wasn't enough, there are two more factions, Shapeshifters and Riverwalkers, who ignore the most basic of rule of one faction, one terrain type. (Inconceivable to the Halflings!)

52,00 EUR


CSG 7244

Terra Mystica: Merchants of the Seas

The factions of Terra Mystica have opened their doors for business beyond the trading post in Terra Mystica: Merchants of the Seas. More trade flows between the factions with their brand new ships sailing on the rivers. A new large building, the shipyard, upgrades your shipping or range and produces ships with twenty faction board extensions.

Factions that export will receive VP and resources depending on the building they deliver to. Factions importing and receiving an opponent's ship will g... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR


CSG 7249

Terra Mystica: Mini Expansion

The factions of Terra Mystica have opened their doors for business beyond the trading post in Terra Mystica: Merchants of the Seas. More trade flows between the factions with their brand new ships sailing on the rivers. A new large building, the shipyard, upgrades your shipping or range and produces ships with twenty faction board extensions.

Factions that export will receive VP and resources depending on the building they deliver to. Factions importing and receiving an opponent's ship will g... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


CSG 72Solo

Terra Mystica: Automa Solo Box

The Automa Solo Box is an expansion that allows you to play Terra Mystica alone. Play the base game or add one or both of the Fire & Ice and Merchants of the Seas expansions.

10 different Automa factions and various difficulty levels challenge you to prove your skills in the world of Terra Mystica!
Includes a variant to add Automa as an additional neutral player in a 2-player game.
Capstone Games would like to remind our customer base that selling on Amazon or other 3rd party online plat... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



Maracaibo - The Uprising

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The first big expansion of Maracaibo features several modules and scenarios, e.g. pushing the predominant nations out of the Caribbean (in competitive or cooperative mode). Other elements are asymmetrical player abilities, a new optional stories and legacy tiles as well as new project cards. Solo fans will encounter a new rival ("Jacque").

ca. 54,00 EUR


Cardchess International



Bitte vorbestellen


Wallace and Gromit's cracking new sheep rustling board game! It's 'Shear' fun and frustration for all the family! Devised by Nick Park himself - the creator of W&G this promises to be huge fun.

Wallace & Gromit's Fleeced!: Sheep Rustling Game is a board game where players work their way around the streets seeking out fugitive sheep. Rustling them from their hideouts or from other players and herd them in long lines safely back home. But beware! Sheep rustling's a gamble! The more sheep you ru... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 32,00 EUR


Catalyst Game Labs

CAT 11020

High School Drama: Varsity Edition

OMG, so you know like Tim the quarterback, right? He's all crazy popular because he's all on football team and like won State. But then he was all, "I'm going to join the school band because my real love is music." And my friend Jen, first flute, right, she was all, "Not going to happen!" So she posted some messed up pictures of Tim saying that he's like a hermaphrodite and like totally sent them to the band director.

OMG, soo much drama!

What is High School Drama!?

High School Drama! i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


CAT 11040

Merchants: Lords of the Sea

Every player starts with three Good cards, two Ship cards and one Goods token on each ship corresponding to one of six Goods cards in the game: Indigo, Fur, corn, Lumber, Fish and cotton. Every turn a player may draw or play various cards. this can change Goods tokens on player's Ship cards, the face-up Goods cards on the playing area, trigger scoring, and so on. During scoring, if players have Goods tokens on their Ship cards matching the color of the face-up Goods cards on the playing area the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


CAT 12030

Wrath of Dragons (plus WoD-Copper Dragon!)

In Wrath of Dragons, each player assumes the role of a dragon that, over the course of many centuries, flies into different regions of the Old World to lay waste to settlements, scorch fields, snatch livestock, take gold, and capture nobles.

After six centuries have passed, the devastation, destruction, and fear that the dragons have caused is scored, and the dragon that earns the most victory points wins!

60,00 EUR


CAT 14010

Super Camelot

The Holy Grail awaits! Control a member of King Arthur’s court, and compete against your friends in an adventure through the forests of Albion! The first player to find all three sacred Relics and claim the Holy Grail itself, or to amass 40 Gems, wins the game!

Super Camelot is a competitive board game where players take turns using their favorite Arthurian characters to flip tiles, enter designated areas which get populated with monsters, intractable terrain, treasures and more!

As play... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR


CAT 77000

Vikings: The Board Game

Vikings: The Board Game is a strategy game of exploration and raiding based upon the dramatic television series Vikings that allows players to embrace their inner Viking.

Each winter in the game, players will scheme to acquire appropriate resources while convincing heroes such as Ragnar Lothbrok, Lagertha, Rollo and Floki to support them as they put their longships in the water to raid each summer. Plunder treasures and foreign resources across modular tiles that ensure a different game each ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR


CAT 77010

Jarl: The Vikings Tile-Laying Game

In the long winters between raiding seasons, warriors keep their intellect sharp through games of wits and chance. Ragnar, Rollo, Floki and even the Earl challenge each other to this game of stone placement filled with tactics and subtle maneuvering for victory.
In JARL: THE VIKINGS TILE-LAYING GAME, players move their warrior tiles around the board and flip them over after each move. Each tile’s side shows a different move­ment profile. If you end your movement in a square occupied by an op... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


Catastrophe Games

CTG SU1969

Stonewall Uprising

Hot Seller


Fight for or against civil rights in this multi-decade cultural conflict.

Stonewall Uprising is a two-player asymmetric deck-building game in which you play as either The Man or Pride, fighting for or against equal rights.

On your turn, you can either play a card from your hand or fold. Playing cards moves one of three tracks in the game; Systemic Support, Public Opinion, and Individual Support. Getting to the end of these tracks gives the side it lands on an immediate effect, and then re... (vollständige Beschreibung)

104,00 EUR


Central Michigan University Press

CMUP 0001

Monumental Consequence

A Scholarship and Lore: Games for Learning Series Game of Central Michigan University Press

Monumental Consequence is a single-session, live action game for classrooms, team building, and social gatherings that asks players if art is ever worth dying for.

Players take on the role of villagers in the fictional town of La Ville, where an army has just taken possession of their centuries old church. The villagers must come together to decide whether they risk the lives of their friends and fa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


Cephalofair Games

CPA 0001

Forge War (Second Printing)

In Forge War, players will take on the role of blacksmiths in a kingdom rife with marauding harpies, cursed dungeons and fire-breathing dragons. They are charged with gathering ore from the mines, purchasing weapon designs from the market and then using these resources to forge weapons for adventurers who will go on quests to fight back the ever-deepening darkness. If the adventurers are successful, they will return with more ore, money and other rewards with which players can invest back into t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

76,00 EUR


Chalk & Chuckles

C&C 048

Caring Cats


Gloom and doom have covered the hippy happy Town of Charms, with the Mean Mouse on the loose! And now the Ministry of Pawsitivity has called upon the 5 most awesome, carin’ and sharin’ cats that ever purred and meowed.

Join them in working your charm to turn daily moments into extraordinary rainbow-coloured moments!


Race to Charm by taking turns to roll the dice and move around town. Collect charms by helping, giving goodies, making something kind, being thoughtful or... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


Challenge sprl

CLsprl 0002

The Golf Game - Par Excellence

Sammlerstück / Rarität


On 18 giant sized and incredible looking maps (0,65 m x 0,45 m) up to 4 players can play on 18 of the most famous golf courses of the world. There's one dice for each club and through a stencil the progress of the ball is marked on the maps (the maps can be cleaned)

Die einzigartigen Eigenschaften dieses Spiels sind:
Würfel ersetzen die Golfschläger und ein kleines Lineal bestimmt die Flugbahn des Balls.
Die Spielfläche: neun ausführlich illustrierte Spielpläne stellen jeweils ein Loch... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


Charm City Games

CCG 00201


Bitte vorbestellen


The Gods have chosen you and your companions to take part in pivotal battles that will decide the fate of Midgard and Asgard. Use your heroic power to turn the tide of the battle against Loki and his minions. Loki will be working to ensure that you and the Gods fail.

The Gods have decided to bless you with the ability to return to life if you die in battle, but only so many times will you be resurrected by the Gods before you become an Agent of Loki, targeting your former companions until you... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 52,00 EUR


Cheap Sheep

CHSH 01000


Bitte vorbestellen


Set in 1926, you are an unsuccessful gangster in a petty town. Tired of doing small jobs that only earn stress and scars, you dream of putting the hype on big time. The rumble on the street is the big guys in the big cities are pulling the big dough, and you want to be the most prestigious of them all.

Crimopolis is a fast-paced strategy board game about bean-shooters, chippies, and sugar in a city where nothing counts but underground influence. Recruit criminals, explore the city, execute il... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 66,00 EUR


Cheapass Games

CAG 0220

Stuff and Nonsense

Bitte vorbestellen


Stuff and Nonsense is "the Inevitable Aftermath of Professor Elemental's Imaginary Polar Expedition," an adventure game about never leaving London. The players move about the city, collecting artifacts and stories, and then return to the Adventurer's Club to tell made-up stories of adventure. This game plays something like a board game, though the board is made entirely of cards. The mechanics revolve around collecting sets of cards, while trying to avoid meeting Professor Elemental, and decidin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


CAG 0230/243

Kill Doctor Lucky: Kill Doctor Lucky 24 3/4 Anniversary Edition

Welcome to Lucky Mansion, a sprawling country estate filled with unusual weapons, good hiding places, and craven killers. Killers like you.

The object? To kill Doctor Lucky. The obstacles? For one thing, all your friends would rather do it first. For another, Doctor Lucky is aptly named.

You would think that after being stabbed, poisoned, and poked in the eye, the old man would be long gone. But it’s been nearly 25 years since folks first started trying to kill him, and he keeps coming b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


CAG 0250

Kill Doctor Lucky: The Island of Doctor Lucky

Hot Seller


The hunter becomes the hunted in The Island of Doctor Lucky. In this tropical spin on Kill Doctor Lucky, you're still competing to kill the old man, but this time you picked a dangerous place to do it: Isla Fortuna, his mysterious tropical island. You can still attempt murder the old fashioned way, using a weapon when no one can see you, or you can take advantage of the new hazard cards to hit him from anywhere else on the map! While hazards aren't usually as strong as a murder attempt, they giv... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR



CAG 00238

Kill Doctor Lucky: The Secret Lair of Doctor Lucky

Kill Doctor Lucky: The Secret Lair of Doctor Lucky is an alternate board expansion for Kill Doctor Lucky set in the Spy Game universe! On this board, you are all henchmen of the arch villain Doctor Lucky, chasing a random spy around the secret lair, and trying to kill him.

