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256131352 Seitenabrufe seit dem 30.06.2003


HauptseiteProduktlinienFantasy Board Games

Fantasy Board Games


Altar s.r.o.

ATCz 6103


z.Zt. vergriffen


Bei Prophecy handelt es sich um ein Fantasy-Brettspiel für 2-5 Spieler ganz im Stile des Talisman-Klassikers. Unbedingt empfehlenswert.

A hero of royal blood, arrayed in the armour of the Ancient Kings, shall seat himself upon the throne and end these days of drakness.

Does the blood of the Ancient Kings flow in your veins? Do you have the power to wrest the Artefacts from the Astral Planes and become our King? There is only one way to find it out.

Prophecy is a game for 2 to 5 players... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

ARES Games


Odyssey: Wrath of Poseidon

The war is over, and the Greek ships are trying to return to their homeland after a long absence. They need to reach the Sacred Island to present offerings and prayers to the gods, but the irascible Poseidon will use all his power to prevent them from getting there.

In Odyssey: Wrath of Poseidon, one player takes the role of Poseidon, God of the Sea, while the others become navigators in search of the Sacred Island. Gameplay takes place on two copies of the same game board that are separated ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


Clever Mojo Games


Princes of the Dragon Throne

The Land of Lo’en is vast. Its Kingdoms and Guilds are populated by Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Goblins, Kobolds, Trolls, and of course, the Dragons. The Dragon King is dead now and you, as one of his many overlooked offspring, have decided that it’s time for a change.

Can you raise the funds to bribe the dragon clans to join your coup and the food to keep them? Can your strength convince the citizens of Lo’en to support your claim to the throne? Can your followers influence the diverse Kin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

114,00 EUR


Curious Games

CRG 0001

Phantasy Realm

An expandable vehicle for a board game, the basic set provides four heroes with various abilities, four world map sections to put together in a variety of ways, and nearly 150 encounters.

Players go on one of four quests, racing against each other to satisfy the victory conditions. Each turn, a hero can move rapidly about or search the areas of the board. While searching, the hero will receive an encounter, drawn and run by another player, or play through an encounter scenario (for named area... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR



CRG 0002

Spells & Spell Casters

z.Zt. vergriffen


Spells & Spell Casters adds three new elements to the core PR game - Spells, Magical Mounts and Walls. Spells allow for more direct interference between players. Magical Mounts can be challenged and subverted to your will. Once conquered, they are yours, and they convey huge bonuses! Walls alter players' ability to move through or interact with spaces.

S&SC also adds two new adventures, 2 new characters, and a nice handful of new encounters to the game. The addition of the two new chara... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Devious Weasel Games

ADWG 0001

Shadows of Malice (revised Ed.)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)! Sonderangebot


Shadows of Malice is a cooperative game in which 2-8 players work to unseal hidden Wells of Light to prevent the shadow demon Xulthûl from gaining a physical form and overrunning the Realm of Aethos.

The Wells are located in strongholds scattered throughout the Realm and defended by powerful Guardians. Over the centuries, many of the Wells have fallen Dark, but if the players can find and unseal the remaining Light Wells they prevent Xulthûl from gaining substance and win the game. If Xulth... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR


ADWG 5000

Cosmic Frog

Cosmic Frog is a game of collection, combat, and theft on a planetary scale. Each player controls a two-mile-tall, immortal, invulnerable frog-like creature that exists solely to gather terrain from the Shards of Aeth, the fragments of a long-ago shattered world. The First Ones seek to use the lands from the Shards to reconstruct the world of Aeth, and your frogs are their terrain harvesters.

At the start of the game, your frogs descend from the Aether, the cosmic sea between the worlds, onto... (vollständige Beschreibung)

92,00 EUR



Zimby Mojo

Zimby Mojo is a co-opportunistic game for 2-8 players that also supports solo play. Each player is the all-powerful shaman of a tribe of ferocious, conniving, vicious little cannibals called zimbies, and each player has a single goal: to become the new Cannibal King. To achieve their goal, each player will have to use their zimbies to infiltrate the current King’s compound, kill him, take his Crown, and carry it safely to their tribal board before a rival zimby tribe can do so first.

