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256130773 Seitenabrufe seit dem 30.06.2003


HauptseiteProduktlinienSymbaroum (engl & dt.)

Symbaroum (engl & dt.)

Symbaroum (engl & dt.)

Symbaroum invites you to join in the adventure! Explore the vast Forest of Davokar in the hunt for treasures, lost wisdoms and fame. Visit the barbarian clans to trade or to plunder their treasuries. Establish a base of power among princes, guilds or rebellious refugees in the capital city of Yndar

os. Or survive encounters with Arch Trolls, dark-minded Blight Beasts and undead warlords. But whatever you do, never ignore the warnings spoken by the wardens of the forest: tread carefully and do not disturb the ruins of old, for the dark deep of Davokar is about to awaken.

A fast-paced and flexible rule-set for creating player characters and acting in the game world.
5 playable races and 3 archetypes, divided into 15 occupations, as a basis for character creation.
35 abilities, 25 mystical powers, 33 rituals and a large number of weapons and armors to make each character unique.
Detailed guidelines for how to create adventures; 38 monsters and adversaries, and 19 monstrous traits to arm the characters’ enemies with.
More than 50 pages describing the game world’s history, geography and cultures, focusing on four particular settings: the Forest of Davokar, the fortune hunter’s town of Thistle Hold, the Ambrian capital Yndaros and the cliff of Karvosti where the barbarian clans convene.
Symbaroum is a complete roleplaying game; all you need to play is paper, pen and a dice set.
This roleplaying game is suitable for all adventurous humans, goblins and trolls from the age of 12


Produkte vom Herausgeber (Free League)


FLF 50317

Symbaroum - Starter Set: Treasure Hunts in Davokar

z.Zt. vergriffen


We're kicking off the new year with the imminent launch of the brand new boxed Starter Set for our acclaimed dark fantasy RPG Symbaroum, called Treasure Hunts in Davokar. This boxed set is specifically designed as a starting point for new players but also includes new original content, including two new adventure sites to explore.

Featured Content:
A 64-page illustrated rule book, introducing the game’s easy-to-learn and highly flexible ruleset along with its dark and mysterious game w... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

FLF 50356

Symbaroum - Core Rulebook (HC)

"Twilight falls. Davokar darkens.”
The goblin Fenya sounded calm, despite the flock of violings that swarmed eagerly around them – the nasty birds could predict bloodshed, they all knew that. Kvarek felt the sweat on his palms threaten his grip on the spear and shouted over his shoulder:
“Magdala, faster!” The witch didn’t answer, lost as he was to the sinister harmonies of the ritual, her hands caressing the pillar’s grim stone face.
A loud rumbling echoed through the ruin, as if... (vollständige Beschreibung)

62,00 EUR



FLF 51001

Symbaroum - Advanced Player's Guide

The chanting of the cultists came drifting with the breeze.

Dorael-Ri had tracked them all the way from the settlement of Merel, at the border of Davokar. A small, human child – one of few to survive the massacre – had asked how he dared to travel the woods alone. “In Davokar you are never alone,” he had answered. “Not me, nor you, no one…”

Aided by mystical rituals Dorael had managed to follow the cold tracks, but now the enemy was close enough for his friend and servant, th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


FLF 51008

Symbaroum - GameMaster Guide

z.Zt. vergriffen


It was dead silent in the ranks, so breathlessly tense that the creaking of our leather armor felt deafening; just as silent as our Davokar outpost had been for the past three weeks. Even the sellswords that our Lord had hired in an attempt to tip the scales in his favor seem to appreciate the gravity of the situation – they made up the rear of the column, atypically in line, unusually disciplined. Silent.
We had no idea what to expect. The scouts had not come back, neither the first, nor the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

FLF 51162

Symbaroum - Abilities & Powers

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Our friend at the table! The two decks in this box feature the level descriptions of all abilities and mystical powers included in the Symbaroum Core Rulebook and the Advanced Player’s Guide, plus three new ones. The 120 cards are primarily meant to be used by players, for easy access to the abilities and powers of their player characters. However, the Game Master may also make good use of them – in order to keep track of non-player characters or as a basis for rapidly crating random encount... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 24,00 EUR