16,00 EUR


CAG 00239

Kill Doctor Lucky: Doctor Lucky's Mansion That Is Haunted

Doctor J. Robert Lucky wishes to sell his haunted house to a pair of unsuspecting newlyweds from across town — but the ghosts of Lucky Mansion have a different plan. They love Doctor Lucky so much, they want him to stay with them forever!

With the Doctor Lucky's Mansion That Is Haunted expansion board, the players are ghosts, so they can move through ceilings, walls, and floors! Any two rooms are connected as long as they share an edge, not just a corner. Players can see from their current ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Cherry Picked Games


Far Away (Reprint)

Far Away is a two-player cooperative board game about discovery, survival, and the crushing loneliness of being the only two humans for lightyears.
Join the Federation Alliance, a bureaucracy with an ambitious charter of mapping new worlds and a minimalist budget. Succeed in a variety of missions on randomly generated worlds with unique ecosystems, without luxuries like radios, landing gear, and medical supplies. Trust in your partner is paramount since, without radios, you can’t communicate ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

64,00 EUR


Chilifox Games


Riverside (Reprint)

Far to the north, in a remote winter land, rivers are frozen most of the year. When the villages along the riverside eventually are accessible, a small river cruise company offers exotic tours like polar bear safaris, reindeer trips, ice fishing, and more. Lucky tourists may even get a chance to see the northern lights.

You work as a tour guide trying to attract tourists to your guide boats for spectacular excursions.

Riverside is a different kind of roll-and-write game: The game comes wit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


Chip Theory Games


Too Many Bones

z.Zt. vergriffen


Too Many Bones comes loaded for bear by breaking into a new genre: the dice-builder RPG. This game takes everything you think you know about dice-rolling and turns it on its head. Dripping with strategy, this fantasy-based RPG puts you in the skin of a new race and takes you on an adventure to the northern territories to root out and defeat growing enemy forces and of course the infamous "baddie" responsible.

Team up or go it alone in a 1-4 player Coop or Solo play campaign. With over 100+ un... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Chivalry Games

ChG 00100


Bitte vorbestellen


Chaostle is a unique game in that it combines the fun of tabletop miniatures gaming and conventional board games. The structured multi-level castle game board provides many levels of strategy. The simplified and exciting battle system allows this game to be enjoyed by heavy game players as well as those who are new to miniature games.

Chaostle has many levels of strategy from picking your starting army to moving throughout the multi-level castle towards victory. A game with pure strategy, h... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 70,00 EUR


Chronicle Books

CHB 1196


Bitte vorbestellen


Climb your way up the Karmic Ladder and be the first to achieve Transcendencebut be careful, bad karma can come back to haunt you in the next life. KARMAKA is a competitive card game for 24 players in which everyone starts out as a lowly dung beetle in a karmic universe; but if you play your cards right with good deeds and careful planning, you can ascend the rungs of the Karmic Ladder and be the first to achieve Transcendence!

ca. 36,00 EUR


CHB 3147

The Shadow World

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Fire your imagination with these fun storytelling cards. Reviving the Victorian craze for 'myrioramas,' the 20 picture cards can be placed in any order to create seamless scenes. Almost infinite combinations of cards provide endless storyscaping possibilities. London, 1900. A brilliant scientist leaves the world above to create his own world below, determined to prove his radical theory -that gravity is a geometric property of spacetime. What happens when time is bent, space is collapsed, and di... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Clarendon Games

CLG 1092

Market Meltdown

Bitte vorbestellen


Market Meltdown is set in a time of financial chaos, when the general public have lost faith in the Bank's ability to safely house their deposits and are withdrawing their money and transferring it to their mattresses. The players represent the traders investing the money on behalf of the Bank. As the game progresses players are faced with ever increasing pressure to generate bigger returns to pay back deposits and stay afloat.

The winner is the player who remains afloat when his opponents ha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 36,00 EUR


Clever Mojo Games


Formula E

Bitte vorbestellen


Every year, villagers gather from far and wide for the harvest festival. They bring fine carpets to the market and share delicious mango juice while praying men honor the holy cows, and the children tease mischievous monkeys and gasp at the snake charmers. But the main event of the festival is the elephant race. Young men and women of the region spend days painting joyous and reverent decorations on their elephant partners for this one moment when they can surge through the crowds of festive vil... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 46,00 EUR


CMG MM5000

Monsters and Maidens



The Maidens of the kingdom keep disappearing. As an aspiring Hero, your job is to rescue them. You must battle the Monsters that have been capturing the Maidens. But you are not the only aspiring Hero trying to rescue the Maidens. Can you rescue the most Maidens and become the Greatest Hero in the kingdom?

Monsters and Maidens is a fun, easy-to-learn dice game with nine fully customized six-sided dice. Players play the role of the Hero trying to rescue the Maidens from the Monsters.

By rol... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR



CMG MM5001

Monsters and Maidens: Epic Dice



The expansion to Monsters and Maidens includes a total of 4 black dice:

1 Adventure Die
1 Season Die
1 Tool Die
1 Fate Die

2,00 EUR


Clevergreen Board Games


Shards of the Jaguar

Shards of the Jaguar is a competitive “dungeon-deduction” game, which both requires strategic and tactical thinking. It is about an initiation trial where you and your fellow initiates have to prove that you are worthy of your tribe's legendary animal, the Jaguar's power.
The Jaguar was the defender of the tribe in the ancient times, but on a fateful day it got struck by a terrible curse and was broken into crystal shards.
The Shards of the Jaguar are still to be found in the Sacred Templ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR


Closet Nerd Games

CNG 1001

Kittens in a Blender (Single Deck)

You are twisted. I can’t believe you actually want to put these adorable kittens in a blender! I guess that’s none of my business. Maybe you’re more of a dog person. Sure, kittens are curious by nature, but when they get in a kitchen full of dangerous appliances, it is up to you to save them.

This fast-paced card game has players working to save all of their own kittens before the unthinkable happens. But sometimes the only way to save your precious litter of kittens is to let those cur... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


CNG 1003

Kittens in a Blender (Deluxe Edition)

Kittens in a Blender returns better than ever with even more unthinkable consequences.
This Deluxe Edition packages the game in a swanky kitten resistant tin box and includes
the 5-6 player expansion More Kittens in a Blender adding flavors, double kitten cards
and some new suPURRpowers! (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

24,00 EUR


CNG 50200


Bitte vorbestellen


It is 367 AD and the Roman occupation of Britannia is drawing to a close. Most of the Roman legions have been withdrawn. The system of Roman fortresses and roads is only thinly defended, particularly in Cambria. Across the sea, Hibernian warriors prepare to invade...

ca. 22,00 EUR


CNG 50210


Bitte vorbestellen


Long ago in ancient Ireland, the chiefs of the four kingdoms vied for control of the land. The heads of Munster, Leinster, Connacht and Ulster used whatever means they could; be it diplomacy, intimidation, or sheer force. With the blessing of the druids, they wages their wars with hope to one day be crowned high king of Hibernia. In Hibernia, players march armies into colored regions each representing a different county of ancient Ireland. Occupy the right color combinations of counties to advan... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR



CNG 1002

More Kittens in a Blender

z.Zt. vergriffen


This expansion adds thirty-two unique kittens to the game in two new groups, allowing for play with up to six players (or teams). It also has color-reminder cards, and flavors.

Flavors add a new dimension to the strategic play of Kittens in a Blender. If you are having trouble rescuing your kittens, you really really can't keep them out of the blender, throw some vanilla extract or strawberries into the mix and make a smoothie! It's a new way to score points toward victory, and now other play... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Cobblestone Games


The Acts

Hot Seller


Christ has ascended to Heaven. The disciples have waited in Jerusalem for the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Now, filled with its power, they embark upon the great commission, to spread the gospel message throughout Judea,
and to the ends of the earth.

In The Acts, you take on the role of disciples in the early church. Starting in Judea, you can spread throughout the Roman Empire,
sharing the gospel in the goal of saving souls. Each turn you can preach, pray, plant churches, write letters, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR


Cogito Ergo Meeple

CEM 01000

Philosophia - Dare to be Wise (Reprint)

Live an epic odyssey adventure as one of ancient Greece’s greatest thinkers in this new sandbox, tabletop experience. Forge your destiny in an age of city states and ancient wisdom. In Philosophia: Dare to be Wise you will build schools, battle it out in public debates, learn profound wisdom and make deals with the Olympic Gods. All in an attempt to prove yourself the greatest mind of the era.
The goal in Philosophia is to gain three Labyrinth Tokens before the ancient Greek World is supersed... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


CEM 02001

Philosophia - Floating World (Reprint)

Hot Seller


Philosophia: Floating World is a fully simultaneous, stand-alone, deckbuilding board game for 1 to 6 players, inspired by the artwork and ideas of Edo Japan. Floating World is built by gamers for gamers.
Set in feudal Japan, in this stand-alone game you will play as one of six unique characters from that era. They each have an individual power, a mysterious secret and an intricate miniature. Explore this fascinating, beautiful world, build majestic pagodas and Shinto shrines, learn ancient east... (vollständige Beschreibung)

104,00 EUR


CEM 03001

Solar 175

Hot Seller


Corporations compete in this dark dystopia, what are you willing to do to win?

Solar 175 is an epic, euro-style legacy experience for 1-5 players set in a dystopian, sci-fi future. The game utilizes bag-building, area control and worker placement. It is inspired as a fusion between classic euro games such as Orleans and El Grande and a unique thematic and evolving universe. Solar 175 is set in a prosperous expanding solar system with immersive worldbuilding and engaging narratives. The game ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

112,00 EUR


CEM 04000

Solar 175 - Gonza Index

CThe Gonza Index is the most valuable stock market in the Solar 175 universe.

Futuristic stock traders compete in a dark dystopia.

In this fast-paced, dice chucking game for 1-5 players you’ll trade shares in all the largest space based corporations and bid to gain benefits over your competitors, all in an attempt to beat your opponents by accumulating the most credits!

From the unique artwork showcasing the immersive Solar 175 universe to the high player interaction built into the ga... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR



CEM 03002

Solar 175 - Neoprene Playmat

Solar 175 Neoprene Mat

73x86x3mm thickness with stitched edges. Includes printed storage tube.

40,00 EUR


CEM 03004

Solar 175 - Recharge Pack

Solar 175 is an epic, euro-style, legacy experience for 1-4 players set in a dystopian, sci-fi future.
The game utilizes an innovative fusion of bag-building, area control and worker placement.
It is inspired as a fusion between classic euro games such as Orleans and El Grande
and a unique thematic and evolving universe.

The game involves immersive worldbuilding and engaging narratives, making it rich on theme.