In sol... (vollständige Beschreibung)

62,00 EUR



ADWG 0002

Seekers of a Hidden Light (Shadows of Malice Expansion)

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Seekers of a Hidden Light is an enhancement for the game Shadows of Malice. Seekers of a Hidden Light enriches the base game by offering additional opportunities, challenges, and flavor for players seeking an added layer of atmosphere and theme. Seekers of a Hidden Light introduces three new elements to Shadows of Malice: bait, quests, and Lux. With bait, the avatars can more easily provoke out-of-lair encounters and influence the type of creatures they encounter... which is especially useful... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Eagle Games

EAG 101300

Dragon Rampage

“Sure, the treasure around the sleeping dragon looked like it would be easy to get. At least the Rogue was convinced that sneaking in and grabbing an arm load of loot would be a cinch...things were going well until the
Barbarian knocked over a stack of golden platters and the Dragon awoke. Needless to say, he was not too happy to see us going through his treasure. The first to run was the Rogue, as usual — hide in the shadows is
her motto — but no Paladin runs when a fight is at hand. So... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


EL&M Productions

ELM 0001

Alchimech - The Quest for Elixir

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Comes with englisch rules !

There are rumours... rumours about an Elixir that brings eternal life and great wealth. Nobody has ever seen it, but your desire is awakened..

Every game is different.
Because of the enormous number of starting conditions, no two games are alike. You can play this game for years and still enjoy it.
The most simple version is suited for 12 year-olds. For the die hards there are many extensions within the existing rules. You will not be easily bored with Alchime... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


Fantasy Flight Games


Legacy of Dragonholt

Bitte vorbestellen


Gather your band of heroes and journey to the edge of the Terrinoth in Legacy of Dragonholt!

The first game to use the Oracle system, Legacy of Dragonholt captures the spirit of a roleplaying game without needing a game master. This narrative game for one to six players allows players to build their own unique hero and embark on six noble quests. Battle goblins, foil the plot of an evil lord, and add a new story to your tale!

Prepare for Adventure
Legacy of Dragonholt is a narrative adven... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 60,00 EUR



Doom - The Boardgame

z.Zt. vergriffen


The Union Aerospace Corporation, an arm of the most powerful conglomerate on Earth, was performing secret experiments in their base on Mars. Tapping into the very fabric of the universe itself, UAC scientists made discoveries that would forever change human existence.

Then something went terribly wrong...

With Doom: the Boardgame, Fantasy Flight Games brings one of the most famous computer games of all time to the tabletop. Marine players explore darkened corridors and roo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Beowulf, The Legend

Hot Seller


LO, praise of the prowess of people-kings of spear-armed Danes, in days long sped, we have heard, and what honor the athelings won!

The fascinating legend of the great hero Beowulf is told in one of the oldest works of English literature. Relive the legend of how the Geatish warrior Beowulf comes to the aid of the Danish King against the fearsome monster Grendel, how he returns to his home in Geatland to become king, and how Beowulf meets his end when fighting the terrible dragon.

Beowulf,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR




War of the Ring Expansion - Battles of the Third Age

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen! Sammlerstück / Rarität


The first expansion to the bestselling War of the Ring game makes the greatest Lord of the Rings strategy game created even greater, with more figures, exciting additions to the rules, and a complete companion game which enables you to recreate the most popular siege battles at the end of the Third Age!

War of the Ring - Battles of the Third Age introduces new armies and figures including the Ents, Dunlendings, Siege Towers, Catapults, Orc Archers, Southron Cavalry, and more! Fight the battle... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


War of the Ring Expansion - Battlefields

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This expansion for the Lord of the Rings brings conflict to the fore!

From the ancient ruins of Weathertop to the conflict at the Black Gate of Mordor, the journey of the Fellowship of the Ring is marked with battle. The armies of Sauron are on the march, and unless the courage and faith of the Fellowship can hold, the Shadow will be victorious.