FLF 51611

Symbaroum - Monster Codex

Hot Seller


The Symbaroum Monster Codex makes the settlements, woods and vales of the Davokar region more dangerous than ever before! More than a hundred creatures, monsters and abominations are crammed together between these covers - some of them well known, others only mentioned in legends and fairy tales; some unstoppably hungry, others open to negotiations; some presented in detail, others with only short descriptions. Combined with the guidelines on how to create creatures of your own, the content of t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR



FLF 50550

Symbaroum: Thistle Hold - Wrath of the Warden (HC)

Hot Seller


Thistle Hold - Wrath of the Warden "The battle for the Throne of Thorns begins in Thistle Hold. It has been said that the town in the shadow of the great forest is like a shielded island located where a foaming ocean breaks against jagged rocks…" The first book in the Chronicle of the Throne of Thorns. Contains an expansion on the Core Rulebook’s description of Thistle Hold, A Game Master’s guide and the Wrath of the Warden adventure.

36,00 EUR


FLF 51006

Symbaroum: Karvosti - The Witch Hammer (HC)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Mist blanketed the plateau, chilling and damp, causing Selisa to shiver as she and a dozen other newly arrived treasure hunters stood before the Huldra. The witch's firm eyes glared at them from behind her mask, assessing them one by one.

“What’s going on?” Galar whispered. “We haven’t done any–”

Selisa silenced her fellow explorer with a discreet kick to his shin. This was hardly the time for arguing. One barely dared to even breathe. The feeling of uneasiness grew stronger ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR



FLF 50505

Symbaroum: The Copper Crown

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


The Copper Crown features two independent sequels to the tutorial adventure included in the Core Rulebook and is meant to provide players and Game Masters with more advanced guidelines regarding the rules and game world of Symbaroum. The first adventure, The Mark of the Beast, deals with different kinds of problem-solving and introduces the players to the town of Thistle Hold. And in the second adventure, Tomb of Dying Dreams, the Game Master gets an example on how to design a so called adventur... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

FLF 51613

Symbaroum: Yndaros - The Darkest Star

Hot Seller


The shimmering virgin white snow that had fallen during the night lay like a covering blanket over Yndaros’ filth, but guardsman Elgalo knew what hid underneath. Neither the snow nor all who toiled at scrubbing and decorating the streets in honor of the Duchess’ wedding could erase the true rot, no more than they could wash away the shadows.

“My shilling is on the barbarians,” his newly recruited colleague Arala muttered.

Elgalo nodded agreement without really agreeing at all. That... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


FLF 51613

Symbaroum: Adventure Pack 2

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The Davokar region has a grim, horrifying past, and that which has been forgotten by most is sometimes rediscovered by the curious and the greedy. This way, struggles that were laid to rest centuries ago can come to life and cause much grief and destruction, to both Ambrians and the barbarian clans; the hunger of a few awakes the famished powers of ancient times, and the common woman, man and child has to suffer.

In the forest of Davokar there is a muddy hill where brave explorers are digging... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


FLF 51614

Symbaroum: Adventure Pack 3

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Adventure Pack 3 includes two scenarios that in different ways deal with the Sun Church, and the spiritual conflicts of the Ambrian people. The Howling of Damned Gods is set in the border village Prios Pass, where a caravan is about to arrive, laden with desperate refugees and the darkness of the depraved south. The second adventure, What’s Bred in the Bone, takes the player characters to young Duke Ynedar’s city Ravenia, where the mingling of barbarians and Ambrians creates both excellent p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


FLF 51615

Symbaroum: Adventure Pack 4

Adventure Pack 4 features two scenarios that in different ways relate to the growing internal divisions within the Ambrian realm. Call of the Dark plays out in the northern territories of the Lost Land of Alberetor, where the player characters will accompany a lowborn noble who is looking to prove the status of her family. The second adventure, Retribution, initially deals with the search for a person who has gone missing in the city of Kurun, but is soon shown to involve events which may have s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


FLF 51624

Symbaroum: Mother of Darkness

Yet another leaf fell into his hand, fiery yellow with a rust-red rim. Ardil regarded it without feeling anything at all. The torrent of hate, sorrow and dread he suffered when he first noticed the shift had subsided, leaving him in a state beyond hope, beyond despair.
A tortured cry cut through the morning haze, made him turn his gaze to the south. It didn’t sound like one of the newly awakened dead, or one of the otherworldly creatures haunting the ruined city below. A human? He knew they w... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