28,00 EUR


Common Man Games

CMG 00001

Police Precinct 2nd Ed.

z.Zt. vergriffen


Police Precinct is a cooperative/semi-cooperative game where players are tasked with solving a mysterious murder while simultaneously working to keep crime on the streets under control, and to keep the city from falling into chaos.

Players take on the role of police officers with different areas of expertise. The players work together to solve the mystery by collecting evidence and eventually arresting the suspect.

Complicating matters is the fact that there may or may not be a corrupt off... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


CMG 00005

Police Precinct 2nd Ed.

Crooked Lawyers is a Booster-Pack style Expansion for Police Precinct consisting of Larger Cards (All-new Event Cards -- 14 total) along with Smaller Cards (For two of the Investigation Decks -- 12 total). 26 Cards in all.

14,00 EUR


Compass Games

CPG 2001




Colonialism is a game of 19th and early 20th century imperialism. Each of the 2 to 4 players assumes the role of a nondescript colonial power. Players will try to gain influence in the unindustrialized regions of the game board and to obtain as many resources as possible. Although the colonial powers are anonymous in the game, Colonialism aims to be a serious, though abstract, look at this dark chapter in recent world history.

In this game, each player assumes the role of a nondescript coloni... (vollständige Beschreibung)

76,00 EUR


CPG 2002

Cargo Express

Hot Seller


Cargo Express is a fast-playing train game where two to four players take over the roles of train entrepreneurs, accepting orders and making contracts to transport goods along a shared rail line.

Sparks will fly from beneath the wheels of your locomotive as you try to out-plan, out-think, and out-strategize your opponents, as you move the right cargo, to the right place, at the right time....

With rules included in both English and German, and Yes! We're EU and US friendly.

Cargo Expres... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR


CPG 2003

Traders of the Air

Hot Seller


Traders of the Air is a Steampunk Trading Game for two to four players based on a distant planet, which balances a great game design by award-winning game designer, Michael Schacht, with marvelous components throughout for everyone to enjoy! The game is similar to Michael Schacht's famous game Hansa! This version includes an additional map, promo Hansa items, and all new Variable Guild Powers. This game was featured and successfully funided on Kickstarter.

Game Play:
In Traders of the Air tw... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR



CCA 0001

Stardew Valley

Sammlerstück / Rarität! Hot Seller


Die letzten Exemplare in Europa!
The last copies in Europe!

A cooperative board game of farming and friendship based on the Stardew Valley video game by Eric Barone. Work together with your fellow farmers to save the Valley from the nefarious JojaMart Corporation! To do this, you'll need to farm, fish, friend and find all kinds of different resources to fulfill your Grandpa's Goals and restore the Community Center. Collect all kinds of items, raise animals, and explore the Mine. Gain powerfu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR


Conquest Gaming LLC

CQG 1004

StelCon: Infinity

Bitte vorbestellen


As Marshal of the interstellar fleet, it is your duty to oversee the colonization of nearby regions of the galaxy and thereby ensure the perpetuation of your people at any cost. But your race is not alone in its aspirations for dominance of the cosmos, or in having the power to realize that goal. Races hailing from various star systems venture out in all directions. Many paths are dead ends, but some sectors have sizable deposits of rare minerals that can be refined into the precious fuel crysta... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 68,00 EUR


Conquistador Games, Inc.


Road to Enlightenment

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Road to Enlightenment gives players control of great scientists, artists, philosophers, religious leaders, politicians, and military leaders, bringing them uniquely and individually to life. You play as one of the great monarchs from 17th and early 18th century Europe representing one of the seven top powers of the era: Austria, England, France, Poland, Russia, Spain, or Sweden. Your objective is to be recognized as the most prestigious monarch by producing the most admired art and culture, lead... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


Contention Games

CONG 0001

Imperium - The Contention (Retail Edition)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Only one may wield the Void Scepter.

Experience the world's first 4X card game with area control. Choose one of six factions, each with a preconstructed deck, or build your own from a complete collection of over 300 cards (all included). 2-6 Civilizations will enter The Contention, but only one will claim the Void Scepter (solo campaign available). Playtime about 20 minutes per player.

You begin with a homeworld, in a random galaxy waiting to be explored. Each turn, you can colonize new wo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Cool Mini Or Not


Dragon Castle

Dragon Castle is a game freely inspired by Mahjong Solitaire. During your turn, you take a pair of identical tiles from the central "castle" (known as the Dragon Castle) and place them on your own realm board to build your own castle. From time to time, you may sacrifice these tiles to acquire shrines in their place.

Every time you create a set of tiles of the same kind, you "consolidate" them, i.e. flip them face down to score points. When you consolidate a set, you may also build shrines on... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR




Build the city’s greatest theme park, whatever it takes!

Mix your favourite themes, from Pirate, Robot, Vampire, Jungle, Ninja, and Gangster. Build attractions and upgrade them to match blueprints, stack up towering rides, or simply make the most cash.

But watch out - your competitors may pay off the safety inspectors to close your rides or hire hooligans to vandalise your park! How will you get revenge?

Whatever happens, it’s bound to be Unfair.

Over the course of 8 rounds, you ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

48,00 EUR



Gang Rush Breakout

The job of a mafia driver is to bring home the loot… and do it fast!

Being the wheelman for a mafia crime organization is an exciting life. You make dangerous runs across the border to help bring home the hard earned fruits of the gang’s labor. However, this is no Sunday drive. Rival organizations try and slow you down, the authorities are hot on your trail, and there’s enough debris and barriers between you and freedom that it takes all of your skills to navigate this obstacle course. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

74,00 EUR



Les Poilus - Ist Freundschaft stärker als Krieg?

z.Zt. vergriffen


(Mint - aber nicht mehr eingescheißt)

Les Poilus (The Grizzled) ist ein kooperatives Spiel über das Überleben in den Schützengräben des Ersten Weltkriegs, bei dem die Spieler gemeinsam gewinnen oder verlieren.

In jeder Runde bestimmt der aktuelle Teamleiter, wie viele Karten jeder Spieler zieht. Dann müssen die Spieler reihum entweder eine Karte aus ihrer Hand ausspielen oder sich aus der Mission zurückziehen. Jede Karte steht entweder für eine Bedrohung des Teams (z. B. Mörsergra... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Gateway Uprising

Players of the deck-building card game Gateway: Uprising take on the roles of insurgent wizards determined to reclaim the Great City of Gateway.

Each player begins with the game with the same starter resources of basic insurgent wizards, merchants, and a magical Runestone - but from there the similarities end. Players will draft new wizards, heroes, and magical creatures into their ranks, building up an army to defeat and defend the different districts of Gateway.

After successfully libera... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


In this cooperative game, the players embody Titans avid to create together the ideal planet. Will you know how to dominate the nature and the elements, and worse still the anger of your father Ouranos, to realize the planet of your dreams? A cunning and intuitive game where deduction and cooperation will be the key words.
To manage to create your planet, and to bring him the life, you will have to think together, communicate subtly, trust the other players or understand of instinct.
The purpo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR



Lorenzo Il Magnifico

Hot Seller


Lorenzo de' Medici, also known as "Lorenzo il Magnifico" (Lorenzo the Magnificent), was one of the most powerful and enthusiastic patrons of the Italian Renaissance.

In Lorenzo il Magnifico, each player takes the role of a head of a noble family in a city during the Italian renaissance. You try to accumulate prestige and fame to gain more victory points (VP) than the others. To do so, you send your family members to different areas of town, where they can obtain many achievements. In one loca... (vollständige Beschreibung)

62,00 EUR



Play Me: Alice in Wonderdice

Players in Play Me: Alice au pays Dés-Merveilles take the role of one of six characters from Wonderland, and everyone wants to get their hands on the White Rabbit before anyone else. To do this, you need to line up your set of six dice in ascending order first.

Each character card is double-sided, with an advantageous power on one side and a disabling power on the other, and the dice you roll can be used to block opponents, release you from traps, move, and so on.

As might be expected in ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR



Richard the Lionheart

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


The Crusades have summoned Richard the Lionheart to the Middle East. Back home in England, John Lackland is trying to consolidate his power, recruiting the Sheriff of Nottingham to his side. Opposing them is Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men. What will be left of Richard's Kingdom when the Crusades are over?

In Richard the Lionheart, players ally themselves either with Robin Hood or John Lackland. They travel across England, trying to earn prestige points and influence the Crusades from af... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


Victorian Masterminds

Bitte vorbestellen


Sherlock Holmes is dead! And with London's greatest detective out of the way, those with villainous minds decide to wreak as much terror as possible on the populace — and you are one of those dastardly no-goodniks!

While Europe sits unprotected in Victorian Masterminds, you and other players send your henchmen to different cities to use their varied abilities, collect material for your steampunk-inspired contraptions, destroy buildings, and complete missions. At the same time, the Secret Se... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 56,00 EUR



Walls of York

Bitte vorbestellen


The city of York is being built. Many buildings have already been built, but without a protective outer wall to defend against the Viking raids, the city is bound for failure. The king has called together his best architects to design defensive walls for the city, but only one design will be used. That architect will be hailed as the greatest architect in all the land.

In Walls of York, players must use the plastic wall pieces to construct a defensive barrier around the buildings on their cit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR


Cool Studio


Guilds of Cadwallon

Take control of the famous City of Thieves set in the Confrontation universe!

Guilds of Cadwallon is a fast, tactical board game in which 2-4 players try to accumulate as many Guild Points as possible by using their agents to control city districts, with a randomized 3x3 square of cards representing the city over several rounds.

Components: 24 Agent Pawns 16 Guild Cards 4 Personality Cards 5 Militia Cards 13 Action Cards 12 Optional Condition Cards Rulebook

26,00 EUR


Corvus Belli Miniatures

CBM 711360

REM Racer

The most exciting racing game in the Infinity Universe!

In REM Racers you will have to face a circuit full of challenges in your race to reach the finish line first and survive. But the competition won't be easy, since your rivals will do everything in their hands to get you off the track. You will need a good strategy and use your skills to defeat them.

Get ready to compete in the most exciting races in the entire Human Sphere. Drive your remote and unleash mayhem in REM Racers!

54,00 EUR


Cranio Creations

CRC CC0213

Barrage Core (Retail Edition)

Hot Seller


In the dystopic 1930s, the industrial revolution pushed the exploitation of fossil-based resources to the limit, and now the only thing powerful enough to quench the thirst for power of the massive machines and of the unstoppable engineering progress is the unlimited hydroelectric energy provided by the rivers.

Barrage is a resource management strategic game in which players compete to build their majestic dams, raise them to increase their storing capacity, and deliver all the potential powe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR


CRC CC0243


MEOW is a card game by Reiner Knizia in which smart cats fight for food. A player must be wise and try to collect the best bowls, avoiding fishbones while trying not to break vases!

