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243883888 Seitenabrufe seit dem 30.06.2003


HauptseiteProduktlinienMunchkin Card Game

Munchkin Card Game

Munchkin Card Game

Go down in the dungeon. Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run.

Admit it. You love it.

This award-winning card game, designed by Steve Jackson, captures the essence of the dungeon experience... with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. You and your friends compete to kill monsters and grab magic items. And what magic items! Don the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt-Kicking. Wield the Staff of Napalm... or maybe the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment. Start by slaughtering the Potted Plant and the Drooling Slime, and work your way up to the Plutonium Dragon...

And it's illustrated by John Kovalic! Fast-playing and silly, Munchkin can reduce any roleplaying group to hysteria. And, while they're laughing, you can steal their stuff.


Produkte vom Herausgeber (Steve Jackson Games)


SJG 1408


z.Zt. vergriffen


Kill the Monsters
Steal the Treasure
Stab Your Buddy

Go down in the dungeon. Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run.

Admit it. You love it.

This stand-alone card game captures the dungeon experience . . . with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. All you have to do is kill monsters and grab magic items. And what magic items! Don the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt-Kicking. Wield the S... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 1408M

Munchkin - Mass Market Edition

z.Zt. vergriffen

  Go down in the dungeon. Fight every monster you meet. Stab your rivals in the back and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run! Munchkin is the zany card game of dungeon crawling and backstabbing. Kick down the door and you'll be looting rooms in no time! This award winning card game, designed by Steve Jackson, captures the essence of the dungeon experience with none of that role playing stuff. You and your friends compete to kill monsters and grab magic items. And what magic items. Don ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 1411

Star Munchkin (Revised)

Munchkins in Space!

The Munchkins are back - but now they're in space! Now they're Mutants, Androids, and Cat People . . . grabbing Lasers, Vibroswords, and Nova Grenades . . . fighting Fanged Fuzzballs, Bionic Bimbos, and the Brain In A Jar.

This is a complete game using the best-selling Munchkin rules (with a few new twists like Sidekicks). Yes, it CAN be combined with Munchkin! And, of course, it features the twisted humor of Steve Jackson an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


SJG 1412

Munchkin Fu

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If you loved Munchkin . . . look out. Here they come again.

"I'm a Ninja with the Dragon Tooth Katana!"
"I'm a Monk with the Sai of Spleen Mangling. Fear my Drunken Monkey Kung Fu!"
"I'm a Yakuza with a gun. Run away!"

The Munchkins are back! Now the game is chop-socky Hong Kong action. The characters are Samurai, Ninja, Yakuza, and Monks. The foes are mooks, demons, and assorted bad guys from all the worst martial arts films you've ever seen. Collect treasure... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 1419

Munchkin Bites !

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It's the World of Dorkness!

The Munchkins are now vampires . . . and werewolves . . . and changelings. Bash through the haunted house and slay the monsters. The OTHER monsters. You can't slay your fellow munchkins, but you can curse them, send foes at them, and take their stuff. Of course . . .

This is a stand-alone game, which (of course) can be combined with other Munchkin games. And it's illustrated by John Kovalic. OF COURSE. See Igor, Gilly, and all the other Dork Tower characters in ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 1436

Munchkin Holiday Edition

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Go down in the dungeon. Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run.

Admit it. You love it.

This award-winning card game, designed by Steve Jackson, captures the essence of the dungeon experience . . . with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. You and your friends compete to kill monsters and grab magic items. And what magic items! Don the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt-Kicking. Wield the Staff of Napalm . . . or maybe the Chainsaw... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 1438

Munchkin - Mighty Monsters

A fast-playing card game based in the world of Steve Jackson’s best-selling Munchkin. You and your monster buddies are hanging out in the dungeon, just waiting to wallop some munchkins . . . but there are just too many of them! Play cards by matching either the rank or color of the last card played. Be careful – if you get stuck and can’t play a card, bad stuff happens – the munchkins wallop you instead! Get walloped too often, and the munchkins defeat you . . . the first player that ge... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


SJG 1440

Super Munchkin

Fly through the city. Smash the villains. Backstab your teammates and grab their gadgets.

Munchkin has parodied the classic dungeon, the kung-fu warrior, the space epic, and the creatures of the night. Now, it's the superheroes' turn!

Be a Mutant, an Exotic, a Mystic, or a Techno. The higher your Level, the more Powers you can have. Battle dastardly masterminds, devastating monsters, and invading aliens from the next dimension - from the wimpy Triplicate Twit all the way up to Big Ol' Pl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


SJG 1446

Munchkin Impossible

z.Zt. vergriffen


The Munchkins are now spies . . . eliminating the opposition, playing with self-destructing gadgets, and changing loyalties even faster than they change hats.

Be a Playboy, Tourist, or Assassin. Report to the Americans, Russians, British, or Chinese (it'll change!). Wield gadgets from the subtle Cigarette Dart Gun to the amazingly unsubtle Bazooka with Incendiary Ammo. Eliminate foes, from the pathetic Defective Defector, through the Interro-Gator and the Not So Secret Police, up to the might... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 1447

Munchkin Cthulhu (Revised)

Munchkins have hacked their way through dungeons, kung fu temples, starships, haunted houses, and supervillains. Now they face their greatest foe Cthulhu! Lampooning Lovecraft's Mythos and the horror gaming that surrounds it, this 168-card standalone expansion to the Munchkin line allows players to summon classic monsters from outside reality - and kill them, level up, and loot!

34,00 EUR


SJG 1454

The Good, the Bad, and the Munchkin

Oh, give me a home where the Jackalopes roam
And the Dudes and the Buckaroos play,
I'll slay and I'll loot, give the monsters the boot,
And the dice are not loaded, no way.

The Good, the Bad, and the Munchkin opens a whole new frontier - the Wild West! Forget dragons and goblins - Jackalopes and Davy Croc have just as much treasure. Those plains may seem wide open, but there's lots of monsters to kill, and lots of stuff to take.

Become a Cowboy with a Twenty-Gallon Hat, or an Indian on ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


SJG 1459

Munchkin Booty

Sail the Seven Seas. Plunder the treasure. Make your crew walk the plank.

Munchkin Booty brings the greatest gold gatherers in history pirates! to the hilarious card game series. Use your Silver Long Johns to beat the Lobster Mobster, drink your Demon Rum to fight off the Viking Kittens, and defend yourself with the Cutlass (or Cutlad, for the gents) against the Prince of Whales. But watch out for Sharks!

Plunder the seven seas as a Pirate, Naval Officer, or Merchant. Taunt your foes with ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


SJG 1470

Munchkin: Quest Boardgame

Kill the monster, grab the treasure, stab your buddy. That's what it's all about. Now, Munchkin comes to the boardgame.

Cooperate with the whole group, adventure with a partner, or strike out on your own. You don't know what's behind a door until you open it . . . then another tile is added to the dungeon. Battle monsters for power and treasure, or send them after your friends. Reach Level 10, and then get out alive if you can!

Designed by Steve Jackson, and illustrated by John Kovalic, th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR


SJG 1481

Munchkin Zombies

Kill the Living! Eat their Brains!

It's the sickest, silliest Munchkin yet! The players are zombies, kicking down doors and eating brains. The "monsters" they're attacking are people - some helpless and some hazardous, with a few rogue zombies thrown in. The armor is whatever they've blundered across during their lurching search for brains. So bravely the munchkins go forth, with mousetraps on their feet and a bowling trophy protecting their poor rotting heads—to level up, or to die. Again!... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


SJG 1483

Munchkin Deluxe

Go down in the dungeon. Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run. Admit it. You love it.

Munchkin has been a runaway hit for the last 10 years, with international sales of more than a million Munchkin games – plus lots and lots of supplements! Compete with your friends to kill monsters and grab magic items. Wear the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt-Kicking. Wield the Staff of Napalm . . . or maybe the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


SJG 1488

Munchkin: Holiday Surprise

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Go down in the dungeon. Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run. Admit it. You love it.

Munchkin has been a runaway hit for the last 10 years, with international sales of more than a million Munchkin games – plus lots and lots of supplements! Compete with your friends to kill monsters and grab magic items. Wear the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt-Kicking. Wield the Staff of Napalm . . . or maybe the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 1490

Munchkin Legends

z.Zt. vergriffen


Raid the world of myth and legend! Crush every foe you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run.

Munchkin Legends is the new Munchkin card game about legendary adventure...with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. You'll defeat mythic monsters and grab fabled magic items! Don the Death Mask and Achilles' Heels. Wield Thor's Hammer...or maybe the Magic Bassoon. Start by slaughtering the Heebie-Jeebies and Johnny Zucchiniseed, and work your way up to the Kr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 1491

Munchkin Tails

z.Zt. vergriffen


Munchkin has gone to the dogs... plus foxes, mice, and ponies! Anthropomorphic animals have always been popular, from the animal-headed gods of Egypt to Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny today.
Now, Munchkin fans can add to the legend with Munchkin Tails, a new set designed by Andrew Hackard and illustrated by Katie Cook. It has four familiar Munchkin Classes (Bard, Thief, Warrior, Wizard) so existing players can start playing immediately but this set is also perfect for new players.

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 1495

Munchkin Zombies Deluxe

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


In a reversal of roles, all players in Munchkin Zombies start out as zombies, and the "monsters" are the normal people trying to stop the zombie invasion (such as the Action Hero, Soccer Mom, Fireman, etc.). Unlike most Munchkin games, there are no classes or races; instead, you can have a mojo: Atomic Zombie, Plague Zombie, and Voodoo Zombie. As with Munchkin Bites! and Super Munchkin, Munchkin Zombies includes powers – special abilities that you can play as you gain levels.

Guest artist i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 1498

Munchkin Pathfinder Deluxe

The award-winning game of killing monsters and taking their stuff meets the award-winning universe of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game in Munchkin Pathfinder Deluxe! Now enjoy the deluxe edition, which comes with pawns and a gameboard!

Try out new classes like Alchemist and Witch. Join a faction to become an Eagle Knight or a Red Mantis Assassin. Arm yourself with the T-Bone Stake and the Armor of Insults. You'll need them to defeat the Ghoul Friday, the Whispering Tyrant, and especially Lamas... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


SJG 1502

Star Munchkin Deluxe

Star Munchkin Deluxe is the same game as Star Munchkin, but it includes a game board and stand-up figures.

The Munchkins are back – but now they're Mutants, Androids, and Cat People in space, grabbing Lasers, Vibroswords, and Nova Grenades and fighting Fanged Fuzzballs, Bionic Bimbos, and the Brain In A Jar. Star Munchkin is a complete game using the best-selling Munchkin rules (with a few new twists like Sidekicks), and it can be combined with any other Munchkin items.

Part of the Munch... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


SJG 1503

Munchkin Apocalypse

In Munchkin Apocalypse, every possible natural (and unnatural) disaster has happened. You are a rugged survivor in a world full of people – and things – that want to kill you and take your stuff. So do it to them first!

And what’s with all these seals running around? Don’t they know the world’s about to end? You should keep an eye on that seventh one in particular . . .

Munchkin Apocalypse will be available in Fall 2012. That should give you a few weeks to play it before the worl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


SJG 1507

Munchkin Hidden Treasures

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Add 78 hard-to-find cards to your Munchkin game.

For several years, we have sold sets of cards for many of our Munchkin games in our online store. Munchkin Hidden Treasures combines almost* all of those cards into a single, easily transported package!

Munchkin Hidden Treasures consists of 78 individual cards for use in a variety of Munchkin games, with all of these cards previously being available solely in annual booster packs sold via Warehouse 23, the Steve Jackson Games online store. S... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 1508

Munchkin Steampunk Deluxe

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Grab your gears, put on your top hat, whack the monsters, and grab the treasure . . . with the power of SCIENCE! Munchkin Steampunk Deluxe brings the zaniness of Munchkin to the pseudo-Victorian steampunk era. Bully!
Key Features
• People love steampunk, and we got steampunk all over this version of Munchkin!
• Brand-new art by Phil Foglio, creator of the Girl Genius comic!
• Includes a board and standies for tracking your level!

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 1512

Munchkin Legends Deluxe

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Become a Munchkin of Myth!
Prepare to fight the creatures of legend . . . and take their stuff!
In Munchkin Legends Deluxe, you'll face mythical monsters and collect legendary treasures. Challenge the Boogie Man to a dance-off and cheat by wearing Achilles' Heels.
Munchkin Legends Deluxe comes with everything you need to play: cards, a die, and a board and pawns to track your levels. It even comes with a copy of Munchkin Legends 2 -- Faun and Games!

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 1515

Munchkin Guest Artist Edition

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Celebrate 15 years of Munchkin with special Guest Artist Editions!
Ian McGinty, known for his work on the Munchkin and Adventure Time comic books, starts us off with a bang! McGinty illustrates the classic Munchkin game, giving us a fresh look at the Gazebo, Net Troll, Shrieking Geek, and the other 165 cards in the box.
This Guest Artist Edition includes completely re-illustrated game cards, a new gameboard decorated with Ian McGinty's interpretation of the Munchkin world, and male and female ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 1516

Munchkin Cthulhu Guest Artist Edition (Katie Cook)

Celebrate 15 years of Munchkin with special GuestArtist Editions!
Munchkins have hacked their way through dungeons, kung fu temples, starships, haunted houses, and super-foes. Now they face their greatest challenge – Cthulhu . . . and they’ve never looked cuter! Will they survive? Will they retain their sanity? Will they . . . level up? This Guest Artist Edition Munchkin Cthulhu adorably lampoons Lovecraft’s Mythos and the horror gaming that surrounds it.
About the Artist
Katie Cook has... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


SJG 1517

Munchkin Fu Guest Artist Edition (John Kovalic)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Celebrate 15 years of Munchkin with special GuestArtist Editions!
Munchkins have hacked their way through dungeons, kung fu temples, starships, haunted houses, and super-foes. Now they face their greatest challenge – Cthulhu . . . and they’ve never looked cuter! Will they survive? Will they retain their sanity? Will they . . . level up?

Munchkin Fu: Guest Artist Edition includes completely re-illustrated game cards, a game board featuring John Kovalic's Munchkin art, and male and female... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 1518

Star Munchkin Guest Artist Edition (Len Peralta)

Celebrate 15 years of Munchkin with special GuestArtist Editions!
Munchkins have hacked their way through dungeons, kung fu temples, starships, haunted houses, and super-foes. Now they face their greatest challenge – Cthulhu . . . and they’ve never looked cuter! Will they survive? Will they retain their sanity? Will they . . . level up?