FLF 51626

Symbaroum: Alberetor - The Haunted Waste

Hot Seller


Alberetor welcomes you with open arms, and extended claws! In the fifth episode of the Chronicle of the Throne of Thorns you will find the epic adventure The Haunted Waste, along with support for creating your own adventures in the lost lands of the south and in a war-torn Ambria. The people of the Davokar region are again threatened by war and famine, and this is before an even deadlier aggressor appears, shaded by the tall trees at the edge of the forest…

FE... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


FLF 51629

Symbaroum: Adventure Collection

A nation on the run. A homeland ravaged and barren. To stay in Alberetor would mean certain death; only fools and those who have vowed to die on their native soil would consider going back. Under these circumstances the people are truly blessed to have such an abundantly rich destination ahead – Ambria, the promised land of Queen Korinthia.
You are but one of many who have traveled across the snow-clad passes of the Titans. You have set foot in your new homeland, but there is still much... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


FLF 51632

Symbaroum: Davokar Awakens (HC)

The Eternal Night has descended on the Forest of Davokar. Free League Publishing revealed the very first art and the key features for Davokar Awakens, the highly anticipated expansion for the acclaimed dark fantasy RPG Symbaroum. The pre-order is now live in the Free League webshop and gives immediate early access to a full PDF of the expansion, ahead of the retail release in Q4 2023. The pre-order campaign includes an exclusive digital artbook with artworks by Gustaf Ekelund and Martin Grip.

... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR



FLF 50447

Symbaroum: Ambriar & Davokar - Map Set

This is a handsome new map set which brings Symbaroum's dark fantasy game world to life. This Map Set includes two high resolution maps, allowing printing in up to A2 format (16.5 x 23.4 inches) with absolute premium quality.

One of the maps depicts Symbaroum’s game world in greater detail than ever seen before and the second shows the town of Thistle Hold, including all its street names and important establishments, the perfect companion for The Mark of the Beast adventure as well as a bas... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


FLF 50635

Symbaroum: Gamemaster Screen

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A fantastic three panel gamesmaster screen for the Symbaroum roleplaying game. The front shows an atmospheric art work with a party of four adventurers stalking through the woods of Davokar, the perfect illustration for setting the mood of dark fantasy world. The reverse contains a set of handy tables and charts providing the gamesmaster with a charts and tables for some of the game’s most common mechanics, as well as shielding his plans from the inquisitive eyes of players.

"When it comes... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


FLF 51002

Symbaroum: The Art of Symbaroum

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Ever since we launched the tabletop roleplaying game Symbaroum in Swedish (2014), players and fantasy art lovers have asked us to produce a stand-alone art book; with the international translations into English, French, German and Italian (2015) the requests grew even more frequent. So here it is, The Art of Symbaroum.

The images showing the world and creatures of Symbaroum have been developed in chorus with the written descriptions – the images illustrate the texts as intimately as the tex... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

FLF 51612

Symbaroum - Monster & Trait Cards

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Easier, faster, and more fun! The two decks in this box feature all 56 monstrous traits which characterize the predators, monsters and abominations in the world of Symbaroum. Adding to this are 63 creature cards, complete with stats and tactics, and divided into the categories Bright Davokar, Dark Davokar, Corrupt Davokar and Wilderness. The cards are primarily designed to be used by the Game Master, for easy access to the values and abilities of various creatures, but they may also be used to ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


Symbaroum: Ambriar & Davokar - Hex Map Set

A high quality, double-sided map in A2 size (42.0 x 59.4cm).
One of the maps is of Symbaroum's game world, essentially the same found on page 19 of the core book but much larger and with hexagons in different colors to mark the borders between Bright, Wild and Dark Davokar.

The second map shows the ruined city of Symbar, again with hexagones relevant when exploring the ruins in search of treasure and artifacts.

NOTE: The maps are specifically designed to be used together with the guidelin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


Symbaroum 5e


Ruins of Symbaroum (5E) - Player's Guide

Hot Seller


With the Ruins of Symbaroum game line, the acclaimed setting of Symbaroum comes to the world’s most popular roleplaying game rules. This richly illustrated, 236-page Player’s Guide introduces setting specific rules and provides guidelines on how to create player characters for adventures in the world of Symbaroum using the 5th Edition OGL ruleset.
Ruins of Symbaroum invites you to join in the adventure! Explore the vast Forest of Davokar in the hunt for treasure, lost wisdom and fame. Visit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR



Ruins of Symbaroum (5E) - Gamemaster's Guide

With the Ruins of Symbaroum game line, the acclaimed setting of Symbaroum comes to the world’s most popular roleplaying game rules. This beautifully illustrated, 200-page Gamemaster’s Guide offers inspiration, guidelines and optional rules that will help you when designing adventures and running game sessions in the world of Symbaroum using the 5th Edition OGL ruleset.
Time to prep and plan! Have your players uncover the secrets of Thistle Hold, Yndaros and Karvosti, or develop your own adv... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR



Ruins of Symbaroum (5E) - Bestiary

With the Ruins of Symbaroum game line, the acclaimed setting of Symbaroum comes to the world’s most popular roleplaying game rules. This 236-page Bestiary, with its awe-inspiring and award-winning artwork, presents monsters, creatures and adversaries that can be encountered in the world of Symbaroum, with stats and rules adapted to the 5th Edition OGL ruleset.
Explorers beware! More than a hundred creatures, monsters and abominations are crammed together between these covers – some of them ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR




Ruins of Symbaroum (5E) - Adventure Compendium

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With the Ruins of Symbaroum game line, the acclaimed setting of Symbaroum comes to the world’s most popular roleplaying game rules! This book presents seven low to medium level adventures, perfect for introducing gamemasters and players to the game world and the special rules created as an addition to the 5th Edition OGL ruleset. The Adventure Compendium contains seven full-length adventures, ranging from level 1 to 8; the settlements Kastor, Ravenia and Prios Pass; thirteen mystical artifacts... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 46,00 EUR




Ruins of Symbaroum 5E - The World of Symbaroum (Camapign Module, Hardback)

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Welcome to a world of mystery and adventure, of clashing cultures and ideals, a world constantly under threat from the darkness of the Eternal Night. This book expands on the lore and setting information presented in the Ruins of Symbaroum Gamemaster’s Guide. It delves deep into the ancient history of the game world, and aside from general descriptions of people, places, and historical events, it provides the Gamemaster with lots of plot hooks and secrets, along with no less than seven detaile... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 46,00 EUR




Ruins of Symbaroum (5E) - Call of the Dark

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With the Ruins of Symbaroum game line, the acclaimed setting of Symbaroum comes to the world’s most popular roleplaying game rules! This book presents two medium level adventures to be played using the special rules created as an addition to the 5th Edition OGL ruleset. Call of the Dark contains two full-length adventures that will expose the player characters to great challenges; the Alberian barony of Sarli and the city of Kurun as detailed adventure landscapes; a dozen locations and establi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 36,00 EUR



Ruins of Symbaroum (5E) - The World of Symbaroum (Camapign Module) (HC)

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Welcome to a world of mystery and adventure, of clashing cultures and ideals, a world constantly under threat from the darkness of the Eternal Night.
This book expands on the lore and setting information presented in the Ruins of Symbaroum Gamemaster’s Guide.
It delves deep into the ancient history of the game world, and aside from general descriptions of people, places, and historical events,
it provides the Gamemaster with lots of plot hooks and secrets, along with no less than seven d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 48,00 EUR



Ruins of Symbaroum (5E) - The Throne of Thorns Part I (Adventure Module) (HC)

Perilous expeditions into the dark depths of Davokar Forest; deadly encounters with murderous cultists,
hostile elves, and warriors of the Beast Clan; intense faction play and political maneuvering
– you will experience all this and more when the epic quest for the legendary Throne of Thorns begins!

This hardcover, full-color book presents the first two episodes of the acclaimed adventure chronicle The Throne of Thorns,
adapted for play with the 5e ruleset and the Ruins of Symbaroum ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

48,00 EUR




Ruins of Symbaroum (5E) - Gamemaster's Screen

With the Ruins of Symbaroum game line, the acclaimed setting of Symbaroum comes to the world’s most popular roleplaying game rules. This Gamemaster’s screen and adventure booklet will serve you and your friends well when you start exploring the game world, using the 5th Edition OGL ruleset.
The Ashurani dynasty was as short lived as it was cruel, known for its insights into the light – and the darkness. Key to their power was an artefact known as the Rod of Light and Darkness. Its touch c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