Each game is divided into three rounds, and each round is divided into nine turns. On a turn, each player plays one cat card, then the player who played the most valuable card wins one award token. Keep in mind that not all awards are positive! At the end of the game, the player who collected the most points wins.

24,00 EUR


CRC CC0376

My Shelfie

You’ve just taken home your new bookshelf and now it’s time to put your favorite items in the display: books, boardgames, portraits... Who will show the best organized shelfie?

During your turn, you must take 1, 2, or 3 item tiles from the living room board (shared by all the players), following these rules:

• The tiles you take must be adjacent to each other and form a straight line.
• All the tiles you take must have at least one side free at the beginning of your turn.

Then,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR



CRC CC0214

Barrage - The Leeghwater Project

The Leeghwater Project Expansion adds:

A new faction, the Netherlands, that uses Jan Leeghwater’s expertise in water management, adding even more water to your dams.

The External Works mechanic, a set of powerful tiles that can be obtained from a new action space. With them you'll be able to perform many actions, but be careful. To unlock the External Works power you'll need to burn the required amount of Concrete Mixers and Excavators rather than just assign them to the Construction Whe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


CRC CC0294

Barrage - 5th Player Expansion

Barrage is now for 5 players.

This expansion includes:
5 players rules
5 players map
1 wheel for the fifth player
a small management board with additional actions
an overlay for the turn order
a new set of contracts
more wooden machineries
Important note: in order to play with 5 player, you need of core game Barrage and of the orange player set and the fifth company board from Barrage: The Leeghwater Project.

34,00 EUR



Barrage - 5th Player Expansion



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Slight damage to the box - On the back is a dent bottom left with tear (easily repairable).
Contents impeccable! - Still shrink-wrapped!

Barrage is now for 5 players.

This expansion includes:
5 players rules
5 players map
1 wheel for the fifth player
a small management board with additional actions
an overlay for the turn order
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR



CRC CC0016

Barrage - 3D Map Expansion

Magnetic 3D map divided in different landscapes: mountain, hills and plain.

30,00 EUR


Crash Games

CGA 0001

The Lost Dutchman

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Over a hundred years of legend awaits you and your skills as you vie to be the lucky prospector to hike out of the Superstition Mountains with The Lost Dutchman's Gold. However, this expedition for lost gold isn't for the faint of heart. You will face grizzly creatures and dastardly disasters around every corner and even the ghost of The Lost Dutchman himself while contending with your opponent's thirst for gold that grows with every nugget uncovered.

In this treacherous treasure adventure, p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR


CGA 0002

Council of Verona

The citizens of Verona have grown tired of the constant quarrel between the houses of Capulet and Montague. As ruler of the region, Prince Escalus has formed a council to help mediate the conflict and bring lasting peace to Verona.

In Council of Verona, players take on the role of influential citizens of Verona and act to use their influence to either add characters to the council or cast them into exile. Through thoughtful hand management of their cards and clever placement of influence toke... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


CGA 0003

Paradise Fallen: The Card Game

Things aren't what they once were. Here in paradise, breathtaking views were a dime a dozen and awe-inspiring beauty was a blasé norm. The days of beauty and awe are few and far between now and are to be soaked up as if they could be your last because they just might be. The ground is broken as are the people. Paradise is no more, it is dark, it is cold. Paradise has fallen.

In Paradise Fallen: The Card Game, 2-4 players take on the role of tribes that are attempting to explore and navigate ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Crazy Like a Box

CLaB 00958

Relics of Rajavihara

You’ve discovered an ancient palace filled with treasures, but you’re not the first to arrive. Your arch-nemesis has beaten you there. Bent on power and with thoughts of world domination, you must stop him before it’s too late (and collect some of those treasures along the way)!

Relics of Rajavihara is a solo campaign-style game, but also a single play solo adventure game. Make your way through 50 levels of puzzling adventure, spread out over 5 floors, each floor introducing new challen... (vollständige Beschreibung)

78,00 EUR



CLaB 00959

Relics of Rajavihara - Thrill Seeker Bonus Pack

Sammlerstück / Rarität


20 Additional levels to challenge your brain! Master these puzzling levels and collect lots of gems along the way.

12,00 EUR


Crowd Games

CDG 003001

Deep State: Global Conspiracy Expansion

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The Global Conspiracy expansion extends your experience of Deep State and consists of 4 modules you may add into the game in any combination you like.

Some Modules contain Projects and mini-expansions which can be added to the game separately.

All Modules and mini-expansions, with a few restrictions, work great with each other. Yet some work better than others. Recommendations are provided in the rules.

Consists of: Counter-Terrorism Project * Black Operations... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


CDG 03000

Deep State: New World Order

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It is the time of the 20th century, a century of skyrocketing technological development, a century of new economic and political relations, a century of two World Wars, a century of revolutions. For the first time in history, the creation of a single world government became possible. You command a subdivision at “The Committee” — a secret organization working towards becoming that government.

During the game, you dispatch your network of agents to infiltrate political, financial, and re... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR


CDG 04000

Enigma - Beyond Code

World War II is ongoing. Germany broadly uses Enigma rotor cipher machines. The breaking of the Enigma code gives the Allies an advantage in the war — but this is just one side of the coin because the Enigma code is based on chaos, a non-measurable force lurking beyond the boundaries of our world and eager to consume all its flesh. The code decryption would stop the chaos invasion into our world.

An "Agency" operates in a secret heavily-guarded Victorian mansion somewhere in London suburbs;... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


CDG 05000

Winter Queen

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In one faraway land, there is always winter. Once a year Winter Queen announces a special competition for her court sorcerers. Using enchanted crystals they create magical ornaments and the Queen pays for them with golden coins. The one to collect the most coins till the end of the competition is to become the next Queen’s advisor.

In the abstract family game Winter Queen, you take on the roles of Winter Queen's sorcerers, creating magical ornaments out of enchanted crystals. Each turn, you... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 42,00 EUR


CDG 07001

City of the Great Machine

Hot Seller


City of the Great Machine is a strategy game set in a grim universe of technocratic Victorian steampunk. The game features the conflict between the Great Machine, an artificial intelligence network, and an alliance of Heroes. The Great Machine is either controlled by a player or is automated, which completely changes the gameplay.

The Great Machine controls the City built on mobile platforms in the sky. As the Great Machine, the player (or game AI) commands a force of perfected Servants and m... (vollständige Beschreibung)

74,00 EUR


CDG 08001

Evolution - New World

The diversity of living organisms inhabiting our planet is astonishing. According to the theory of evolution, random mutations occur all the time, granting new traits to animals and plants. These traits are then tested through natural selection. Animals with beneficial traits propagate more successfully than others, expand their habitat areas, and effectively protect themselves against predators and unfavorable conditions. Such species dominate the ecosystem, while poorly adapted animals become ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR



CDG 07002

City of the Great Machine - Escalation Expansion

The struggle between the Resistance and the Great Machine enters a whole new level. New Heroes with unique abilities join the side of Revolution, while the Great Machine enhances its Servants with powerful implants and sends its new secretly trained Servant into the field. The governmental Surveillance Zeppelin now cruises over the City, opening up new opportunities for both sides of the conflict.

The Escalation expansion consists of 4 separate Modules suitable both for One-vs-Many and Solo &... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


CDG 08002

Evolution: New World - Butterfly Effect

Every ecosystem is a complex combination of living organisms and the environment. Even a small change in any element affects the entire system, but balance is usually restored quickly. However, sometimes a random event leads to the butterfly effect – an unpredictable cascade of changes that can completely transform the whole biosphere.

The Butterfly Effect expansion gives you a new and unique way to play Evolution: New World. In the box, you’ll find:
- 13 new traits and the Seashore Area... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


Cryptozoic Entertainment

CRB 02191.1

Gravwell: Escape from the 9th Dimension 1st. Edition

Sammlerstück / Rarität


In Gravwell, players command spaceships that have been pulled through a black hole, transporting them into a different dimension. With each ship lacking fuel to get home, each player must collect basic elements from surrounding asteroids, using the gravity of the dimension and what little resources they have in order to reach the warp gate that will take them home. But in this dimension, moving ships will travel towards the nearest object, which is usually another ship, and when those objects ar... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR


CRY 02744


There are powerful entities that reside in the dark recesses of our world. Choose your God wisely and summon and empower him or her faster than your rivals. To accomplish your mission, you must stop at nothing: recruit Followers, perform dark rituals, bribe officials, and inspire uprisings of Fanatical Mobs! Your God can win over the minds and souls of the whole world!

In Cult, you need to send your trusted Priests to the most important Locations of the Eternal City. They will fight for Follo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


CRYE 01481


Bitte vorbestellen


From acclaimed game illustrator John Kovalic comes ROFL!, the party game of extraordinary guessing where you have to figure out a well-known phrase or expression before time runs out! With each round, players have to condense the selected phrase into as few characters as possible while still having the guesser figure out the message! If the guesser can figure it out from your clue, you win the round! If you have the most points at the end of all the rounds, you are the winner!

• OMG! Take t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 44,00 EUR


CRYE 01530

An Unexpected Journey

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From master game designer Reiner Knizia comes The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Board Game, an exciting game of adventure in which you join Bilbo Baggins™ and his 13 dwarven companions on their journey through the Lone-Lands and Misty Mountains, encountering goblins, trolls, and other dangers that seek to put an end to their adventures. Traverse your way through two boards, each more difficult than the last, with the goal of coming out alive and prepared for the dangers that lie ahead. Your ac... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 44,00 EUR


CRYE 01556

Night Eternal (True Blood)

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In ancient times, immortal vampires played games with people’s lives and with real blood stakes. Now in card game form, no real blood will be spilled, but the strategy, tactics, and power-plays still abound. Based upon a game that exists in the True Blood® universe, Night Eternal is a competitive card game of intrigue, power-plays and betrayal where vampires jockey for power, position and ultimate control of the rival factions: The Authority and The Monarchy.
Players must ante blood from the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 34,00 EUR


CRYE 01562

Ender's Game Battle School

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Based on the epic movie from Summit Entertainment and director Gavin Hood (from the Orson Scott Card novel) comes a board game of combat in the null gravity arena of the International Fleet’s Battle School. Two fierce rivals square off to see who has the best strategy, the most daring, and the steadiest trigger finger:

Ender Wiggin and his Dragon Team or Bonzo Madrid and his Salamander Team. Ender and Bonzo are the Commanders of their teams. Their oversized character cards have two sides, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR


CRYE 01658

Asassin's Creed: Arena

In Assassin's Creed: Arena – based on the Assassin's Creed video game series from Ubisoft – players compete to uncover the best targets for assassination, but before you can go in for the kill, sometimes you have to deal with pesky guards as well as your opponents. Players will collect cards and treasure, move guards, and hide within the city of Constantinople until they find their time to strike. Combat is handled through cardplay, and the player who best manages his cards will have the bes... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR


CRYE 01768

Bravest Warriors

In the year 3085, four teenage heroes-for-hire and their pals warp through the universe to save adorable aliens and their worlds. When evil gets all fancy, they break that biz down...for hope!
In the Bravest Warriors Co-operative Dice Game, you take on the role of one of the Bravest Warriors or one of their best pals. Working together, you'll try to overcome Events and Encounters seen in Bravest Warriors episodes using your Portals and Special Abilities. Encounters require various symbols to be... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


CRYE 02066

Train Heist

That dad-blam Sheriff has gone too far this time! He's ridin' the rails with his corrupt and wealthy friends, while the good folks of this territory are stuck in poverty. No sir, that just ain't right! We aim to bring justice to the West, and the only way to do that is to rob that there train and see that the good folks of this county get the spoils!