Star Munchkin: Guest Artist Edition includes completely re-illustrated game cards, a new game board decorated with Len Peralta's interpretation of the S... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


SJG 1520

Munchkin Zombies - Guest Artist Edition (Greg Hyland)

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Kill the Living! Eat their Brains!

It's the sickest, silliest Munchkin yet! The players are zombies, kicking down doors and eating brains. The "monsters" they're attacking are people - some helpless and some hazardous, with a few rogue zombies thrown in. The armor is whatever they've blundered across during their lurching search for brains. So bravely the munchkins go forth, with mousetraps on their feet and a bowling trophy protecting their poor rotting heads—to level up, or to die. Again!... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 1521

Munchkin - Treasure Hunt

Ever since Munchkin hit the shelves in 2001, we’ve heard from parents who want a simpler version to play with their younger children. We listened, and here it is!Fool the dragon, grab treasure, and flee!Will you risk your treasure for MORE TREASURE? Be a legendary hero and escape with the most moolah!

30,00 EUR


SJG 1524

Munchkin DeLuxe - Guest Artist Edition (Edwin Huang)

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Celebrate 15 years of Munchkin with special Guest Artist Editions!
Edwin Huang drew Munchkin Skullkickers for us, and now he's doing a totally awesome version of Munchkin for our Guest Artist Edition program! His art has a sense of motion and dynamism that'll make those Munchkin cards seem that much cooler!
This Guest Artist Edition includes completely re-illustrated game cards, a gameboard featuring Edwin Huang's Munchkin art, and male and female standies for each player.

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 1525

Munchkin Apocalypse: Guest Artist Edition (Len Peralta)

In Munchkin Apocalypse, every possible natural (and unnatural) disaster has happened. You are a rugged survivor in a world full of people – and things – that want to kill you and take your stuff. So do it to them first!

And what’s with all these seals running around? Don’t they know the world’s about to end? You should keep an eye on that seventh one in particular . . .

Munchkin Apocalypse will be available in Fall 2012. That should give you a few weeks to play it before the worl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


SJG 1526

Munchkin - Russia

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)

  ??????? ??????? (Russian Munchkin) is a standalone game in the Munchkin series, with you no longer being a dwarf or cleric, but rather a formidable hacker, an influential oligarch, or an unstoppable Olympic champion. You can shoot at monsters with a pancake gun and hold a tame bear by the leash. Just don't forget to keep track of the calendar because in Russia it's important to dress for the weather. In this game, the changing seasons affect the strength of monsters and players, and the weath... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


SJG 1527

Munchkin - Babies

Munchkin Babies delivers 168 cards full of sweet, adorable baby adventurers . . . who are just as good at backstabbing and loot-grabbing as their elders from Munchkin. Play a cute Orcling, Dwarfling, Elfling, or Quarterling (half a Halfling). Go to preschool to learn your Class: Wiz Kid, Ankle Biter, Crumb Snatcher, or Holy Terror, and then arm yourself with the scariest items from the toy box: the Kazoo of Constant Whining, Kid-Safe Stabbinator, Blame-Resistant Pajamas, and of course, the Extre... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


SJG 1531

Munchkin - Steampunk

Grab your gears, put on your top hat, whack the monsters, and grab the treasure . . . with the power of SCIENCE! Munchkin Steampunk brings the zaniness of Munchkin to the pseudo-Victorian steampunk era. Bully!

36,00 EUR


SJG 1536

Super Munchkin Guest Artist Edition (deSouza)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Fly through the city. Smash the villains. Backstab your teammates and grab their gadgets. Reach level ten and win!
This Guest Artist Edition joins the unique visual style of comic creator Lar deSouza with Super Munchkin -- a parody of capes, utility belts, day-saving, and nemeses. DeSouza's stylized comic art perfectly suits the game's pulpy sense of fun.
Be a Mutant, an Exotic, a Mystic, or a Techno. Get bonuses from a Plot Device, the Telezapinator, some Heroic Angst, or the (jet-powered) Po... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


SJG 1538

Moop's Monster Mashup

Bitte vorbestellen


Moop’s been making Monsters by mashing things together. First the Kangarooster, then the Drizzly Bear . . . when will it end?!Now you’re down in his dungeon, fighting those monsters and taking their stuff! And the Treasures are just as weird as the Monsters!
Key Features
• The silliest, most ridiculous Munchkin set yet!
• Fully compatible with other Munchkin games!
• Who doesn’t want to fight a Kangarooster?

ca. 26,00 EUR


SJG 1540

Munchkin Booty Guest Artist Edition

z.Zt. vergriffen


Sail the Seven Seas. Plunder the treasure. Make your crew walk the plank.

Munchkin Booty brings the greatest gold gatherers in history pirates! to the hilarious card game series. Use your Silver Long Johns to beat the Lobster Mobster, drink your Demon Rum to fight off the Viking Kittens, and defend yourself with the Cutlass (or Cutlad, for the gents) against the Prince of Whales. But watch out for Sharks!

Plunder the seven seas as a Pirate, Naval Officer, or Merchant. Taunt your foes with ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 1542

Munchkin Oz Guest Artist Edition (Katie Cook)

Adventure with the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodsman! Brave the Poppy Fields or the Deadly Desert! Fight against a Wicked Witch or King Krewl! Visit the Emerald City and talk with Dorothy, Ozma, or the Cowardly Lion! Play a Professor, Royalty, Soldier ... or even a Wizard!

L. Frank Baum's Oz books have been favorites of children and their parents ever since the books were published over a century ago. Now you can create your own adventure with Munchkin Oz!

28,00 EUR


SJG 1543

Munchkin Wonderland

Munchkin Wonderland transports players to the iconic world of Lewis Carroll's Wonderland novels. Move around the illustrated game board. If you land on a monster like the Jabberwock or Cheshire Cat, beat it with a roll of the dice and Treasure cards like Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast, the Vorpal Blade, or Stolen Tarts! Maybe you'll even get help from the Caterpillar or Dormouse.

When the deck of Treasure cards runs out, whoever has the most loot wins!

30,00 EUR


SJG 1544

Moop's Monster Mashup Deluxe

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The marvelous magician Moop is mashing up monsters to meet the marauding munchkins.
He's created bizarre new animals such as the Owligator and Kangarooster! But the heroes can fight back with their own mixed-up weapons, including Sockodiles and the Beaver Cleaver. This Munchkin is the craziest ever . . . but it's still Munchkin, so the first player to Level 10 wins!
Moop's Monster Mashup is a stand-alone game, but can also be combined with Munchkin or any of the Munchkin games.

40,00 EUR


SJG 1545

Munchkin Spell Skool

It’s the first day at Spell Skool and the munchkins have signed up for class! This game for 3 or 4 eager students is playable on its own and is compatible with the rest of the Munchkin line. You’ll want to shelve this one face out; Katie Cook’s fantastic art almost sells the game by itself! Students can join fun clubs like the Chess Club or the Forbidden Magic Club and fight enemies such as the Ash Kicker and Moldy Mort on their way to graduation at Level 10.

A stand-alone game for 3 or... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


SJG 1546

Munchkin - Lite

Go down in the dungeon. Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run. Munchkin Lite has all the same dungeon-crawling, pun-making, backstabbing madness of original Munchkin, but with 115 cards, it's the perfect size for three to four players. Take it anywhere, and play it in an hour!

20,00 EUR


SJG 1555

Munchkins and Mazes

Munchkin is back in a whole new addition! Munchkins & Mazes is the most elf-referential Munchkin game yet, with cards inspired by the most popular roleplaying game ever, the latest live streaming crazes, the gaming hobby in general, and even by Munchkin itself!
We've updated some of our favorite cards and created a whole lot of new ones in this set thats sure to please anyone who's ever rolled a 20-sided die.

40,00 EUR


SJG 1564

Munchkin Shakespeare Deluxe

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Prepare to fire the Shakespearean Canon!

Presenting Munchkin Shakespeare, a Shakespeare-themed version of the popular Munchkin card game! Players have requested a Shakespearean version for years, and some of you even helped us brainstorm these puns...

40,00 EUR


SJG 1566

Munchkin - Magical Mess

Moop is back with more magical messed-up mayhem in his menagerie! Murder more monsters for much merriment! This is a complete game and is fully compatible with Moop's Monster Mashup and all the other Munchkin games.

42,00 EUR


SJG 1567

Munchkin - Crazy Cooks

z.Zt. vergriffen


The munchkins have left the dungeon for an even more treacherous place — the kitchen! In Munchkin Crazy Cooks, 3 to 6 foodies cook up delicious schemes to get ahead, and the plastic standies and gameboard included help them track their progress. Food tokens give you a "Balanced Meal", which is a fresh and exciting way to win! The game includes the classic Munchkin races along with four new classes.

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 4261

Munchkin: The Nightmare Before Christmas

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Fans of The Nightmare Before Christmas and Munchkin have an entirely new ghoulish world to immerse themselves in.

In Munchkin: The Nightmare Before Christmas, you can play as a citizen from Halloween Town, Christmas Town, Thanksgiving Town or Easter Town. Battle and banish foes like Oogie Boogie, Doctor Finkelstein, and Lock, Shock & Barrel from Halloween Town. Charge into battle on Santa's Sleigh as you wield new weapons, curses and treasures.

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 4272

Munchkin Farkle

Play the classic game of Farkle in a whole new way! Munchkin Farkle marries the classic dice game with the Munchkin sense of humor and stab-your-buddy mentality. Rather than the traditional race to win, Munchkin Farkle is a race to win . . . and make your companions lose! Cheat, curse your friends, and occasionally run away as you push your luck on every roll. Add the most Gold Pieces to your hoard and win! Designed by Sam Mitschke and developed by Randy Scheunemann, with exciting art by Ian McG... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


SJG 4401

Munchkin Axe Cop

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Axe Cop is a cop. With an axe. And he knows how to use it.
Axe Cop is the hit webcomic written by Malachai Nicolle (age 5) and drawn by his brother Ethan (age 29). Along with his friends Dinosaur Soldier and Sockarang, Axe Cop fights crime . . . by fighting the bad guys and CHOPPING THEIR HEADS OFF. Fans know Axe Cop . . . it’s a webcomic ( and a comic book series from Dark Horse.
There’s only one game that can match the anything-goes feeling of Axe Cop: MUNCHKIN! Chop the b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


SJG 4411

Munchkin Conan

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Conan – challenging the world, slaying monsters, defeating armies, laughing in the face of death. He steals the treasure, spends it, and steals more. Conan is THE Barbarian.

Robert E. Howard’s epic hero gets the full Munchkin treatment in Munchkin Conan, the new core set written by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic. Following on the hit Munchkin Conan the Barbarian booster, this new core set draws from the entire Conan mythos, giving the players Conan’s most fabulous treasur... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


SJG 4421

Munchkin Pathfinder

The award-winning game of killing monsters and taking their stuff meets the award-winning universe of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game in Munchkin Pathfinder!

Try out new classes like Alchemist and Witch. Join a faction to become an Eagle Knight or a Red Mantis Assassin. Arm yourself with the T-Bone Stake and the Armor of Insults. You’ll need them to defeat the Ghoul Friday, the Whispering Tyrant, and especially Lamashtu, the Mother of Monsters. But first you’ll have to fight your way thr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


SJG 4423

Munchkin Pathfinder: Guest Artist Edition

Hot Seller


The award-winning game of killing monsters and taking their stuff meets the award-winning universe of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game in Munchkin Pathfinder Deluxe! Now enjoy the deluxe edition, which comes with pawns and a gameboard!

Try out new classes like Alchemist and Witch. Join a faction to become an Eagle Knight or a Red Mantis Assassin. Arm yourself with the T-Bone Stake and the Armor of Insults. You'll need them to defeat the Ghoul Friday, the Whispering Tyrant, and especially Lamas... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


SJG 4431

Munchkin Oz

Adventure with the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodsman! Brave the Poppy Fields or the Deadly Desert! Fight against a Wicked Witch or King Krewl! Visit the Emerald City and talk with Dorothy, Ozma, or the Cowardly Lion! Play a Professor, Royalty, Soldier ... or even a Wizard!

L. Frank Baum's Oz books have been favorites of children and their parents ever since the books were published over a century ago. Now you can create your own adventure with Munchkin Oz!

36,00 EUR


SJG 4441

Munchkin Presents: Batman

It’s the Caped Crusader vs. the Masters of Mayhem!

The criminals of Gotham City are competing to see who’s the greatest Super-Villain of all! In this mischievous Munchkin
mash-up, players take on the roles of classic Batman baddies, battling against their competitors to commit crimes, foil
Batman, and escape Arkham Asylum. The first player to Level 10 rules Gotham! Who will it be?

54,00 EUR


SJG 4471

Munchkin Starfinder

The roleplaying, backstabbing, and monster-killing action of Munchkin meets the lasers, sleek starships, and hostile alien planets of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game! Munchkin Starfinder is a stand-alone game with enough spacefaring adventures for three to six players, and it has the most Races and Classes of any Munchkin game! Use futuristic weapons like the Gyrojet Pistol to defeat the adorably deadly Skittermander!

Illustrated by Howard Tayler, known for his Schlock Mercenary webcomic
Inc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


SJG 4476

Munchkin Starfinder: I want it All (Big Box)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Get the complete Munchkin Starfinder collection with Munchkin Starfinder I Want it All! It contains all the physical rewards released and unlocked during the Kickstarter campaign, including items that will never go to retail separately. To prove that you?ve got it all, you?ll also receive a certificate with its own special rules and spots for signatures from Steve Jackson, Howard Tayler, and Andrew Hackard. The box even comes with its own Munchkin Starfinder rule!

Munchkin Starfinder

Munch... (vollständige Beschreibung)

114,00 EUR


SJG 4481

Munchkin Warhammer 40,000

Bitte vorbestellen


168 cards, rulesheet, custom die, and a mounted level tracker.
Suggested Retail Price $29.95 * Stock #4481 * UPC 080742099562
In Production

Designer's Notes
Munchkin and Warhammer 40,000 – two great games that work great together! Become an Ultramarine, Necron, Aeldari, Ork, Death Guard, or Tyranid. Make a Pilgimage to Holy Terra, use your Lasblaster, and of course you need More Dakka! Be vigilant; you might encounter the Sloppity Bilepiper, a Horror of Tzeentch, or even Mortarion himsel... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


SJG 5359

Munchkin Adventure Time

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Help Finn, Jake, Lumpy Space Princess, and friends navigate the perils - and rewards! - of the Land of Ooo as they battle monsters, grab treasure, and run very fast in Munchkin Adventure Time! From USAopoly, under license from Steve Jackson Games and Cartoon Network Enterprises, this fast-paced, silly, and whimsical card game will satisfy Munchkin and Adventure Time fans looking to knock down doors, collect epic loot, and have a good time! Will "Oh my glob - look out!" be the last thing Adventur... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 5434

Munchkin: Rick & Morty

Munchkin: Rick and Morty, a standalone Munchkin game, fuses the classic card game fun of monster-slaying and role-playing with cyborgs, aliens, and demons from the popular television series Rick And Morty. Play as Rick, Morty, Beth, Jerry, Summer, or Mr. Poopybutthole to defeat the greatest adversaries in the Rick and Morty universe and become the hero as you reach Level 10 for the win.