The new Battlefields expansion for Reiner Knizia's acclaimed Lord of the Rings board game focuses on the deadly combats that the Fellowship must s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


A Storm of Swords

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It will add a whole other variant game, with a new game-board and a few new rules elements. This new variant will encompass the Battle of the Trident that take place in the books A CLASH OF KINGS and A STORM OF SWORDS. This takes the AGOT system to a more operational level, and includes some really fun new elements -- including the shifting control over certain "neutral" houses. This variant game will be a four player game between Stark, Lannister, Baratheon, and Greyjoy. The map will feature th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


War of the Ring 2nd Ed. - Upgrade Kit

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Upgrade your first edition now!

Aimed to the owners of the 1st edition of WAR OF THE RING, this upgrade kit provides all the Event and Character cards included in the WAR OF THE RING 2nd EDITION.

Together with the downloadable 2nd Edition rules from the Ares Games web site, this will give to the owners of the 1st Edition the possibility of playing the 2nd Edition of War of the Ring without the need of purchasing a complete new game.

The 2 decks with 110 cards are supplied together with ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


FLG 0001

Dragon Rage

Mit deutschen Regeln!!!!

"The Dragons! The Dragons are coming!"

The massive and leathery creatures were already descending on Esirien, shrieking and clawing at the troops massed on the city walls.

"My Lord, they are heading to the Dungeon"
"The wizard Helmond will organize the defence on the dungeon district, send the horsemen there to help them."
"Yes, Mylord."

As the officer dispatched the reinforcements to the dungeon district, the city leader gestured to the infantry guarding t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


FLG 0005

Twin Tin Bots

"The robot was advancing fast towards the base, loaded with crystals – but the opponent team's robot was nearing. 'Bzzzzt!' Lightning sparked briefly, and the Bot changed course to unload the crystal a few meters from his base, his programming slightly jammed by the shock wave. The opponent Bot immediately loaded the crystal and proceed to rejoin his base; two other Bots were nearing and they didn't look too friendly! The mechanic sighed heavily as he knew this would inevitably end up in a mel... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR




Dragon Rage - englisch Rules Booklet

8,00 EUR


Game Salute


Frontier Skies

Based on the popular steampunk-themed minigame, Frontier Skies brings players on a tabletop journey through the unique world of Gaia Online. Players will compete to build the finest airship while managing their crew, stockpiling supplies and maintaining their valuable discoveries. In the end, only the most cunning captain can rule the frontier skies as the richest adventurer around!

In more detail, Frontier Skies consists of four seasons, spanning a total of twelve rounds of play. Each round ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR



GIO 0100


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  Mit deutschen Regeln !

Mamoonia ist ein 2-3 Stunden dauerndes Fantasyabenteuer für 1-6 Spieler. Jeder Spieler agiert als einer der Söhne von König Joseph. Sie haben die Aufgabe, die Mächte des Amuletts wieder zu vereinen und müssen dabei herausfinden, welche der 12 Fragmente die 4 echten sind. Um solch ein Ziel zu erreichen, müssen die Spieler ihre eigenen Charaktere weiterentwickeln, so dass sich ihre körperliche und geistige Kräfte verstärken und die nötigen Erfahrungspunkte anhÃ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Green Ronin Publishing

GRR 3002

Dracula's Revenge

Deutsche Regel vorhanden

A Gothica Board Game

Dracula's Revenge is the first in Human Head Studios' Gothica line of horror-themed board games of tactical combat. In this fast and furious two-player game for ages 12 and up, one side stands strong with Van Helsing and his friends, while the other attacks with Dracula and his undead horde.

Eleven years after faking his death in Transylvania, Dracula returns to London to exact his ven... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


Iron Sun Games

ISG 0001

Thieves Guild

Nice Price

Enter as Thief or Bounty Hunter. Brave the war torn streets of the city of Ladroness and manage your crew beyond its boundaries.

As thief you are in charge of a band of highly skilled and dangerous thieves. Within Ladroness there are taverns, shops, temples, and of course, a treasury that provide you and your crew plenty of opportunities to find your fortune.