In Train Heist, up to four players work together to board the train, loot the passengers and cargo, and vamoose with the goods before the Sherif... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


CRYE 02583

The Arrival

In a time long forgotten, the cruel Fomori rule over Érin, the green island. They praise their king Balor, who reigns from his fortifications in the north with an iron fist. Old paths and ruins spread over the island's face, which will be called Ireland many generations from now. But new tribes arrive at the island striving for permanent presence. Who will control Érin's fate over the next centuries to come?

Each player in The Arrival represents a tribe leader who tries to gain predominance... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


CRYE 28678


Hot Seller


Welcome one and all to Spyfest, the largest super spy convention in the world! You are here to get a precious piece of secret information, but there is a complication: Everyone is wearing a costume, and you don't know who your source is. Find your spy by listening and talking to the visitors, but you have to remember that the interceptors are on site, too, and they might get ahead of you and unveil your spy before you do!

Spyfest — released in Russia under the name Spycon — is a storytell... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


CZE 01547

Hot Rod Creeps

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Gentle-creeps…Start Your Mayhem!
In this customizable racing game, your Hot Rod Creeps team is your ticket to glory! Each team has its own special deck of movement cards and its own strategy. Customize your Hot Rod! Add a new Engine, Weapon, Pit Crew, or set of Wheels at a Pit Stop along the way. Customize your racetracks! Make them as wild and crazy as you want, with more than 50 interlocking track tiles. Everything you need for a race unlike anything you’ve ever see is included with Hot R... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR



CWI 021


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Es ist Frühling - die Rot- und Blaukehlchen fliegen zu ihren Nistplätzen. Diese beiden Vögel müssen ihre Brutstätten in einem guten Gesundheitszustand erreichen. Dies gelingt ihnen, indem sie Beeren und Käfer fressen und dadurch Energie tanken. Aber das Fliegen zehrt an ihren Kräften....

In Tweeeet ist jeder Spieler ein Vogel und gehört entweder zu den Rot- oder zu den Blaukehlchen. Mittels Landschaftstafeln wird eine Wanderroute von Süden nach Norden gebildet. In diesen Landscha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR



CBG 0001


z.Zt. vergriffen


Laborigines are very strange and unhappy beings. Born as by-products of mysterious scientific experiments, their life in the laboratory is very hard and packed with threats at every turn. Despite that they like to have fun and dream about escaping the laboratory. Be the one lucky survivor who finds his way to the world outside. A originalgame for players of all ages that challenges both the imagination and memory and contains tactical elements as well.

- 2-6 players
- From 8 years
- 60 minu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

CBG 0002


z.Zt. vergriffen


Originally announced as The Guild of Merchants, the final name is Jantaris. It this game each player represents a leader of the minor guild, which is trying to expand into new territory. The guilds try to take control over provinces of the kingdom, gain valuable items in the auction hall and sell their goods during the great market in the city square. Right assessment of other player's moves plays vital role in the game. The game might offer mostly conventional game mechanics, but seen and combi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

CBG 0003


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In this game you become the leader of the group of soldiers not scared of any battle or any enemy, faithful to the death. Your quest might seem to be simple - defeat the enemy and acquire the land. But it is far from being that simple. The enemy has the same goal and his army is committed to it. The order has been given, it's time to win the battle? or die.

Legion is an abstract strategy game for two players. Simple rules, easy to learn during the first game do not limit the amount of options... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


CBG 0004


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In 982, a Viking jarl called Erik the Red sailed from the western coast of Iceland and discovered a new land. He named it Graenaland, a green land. Four years later the first colonists arrived to Greanaland and founded settlements that lasted more than four centuries.

Take the role of one of the jarls leading their clans to the new home. You have to settle the coast and to agree with your neighbors on how to distribute the spare resources the land is giving away. As Eric wants no fights among... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 36,00 EUR


CBG 0005

Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Through the Ages is the winner of 2007 International Gamers Awards
- General Strategy Category, as well as the winner of other international awards such as 2007 Board Game Podcast Awards - Best Game by a small publisher
and 2007 Awards - Best Card Game.

Through the Ages is the creation of Czech designer Vladimir Chvatil and is
published by Czech Board Games. The initial print run completely sold out,
and a second edition is being produced by FRED Distributors and dist... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

CBG 0005N

Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization

Bitte vorbestellen


Through the Ages is the winner of 2007 International Gamers Awards
- General Strategy Category, as well as the winner of other international awards such as 2007 Board Game Podcast Awards - Best Game by a small publisher
and 2007 Awards - Best Card Game.

Through the Ages is the creation of Czech designer Vladimir Chvatil and is
published by Czech Board Games. The initial print run completely sold out,
and a second edition is being produced by FRED Distributors and dist... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 70,00 EUR


CGE 0054


Sanctum is an epic adventure game, inspired by classic hack-and-slash, monster slaying and loot grabbing video game rpg goodness, converted to a modern board game. As one of the heroes, you will embark upon on a quest to rid the land of a demonic invasion, fighting your way through countless enemies and gearing up to face the Lord of Demons himself. The deceptively simple dice throwing mechanic turns out to be a tactical delicacy once you realize that equipping the correct gear is a crucial part... (vollständige Beschreibung)

62,00 EUR


CGE 1267

Sneaks & Snitches

In this fast paced game you become boss of sneaky thieves who’s after prestige rather than money. Decide well what category of items you will be after and try to predict what will other bosses do. Send your team to least expected location. Send your snitch to give police information about of competing groups. Let the world know who’s number one in your domain!

Imagine you are the head of a company of thieves. Oh, not a filthy band of cutpurses and pickpockets, but rather an elite cadre of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


CZE 0042

Pulsar 2849

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It is the year 2849, one millennium after the Gold Rush, and the mining of raw materials has reached a whole new level. Humankind has successfully tested the first Stellar Mirror and harnessed enough power from a Pulsar to open the first space gate.
A New Era has just begun...

Draft dice to explore the universe in Pulsar 2849. Each round, roll dice based on the number of players, sort them based on their values, then draft dice to take actions, such as adding another spaceship to your fleet... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 58,00 EUR


CZE 0120

SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Hot Seller


Search for signs of alien life by launching probes and analyzing distant signals.

In SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, a eurogame for 1–4 players, you lead a scientific institution tasked with searching for traces of life beyond planet Earth. The game draws inspiration from current or emerging technologies and efforts in space exploration.

Players will explore nearby planets and their moons by launching probes from Earth while taking advantage of ever-shifting planetary po... (vollständige Beschreibung)

76,00 EUR


D-Verse Publishing

D-VP NA001

Nexus Arena Combat Game

NEXUS is a brutal and irreverent story-driven arena combat game that takes place on poorly maintained space barges. Packed with rabid and bloodthirsty fans, these barges feature an array of deadly hazards that are designed to indiscriminately kill or injure both combatants. These hazards range from floor saws that tear across the arena floors to pits that are home to monstrosities just looking for something to eat. Full of beautifully illustrated and amusingly inappropriate cards and lore, each ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

174,00 EUR


Daedalus Entertainment


Inca Empire: The Card Game

Become one of the Inca’s Regional Leaders! Expand the empire by extending your road system, build cities to house your people, and construct temples to please the gods. Players take on the role of an "Apu" or regional leader. The improvements to their regions are for the benefit of the empire. Sapa, “the Only One”, will only favor the leader who does the best over the empire’s four eras.

24,00 EUR


Daily Magic Games


Sailing Toward Osiris

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Pharaoh is dead and his funerary barge sails slowly down the Nile toward his tomb where his spirit will stand before the judgement of Osiris.

Pharaoh had no offspring so tradition holds that the governors of the land be tasked with building monuments to Pharaoh’s glory so that Osiris will favor his spirit in the afterlife. Accordingly, Pharaoh’s successor will be the governor who builds the greatest tribute to the late king.

Resources and laborers are limited, the gods are capricious, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR



Thieves Den

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In Thieves Den, set in the world of 10 Minute Heist: The Wizard's Tower, the players are master thieves who send their hirelings out into the city to nab the choicest treasures, then sell those ill-gotten gains to the underworld fences to increase the master thief's reputation. Certain treasures can also be bartered to Alazar, the wizard, for special powers.

Thieves Den is played over three rounds. In each round, each player drafts three location cards as potential targets for their thieving.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR




Thieves Den: Fortune Favors the Bold

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This expansion to Thieves Den introduces five Fortune Dice and the Festival locations where the thieves can test their luck as they roll for treasures to sell. Also includes 10 new location cards, 6 new Power tiles, new custom wooden score tokens, 7 unique player power cards.

ca. 28,00 EUR


Dann Kriss Games

DKG 0001C

Cthulhu The Great Old One - Deluxe (Boxed Card Game)

Hot Seller


Cthulhu: The Great Old One (Deluxe Edition) is a quick-play card game based around the characters and mythology of the writings of H.P. Lovecraft.

In Cthulhu: The Great Old One (Deluxe), each player takes their turn in order; first drawing, then stealing, then recruiting cards, and finally playing any Pairs they might hold, as well as any one Horror or Cultist card.

Matched Pairs give 2 victory points, Linked Pairs give 1 victory point, as does any played Horror cards.

Once any player c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR



Tavern Masters

Run the best fantasy tavern in the village! Entertain the patrons! Earn the gold!

Each player is a new tavern owner, setting up shop in a thirsty village full of thugs and soldiers, mages and nobles! There are multiple ways to play Tavern Masters: Competitive, Co-Operative, or Single Player

During the Day Phase, players play Tavern cards from their hand with Gold to build up their tavern, so that during Night Phase more Patrons will come to their tavern and spend more gold.