40,00 EUR


SJG 5604

Munchkin - Playing Cards

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Ante up!
You love Munchkin, but sometimes you want to play poker or blackjack or just a quick game of solitaire. Now you can play your favorite classic card game with Munchkin Playing Cards! These 54 cards, illustrated by Ian McGinty, match the four traditional playing card suits . . . with a Munchkin twist, of course!
These are regular playing cards. You do not need Munchkin to play.

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USO 0430

Munchkin Harry Potter

Munchkin: Harry Potter lands the witches and wizards of Hogwarts in the world of Munchkin, with players needing to kick down doors, grab treasure, and level up as usual.

In this version of Steve Jackson's classic role-playing game, you can play as a member of your favorite house at Hogwarts and compete with other students to be the first to reach level 10!
Get ready for an epic duel in this Munchkin collectible game featuring images, characters and spells from the Harry Potter films as you t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


USO 0516

Munchkin - Critical Role

Hot Seller


The powerhouse role-playing franchise Critical Role meets its match in the treasure-seeking hit role-playing card game of Munchkin, bringing the hugely successful Mighty Nein campaign to tabletop in the first officially licensed Critical Role card game.

Defeat Foes and Uncover the Mysteries of Wildemount in the First-Ever Critical Role Licensed Tabletop Game.

42,00 EUR


USO 4000

Munchkin - Disney

z.Zt. vergriffen


If you've longed to live your days as a Disney hero, villain, or princess, you'll now have the chance to do so as the role-playing card game Munchkin: Disney brings "tales as old as time" to life on the tabletop!

Munchkin: Disney combines the treasure-hunting, back-stabbing, and leveling-up fun of the best-selling card game Munchkin with timeless Disney characters, phrases, and objects. Kick open a door to encounter monsters like infamous villains Jafar and Ursula, while trying to avoid curse... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

USO 4577

Munchkin - Ducktales

In Munchkin: Disney DuckTales, players choose from Scrooge McDuck, Huey, Dewey, Louie, and other DuckTales icons to battle it out against monsters (and each other) while uncovering treasure that will have you swimming in gold — just like "Unca Scrooge"!

True to the original Munchkin game, your goal is to collect as much treasure as possible while enlisting the help of interesting Items and Allies you'll come across during your adventures. If you're the first to reach Level 10, you win! How... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR



SJG 1410

Munchkin 2 - Unnatural Axe

Munchkin Rides Again!

At last! 112 more cards for the game of killing monsters and taking their stuff. Play a new race: Orcs! Face foes like the Hydrant and the Tentacle Demon. Equip yourself with dread armor like the Spiked Codpiece. Recruit allies like the Shoulder Dragon. Wield mighty weapons like Druid Fluid, the Slug Thrower, and, of course, the dread Unnatural Axe . . . and show them who's the greatest munchkin of all.

Included are five blank cards so you can ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


SJG 1416

Munchkin 3 - Clerical Errors

z.Zt. vergriffen


Illustrated by John Kovalic

You wanted more Munchkin, so here it is! Created by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic . . . Munchkin 3 - Clerical Errors has 112 more cards for the best-selling game of killing monsters and taking their stuff. Play a new race: Gnomes! Try on the Bard class. Face the Tequila Mockingbird, the Bad Ass, and the dreaded Auntie Paladin! Equip yourself with amazing items like the Chainmail Bikini and the Stab-A-Matic . . . and show them who's the mightiest, mu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 1418

Star Munchkin 2 - The Clown Wars (Revised)

The Munchkins take to the stars -- again!

Star Munchkin 2 brings the epic saga of The Clown Wars to life, except with better acting . . . Star Munchkin took the rules-bending, power-gaming, dungeon-crawling insanity of the original Munchkin and put the whole thing in space, where the monsters are more alien, the weapons more zappy, and the treasure -- well, there's still piles of treasure.

Strap on the Sprayser or the new X-Rayser and go ray-gunning for new monsters like the Nerds of Prey!... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


SJG 1424

Munchkin Blender

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Stir Things Up!

It's the ultimate party kit for Munchkin fans! Munchkin players really like to combine their sets . . . Munchkin, Star Munchkin, Munchkin Fu, all in one game. That gets really weird . . . but it can also slow the game down.

There are a lot of ways we COULD have addressed this problem. But this is Munchkin, so the solution we chose was to create a lot of really overpowered new cards. Why be a Super-Munchkin when you can be an Ultra-Munchkin? If a Half-Breed isn't enough, you... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 1426

Munchkin - Fairy Dust

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Meet the Sparkly Good Fairy. She wants all the munchkins to play nice, and she's willing to bash in some heads to make sure they do. Play her way, and she'll sprinkle you with Fairy Dust. Play dirty, and you might end up fighting her instead . . . over and over and over . . .

Fairy Dust is a 15-card non-collectible expansion for classic Munchkin. It introduces the Sparkly Good Fairy and her deck of Fairy Dust cards - extra rewards for munchkins who are willing to help each other. (It's perfec... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 1434

Munchkin - Waiting for Santa

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You'd better watch out, You'd better not cry, You'd better not pout... Or you're all gonna die! Santa Claus has brought some Yuletide treasures, like Fruitcake and Missile Toe, for all the good little munchkins - and some nasty friends, such as Grandfather Frost and Krampus, for all the naughty ones! Compatible with every Munchkin game, every card in this 15-card expansion set features full-color art by John Kovalic (Dork Tower), with metallic green and red ink for the holidays.

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 1441

Munchkin Fu 2: Monkey Business

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Nice Price

More mooks, more mayhem, more monsters, more monks . . . more Munchkin Fu! 110 evil and overpowered cards, plus two blanks to create your own. Learn new styles like Kong Fu, Fee Fi Fo Fu, Sna Fu, and the ever-perilous Stomach Fu!

Pick up dangerous new weapons like the Auspicious Ivory Gutting Hook and the Tofu Tonfa. Garb yourself in the Hong Kong Sarong. Slay foes like the Sex Gaki, Clamera, and Genghis Cong . . . and take their stuff!

... (vollständige Beschreibung)

48,00 EUR


SJG 1443

Munchkin Bites 2: Pants Macábre

Munchkin is about beating up monsters, taking their stuff, and sequels.
Munchkin Bites! is no different. Thus were born . . . the Pants Macabre.

The World of Dorkness has been busy in the past year. Can you face the sonic stylings of Ten Inch Tacks, the annoyance of the Gnat Bats, and the chilling waddle of the Were-Penguin? Will you wield the might of Power Piercing with the Huge Dice Pool, or will you be bludgeoned by Bad Fiction? And do you dare play the new Race . . . the Mummy?

In a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


SJG 1444

Munchkin 4 - Need for Steed (Revised)

Munchkin 4: The Need for Steed is the latest expansion for the original Munchkin - 112 more John Kovalic-illustrated cards for killing monsters, stealing treasure, and backstabbing your fellow players. This set introduces Steeds, the trusty mounts of legend . . . Oh, wait - this is Munchkin! So these Steeds include not just the Dragon and the Tiger, but the Giant Mutant Gerbil (drawn by guest artist Shaenon K. Garrity of Narbonic), the Chicken, and Big Joe, who might be a Steed or might be a ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


SJG 1445

Super Munchkin 2 - The Narrow S Cape

There comes a time in every munchkin's career when he's taken on more than he can handle, bitten off more than he can chew, gotten in over his head. It's time for - the Narrow S Cape.

With 112 cards to enhance your Super Munchkin game, The Narrow S Cape is much more than just this season's favorite fashion accessory! It teems with new villains like the contemptible Cheese Wiz, Gothzilla (with earthquake-causing platform boot action!), and the Ratwoman. And lest you feel overwhelmed by villain... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


SJG 1447

Munchkin Cthulhu: Sanity Check

Long-time fans will be excited for the first new Munchkin Cthulhu expansion in several years, and even new fans can mix these 30 cards into their sets for an instant jolt of variety. Sanity Check has all the curses, cultists, mayhem, and madness any Cthulhu fan could ask and mixes right into any Munchkin Cthulhu game.

12,00 EUR


SJG 1450

Munchkin 5 - De-Ranged

More of the twisted humor of Steve Jackson and John Kovalic in a 112-card supplement for Munchkin!

Introducing a new class . . . the Ranger! These munchkins are skilled animal handlers, taming monsters and riding them! Plus, they're expert archers, making them even more powerful when assisting others.

has everything you love about Munchkin, including:

- Treasure! Track down the Philosopher's Scone, put Racing Stripes on your Steed, and fill your Canteen of Spleen with Carbonated Holy Wa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


SJG 1453

Munchkin Cthulhu 2 Call of Cowthulhu

Call of Cowthulhu, an expansion to Munchkin Cthulhu, puts the Great Old Ones out to pasture, Munchkin-style! In this 56-card supplement you'll find:

* More monsters! Hog-Sothoth, the Sheep Ones, Shoggoats - even Cowthulhu itself!
* More whackers! Squish unnatural creatures with the Rolling Pin, chop them down with the Scythe, or clean them up with the Super Duper Pooper Scooper.
* A new card type - Madness! These are played like Curses, but every Madness has its advantages as well!

Call ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


SJG 1455

Munchkin Cthulhu 3 Unspeakable Vault of Doom

Seit Jahren veröffentlicht Francois Launet, auch bekannt als Goomi, seine eigene Vision von Cthulhu, in seinem Comic The Unspeakable Vault of Doom (Pegasus Spiele). Nun wird seine Sichtweise des Cthulhu-Mythos auch das
Munchkin-Spiel bereichern, in Munchkin Cthulhu 3 - The Unspeakable Vault.

Diese 56-Karten Erweiterung bringt Great Cthulhoo, Dagoon, Nyarly und Tindaloo in die Welt der Wortspiele von Munchkin. Verfüttere deine Freunde an Cthulhoo, züchte Footicles und nutze dein unmenschli... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


SJG 1457

Munchkin 6 - DeMented Dungeons

z.Zt. vergriffen


Now It's Really A Dungeon Crawl!

Munchkin is about kicking down Doors, killing Monsters, and stealing their Treasure. But where are the dank walls of the subterranean labyrinth where our heroes engage in their murderous exploits?

Demented Dungeons introduces a new twist on Munchkin. Now you can enter the Dungeon of Elvish Excess, where everyone is an Elf. Or take a Portal to the Dungeon of Manga Wrangling, where tentacles are even more dangerous. Or power up in the Dungeon of Unexpected Ep... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 1461

Munchkin Booty 2: Jump the Shark

Return to the high seas for more Munchkin Booty action. Fight the Hammerhead Shark and the Phillips-Head Shark, too. And greatest of all is the terrible Moby Duck! On the munchkin side, there are lots of new Ships, and a new Class: the Explorer! He gets a Treasure when he helps in combat, and he can pull cards back into his hand! This set features four monsters with a new weakness: Current or former members of the real-life Armed Forces get a bonus against them!

24,00 EUR


SJG 1464

Munchkin: Go Up A Level

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Munchkin: Go Up a Level contains 132 updated cards, spanning almost every Munchkin set with replacement cards to bring older versions of Munchkin up to date with the current rules, so that players won't have to replace their entire sets. A must for all veteran Munchkins everywhere, which will not be reprinted!

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SJG 1465

Munchkin Cthulhu 4: Crazed Caverns

The hunt for forbidden knowledge goes underground into the Crazed Caverns! Explore the Midden of the Mi-Go! Dig yourself out of the Dunwich Ditch! Brave the blue light of Kn-Yan!

Munchkin Cthulhu 4: Crazed Caverns adds Portals and Dungeons (first seen in Munchkin 6: Demented Dungeons) to the popular Munchkin Cthulhu game. Every new Dungeon card changes the rules, making the game even more insane! (To say nothing of the players...)

Contains 16 Door cards & 20 Dungeon Cards.

12,00 EUR


SJG 1467

Munchkin - 10 Time Warp

Make history! Shake history! Fake history!
And break history!
Munchkin 10 – Time Warp brings you 112 new cards compatible with the classic set by the TIME-honored team of Steve Jackson and John Kovalic. Arm yourself with George Washington’s False Teeth and Archimedes’ Screw. Whack your foes with the Philosopher’s Stone and a precious Ming Vase. And what foes! Cleopatra and her Pet Roc . . . Lucrezia Borgia, . . . with Monkeys, and even Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow, aided by Huns, Goths, and ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


SJG 1468

Munchkin 7 - Cheat with Both Hands...

Players really like to combine all their Munchkin sets - the stupider things get, the better. Here's the ultimate party kit for Munchkin fans!
If your players want to play a combo Star Munchkin Cthulhu Booty Zombies game, they can!

Munchkin 7: Cheat With Both Hands is designed for the anything-goes games where every deck is in play and no combination is too strange.
The fans told us they like to play that way; here's the set to let them do it! This is a supplement, not a stand-alone game... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


SJG 1471

Munchkin Quest 2: Looking for Trouble

z.Zt. vergriffen


Trouble means gold. Trouble means leveling up. And with Munchkin Quest 2: Looking for Trouble, you can find trouble with up to six players. More help against the monsters! More friends to backstab! More competition for the loot! Whoops, forget we said that last bit.

And now the dungeon has Traps. Axes and arrows, flames and falling rocks... Maybe you can dodge. Maybe you can push your buddy in front of you.

Explore 18 new rooms... the Tomb Room! The Doom Room! The Chamber of Horrors! If yo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 1472

Munchkin Quest : Portal Kombat

Munchkin Quest players love exploring the dungeon almost as much as they love backstabbing their rivals and taking their stuff - and with the new Portal links in Munchkin Quest: Portal Kombat, it's easier than ever! Two rooms with the same color Portal are linked, even across the dungeon, so you can sneak up on your foes or make a break for the Entrance when people least expect it. Contains 11 cards, 24 links, and rulesheet.

10,00 EUR


SJG 1485

Munchkin 8 - Half Horse, Will Travel

Our fans have been asking for new Races, and we’re giving them TWO in this set: Centaurs and Lizard Guys! Plus new Race and Class Enhancers: you can be Elite, Legendary, or Elder! Go for all three . . . you’ll need all the help you can get when you fight That Gecko On The Telly, the horrifying Centaurpede, and the dread Knight Mare!