In the outlands are the Gypsies and Black Markets who are more than willing t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


Kenzer & Company

KEN 3000

Dwarven Dig!

Dwarven Dig! is the fast-paced, hard-hitting, cave-smashing game of dwarves on the hunt for treasure. With the wise, grit-generating elder, the savvy engineer, the hell-raising blaster and the stout warrior, can you lead your team safely through the perils of the mountain to retrive the treasure before your opponents do the same? Play defensively or go on the attack to directly thwart the other teams, and never play the same game twice due to the game board's tile construction system. Skill, str... (vollständige Beschreibung)

64,00 EUR


Lock 'n Load Publishing, LLC

LnLP 160001


z.Zt. vergriffen


In Warparty, players take command of the heroes and armies in a fantasy world beset by conflict. An alliance of Dwarves and Men are pitted in a battle of survival against the evil hordes of Goblins and the nefarious Undead. To win, players recruit massive armies, build cities, develop technology, and conquer territory in an effort to defeat their opponents by ultimately capturing their homeland. Beyond the mere battling of armies and world conquest, players direct the development of heroes to ex... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Mad Man's Magic

MMM 0001

THUD - Das Scheibenwelt Brettspiel (dt.Ausgabe)

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"Thud" - was ist das eigentlich? Also... "Thud" ist ein Spiel. Ein Spiel, das der Eine oder die Andere bereits in dem einen oder anderen Scheibenwelt-Roman von Terry Pratchett kennen gelernt haben könnte.Und worum geht es in diesem Spiel? Na ja, da sollten wir vielleicht mit ein bisschen Historie anfangen:

Eigentlich begann alles im Koom Tal, einer Einöde, die so wirklich niemanden anzieht. Just an diesem unwirtlichem Ort begab es sich, dass eine Gruppe junger Stadtzwerge, die einen Ausflug... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Mongoose Publishing

MGP 5101

THUD - The officially licensed Discworld boardgame

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THUD - Officially Licensed DISCWORLD boardgame

Mongoose Publishing is proud to announce the release of THUD, an exciting DISCWORLD boardgame based on the battle between dwarfs and trolls, where players take the field in an all-out attempt to defeat their opponent. The fast-moving dwarfs must form up into defensive blocks as quickly as possible, before hurling their crazed axe-wielding comrades at the trolls. The slower, more ponderous, trolls must catch and clobber these whirling ax... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Pagan Publishing

PAG 2500

The Hills Rise Wild

Das neue geniale "Call of Cthulhu"-Brettspiel. Kultisten und Monster erheben sich... und der Kampf gegen den Wahnsinn beginnt! Geniale Aufmachung und ein gutes Spielprinzip werden in dieser Box elegant miteinander kombiniert!

Old Wizard Whateley kicked the bucket! And his precious copy of the Necronomicon, a book of powerful magic, is up for grabs. Now four factions of monstrous, power-hungry hillbillies must ransack the ramshackle shacks of Dunwich in a frantic search for the treasure. Pit y... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR



HA/PB 41603e

Lord of the Rings - Monopoly

Make the journey with the Fellowship and claim the territories of Middle-earth in this special edition of the classic MONOPOLY Game. Gather Power as you move in and out of these territories, building strongholds and fortresses to secure your holdings. You may even acquire relics such as the staffs of the Wizards. Become the most powerful player throughout Middle-earth to be the winner.

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Edition Monopoly board game is a power battle for Middle-Earth. Choose to ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

54,00 EUR


HAS 47869

Dungeon & Dragons Boardgame

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Four Heroes have banded together, attempting to defeat the evil forces at work in the Dungeon. The creatures there are foul and dangerous and many challenges lie ahead. But the four are among the few who have the skills and bravery to succeed...