One key feat... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


Dark City Games


Void Station 57

You emerge from hyperspace with your fuel tanks empty. Expecting to simply refuel and leave, you instead find a dead station, spinning powerless and silent in the eternal void. With no other source of fuel, you have no choice but to search the cold, ebon corridors of Void Station 57.

NOVICE: 34 point characters

16,00 EUR


Darrington Press


Queen by Midnight

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


The Midnight Queen is dead… As her kingdom weeps, the Queen’s dying command was to invoke the Rule By Midnight: a trial of combat and guile, where the Princesses of the Twelve Lands meet in secret to battle and scheme against one another. At the stroke of midnight, the most powerful Princess left standing will be crowned the new Midnight Queen!

Queen By Midnight is a battle-royale deck-building card game of guile, deception, and brawn! Six Princesses each feature unique tactics to battle ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

86,00 EUR




The flagship title from Darrington Press, Uk'otoa is a fast-paced, enthralling game of thrilling nautical adventure from the world of Exandria (as seen on the webseries Critical Role), for gamers everywhere. Uk'otoa is a tactical game of semi-cooperative card play where factions of sailors vie to be the last claimed by the titular raging sea leviathan. A must-have for fans of tactical card play, map reduction board games, and legendary sea creature enthusiasts.

38,00 EUR


Days of Wonder

DOW 8001

Mystery Express

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Seeking a well-deserved break from your latest misadventures, you decide to treat yourself to the extravagant luxury of the legendary Orient Express. But your holiday turns out to be short-lived. The train has barely left Paris when tragedy strikes—a passenger is found murdered! The aptly renamed Mystery Express hurtles toward its final destination.

Locked onboard, anxious passengers spin a web of intrigue and deception. Your mind races as you consider all possible suspects and their motive... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR


DOW 8201

Cargo Noir

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In Serge Laget's Cargo Noir – his fourth standalone box game from Days of Wonder – players represent "families" that traffic in smuggled goods in a 1950s noir setting. Each turn, you'll set sail to various ports where cargo is known to get "lost" for the right price – Hong Kong, Bombay, Rotterdam, New York and more – and you'll make an offer for the goods on display. If another family then offers more in that port, you'll need to up your bid or take your money and slink away to look for ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR


DOW 8301

Relic Runners

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In Relic Runners, each player takes on the role of a character keen to exploit and acquire relics that have been unearthed in a long lost part of the jungle. Each would-be archaeologist has a colorful past — retired university professor, former army captain, etc. — and wants to be the first to get their hands on the precious loot to earn the most victory points.

Players must navigate a series of paths in order to visit temples. The archaeologists are restricted in their movement by their ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 60,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


Each player builds their own metropolis in Quadropolis (first announced as City Mania), but they're competing with one another for the shops, parks, public services and other structures to be placed in them.

The game lasts four rounds, and in each round players first lay out tiles for the appropriate round at random on a 5x5 grid. Each player has four architects numbered 1-4 and on a turn, a player places an architect next to a row or column in the grid, claims the tile that's as far in as th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 46,00 EUR


Dead Alive Games

DAG 0201

Lunar Rush

Lunar Rush is a simultaneous-play Euro-style board game that combines time-based resource management, market economics, bidding, and tableau/engine-building into a refreshing new genre. You play as one of Earth’s four major corporate conglomerates, competing to mine the Moon for the newly-discovered “wonder materials”, lunethyst crystals and lunarium ore.

Every turn, players use their GigaCredits (GC = VP) to bid for the best space routes to and from the Moon. The slower the route, the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

62,00 EUR


Deep Water Games


7 Summits

In 7 Summits, you are a team of world class mountain climbers. Use the dice to your advantage to climb the tallest mountain on each of the seven continents, upgrade your equipment, and advance your skills. Will you be the first to climb them all?

In this dice drafting game, you'll choose a die to climb its associated mountain; you can stop early to play it safe, or press on for the summit. But watch out — each time you press on, you run the risk of an avalanche!

32,00 EUR



Sovereign Skies

On the edge of space, the powerful houses of Old-Earth have finally discovered an abundant source of Atlum energy in the Abyssi cluster, a system of six alien planets striving to maintain peace. Occupy the planets and recruit politicians to gain influence and power for your faction in the epic worker movement strategy game, Sovereign Skies.

42,00 EUR


Devious Weasel Games


The Mirroring of Mary King

The Mirroring of Mary King is a two-player game in which one person is a mortal contemporary woman named Mary King and the other player is the ghost of Mary’s long dead ancestor, a 17th century Scottish merchant burgess of the same name. While on a week’s holiday in Edinburgh, Mary visits Mary King’s Close where her presence attracts the spirit of her long dead ancestor, now a hungry ghost that wants to live again in Mary’s body. The two Marys engage in a battle for control of the living... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


Devir Games



Harvest your bamboo crops and build your family's homestead.

For generations, harvesting bamboo has brought prosperity to your home. Work, perseverance, balance and prayer have made a small town flourish that has grown at the expense of the cane fields. Today, various clans live in harmony with nature.

In Bamboo, players take on the role of clans that grow bamboo and use the fruits of their labor to take care of their family and thus add happiness points. This is an action management and ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR




In Bitoku, the players take on the roles of Bitoku spirits of the forest in their path towards transcendence, with the goal of elevating themselves and becoming the next great spirit of the forest. To do so, they will have the help of the y?kai, the kodamas and the different pilgrims that accompany them on their path. This is a hand-management, engine-building game with multiple paths to victory.

Players will have y'kai represented by the cards that make up their hand, which must be placed in... (vollständige Beschreibung)

78,00 EUR



Castle Party

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Every year the Pumpkin King invites us to his castle to celebrate the autumn ball in his honor. Castle Party is the craziest shindig in town and without a doubt the most not to be missed soiree for any monster worth something in scarebusiness. You can’t miss it for the world! The guests are arriving at the castle of the Pumpkin King. As usual, they gather together in groups.

This is a “flip and write” game, meaning we draw cards and then write on a board. The active player turns over a ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 18,00 EUR




Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is dead. His last conscious action on his deathbed was composing the Lacrimosa movement of his Opus Requiem. You, as one of his sponsors, will meet with the widow in order to participate one last time in the funding of the works of the Austrian genius. Also, you will reminisce and retell all your memories alongside Mozart in order to make sure that she portrays you under the best light when writing her memoirs in order to enter history as Mozart's most important patron.
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR






Beschädigung an der Schmalseite der Box - kleine Quetschung und Beule - (oben Links - zu reparieren) Inhalt tadellos - noch eingeschweißt!

Damage to the narrow side of the box - small bruise and dent - (top left - to be repaired) Contents impeccable - still shrink-wrapped!

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is dead. His last conscious action on his deathbed was composing the Lacrimosa movement of his Opus Requiem. You, as one of his sponsors, will meet with the widow in order to participate one las... (vollständige Beschreibung)

64,00 EUR



Luna Capital

The dream of maintaining human life on the surface of the moon has now come true. The project to build cities on Earth’s beloved satellite is under way. Things are moving full speed ahead too, the possibilities are enormous because this is 1977, the year when lunar living becomes reality. The most enterprising companies have decided to sponsor teams of scientists, builders, publicists and freelance nightlife entertainers to set out to construct the best client base in the galaxy. On top of thi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR



Out of this World

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Out Of This World is a co-operative card based game in which young kids in the 1990s battle against supernatural threats while adults never realize what's going on. What could go wrong?

In Out Of This World a group of friends collaborate to explore eerie scenarios searching for different objects they'll need to defeat a supernatural enemy but only one player is allowed to speak during each round.

ca. 24,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


Polis is a two-player civ-lite game set in the beginning of the conflict between the two major poleis of the 5th century B.C: Athens and the Delian League against Sparta and the Peloponnesian League. The winner will be the Empire with more population and prestige at the end of the game.

Both players must secure their supplies and the routes to five markets to trade with them. Every turn you get goods from a territory where you have population supporting your Empire, but you should feed them.
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 60,00 EUR



The Red Cathedral

Hot Seller


Autumn is not the best time to climb up on a scaffold in Moscow, but it is still far better than doing so in the winter. Tsar Ivan wants to see results and our team will prove to him that we are the best builders in the city. We are sure to finish off those decorative arches with the brightest shining stones and ensure our place on the list of the government’s trusted workers.

Sheila Santos and Israel Cendrero make up the game designing duo known as Llama Dice. To date they have put out var... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR



Tokaido Anniversary Ed.

z.Zt. vergriffen


In Tokaido, each player is a traveler crossing the "East sea road", one of the most magnificent roads of Japan. While traveling, you will meet people, taste fine meals, collect beautiful items, discover great panoramas, and visit temples and wild places but at the end of the day, when everyone has arrived at the end of the road you'll have to be the most initiated traveler – which means that you'll have to be the one who discovered the most interesting and varied things.

The potential actio... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Diamond K Games

DKG 0001

Dragon Valley

"Times are dire here around Dragon Valley. We're fighting off waves of orc armies, goblin war machines and even the flying lizards themselves. For now the mountain pass remains secure but our scouts have reported large gatherings in the valley and we're expecting a full scale assault before the season's end. If that wasn't enough to worry about, our neighbors are also preparing for war and petitioning the king for his troops and supplies which are already spread thin. It seems you'll not only be... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


DiceTree Games


Ave Caesar (Dice Tree Games Version)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Set in the Roman stadium Circus Maximus, in Ave Caesar, players use cards to move their chariots around a quasi-variable track. The track itself has bottlenecks and lane-changing restrictions, which make the race interesting for the racers (very similar to Detroit-Cleveland Grand Prix or Daytona 500). Players are required to race three laps, and they must stop to 'Hail Caesar' before they can finish (a pit stop). The game is light, but if you waste too many moves taking the longer, outside-route... (vollständige Beschreibung)

96,00 EUR


Digital Alchemy

DAL 8000

Galactic Expansion

Lead your empire into the vastness of space conquering all who stand before you in Galactic Expansion an expandable board game for 2 or more players. Empires field massive fleets of starships, research or steal advanced technologies, sabotage installations, incite rebellions on enemy worlds and more to expand their empire until none oppose them. Add additional sets for larger games with each set adding components for up to four additional players. Conquer the Galaxy!

Can you lead your empire ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


Dire Wolf Digital

DWD 07000

Wild Tiled West

Build. Mine. Tussle. Wrangle.

It's a wild frontier out there in Wild Tiled West, and only the canniest critters will have what it takes to claim it!

Draft tiles to build new towns across the prairie and help your settlement grow. Defend your citizens from no-good-rotten outlaws. Strike it rich in the mines, or risk it all at the card table!

The West is wilder than ever! And it'll take clever strategy and a bit of luck to come out on top! Saddle up and ride off into the Wild Tiled West!