Description: 112 cards in a hang-tab tuckbox.

24,00 EUR


SJG 1486

The Good, the Bad, and the Munchkin 2

The Good, the Bad, and the Munchkin 2: Beating a Dead Horse contains 56 new Wild West-themed cards specifically for use in The Good, the Bad, and the Munchkin, although they can also be added to any other Munchkin game.

This expansion includes a new class, Cavalry, that allows you to sacrifice your treasure to gain a level when helping a non-Cavalry player. Since this level is gained as part of a combat, it can be the winning level.

Also of note is the addition of another Deputy's Badge, a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


SJG 1487

Munchkin Zombies 3 - Hideous Hideouts

Nowhere Is Safe . . . From YOU!

You liked the double-sized "Dungeon" cards for classic Munchkin. So here they are for Munchkin Zombies!

In Hideous Hideouts, these cards are places where the zombies can find more yummy braaaaaains! Fort Deadly, the Creepy Isolated Cabin of the Dead, Resurrecticon . . . you get the idea. And cards like Breach the Perimeter and Walking in Circles will keep the band of hungry undead on the move as they hunt for tasty, tasty survivors.

12,00 EUR


SJG 1489

Munchkin - Game Changers

Munchkin Game Changers contains all the cards from Munchkin Fairy Dust, Munchkin Fairy Dust Dice, Munchkinomicon, Munchkin Monster Enhancers, and Munchkin Reloaded!

It also includes some bonus items - new Fairy Dust and Munchkinomicon level counters, and four cards formerly only available directly from Steve Jackson Games.

28,00 EUR


SJG 1493

Munchkin Zombies 4 - Spare Parts

Once More Unto The Brain, Dear Friends!

The undead munchkins return once more in this 56-card expansion for Munchkin Zombies, with a bunch of new ways to get those pesky survivors and eat their braaaaaaaiiiins! Take on a new Power ("Solo") and show the other zombies on the block who's boss. Pick up the Spare Parts and Bowling Gloves and take on Your Ex-Roommate! Get Your Second Wind so you can defeat the formidable Surgeon General, but make sure you don't get hit with Curse: Dead Heat!

12,00 EUR


SJG 1494

Munchkin Zombies 2: Armed and Dangerous

Return of the (un)Living Munchkins!
Munchkin Zombies is a hit – we had to order a second printing less than a month after its release! And the fans demanded more! Who are we to argue?
Munchkin Zombies 2 – Armed and Dangerous includes 112 new cards for Munchkin Zombies. Players can wield their Trained Attack Flies and Prehensile Tongue against the Zombie Gamer, or be the Rankest of the Rank and use the Power of SCIENCE against the dread Survivalist. Includes a new Power, “Hungry,” and a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


SJG 1496

Munchkin Legends 2: Faun and Games

z.Zt. vergriffen


New Legends are on the way to Munchkindom: Wield the Spear of Density to fight J.R.R. Trollkin! Fend off the Wendigo with your Hell Toupee! Did you Myth Us? Faun and Games, the first 56-card expansion for Munchkin Legends, introduces a new Race (the Faun) and a pile of hilarious jokes and puns on figures from mythology and history.

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 1499

Munchkin Undead

It just doesn’t feel like a dungeon worth exploring without hordes of undead!
Munchkin Undead adds 15 new monsters, curses and items all dealing with the formerly living. Get your pointy sticks and your chainsaws ready because it’s time to kill them – all over again!
Key Features
• Great for Munchkin, Munchkin Zombies, Munchkin Bites!, and many others!
• Add some creep factor to your Munchkin game!
• Makes a great Halloween gift!
• Blister pack containing 15 cards.

8,00 EUR


SJG 1504

Munchkin Apocalypse 2: Sheep Impact Expansion

It's the end of the world...again. Munchkin Apocalypse 2: Sheep Impact is a 106-card expansion for Munchkin Apocalypse. Now you can arm your hardened survivor with the "Patriot Axe" and "Ketchup Gas" to take on the "The Thawed Reich"! Protect yourself with the "Bomb Suit" and "Survival Manual", or the "Antisocial Media" will end you prematurely! Watch out for "Disaster! Velocirapture!" and terrifying new Seals like "The Singularity"! Play a new Class "The Daredevil" and thumb your nose at apocal... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


SJG 1505

Munchkin Legends 3 - Myth Prints

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For the third time, Munchkin ruins explores your favorite myths and legends! Munchkin Legends 3 – Myth Prints introduces the Gladiator . . . they get tougher when their lives are at stake! This 56-card set has new monsters to fight, new Treasures to gain, and dozens of new jokes to enjoy! (Or groan at – your choice.)

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SJG 1506

Star Munchkin 3 - Diplomatic Impunity

More Sci-Fi Hijinks!
After far too long, your favorite spacefaring munchkins are BACK! This expansion includes Ships your characters can use to explore the cosmos; a new Class, Ambassador, that can commandeer Ships from other players; and a new Race, Veggie, because even munchkins need fiber. Plus plenty of new monsters, Traps, and Treasures. (Yes, of course there are more Lasers. PEW PEW!)
• Ships! Everyone loves ships!
• A new Race, the Veggie!
• MUNCHKINS . . . IN . . . SPAAAAAAAAAA... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


SJG 1510

Munchkin - Something Fishy

z.Zt. vergriffen


Either the dungeon has flooded or you took a very wrong turn somewhere, because you don’t remember The Flaming Hellscape being this damp. No time to look back, however . . . there are all sorts of fun new monsters to fight and odd new weapons to do it with. Are you the king of the sea, or will you take a dive? There’s only one way to find out . . . check out Munchkin Something Fishy today!

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 1528

Munchkin - Babies: Stork Naked

The sweet and savage tykes from Munchkin Babies return in Munchkin Babies 2 – Stork Naked. This expansion adds 56 new cards to the Babies deck so fans get more monsters, more loot, and more cuddles per game – silly puns included for free! Players may face the Baby Buggy, Whippersnapper, Brat Pack, and the terrifying Mall Santa. If they can conquer these beasts, they can win treasures such as the Thumper Jumper, Crabby Pants, My First Crossbow, or even a Binky. It’s all Developmentally Appr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


SJG 1532

Munchkin: Christmas Lite

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Kick down the door! Defeat the monster! Take the treasure!

Munchkin has been a gaming phenomenon for fifteen years, and now we're giving you a great introduction to the game. Munchkin Christmas Lite is a standalone game that can also be used as an expansion for existing Munchkin games!

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SJG 1535

Munchkin Apocalypse 2: Sheep Impact Expansion Guest Artist Edition

A 106-card expansion for Munchkin: Apocalypse.

Game description from the publisher:

It's the end of the world...again. Munchkin Apocalypse 2: Sheep Impact is a 106-card expansion for Munchkin Apocalypse. Now you can arm your hardened survivor with the "Patriot Axe" and "Ketchup Gas" to take on the "The Thawed Reich"! Protect yourself with the "Bomb Suit" and "Survival Manual", or the "Antisocial Media" will end you prematurely! Watch out for "Disaster! Velocirapture!" and terrifying new Se... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


SJG 1541

Munchkin 6.5 - Terrible Tombs

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This expansion has 20 new Dungeons to delve and 16 new Portals to get you there. Munchkin 6.5: Terrible Tombs is fully compatible with Munchkin 6: Demented Dungeons, if you feel up to the challenge, and can also be used on its own.

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SJG 1549

Munchkin Cows

Cows? Yes, Cows. Haven't you herd?

Here's the latest 15-card set of monsters and Treasures for any Munchkin game. Steak your claim to this expansion before it's gone, because you'll veal sad if you miss it . . . And that's no bull.

This is an expansion for Munchkin. It is not a stand-alone game. These cards originally appeared in Munchkin Unicorns and Friends.

10,00 EUR


SJG 1570

Munchkin 9: Jurassic Snark

Munchkin 9: Jurassic Snark takes munchkins to a long-gone era to fight dangers they've never encountered. With this 112-card expansion added to any Munchkin base game, you can wear primeval armor, ride dinosaur steeds, and fight munchkinivorous monsters.

24,00 EUR


SJG 1572

Munchkin - Party Pack

Munchkin: Party Pack has 15 party-themed cards to add to your Munchkin games and three copies each of five new cards to give away as party favors.

10,00 EUR


SJG 1575

Munchkin Steampunk: Girl Genius

Agatha Heterodyne and all her friends - and enemies! - invade your gaming table in Munchkin Steampunk: Girl Genius, an expansion for Munchkin Steampunk based on the hit webcomic from Studio Foglio.

Designed by Steve Jackson and illustrated by Girl Genius creator Phil Foglio, this expansion includes new foes, new Treasures, and the fan-favorite Sparks . . . including new Spark tokens and rules for using them!

112 cards and 20 tokens in a tuckbox.

26,00 EUR


SJG 1576

Munchkin 6 - Double Dungeon (Expended Edition)

What's an adventurer without dungeons to explore? This box contains 40 double-sized Dungeons plus 32 Portals to et you from one to the next. Each Dungeon changes the rules... some are helpful, some are harmful, and some are just silly. It is Munchkin, after all!

This set includes the cards from Munchkin 6 - Demented Dungeons and Munchkin 6.5 - Terrible Tombs, now in a single convenient expansion!

24,00 EUR


SJG 1584

Munchkin - Druids

Hot Seller


A new 112-card expansion for Munchkin with lots of nature-related jokes and monsters. Adds a new class –Druids!

Munchkin Druids adds 112 cards to the game . . . the new Druid class, and more nature-related monsters and weapons than you can shake a holy stick at. Watch out for the bloodthirsty and wear - but don’t eat – the Death Cap!

Enjoy the good-natured silliness of this 10th Munchkin expansion – shuffle it in with any of your favorite Munchkin games!

24,00 EUR


SJG 1589

Munchkin - Snakes

There's something new slithering its way into your games of Munchkin!
This mini-expansion adds 30 brand-new serpentine monsters, coiling curses, and other sinuous surprises to any Munchkin game! Face down the King Snake or the Pie-thon, armed with your trusty Boa and Arrow. And don't worry; if anything goes wrong, a dose of Asp-rin will get you right back in the fight!

- A sundry swarm of snakes illustrated by Lar deSouza.
- Stock this stylish 30-card Munchkin mini-expansion on yo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


SJG 1590

Munchkin - Rats

We’ve shared our lives with rats since . . . forever. Rats were here long before we were! Now those rats, and their rodent kin, are gnawing their way into your Munchkin deck. Here are 30 rat-ical new cards that you’ll love! Wield your Weapon of Mouse Destruction against Soc-Rat-es and Win A Rat Race!

This is an expansion for Munchkin. It is not a stand-alone game.

14,00 EUR


SJG 3936

Munchkin Gift Pack

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Munchkin Gift Pack includes three hard-to-find Munchkin games (Munchkin Lite, Munchkin Grimm Tidings, and Munchkin Spell Skool), already gift-wrapped for your customers' convenience! They can just stick one of the enclosed gift tags on a game and give it to their favorite Munchkin fan!

Also includes five new Munchkin cards, illustrated by Len Peralta, and a holiday greeting card!

66,00 EUR


SJG 4201

Munchkin - Munchkin Penny Arcade Expansion

With Munchkin Penny Arcade, now the fun and the blowtorch come to the game table! With Mike Krahulik's "Gabe and Tycho" images, and card text by Steve Jackson, Munchkin Penny Arcade – a fixed 15-card booster pack that's part of the huge Munchkin series – will make your Munchkin game just a little more surreal.

6,00 EUR


SJG 4202

Munchkin Unicorns

Unicorns are beloved, beautiful beasts who will stab you the moment you turn your back. Time to return the favor.

This set contains 15 unicorn-themed cards originally found in Munchkin Unicorns and Friends, now available on their own for people who like unicorns (but not friends).

10,00 EUR


SJG 4203

Munchkin Booty: Fish & Ships

Avast ye! Fish & Ships be full of Sharks (and other denizens of th' deep) and Ships for yer Munchkin Booty game!

We gots here Fish rangin' from yer pathetic Fish in a Barrel to yer munchkin-mangling Tiger Shark. We gots six new Ships, and all of them be good and most of them be really dumb. We thinks that Jet Ski be the dumbest, but there be room fer argument here. And ye can give any ship a Glass Bottom, ta see what's comin' at ye, or Clockwork Wings ta rise above it all.

This be a supple... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


SJG 4205

Munchkin: Santa's Revenge

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The Munchkin was sleeping all snug in his bed, when Santa came back with a BOOT TO THE HEAD!

Santa's Revenge is a holiday-themed supplement for any Munchkin game. It goes especially well with Waiting for Santa, but you don't need WFS to enjoy Santa's Revenge. It adds Santa monsters like Harold Angel (as in, HARK!) and the Anti-Clause. And it gives you new things to hit those monsters with, from Snowballs to the North Pole. And the new Armor is Christmas Wrapping. John Kovalic had fun drawing ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SJG 4207

Munchkin - Munchkinomicon Expansion

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From the malignant mind of Steve Jackson and the palpitating pen of John Kovalic, this mighty tome gives Munchkin players deviously cheesy Spells like United I Stand, Eldritch Cleaver, and Unnatural Compulsion to incorporate into their Munchkin and Munchkin Cthulhu games. But beware! If the owner isn't Munchkinly enough, the Munchkinomicon will promptly slip away and find a more Munchkinly host!

This booster pack comes complete with the Munchkinomicon card and 14 of a new card type: Spells.

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SJG 4210

Munchkin Marked for Death

z.Zt. vergriffen


Munchkin Marked for Death is a double-duty booster set! This pack contains 17 new cards, including "Anvil", "Recalculate Your XP", and the horrifying effervescence of the "Soap Golem" ... plus two almost-new cards. And they're balanced to let you use them as a quick rigged demo for your friends, to get them into the madness that is Munchkin!

The two "almost-new" cards are the corrected reprints of "Curse! Lead Paint!" and "Curse! Warranty Expires!". These were originally released with Munchki... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 4211

Munchkin - Monster Enhancers Expansion

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Are you tired of beating up on wimpy monsters? Of course not: you're a munchkin! Are you tired of watching your opponents beat up on wimpy monsters? Of course you are: you're a munchkin!

Munchkin Monster Enhancers gives you 15 cards to make the monsters tougher and send the other players crying for their mommies. With 13 favorites from More Good Cards, now in full color, plus two brand new cards, Hollywood and Ultimate, this set is a monster's dream and a player's nightmare. Until it comes ti... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SJG 4214

Star Munchkin: Space Ships

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Munchkin Booty introduced Ships to the world of Munchkin. You guys immediately asked why we didn't have Ships for Star Munchkin as well. So now we do!