The Dungeon Master awaits, his army of vile creatures ready to be unleashed upon the Heroes. Devious traps have been primed to catch the unwary. Every step will be challenged by the Dungeon Master's p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

HAS/PB 40833

RISK: The Lord of the Rings

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The Middle Earth Conquest Game. 20"x20" gameboard 1 Gold tone pewter Ring 4 Armies, 42 Territory cards, 2 Wild cards 40 Adventure cards, 3 Red dice, 2 Black Dice, 1 Instruction booklet

endgültig vergriffen


HAS 48442

Dungeon & Dragons Boardgame: Eternal Winter

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  The evil white dragon, Skraethor, has kidnapped the Prince of the lost city of Magerath and cursed Rallion with his icy wrath. The landscape is turning to a frozen wasteland and bloodthirsty monsters roam free. The mighty Barbarian, Morkahn, has joined the heroic band, and together they must rescue the Prince and defeat Skraethor. An arduous challenge lies ahead, and the monsters are stronger than ever before! Can the heroes save Rallion from icy doom, or will cold and evil reign? Content... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

HAS 48454

Dungeon & Dragons Boardgame: Forbidden Forest

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  Objectice: the players have to enter the haunted woods to fight evil and find the mad druid Orwick and defeat him.. The new expansion offers the following: 1 new druid character 2 new boards 10 new monsters 6 new quest Also included are some artifacts to clip on to your characters (for example a mask).

endgültig vergriffen

Pegasus Press

PEG 52020

Return of the Heroes

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Experience exciting adventures in a fantastic world!
Return of the Heroes is more than a game; it is epic fantasy adventure! You play a talented but inexperienced character whose skills improve as you ad-venture across the kingdom. You will experience the progression of your character from upstart to hero. Return of the Heroes is your portal to the fantastic world of elves, dwarves, mages, fighters, and clerics!

Experience exciting adventures in the King’s city and its surrounding lands, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Quest for the DragonLords

QDL 0001L

Quest for the DragonLords; Limited Edition

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Never played. Pieces still unpunched.

Quest for the DragonLords; ist ein wirklich hervorragend illustriertes Brettspiel, das die Spieler gegeneinander stellt, um die bekannte Welt zu erobern.

Das Basisspiel enthältüber 170 Orks, Zwerge, Elfen, Barbaren, Schiffe und DragonLords. Es enthält außerdem ein CD-Rom Regelbuch, mit Gefechtssimulationen. Jeder Spieler muß als König seines Reiches Krieger für eine Queste nach den DragonLords in die Ödlande ausschicken. Die Ö... (vollständige Beschreibung)

98,00 EUR


QDL 0001p

Quest for the DragonLords (Second Edition 2006) (played)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Only played once and therefore absolutely new - guaranteed completely!

Quest for the DragonLords is a world conquest game where cunning is required to best manage your forces comprising of fleets and armies. Your goal is to dispatch your opponents’ King or Queen! You start the game with a few powerful leaders such as Wizards and a King. A DragonLord commander allows a player to teleport and attack anywhere in the known world! The fear generated by a DragonLord with its weapon of destruction... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR



QDL 0002

Quest for the DragonLords: The Crystal of Power

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Crystal of Power - The 5 to 6 player expansion for Quest for the Dragonlords
The Crystal of Power is the focal point of the universe, binding the fabric of time.
In the first age, the Gods fought for control of the crystal through their demi-gods the DragonLords. When the DragonLords clashed the force unleashed was enough to shatter the Crystal of Power. Shards of the Crystal were thrown to the far reaches of our world, and I suspect even punched through the barriers of time.
The second a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR


QDL 0002p

Quest for the DragonLords: The Crystal of Power (played)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Only played once and therefore absolutely new - guaranteed completely!