80,00 EUR


DisSimula Edizioni



The players take up the role of high society members who need to have a top supply of rare and fine wines in their wine cellar to show off during their dinner parties. Hence, they are forced to travel the world up and down in order to buy the best bottles directly from local producers."

There are 6 markers in the game, each one representing a character; players choose who they want to be at the start of the game.

The Game table show the world that is divided in cells linked with each other... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


dlp games

DLP 1069

Johanna: Orléans Draw & Write (DE)

Hot Seller



Was wäre ORLÉANS ohne Jeanne d'Arc? In der Draw&Write-Variante des Klassikers ORLÉANS wetteifern 2 - 5 Spieler im direkten Austausch oder auf Distanz um die besten Personenplättchen, um mit der gewählten Strategie zum Sieg zu gelangen.

Im Solospiel hingegen versucht die heldenhafte Johanna alles, um gegen Sie das Feld als Siegerin zu verlassen - die erfolgreiche Kämpferin wird es Ihnen nicht leicht machen!

Das Mal- und Schreibspiel JOHANNA bietet eine völlig n... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


DLP 1070

Joan of Arc: Orléans Draw & Write

In Joan of Arc: Orléans Draw & Write, 1-5 players draft followers that will help them move about France, gather goods, build buildings, establish trading stations, make money, and contribute to beneficial deeds. The player who can best utilize the followers they choose will score the most points and win.

In slightly more detail, each round, a number of follower tiles are pulled from a bag. Players take turns drafting the followers and taking actions that correspond to the follower they've ch... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


DLP 1070X

Joan of Arc: Orléans Draw & Write



Box Rückseite gequetscht - linke Seite - (leicht zu reparieren) - Inhalt tadellos - noch eingeschweißt!

Box back bruised - left side - (easily repaired) - contents immaculate - still shrink-wrapped!

In Joan of Arc: Orléans Draw & Write, 1-5 players draft followers that will help them move about France, gather goods, build buildings, establish trading stations, make money, and contribute to beneficial deeds. The player who can best utilize the followers they choose will score the most po... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


DLP 1072


You are responsible for the economic and social development of a city. In RISE, however, you must always keep the well-being of your citizens in mind. Because industrial progress often goes hand in hand with environmental pollution, and the income needed for further development, which is achieved by means of tax or rent increases, easily leads to the resentment of the population...

Variable bars, actions, events - all this leads to a multitude of possibilities that can trigger chain actions a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


DLP 33072

Katharina (multilingual)

Russia in 1762: Tsar Peter III was forced to abdicate after a coup d'état and Catherine the Great was proclaimed the new Tsarina. The game Catherine - The Tsarina's Cities takes us back to this time.

The players take on the role of advisors and try to win Catherine's favour in order to act at her side as the most important advisor at the end of the game.

In order to achieve this goal, there are numerous possibilities: some players focus on the expansion of the empire, others get involved ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR




z.Zt. vergriffen


Siberia has a reputation for being a land of vast resources, and players are going to do their best to exploit those resources and convert them into as much loot as possible.

To set up the game, place two different resources at random on each area in Siberia, place the remaining resources on their supply spaces, draw four of the 20 investment tiles from the bag and lay them on the game board, give each player his own playing panel and workers/salesmen, then place all the action counters in th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


DLP 1071

Johanna - Orleans Draw & Write - Extra Block (DE)

50 doppelseitige DIN A4 Blätter für Johanna - Orleans Draw & Write

14,00 EUR


DLP 1073

Joan of Arc - Orleans Draw & Write - Extra Block (EN)

50 double sided DIN A4 Sheets for Johanna - Orleans Draw & Write

14,00 EUR


Don't Panic Games

DPG 1003

Attack on Titan: Das Letzte Gefecht

Hot Seller


In Attack on Titan: The Last Stand, one player takes on the role of a Titan while the others represent the human heroes fighting it. The Titan piece is a vertical game board element that the hero game pieces climb in an effort to take it down.

It's all come down to this. Titans have broken through Wall Maria and are heading for the supply depot in Trost. If the depot falls, all the resources needed to continue fighting off these monstrous aberrations will be destroyed and all hope for the las... (vollständige Beschreibung)

48,00 EUR


DPG 1007

Tokyo Ghoul - The Bloody Masquerade 2nd. Edition

In Tokyo Ghoul, based on the anime of the same name, players each have a hidden role of human, inspector or ghoul.
The inspector and the ghoul want to find and kill each other, while the humans are trying to collect two or three of the same card.
Players take actions during the game to pass around cards, which gives them information bit by bit about who each player might be.

32,00 EUR


DPG 1026

Dont Wake up Cthulhu

Who will make the irretrievable mistake?
The stars are in alignment and great Cthulhu is finally ready to wake! Your cult has been working on it for centuries,
but on second thought… is this really such a good idea? Conjure up all the nefarious entities of the Cthulhu mythos and
be clever in how you use their effects, so you’re not the one who dooms us all! Honestly, your rivals would make much better
appetizers for the Great Old One!

Gameplay :
You start the game with 5 cards.
D... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


DPH Games



This may look like a kid's game, but the experience is much more geared for teens and adults looking for a light, fun programming game.

Cats all start with the same cards: (Catch, Stalk, Play, Steal, Taunt, and Eat). No luck of the draw here, it's entirely up to you! Get as many enjoyment points as possible and win the game! Plan and anticipate what the others will do so that you can claim birds from the backyard or from other cats.

Each player targets another cat and a bird. They will the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR



The Gate of R'lyeh

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The clock is ticking. Your team of Investigators have been sent to R’lyeh for the purpose of reinforcing the failing gate, trapping Cthulhu in his prison forever. The Investigators have two enemies. The clock and the cultists hidden among their numbers.

Triggering the four needed incantations will take all of the skill your team can muster and you don’t have the luxury of time to search for the traitors in your midst.

The odds are slim, but the fate of the world rests in your hands.

... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR



Madoshi - Priests of the Sun and the Moon

The land itself—the rocks, trees, mountains, and rivers—are infused with latent magical energy. This energy needs only a focus to give it life. The Sun and the moon struggle with each other to give the Mononoke life. The sun rises and grows in power, while her influence is strong her priests manipulate the elements of nature to lure Yokai to do her bidding. As the day grows long, she weakens and soon sees that she is not alone. Surging with the darkness is the Moon, who also has plans to use... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


Dr. Finn's Games

DrFG 0001

Let them eat Shrimp

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Swim, spawn, and eat shrimp while avoiding sharks! In Let Them Eat Shrimp!, players place fish tiles (in various geometric shapes) in an effort to spawn (by covering fish eggs on the board) and receive more fish tiles. The fish can also eat shrimp (to gain victory points) and must avoid sharks (which will eat your fish, fish eggs, and shrimp).

Let Them Eat Shrimp! has two ways to play. The beginner's game is suitable for younger players, while the advanced version adds more strategy and depth... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 42,00 EUR


DrFG 0002

Waters of Nereus (Boxed)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Explore the Waters of Nereus, a fabulous world with wonderful treasures in its vast seas. You lead a capable and talented crew. The captain determines the best direction to sail, the pilot and first mate maneuver the ship through the ocean, the purser controls your funds, the scientist performs important research, the merchant buys your treasures, and the boatswain controls the equipment.

The game consists of 6 rounds. In each round, a round card is flipped, showing how many crew members can ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

DrFG 0004

Mining Colony

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Your home world is running low on resources. To survive, you send teams of workers to a nearby resource-rich planet, but one with a harsh and inhospitable environment. Will your teams outperform the others to build the best mining colony?

Mining Colony is a tile laying game for 1-4 players in which you use excavation cards to compete for resources. With these resources, you develop your colonies and attempt to build science stations and outposts.

The game is played over ten rounds, each of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


DrFG 0005

Nanga Parbat

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The Sherpa people are known for their exquisite mountaineering skills and often used that knowledge to be effective guides to explorers on mountaineering expeditions. In this game, you are a member of the Sherpa community that is establishing base camps on Nanga Parbat for foreign explorers. While there, you will also trap animals for food and clothing.

In this 2-player game, players take turns placing hikers on the mountain where they can capture animals and build base camps. Five times duri... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 24,00 EUR


DrFG 0006

The Butterfly Garden

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Help save endangered butterflies! Construction projects in your city are disrupting the natural butterfly habitat. Capture butterflies and deliver them to protected butterfly gardens in local zoos, botanical gardens, and museums.

The game is played in a series of rounds. Players start each round by playing a card from their hands to determine the round's turn order. Cards are numbered from 0 to 59, and lower numbered cards go first. On a turn, a player captures butterflies from the field and ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 24,00 EUR


Draco Ideas

DOA 42100

Dodos Riding Dinos

Choose your favorite Dodo/Dino miniature!
Advance with blue or red cards and solve their whacky effects. Some will test your dexterity against your rivals by throwing bananas, flicking dodo eggs or making meteors fall.

Red cards are extra powerful but if too many players pick them during the same round, their effects will be ignored. Green cards allow the Dodo to react at any time.

Damage your rivals so they discard cards, with no cards in hand their Dodos will retrocede as a penalty and ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

78,00 EUR


DOA 44100

Dodos Riding Dinos: Dodo Dash

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A standalone game with more Dodos Riding Dinos characters and tracks that integrates with the original game.

This expansion features a new way to interact with your Dodo as a projectile.

In this racing-dexterity game, players throw projectiles to impede the other players from reaching the finish line first. Flick eggs, throw bananas, drop meteorites and more!

During the scheming phase, all players choose a card from their hand and play it facedown. Aggressive cards (red) are stronger th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 58,00 EUR


DRA 001

2 Minutes to Midnight

2 Minutes to Midnight is a fresh design exploring the cold war in 5-year turns starting in 1946 and running for 9 turns to 1990.

Living clarifications / errata here: Errata / Clarifications Living Post

The scale and depth of the game is unmatched by any other game on the market for this historical period – this is a detailed simulation of the cold war covering military, economics, politics, and trade, all in a playable package that hides the complexity and lets you focus on the strategy.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

108,00 EUR


DRA 012

1212 Las Navas de Tolosa

1212: Navas de Tolosa is a small tactical wargame for 2 players that allows you to revive this famous medieval battle of the Reconquista where two very different ways of understanding war face each other: the Christian one represented by the kingdoms of Castile, Aragon and Navarre, and the Muslim one represented by the Almohad Empire. Through action points, players move their troops across the battlefield and fight fiercely to death, but only if they learn to play their cards wisely they will be... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR



Tetrarchia + Expansion

By the end of the III century the Roman Empire is doomed. Enemies surround the borders, instability spreads over the provinces, and whenever a Roman Emperor has the courage and ability to fight a threat, usurpers take his place in Rome and increase the chaos. The Emperor Diocletian only sees one, revolutionary way out: share the power with some trusted colleagues. In a few years he creates an Imperial College together with Maximian, Constantius and Galerius, forming the first 'Tetrarchy'. Now th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR




Tetrarchia Playmat 60x30cm

Neoprene playmat 60x30cm with all modes.