Star Munchkin: Space Ships lets you ride in -- or on -- the Horsefly, the Starfurry, or the USS Secondprize. You can buff your ships with a Quad-Mounted Laser or a Bridge. And you can let your new Sidekick, Otto, do the flying for you.

Live long and prosper and kill monsters!

Note: This is an expansion for Star Munchkin, not a stand-alone... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


SJG 4215

Munchkin Kittens

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


The ancient Egyptians worshipped cats.
Which clearly explains what happened to them. Cats may be cute, but they've got teeth, claws and siege weaponry? Munchkin Kittens has 30 new cards that some of you may be allergic to. Don't be fooled . . . they're adorable, but deadly!
This is an expansion for Munchkin. It is not a stand-alone game. This is NOT a collectible or randomized set. Every Kittens pack is the same as every other.

18,00 EUR


SJG 4216

Munchkin Puppies

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)

  The latest in our series of Munchkin booster packs is also the newest double booster: 30 cards all about adorable, cuddly, evil puppies! (Um, forget that “evil†part.) Developed by Devin Lewis and illustrated by Katie Cook, the hit team behind Munchkin Kittens, this expansion is the perfect companion for every Munchkin game! • 30 cards with new, ARF-ful jokes! • Compatible with all Munchkin games, especially those with the original fantasy backs. • Katie Cook is familiar to Munchkin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


SJG 4217

Munchkin Clowns

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Clowns bring joy and laughter to people everywhere with their happy antics. For many circus-goers, the clowns are the best part of the show.

They've never met these clowns. Munchkin Clowns is a mini-expansion for Munchkin that invites you to wear your Big Red Shoes and Big Red Nose for big bonuses! Fight Poundfoolish with Pound Cake. If you fail, that's're dead!

16,00 EUR


SJG 4218

Munchkin - Tricky Treats

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After tearing through our Munchkin Christmas boosters, fans demanded more holidays! So Munchkin is dressing up for Halloween with Munchkin Tricky Treats!
And with cards like Zombie Costume, Favorite Machete, and Sparkly Vampire, Munchkin fans will play this set all year!

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SJG 4218.2

Munchkin - Tricky Treats (Reprint)

After tearing through our Munchkin Christmas boosters, fans demanded more holidays! So Munchkin is dressing up for Halloween with Munchkin Tricky Treats!
And with cards like Zombie Costume, Favorite Machete, and Sparkly Vampire, Munchkin fans will play this set all year!

Munchkin Tricky Treats is a 15-card booster that contains Munchkin cards with a Halloween theme.

It's Halloween, and you know what that means – it's time to dress up, kill monsters, and take their sweet, sweet CANDY!!!!... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


SJG 4220

Munchkin Reindeer Games

Those scary Reindeer are back! And they've brought new Santa monsters like Teeny Tiny Tim, Recalled Toys, and (eek!) Mrs. Claus. You know what you have to do. Kill them and take their stuff! Armor yourself in Tinsel, and grab the Snow Shoes and the Reindeer Hat. Celebrate Christmas the Munchkin way with Reindeer Games!

Finseal pack containing 15 cards.

6,00 EUR


SJG 4221

Munchkin Reloaded

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All the fan-favorite cards from the out-of-print Munchkin Dice have returned! The race modifiers Dark and High, the class modifier Master, and of course the Reloaded Die (and we threw in an extra one, too!) and more! This set also features the classic card Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies, from the virtual pages of Randy Milholland's hit webcomic SomethingPositive. Munchkin Reloaded!: 15 cards every true Munchkin fan wants to kill monsters with!

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SJG 4223

Munchkin - Tails of the Season

Bitte vorbestellen


The only thing people love more than cute animals is cute animals at Christmas, and that’s what you’ll get in this holiday mini-expansion to this summer’s Munchkin Tails! Andrew Hackard and Katie Cook are back with 15 more adorable cards – an ideal stocking stuffer for your four-footed friends! (Assuming they can read and like playing games. Otherwise, maybe give this to your kids. Or yourself!) This works perfectly with Munchkin Tails, of course, but can also be used with any Munchkin s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 8,00 EUR


SJG 4225

Exclusive Warehouse 23 Munchkin Booster (2010)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Exclusive Warehouse 23 Munchkin Booster is pretty much described by the name: a fixed set of cards for the various Munchkin games sold exclusively through publisher Steve Jackson Games' retail outlet, a.k.a. Warehouse 23. A booster was released annually between 2010 and 2014.

100,00 EUR


SJG 4226

Munchkin Conan Booster

Hot Seller


A quest that begins as a personal vendetta for the fierce Cimmerian warrior soon turns into an epic battle against hulking rivals, horrific monsters, and impossible odds, as Conan (Jason Momoa) realizes he is the only hope of saving the great nations of Hyboria from an encroaching reign of supernatural evil!

Slated for theaters August 19 and deftly adapted from the original works of Robert E. Howard and faithful to the mythology and psychology of his iconic character, Conan The Barbarian star... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


SJG 4230

Munchkin - The Guild Expansion

Munchkin is the classic card game of killing monsters and taking their stuff. The Guild is the hot Web series about a gaming group that puts
the FUN in dysFUNctional. (Because otherwise it’d be “dysctional,” and that’s hard to say.)

Now they’ve come together in a glorious spew of AWESOME! Munchkin The Guild lets gamers add Codex, Vork, Clara, Bladezz, Tink, and the
mighty Zaboo to their Munchkin adventures. And they may meet some of The Guild’s foes along the way . . .

This s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


SJG 4232

Munchkin - Skullkickers

Munchkin is the classic card game of fantasy adventuring. Skullkickers is the hit Image comic of fantasy adventuring. Munchkin Skullkickers is the perfect crossover! Show the booster to your comic fans and show the comic to your Munchkin fans!

Description: Finseal pack containing 15 cards.

6,00 EUR


SJG 4233

Munchkin Easter Eggs Booster

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It's Easter, and you know what that means -- Bunnies! Kill them and take their sweet, sweet candy! Wear your Sundae Dress and Bunny Slippers while you fight Peter Cottonmouth and Little Bunny 'Thulhu! Just don't eat the Fake Grass . . . Finseal pack containing 15 cards.

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SJG 4234

Munchkin Naughty & Nice

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Previous Munchkin Christmas boosters (Waiting for Santa, Santa s Revenge, and Reindeer Games) have been among our strongest sellers, and this one will be no different! With 15 new holiday-themed Munchkin cards, all illustrated by John Kovalic (including NEW versions of fan favorites Naughty and Nice, originally from Waiting for Santa), this set is the perfect stocking stuffer for all good little munchkins! (Bad ones, too.)

Description: Finseal pack containing 15 cards.

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SJG 4235

Munchkin Dragons Booster

Dragons are fearsome! Dragons are cool! Dragons have LOTS of treasure for munchkins to loot! Munchkin Dragons has 15 new cards. The treasures are wondrous indeed . . . but first, you've got some dragons to slay. Good luck. This is an expansion for Munchkin. It is not a stand-alone game. This is NOT a collectible or randomized set. Every Munchkin Dragons pack is the same as every other.

6,00 EUR


SJG 4236

Munchkin Apocalypse: Mars Attacks Booster

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Mars Attacks!, the hit trading card series from Topps, is invading the world of Munchkin Apocalypse! In this 15-card booster, you'll battle Monster Bugs and the Heat Ray Saucer on your way to Level 10, with the help of new goodies like the Martian Zap Rifle and Giant Spiky Feet. But watch out for the new Seals – you could end the world with Reality TV! (It makes total sense to us.)

12,00 EUR


SJG 4238

Munchkin: Petting Zoo

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Ah, the good old petting zoo. Where else can you find adorable animals, screaming children, and the most awful smells?

Munchkin Petting Zoo lets you add a menagerie of surprisingly friendly fauna to your arsenal! But you should probably still wash your hands after you pet that...giraffe.

22,00 EUR


SJG 4243

Munchkin Princesses

z.Zt. vergriffen


Join the ranks of royalty...then go right back to killing monsters and taking their stuff. In style. We're putting the rage in peerage! Munchkin Princesses: all the noblesse, none of the oblige.

This 15-card booster pack has cards for every Munchkin fan: new monsters ("Prince Charmless" and "The Eighth Dwarf"), new Treasures ("Glass Sneakers" and the "Genetically Modified Apple") and, of course, the "Princess" card itself. In fact, two Princesses!

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 4244

Munchkin Holidazed

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Munchkin Holidazed, Steve Jackson Games' holiday-themed Munchkin booster pack for 2014, contains 15 cards (eleven new cards and four reprinted cards that previously appeared only in the Munchkin Holiday Surprise boxed set), a peppermint-swirled level counter, and six Munchkin dice.

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SJG 4246

Munchkin - Kobolds Ate My Baby

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All Hail King Torg!
A kobold has a harsh life. But at least there are babies to eat . . . until King Torg (All Hail King Torg!) swipes the plumpest and juiciest for his table. Good thing the humans keep making more of them . . .

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SJG 4247

Munchkin - Love Shark Baby

Munchkin Love Shark Baby is a Valentine's Day-themed fifteen-card non-random booster pack for any standalone Munchkin game.

The card backs are the same theme as Munchkin, but the fronts are various shades of pink. It consists of 7 Doors and 8 Treasures.

6,00 EUR


SJG 4248

Munchkin Apocalypse: Judge Dredd

Sammlerstück / Rarität


With this 15-card booster pack featuring characters and items from the hit comic Judge Dredd, you can keep your game of Munchkin Apocalypse in line with "street judges" – the brutal lawmen who take on the combined role of judge, jury, and executioner for the criminals of a dystopian future.
The judges themselves are monster cards, and there's plenty of Dredd-themed loot, too, such as the Judge's Badge. Card art comes directly from the 30-plus years of Judge Dredd comic history.

18,00 EUR


SJG 4250

Munchkin - Munchkin Hipsters

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We were munchkins before it was cool.
Hipsters adds 30 new cards that will let you defy The Man while wearing your Knit Cap and sipping on your Nonfat Soy No-Whip Skinny Half-Caf Fair Trade Ventitré Mocha Latte. Even though it's so last year, you can fight the Indie Band using your Artisanal Chunky Black Glasses and go up a level when you Reject the Conventional.

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SJG 4251

Munchkin - Dragon's Trike

Now You’ve Done It! You stirred up the nest and now Dragons are everywhere!Big ones, tiny ones, even undead ones. Munchkin Dragon’s Trike has 15 new cards. Kill enough Dragons and you might even be able to start your own treasure hoard ...

8,00 EUR


SJG 4253

Munchkin - Knights

In times of yore, loyal knights would ride out to do their king's bidding. These knights have stumbled into the dungeon and are now in your way. Draw your steel and show them who's the king around here. Munchkin Knights has fifteen shiny new cards to add some Knight to your day!

8,00 EUR


SJG 4255

Munchkin - Curses

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Admit it. You love that moment when your enemy kicks down the door, and the card they draw is – a Curse! Almost as much as you love playing Curses on your enemies yourself. Whether it means losing items, skipping turns, or stumbling across a duck imbued with pure doom, a Curse always brings in an element of gleeful mayhem.

That's why the Munchkin Curses booster contains twelve new Curses, two new monsters, and one Curse Reverse to shuffle into your Munchkin game!

10,00 EUR


SJG 4256

Munchkin - Gets Promoted 2

z.Zt. vergriffen


Munchkin Gets Promoted 2 is a 15-card booster pack for use with the Munchkin base game or any other standalone titles in the Munchkin family. This booster contains fifteen previously released promotional cards that are now out of print, specifically:

Angry Bards
Boa Constructor
Book Wyrm
Cloak of Anonymity
Club of Fighting
Deodorant Stick
Ear Worm
Game Mechanic
Go Down a Level
Go Up a Level
Lightning Bolt
Oil Derek
Pub Knight
Wand of Dousing

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 4257

Munchkin Enhancers

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Flavor up your Munchkin experience with these 30 new monster, Treasure, Class, and Race enhancers! Enhancers boost the strength of Items, monsters, and the munchkins themselves, but beware! Your foes can turn them against you as well. Munchkin Enhancers adds more power, more challenge, and more backstabbing fun to your games!

18,00 EUR


SJG 4262

Munchkin Cheats

This 30-card expansion is made up of various Cheats and other Cheat-themed cards. You can shuffle these cards into your Munchkin game to put Treasure cards into play more often and make things more interesting for everyone at the table. And to add chaos to your game (don't worry, it's still possible) we also included Monsters and Curses that interact with Cheat cards!

12,00 EUR


SJG 4263

Munchkin Fowl Play

Get all the silly chicken, turkey, and duck jokes you've ever wanted with Munchkin Fowl Play! This mini-expansion is illustrated by John Kovalic and written by Steve Jackson — the original Munchkin duo. Plus, it comes with original fantasy backs so you can add poultry flavor to all your Munchkin games!

8,00 EUR


SJG 4264

Munchkin - Side Quests

Munchkin Side Quests is a 30-card mini-expansion for any Munchkin base game that forms its own deck of secret goals. Players draw these secret goals, and when a goal is completed, the player receives a bonus! When a player has completed three different quests, the next monster they fight is for victory in the entire game, no matter what their level.

10,00 EUR


SJG 4266

Munchkin Zombies Grave Mistakes

No one ever thinks to hide in the cemetery when the zombies roam the streets. With your sensible heels and a personalized gravestone, what could possibly go wrong? Add these 30 cards to your Munchkin Zombies game to find out!

12,00 EUR


SJG 4266

Munchkin Cthulhu Sanity Check

In der Welt von H.P. Lovecraft, das ist eine sehr relevante Frage. Langjährige Fans werden von der ersten neuen Munchkin Chtulhu Erweiterung seit einigen Jahren begeistert sein. Und auch neue Fans können diese 30 Karten in ihre Sets mischen und so für einen sofortigen Abwechslungsschub sorgen. Sanity Check hat all die Flüche, Kultisten, Chaos und Wahnsinn nach denen ein jeder Cthulhu-Fan fragen könnte. Und kann in jedes andere Munchkin Spiel gemischt werden.

12,00 EUR


SJG 4268

Star Munchkin - Landing Party


Life on the ship is boring. Going down to the planet is where it's at. Add these 30 cards to your Star Munchkin game for a real landing party. But watch out for uninvited guests!