The Crystal of Power - The 5 to 6 player expansion for Quest for the Dragonlords
The Crystal of Power is the focal point of the universe, binding the fabric of time.
In the first age, the Gods fought for control of the crystal through their demi-gods the DragonLords. When the DragonLords clashed the force unleashed was enough to shatter the Crystal of Power. Shards of the Crystal were thrown to the far reaches of our wor... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


QDL 0003

Quest for the DragonLords : Advanced Expansion 1

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All attempts at peace with our adversaries have failed. The evil ones have constructed great siege engines and our kingdom is under assault. Foul beasts pillage our realm from all sides. How much anguish can one people endure under such cruelty? Hope is all that we have left. The Crystal of Power must be re-forged to cleanse the land of the ills that have been bestowed upon her. One final push is needed to regain the shards of the Crystal of Power. We must re-build our realm, send forth our knig... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Quest Machine

OST 0101

Heroes Incorporated

Hot Seller

  • A family strategy boardgame with a super hero theme.
  • 12 unique heroes with distinct powers that alter the game rules. Patrol the streets with a team of two heroes, enabling a myriad of gameplay combinations and strategies.
  • Research cards let players build gadgets, upgrade their heroes' combat power, and gain fame. Foil your opponents with Fate and Super Vallain cards.
  • High quality wooden components from Germany.

Ages 12 & up
40-60 minutes
2-4 p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR




Hybrid Boardgame

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Das Brettspiel in der Welt von Confrontation! Die geheimen Labore der Dirz im Kaiserreich der Greifen. Viele Korridore und Räume erwarten die geheime Loge von Hod. Kannst Du das akkylanische Reich vor dem Untergang bewahren?

Before disappearing, Dirz the Heresiarch, founder of the Empire of the Scorpion, nourished a shadowy project: Code Hybrid. Many decades later, Dirz's forgotten laboratories mysteriously reactivated themselves - Today, monsters spring from the innards of the earth! Only a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen



Hybrid: Nemesis Expansion

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The prototype of the Nemesis is finally ready. The clone bringing you this message will also give you a detailed report on the progress in our research for the Alpha Project. We have added elements of the Alpha strain to the Nemesis strain as you asked, and the results are rather encouraging despite the usual problems of deformity and excessive aggressiveness from which this type of clone suffers. The new version of the Nemesis is very different from its ancestor, the Aberration. The latest spec... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Right Stuff Intern. Inc.

RSI 0001

Divine Right 25'Anniversary Edition

z.Zt. vergriffen


The Divine Right game was originally released in the late 1970's by Tactical Studies Rules, Inc. (TSR). After enjoying years of success and setting many precedents in turn-based wargaming, a second and final edition was published in 1979.

This later version added several original expansions as well as elements from articles appearing in Dragon Magazine. Although the game continued to sell for several years, it eventually went out of print to the disappointment of fans everywhere.

But now, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Second Gate Games

2ndGG 0001D

Monster Lands (GERMAN)

Hot Seller! Sonderangebot


Monster Lands ist ein Wettbewerb-Würfelspiel, das Ressourcenmanagement, Arbeiterplatzierung und unterhaltsame Kämpfe kombiniert.

Du schlüpfst in die Rolle des Anführers eines kleinen Clans von tapferen Kriegern, die um die Krone der Länder der Zwietracht kämpfen. Du besuchst Gebäude innerhalb der Zitadelle, der letzten Bastion gegen die Monster, die das Königreich überrannt haben, und reist auch in die Umgebung der Zitadelle, wo Du gegen Monster kämpfst und das Land für die Königi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


2ndGG 0001E

Monster Lands (ENGLISH)



Monster Lands is a competitive dice-placement game that combines resource management, worker placement, and fun combat.

You will take on the role of the leader of a small clan of brave warriors, competing to win the crown of the Lands of the Discord. You will visit buildings within the Citadel, the last bastion against the monsters that have overrun the kingdom, and also travel to the outside, the areas surrounding the Citadel, where you will battle monsters and reclaim the lands for the Quee... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


Tuonela Productions Ltd.

DDP 0001


Sammlerstück / Rarität


Zanziar is a fantasy board game for 2-6 players.

In Zanziar, mighty heroes roam the lands of Zanziar to regain their throne of power. The charismatic heroes guide their allied adventurers and armies through battles, adventures and events to the victory: the domination of the lands of the Zanziar.
Up to six players take the roles of these heroes and the battle for domination of Zanziar can begin. Zanziar is a fantasy world where heroes and adventurers are occasionally mightier than entire arm... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


Twilight Creations, Inc.