38,00 EUR


Dragon Dawn Productions


Factory 42

Factory 42 is a Euro-style board game for 2-5 players. The game tells the story of the workweek of Marxistic dwarves in a steampunk industrial setting, placing the player in the role of factory Overseers. It combines worker placement and a cube tower to create a resource management puzzle. Factory 42 is a cutthroat competitive game with elements of co-operation and deals involving Economics, Fantasy, Industry and Negotiation with a pinch of satire, but not too much to make it a Humor game. It sa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR



Factory 42 (Deutsche Edition)

Hot Seller


Factory 42 ist ein Brettspiel im europäischen Stil für 2-5 Spieler. Das Spiel erzählt die Geschichte der Arbeitswoche marxistischer Zwerge in einer Steampunk-Industriekulisse und versetzt die Spieler in die Rolle von Fabrikaufsehern. Es kombiniert Arbeiterplatzierung und einen Würfelturm zu einem Ressourcenmanagement-Puzzle. Factory 42 ist ein knallhartes Wettbewerbsspiel mit Elementen der Zusammenarbeit und Absprachen aus den Bereichen Wirtschaft, Fantasie, Industrie und Verhandlung mit ein... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR



Gray Eminence

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Gray Eminence is a 3-5 player game lasting 60-90 minutes, in which players take the roles of powerful puppet masters in the modern world, each working towards common goals as well as their own, secret, agenda
Each shadowy figure uses money, power and influence to steer the course of multiple factions toward their own inscrutable ends.
Gray Eminence does not pretend to observe political correctness or historical accuracy but rather aims to induce discussion about the world we live in. We also c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 68,00 EUR



Maeshowe An Orkney Saga

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According to the Orkneyinga Saga, Earl Rognvald Kali Kolsson broke into the chambered tomb of Maeshowe, on Orkney, in AD1150. In AD1153, Earl Harald Maddadson and a group of his men sheltered there during a snowstorm. The sagas tell us that Rognvald found treasure there and that two of Harald’s men went mad.

Alone or with a friend, players will on their turn need to play one card to the row and discard one. Managing their hand of five cards players need to make tough calls on what to play w... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 32,00 EUR




Gray Eminence: Year of Chaos

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The good, the bad, and the ugly of 2020 – the year the hits just kept on coming.

Not since the war years has the world had to work so hard to find succor. As science worked to save us, creativity and ingenuity became our tools of survival during the stresses of lockdown. But for some dark masters, our Annus Horribilis brought new opportunities…

Revisit the secret world of the Gray Eminences, in this expansion to the innovative base game of manipulations and administrations. Become the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


Dragon Egg Games

DEG 1000

City of Myrkesh

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Recruit allies from the 5 districts to grow your prestige & fight the roaming monster.

City of Myrkesh is a City Traversal Deckbuilding game where players will use coin to recruit allies to their side, use speed to traverse around the city and use power to attack the monster to gain the most prestige. Recruit cards from Five Unique Districts: Merchant’s Row, Royal Courts, Industrial Grounds, Wilds or the Undercity. Combine their mechanics and synergies to carve your way to victory.

Welc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 62,00 EUR


Dragonhearth Productions


Sojourner Tales

Tracy & Laura Hickman's storytelling board game that turns your e-reading device into a portal of adventure and imagination.

Use strategy and wits as you discover and collect the parts of your mysterious story, then be the first to complete the epic adventure. The tale is different every time you play … or you can download new Sojourner Tales to play from the website at!

Beginning with the player holding the Lead Player token (Lead Player), players perform each turn in... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR




Solar Storm (Reprint)

A small box game with a big cooperative experience!
Work together, or die alone in this cooperative survival game for 1-4 players that will make even the most hardened crews and solo players swelter. Hand management, careful use of your actions, and teamwork are the key to weathering the Solar Storm.

?Repair different areas of the ship and divert power back to the Energy Core, all whilst the ship continues to take damage from the Solar Storm. Succeed and you'll live. Fail, and you'll al... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


Drawlab Entertainment


Alice in Wordland

In the party game Alice in Wordland, players take the roles of characters from Alice in Wonderland, each with their own unique abilities and all invited to the tea party of the Queen of Hearts. They have to follow her mad rules of discussion, saying words in particular themes under the pressure of time.

The game includes a plastic music-playing teapot timer. Every round, after the discussion topic and the forbidden letters have been chosen, the timer starts and each player has to say a suitab... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR



Fired Up

Hot Seller


In the near future, entertainment will have changed. It will have evolved beyond traditional sports in stadiums and into a larger than life spectacle where digital warriors will compete against one another inside the cyberspace arena in bloodless conflict sports.

In this futuristic environment is where Fired Up is set. In the game the players are not the fighters! They are spectators with premium seats to the largest spectacle of all time. Their premium seats make it possible for them to infl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR


Dreamcraft Games

DRCRG 0001


Bitte vorbestellen


“There was turmoil in the heavens. For reasons unknown to mortals, at some point even gods must die. After one such death, there was an open seat at the table of creation. A God was needed.
The demigods that want to compete for the seat must select mortal Heroes and summon them to Hierapolis. The Heroes will perform quests, spending six days and six nights preparing themselves before entering the Arena to fight to the death.
The demigod whose champion is left standing will be elevated to God... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 94,00 EUR



USS Freedom (DT Edition)

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U.S.S. Freedom ist ein unterhaltsames, kooperatives, frei begehbares Brettspiel mit Weltraumthema.

Erforsche unbekannte Welten, entdecke außerirdische Zivilisationen und entscheide, wer dein Verbündeter oder dein Feind sein wird. Führen Sie Missionen aus, um Ihr Ansehen bei Ihren Verbündeten zu steigern, während Sie Angriffe zahlreicher anderer außerirdischer Rassen planen und überstehen. Der Schlüssel zum Überleben liegt in der Aufrüstung deines Schiffes und der Verbesserung deiner... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 86,00 EUR



USS Freedom (US Edition)

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U.S.S. Freedom is a fun, cooperative, open world, free-roaming, space-themed board game.

Explore unknown worlds, discover alien civilizations, and decide who will be your ally or your enemy. Perform missions to increase your reputation with your allies while planning for and surviving attacks from numerous other alien races. Upgrading your ship and enhancing your heroes is the key to survival.

Will you become a space merchant, trading legal—or even illegal—commodities? Are you more of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 86,00 EUR



DRCRG 0002

Theosis - Godslayer Expansion

Bitte vorbestellen


ca. 22,00 EUR


Druid City Games

DCG 3770

Sorcerer City

Hot Seller


Every year, Sorcerer City gets built and rebuilt in magically new ways, with blocks moving and rotating in crazy directions. You and your fellow players are rival wizard architects in charge of building the same city district over five years, expanding it and rebuilding it to gain the most money, influence, magic, and victory. Unfortunately, Sorcerer City has a bit of a monster problem, so you must work hard to mitigate the effects of marauding creatures who attack your city district. The wizard... (vollständige Beschreibung)

72,00 EUR



Grimm Forest

z.Zt. vergriffen


Welcome to The Grimm Forest, where family members of the legendary Three Little Pigs are having an epic house building competition. But this is no ordinary competition as all the most famous Fairy Tale characters will be looking on and occasionally lending a hand.

Who will benefit most from the cunning of Robin Hood, the beauty of Snow White, the bountiful gifts of the Golden Goose or the dark witchcraft of the Evil Queen?

Using only their wits, a handful of sharp steel tools, and a few st... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

DTDA Games



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Efemeris is a fabulous adventure that carries you away to explore the firmament aboard French, English and Spanish navy vessels. Maneuver through the skies using stellar winds, to be the first Nation to dominate the trade routes by opening the safest courses to your territories.
Efemeris has 2 game modes: a highly competitive duel mode and cooperative team mode.
Play as a fleet commander and use strategy to conquer 5 planets that will ensure the hegemony of your Nation. Choose your captains fo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 52,00 EUR


dv Giochi

dvG 5720

Decktective: The Gaze of the Ghost

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Decktective: The Gaze of the Ghost is a co-operative investigation game, featuring a 3D crime scene. Players must solve a mysterious case. They play their cards to share information, discard cards that they think will lead them the wrong way, discuss the clues they find with the other players, make hypotheses and deductions to find the solution! At the end of the game, players must answer several questions: Each correct answer is worth points. The more points they get, the better their outcome.
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 14,00 EUR


dvG 9203

The Castle of the Devil

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A game of secret alliances and intrigues.
A lonely coach rattles up the narrow gorges of the mountain, shrouded by clouds the color of lead. The coachman spurs on horses black as the night, hoping to arrive as quickly as he can. Lightning rips the sky, illuminating a manor both sinister and twisted: the Castle of the Devil!

The mysterious passengers who crowd the carriage are all members of two powerful Secret Societies, locked in a perpetual war with each other. But who are allies? Who are... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


dvG 9332

13 Clues

A simple yet brilliant deduction game.
London, 1899: The city is shaken by heinous crimes, and the solutions are shrouded in mystery. Scotland Yard is groping in the dark, and has summoned you, the best detectives, for help in resolving their inquiries. Each investigator will be assigned their own mystery to solve, and must use their instincts to identify which of the 13 Clues match their case—before the others do!

32,00 EUR


dvG 9815


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This game has been published by dV Giochi as a reward for winning the 2018/2019 edition of the Gioco Inedito – Best Unpublished game contest. Powered by Lucca comics & Games and dV Giochi, the contest aims to identify the best new card game design from all prototypes received and to reward it by publishing the game in a fully professional and high-quality format, overseen directly by dV Giochi. All prototypes submitted must conform to the technical and style requirements, fixed components and ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 14,00 EUR


dvG MR01

Minute Realms

Minute Realms is the most compact city-building game ever. In a
handful of rounds, you have to build up your realm and make it grow
by spending your riches. Will you yield splendor to your lands with
refined buildings, or will you defend them with imposing bastions to
repel the upcoming fall of the invaders?

A king's life is not easy. Every decision is crucial to the fate of
the realm — and every single move makes the difference between
victory and defeat!

24,00 EUR


Dyskami Publishing

DYP 0101

Upon a Fable

Upon a Fable is a Euro-style "gateway" strategy board game for 1-6 players (recommended age 13+) with a family