22,00 EUR


SJG 4270

Munchkin Apocalypse: Kaiju

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Yatta! Kaiju gemu e yokoso! (Hooray! Welcome to our kaiju game!) Enjoy nuclear-powered battles, city-stomping showdowns, and off-planet altercations with Munchkin: Apocalypse - Kaiju! (Gesundheit.) Get barbecued by Hamera, take a sledgehammer to Rocky Road Dan, and win the day with the help of a Rousing Theme Song and a Small Child in Shorts.

ca. 10,00 EUR


SJG 4271

Munchkin Bosses

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Expansion set adding 30 more cards to Munchkin
For 3 to 6 players ages 10 and up
Plays in about an hour
Adds boss monsters and munchkin buffers to the fun!
Compatible with all Munchkin games!

22,00 EUR


SJG 4275

Munchkin Turtle Carnage

Hot Seller


Trust us, it’s Turtles All the Way Down!

In Munchkin Turtle Carnage, we’ve got a shell-load of great new cards for you! Be careful not to wake the Napping Turtle while you battle the undead Riga-Tortoise with your Hot Rock. And always remember, Slow and Steady wins the race to Level 10!

12,00 EUR


SJG 4278

Munchkin Witches

Evil witches are everywhere. Souring your milk, corrupting your files, sailing across the moon with a cackling laugh. What can you do? What you always do - kill them and take their stuff. Here are a dozen witchy monsters with Items and Curses to match!

This expansion works with any Munchkin set, but if you want witches to be a bit more central in your game, shuffle it into Munchkin Pathfinder and let the players be Witches, too!

12,00 EUR


SJG 4422

Munchkin Pathfinder: Gobsmacked

After we finished Munchkin Pathfinder we found another hob of goblins hiding under the desk ... so we made a booster out of 'em. Fight off the Goblin Babies, Cog Goblin, and Goblin Hood with the Gobliterator! Just don't get Gobsmacked!...

12,00 EUR


SJG 4424

Munchkin Pathfinder: Truly Gobnoxious

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Is your goblin horde more of a goblin clique? Not for long! Swell your goblin ranks with Munchkin Pathfinder: Truly Gobnoxious, a booster pack with ten new monster cards and five goblin-related treasures for use with Munchkin Pathfinder or any other Munchkin title.

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SJG 4425

Munchkin Pathfinder 2: Guns and Razzes

Munchkin Pathfinder 2: Guns and Razzes, a 112-card expansion to Munchkin Pathfinder. gives players the Gunslinger class and a new faction: the Razmiran Vision. The Gunslinger class specializes in firearms (always the best specialty for a fantasy character), and the Razmiran Vision faction lets players benefit from backstabbing.

24,00 EUR


SJG 4426

Munchkin Pathfinder 3: Odd Ventures

Munchkin Pathfinder fans, expand your adventure possibilities with the 20 new Dungeon cards in Munchkin Pathfinder 3 – Odd Ventures! These Dungeons are based on the best-selling Adventure Paths for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Inc. We've also delved into the game to find the most (in)famous gates, doorways and other passageways to use for the Portal cards. Your heroes will be going on some very Odd Ventures indeed!

18,00 EUR


SJG 4432

Munchkin Oz 2: The Yellow Brick Raid

Loot the Emerald City even more thoroughly than before with Munchkin Oz 2: Yellow Brick Raid, which contains 56 new cards inspired by the fourteen Oz books by L. Frank Baum.

There are 34 Doors and 22 Treasures, with plenty of monsters (including a handful of high-level ones), some Allies and Curses, and lots of treasure. Now, you can fight the Googly-Goo or The Lizard of Oz in the Lemonade Rain and Popcorn Snow using a Can of Brains or the Magic Apron.

It's a great way to experience all th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


SJG 4472

Munchkin Starfinder 2 Far Out

In this expansion for Munchkin Starfinder, we’ve explored the
far reaches of the universe to give you even more monsters to
kill and more treasures to find. Add these cards to your next
adventure in space and defeat the Swarm!

14,00 EUR


SJG 4480

Munchkin Red Dragon Inn

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All the looting and monster-killing action you love from Munchkin is shaken and stirred with fan-favorite characters, treasures, and drinks from SlugFest Games’ hit series The Red Dragon Inn! Players can shuffle the Munchkin: The Red Dragon Inn expansion into any of their Munchkin games and add even more variety to their dungeon-crawling adventures!

Illustrated by Tom Siddell, who has previously worked on the Munchkin Collectible Card Game and Munchkin Booty Guest Artist Edition.
Includes ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SJG 4482

Munchkin Warhammer 40,000: Faith and Firepower!

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Expand your battles with Munchkin Warhammer 40,000: Faith and Firepower! This 112-card set includes two new Armies for your Munchkin Warhammer 40,000 game. The Sisters of Battle are some of the most elite Imperial soldiers around, and the T'au make terrifying enemies . . . or stalwart allies in the war against Chaos. Plus lots of new loot and horrible monsters to fight!

ca. 20,00 EUR


SJG 4483

Munchkin Warhammer 40,000: Savagery and Sorcery

Bitte vorbestellen


Munchkin Warhammer 40,000: Sorcery and Savagery is a 112-card expansion featuring one of the most iconic pairs of antagonists in the entire Warhammer 40,000 universe: Space Wolves and Thousand Sons.

The Space Wolves are an elite Imperial army, using genetic engineering and intense training to build a proud, deadly force. The Thousand Sons are the pride of Tzeentch, using sorcery to impose Chaos on the entire galaxy. Their battles are the stuff of legends and their heroes are revered millennia... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


SJG 5379

Munchkin Zombies: The Walking Dead

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Level up in this apocalyptic world as the Walkers aim to have their revenge against the survivors. Munchkin Zombies: The Walking Dead is a 56-card expansion for Steve Jackson's Munchkin Zombies stand-alone game.

28,00 EUR


SJG 5412

Munchkin Adventure Time 2

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Munchkin Adventure Time 2: It's a Dungeon Crawl! is a small boxed expansion for Munchkin Adventure Time and other standalone Munchkin games.

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SJG 5519

Munchkin Cthulhu: Crypts of Concealment

The eldritch secrets of Munchkin Cthulhu deserve a special hiding place! The Munchkin Cthulhu Crypts of Concealment are sturdy cardboard, sized to hold 500 Munchkin cards apiece! One is labeled Doors, and one is for Treasures.

Bonus: Two new Munchkin Cthulhu cards that are unique to this set!

10,00 EUR


SJG 5542

Munchkin: Black Friday

z.Zt. vergriffen


Our retailers have helped make Munchkin a Black Friday staple for years . . . it’s time for us to return the favor!

This kit contains 10 packs of Black Friday-themed Munchkin cards. Give them as promos to your loyal customers, offer them as cheap add-ons to drive Munchkin sales, or leave them sitting on the counter for anyone to grab - it’s up to you!

If you would rather just put them out for sale and let your customers give the packs away as gifts, you can do that, too.

Key Feature... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 5588

Munchkin Stocking Stuffers

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Five identical sealed packs of holiday-themed Munchkin cards and five Munchkin-themed gift tags. Each pack contains one card providing a very brief explanation of the game of Munchkin, two Munchkin Door cards, and two Munchkin Treasure cards.

Packs are intended to be used as holiday stocking stuffers, hence the title.

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SJG 5607

Munchkin - Valentines

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Munchkin Valentines comes with five valentines and envelopes to give you five chances to make someone like you. What's more, five small packs of Munchkin cards that fit inside the valentines are included so that you sweethearts will have something new to play together.

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Munchkin - Dragons: Four More

Sammlerstück / Rarität


30,00 EUR



SJG 16-0101

Munchkin Miniatures

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Kill the monsters, grab the loot, and stab your friends . . . in 3-D! Six hilarious metal minis sculpted by Richard Kerr, based on John Kovalic's cartoons. Use them for ANY roleplaying game where you're going to munchkin out! Six figures: the Original Super Munchkin with hammer and chainsaw, the Unnatural Axe Warrior Wench, the Spiky Armor Paladin, the Leather Armor Babe, the Killer Cleric, and the hairy-footed Halfling Wizard!

Extra bonus: the cardboard sleeve has a cut-out to let ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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Munchkin - Wicked Die (1)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Crafted for the acclaimed Munchkin game series from Steve Jackson Games, this oversized d10 features artwork from John Kovalic - with every side showing a different stage of Munchkin as he levels up, kills the bad guys, and gets new loot!

z.Zt. vergriffen


Munchkin - Wicked Christmas Die (1)

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Crafted for the acclaimed Munchkin game series from Steve Jackson Games, this oversized d10 features artwork from John Kovalic - with every side showing a different stage of Munchkin as he levels up, kills the bad guys, and gets new loot!

Now in Christmas (Coke :)) Colours !

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Munchkin Wicked Die and Bag (1)

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Being a munchkin has never been so stylish or trendy, and now, with the Wicked Munchkin Bag & Die, you can take your game to the next level (literally)! This killer combo comes complete with an oversized d10 featuring artwork from John Kovalic, and a sturdy linen bag to carry your stuff in.

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SJG 1413

Munchkin Level Counter

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Take Munchkin to the Next Level!

You've been telling us that Munchkin deserves its own level counter. Here it is! The Super Munchkin with his chainsaw stands atop a metal disc showing levels 1 through 10. And if you want to play to higher levels . . . or if you're playing Some Other Game . . . flip the disc over for levels 11-20! Use it as is or paint it to please your own munchkinly tastes.

Bonus! Includes new "Epic Munchkin" rules . . . for longer, wilder g... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 1442

Munchkin Level Dice-Counter

z.Zt. vergriffen


Six big 10-sided dice and 14 Munchkin cards, plus rules, in a clamshell display pack.
There are lots of ways to keep track of your level in Munchkin - coins, pretty glass stones, even candy (which has its drawbacks if your rivals eat your levels when you look away). You could just "remember" your level, but would you trust some other player who tried that? We didn't think so. In the end, most gamers use a good old 10-sided die. And now we've got the ultimate, creme de la creme of 10-sided dice ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 1451

Munchkin Rigged Demo

z.Zt. vergriffen


This envelope contains 56 cards to help bring new victims . . . errr, gamers . . . into the wonderful world of Munchkin

A special 17-card demonstration deck, drawn from the original Munchkin set, with the cards numbered so you can stack the deck and play out four scripted turns that show the basic Munchkin mechanics in just a couple of minutes. Instructions, dialogue, and stupid jokes are included. Or use your own stupid jokes.

39 promo cards to give away to friends, customers, or total st... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 3411

Munchkin Alphabet Coloring Book

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Letters of Distinction
It may be possible to learn the alphabet without the dungeon-delving excitement of Munchkin . . . but why would you want to? With The Munchkin Alphabet Coloring Book, you'll delight in reading aloud the 26 alphabet verses written by Steve Jackson. Then your little munchkins (or you!) can color the 26 all-new illustrations by Munchkin fan-favorite John Kovalic.
The book also includes 10 new Munchkin cards, so you can surprise your friends more easily than jumping out of a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


SJG 3413

12 Days of Munchkin Christmas Coloring Book

The 12 Days of Munchkin Christmas Coloring Book is a 28-page coloring book that illustrates Christmas the Munchkin way – by showing just how much havoc Spyke wreaks with his chainsaw on each of the twelve days of Christmas! Hint: Many orcs, trolls, and other fantasy creatures did in fact die in the making of this product. So color it yourself, or give it to your real munchkins so they can learn all about monster-killing!

The book also comes with ten unique Munchkin cards, which means when y... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,00 EUR


SJG 5051

Munchkin Vinyl Figure Dopple Spyke

Need someone to take the blame when you stab your buddy in the back?
Look no further! The new Munchkin Vinyl Figure from Funko will keep all the orcs at bay, ruin miniatures gaming, and probably won’t spontaneously combust! Huzzah!
• A Munchkin collector’s item!
• Comes in the original two-tone color of Munchkin’s fi rst printing!
• Comes with an exclusive Munchkin card!

20,00 EUR


SJG 5216

Munchkin Dice Bag

Hot Seller


We all know that gamers love buying more dice. And we all know that gamers need places to store their new dice. When those gamers are Munchkin fans, what better option is there than a Munchkin Dice Bag? These 7 bags are perfect for anyone who loves Munchkin, with classic art on the outside and satin lining on the inside. Store it with your Munchkin games or your dice or both!

14,00 EUR


SJG 5217

Munchkin Kittens Dice Bag

Hot Seller


Katie Cook's Munchkin Kittens make a special curtain call for this very munchkin-y dice bag! This fancy satin-lined Dice Bag: Munchkin Kittens will hold all the dice you need to carry right meow!

16,00 EUR


SJG 5218

Munchkin Pathfinder Dice Bag: Unicorn


1x Munchkin Unicorns dice bag
This stylish satin dice bag is the latest in our range of spacious and functional dice bags. It holds LOTS of dice - more than 100 pieces! Bright fuchsia with cute Katie Cook unicorns and candy and cupcakes, just what you need to bring a little magic to your next game night! Dimensions: approx. 17 x 17 cm.

16,00 EUR


SJG 5220

Munchkin Pathfinder Dice Bag

Keep the Goblins Away From Your Dice!*

This satin-lined, drawstring bag features Munchkin Pathfinder artwork by Mike Luckas. Measuring 7" x 7", it holds more than 100 dice of all shapes and sizes – which will come in handy during your (mis)adventures.

If you need dice to fill the bag, we recommend asking for the Munchkin Pathfinder Goblin Dice set at your favorite local game store. For even more dice, please visit for a look at our entire selection. Or, if you're brave... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


SJG 5227

Munchkin Dice Bag: Duck of Doom

1x Deluxe Dice Bag: Duck of Doom

14,00 EUR


SJG 5502

Munchkin Bobblehead

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Mit dem Wackeldackel hat alles angefangen und es wurde ein neues Kultobjekt fürs Auto geschaffen. Die niedliche Figur, die bei jeder Bewegung fleißig mit dem Kopf nickt und aus der Heckscheibe blickt hatte neue Glanzzeiten erlebt und wurde wieder vom "Wackel-Elivs" abgelöst. Pegasus Spiele möchte diesen Kult wieder neu aufleben lassen und präsentiert die Munchkin Bobblehead-Figur.

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SJG 5504

+6 Bag O' Munchkins

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These six Munchkin pawns are identical to those found in Munchkin Quest: the four colors found in the initial set, plus the Purple and Orange that you'll see in the first expansion. The obvious thing to do would be to keep this set around for the day one is lost.

But if you're truly evil, and your friends let you get away with it, you'll show the world just what a munchkin you really are by using these pawns in other games.

In Munchkin:
Any time you are entitled to go up a level—or when... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SJG 5505

+6 Bag O' Munchkin Babes

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Another Official Munchkin Plastic Bag!