Produkte von anderen Herstellern

Prometheus Games Verlag


Symbaroum - Grundregelwerk (HC)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Symbaroum ruft euch und lädt euch ein, an den Abenteuern teilzuhaben! Erforscht den unermesslichen Wald von Davokar auf der Jagd nach Schätzen, geheimem Wissen und Ruhm. Besucht die Barbarenklans, um Handel zu treiben oder ihre Schatzkammern zu plündern. Errichtet eine Machtbasis in den Reihen der Prinzen, Gilden oder rebellischen Flüchtlinge in der Hauptstadt Yndaros oder übersteht Begegnungen mit Erztrollen, bösartigen, befleckten Bestien und untoten Kriegsfürsten. Doch was immer ihr au... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Symbaroum - Finsterbann (HC)

Bitte vorbestellen


Symbaroum ruft euch und lädt euch ein, an den Abenteuern teilzuhaben! Erforscht den unermesslichen Wald von Davokar auf der Jagd nach Schätzen, geheimem Wissen und Ruhm. Besucht die Barbarenklans, um Handel zu treiben oder ihre Schatzkammern zu plündern. Errichtet eine Machtbasis in den Reihen der Prinzen, Gilden oder rebellischen Flüchtlinge in der Hauptstadt Yndaros oder übersteht Begegnungen mit Erztrollen, bösartigen, befleckten Bestien und untoten Kriegsfürsten. Doch was immer ihr au... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 60,00 EUR




Symbaroum - Abenteuerband 1 (SC)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Der Abenteuerband 1 beinhaltet einen Leitfaden dafür, wie man Expeditionen in den Davokar entwerfen und abwickeln kann, sowie zwei kurze Abenteuerlandschaften. Zusammen mit dem Einführungsabenteuer aus dem Grundregelwerk stellt dieses Material den idealen Start für deine Abenteuer in Ambrien und dem Davokar dar. Es gibt der gesamten Gruppe ein Gefühl dafür, wie die Spielwelt funktioniert, und stellt die Spieler vor eine Reihe unterschiedlicher Herausforderungen.

Der erste Text mit dem T... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR



Symbaroum - Die Kupferkrone (SC)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Dieser Artikel erscheint im August 2017

Eine Nation auf der Flucht. Ein verheertes und ödes Heimatland. Dort zu verbleiben, würde den sicheren Tod bedeuten. Eine Rückkehr kommt nur für die Törichten und jene in Frage, die sich geschworen haben, auf heimischem Boden zu sterben. Angesichts dieser Umstände kann sich das Volk gesegnet schätzen, das ein derart wunderschönes, üppiges und einladendes Ziel vor sich hat – Ambrien, das gelobte Land von Königin Korinthia.

Du bist nur ein... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Symbaroum - Diestelfeste: Der Zorn des Hüters (HC)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Distelfeste: Zorn des Hüters ist das erste Buch in der Chronik des Dornenthrons. Sie beginnt mit einem Abschnitt, der die Beschreibung Distelfestes aus dem Grundregelwerk sowohl für Spieler als auch Spielleiter erweitert. Danach folgt ein Abschnitt, der nur für die Augen des Spielleiters bestimmt ist und sich überwiegend mit den Geheimnissen und Informationen beschäftigt, die neuen Stoff für Abenteuer in der Stadt am Rande des Davokar liefern. Der abschließende Teil dieses Buchs beinhalte... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR



Symbaroum - Abenteuerband 2 (HC)

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Die Vergangenheit der Region Davokar ist finster und von Schrecken gezeichnet. Was jedoch lange Zeit unter dem Schleier des Vergessens schlummert, wird mitunter von den Hab-oder auch Wissbegierigen wiederentdeckt werden. Bevor man sich versieht, entflammen alte Zerwürfnisse, welche zuvor seit hunderten von Jahren unbewältigt ruhten,und verbreiten sowohl unter den Ambriern, als auch unter den Barbarenklans großes Leid und verheerende Vernichtung; das Verlangen einiger Weniger erweckt die ausge... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 19,95 EUR




Symbaroum - Premium-Shirt

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Das Shirt zeigt auf der Vorderseite das Cover-Artwork des Symbaroum-Grundregelwerks. Damit die Shirts auch vorzeigbar sind und lange halten, haben wir uns für die Super-Premium-Variante von Fruit of the Loom mit hochwertigstem 10-Farb-Siebdruck entschieden. Sport, Couch-Surfen oder auch Expeditionen in den Davokar, hält das Teil locker aus.

ca. 19,95 EUR




1 x Ruins of Sym...

S: 36,00 EUR

> Zur Kasse


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