TLC 3100

The Haunting House

z.Zt. vergriffen


Mit deutscher Regel! ( wenn gewünscht )

The Haunting House is a wildly fun, fast paced, strategy boardgame with a twist. The object is simple, players enter the front door and race to be the first to reach the exit. It's not as easy as it sounds. Half the time the players choose their own path. The other half their paths are chosen randomly by opponents. Additionally, the board elements constantly change as the game progresses. For 2 to 6 players, ages 10 and... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

TLC 3300

Hidden Conflict

Sammlerstück / Rarität


For when you're lookin' for a fight!

While mankind has fought with itself, the forces of evil have gathered and prepared for one final, apocalyptic assault. Each group has fine tuned their forces and stands ready to fight for ultimate control of the earth.

You are the leader of one of these groups, and you alone will determine who has control of the earth for now...

Hidden Conflict is an innovative, tile-based, skirmish game that allows players to fight for global domination as either t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


TLC 4000

Dante's Inferno

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Dante's Inferno is a new boardgame from Twilight Creations. The object of the game is to rescue enough sinners (resources) to gain entry to the 9th Circle of Hell and defeat Lucifer while preventing the other players from doing so first.

Components: 81 tiles, 44 figures, 2 dice and a bunch of tokens.

endgültig vergriffen


TLC 3101

The Haunting House 2 - 2nd Story

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)! Sonderangebot


It's time to hit the Breitenstein house again, since you and your friends never got around to the second floor. The goal is the same: first one to escape through the second floor exit wins the bet. Sounds easy enough. But, unfortunately, your meddling has awakened the sleeping evil... and it wants you dead! The Haunting House 2 adds new strategic elements, hidden bonuses, and automatically turning halls. Oh... and ghosts!

8,00 EUR


TLC 3102

The Haunting House 3 - Ghost Story

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The House has fought back, and now your friends don't look so good...

This expansion contains: 26 Board Tiles, 12 additional cards, new rules and 6 CUSTOM SCULPTED GHOSTS.

48,00 EUR


TLC 3103

The Haunting House 4 - They Don't Build 'Em Like They Used To



The house doesn't look like it's going to be standing much longer and the only place you haven't explored is...
The basement! Not that you haven't tried. You just haven't found the key. It has to be in the house somewhere, doesn't it?
You and your hoodlum friends have decided to hit the Breitenstein house one last time. This time around the goal is the same...Well, there might be one slight difference... Unlocking the basement seems to have set something free...something evil!!!
The Haunting ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,00 EUR


Yaquinto Publications

YQP 2305

HERO - A Game of Adventure in the Catacombs

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Hero is a wild, no holds barred man-to-man (or beast) game on two levels. Players control their own Hero in their portion of the maze as well as monsters in their opponents portion. Each Hero is composed of several categories: Intelligence, Physical Appearance, Class, Strength, Luck, Hits, and Weapons Proficiency. Each of these must be determined by the player from a fixed number of points. To make a Hero super-strong will mean that some other category must suffer (super-strong and a lackwit?). ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


Z-Man Games

ZMG 7010

Scepter of Zavandor, The

In this strategic game of magic, power, and political wrangling, the players represent young magicians who have gained possession of ancient magical knowledge, and seek to utilize it to gain the position of archmage, symbolized by the Scepter of Zavandor. To achieve their goal, they must seek out jewels to enchant in order to devise magical energy sources to tap into and increase their power and influence.

Highly rated on

The Players use different kinds of magic energy to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


ZMG 7012


In this area-control boardgame with a mythic Scandinavian theme, players draft cards to place their viking warriors and leaders in the different realms found in Norse mythology. Beware ! Some regions will suffer Ragnarok, sending your pieces to Valhalla.

The world of men, called Midgard, is in its final days, and the battle at the end of the world, called Ragnarok, has begun. Those warriors brave enough to fight to the end will have a hallowed place in the halls of Valhalla when the battle is... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR



1 x Quest for th...

S: 40,00 EUR

> Zur Kasse


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