Extra bonus - free Munchkins!

These six female Munchkin pawns are scheduled to appear in a 2010 Munchkin Quest supplement... but if you want them early, here they are! You get one in each of the six Munchkin Quest player colors. The obvious thing to do would be to throw them into your Munchkin Quest box along with the ones that came with the game, and use the correct pawn for whatever sex you character happens to be at that moment.

But if you are t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SJG 5506

Munchkin Kill-O-Meter

z.Zt. vergriffen


Munchkins love it when the cards start flying. The best combats are the ones where potions, monster enhancers, and other bonuses keep the effective levels bouncing up and down! But keeping count can cause your brain to explode (which is all messy). Now you'll never have to stop and recount again!

With the Munchkin Kill-O-Meter, whenever a card hits the table, you turn the dials to keep track of your new total. Fiendishly simple. You can use it with any flavor of Munchkin, including Munchkin Q... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 5514

+6 Bag O' Munchkin D6

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We refuse to write a complex description for dice. These are 6-siders, and there are six in the package. They are the color of coffee with just enough cream, if you like too much cream in your coffee like SJ does. They have the Munchkin head in place of the 1. Buy them. Kill monsters and take their stuff.

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SJG 5515

+6 Bag O'Munchkin LevelCounter

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The newest “+6 Bag” Munchkin game accessory is here! The +6 Bag o’ Munchkin Level Counters gives players attractive, easy-to-read level counter dials themed to match six of the most popular Munchkin core sets. The low price point is perfect for impulse purchases. This style of level counter was first used in Munchkin Quest, and we got requests to make them for Munchkin as well. So we did!

Description: Six Munchkin levelcounter dials in a plastic bag.

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SJG 5516

+6 Bag O' Munchkin Rainbow D6

z.Zt. vergriffen


He Who Toys With The Most Dice... Wins! We refuse to write a complex description for dice. These are 6-siders, and there are six in the package. They match the Munchkin pawns and the Munchkin Quest dice. They also match pretty rainbows. They have the Munchkin head in place of the 1. Players will want them so they can kill monsters and take their stuff. Any questions?

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 5518

Boxes of Holding - Doors & Treasures

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Now you have a neat box to hold all your Munchkin cards! Two sturdy cardboard boxes - one for Doors and one for Treasures, holding 500 cards each, so no more wasting time sorting cards before every game! - with the Munchkin logo and the great John Kovalic art that Munchkin fans have loved for nine years now. Plus a pair of Munchkin cards you can't get anywhere else. No true Munchkin can resist!

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SJG 5519

Cthulhu Crypts of Concealment

The eldritch secrets of Munchkin Cthulhu deserve a special hiding place! The Munchkin Cthulhu Crypts of Concealment are sturdy cardboard, sized to hold 500 Munchkin cards apiece! One is labeled Doors, and one is for Treasures.

Bonus: Two new Munchkin Cthulhu cards that are unique to this set!

10,00 EUR


SJG 5523

Munchkin Jumbo D6

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Bigger Is Better . . . and Brighter!

These super-sized 25mm 6-siders are Warehouse 23 exclusives, and they glow in the dark! The set includes two jumbo dice -- a "Munchkin d6" and a "Monster d6," with classic John Kovalic art on every face.

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SJG 5523B

Munchkin Jumbo D6 Orange

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2 jumbo D6 with cards

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SJG 5523C

Munchkin Jumbo D6 Yellow

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2 jumbo D6 with cards

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SJG 5523D

Munchkin Jumbo D6 Green

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2 jumbo D6 with cards

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SJG 5523E

Munchkin Jumbo D6 Blue

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2 jumbo D6 with cards

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SJG 5523F

Munchkin Jumbo D6 Purple

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2 jumbo D6 with cards

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SJG 5524

Munchkin Zombies Kill-O-Meter

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Munchkins love it when the cards start flying. The best combats are the ones where potions, monster enhancers, and other bonuses keep the effective levels bouncing up and down! But keeping count can cause your brain to explode (which is all messy). Now you'll never have to stop and recount again!

With the Munchkin Kill-O-Meter, whenever a card hits the table, you turn the dials to keep track of your new total. Fiendishly simple. You can use it with any flavor of Munchkin, including Munchkin Q... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SJG 5528

Munchkin Dice Bag

The Munchkin Dice Bag is an awesome item with an awesome munchkinly bonus. When the players fill it with official Munchkin six-sided dice, the bag’s special rule will let them turn failure into success. And it comes with two new Munchkin cards, Blind Chance and Bag of Hoarding, that give it extra one-time powers!

Description: Zippered dice bag and two cards.

10,00 EUR


SJG 5529

Munchkin Fairy Dust Dice

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Our first Munchkin booster was Munchkin Fairy Dust, and the fans liked the Sparkly Good Fairy so much that we wanted to bring her back someday. Here she is . . .and she’s brought sparkly Munchkin dice with her. The set includes two dice and four cards. And for those fans who don’t have Munchkin Fairy Dust, we’ve included rules for using them in ANY Munchkin game.

Description: Two 16mm pink sparkly dice and four Munchkin Fairy Dust cards.

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SJG 5531

Munchkin Pathfinder: Kill-O-Meter

The best Munchkin fights are the ones where everyone plays cards to keep the levels bouncing up and down! But it can be hard to keep track. Now you'll never have to stop and recount again! With the Munchkin Pathfinder Kill-O-Meter, whenever a card hits the table, you turn the dials to keep track of your new total. You don't have time to stop and count when the goblins are on your heels!

14,00 EUR


SJG 5536A

Munchkin Jolly Jumbo d6 Red

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The Perfect Present!

As if a Christmas 25mm die with classic John Kovalic Munchkin art on them weren't cool enough, we're also giving you four new Munchkin cards (two Doors and two Treasures) in each package! What are you waiting for?

One 25 mm six-sided die and four cards in a blister pack.

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SJG 5536B

Munchkin Jolly Jumbo d6 Green

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Merry Dicemas!

Gamers love dice, especially cool, unusual dice . . . and dice don't get any more unusual than the Munchkin Jolly Jumbo D6s! These 25mm six-sided dice come in six festive holiday colors, with classic John Kovalic art on every face.

Each set comes with four new Munchkin cards that give the players abusive bonuses just for owning these dice! (And more colors means more bonuses . . .)

Description: One 25 mm six-sided die and four cards in a blister pack.

Related Products:... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SJG 5538

Munchkin Zombies: Meat Lockers

Where do zombies store those tasty, tasty brains? Right here! The Munchkin Zombies Meat Lockers are sturdy cardboard boxes, one for Doors and one for Treasures, big enough to hold 500 Munchkin cards apiece!

Bonus: This set includes two new Munchkin Zombies cards! Mmmm... more brains!

10,00 EUR


SJG 5540

Munchkin Cthulhu Kill-O-Meter

Cthulhu fans love crazy things, the crazier the better . . . like a Munchkin Cthulhu game when the cards start flying and ichors, monster enhancers, and other bonuses keep the levels bouncing up and down! Now you’ll never have to stop and recount again!

With the Munchkin Cthulhu Kill-O-Meter, whenever a card hits the table, you turn the dials to keep track of your new total. It’s insanely simple! The whole table can share one Kill-O-Meter, but it comes with two special Munchkin Cthulhu ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,00 EUR


SJG 5541

+6 Bag O'Munchkin LevelCounter 2

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Stop Carrying All Those Pennies! Six more big, easy-to-read level counters for Munchkin . . . in six more great Munchkin flavors! And of course there's a special rule!
Special Rule If you are using a level counter that matches the set (or one of the sets) you are playing, start the game at Level 2 rather than Level 1!
Roll the die before the game.

The high roller gets to pick his level counter first. If the order matters after that, go in descending order of rolls.

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SJG 5546

Duck of Doom (yellow)

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Munchkin players know better than to pick up a duck in a dungeon . . . but they can cuddle the plush Duck of Doom without fear! It includes two new Munchkin cards and a zippered pouch for storing dice or other treasures. The Duck of Doom was designed by Alex Fernandez, based on John Kovalic’s classic illustration from the original Munchkin game.

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SJG 5547

Duck of Gloom (black)

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Munchkin players know better than to pick up a duck in a dungeon . . . but they can cuddle the plush Duck of Doom without fear! It includes two new Munchkin cards and a zippered pouch for storing dice or other treasures. The Duck of Doom was designed by Alex Fernandez, based on John Kovalic’s classic illustration from the original Munchkin game.

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SJG 5553

+6 Bag O' Radioactive Munchkin D6

z.Zt. vergriffen


He Who Toys With The Most Dice . . . Wins!

We refuse to write a complex description for dice. These are 6-siders,

and there are six in the package. Three of them match the Munchkin

Apocalypse die. The other three do not. They are scary green and orange. They have the Munchkin head in place of the 1. Your customers will buy them so they can kill monsters and take their stuff.

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 5554

Munchkin Kill-O-Meter Steampunk Edition

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Munchkins love it when the cards start flying. The best combats are the ones where potions, monster enhancers, and other bonuses keep the effective levels bouncing up and down! But keeping count can cause your brain to explode (which is all messy). Now you'll never have to stop and recount again!

With the Munchkin Kill-O-Meter, whenever a card hits the table, you turn the dials to keep track of your new total. Fiendishly simple. You can use it with any flavor of Munchkin, including Munchkin Q... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SJG 5559

Munchkin Level Playing Field

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Track everyone's levels at once with the Munchkin Level Playing Field! Includes male/female tokens in six colors, and matching colored tokens with special in-game benefits for each player! This set also includes four new Munchkin cards! Bonus! The Level Playing Field has a second side, with Levels 1-20 for Epic Munchkin!

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 5563

Munchkin Zombies Decay d6

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Diiiiiiiiiice . . . Normally, we wouldn't do a detailed description of dice. But, these are so cool that we're making an exception! Munchkin Zombies Decay d6 features six custom six-sided acrylic dice previously available only in a limited release. Three of them are swirled pearlescent red with pus-yellow pips; three of them are swirled pearlescent ivory with blood-red pips, and all six feature a Munchkin head in place of the one. You want them so you can kill the monsters and take their stuff!

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SJG 5564

Munchkin Boxes of Holding Set 2

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Three fold-up sturdy cardboard boxes and three cards.

The Munchkin Boxes of Holding Set 2 contains three brand new sturdy cardboard boxes: Doors, holding up to 500 cards; Treasures, also up to 500 cards; and Dungeons, big enough for all the Dungeon cards we’ve made so far, the Seals from Munchkin Apocalypse, and for all the Dungeon and Seals we haven’t even made yet!

And this set includes three new Munchkin cards!

Boxes of Holding Set 2 does not require the original Boxes of Holding... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 5568

+6 Bag o' Munchkin Zombies

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Show off your brain-eating munchkinosity in style! Use these six Munchkin zombie pawns in your Munchkin games . . . or in any game! Use them to mark your place, and get some special munchkiny benefits while you're at it. Based on the Munchkin Zombies illustrations by John Kovalic.

Six plastic Munchkin Zombies pawns in six different colors and two cards.

16,00 EUR


SJG 5570

Munchkin Messenger Bag

Enough room for tons of Munchkin stuff: any two core sets, two Boxes of Holding, a Level Playing Field and other accessories
Adjustable, removable shoulder strap and attached handle, so you can carry it however you'd like
Velcro enclosed pockets and dividers keep your stuff secure
Pockets are easily repurposed to hold tablets, smartphones, and other items
Dimensions: approximately 13" wide x 11" high x 5" deep
Storage for over 1,000 cards!
Four unique cards and a new die!

78,00 EUR


SJG 5571

Munchkin Pathfinder: Goblin Dice

Sammlerstück / Rarität


This is an EXPANSION for Munchkin Pathfinder but can be added to any Munchkin game!
These dice can be used for any game that requires 6-sided dice! Add a little Munchkin to any of your games!
Six 16mm custom dice with goblins in place of the one.
Includes four bonus Munchkin Pathfinder cards.
3-6 players
1-2 hours average play time
Recommended for ages 10 and up

20,00 EUR


SJG 5572

Munchkin Apocalypse Kill-O-Meter

The best Munchkin fights are the ones where everyone plays cards to keep the levels bouncing up and down! But it can be hard to keep track. Now you'll never have to stop and recount again!

With the Munchkin Apocalypse Kill-O-Meter, whenever a card hits the table, you turn the dials to keep track of your new total. You don't have time to stop and count when the world is coming to an end . . .

The Munchkin Apocalypse Kill-O-Meter comes with two special Munchkin Apocalypse bonus cards -- and ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


SJG 5582

+6 Bag O' Munchkins Legends

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+6 Bag O' Munchkin Legends contains two new Munchkin cards as well as six Munchkin pawns in six colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. The pawns have a special rule for use in any Munchkin card game:
Any time you are entitled to go up a level – or when you do something that WOULD earn you a level if you weren't already Level 9 – you may, instead, place a Munchkin pawn in front of you. In any combat, you may discard it for a 1d6 bonus. You may only have one in front of you at ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SJG 5585

Munchkin Journal Pack 3

Munchkin Journal Pack 3 is a set of three 48-page pocket journals as well as a new card for use with Munchkin.

10,00 EUR


SJG 5591

Munchkin Steampunk Science Dice

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The wonderful thing about living in the glorious Age of Steam is the way that we can marry traditional randomizers, such as dice, with the new power of SCIENCE!
Key Features
• Includes four new cards for Munchkin Steampunk!
• Better randomization through SCIENCE!
• These attractive coppery dice are guaranteed to make you the talk of the town! SCIENCE!

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SJG 5592

Munchkin: Yule Log

It's a holiday gameboard for Munchkin – a Christmas decoration for every level, plus spaces for the decks and discards, so Santa can make his list at a moment's notice. Includes male/female tokens in six colors and matching colored markers with special in-game bonuses for each player! And you get four brand-new holiday-themed Munchkin cards!

Special Holiday Gift! On the back is a 20-room layout for Epic Munchkin!

20,00 EUR


SJG 5594

Munchkin Monster Box

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Bow before the Monster Box! What can you do with a box the size of two Munchkin Deluxe boxes? You can store over 2,000 Munchkin cards in it! Also, your Kill-O-Meter, and your Level Playing Field, oh, and some Dungeons and Seals, and... well, you get the idea. Wrap it all up in full-color Munchkin illustrations and you've got the Munchkin Monster Box!

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SJG 5595

Munchkin Meeples

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Show your Munchkin pride in any game using meeple-type figures! The Munchkin Meeples set includes six different meeple designs, each of which has one Mega-Meeple and four Non-Mega-Meeples — and they have in-game bonuses!

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SJG 5596

Munchkin Playmat: Spyke gets Suckered

z.Zt. vergriffen


Don't be suckered by other non-Munchkin mats! This gorgeous playmat acts as a handy reference for the game (including a bonus Cheat! space) and features fantastic art by Ian McGinty.

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 5597

Munchkin Playmat: Flower Cashes In

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Munchkin Playmat: Flower Cashes In is a 28"×14" playmat that showcases Flower atop a pile of freshly looted items. It includes spots to keep track of your Class, Race, level, and all your monster-slaying gear, and it features an in-game bonus that gives you extra gold when you sell items each turn...but not forever.

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SJG 5599

Munchkin Kill-O-Meter Guest Artist Edition

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Munchkins love it when the cards start flying. The best combats are the ones where potions, monster enhancers, and other bonuses keep the effective levels bouncing up and down! But keeping count can cause your brain to explode (which is all messy). Now you'll never have to stop and recount again!

With the Munchkin Kill-O-Meter, whenever a card hits the table, you turn the dials to keep track of your new total. Fiendishly simple. You can use it with any flavor of Munchkin, including Munchkin Q... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 5601

Munchkin Doors & Treasures Card Sleeves

Illustrated by Ian McGinty
60 Munchkin-sized card sleeves (36 Doors and 24 Treasures).
Suggested Retail Price $5.95 * Stock #5601 * UPC 091037863027
New Release! – click here to order!!
Card Sleeves Promo
Protect your Munchkin cards with the new Munchkin Doors and Treasures Card Sleeves! With 60 card sleeves made specifically for Munchkin Door and Treasure cards, you'll never have to worry about sleeves that are too large or too tight. Use them to conceal card backs so you can mix and mat... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


SJG 5603

Munchkin Standard Card Sleeves: Flowers

Protect your poker-sized cards from natural disasters including tornados, flocks of ducks, and bent corners with these high-quality card sleeves.
Using them might even help scare off your enemies; each sleeve is adorned with John Kovalic art depicting Flower brandishing her Unnatural Axe!
Compatible with many popular collectible card games, you'll also want to use these card sleeves with the upcoming Munchkin Collectible Card Game!

6,00 EUR


SJG 5603S

Munchkin Standard Card Sleeves: Spyke

Protect your standard-sized cards from slobbering dragons, wayward ducks, and most instances of spontaneous combustion with this fabulous accessory for use with any poker-sized deck. Your enemies will shudder in fear when you reveal that your deck is protected by sleeves decorated with the classic John Kovalic image of Spyke and his Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment!
Compatible with many popular collectible card games, you'll also want to use these card sleeves with the upcoming Munchkin Collect... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


SJG 5606

Munchkin Halloween Monster Box

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The Munchkin Halloween Monster Box has room for two thousand Munchkin cards, various Kill-O-Meters, a Level Playing Field or two, Dungeons, Seals, and more. To get you started, it includes twelve holiday-themed Munchkin cards that you can shuffle into any game

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SJG 5608

Munchkin Valentines Day Monster Box

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More storage than a box of chocolates!

Do you and your sweetheart have lots of Munchkin stuff? Do you want a way to bring it on your romantic picnic? Then this Monster Box holds the answer to all your heart's desires! You'll have room to lovingly care for more than 2,000 Munchkin cards, a Level Playing Field, some Seals and Dungeons, and all your other alluring Munchkin swag – all with adorable art by Katie Cook.

ca. 30,00 EUR


SJG 5612

Munchkin Playmat: The Flower of Love

Bitte vorbestellen


In Munchkin, as in love, if you play your cards right you'll get ahead. Munchkin Playmat: The Flower of Love makes it easy by providing a special spot for each of your cards on the table, much like you have a special spot in your heart for the one you love; there may even be space for all the chocolates and roses you get for Valentine's Day. You will be smitten with this playmat as soon as it catches your eye – and it might just save your life with its bonus rule!
BONUS RULE: Once per game, y... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 18,00 EUR


SJG 5613

Munchkin Playmat: Pathfinder Presents Unaccounted for

Keep your cards organized in front of you when you play Munchkin! No more misplaced Footgear or errant Class cards. There are spots for your Race, Class, Armor, and all the rest of your loot
You get a bonus in-game advantage if you use this playmat! Not that you need it
Art from comic artist Shane White features a goblin horde dressed up for the holidays. You can't go wrong with Santa Goblins
The playmat is fabric, with quality rubber backing so it won't slip

20,00 EUR


SJG 5617

Munchkin Kill-O-Meter Shakespeare Edition

z.Zt. vergriffen


The Munchkin Kill-O-Meter allows you to track combat strength during any Munchkin game, including Munchkin Quest, which can be handy since it's easy to lose track of such things in the heat of battle. Each version of the Munchkin Kill-O-Meter includes a two-sided combat counter with which to track your current strength as well as two cards unique to that version. More specifically:

The initial Munchkin Kill-O-Meter includes one card for the standard Munchkin card game and one card for use in ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 5618

Munchkin Shakespeare Drama Dice

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With Munchkin Shakespeare Drama Dice, you, too can be fortune’s fool! This includes two sets of three six-sided dice and four cards ready to shuffle into your Munchkin Shakespeare Deluxe set, or any other Munchkin game.

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 5619

Munchkin Flowerspeare Pawns

z.Zt. vergriffen


These six pawns show Flower in full Shakespearean regalia. Players can use them to track their Level in Munchkin Shakespeare Deluxe or some other Munchkin game with a board or to mark their place in any game.

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 5620

Munchkin Spykespeare Pawns

z.Zt. vergriffen


These six pawns show Spyke in full Shakespearean regalia. Players can use them to track their Level in Munchkin Shakespeare Deluxe or some other Munchkin game with a board or to mark their place in any game.

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 91213

Unnatural Axe T-Shirt 3XL

Sammlerstück / Rarität


It’s not just a fashion statement – it’s part of the game! The official Unnatural Axe shirt gives special powers to its wearer during a game of looting, pillaging, and backstabbing. These high-quality, full-color shirts are popular at conventions, and now they’re available through regular distribution! The best part, of course, is that the shirts give Munchkin players an ingame advantage over their less stylish opponents. Description: The Munchkin Babe from the cover of Unnatural Axe, dr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


SJG 91223

Munchkin T-Shirt 3XL

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It's not just a fashion statement—it's part of the game! The official Munchkin shirt gives special powers to its wearer during a game of looting, pillaging, and backstabbing.

1. Official Tournament Rules: If you are wearing an official Munchkin shirt, you may draw one extra card from either deck when you start play and when you come back from the dead.
2. Your game character is male, even if you are not. Yes, this means that removing or changing shirts can change your sex. (It will n... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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SJG 9137

Munchkin Lovely Loot T-Shirt ( XL )

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The Official Munchkin Lovely Loot T-Shirt for you to wear !

Grab it before your Buddies do !

In XL the official RPG-Gamer's Size :)

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SJG 9138

Munchkin: Super Munchkin Momentous Unmasking T-Shirt ( 3XL )

Every journey has a first step. Every saga has a beginning. Every hero has an origin. Every Munchkin game needs a T-shirt.

This high-quality, light blue shirt depicts the highly collectible and completely non-existent "Origin Issue" of Super Munchkin. Like those before it, this shirt gives a special in-game benefit . . . the wearer can avoid Traps!

The Official Munchkin Super Munchkin T-Shirt for you to wear !

Grab it before your Buddies do !

In XL the official RPG-Gamer's Size :)

24,00 EUR


Munchkin Marvel Universe

SJG 46000

Munchkin X-Men

z.Zt. vergriffen

  Join the X-Men on a thrilling adventure to defend mankind from renegade mutants. Munchkin X-Men combines Marvel's beloved collection of X-Men comics with the role-playing fun of Munchkin. In the game, players take on the role of students attending Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and team up with Professor X, Wolverine, and more super-charged mutants to take down the likes of Sabretooth, Juggernaut, and the almighty Magneto. The game includes 128 Door and Treasure cards, four player Role... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 47342

Munchkin Marvel Reprint

Hot Seller

  Munchkin Marvel Edition, an all-new Munchkingame that fuses the classic card game fun of monster-slaying and role-playing with the most iconic characters from the Marvel universe. Created under license from Steve Jackson Games and in conjunction with Marvel, Munchkin Marvel Edition comes complete with new monsters (villains), allies (heroes) and custom S.H.I.E.L.D. Identification Cards, and is the perfect gift for Munchkin fans who are ready for an epic Marvel battle! Munchkin Marvel fuses t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR



SJG 47717

Munchkin Marvel 3: Cosmic Chaos

z.Zt. vergriffen


Munchkin Marvel 3: Cosmic Chaos, a cosmic-themed expansion for Munchkin Marvel, allows players to team up with Star-Lord and The Guardians of the Galaxy and take down some of the heaviest hitters in the Marvel Universe, including The Beyonder and Thanos. New Portals transport players to far-flung Dungeon locales like Xandar and Knowhere.

This expansion contains 90 new Door and Treasure cards as well as twelve new Dungeon cards.

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 47724

Munchkin Marvel 2: Mystic Mayhem

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Munchkin Marvel 2: Mystic Mayhem, an expansion for Munchkin Marvel, lets players journey into mystery with Doctor Strange and The Defenders as they fight villains like the evil Baron Mordo and the Dread Dormammu. This expansion includes new Doors and Treasures as well as twelve oversized Dungeon cards that introduce powerful new threats and Allies and add a new level of mayhem and madness to the game.

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SJG 48325

Munchkin Marvel : Deadpool Just Deadpool

z.Zt. vergriffen


The Munchkin: Deadpool – Just Deadpool expansion adds katanas, kittens, explosions and a lot more to the Munchkin: X-Men Edition. With 35 more cards, Marvel's anti-hero comes to life as he joins the monster-slaying, treasure grabbing and role-playing action of Munchkin, the card game.

z.Zt. vergriffen

Munchkin: Warhammer - Age of Sigmar

SJG 4484

Munchkin Warhammer Age of Sigmar

z.Zt. vergriffen


Mighty Battles for the Mortal Realms . . .
The Eight Realms of Warhammer Age of Sigmar form a new battleground for Munchkin players to explore – by which we mean kill monsters and take their stuff, obviously. First launched in 2015, Warhammer Age of Sigmar has found a home on game tables worldwide. Its rich story and variety of foes are a perfect match for your Munchkin game. Play as a soldier of one of the Armies in the Grand Alliances, as you fight against the numberless minions of Chaos an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


SJG 4486

Munchkin Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Chaos and Order

Hot Seller


This 112-card expansion brings two popular armies from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar game into Munchkin Warhammer Age of Sigmar. The Kharadron Overlords long ago took to the skies to mine aether-gold and keep its secrets away from the minions of Chaos. The Bloodbound serve the Blood God, Khorne, with gifts of slaughter and offerings of violence . . . and they don’t too much care who’s on the receiving end of their devotions. Even each other.

24,00 EUR


SJG 4488

Munchkin Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Guts and Gory

Hot Seller


The Gutbuster Mawtribe are obese, gluttonous, bloodthirsty ogors whose hunger for combat is as acute as their hunger for everything else. The Ossiarch Bonereapers are highly disciplined troops loyal to Nagash. You can serve them in life or serve them in death – they aren’t picky.

22,00 EUR



SJG 5557

Munchkin Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Kill-O-Meter

John Kovalic art helps bring these Age of Sigmar armies to life.
Includes four new Munchkin Warhammer Age of Sigmar cards!

12,00 EUR


SJG 5558

Munchkin Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Lightning Dice

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Six 14 mm yellow and blue dice with Spyke as the one pip.
Includes four new Munchkin Warhammer Age of Sigmar cards!
For 3 - 6 Players, Playable in 1 - 2 Hours

12,00 EUR


Produkte von anderen Herstellern

Atlas Games

ATG 1333

Munchkin Gloom

In Gloom, from Atlas Games, you take control of a family of miserable people and make them more miserable, trying to become the most miserable family before you kill your family off.

Now what if you combined Gloom with Munchkin? Keith Baker of Atlas Games is doing just that! Munchkin Gloom is a game about making a family of monsters miserable until you kill them off.

34,00 EUR


IDW Games

IDWG 01527

Munchkin: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Bitte vorbestellen


Munchkin: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles puts you right into the roles of the Turtles to team up and fight evil! This game takes the butt-kicking, backflipping ninja stylings of the TMNT and combines it with the dungeon-exploring, loot-hoarding gameplay of Munchkin! Play as Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael along with April O’Neil and Casey Jones to take on Shredder, Krang and even more as you race to level 10!

ca. 26,00 EUR


Pegasus Press

PPV 919070

Munchkin "Crusade" T-Shirt, schwarz, XL

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Munchkin - Merchandise (T-Shirt) erschienen bei Pegasus Spiele

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PPV 919070

Munchkin "Fette Beute" T-Shirt, schw. M, L oder XL

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Munchkin - Merchandise (T-Shirt) erschienen bei Pegasus Spiele

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Munchkin Cthulhu: Dice of Doom and Bag (3)

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The Munchkin Cthulhu Dice of Doom are produced by Q-workshop under license from Steve Jackson Games for the game Munchkin Cthulhu. It contains 1 D10, 2 D6s, and a dice bag with a picture of Cowthulhu.

Munchkins, meet your greatest challenge yet... the evil minions of Cthulhu! Will you survive? Will you retain your sanity? Will you... roll some Dice of Doom? Munchkin Cthulhu Dice of Doom have some special rules you can use during your game, to kill some Cthulhu monsters, steal their treasures,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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USO 078-307

Munchkin South Park

Have yourself a time combining the fun of monster slaying and treasure hunting with the random antics of South Park in this Munchkin game! Take on the role of a new kid at South Park Elementary and equip yourself with Items such as Kenny’s Throwing Star or Towelie, and acquire Allies like Butters Stotch to defeat Beelzaboot, ManBearPig, and other monsters! Avoid curses like Pandemic Special or backstabbing moves by other players in your super sweet ascension to Level 10!

6... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


USO 096-712

Munchkin Spongebob

z.Zt. vergriffen


Immerse yourself in the whimsical worlds of Bikini Bottom mixed with Steve Jackson Games' classic role-playing card game Munchkin!

In Munchkin: SpongeBob SquarePants, you can play as your favorite SpongeBob SquarePants character and equip yourself with items such as Krusty Krab Hat and Allies like Gary the Snail to defeat monsters and win an underwater race to Level 10!

z.Zt. vergriffen


1 x Munchkin Cows

S: 10,00 EUR

> Zur Kasse


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